Re: Insidious systemd

2019-06-02 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sun, 2 Jun 2019 00:09:21 -0500
David Wright  wrote:

> On Sat 01 Jun 2019 at 20:53:47 (-0700), Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > On Sat, 1 Jun 2019 14:39:41 +0200 Vincent Lefevre  
> > wrote:  
> > > On 2019-05-29 12:01:44 -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:  
> > > > On Wed, 29 May 2019 17:43:49 +0200 Vincent Lefevre  
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > He shouldn't. I've a machine that is still under sysvinit, and
> > > > > I can install wicd without any dependency issue.
> > > > 
> > > > What version OS you running? Fully up-to-date? GNOME? Or something 
> > > > else?
> > > 
> > > Debian/unstable (which should now be very similar to testing), fully
> > > up-to-date except a few unrelated packages. Various GNOME packages
> > > installed.  
> > 
> > Maybe, the "problem's" been fixed.  
> Which problem, the error in your apt configuration,
> or the alleged dependency?

Whatever caused systemd to want to be installed on my Stretch
system, but not on Buster or Sid when installing wicd which explicitly
states having no systemd dependency.

> > > Note: The dependency resolvers are sometimes wrong, sometimes wanting
> > > to remove/replace packages even when this is not needed. In such a
> > > case, a solution is to provide packages you want to keep, e.g. for
> > > sysvinit-core:  
> > 
> > Could be the reason, but I shouldn't have to do that.  That's why I
> > don't think an init system should every be a dependency of the system or
> > any app.  None of the others are.  Why does systemd have to be?  
> What is the actual dependency that you're complaining about, ie which
> specific package depends on which? I can't follow exactly how far
> you've rolled back your original complaint.

Someone traced that down.  Seems the systemd dependency is from a
Recommend or two for wicd. But this is all academic now.  I've decided
to abandoned wicd.  wifi-radar looked good and installed without a


Re: tftp problem

2019-06-02 Thread john doe
On 6/2/2019 9:47 PM, ghe wrote:
> buster, atftp, atftpd
> atftpd writes to /srv/tftp, even when I change to /tftpboot in the
> /etc/default config. Or, as is suggested in the man page, just leave
> that part of the config empty. Restart doesn't impress it.
> Nice piece of software, but I have to put a link in /srv to /tftpboot to
> make it do what tftp is supposed to do. Anybody seen this? Or know how
> to fix it?

I assume that you have restarted the service?

John Doe

Re: Problema al restaurar partición con dd

2019-06-02 Thread Galvatorix Torixgalva

yo creo que para esas cosas lo mejor es usar programas para windows.
Existen varios programas que gestionan particiones windows..

Un saludo

Re: lightweight wifi UI (Was: Insidious systemd)

2019-06-02 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sun, 2 Jun 2019 00:29:30 -0500
David Wright  wrote:

> On Wed 29 May 2019 at 11:01:58 (-0700), Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > Is Debian slowly becoming systemd proprietary?  It would be a great
> > loss to Linux and its philosophy if true.  But that looks to be the
> > direction Debian is headed.
> > 
> > Once I suggested on this list when systemd first debuted with Jessie
> > about choosing an init at install time as an option. It was not well
> > received.  Many said it couldn't be done or was impractical. My reply
> > was, if you can change inits AFTER the install completes, why not
> > BEFORE.  
> I think it's beneficial to keep the d-i as simple as possible.
> Once you've installed the system, all the tools are now available
> for changing the init system to whichever one you choose. Adding
> that to the d-i just bloats it (for everyone) without any
> *essential* benefit to anyone.

The install includes lots of choices like print server, server or
desktop system, GUI, laptop utilities, etc. that are "bloat-worthy" and
can be installed after the main install has completed.  I know.  I used
to do it back in the day. I still do to a certain extent even today.
But now those choices are an integral part of the install.  So, why not
init? Can't even spare a few hundred K? Ridiculous irrantionale. We're
talking CD/DVDs not floppies.

As far as what constitutes "essential": Shouldn't the user decide
that?  Or, at least, have a say so?  What has happened to the basic
philosophy of good business: Satisfy the customer?

I'm not against systemd, per se, just against having it forced on me
by way of dependencies. I don't think the init should ever be a
dependency. Of anything.  It's too basic to the system.  

> > The thread died of apathy shortly thereafter with no resolution.  
> Perhaps because you didn't supply any patches for switching to
> even one other init system (within the d-i, or as a post-installation
> script).

Didn't need scripts.  Debian already had the ability to switch to
sysvinit (probably because so many objected to systemd) by simply
installing sysvinit-core.  If it's that simple, why not make it part of
the install.  Yes, you won't be able to use GNOME, but freedom of choice
comes with consequences as do all choices.


Re: acceso directo

2019-06-02 Thread Galvatorix Torixgalva

no entiendo mucho la pregunta, vuelvela a escribir please.

Un saludo

Re: Using ISO image of installer DVD as repository - How?

2019-06-02 Thread mick crane

On 2019-06-02 12:47, Richard Owlett wrote:

On 06/01/2019 07:08 PM, mick crane wrote:

On 2019-05-31 13:20, Richard Owlett wrote:

With the first DVD of Debian 9.8.0 I did:
 dd if=/dev/cdrom of=dvd.iso bs=4M
I edited sources.list to read
 deb file:///home/richard/dvd.iso stretch main contrib trusted=yes

When running Synaptic's
?? Edit->Reload Package Information
I receive an error message:

The repository 'file:/home/richard/dvd.iso stretch Release'
does not have a Release file.

What is the problem?

On one installation the installer requested if I would like to use the 
CDROM as a repository and put this line in sources.list which I later 
commented out because I didn't want to have to keep searching for the 

# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Buster_ - Official Snapshot amd64 
DVD Binary-1 20180326-04:08]/ buster contrib main


Re: gkrellm vs gkweather plugin

2019-06-02 Thread Gene Heskett
On Sunday 02 June 2019 04:12:07 pm Ulf Volmer wrote:

> On 02.06.19 21:35, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > gkrellm's weather pluggin worked flawlessly for wheezy, doesn't work
> > on stretch. I just re-installed it all and I am still looking at the
> > weather from kckb for 7 may, the last day I ran wheezy.
> >
> > What should I check next?
> I guess you hit
> Manually create the dir and place a symlink there should solve this
> bug unless someone fix it.
One could do that, but a handy session of mc just 
copied /usr/share/gkrellm/* (which is where grabweather was installed by 
the deb pkg)to /usr/local/share/gkrellm/*
so I'll see if that fixes it shortly. Yes, it did, THANK YOU Ulf.

FWIW, I have not seen the error in the logs either. Who is supposed to 
own these files? And what perms are expected. 

Frankly, someones paranoia has made it impossible for anything I install 
to make and write to a log file in /var/log/ and I had to jump thru all 
sorts of perms loops to let even some of the stuff from the initial 
install actually keep logs. Its been such a pita that for stuff thats 
mine, I've moved the logs, and logrotates recipe's, to a log subdir in 
my home directory. Solves all them critters in one swell foop.  I would 
do that to gkrellm if it was a .conf option.  Everything I moved shows 
it belongs to root:root, but has enough perms, ahh, I see whatever 
starts and stops it is writeing to daemon.log. But not finding the 
weather plugin is never mentioned there. I don't believe anything that 
turn up in a grep -R query actually came from gkrellm.

But now its working, and I thank you very much.

> Best regards
> Ulf

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: how to integrate ca-certificates with gpgsm (for email s/mime signature verification)

2019-06-02 Thread Gregor Zattler
* deloptes  [2019-06-02; 22:01]:
> Gregor Zattler wrote:
>> I use notmuch-emacs to read my email and sometimes do use GnuPG,
>> therefore notmuch-emacs is configured to verify signatures but
>> does so also for S/MIME  signatures.  When displaying such emails
>> I'm asked if I trust the respective Root CAs Cert.  That's tedious.
>> Therefore I would like to integrate certificates provided by
>> debians ca-certificates package with gpgsm, but the only way I
>> found to do so, would be to manually import all those
>> certificates.
>> Isn't there an option to read in those certs from /etc/ssl... at
>> start-up?
> Why don't you ask at the GPG mailing list?

I thought the location of the certs might be debian specific.

Ciao; Gregor
 -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

Re: [CONTRIBUIÇÃO] OpenSSH (SSH) Server no Windows

2019-06-02 Thread Nathaniel Morais
Quem usar Windows Server? Aquele seu cliente que te paga pela sua
consultoria. Eu particularmente não trabalho com Windows Server há seculos
e isso me causa um impacto quando eu preciso administrar um. 98% dos
servidores que administro são Linux. Mas a gente sempre irá encontrar
Windows em todos os ambientes. Depende do cliente, e não da gente. Ele te
chama para você ajudar a resolver o problema dele, e não para convencê-lo a
migrar para Linux.

Parabéns ao amigo Henrique Fagundes. No artigo não trata sobre Debian (que
é o objetivo desta lista) mas a contribuição é muito válida!

Em dom, 2 de jun de 2019 às 17:48, Sinval Júnior 

> Quem ainda usa Windows Server? A melhor contribuição seria a não
> divulgação de sistemas tipo o Windows, ainda mais em uma lista Linux.
> Poderia pelo menos ter usado OFF. Talvez seu artigo faça mais sentido em
> uma lista de Windows.
> Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
> 1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
> 2 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
> Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.
> #=+
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
> email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
> print nome
> print email
> #==+
> Em qui, 30 de mai de 2019 às 15:45, Henrique Fagundes <
>> escreveu:
>> Prezado Colegas,
>> Saudações "pinguianas"!
>> Gostaria de contribuir com a comunidade com o artigo que acabei de
>> escrever, ensinando a instalar e configurar o SSH Server em sistemas
>> Windows.
>> Segue o link:
>> Atenciosamente,
>> Henrique Fagundes
>> Analista de Suporte Linux
>> Skype: magnata-br-rj
>> Linux User: 475399
>> __
>> Participe do Grupo Aprendendo Linux
>> Ou envie um e-mail para:
>> BRASIL acima de tudo, DEUS acima de todos!



*MSc Nathaniel Simch de Morais*

* Contato:  (61) 98131-5210 Linkedin: **
* Lattes:   *

“Um cristão sem Rosário é um soldado sem armas”.
* São Miguel Febres (Santo Hermano Miguel)*


Re: [CONTRIBUIÇÃO] OpenSSH (SSH) Server no Windows

2019-06-02 Thread Sinval Júnior
Quem ainda usa Windows Server? A melhor contribuição seria a não divulgação
de sistemas tipo o Windows, ainda mais em uma lista Linux. Poderia pelo
menos ter usado OFF. Talvez seu artigo faça mais sentido em uma lista de

Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
2 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

#!/usr/bin/env python
nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
print nome
print email

Em qui, 30 de mai de 2019 às 15:45, Henrique Fagundes <> escreveu:

> Prezado Colegas,
> Saudações "pinguianas"!
> Gostaria de contribuir com a comunidade com o artigo que acabei de
> escrever, ensinando a instalar e configurar o SSH Server em sistemas
> Windows.
> Segue o link:
> Atenciosamente,
> Henrique Fagundes
> Analista de Suporte Linux
> Skype: magnata-br-rj
> Linux User: 475399
> __
> Participe do Grupo Aprendendo Linux
> Ou envie um e-mail para:
> BRASIL acima de tudo, DEUS acima de todos!

Re: gkrellm vs gkweather plugin

2019-06-02 Thread Ulf Volmer
On 02.06.19 21:35, Gene Heskett wrote:

> gkrellm's weather pluggin worked flawlessly for wheezy, doesn't work on 
> stretch. I just re-installed it all and I am still looking at the 
> weather from kckb for 7 may, the last day I ran wheezy.
> What should I check next?

I guess you hit

Manually create the dir and place a symlink there should solve this bug
unless someone fix it.

Best regards

Re: how to integrate ca-certificates with gpgsm (for email s/mime signature verification)

2019-06-02 Thread deloptes
Gregor Zattler wrote:

> I use notmuch-emacs to read my email and sometimes do use GnuPG,
> therefore notmuch-emacs is configured to verify signatures but
> does so also for S/MIME  signatures.  When displaying such emails
> I'm asked if I trust the respective Root CAs Cert.  That's tedious.
> Therefore I would like to integrate certificates provided by
> debians ca-certificates package with gpgsm, but the only way I
> found to do so, would be to manually import all those
> certificates.
> Isn't there an option to read in those certs from /etc/ssl... at
> start-up?

Why don't you ask at the GPG mailing list?

tftp problem

2019-06-02 Thread ghe
buster, atftp, atftpd

atftpd writes to /srv/tftp, even when I change to /tftpboot in the
/etc/default config. Or, as is suggested in the man page, just leave
that part of the config empty. Restart doesn't impress it.

Nice piece of software, but I have to put a link in /srv to /tftpboot to
make it do what tftp is supposed to do. Anybody seen this? Or know how
to fix it?

Works fine, I just don't like it when I ask it to do something and I
have to create a little untidiness to make it happen...

Buglet? PEBCAK?

Glenn English

Re: Fallo con el certificado de Izenpe

2019-06-02 Thread julher
El sáb, 01-06-2019 a las 15:22 +0200, Betibeteka Beranduetxea escribió:
> El DNIe funciona en Debian 9 con su propio middleware.

Supongo que te refieres a los paquetes opensc que generan para el DNIe.
Que sepas que no son necesarios, los estándar funcionan perfectamente.

> Si, el firefox trae de serie los certificados de izenpe, y si se
> instala el paquete izenpe-certificates firefox puede verificar
> nuestro
> certificado personal. Pero incluso sin instalar esos certificados
> extra, Ubuntu es capaz de entrar donde haga falta.
> Tienes toda la razón en lo de meter una incidencia en Izenpe, y lo
> hice justo antes de postear aquí.
> En 2016 no teníamos este problema. Me pica bastante el necesitar
> tener
> un ubuntu instalado. Pero no tengo ni idea de dónde viene el
> problema...

Pues genial lo de la incidencia en Izenpe, ellos sabrán probar. De
todos modos se me ocurren dos posibles soluciones, que no creo que te
valgan ya que lo suyo es que la tarjeta de Izenpe funcione:

La primera es pedirle a Izenpe que te proporcione el par de claves en
un archivo (tipo certificado FNMT) y usar los certificados con el
dispositivo software del navegador. Desconozco como trabaja Izenpe, así
que no se si solo proporciona tarjetas físicas o también puede dar las
claves en un archivo. Probablemente no te guste porque quieras usar una
tarjeta física.

La segunda es comprar una tarjeta criptográfica estándar e instalar tu
mismo las claves en ella, y a partir de ahí ya no dependes del software
propietario de Izenpe ni del de nadie. Yo uso estas para llevar dentro
el certificado de la FNMT:

Un saludo


use mailx instead of sendmail in apt-listchanges

2019-06-02 Thread Martin T

I have apt-listchanges installed and registered in apt system:

# apt-config dump | grep apt-listchanges
DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs:: "/usr/bin/apt-listchanges --apt || test $? -lt 10";
DPkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges "";
DPkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::Version "2";
DPkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::InfoFD "20";

"frontend" in /etc/apt/listchanges.conf is set to "mail" and valid
e-mail address is set with "email_address" configuration option. Now
when I upgrade a package which has NEWS/changelog present, then I get
the "apt-listchanges: The mail frontend needs an installed 'sendmail',
using pager" error message. This is because I don't have
/usr/sbin/sendmail binary installed. I prefer to use mail/mailx and an
external MTA.

What could be the most elegant workaround in this situation? Create a
/usr/sbin/sendmail wrapper script which processes the
"/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t" command called by and
sends the mail using mailx? Modify the Something


gkrellm vs gkweather plugin

2019-06-02 Thread Gene Heskett
Greetings al;

gkrellm's weather pluggin worked flawlessly for wheezy, doesn't work on 
stretch. I just re-installed it all and I am still looking at the 
weather from kckb for 7 may, the last day I ran wheezy.

What should I check next?


Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: How to reinstall without loosing configurations?

2019-06-02 Thread David Christensen

On 6/2/19 9:56 AM, Aldo Maggi wrote:

Last time I've reinstalled was in 2005 after a failure of Jfs (luckily
I had the backup of my files), from them on I've just kept updating and
It is a couple of years, though, that some programs do not work
properly, for instance Firefox (doesn't keep the correct spacing
between lines, etc.), Thunderbird (in most threads doesn't show images.
etc.), so I've started privileging Chromium and Evolution, but, as from
about six months, the former doesn't open anymore some pages so I've
installed Falkon which, as far as I know, uses the same engine as
Chromium, but opens the pages that Chromium doesn't!!!

Though Linux and particularly Debian are very good in providing proper
updating, I start thinking that maybe something left behind in the
process, piling up during the years is creating such inconveniences, so
I've decided to reinstall my Debian.

I have been using "testing" since Sarge without having any major
problem, but I've noticed that reinstalling is more difficult now than
it used to be at the beginning of the new millennium, at that time I
would have used dpkg --get-selections and in the new partition dpkg --
set-selections and afterwards I'd have copied some dotfiles but reading
in various forums seems that now everything is more complicated.

Is there anyone who would advise me about the best way for having in
another partition a new Debian (same pkgs as I have here) and the
configurations I have (for instance, I'm wary of loosing control of my
home server through Xephyr which took me a lot of time to configure,
obviously I can do it via ssh but it is not the same thing, etc) .

Thank you in advance,

Aldo :-)

Put your modified configuration files and key data files into a version 
control system.  Validate.

Back up all configuration files and all data.  Validate.

Take an image of your system drive.

Disconnect all HDD's and/or SSD's.

Check motherboard firmware.  Update if necessary.

Install a new system drive.  Use the manufacturer's diagnostic tool to 
check the new system drive.  If it is okay, use the diagnostic to zero/ 
secure delete the drive.

Do a fresh install of your chosen OS.  Before rebooting the first time, 
shutdown and take an image of new system drive.

Update the operating system, if needed.

Check out your old configuration and data files into a working 
directory.  From this point forward, check in anything you create , 
update, delete.  Add anything you think might be important.

Reconnect data drive(s).

Install and/or set up one package at a time.  Merge your old 
configuration and data into the new layout.  Validate each item as you go.

Configure backups for new system.  Backup.  Validate.

Take image of system drive.


how to integrate ca-certificates with gpgsm (for email s/mime signature verification)

2019-06-02 Thread Gregor Zattler

I use notmuch-emacs to read my email and sometimes do use GnuPG,
therefore notmuch-emacs is configured to verify signatures but
does so also for S/MIME  signatures.  When displaying such emails
I'm asked if I trust the respective Root CAs Cert.  That's tedious.

Therefore I would like to integrate certificates provided by
debians ca-certificates package with gpgsm, but the only way I
found to do so, would be to manually import all those

Isn't there an option to read in those certs from /etc/ssl... at

Ciao; Gregor
 -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

Re: Using ISO image of installer DVD as repository - How?

2019-06-02 Thread Brian
On Sat 01 Jun 2019 at 20:03:00 +0100, Brian wrote:

> On Sat 01 Jun 2019 at 16:34:13 +0100, Brian wrote:
> > But there is an "option" in the sources.list line. Well, not really
> > an option, as can be seen by looking at the ONE-LINE-STYLE FORMAT
> > section of sources.list(5). This begins:
> > 
> >   Files in this format have the extension .list. Each line
> >   specifying a source starts with a type (e.g. deb-src)
> >   followed by options and arguments for this type.
> It can happen that a line such as
>   deb file:///home/richard/dvdmount pool/main/
> gives the error message " ... does not have a Release file
> Leaving aside the validity of the line, this message is an indication
> that an option has not been delivered to apt correctly.

A resumé of parts of the first few messages in this thread might focus
minds. It started with

  > I edited sources.list to read
  >   deb file:///home/richard/dvd.iso stretch main contrib trusted=yes

It was pointed out by Dan Ritter (correctly) that 

  > The problem is that the .iso is not a mounted filesystem.

There is another mistake in the line which was regrettably perpetuated
by Dan when he gave the revised line

  > deb file:///home/richard/dvdmount stretch main contrib trusted=yes

On the OP saying

  > I now get a different error message:
  >   The repository 'file:/home/richard/dvdmount stretch Release' is not 

the advice was

  > Try [trusted=yes] and/or [allow-insecure=yes]

Hmm, an example line might have prevented the slide into apt mayhem.

At this point my guess would be that the OP substituted one malformed
line for another malformed line and sank deeper into the morass. A
rescue could be effected by using sources.lis(5) but there is, as yet,
no sign that its advice has been followed or tried.




How to reinstall without loosing configurations?

2019-06-02 Thread Aldo Maggi
Last time I've reinstalled was in 2005 after a failure of Jfs (luckily
I had the backup of my files), from them on I've just kept updating and
It is a couple of years, though, that some programs do not work
properly, for instance Firefox (doesn't keep the correct spacing
between lines, etc.), Thunderbird (in most threads doesn't show images.
etc.), so I've started privileging Chromium and Evolution, but, as from
about six months, the former doesn't open anymore some pages so I've
installed Falkon which, as far as I know, uses the same engine as
Chromium, but opens the pages that Chromium doesn't!!!

Though Linux and particularly Debian are very good in providing proper
updating, I start thinking that maybe something left behind in the
process, piling up during the years is creating such inconveniences, so
I've decided to reinstall my Debian.

I have been using "testing" since Sarge without having any major
problem, but I've noticed that reinstalling is more difficult now than
it used to be at the beginning of the new millennium, at that time I
would have used dpkg --get-selections and in the new partition dpkg --
set-selections and afterwards I'd have copied some dotfiles but reading
in various forums seems that now everything is more complicated.

Is there anyone who would advise me about the best way for having in
another partition a new Debian (same pkgs as I have here) and the
configurations I have (for instance, I'm wary of loosing control of my
home server through Xephyr which took me a lot of time to configure,
obviously I can do it via ssh but it is not the same thing, etc) .

Thank you in advance,

Aldo :-) 

Re: Docking station with thinkpad T480s

2019-06-02 Thread Kenneth Parker
On Sun, Jun 2, 2019 at 6:35 AM Thorsten  wrote:

> Hi,
> the docking station work well except one situation. If I get my laptop
> FROM the docking station, the screen is black. System work well, with
> ALT-F1 the console work. But the X-Server don't refresh the screen.

I don't know the specifics of your System but, years ago, I used a Laptop
with a Docking Station, complete with external Keyboard, Mouse and
Display.  (Don't recall make and model, but it was marketed as an
alternative to a separate Desktop and Tower).  My issue, was that the Video
Chip in the Docking Station was, enough different from the one, driving the
Laptop Screen to need, not only different Drivers, but different sections
in xorg.conf.

It worked for me to "Hot Plug" it into the Dock, and I could use both
monitors as separate Displays.  But I encountered something like your
symptom, if I "Hot Unplugged" it.  Something about Adding features being
okay, but taking them away giving "hilarious" Syslog Messages and, in my
case, only allowing access to it via ssh.

One diagnostic tool for me, was that lspci gave different results, in the
Dock and outside of it.

So I made a habit of shutting it down, before removing it from the Dock.

regards Thorsten

Kenneth Parker

Re: df shows wrong disk size

2019-06-02 Thread Stefan Monnier
> If the filesystem and the volume manager both agree on 4GB, I don't
> know where df is getting the notion that it's 3GB.  It seems very

Sure looks like a bug.  I think reporting it as a bug to the ext234
people is The Right Thing to do.


OpenGL forwarding via ssh session: works on jessie, does not work on stretch

2019-06-02 Thread Simon S

I have a weird problem with opengl forwarding via ssh.
I am running debian jessie on my BeagleBone Black (armhf) that I use for my CNC 
machine by running machinekit.
Everything works as expected, I even got indirect opengl rendering working when 
I connect to the BBB using windows.

Now I tried to upgrade my setup using a more recent stretch based image.
I am not able to use opengl forwarding on stretch.

The following test setup:
(A) linux machine running ubuntu (Nvidia GPU)
(B) BBB running jessie
(C) BBB running stretch

I connect from (A) -> (*) by ssh -X x@host

When I connect from (A) to (B):
> export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1;  glxinfo|head
name of display: localhost:10.0
display: localhost:10  screen: 0
direct rendering: No (LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set)
server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
server glx version string: 1.4
server glx extensions:

When I connect from (A) to (C):
> export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1;  glxinfo|head
Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig
name of display: localhost:10.0

Did something change from jessie -> stretch concerning x permissions?

Running plain x apps like xterm works in all cases.

I installed lxde on (c) and glxinfo/glxgears runs fine under lxde on the BBB.

Any hints?


Re: Using ISO image of installer DVD as repository - How?

2019-06-02 Thread Brian
On Sat 01 Jun 2019 at 19:58:13 -, Curt wrote:

> man apt-cdrom
>It is necessary to use apt-cdrom to add CDs to the APT system; it cannot be
>done by hand.  Furthermore each disc in a multi-CD set must be inserted and
>scanned separately to account for possible mis-burns.
> /etc/fstab
>  /home/richard/dvdmount /mnt/dvdmount iso9660 user,loop 0 0
> with mount-point mounted
>  apt-cdrom -m -d=/mnt/dvdmount add
> if apt persists in asking for insertion of the disk
> apt.conf
>  Acquire::cdrom::mount "/mnt/dvdmount";
>  APT::CDROM::NoMount;
> Worked for an anonymous user on the internets, which is pretty damn 
> persuasive.

This ia a viable alternative to get a line into sources.list and produce
the makings of a workable updating, upgrading and installing system.

Unfortunately, the OP will run into exactly the same problem(s) as he
would meet with file:///. . Solve those with the present URI type
and it is also solved for cdrom: .

The OP's declared motivation is "self-education" and what is wanted is
that it "should just work". By "it" I imagine he means using a d-i ISO
as a repository with the file URI type. Perhaps I didn't sufficiently
stress that he knows the basics, but, as suggested earlier, the
sources.list line is not constructed correctly. That is the first hurdle
and the sources.list manual is all that needs to be read to jump over it.

The second hurdle isn't that hard to stride over either.


Re: Using ISO image of installer DVD as repository - How?

2019-06-02 Thread Curt
On 2019-06-02, Richard Owlett  wrote:
> I've read those man pages but never put them together that way.
> I'm hoping that reading
> will either fill the gaps in my background or point me appropriately.

My thinking went along the lines that a loop-mounted (if that is the
correct term) cd/dvd iso file is the effective equivalent of a cd/dvd in
the drive, in which case it appears apt-cdrom is the obligatory tool to
give APT what it requires to grok such an animal as a package repository.

One "trivial" method (though outside the strict delineations of the problem
space as you defined it) would be to mount the iso, create a directory ('mkdir 
/var/lib/mydebs'), copy the debs from the iso to '/var/lib/mydebs', add 
'deb file:/var/lib/mydebs ./' to your sources.list, and run
'dpkg-scanpackages . | gzip > Packages.gz' in '/var/lib/mydebs'.

An 'apt-get update' from there and you should be ready to go (if we can
believe the wiki).

“Decisions are never really made – at best they manage to emerge, from a chaos
of peeves, whims, hallucinations and all around assholery.” – Thomas Pynchon

Re: Using ISO image of installer DVD as repository - How?

2019-06-02 Thread Richard Owlett

On 06/01/2019 07:08 PM, mick crane wrote:

On 2019-05-31 13:20, Richard Owlett wrote:

With the first DVD of Debian 9.8.0 I did:
   dd if=/dev/cdrom of=dvd.iso bs=4M
I edited sources.list to read
   deb file:///home/richard/dvd.iso stretch main contrib trusted=yes

When running Synaptic's
    Edit->Reload Package Information
I receive an error message:

The repository 'file:/home/richard/dvd.iso stretch Release'
does not have a Release file.

What is the problem?

I'm going to get in trouble for this but if I could offer advice.
You seem more interested in the actual install process than getting it 
running and doing something with it.

Close ;}
Debian can do every real-world task I've tried.

Fair enough, it is like a hobby,
When came across this stuff I was the same, installed whatever 
distribution on awkward hardware just to see.

But I had no idea what I was doing.

My 'hobby' might be described as "Why does Debian do things the way
it does?"

There is so much to know and if you have a memory like a sieve like me 
it is really hard to grasp how it all works.
These days I accept the default installation and that which is needed to 
do bits of image manipulation and I really like having the email and 
webserver software and that's it.



Re: Using ISO image of installer DVD as repository - How?

2019-06-02 Thread Richard Owlett

On 06/01/2019 02:58 PM, Curt wrote:

On 2019-06-01, Brian  wrote:

It can happen that a line such as

   deb file:///home/richard/dvdmount pool/main/
gives the error message " ... does not have a Release file

Leaving aside the validity of the line, this message is an indication
that an option has not been delivered to apt correctly.

man apt-cdrom

It is necessary to use apt-cdrom to add CDs to the APT system; it cannot be
done by hand.  Furthermore each disc in a multi-CD set must be inserted and
scanned separately to account for possible mis-burns.


  /home/richard/dvdmount /mnt/dvdmount iso9660 user,loop 0 0

with mount-point mounted

  apt-cdrom -m -d=/mnt/dvdmount add

if apt persists in asking for insertion of the disk


  Acquire::cdrom::mount "/mnt/dvdmount";

Worked for an anonymous user on the internets, which is pretty damn persuasive.

I've read those man pages but never put them together that way.
I'm hoping that reading
will either fill the gaps in my background or point me appropriately.

Re: Using ISO image of installer DVD as repository - How?

2019-06-02 Thread Richard Owlett

On 06/01/2019 05:11 PM, David Wright wrote:

On Sat 01 Jun 2019 at 09:12:16 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote:


I suspect I'm running up against two things:
1. Documentation (esp man pages) authors assume *ALL* readers have
the same background they do. I don't. {I was on the other side
~50 years ago as an Engineering Co-op student writing the
inspection manual for a new oscilloscope ;}
2. Changes in what apt identifies acceptable repositories.

I'm reading or re-reading:
with special focus on
 "Chapter 6. Maintenance and Updates: The APT Tools"

I intend to experiment with modifying files in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d
rather than modifying sources.list. This will require I dedicate a
separate machine to the experiment. I will also use that machine to
compare stretch to earlier releases.

If you have multiple machines, then there's a method I haven't seen
mentioned, which might be worth a try. It doesn't require any unusual
configuration parameters.

Install apt-cacher-ng on one of the systems, then copy all the .debs
into /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng/_import and let it place them all into
a repository. You control the package by pointing your browser at
http://localhost:3142/acng-report.html on the caching machine, and
use the cache by inserting into /etc/apt/apt.conf a line like
Acquire::http::Proxy "http://192.168.1.NNN:3142/;
depending on your network configuration.

For idiosyncratic reasons I do not have a network.
However, when I purchased the second machine, it was with the intention 
of occasionally erasing the disk for new experiments. IIRC a single 
machine can physically have both a server and a client. More reading to do.

You addresses a related issue, download bandwidth.
My current project is explicitly focused on using installation DVDs, or 
preferably their ISO images, as a 'repository'.

Why that is my goal is long and involved.
Part of my motivation is self-education.
What I want "should just work" 
"Why doesn't it?" is my current assignment {essay}.

Docking station with thinkpad T480s

2019-06-02 Thread Thorsten

the docking station work well except one situation. If I get my laptop 
FROM the docking station, the screen is black. System work well, with 
ALT-F1 the console work. But the X-Server don't refresh the screen.

Any ideas?

regards Thorsten

Problem with Mate in Buster on T480s

2019-06-02 Thread Thorsten

my desktop is mate on a Thinkpad T480s. Under preferences 
system->preferences->view->Window you can activate "Programmkomposit der 
Fensterverwaltung aktivieren" in english "Activate program composite 
window management". You can get a preview of your windows with key 

If I activate this, the preview is OK. But the X-Server create a lot of 
errors per second like this:

[237861.491] (EE) modeset(0): Failed to get GBM bo for flip to new 

[237861.491] (EE) modeset(0): present flip failed

It could be a bug. But how I proceed? Where is the bug, or how can I 
configure that right?

regards Thorsten

Re: Crontab ne lance pas ma commande ou mon script [RESOLU]

2019-06-02 Thread Tulum
Le dimanche 2 juin 2019, 10:45:24 CEST Francois Lafont a écrit :
> On 6/1/19 5:33 PM, Tulum wrote:
> > En rajoutant : XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 dans ma commande crontab
> > cela fonctionne :
> > 
> > 30 17 1 6 * XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 /usr/bin/arecord -f cd -d 10
> > /mnt/dd1/Musique/test.wav
> Ok, c'était donc bien un souci d'environnement d'exécution.
> > Ce que je comprends pas c'est que j'avais testé mettant le user (à la
> > place de XDG_RUNTIME_DIR) et ça e marchait. Il aurait charger toutes les
> > variables de l'utilisateur, non ?
> Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir compris la question mais cron a tendance à
> avoir une liste de variables d'environnement très limitée par rapport à
> un shell interactif. Tu peux ouvrir un shell interactif avec ton compte
> perso et voir toutes les variables d'environnement avec la commande "env".
> Si tu lances cette même commande (env > /tmp/env.log) dans un script lancé
> via un cron (avec le même compte Unix), tu verras qu'il y a beaucoup moins
> de variables d'environnement.
> J'imagine que XDG_RUNTIME_DIR était bien définie dans un shell interactif
> mais pas dans le contexte d'une exécution via cron.
> À+

En fait j'avais trouver sur G**gle que l'on pouvait ajouter le user à 
l'emplacement où j'ai mis la variable XDG_RUNTIME_DIR. Mais là ça ne marchait 
pas. J'aurai pensé qu'en mettant le user, cron aurait chargé l'ensemble des 
variables d'environnement de l'user mentionné.

Re: Crontab ne lance pas ma commande ou mon script [RESOLU]

2019-06-02 Thread Francois Lafont

On 6/1/19 5:33 PM, Tulum wrote:

En rajoutant : XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 dans ma commande crontab cela 
fonctionne :

30 17 1 6 * XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 /usr/bin/arecord -f cd -d 10 

Ok, c'était donc bien un souci d'environnement d'exécution.

Ce que je comprends pas c'est que j'avais testé mettant le user (à la place de 
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR) et ça e marchait. Il aurait charger toutes les variables de 
l'utilisateur, non ?

Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir compris la question mais cron a tendance à
avoir une liste de variables d'environnement très limitée par rapport à
un shell interactif. Tu peux ouvrir un shell interactif avec ton compte
perso et voir toutes les variables d'environnement avec la commande "env".

Si tu lances cette même commande (env > /tmp/env.log) dans un script lancé
via un cron (avec le même compte Unix), tu verras qu'il y a beaucoup moins de
variables d'environnement.

J'imagine que XDG_RUNTIME_DIR était bien définie dans un shell interactif
mais pas dans le contexte d'une exécution via cron.


François Lafont