Re: [CLE WIFI] Matériel non compatible Buster

2019-07-20 Thread Jean Louis Giraud
De mémoire il me semble qu’il faut ajouter contrib et non-free à ton 
sources.list et tu auras le paquet du firmware Realtek. Ensuite tu dois pouvoir 
configurer ton réseau wifi. 
Jlouis Giraud 

Envoyé de mon iPhone

> Le 20 juil. 2019 à 21:10, ajh-valmer  a écrit :
>> On Saturday 20 July 2019 20:58:47 ajh-valmer wrote:
>>> On Saturday 20 July 2019 18:26:10 Spartiate wrote:
>>> Bonjour à tous,
>>> J'ai une clé WIFI (nano USB) qui ne fonctionne pas sur ma Debian 10.
>>> Celle-ci est reconnu pourtant, je vois les réseaux disponibles par contre
>>> elle ne se connecte pas. 
>>> Après saisie de la clé WIFI, ça mouline mais la connexion ne se fait pas.
>>> J'ai fait quelques recherches (que j'aurais dû faire avant mais le vendeur
>>> m'a dit qu'elle est linux-compatible) et le chipset RTL8192EU ne semble 
>>> pas reconnu :(  
>> rtl8192eu
> Mes excuses, lien déjà signalé et non fonctionnel.
> Ici ?

Re: (deb-cat) Avantatges de x86_64 sobre i686

2019-07-20 Thread Albert Miralles Zurrón
Hola Narcis, disculpi que potser parlo desde la ignorancia, i desde la
charlataneria, ja que no tinc referencies ni mesures...

al principi els beneficis dels SO de 64 bits eren molt amagats sigui per la
cuantitat de software disponible de 64 bits o del códi optimitzat per 64
bits era molt minoritari. Obviament, si el codi especificament no te
benefici per 64 bits funcionará igual.

Pero, avui dia la diferencia es molt notable en aplicacions critiques en
transferencia de memoria, ja que els 64 bits es poden fer servir per moure
asignacions de 32 bits el doble de rapid o per moure asignacions de 64 bits
en només un cicle... Es més normal tenir equips de 64 bits que de 32 bits,
i aixó fa que el códi hagi cambiat el seu focus de optimitzacio.

Només el benefici de un ARM A17 frent un ARM A53, gaire bé només pel fet de
tenir una arquitectura de 32 bits versus 64 bits fa que aplicacions
especifiques con GIMP o Chrome incrementin el seu rendiment notablement,
gaire bé, dona la sensació de que son els dobles de rapides...

Per un equip personal, avui dia al preu que es pot probar la RAM de segona
má a Aliexpress o eBay molt barata, que potser actualitzar la RAM a 4GB
d'un equip pot costar 5 €, jo no dubtaria de fer servir x86_64 i aprofitar
totes les millores que sopossa de rendiment...

El sáb., 20 jul. 2019 a las 14:22, Narcis Garcia ()

> __
> I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
> masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
> should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
> El 13/7/19 a les 12:51, ha escrit:
> >> Alguna altra cosa que m'hagi de fer decantar a determinats escenaris*?
> >
> > 64 bits acostuma a donar més rendiment en reproducció de vídeo, alguns
> > algorismes d'encriptació/desencriptació, compressió/descompressió de
> > fitxers
> Pel comú dels usuaris, una part crítica és la navegació web, donat que
> s'exigeix el correcte funcionament de grans plataformes web.
> En quina mesura la renderització de pàgines amb Mozilla Firefox pot ser
> més àgil tractant-se de x86_64 o i686?
> Amb això, val la pena el sacrifici d'un 20% de RAM en un ordinador petit?

Albert Miralles Zurrón
Telf: 60324

Re: Hibernation takes too long

2019-07-20 Thread Michael Kesper
Hi all,

Am 21. Juli 2019 02:45:39 MESZ schrieb Shahryar Afifi :
>Thank you for your insight.
>your explanation was helpful.
>here is my setup:
>X61 with Middleton's bios (SATA 2)
>buster amd64
>upgraded from strech
>cloned from 64GB to 128GB

How did you do that?
Afaik it's advised to copy files to SSDs and not copy blockwise (dd) because
layouts can differ very much and performance would suffer.

>At idle, only 1.2 Gb of RAM is occupied, so not all the 12GB should be
>moved to SSD.

The 6 GB of RAM will be moved to the swap partition. That's why swap needs to 
be >= RAM for hibernating.

The X61 will throttle SSD throughput as it has less bandwidth than modern SATA 
adapters. So, transferring those 6 GB
will take time...
You could limit memory with kernel boot parameter, e.g. mem=2G
to test, time needed should be approximately a third (but obviously 4GB of RAM 
would be wasted).


Re: Hibernation takes too long

2019-07-20 Thread Carl Fink

On 7/20/19 8:16 PM, Rick Thomas wrote:

If 12GB is reasonable (I have no idea, I don’t use “hibernate” myself) here are 
figures to input to the calculation:

I was just assuming that Shahryar's hibernation
involved backing up the full contents of both
RAM and swap, which would be 12 gb.

Carl Fink

Read my blog at  Reviews!  Observations!

Re: Hibernation takes too long

2019-07-20 Thread Rick Thomas
If 12GB is reasonable (I have no idea, I don’t use “hibernate” myself) here are 
figures to input to the calculation:

SSD sustained write transfer rate is between 30 MB/sec and 120 MB/sec.
Closer to 30 MB/sec (or even slower) if it’s a USB-3 thumb drive (even less 
than that if USB-2); closer to 120 MB/sec if it’s a SATA drive.

So: 12GB/30MB/sec = 6.7 minutes
12GB/120MB/sec = 1.7 minutes

So 2 minutes is not unreasonable.

> On Jul 20, 2019, at 8:14 AM, Shahryar Afifi  wrote:
> If bulk storage is the same as mass storage, I have 128 SSD
> On Sat, 2019-07-20 at 09:27 -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
>> On 7/20/19 12:43 AM, Shahryar Afifi wrote:
>>> Up to 2 Min
>>> amd64
>>> buster
>>> X61
>>> 6GB dynamic
>>> 6GB swap
>>> swapness 50
>>> I don't know which log file to loo into...
>>> Thank you.
>> What are you using for bulk storage? Your system
>> has to copy ~12 gigabytes into it. Do the math--is
>> that the main reason for your wait?

Q: Debian Stretch / iSC DHCP 4.3.5-3 failover mode / OMAPI -- log messages

2019-07-20 Thread Polar Bear

I have Debian 'Stretch' pre-installed with isc-dhcp-server 4.3.5-3 to have
failover mode (two computers/servers [primary/secondary]).

NOTE: I found that FQDN in fields 'address' and 'peer address' does not
work, IP address works fine
(command 'host' resolves short and FQDN names fine what indicates that
resolver works properly)

DHCP servers are up and running, failover mode was configure with OMAPI
secret key, failover mode works fine.

There is one issue:
-- on secondary DHCP server in log files I see messages
Can't start OMAPI protocol: address not available (5 sec interval)
failover peer failover-partner: invalid argument (30 sec interval)

Primary DHCP server has firewall running and ports 7911, 519 are allowed in.

Secondary DHCP server has not firewall rules and all communication is

For a test I use 'netcat' to verify that network ports are open.

root# nc primary 7199  [Ok]
root# nc primary 519 [Ok]

On primary DHCP server connection looks OK.

On secondary DHCP server when I connect to port 520 in reply I get only
character 'd' -- what is different from what I see in reply from primary
DHCP server (I am not familiar with OMAPI protocol, probably reply 'd'
could be a normal response).

root# nc secondary 7199 [Ok]
root# nc secondary 520 [???]

An attempt to use OMAPI shell to shutdown secondary DHCP server had no

I looked for a method to trouble shoot this situation and so far nothing
points to the source of the log messages.

Is there a methodic to troubleshoot OMAPI log messages?

Thank you

Re: HS renommage en masse (expressions régulières)

2019-07-20 Thread Samuel Cifuentes-Favini
J'avais rectifié. Merci encore
Le 19 juil. 2019 16:29, "Stephane Ascoet" 
a écrit :

> Le 18/07/2019 à 16:37, Alexandre Goethals a écrit :
>> Avec rename:
>>  ~$ ls
>> titiAA2019
>> ~$ rename 's/^(.*)(.{6})/$1-$2/' titiAA2019
>>  ~$ ls
>> titi-AA2019
>> L'idée est la suivante:
>> Faire deux groupes de capture:
>> ^(.*) => correspond à n'importe quel caractère présent n'importe quel
>> nombre de fois (y compris 0) au début de la chaîne. Il s'agit du groupe
>> de capture n°1
>> .{6} => correspond à une chaîne de 6 caractères quelconques. C'est le
>> groupe de capture n°2
>> On renomme toute la chaîne en "groupe de capture n°2"-"groupe de capture
>> n°1"
> Bonjour, du coup, faire plutot un "rename 's/^(.*)(.{6})/$2-$1/'" ;-)
> Au passage, au sujet de  es/2019/find_storage_node.html>, je connais depuis longtemps ce site que
> je ne trouve pas du tout didactique, et on sent bien que c'est un
> francophone qui ecrit en Anglais :-) L'auteur est Simon Descarpentries, un
> grand militant que je connais ;-)
> Et je n'ai pas inxi sur ma Devuan...
> --
> Cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

Re: Performance of mu in buster

2019-07-20 Thread juh

juh writes:

> Hi all,
> I am very disappointed of mu in buster. In stretch I index nearly
> 300.000 emails with mu. Each time I index new mails in mu4e I had to
> wait 15 minutes until the indexing was complete. So I hoped that
> indexing with mu 1.2 would be much faster, but instead mu eats all my
> memory and indexes several hours, even for updating with new mail.

Of course, I can reduce the index time with .noupdate files in archive
folder but the process is terminated if I make a full rebuild.


Soziale Plastik. Die Kunst der Allmende
Essay zum 30. Todestag von Joseph Beuys
Taschenbuch, 130 Seiten, EUR 9,90

Re: HTTP shimmed to HTTPS

2019-07-20 Thread peter
*   From: Reco 

Re: recherche l'utilitaire mail

2019-07-20 Thread pat G
arff. je mettais un - entre mail et utils.
désolé pour le bruit.


Le 20/07/2019 à 19:24, Manu Baylac a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Le 20/07/2019 à 18:46, pat G a écrit :
>> Je suis à la recherche de l'utilitaire mail. Celui qui permet d'envoyer
>> des mails en ligne de commande.
>> Avant c'était mail-utils, puis bdsmail-utils (je crois), mais dans
>> buster je ne retrouve pas l'utilitaire à installer.
> Le paquet *mailutils* tout attaché fournit /usr/bin/mail.mailutils, et
> /usr/bin/mailx et /usr/bin/mail sont des liens symboliques vers lui.
> $ cat /etc/debian_version
> 10.0
> $ ls -l /usr/bin/mailx
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 oct.  24  2017 /usr/bin/mailx ->
> /etc/alternatives/mailx
> $ ls -l /usr/bin/mail
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 oct.  24  2017 /usr/bin/mail ->
> /etc/alternatives/mail
> $ ls -l /etc/alternatives/mailx
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 oct.  24  2017 /etc/alternatives/mailx ->
> /usr/bin/mail.mailutils
> $ ls -l /etc/alternatives/mail
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 oct.  24  2017 /etc/alternatives/mail ->
> /usr/bin/mail.mailutils
> $ dpkg -S /usr/bin/mail.mailutils
> mailutils: /usr/bin/mail.mailutils
> -- 
> Manu

Re: SOLVED: Wpa_Supplicant Fails Authentication

2019-07-20 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 12:03:05 -0500
David Wright  wrote:

> On Sat 20 Jul 2019 at 09:18:37 (-0700), Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 17:00:58 +0100 Brad Rogers  wrote:  
> > > On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 08:51:17 -0700 Patrick Bartek  
> > > wrote:
> > >   
> > > >restart. Must wait until boot fully completes, then plug in wireless
> > > >which is a hassle due to where the box is. I wanted the wireless to
> > > 
> > > Front panel USB port, if you have a spare bay to fit one into.
> > > Alternatively, a USB extension cable so you can avoid the crawling
> > > around.  
> > 
> > I have two front USB ports, but I need both free for temporary devices
> > I use frequently.
> > 
> > This dongle already comes with an extension cable. That's one reason I
> > got it.  The dongle and antenna combo plug into a weighted base, but
> > the fit is so tight it's very difficult to plug and unplug it. Afraid I
> > might break it.  Maybe it will loosen up overtime.
> > 
> > But since I only shutdown the system to clean it and have to pull it
> > out of its cubbyhole anyway to do so, access to the rear easier.  
> There was a recent thread about the difference between umount (linux)
> and Safely Remove (windows), which decided that the difference was
> that windows turns off the USB port, extinguishing the LED on the
> USB stick.
> Perhaps if you try turning off your dongle port and then turning it on
> again, you can get the same effect as plugging it in.

Hadn't thought of that.  I'll check into it.



Re: Wpa_Supplicant Fails Authentication

2019-07-20 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 13:34:12 -0400
Stefan Monnier  wrote:

> > In my initial trials and tribulations with this thing, the driver was
> > the first thing I checked.  No, got the correct one.  
> The issue is not whether you got the correct one or not.
> The issue is whether the one you're using is good enough.

Considered that, too.  The wifi came up and would scan all wireless
routers in the area, would connect if security in target router turned
off, but wpa_supplicant would fail, if security enabled.  Found the
problem: I had dongle plugged in during the boot up.  It has to be
plugged in after boot is completed, then wpa_supplicant works.
Discovered that caveat by accident.

> > Just had to install the non-free Realtek firmware package which I did  
> Well, there you go: those don't use the standard framework, so they may
> work in "most" cases, but it's not surprising if they result in
> misbehavior in some less common scenarios.

It was the driver on the manufacturer's driver CD, just a newer
version.  I did consider trying the old driver as a last resort, but I
didn't have to.

> I recommend you file a bug report with the author(s) of that driver.

Discovered the "bug" was not wpa_supplicant's, but mine: I was
leaving the USB wireless plugged in during boot.

Thanks for your response and advice.


Re: [CLE WIFI] Matériel non compatible Buster

2019-07-20 Thread ajh-valmer
On Saturday 20 July 2019 20:58:47 ajh-valmer wrote:
> On Saturday 20 July 2019 18:26:10 Spartiate wrote:
> > Bonjour à tous,
> > J'ai une clé WIFI (nano USB) qui ne fonctionne pas sur ma Debian 10.
> > Celle-ci est reconnu pourtant, je vois les réseaux disponibles par contre
> > elle ne se connecte pas. 
> > Après saisie de la clé WIFI, ça mouline mais la connexion ne se fait pas.
> > J'ai fait quelques recherches (que j'aurais dû faire avant mais le vendeur
> > m'a dit qu'elle est linux-compatible) et le chipset RTL8192EU ne semble 
> > pas reconnu :(  

> rtl8192eu

Mes excuses, lien déjà signalé et non fonctionnel.

Ici ?

Re: [CLE WIFI] Matériel non compatible Buster

2019-07-20 Thread ajh-valmer
On Saturday 20 July 2019 18:26:10 Spartiate wrote:
> Bonjour à tous,
> J'ai une clé WIFI (nano USB) qui ne fonctionne pas sur ma Debian 10.
> Celle-ci est reconnu pourtant, je vois les réseaux disponibles par contre
> elle ne se connecte pas. 
> Après saisie de la clé WIFI, ça mouline mais la connexion ne se fait pas.
> J'ai fait quelques recherches (que j'aurais dû faire avant mais le vendeur
> m'a dit qu'elle est linux-compatible) et le chipset RTL8192EU ne semble 
> pas reconnu :(  


à ce lien ? :

Sinon avec le firmware ralink ?

Re: lightdm-gtk-greeter: disabling "suspend" or other entry

2019-07-20 Thread Andrea Borgia

Il 28/05/19 21:21, Andrea Borgia ha scritto:

I'm using lightdm-gtk-greeter and I would like to disable some of the 
options, for example "suspend"

Just for the record, I ended up removing the powermenu from the greeter 
and posted a question to S-E [1] to find out if finer grained control is 


Re: Performance of mu in buster

2019-07-20 Thread Teemu Likonen
juh [2019-07-20T19:44:47+02] wrote:

> I am very disappointed of mu in buster. In stretch I index nearly
> 300.000 emails with mu. Each time I index new mails in mu4e I had to
> wait 15 minutes until the indexing was complete. So I hoped that
> indexing with mu 1.2 would be much faster, but instead mu eats all my
> memory and indexes several hours, even for updating with new mail.
> Anyone experiencing the same?

I use Notmuch which uses libxapian and libgmime, just like Mu
(maildir-utils). Since the indexing and database backends are the same
you could try comparing Mu and Notmuch.

I have only about 35000 mails and with those Notmuch is really fast. The
initial indexing takes some minutes but after that everything is fast.

///  OpenPGP key: 4E1055DC84E9DFF613D78557719D69D324539450

Description: PGP signature

Re : Re: Re : monter une clé usb en ne connaissant pas son adresse

2019-07-20 Thread k6dedijon
Bonjour Passcal,
Merci de ces précisions.
Je ne suis pas informaticien, j'ai tenté de traduire le petit tutoriel annoncé 
sur cette liste.
Il serait bien que cette traduction avec tes amélioration soit disponibles sur 
le site du tutoriel.
20% de la population mondiale est francophone.

- Mail d'origine -
De: Pascal Hambourg 
À: Debian user french 
Envoyé: Sat, 20 Jul 2019 09:43:33 +0200 (CEST)
Objet: Re: Re : monter une clé usb en ne connaissant pas son adresse

Le 20/07/2019 à 07:14, a écrit :
> Ici, j'ai 3 périphériques de stockage :
> ∙ mon SSD principal (vendu comme 512 Gb) /dev/sda
> ∙ et 2 clés USB :
>  ∘un SanDisk (64 Go) /dev/sdb
>  ∘et un no-name 2GB /dev/sdc
> Vous pouvez ensuite croiser cette information avec la sortie lsblk pour 
> apprendre comment ces points de montage (mountpoints) sont utilisés et 
> quelles sont leurs partitions.

/dev/sd? ne sont pas des points de montage, ce sont des fichiers 
spéciaux de périphériques blocs.

> sdb 8:16   1  58,4G  0 disk
> sdc 8:32   0   1,9G  0 disk
> └─sdc1  8:33   0   1,9G  0 part  /media/siltaar/Framakey
> Ici, nous apprenons que /dev/sdb n'a pas de sous-partitions en elle, tandis 
> que /dev/sdc a la sous-partition /dev/sdc1, qui est montée sur 
> /media/siltaar/Framakey.

Partition. "Sous-partition" impliquerait qu'il y ait une partition dans 
une partition, ce qui n'est pas le cas.

> Donc, si vous voulez formater la petite clé USB que vous voulez cibler, elle 
> se nomme /dev/sdc1.

Sans oublier de démonter le système de fichiers au préalable, sinon des 
choses bizarres et désagréables pourraient se produire (plantage, 
corruption). Le noyau n'aime pas qu'on modifie un système de fichiers 
monté dans son dos.

Performance of mu in buster

2019-07-20 Thread juh
Hi all,

I am very disappointed of mu in buster. In stretch I index nearly 300.000 emails
with mu. Each time I index new mails in mu4e I had to wait 15 minutes until the
indexing was complete. So I hoped that indexing with mu 1.2 would be much
faster, but instead mu eats all my memory and indexes several hours, even for
updating with new mail.

Anyone experiencing the same?


Description: PGP signature

Re: [CLE WIFI] Matériel non compatible Buster

2019-07-20 Thread err404
Hash: SHA512

j'ai déjà eu ce genre de problemes: on voit bien la liste des réseaux wifi 
disponibles mais on ne peut pas s'y connecter.

il manque seulement le firmware.



Re: Wpa_Supplicant Fails Authentication

2019-07-20 Thread Stefan Monnier
> In my initial trials and tribulations with this thing, the driver was
> the first thing I checked.  No, got the correct one.

The issue is not whether you got the correct one or not.
The issue is whether the one you're using is good enough.

> Just had to install the non-free Realtek firmware package which I did

Well, there you go: those don't use the standard framework, so they may
work in "most" cases, but it's not surprising if they result in
misbehavior in some less common scenarios.

I recommend you file a bug report with the author(s) of that driver.


Re: recherche l'utilitaire mail

2019-07-20 Thread Manu Baylac


Le 20/07/2019 à 18:46, pat G a écrit :

Je suis à la recherche de l'utilitaire mail. Celui qui permet d'envoyer
des mails en ligne de commande.
Avant c'était mail-utils, puis bdsmail-utils (je crois), mais dans
buster je ne retrouve pas l'utilitaire à installer.

Le paquet *mailutils* tout attaché fournit /usr/bin/mail.mailutils, et 
/usr/bin/mailx et /usr/bin/mail sont des liens symboliques vers lui.

$ cat /etc/debian_version
$ ls -l /usr/bin/mailx
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 oct.  24  2017 /usr/bin/mailx -> 

$ ls -l /usr/bin/mail
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 oct.  24  2017 /usr/bin/mail -> 

$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/mailx
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 oct.  24  2017 /etc/alternatives/mailx -> 

$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/mail
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 oct.  24  2017 /etc/alternatives/mail -> 

$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/mail.mailutils
mailutils: /usr/bin/mail.mailutils


Re: [CLE WIFI] Matériel non compatible Buster

2019-07-20 Thread Spartiate
merci, j'ai déjà consulté ces pages.

ceux de debian-facile ne me permettent pas de résoudre mon problème, le topic 
est ancien. La procédure de efete ne fonctionne plus à aujourd'hui :(

donc, concrètement: faut racheter une autre clé WIFI ?!

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
Le samedi, juillet 20, 2019 6:49 PM, Bernard Schoenacker 
 a écrit :

> - Mail original -
> > De: "Spartiate"
> > À:
> > Envoyé: Samedi 20 Juillet 2019 18:26:10
> > Objet: [CLE WIFI] Matériel non compatible Buster
> > Bonjour à tous,
> > J'ai une clé WIFI (nano USB) qui ne fonctionne pas sur ma Debian 10.
> > Celle-ci est reconnu pourtant, je vois les réseaux disponibles par
> > contre elle ne se connecte pas.
> > Après saisie de la clé WIFI, ça mouline mais la connexion ne se fait
> > pas.
> > J'ai fait quelques recherches (que j'aurais dû faire avant mais le
> > vendeur m'a dit qu'elle est linux-compatible) et le chipset
> > RTL8192EU ne semble pas reconnu :(
> > Auriez-vous quelques pistes pour moi svp ?
> > Merci à vous !
> bonjour,
> voici une première piste pour tout ce qui concerne realtek :
> ensuite sur debian facile :
> la suite :
> merci
> slt
> bernard

Re: stopping firewall

2019-07-20 Thread Charles Zeitler

On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 12:02 PM Teemu Likonen  wrote:
> Charles Zeitler [2019-07-20T11:29:03-05] wrote:
> > how do i confirm
> > sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service
> > works?
> You can get the status of systemd unit.
> systemctl status firewalld.service
> --
> ///  OpenPGP key: 4E1055DC84E9DFF613D78557719D69D324539450
> //
> /

 The Perfect Is The Enemy Of
 The Good Enough

Re: SOLVED: Wpa_Supplicant Fails Authentication

2019-07-20 Thread David Wright
On Sat 20 Jul 2019 at 09:18:37 (-0700), Patrick Bartek wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 17:00:58 +0100 Brad Rogers  wrote:
> > On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 08:51:17 -0700 Patrick Bartek  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > >restart. Must wait until boot fully completes, then plug in wireless
> > >which is a hassle due to where the box is. I wanted the wireless to  
> > 
> > Front panel USB port, if you have a spare bay to fit one into.
> > Alternatively, a USB extension cable so you can avoid the crawling
> > around.
> I have two front USB ports, but I need both free for temporary devices
> I use frequently.
> This dongle already comes with an extension cable. That's one reason I
> got it.  The dongle and antenna combo plug into a weighted base, but
> the fit is so tight it's very difficult to plug and unplug it. Afraid I
> might break it.  Maybe it will loosen up overtime.
> But since I only shutdown the system to clean it and have to pull it
> out of its cubbyhole anyway to do so, access to the rear easier.

There was a recent thread about the difference between umount (linux)
and Safely Remove (windows), which decided that the difference was
that windows turns off the USB port, extinguishing the LED on the
USB stick.

Perhaps if you try turning off your dongle port and then turning it on
again, you can get the same effect as plugging it in.

(BTW our HP printer doesn't see a USB stick when it's already plugged
in at power-on.)


Re: stopping firewall

2019-07-20 Thread Teemu Likonen
Charles Zeitler [2019-07-20T11:29:03-05] wrote:

> how do i confirm
> sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service
> works?

You can get the status of systemd unit.

systemctl status firewalld.service

///  OpenPGP key: 4E1055DC84E9DFF613D78557719D69D324539450

Description: PGP signature

Re: recherche l'utilitaire mail

2019-07-20 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

- Mail original -
> De: "pat G" 
> À:
> Envoyé: Samedi 20 Juillet 2019 18:46:51
> Objet: recherche l'utilitaire mail
> lo tlm,
> Je suis à la recherche de l'utilitaire mail. Celui qui permet
> d'envoyer
> des mails en ligne de commande.
> Avant c'était mail-utils, puis bdsmail-utils (je crois), mais dans
> buster je ne retrouve pas l'utilitaire à installer.
> Si quelqu'unE a la réponse, je suis preneur.
> Merci
> Pat


il est toujours possible d'employer :

- mailutils
- s-nail
- bsd-mailx

petit détail, serait il possible de vérifier le fichier sources.list
qui doit contenir :

deb buster/updates main contrib 

deb buster main non-free contrib

deb buster-updates main contrib non-free



Re: usenet connection

2019-07-20 Thread Charles Zeitler
On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 9:11 AM Charles Zeitler  wrote:
> for a couple of days it sufficed me to stop firewalld service
> to get a usenet connection.

can someone tell me how to confirm
sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service?

charles zeitler
 The Perfect Is The Enemy Of
 The Good Enough

Re: [CLE WIFI] Matériel non compatible Buster

2019-07-20 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

- Mail original - 

> De: "Spartiate" 
> À:
> Envoyé: Samedi 20 Juillet 2019 18:26:10
> Objet: [CLE WIFI] Matériel non compatible Buster

> Bonjour à tous,

> J'ai une clé WIFI (nano USB) qui ne fonctionne pas sur ma Debian 10.

> Celle-ci est reconnu pourtant, je vois les réseaux disponibles par
> contre elle ne se connecte pas.

> Après saisie de la clé WIFI, ça mouline mais la connexion ne se fait
> pas.

> J'ai fait quelques recherches (que j'aurais dû faire avant mais le
> vendeur m'a dit qu'elle est linux-compatible) et le chipset
> RTL8192EU ne semble pas reconnu :(

> Auriez-vous quelques pistes pour moi svp ?

> Merci à vous !


voici une première piste pour tout ce qui concerne realtek :

ensuite sur debian facile :

la suite :



recherche l'utilitaire mail

2019-07-20 Thread pat G
lo tlm,

Je suis à la recherche de l'utilitaire mail. Celui qui permet d'envoyer
des mails en ligne de commande.
Avant c'était mail-utils, puis bdsmail-utils (je crois), mais dans
buster je ne retrouve pas l'utilitaire à installer.

Si quelqu'unE a la réponse, je suis preneur.



[CLE WIFI] Matériel non compatible Buster

2019-07-20 Thread Spartiate
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai une clé WIFI (nano USB) qui ne fonctionne pas sur ma Debian 10.
Celle-ci est reconnu pourtant, je vois les réseaux disponibles par contre elle 
ne se connecte pas.
Après saisie de la clé WIFI, ça mouline mais la connexion ne se fait pas.
J'ai fait quelques recherches (que j'aurais dû faire avant mais le vendeur m'a 
dit qu'elle est linux-compatible) et le chipset RTL8192EU ne semble pas reconnu 

Auriez-vous quelques pistes pour moi svp ?

Merci à vous !

Re: usenet connection

2019-07-20 Thread Curt
On 2019-07-20, Charles Zeitler  wrote:
> thanks for your reply.
> i didn't want to say this, but i get connected on my windows installation.

Have you tried any of the ipv4 addresses, rather than a ipv6 one
(perhaps unrelated, but I saw a straw and I grabbed it). or

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” 
― Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan

Re: HTTP shimmed to HTTPS

2019-07-20 Thread Reco

On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 08:28:30AM -0700, wrote:
> * From: Reco ��
> * Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2019 10:13:58 +0300
> > For the whole Internet - *maybe* (and that's a big one) squid can do 
> > the job.
> The story here is a different case but gives me some ideas to understand.
> There "http" is rewritten to "https".  In my case, URL rewriting is 
> not necessary; this browser specifies the correct URL.  The only 
> deficiency is to apply TLS.
> The example also specifies a client certificate.  Except to access a site 
> requiring a client certificate, that configuration shouldn't be necessary.
> So to my naive understanding, all that is required of squid is to apply TLS 
> to the communication.

I always considered squid somewhat heavyweight. I mean, the thing can do
lots of stuff. But most of the time it looks the same as using a heavy
truck to move a shopping bag - i.e. definitely possible, but something
that probably can be avoided.

> > Most probably you'll need a very creative usage of ProxHTTPSProxy 
> > (not in Debian) or its equivalent.
> What can squid fail to do?

In this case - nothing. But we're comparing here a multipurpose forward
proxy (squid) with a tool that's specifically designed to do two jobs -
convert HTTPS to HTTP (unneeded here) and convert HTTP back to HTTPS.


Re: usenet connection

2019-07-20 Thread Charles Zeitler
On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 11:21 AM Brad Rogers  wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 09:11:40 -0500
> Charles Zeitler  wrote:
> Hello Charles,
> >Sat Jul 20 08:59:46 2019 - Error connecting to
> >"" (Cannot assign requested address)
> >Sat Jul 20 09:02:02 2019 - Error connecting to
> >"" (Connection timed out)
> Have you tried any of the other ports they allow?  For an SSL connect,
> 5563 is also allowed.

same lack of results

> --
>  Regards  _
>  / )   "The blindingly obvious is
> / _)radnever immediately apparent"
> Do you want to play?
> Play With Me - Extreme

 The Perfect Is The Enemy Of
 The Good Enough

stopping firewall

2019-07-20 Thread Charles Zeitler
how do i confirm
sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service

charles zeitler
 The Perfect Is The Enemy Of
 The Good Enough

Re: Wpa_Supplicant Fails Authentication

2019-07-20 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 12:16:27 -0400
Stefan Monnier  wrote:

> > Solved the wpa_supplicant "No Such Device" problem on my system.
> > Change "allow-hotplug" to "auto" of wireless device stanza
> > in /etc/network/interfaces.  But now wpa_supplicant fails to
> > authenticate.  However, wireless dongle (Rosewill RNX-N180UBEv3) will
> > connect with security turned off on router and interfaces appropriately
> > configured.  
> My guess is that it's a problem in the driver (i.e. in the kernel)
> rather than a problem higher-up in the stack.  IOW there's not much
> Debian can do about it.
> You can find the name of your device driver with something like:
> ls -l /sys/class/net/wlan0/device/driver/module
> [ Replace `wlan0` with the actual name of your wireless device as it
>   appears in `ifconfig` and friends.  ]

In my initial trials and tribulations with this thing, the driver was
the first thing I checked.  No, got the correct one.  Just had to
install the non-free Realtek firmware package which I did before even
plugging it in.

But as it turned out, my "problem" was me trying to get it to come up
at boot which the system and software and device weren't designed to
do.  Unfortunately, I didn't initially realize that.

Thanks for your reply.


Re: usenet connection

2019-07-20 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 09:11:40 -0500
Charles Zeitler  wrote:

Hello Charles,

>Sat Jul 20 08:59:46 2019 - Error connecting to
>"" (Cannot assign requested address)
>Sat Jul 20 09:02:02 2019 - Error connecting to
>"" (Connection timed out)

Have you tried any of the other ports they allow?  For an SSL connect,
5563 is also allowed.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Do you want to play?
Play With Me - Extreme

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: SOLVED: Wpa_Supplicant Fails Authentication

2019-07-20 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 17:00:58 +0100
Brad Rogers  wrote:

> On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 08:51:17 -0700
> Patrick Bartek  wrote:
> Hello Patrick,
> >restart. Must wait until boot fully completes, then plug in wireless
> >which is a hassle due to where the box is. I wanted the wireless to  
> Front panel USB port, if you have a spare bay to fit one into.
> Alternatively, a USB extension cable so you can avoid the crawling
> around.

I have two front USB ports, but I need both free for temporary devices
I use frequently.

This dongle already comes with an extension cable. That's one reason I
got it.  The dongle and antenna combo plug into a weighted base, but
the fit is so tight it's very difficult to plug and unplug it. Afraid I
might break it.  Maybe it will loosen up overtime.

But since I only shutdown the system to clean it and have to pull it
out of its cubbyhole anyway to do so, access to the rear easier.

So, two options available.



Re: Wpa_Supplicant Fails Authentication

2019-07-20 Thread Stefan Monnier
> Solved the wpa_supplicant "No Such Device" problem on my system.
> Change "allow-hotplug" to "auto" of wireless device stanza
> in /etc/network/interfaces.  But now wpa_supplicant fails to
> authenticate.  However, wireless dongle (Rosewill RNX-N180UBEv3) will
> connect with security turned off on router and interfaces appropriately
> configured.

My guess is that it's a problem in the driver (i.e. in the kernel)
rather than a problem higher-up in the stack.  IOW there's not much
Debian can do about it.

You can find the name of your device driver with something like:

ls -l /sys/class/net/wlan0/device/driver/module

[ Replace `wlan0` with the actual name of your wireless device as it
  appears in `ifconfig` and friends.  ]


Re: usenet connection

2019-07-20 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 10:14:39 -0500
Charles Zeitler  wrote:

> thanks for your reply.
> i didn't want to say this, but i get connected on my windows installation.

Do a Google search to see if others are having the same problem.  Could
be the news supplier changed its configurations without notifying you.
Check your firewall settings.  Contact your Usenet supplier admin with
the problem, particularly if you're paying for the service.  I always
used free Usenet services.  Never had a problem.


> On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 10:00 AM Patrick Bartek  wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 09:11:40 -0500
> > Charles Zeitler  wrote:
> >  
> > > for a couple of days it sufficed me to stop firewalld service
> > > to get a usenet connection.
> > >
> > > today i get :
> > > Sat Jul 20 08:59:46 2019 - Error connecting to
> > > "" (Cannot assign requested address)
> > > Sat Jul 20 09:02:02 2019 - Error connecting to
> > > "" (Connection timed out)
> > >
> > > any ideas?  
> >
> > Maybe news server is down or too many connected or a DOS attack?  Have
> > you tried connecting at other times or on different days?
> >
> > B
> >  

Re: SOLVED: Wpa_Supplicant Fails Authentication

2019-07-20 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 08:51:17 -0700
Patrick Bartek  wrote:

Hello Patrick,

>restart. Must wait until boot fully completes, then plug in wireless
>which is a hassle due to where the box is. I wanted the wireless to

Front panel USB port, if you have a spare bay to fit one into.
Alternatively, a USB extension cable so you can avoid the crawling

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Please don't ask me
Ask Mr Waverley - The Cortinas

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

SOLVED: Wpa_Supplicant Fails Authentication

2019-07-20 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Fri, 19 Jul 2019 13:30:34 -0700
Patrick Bartek  wrote:

> Hi! All,
> Solved the wpa_supplicant "No Such Device" problem on my system.
> Change "allow-hotplug" to "auto" of wireless device stanza
> in /etc/network/interfaces.  But now wpa_supplicant fails to
> authenticate.  However, wireless dongle (Rosewill RNX-N180UBEv3) will
> connect with security turned off on router and interfaces appropriately
> configured.
> Checked dongle on a friends older (4 or 5 years?) notebook running
> Windows 10. Entered passphrase in network manager, and it connected and
> worked just fine. Router works, too. My 5 or 6 year old Nexus 4 LG 960
> smartphone works with it, the Roku device on the TV, too; and so does a
> 10 year old Kobo eBook Reader.
> Thought it might be related to my atypical Stretch install on this old
> (4 to 12 years, depending on the part) under-the-desk box -- minimal
> install, window manager Openbox only, sysvinit, no network manager at
> all. Had never intended it to be wireless capable, but have installed
> all the appropriate wireless software. So, I pulled out a Stretch Live
> USB thumb drive (LXDE GUI, systemd and all) and booted it up. After
> installing the non-free Realtek drivers, brought DOWN the wired
> ethernet, unplugged it, and inserted wireless dongle. It got recognized
> and proper driver loaded, but I had to bring it UP manually.  Using
> wicd, I configured the proper passphrase, etc. and clicked CONNECT.  It
> failed to authenticate, too!
> So, anyone got any ideas what the problem might be or a fix?  My
> research has led to nothing that worked.  And I'd like to get rid of the
> 50' ethernet cable running down the hall. ;)
> Thanks
> B

SHORT VERSION:  Wireless USB dongle cannot be plugged in at boot or
restart. Must wait until boot fully completes, then plug in wireless
which is a hassle due to where the box is. I wanted the wireless to
come up at boot for convenience, but what are you going to do?
Fortuantely, I only reboot the system every couple of months or three
to vacuum it out -- it's very dusty here in the high desert.


Re: HTTP shimmed to HTTPS

2019-07-20 Thread peter
*   From: Reco 

Re: usenet connection

2019-07-20 Thread rhkramer
On Saturday, July 20, 2019 11:14:39 AM Charles Zeitler wrote:
> thanks for your reply.
> i didn't want to say this, but i get connected on my windows installation.

I can understand your reluctance to mention Windows on this list, but that is 
some useful / key information that would avoid going down some blind alleys in 
the troubleshooting process.

Re: Obtenir versions antigues d'un paquet amb debsnap

2019-07-20 Thread Narcis Garcia
Realment interessant.
No trobo manera de demanar-li un llistat de versions d'un paquet per una
mateixa «distro», com per exemple dir-li "stretch"

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 20/7/19 a les 15:55, Alex Muntada ha escrit:
> Hola,
> en aquesta llista hem esmentat alguns cops el servei d'arxiu de
> les versions antigues dels paquets: Doncs
> ahir van esmentar al canal #debian-til (TIL==Today I Learnt)
> l'ordre debsnap (paquet devscripts), que permet llistar i
> descarregar fàcilment les versions que vulgueu de qualsevol
> paquet. Per exemple:
> $ debsnap --list --arch i386 firefox
> $ debsnap --arch i386 firefox 58.0.1-1+b1
> Espero que us sembli tan interessant com a mi, que ho necessitava
> fa uns dies per comparar les diferents versions d'un paquet per
> detectar en quin moment s'havia introduït un canvi.
> Salut!
> Alex
> --
>   ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀
>   ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁   Alex Muntada 
>   ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   Debian Developer 
>   ⠈⠳⣄

Re: usenet connection

2019-07-20 Thread Charles Zeitler
thanks for your reply.

i didn't want to say this, but i get connected on my windows installation.

On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 10:00 AM Patrick Bartek  wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 09:11:40 -0500
> Charles Zeitler  wrote:
> > for a couple of days it sufficed me to stop firewalld service
> > to get a usenet connection.
> >
> > today i get :
> > Sat Jul 20 08:59:46 2019 - Error connecting to
> > "" (Cannot assign requested address)
> > Sat Jul 20 09:02:02 2019 - Error connecting to
> > "" (Connection timed out)
> >
> > any ideas?
> Maybe news server is down or too many connected or a DOS attack?  Have
> you tried connecting at other times or on different days?
> B

 The Perfect Is The Enemy Of
 The Good Enough

Re: usenet connection

2019-07-20 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 09:11:40 -0500
Charles Zeitler  wrote:

> for a couple of days it sufficed me to stop firewalld service
> to get a usenet connection.
> today i get :
> Sat Jul 20 08:59:46 2019 - Error connecting to
> "" (Cannot assign requested address)
> Sat Jul 20 09:02:02 2019 - Error connecting to
> "" (Connection timed out)
> any ideas?

Maybe news server is down or too many connected or a DOS attack?  Have
you tried connecting at other times or on different days?


usenet connection

2019-07-20 Thread Charles Zeitler
for a couple of days it sufficed me to stop firewalld service
to get a usenet connection.

today i get :
Sat Jul 20 08:59:46 2019 - Error connecting to
"" (Cannot assign requested address)
Sat Jul 20 09:02:02 2019 - Error connecting to
"" (Connection timed out)

any ideas?


charles zeitler
 The Perfect Is The Enemy Of
 The Good Enough

Obtenir versions antigues d'un paquet amb debsnap

2019-07-20 Thread Alex Muntada
en aquesta llista hem esmentat alguns cops el servei d'arxiu de
les versions antigues dels paquets: Doncs
ahir van esmentar al canal #debian-til (TIL==Today I Learnt)
l'ordre debsnap (paquet devscripts), que permet llistar i
descarregar fàcilment les versions que vulgueu de qualsevol
paquet. Per exemple:

$ debsnap --list --arch i386 firefox
$ debsnap --arch i386 firefox 58.0.1-1+b1

Espero que us sembli tan interessant com a mi, que ho necessitava
fa uns dies per comparar les diferents versions d'un paquet per
detectar en quin moment s'havia introduït un canvi.


  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁   Alex Muntada 
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   Debian Developer 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hibernation takes too long

2019-07-20 Thread Carl Fink

On 7/20/19 12:43 AM, Shahryar Afifi wrote:

Up to 2 Min

6GB dynamic
6GB swap
swapness 50

I don't know which log file to loo into...

Thank you.

What are you using for bulk storage? Your system
has to copy ~12 gigabytes into it. Do the math--is
that the main reason for your wait?

Carl Fink

Read my blog at  Reviews!  Observations!

Re: mare de google

2019-07-20 Thread debian-user-fr
SaluX !

Avec Fairphone : no problème pou installer du "no-google" :
Fairphone Install OS



Le 20/07/2019 à 12:31, Cyril Augier a écrit :
> Salut !
> Une alternative à la l'achat d'un nouveau téléphone, ça peut être de le
> dégoogliser à la main. 
> Depuis l'outil Adb, tu peux ouvrir un shell pour manipuler ton téléphone
> depuis l'intérieur. Pm - le gestionnaire de paquet - peut tout supprimer
> du moment que tu précises que la suppression doit se faire avec l'UID 0.
> Ensuite tu remplaces tout par des apps et services sans Google depuis
> F-Droid. Et hop !
> On 19/07/19 - 17:56, Georges  wrote:
>> Bonjour,
>>  Je ne supporte plus que à la moindre manipulation de mon téléphone une
>>  application Google/Android me demande une autorisation d'accéder à mes
>>  données, photos et autres.
>>  Connaissez vous un téléphone GSM avec lequel je pourrait téléphoner,
>>  utiliser les SMS, l'appareil photos sans cet énorme inquisition ?
>>  Le mieux en Open Source ;-)
>>  Merci d'avance
>>  ps : J'utilise Debian depuis potato

Re: (deb-cat) Avantatges de x86_64 sobre i686

2019-07-20 Thread Narcis Garcia
I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

El 13/7/19 a les 12:51, ha escrit:
>> Alguna altra cosa que m'hagi de fer decantar a determinats escenaris*?
> 64 bits acostuma a donar més rendiment en reproducció de vídeo, alguns
> algorismes d'encriptació/desencriptació, compressió/descompressió de
> fitxers

Pel comú dels usuaris, una part crítica és la navegació web, donat que
s'exigeix el correcte funcionament de grans plataformes web.
En quina mesura la renderització de pàgines amb Mozilla Firefox pot ser
més àgil tractant-se de x86_64 o i686?
Amb això, val la pena el sacrifici d'un 20% de RAM en un ordinador petit?

Re: Buster installer on USB searches for CDROM instead of using USB drive

2019-07-20 Thread Thomas Schmitt

TomK/Brian_S  wrote:
> I disabled all boot devices in the BIOS, except the USB drive. It works
> now.

This is surprising and unplausible even within the usual range of firmware

I understand that the "mount CDROM step" is performed by a Linux kernel
on behalf of software in the initial RAM disk. The boot device settings of
the firmware should have no influence on the Linux kernel.

Since i suspect a race condition between kernel device assessment and
assessment requests by the initrd, your success might be pure luck.
Or your failure might have been pure bad luck.
Not many others complain about problems with Debian 10 ISOs on USB stick.

Well, it will hardly be fixed unless somebody can make it reproducible
and perform experiments to find ways to make it non-reproducible.

Have a nice day :)


Re: mare de google

2019-07-20 Thread Cyril Augier
Salut !

Une alternative à la l'achat d'un nouveau téléphone, ça peut être de le
dégoogliser à la main. 

Depuis l'outil Adb, tu peux ouvrir un shell pour manipuler ton téléphone
depuis l'intérieur. Pm - le gestionnaire de paquet - peut tout supprimer
du moment que tu précises que la suppression doit se faire avec l'UID 0.

Ensuite tu remplaces tout par des apps et services sans Google depuis
F-Droid. Et hop !

On 19/07/19 - 17:56, Georges  wrote:
> Bonjour,
>  Je ne supporte plus que à la moindre manipulation de mon téléphone une
>  application Google/Android me demande une autorisation d'accéder à mes
>  données, photos et autres.
>  Connaissez vous un téléphone GSM avec lequel je pourrait téléphoner,
>  utiliser les SMS, l'appareil photos sans cet énorme inquisition ?
>  Le mieux en Open Source ;-)
>  Merci d'avance
>  ps : J'utilise Debian depuis potato

Re: [SPAM] Re: Psychedelic GUI after stable update to buster

2019-07-20 Thread Étienne Mollier
hobie, on 2019-07-20 :
> Thanks. :)  I have a faint memory of inserting 'nomodeset' long years ago
> in the interest of keeping my console screen at 80x25.
> cat /proc/cmdline
> BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-[...] root=UUID=[...] ro nomodeset reboot=pci quiet
 There it is:   ^

I'm not sure about the "reboot=pci" but you might want to remove
"nomodeset" from your GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub,
then `sudo update-grub`.

Otherwise said, in details:

> Contents of /etc/default/grub:
> GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nomodeset reboot=pci"
Remove this:  ^~

> # The resolution used on graphical terminal
> # note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
> # you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
> #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480
And you might also want to uncomment that and introduce the
variable GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep to keep your Linux console
down to 80×25 characters, so the paragraph would become:

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via 
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

Not every graphical driver take this properly in account, but it
should be okay with raedon and amdgpu.

Once this is done, run the following command, and while it runs,
you should see your various kernels being listed.  This will
update the command lines at boot time:

$ sudo update-grub

See how things evolve after issuing a reboot.

Kind Regards,
Étienne Mollier 
   5AB1 4EDF 63BB CCFF 8B54 2FA9 59DA 56FE FFF3 882D

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Re : monter une clé usb en ne connaissant pas son adresse

2019-07-20 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 20/07/2019 à 07:14, a écrit :

Ici, j'ai 3 périphériques de stockage :
∙   mon SSD principal (vendu comme 512 Gb) /dev/sda
∙   et 2 clés USB :
 ∘  un SanDisk (64 Go) /dev/sdb
 ∘  et un no-name 2GB /dev/sdc
Vous pouvez ensuite croiser cette information avec la sortie lsblk pour 
apprendre comment ces points de montage (mountpoints) sont utilisés et quelles 
sont leurs partitions.

/dev/sd? ne sont pas des points de montage, ce sont des fichiers 
spéciaux de périphériques blocs.

sdb 8:16   1  58,4G  0 disk
sdc 8:32   0   1,9G  0 disk
└─sdc1  8:33   0   1,9G  0 part  /media/siltaar/Framakey
Ici, nous apprenons que /dev/sdb n'a pas de sous-partitions en elle, tandis que 
/dev/sdc a la sous-partition /dev/sdc1, qui est montée sur 

Partition. "Sous-partition" impliquerait qu'il y ait une partition dans 
une partition, ce qui n'est pas le cas.

Donc, si vous voulez formater la petite clé USB que vous voulez cibler, elle se 
nomme /dev/sdc1.

Sans oublier de démonter le système de fichiers au préalable, sinon des 
choses bizarres et désagréables pourraient se produire (plantage, 
corruption). Le noyau n'aime pas qu'on modifie un système de fichiers 
monté dans son dos.

HS Re: mare de google

2019-07-20 Thread Georges
Bonjour Bernard,

 Merci, j'ai regardé les liens et conclusion, je me suis encore trompé
 pour mon achat : Wiko Tommy 3 n'est pas compatible avec /e et lineageos

 Mais je vais le revendre et changer ;-)
 Si un conseil pour un modèle, merci à tous.


Le Fri, 19 Jul 2019 18:07:47 +0200 (CEST),

BS a écrit :

> - Mail original -
> > De: "Georges" 
> > À:
> > Envoyé: Vendredi 19 Juillet 2019 17:56:08
> > Objet: mare de google
> > 
> > Bonjour,
> > 
> >  Je ne supporte plus que à la moindre manipulation de mon téléphone
> >  une
> >  application Google/Android me demande une autorisation d'accéder à
> >  mes
> >  données, photos et autres.
> >  Connaissez vous un téléphone GSM avec lequel je pourrait
> > téléphoner, utiliser les SMS, l'appareil photos sans cet énorme
> > inquisition ? Le mieux en Open Source ;-)
> > 
> >  Merci d'avance
> > 
> >  ps : J'utilise Debian depuis potato
> > 
> bonjour,
> désolé, mais je ne connais pas ton ordiphone et par conséquent
> je risque de dire des âneries ...
> le projet alternatif de gael duval :
> alternative non intrusive :
> -a) posséder un téléphone basique (gsm + sms)
> -b) posséder un routeur 4G en connectant sont laptop
> exemple pour le routeur :
> Zyxel 802. 11ac Hotspot Routeur de voyage 4G LTE-A, Cat6 300 Mbps,
> batterie 2800 mAh [WAH7706]
> exemple pour le téléphone GSM :
> Nokia 105 - Téléphone portable débloqué GSM (Ecran 1,8 pouces, ROM
> 32Go, Double SIM) Blanc 
> au moins c'est nettement moins cher qu'un ordiphone
> merci pour votre aimable attention
> slt
> bernard