Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread deloptes
Charlie Gibbs wrote:

> Not withdrawn, no.  But newer software tends to neglect the keyboard
> in favour of pointy-clicky stuff.  Note that I'm not just talking
> about Linux, which really isn't that bad.  On other OSes, however,
> the situation is much worse.

The smartphone generation do not know how to write anyway :) (generalization
I know) but the situation is scary.

I also think that before may be things were overcomplicated and now are

However I stick to Trinity Desktop - it is sometimes complicated, but stable
and gives you the option to control much more.


Re: Réponse à la ML depuis gmail

2020-02-17 Thread Pierre Malard

Il s’agit simplement de la configuration de la liste. Vos logiciels de mails
fonctionnement parfaitement puisque tout mail adressé à la liste est indiqué
comme venant de l’expéditeur (From:), adressé directement ou non à la liste
(To: ou Cc:) sans qu’il ne soit indiqué de réponse forcée à la liste
Dans ces conditions il est normal, et même souhaitable, que tout logiciel de
mail envoie une réponse à … l’expéditeur et la copie à … la liste.

C’est un choix de gestion du gestionnaire de liste. Comme souvent indiqué,
il suffit de virer les champs non souhaités.


> Le 17 févr. 2020 à 10:34, David_dev Dev  a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> J'utilise gmail (ouais bon, arrêtez la pluie de tomates svp :) ), et qd je 
> fais répondre à tous, je me retrouve avec le mail de la personne en A: et la 
> ML en CC ... hors c'est plutôt le contraire qu'on voudrait (voir même que la 
> ML en fait)
> Pour le moment je corrige à la main (presque) à chaque fois, mais c'est 
> pénible.
> David

Pierre Malard

   « Le socialisme vrai ne veut pas renverser l'ordre des classes ;
   il veut fondre les classes dans une organisation du travail qui
   sera meilleure pour tous »
Jean Jaures - "Les misères du patronat" - 1890
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(  `'"'"'-'"'"': '"'"'-3'"'"'2(_/--'"'"'  `-'"'"'\_): 
- --> Ce message n’engage que son auteur <--

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP

Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread
> I also tend to use programs that allow me to use the keyboard.
> mplayer - and its successor, mpv - work great with the keyboard.
> xv works great for displaying GIFs and JPEGs.  (At least older
> ones - some newer JPEGs contain codes that xv can't handle.  At
> that point I reluctantly fall back to ristretto.  No doubt there
> are programs that would suit my needs better, but I haven't been
> willing to take the time to find them.)

You might like gpicview.

I do.

sudo apt install gpicview
copy paste :-)

Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread Charlie Gibbs


On 2020-02-17 at 06:00:01, David Wright 

> On Sun 16 Feb 2020 at 13:03:05 (-0800), Charlie Gibbs wrote:
>> On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 21:10:01 +0100
>> Andrei POPESCU  wrote:
>>> On Du, 16 feb 20, 09:36:16, Charlie Gibbs wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 14:20:01 +0100
 Andrei POPESCU  wrote:

> Just use whatever works for you.

 If you can.  I really resent the increasing amount of coercion
 toward using GUIs (no keyboard equivalents for menus, etc.) that
 I'm seeing in modern software.
>>> Coercion is a strong word. It seems to me it's rather a form of
>>> demand and supply.
>> They're demanding you use what they supply.
> I can understand that on systems where you don't have a choice;
> for example, Hulu on Roku, where they introduced a new interface
> to much disapproval. Many TV interfaces now look as though they
> were designed for mobile phones, and I suspect they are.
> But with Debian, you have choices. I prefer a GUI for browsing,
> and obviously for graphics processing, but one or two other
> programs bridge the gap, like gnumeric and xpdf, where I almost
> entirely use the keyboard, but a few operations are easier with
> a mouse, like copying text out of xpdf, or adjusting column widths
> in gnumeric, for example.
> And I can't think of any software that has been deliberately
> withdrawn because of a GUI replacement.

Not withdrawn, no.  But newer software tends to neglect the keyboard
in favour of pointy-clicky stuff.  Note that I'm not just talking
about Linux, which really isn't that bad.  On other OSes, however,
the situation is much worse.

>>> With touchscreen technology becoming the standard even for laptops
>>> and desktop monitors the demand for keyboard oriented interaction
>>> decreases so the developers must create interfaces that are better
>>> suited for tap / swipe.
>> Fine.  But the keyboard should still be an option.  All I'm asking
>> is that I be allowed to choose.  I'm not insisting that everyone
>> use a keyboard, and likewise people should not insist that I
>> _not_ use a keyboard.
> Perhaps you're not choosing your software with sufficient discernment.
> I gravitate towards applications that have keyboard shortcuts/functions
> and allow you to define more of them.
> Where that's not straightforward, then I try to coerce some other
> application to do the job. So, for example, I define keys in my
> window manager, fvwm, to do such things as control audio levels
> (amixer), take screenshots (scrot) and capture movies (ffmpeg),
> rotate the screen (xrandr), and even emulate Left and Right
> Mouse Clicks, as well as all the usual window functions (raise,
> lower, resize, move, etc).

I also tend to use programs that allow me to use the keyboard.
mplayer - and its successor, mpv - work great with the keyboard.
xv works great for displaying GIFs and JPEGs.  (At least older
ones - some newer JPEGs contain codes that xv can't handle.  At
that point I reluctantly fall back to ristretto.  No doubt there
are programs that would suit my needs better, but I haven't been
willing to take the time to find them.)

> So my mouse gets very little exercise, and most of the time it's
> just used to set which window has focus.

What, you don't use alt-tab?  :-)

>>> The keyboard will soon be used exclusively for text entry and will
>>> probably disappear as soon as we have something better,
>> FSVO "better"
> Well, screens don't seem to have killed off keyboards, as people
> furiously type away with their thumbs on faked ones.
>>> like voice dictation,
>> Good luck if you have a cold.
> Or want any privacy. Or want to carry on a conversation at the same time.
>>> direct neural interface, whatever.
>> Now _that_ might be interesting...
> Alarming. Now there would be justification for thought police.

Depends on how it's implemented.  It does seem less attractive now
than prior to, say, 1984.

> BTW Because your email client seems unable to cope with threading,
> I sometimes link posts manually with mutt's & key; which means
> I look at your quoting attribution text (to link it the correct
> parent). I find its text curious.
> For example, the post I'm replying to has
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 21:10:01 +0100 Andrei POPESCU 

> but the email from Andrei POPESCU quoted is timestamped
> Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2020 21:50:52 +0200
> Apart from any timezone mixups (I prefer my attributions to be given
> in the timezone of the post quoted), where does a time of ten minutes
> and one second past the hour—past any hour—come from? I can't see a
> time resembling that anywhere in the header.

OK, you caught me.  I actually read this list via Usenet, so if I want
to post I have to save the text, build a new message with it, and post
it from scratch.  On the plus side, slrn doesn't need a mouse.  :-)

/~\  Charlie Gibbs  |  Microsoft is a dictatorship.
\ /|  Apple is a cult.

Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread David Wright
On Mon 17 Feb 2020 at 22:10:48 (+), mick crane wrote:
> On 2020-02-17 20:18, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> > > In the 50s I heard that you could tap out the number on the
> > > cradle in the public phone boxes and connect without inserting
> > > coins.

In the mid- to late-60s, there were codes that I believe the engineers
used to bypass putting in money. We discovered that they appeared to be
chosen systematically: in a city, you would dial the 3-digit code for
calling an outlying village, then the 9 they would use to call said
city, then the number you wanted.

> thinking back it was 60's. after that I heard a whistle you got in
> cornflake packets worked for a bit

By the time phone phreaking (requiring tone-dialling) reached the UK,
I had a phone at work. I know people played with it, but I don't recall
how long their window of opportunity was open.

The marginal cost of the odd evening call was swamped by daytime use
of modems/acoustic couplers. At one time, they were logging £200/month
of calls from my office.


Re: help with gitlab on buster

2020-02-17 Thread David Wright
On Mon 17 Feb 2020 at 15:27:06 (+), Graham Seaman wrote:
> On 17/02/2020 06:30, john doe wrote:
> > On 2/16/2020 11:45 PM, Graham Seaman wrote:
> > 
> > > Of course, though this would be easier if I was more sure where
> > > everything was. But the data's no use without the software to read it.
> > > 
> >
> Thanks - bit embarassing I didn't know that existed (I don't think
> there was a backup option when I first installed it). But I've done
> pretty much the same, but manually - rsyncing off the data files,
> psql_dump, etc.
> > Don't Gitlab has some kind of forum/mailing list?
> Yes, it has many forums. I was just hoping someone working on the
> debian side might pick up on this - the debian layout seems rather
> different from the vanilla one(s), though maybe just because the
> version I had was so old.
> > This will not help you for now but the following could be useful in the
> > future:
> > 
> > If you have VMs available, I would suggest you to have a clone of your
> > production "server" and to first on this VM how the upgrade process goes.
> I hadn't thought of running a VM clone of the server - might be
> generally useful. But the server's main jobs are as a router,
> firewall, dnsmasq, mail server, which is where the main problems
> usually are in upgrades, and I think it would be hard to duplicate the
> low-level comms stuff meaningfully in a VM

Would it be possible to run a live stretch system (or install one)
on another machine, onto which you copy the files from your server.
You should be able to install a version of gitlab old enough to
handle your old data. (If necessary, for stretch, read jessie.)

You might not know which non-Debian files *are* necessary for gitlab
to run but presumably you know which trees of files you *don't* need
on this system: anything to do with the "main jobs" you mentioned,
for example.


Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread mick crane

On 2020-02-17 20:18, Doug McGarrett wrote:

In the 50s I heard that you could tap out the number on the cradle in 
the public phone boxes and connect without inserting coins.


Now you tell me!   --doug

thinking back it was 60's. after that I heard a whistle you got in 
cornflake packets worked for a bit



Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread Martin Smith

On 17/02/2020 18:52, mick crane wrote:

On 2020-02-17 16:29, Charles Curley wrote:

On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 22:07:59 -0500
Doug McGarrett  wrote:

(I fell off the stoop
after tripping over my dog's tether in the dark on the 4th of July,
1915, and spent most of the summer in various stages of recovery.)
Maybe some day I'll figure out how to dial a number on the phone.

I suspect that you find having to dial a phone a step backwards in
user interface technology.

For the young whippersnappers in the audience, telephone technology in
1915 required that one pick up the ear piece, wait for the operator to
acknowledge you, and tell her (it was usually a woman) to whom you
wished to speak. She would then connect you by re-arranging physical
patch cords to make physical connections.

And hope it wasn't a long distance call, which could take hours to set

In the 50s I heard that you could tap out the number on the cradle in 
the public phone boxes and connect without inserting coins.
yes we discovered that and did it for a few months, not every day of 
course, until one day after tapping the number the operator came on the 
line and said please insert 4 pennies, that was the cost of a call in 
those days, so that was the end of it.



Re: Xorg non fonctionnel

2020-02-17 Thread Dethegeek

Avec les versions modernes de Xorg, iln'y a généralement plus besoin d'avoir de 
fichier Xorg.conf. tout est détecté automatiquement (en principe, et dans les 
cas standards / courants).

En cherchant comment activer / désactiver le framebuffer au niveau des 
paramètres du noyau, je suis tombé sur cette question, qui a un contexte assez 

(En anglais et de 2012...)

Selon ce que j'y lis, j'essaierais de charger le module vesafb ou uvesafb puis 
tenter de charger l'environnement graphique.

(En root)
modprobe vesafb
modprobe uvesafb # si vesafb a échoué
startx # avec une autre console pour éviter de lancer X en root

Si ça marche, alors il faudrait voir si le module est blacklisté.

Quel est le chipset de l'ordinateur (lspci devrait aider à le déterminer) ?

Le 17 février 2020 18:42:35 GMT+01:00, "Nicolas PÉCHON" 
 a écrit :
>>En complément que la question de Nicolas: Est-ce qu'il y a un fichier
>>/etc/X11/xorg.conf ? Si oui quel est son contenu ?
>En fait, pas de xorg.conf
>Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec Courriel K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser
>ma brièveté.

Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec Courriel K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser ma 

Re: Disco Duro

2020-02-17 Thread Galvatorix Torixgalva

bueno, espero no llegar demasiado tarde a este asunto, pero de todas formas
ahi va.

Te sugiero que uses la iso del DLC, y ya puestos tambien la del sergei
strelec. Ambas isos tienen programas para analisis, rescate de datos y
otras cosas muy utiles.

Espero que tengas suerte.

Un saludo

Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread Doug McGarrett

On 2/17/20 1:52 PM, mick crane wrote:

On 2020-02-17 16:29, Charles Curley wrote:

On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 22:07:59 -0500
Doug McGarrett  wrote:

(I fell off the stoop
after tripping over my dog's tether in the dark on the 4th of July,
1915, and spent most of the summer in various stages of recovery.)
Maybe some day I'll figure out how to dial a number on the phone.

I suspect that you find having to dial a phone a step backwards in
user interface technology.

For the young whippersnappers in the audience, telephone technology in
1915 required that one pick up the ear piece, wait for the operator to
acknowledge you, and tell her (it was usually a woman) to whom you
wished to speak. She would then connect you by re-arranging physical
patch cords to make physical connections.

And hope it wasn't a long distance call, which could take hours to set

In the 50s I heard that you could tap out the number on the cradle in 
the public phone boxes and connect without inserting coins.


Now you tell me!   --doug

Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread Doug McGarrett

On 2/17/20 10:03 AM, Dan Purgert wrote:

On Feb 17, 2020, Curt wrote:

On 2020-02-17, Doug McGarrett  wrote:

[...] I hope I never have to do so again. (I fell off the stoop
after tripping over my dog's tether in the dark on the 4th of July,
1915, and spent most of the summer in various stages of recovery.)
Maybe some day I'll figure out how to dial a number on the phone.

I'm sure you must've recovered by now and greatly admire (and remain
somewhat astounded by) your longevity.

Not to mention the fact he had a working mobile phone some 60 years
before they were invented!

OK, 2015. I just reread the post, and I didn't catch it then, either!

Re: Fwd: Re: Réponse à la ML depuis gmail

2020-02-17 Thread Petrusko
Oui il faut peut-etre un peu plus de patience, les machines bossent... à
leur rythme ;)

Le 17/02/2020 à 13:27, Maxime G. a écrit :
> 3ème envoi:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Installing Debian on an HP Pavilion p2-1140 64bit computer

2020-02-17 Thread David Anthony
I have installed Debian on my laptop (lenovo 120S) without any problem.  I
am trying to install it on my desktop, a HP Paavilion p2-1140 64bit.
Everything goes very well until it starts to install "Grub."  At that
point, the machine locks up and I have to reboot.  I have tried multiple
times to install with the same results.  I also tried to install Mint with
the same results.  Has anyone else had the problem and is there a way
around it?

*David Anthony*

33 Centerville Commons Way
Centerville, UT 84014
Cell-801-360-4 <801-709-9430>950

Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread mick crane

On 2020-02-17 16:29, Charles Curley wrote:

On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 22:07:59 -0500
Doug McGarrett  wrote:

(I fell off the stoop
after tripping over my dog's tether in the dark on the 4th of July,
1915, and spent most of the summer in various stages of recovery.)
Maybe some day I'll figure out how to dial a number on the phone.

I suspect that you find having to dial a phone a step backwards in
user interface technology.

For the young whippersnappers in the audience, telephone technology in
1915 required that one pick up the ear piece, wait for the operator to
acknowledge you, and tell her (it was usually a woman) to whom you
wished to speak. She would then connect you by re-arranging physical
patch cords to make physical connections.

And hope it wasn't a long distance call, which could take hours to set

In the 50s I heard that you could tap out the number on the cradle in 
the public phone boxes and connect without inserting coins.



Re: always_bcc

2020-02-17 Thread ssanchezhlg

Yoelvis Pozo  escribió:

Hola amigos tengo mi servidor de correo en postfix + dovecot pero desde
hace un tiempo no me hace la copias carbón de los correos, me asegure de
que el buzón estuviera lleno  y elimine todos los mensajes , probé con otra
cuenta pero la realidad es que no me está guardando esas copias . Si me
pudieran ayudar

En mi caso lo tengo de la siguiente forma

always_bcc =
sender_bcc_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/
recipient_bcc_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/

tu lo usas con ldap o con mysql


This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


Re: Xorg non fonctionnel

2020-02-17 Thread Nicolas PÉCHON

>En complément que la question de Nicolas: Est-ce qu'il y a un fichier
>/etc/X11/xorg.conf ? Si oui quel est son contenu ?

En fait, pas de xorg.conf

Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec Courriel K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser ma 

Re: Xorg non fonctionnel

2020-02-17 Thread Nicolas PÉCHON

Le 17 février 2020 09:25:43 GMT+01:00, 
>Peut-être y a-t-il un paramètre vga=quelquechose dans le fichier
>/etc/default/grub (à la ligne GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT ou
>GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX). Avec le compte root (ou en mode sudo), édite le
>fichier, vire le paramètre, puis lance la commande update-grub et
>redémarre le PC. Il est fort possible que X démarre normalement. 

Malheureusement, la ligne ne comprend que le paramètre `quiet`

Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec Courriel K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser ma 


2020-02-17 Thread Yoelvis Pozo
Hola amigos tengo mi servidor de correo en postfix + dovecot pero desde
hace un tiempo no me hace la copias carbón de los correos, me asegure de
que el buzón estuviera lleno  y elimine todos los mensajes , probé con otra
cuenta pero la realidad es que no me está guardando esas copias . Si me
pudieran ayudar

Re: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) was broken after upgraded from stretch-backports.

2020-02-17 Thread didier . gaumet

> Στις 2020-02-17 13:17, Anastasios Lisgaras έγραψε:
> > 1. I created this file : /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list
> > (
> > 2. I also created this file :
> > /etc/apt/preferences.d/89_stretch-backports_default
> > (
> > 
> > and then I ran :
> > ```
> > apt update && apt list --upgradable && apt dist-upgrade && apt-get
> > autoremove -y && apt-get autoclean -y && apt-get clean
> > The problem is that after restarting the computer could not boot
> > properly and especially with a graphical interface.
> > - Is the upgrade to blame? Hasn't it been done correctly (basically it
> > definitely won't have been done correctly) ?
> > - Do you think I should add it here
> > `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list`
> > ( the 'contrib non-free' at the end 
> > of
> > the two sources?
> > 
> > What is to blame and what should I do to fix it?


As far as I understand it:
- Backports repository is not intended as an ordinary repo from which you can 
install all the packages.Its purpose is to let the user install selected 
packages for which there is a need for a more recent version (option -t). 
Installing all packages from backports may lead to problems.
- By default your ordinary repo has a 500 priority and backports a 100 
priority: when you set up a 500 priority for backports, it means that that 
backports has priority over your ordinary repo, because the version numbers are 
- If your ordinary (Oldstable or Stretch, in your case) repo line (or 
sources.list.d file) in sources.list mentions "contrib non-free" it is 
preferable to mention it too for the backports line. Then, generally, if you 
use a backports kernel, you will want to use also the backports firmwares 
instead of the ordinary ones.

the backports page of the wiki:

Re : Re: Fwd: Re: Réponse à la ML depuis gmail

2020-02-17 Thread k6dedijon
J'ai le mème problème avec le service webmail Free.

Je pense que cela pourrait être résolu côté serveur en configurant la fonction 
répondre à : 
et en mettant systématiquement l'adresse de la liste dans ce champ.


- Mail d'origine -
De: Jérémy Prego 
Envoyé: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 14:08:17 +0100 (CET)
Objet: Re: Fwd: Re: Réponse à la ML depuis gmail


nous avons reçu vos 3 envois

Le 17/02/2020 à 13:27, Maxime G. a écrit :
> 3ème envoi:
> J'ai le même problème avec rainloop, le From: et le To: sont replacés en A 
> lors d'une réponse.
> Ce serait bien que l’expéditeur soit forgé, mais ce n'est pas une solution 
> idéale.
> Plus grave: personnellement, 1 mail sur 2 en réponses que je fais à la ML ne 
> sont pas retransmis
> par la ML.
> Je soupçonne la ML de supprimer soit arbitrairement des mails par validation 
> manuelle, soit le
> système automatisé est défectueux.
> Je cite:
> "Un filtrage du spam et des virus est effectué sur les messages à destination 
> des listes Debian.
> Environ 1 message sur 400 envoyés vers les listes passe au travers des 
> filtres ; le reste est
> supprimé car considéré comme du spam."
> Il faut agir car ça devient vraiment usant de se faire supprimer ses réponses 
> sur de l'aide
> utilisateur.
> 17 février 2020 11:11 "hamster"  a écrit:
>> Le 17/02/2020 à 10:34, David_dev Dev a écrit :
>>> Bonjour,
>>> J'utilise gmail (ouais bon, arrêtez la pluie de tomates svp :) ), et
>>> qd je fais répondre à tous, je me retrouve avec le mail de la personne
>>> en A: et la ML en CC ... hors c'est plutôt le contraire qu'on voudrait
>>> (voir même que la ML en fait)
>>> Pour le moment je corrige à la main (presque) à chaque fois, mais
>>> c'est pénible.
>> J'utilise thunderbird et quand je fais "répondre a tous" j'ai
>> l'expéditeur et la liste qui sont tous les deux en A:
>> Tu peux très bien utiliser thunderbird pour consulter une boite gmail.
>> Faire "répondre a tous" sur une liste comme celle ci est une mauvaise
>> idée : celui a qui tu répond est aussi inscrit sur la liste (sinon il
>> aurait pas pu poster) et du coup il recoit ton message en double, une
>> fois directement et une fois en passant par la liste. En plus, si il a
>> mis un filtre pour classer automatiquement les messages de la liste, la
>> version qu'il recoit directement ne sera pas traitée par le filtre et il
>> devra la classer a la main. Non seulement c'est pénible mais en plus
>> contrairement a une boite gmail, il ne peut pas changer les choses lui
>> meme. Il vaut bien mieux répondre a la liste et uniquement a la liste
>> (comme tout le monde le fait, sauf toi et bernard).

Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread Charles Curley
On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 22:07:59 -0500
Doug McGarrett  wrote:

> (I fell off the stoop
> after tripping over my dog's tether in the dark on the 4th of July, 
> 1915, and spent most of the summer in various stages of recovery.)
> Maybe some day I'll figure out how to dial a number on the phone.

I suspect that you find having to dial a phone a step backwards in
user interface technology.

For the young whippersnappers in the audience, telephone technology in
1915 required that one pick up the ear piece, wait for the operator to
acknowledge you, and tell her (it was usually a woman) to whom you
wished to speak. She would then connect you by re-arranging physical
patch cords to make physical connections.

And hope it wasn't a long distance call, which could take hours to set

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: need syntax for /etc/fstab to mount space on an ssd over /tmp

2020-02-17 Thread Gene Heskett
On Monday 17 February 2020 06:57:56 Carl Fink wrote:

> On 2/17/20 5:00 AM, Klaus Singvogel wrote:
> > elvis wrote:
> >> On 17/2/20 3:10 pm, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >>> Greetings all;
> >>>
> >>> I am trying to remove as much write activity as possible from the
> >>> u-sd that a raspi boots from.  To that end I'll create a partition
> >>> on an ssd, of 5000 megs, then copy the existing /tmp's contents to
> >>> it it, then mount the ssd partition of that name on top of it
> >>> where it is in the u-sd now. A partition labeled tmp-u-sd-temp
> >>> would be about the least mistake prone to put in /etc/fstab. I did
> >>> this once at least a decade or more ago because I outgrew the
> >>> /home/partition but can't in 2020 remember the fstab syntax a
> >>> decade+ later.
> >>>
> >>> Can someone help
> >>
> >> This is not the asked solution to the problem, but why not just
> >> have your root on nfs? No need to worry about any writes to the
> >> card then.
> >
> > I, for myself, have the problem, that can't catch him.
> >
> > He is speaking about a u-sd, but I'm only familiar with: ssd or usb.
> > Both sound similar, are different to handle, and at the end it's
> > something completly different he want's to know.
> I believe he means a "micro SD" and is using the letter "u" to stand
> in for Greek mu.

Exactly Carl.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: need syntax for /etc/fstab to mount space on an ssd over /tmp

2020-02-17 Thread Gene Heskett
On Monday 17 February 2020 05:00:14 Klaus Singvogel wrote:

> elvis wrote:
> > On 17/2/20 3:10 pm, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > Greetings all;
> > >
> > > I am trying to remove as much write activity as possible from the
> > > u-sd that a raspi boots from.  To that end I'll create a partition
> > > on an ssd, of 5000 megs, then copy the existing /tmp's contents to
> > > it it, then mount the ssd partition of that name on top of it
> > > where it is in the u-sd now. A partition labeled tmp-u-sd-temp
> > > would be about the least mistake prone to put in /etc/fstab. I did
> > > this once at least a decade or more ago because I outgrew the
> > > /home/partition but can't in 2020 remember the fstab syntax a
> > > decade+ later.
> > >
> > > Can someone help
> >
> > This is not the asked solution to the problem, but why not just have
> > your root on nfs? No need to worry about any writes to the card
> > then.
> I, for myself, have the problem, that can't catch him.
> He is speaking about a u-sd, but I'm only familiar with: ssd or usb.
> Both sound similar, are different to handle, and at the end it's
> something completly different he want's to know.
The u-sd is the usual abbreviation for the teeny little 64G micro-sd card 
the pi boots from.  With 64G to play in its going to last a lot longer 
before it fails than an 8G card, and removeing temporary writes to /tmp 
by transferring them to a SSD plugged into a usb3 port, it should last 
at least until the rapture. Or until my pacemaker needs replaced in 
another 9 years because the battery is failing.  Since I'm now 85, that 
would make me 94 yo then.

Does this clarify it for you? :)

> Best regards,
>   Klaus.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: need syntax for /etc/fstab to mount space on an ssd over /tmp

2020-02-17 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Carl Fink wrote:
> On 2/17/20 5:00 AM, Klaus Singvogel wrote:
> > elvis wrote:
> > > On 17/2/20 3:10 pm, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > Greetings all;
> > > > 
> > > > I am trying to remove as much write activity as possible from the u-sd
> > > > that a raspi boots from.  To that end I'll create a partition on an ssd,
> > > > of 5000 megs, then copy the existing /tmp's contents to it it, then
> > > > mount the ssd partition of that name on top of it where it is in the
> > > > u-sd now. A partition labeled tmp-u-sd-temp would be about the least
> > > > mistake prone to put in /etc/fstab. I did this once at least a decade or
> > > > more ago because I outgrew the /home/partition but can't in 2020
> > > > remember the fstab syntax a decade+ later.
> > > > 
> > > > Can someone help
> > > This is not the asked solution to the problem, but why not just have your
> > > root on nfs? No need to worry about any writes to the card then.
> > I, for myself, have the problem, that can't catch him.
> > 
> > He is speaking about a u-sd, but I'm only familiar with: ssd or usb.
> > Both sound similar, are different to handle, and at the end it's something
> > completly different he want's to know.
> > 
> I believe he means a "micro SD" and is using the letter "u" to stand in for
> Greek mu.

Thanks. This clarifies it.

The synatx of fstab is so often to find in the net, that I don't want
to copy it again. Look at:

Some hints from me:

- I prefer using UUIDs for instead of device names (see above link)

- /tmp is usually not the place where a lot of data is written.
  Noisy places are:
  - /var/log, and especially /var/log/journal
  - swap spaces, please check via your /proc/swaps
  - caches, like firefox, chromium uses in /home//.
  - database files, found in /var/lib/

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: need syntax for /etc/fstab to mount space on an ssd over /tmp

2020-02-17 Thread Gene Heskett
On Monday 17 February 2020 01:34:02 Andrei POPESCU wrote:

> On Lu, 17 feb 20, 00:10:52, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Greetings all;
> >
> > I am trying to remove as much write activity as possible from the
> > u-sd that a raspi boots from.  To that end I'll create a partition
> > on an ssd, of 5000 megs, then copy the existing /tmp's contents to
> > it it, then mount the ssd partition of that name on top of it where
> > it is in the u-sd now. A partition labeled tmp-u-sd-temp would be
> > about the least mistake prone to put in /etc/fstab. I did this once
> > at least a decade or more ago because I outgrew the /home/partition
> > but can't in 2020 remember the fstab syntax a decade+ later.
> To mount by label:
> # what  where   typeoptions dumpfsck order
> LABEL=tmp-u-sd-temp /tmpext4noatime 0   2
> man fstab
Thanks Andrei.

> Kind regards,
> Andrei

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: help with gitlab on buster

2020-02-17 Thread Graham Seaman

On 17/02/2020 06:30, john doe wrote:

On 2/16/2020 11:45 PM, Graham Seaman wrote:

Of course, though this would be easier if I was more sure where
everything was. But the data's no use without the software to read it.
Thanks - bit embarassing I didn't know that existed (I don't think there 
was a backup option when I first installed it). But I've done pretty 
much the same, but manually - rsyncing off the data files, psql_dump, etc.

Don't Gitlab has some kind of forum/mailing list?

Yes, it has many forums. I was just hoping someone working on the debian 
side might pick up on this - the debian layout seems rather different 
from the vanilla one(s), though maybe just because the version I had was 
so old.

This will not help you for now but the following could be useful in the

If you have VMs available, I would suggest you to have a clone of your
production "server" and to first on this VM how the upgrade process goes.

I hadn't thought of running a VM clone of the server - might be 
generally useful. But the server's main jobs are as a router, firewall, 
dnsmasq, mail server, which is where the main problems usually are in 
upgrades, and I think it would be hard to duplicate the low-level comms 
stuff meaningfully in a VM

Also, Gitlab seems overkill in your situation, if you need Git, simply
use the Git package and a frontend if you like.

Definitely. I think I might abandon gitlab and go with something much 
simpler like gitweb. Ideally something I'm sure will be long-term 

As I don't use Gitlab myself, that's all I can help you with.

Kind of you to reply as a non-gitlab user! Thanks.


John Doe

Re: FOSS friendly PDA?

2020-02-17 Thread Richard Owlett

On 02/17/2020 09:01 AM, Kenneth Parker wrote:
There were two "pure Linux" PDAs that I fully enjoyed using.  [1] Agenda 
VR3.  It was a joy to use, but had a few downsides:  Batteries went down 
fast.  Even though the PDA was pure Linux, it didn't support Linux on 
your PC.  Screen was "iffy". And their Marketing wasn't good enough, for 
them to stay around.  (I still have mine, but the screen is barely 

[2] Sharp Zaurus.  Also a joy to use.  Unfortunately, I no longer have 
the hardware, but I think that there is still a User Community for them.

One of my favorite actions, was to Telnet (local network only!) to them, 
so that I get a large, full screen Shell on an "itsy bitsy" PDA.

Good luck on your search!

Kenneth Parker

If either were in current production and available in U.S. I would buy!
I'm attempting to do a "proof of concept" with readily available 
Raspberry Pi hardware. Currently selecting components.

 If I'm happy with the result I'll investigate the use of Raspberry Pi 
Compute Module 
to make something comfortably thin.

Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread Dan Purgert
On Feb 17, 2020, Curt wrote:
> On 2020-02-17, Doug McGarrett  wrote:
>> [...] I hope I never have to do so again. (I fell off the stoop
>> after tripping over my dog's tether in the dark on the 4th of July, 
>> 1915, and spent most of the summer in various stages of recovery.)
>> Maybe some day I'll figure out how to dial a number on the phone.
> I'm sure you must've recovered by now and greatly admire (and remain
> somewhat astounded by) your longevity.

Not to mention the fact he had a working mobile phone some 60 years
before they were invented! 

|_|_|O| Github:
|O|O|O| PGP: 05CA 9A50 3F2E 1335 4DC5  4AEE 8E11 DDF3 1279 A281

Description: PGP signature

Re: FOSS friendly PDA?

2020-02-17 Thread Kenneth Parker
There were two "pure Linux" PDAs that I fully enjoyed using.  [1] Agenda
VR3.  It was a joy to use, but had a few downsides:  Batteries went down
fast.  Even though the PDA was pure Linux, it didn't support Linux on your
PC.  Screen was "iffy". And their Marketing wasn't good enough, for them to
stay around.  (I still have mine, but the screen is barely readable).

[2] Sharp Zaurus.  Also a joy to use.  Unfortunately, I no longer have the
hardware, but I think that there is still a User Community for them.

One of my favorite actions, was to Telnet (local network only!) to them, so
that I get a large, full screen Shell on an "itsy bitsy" PDA.

Good luck on your search!

Kenneth Parker

Re: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) was broken after upgraded from stretch-backports.

2020-02-17 Thread Nektarios Katakis

Στις 2020-02-17 13:17, Anastasios Lisgaras έγραψε:

Hello Debian community,

Recently I needed to (to be honest, I had the *desire*) to have newer
software release.

In particular I wanted to install the nautilus-nextcloud` package
which is exist in my laptop with Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

but in Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) - on my desktop - there wasn't in
the basic default repositories ( and I try to have the basic installed
software on my system by the official Debian repositories ).
Since I'm sure there isn't :

I saw that in the stretch-backports repositories, there is :

In order not to tire you with my thoughts, I'll just tell you, at first
I just wanted to install this particular package, but then I thought it
was time to upgrade my entire system. But i did not follow the right
path (documentation) and at the moment i have a broken system which you
are having trouble getting started.

So in the end, I just upgraded my whole system (or so I think anyway).

# What did I do.
1. I created this file : /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list
2. I also created this file :

and then I ran :
apt update && apt list --upgradable && apt dist-upgrade && apt-get
autoremove -y && apt-get autoclean -y && apt-get clean

but before restarting the system I kept all the logging from the update
and you can see it in here:

# The result and the weird problem.

The problem is that after restarting the computer could not boot
properly and especially with a graphical interface.
This is where the problems begin :

At first even from recovery mode, I had no internet.
Looking and reading and as I had suspected that something might be to
blame for networking (, i went
to the file `/etc/network/interfaces` and I commented out the "bridge
setup", so this file now has this:

See also the contents of the file `etc/gdm3/daemon.conf` ( if useful ) 

Because at some point in the startup, I was getting the message
`firmware: failed to load rtl_nic/rtl8168f-1.fw`, I saw this solution
here ( and indeed, this message
I think no longer appears.

But I no longer at all to have a graphical user interface ( I use GNOME
as a graphical interface - desktop environment )
- Is the docker to blame? Delete it? (No problem if I need to delete it
so I can use my system.)
- Is the graphics card to blame?
- Is the upgrade to blame? Hasn't it been done correctly (basically it
definitely won't have been done correctly) ?
- Do you think I should add it here
( the 'contrib non-free' at the end 

the two sources?

What is to blame and what should I do to fix it?

However, the last picture of my system, is the one shown here:
If it is convenient or shows something more, here is the result of the
command [journalctl -b](
At startup, after this point : i just type
"Alt" + "F4" and goes me to the terminal.
Luckily at least I have access from the terminal (and then ssh into the

# The detailed features of my system.
Linux 4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.67-2+deb10u2~bpo9+1
(2019-11-12) x86_64 GNU/Linux
OS : Debian GNU/Linux 9.12 (stretch)
Desktop Environment : GNOME Shell 3.22.3
CPU : MD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor
RAM : 15940 MiB
Motherboard : ASUS SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Oland PRO [Radeon R7 240/340]
[1002:6613] {radeon}
enp10s0: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
Controller [10ec:8168] (rev 09)
lspci -v  :

2.5.1-1~bpo9+1 all [installed]

I hope we find a solution, and thank you in advance.
Kind regards,

You can investigate if the `` unit is activated and
if the programs relying on it are installed.

I dont think that your system is broken. But probably your desktop
environment is. If it doesnt hit by default the
The last time it happened on my laptop in a similar situation I
removed and reinstalled the whole desktop environment (something like
task-gnome-desktop or task-kde-desktop etc.) and fixed itself.

Nektarios Katakis

Re: Wifi USB dongle

2020-02-17 Thread Nicolas George
Nicolas George (12020-02-17):
> (12020-02-14):
> > The Netgear A6210 (mt76 driver) would do.
> > Readily available in France at Darty.
> Thank you, it works quite well indeed.
> Now, I have to find out why I cannot get more than 2.4 Mo/s from my
> phone, despite its interface pretending to be on 54 Mb/s. But it seems
> unrelated to the question of 2.4 vs 5.0 GHz.
> I also need to see if I can have both 2.4 and 5.0 GHz in a bridge to
> simplify the addresses.

Sorry, my thick fingers and clumsy brain replied in private. I think the
confirmation it works deserves to be public.

And the answer for the bridge seems to be yes:

auto wlanA
iface wlanA inet static
post-up systemctl try-reload-or-restart isc-dhcp-server.service
bridge_ports none

allow-hotplug wlan1
iface wlan1 inet manual
post-up iw dev wlan1 set 4addr on
post-up ip link set dev wlan1 master wlanA
post-up systemctl start hostapd@wlan1.service
pre-down systemctl stop hostapd@wlan1.service

The 4addr is a bit mysterious, but it seems to work.


  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) was broken after upgraded from stretch-backports.

2020-02-17 Thread Anastasios Lisgaras
Hello Debian community,

Recently I needed to (to be honest, I had the *desire*) to have newer
software release.

In particular I wanted to install the nautilus-nextcloud` package
which is exist in my laptop with Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

but in Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) - on my desktop - there wasn't in
the basic default repositories ( and I try to have the basic installed
software on my system by the official Debian repositories ).
Since I'm sure there isn't :

I saw that in the stretch-backports repositories, there is :

In order not to tire you with my thoughts, I'll just tell you, at first
I just wanted to install this particular package, but then I thought it
was time to upgrade my entire system. But i did not follow the right
path (documentation) and at the moment i have a broken system which you
are having trouble getting started.

So in the end, I just upgraded my whole system (or so I think anyway).

# What did I do.
1. I created this file : /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list
2. I also created this file :

and then I ran :
apt update && apt list --upgradable && apt dist-upgrade && apt-get
autoremove -y && apt-get autoclean -y && apt-get clean

but before restarting the system I kept all the logging from the update
and you can see it in here:

# The result and the weird problem.

The problem is that after restarting the computer could not boot
properly and especially with a graphical interface.
This is where the problems begin :

At first even from recovery mode, I had no internet.
Looking and reading and as I had suspected that something might be to
blame for networking (, i went
to the file `/etc/network/interfaces` and I commented out the "bridge
setup", so this file now has this:

See also the contents of the file `etc/gdm3/daemon.conf` ( if useful ) :

Because at some point in the startup, I was getting the message
`firmware: failed to load rtl_nic/rtl8168f-1.fw`, I saw this solution
here ( and indeed, this message
I think no longer appears.

But I no longer at all to have a graphical user interface ( I use GNOME
as a graphical interface - desktop environment )
- Is the docker to blame? Delete it? (No problem if I need to delete it
so I can use my system.)
- Is the graphics card to blame?
- Is the upgrade to blame? Hasn't it been done correctly (basically it
definitely won't have been done correctly) ?
- Do you think I should add it here
( the 'contrib non-free' at the end of
the two sources?

What is to blame and what should I do to fix it?

However, the last picture of my system, is the one shown here:
If it is convenient or shows something more, here is the result of the
command [journalctl -b](
At startup, after this point : i just type
"Alt" + "F4" and goes me to the terminal.
Luckily at least I have access from the terminal (and then ssh into the

# The detailed features of my system.
Linux 4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.67-2+deb10u2~bpo9+1
(2019-11-12) x86_64 GNU/Linux
OS : Debian GNU/Linux 9.12 (stretch)
Desktop Environment : GNOME Shell 3.22.3
CPU : MD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor
RAM : 15940 MiB
Motherboard : ASUS SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Oland PRO [Radeon R7 240/340]
[1002:6613] {radeon}
enp10s0: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
Controller [10ec:8168] (rev 09)
lspci -v  :

2.5.1-1~bpo9+1 all [installed]

I hope we find a solution, and thank you in advance.
Kind regards,

Re: Fwd: Re: Réponse à la ML depuis gmail

2020-02-17 Thread Jérémy Prego

nous avons reçu vos 3 envois

Le 17/02/2020 à 13:27, Maxime G. a écrit :
> 3ème envoi:
> J'ai le même problème avec rainloop, le From: et le To: sont replacés en A 
> lors d'une réponse.
> Ce serait bien que l’expéditeur soit forgé, mais ce n'est pas une solution 
> idéale.
> Plus grave: personnellement, 1 mail sur 2 en réponses que je fais à la ML ne 
> sont pas retransmis
> par la ML.
> Je soupçonne la ML de supprimer soit arbitrairement des mails par validation 
> manuelle, soit le
> système automatisé est défectueux.
> Je cite:
> "Un filtrage du spam et des virus est effectué sur les messages à destination 
> des listes Debian.
> Environ 1 message sur 400 envoyés vers les listes passe au travers des 
> filtres ; le reste est
> supprimé car considéré comme du spam."
> Il faut agir car ça devient vraiment usant de se faire supprimer ses réponses 
> sur de l'aide
> utilisateur.
> 17 février 2020 11:11 "hamster"  a écrit:
>> Le 17/02/2020 à 10:34, David_dev Dev a écrit :
>>> Bonjour,
>>> J'utilise gmail (ouais bon, arrêtez la pluie de tomates svp :) ), et
>>> qd je fais répondre à tous, je me retrouve avec le mail de la personne
>>> en A: et la ML en CC ... hors c'est plutôt le contraire qu'on voudrait
>>> (voir même que la ML en fait)
>>> Pour le moment je corrige à la main (presque) à chaque fois, mais
>>> c'est pénible.
>> J'utilise thunderbird et quand je fais "répondre a tous" j'ai
>> l'expéditeur et la liste qui sont tous les deux en A:
>> Tu peux très bien utiliser thunderbird pour consulter une boite gmail.
>> Faire "répondre a tous" sur une liste comme celle ci est une mauvaise
>> idée : celui a qui tu répond est aussi inscrit sur la liste (sinon il
>> aurait pas pu poster) et du coup il recoit ton message en double, une
>> fois directement et une fois en passant par la liste. En plus, si il a
>> mis un filtre pour classer automatiquement les messages de la liste, la
>> version qu'il recoit directement ne sera pas traitée par le filtre et il
>> devra la classer a la main. Non seulement c'est pénible mais en plus
>> contrairement a une boite gmail, il ne peut pas changer les choses lui
>> meme. Il vaut bien mieux répondre a la liste et uniquement a la liste
>> (comme tout le monde le fait, sauf toi et bernard).

Fwd: Re: Réponse à la ML depuis gmail

2020-02-17 Thread Maxime G.
3ème envoi:

J'ai le même problème avec rainloop, le From: et le To: sont replacés en A lors 
d'une réponse.
Ce serait bien que l’expéditeur soit forgé, mais ce n'est pas une solution 

Plus grave: personnellement, 1 mail sur 2 en réponses que je fais à la ML ne 
sont pas retransmis
par la ML.

Je soupçonne la ML de supprimer soit arbitrairement des mails par validation 
manuelle, soit le
système automatisé est défectueux.

Je cite:
"Un filtrage du spam et des virus est effectué sur les messages à destination 
des listes Debian.
Environ 1 message sur 400 envoyés vers les listes passe au travers des filtres 
; le reste est
supprimé car considéré comme du spam."

Il faut agir car ça devient vraiment usant de se faire supprimer ses réponses 
sur de l'aide

17 février 2020 11:11 "hamster"  a écrit:

> Le 17/02/2020 à 10:34, David_dev Dev a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> J'utilise gmail (ouais bon, arrêtez la pluie de tomates svp :) ), et
>> qd je fais répondre à tous, je me retrouve avec le mail de la personne
>> en A: et la ML en CC ... hors c'est plutôt le contraire qu'on voudrait
>> (voir même que la ML en fait)
>> Pour le moment je corrige à la main (presque) à chaque fois, mais
>> c'est pénible.
> J'utilise thunderbird et quand je fais "répondre a tous" j'ai
> l'expéditeur et la liste qui sont tous les deux en A:
> Tu peux très bien utiliser thunderbird pour consulter une boite gmail.
> Faire "répondre a tous" sur une liste comme celle ci est une mauvaise
> idée : celui a qui tu répond est aussi inscrit sur la liste (sinon il
> aurait pas pu poster) et du coup il recoit ton message en double, une
> fois directement et une fois en passant par la liste. En plus, si il a
> mis un filtre pour classer automatiquement les messages de la liste, la
> version qu'il recoit directement ne sera pas traitée par le filtre et il
> devra la classer a la main. Non seulement c'est pénible mais en plus
> contrairement a une boite gmail, il ne peut pas changer les choses lui
> meme. Il vaut bien mieux répondre a la liste et uniquement a la liste
> (comme tout le monde le fait, sauf toi et bernard).

Fwd: Re: Réponse à la ML depuis gmail

2020-02-17 Thread Maxime G.
2ème envoi:

J'ai le même problème avec rainloop, le From: et le To: sont replacés en A lors 
d'une réponse.
Ce serait bien que l’expéditeur soit forgé, mais ce n'est pas une solution 

Plus grave: personnellement, 1 mail sur 2 en réponses que je fais à la ML ne 
sont pas retransmis
par la ML.

Je soupçonne la ML de supprimer soit arbitrairement des mails par validation 
manuelle, soit le
système automatisé est défectueux.

Je cite:
"Un filtrage du spam et des virus est effectué sur les messages à destination 
des listes Debian.
Environ 1 message sur 400 envoyés vers les listes passe au travers des filtres 
; le reste est
supprimé car considéré comme du spam."

Il faut agir car ça devient vraiment usant de se faire supprimer ses réponses 
sur de l'aide

17 février 2020 11:11 "hamster"  a écrit:

> Le 17/02/2020 à 10:34, David_dev Dev a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> J'utilise gmail (ouais bon, arrêtez la pluie de tomates svp :) ), et
>> qd je fais répondre à tous, je me retrouve avec le mail de la personne
>> en A: et la ML en CC ... hors c'est plutôt le contraire qu'on voudrait
>> (voir même que la ML en fait)
>> Pour le moment je corrige à la main (presque) à chaque fois, mais
>> c'est pénible.
> J'utilise thunderbird et quand je fais "répondre a tous" j'ai
> l'expéditeur et la liste qui sont tous les deux en A:
> Tu peux très bien utiliser thunderbird pour consulter une boite gmail.
> Faire "répondre a tous" sur une liste comme celle ci est une mauvaise
> idée : celui a qui tu répond est aussi inscrit sur la liste (sinon il
> aurait pas pu poster) et du coup il recoit ton message en double, une
> fois directement et une fois en passant par la liste. En plus, si il a
> mis un filtre pour classer automatiquement les messages de la liste, la
> version qu'il recoit directement ne sera pas traitée par le filtre et il
> devra la classer a la main. Non seulement c'est pénible mais en plus
> contrairement a une boite gmail, il ne peut pas changer les choses lui
> meme. Il vaut bien mieux répondre a la liste et uniquement a la liste
> (comme tout le monde le fait, sauf toi et bernard).

Re: Réponse à la ML depuis gmail

2020-02-17 Thread Maxime G.
J'ai le même problème avec rainloop, le From: et le To: sont replacés en A lors 
d'une réponse.
Ce serait bien que l’expéditeur soit forgé, mais ce n'est pas une solution 

Plus grave: personnellement, 1 mail sur 2 en réponses que je fais à la ML ne 
sont pas retransmis par la ML.

Je soupçonne la ML de supprimer soit arbitrairement des mails par validation 
manuelle, soit le système automatisé est défectueux.

Je cite:
"Un filtrage du spam et des virus est effectué sur les messages à destination 
des listes Debian. Environ 1 message sur 400 envoyés vers les listes passe au 
travers des filtres ; le reste est supprimé car considéré comme du spam."

Il faut agir car ça devient vraiment usant de se faire supprimer ses réponses 
sur de l'aide utilisateur.

17 février 2020 11:11 "hamster"  a écrit:

> Le 17/02/2020 à 10:34, David_dev Dev a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> J'utilise gmail (ouais bon, arrêtez la pluie de tomates svp :) ), et
>> qd je fais répondre à tous, je me retrouve avec le mail de la personne
>> en A: et la ML en CC ... hors c'est plutôt le contraire qu'on voudrait
>> (voir même que la ML en fait)
>> Pour le moment je corrige à la main (presque) à chaque fois, mais
>> c'est pénible.
> J'utilise thunderbird et quand je fais "répondre a tous" j'ai
> l'expéditeur et la liste qui sont tous les deux en A:
> Tu peux très bien utiliser thunderbird pour consulter une boite gmail.
> Faire "répondre a tous" sur une liste comme celle ci est une mauvaise
> idée : celui a qui tu répond est aussi inscrit sur la liste (sinon il
> aurait pas pu poster) et du coup il recoit ton message en double, une
> fois directement et une fois en passant par la liste. En plus, si il a
> mis un filtre pour classer automatiquement les messages de la liste, la
> version qu'il recoit directement ne sera pas traitée par le filtre et il
> devra la classer a la main. Non seulement c'est pénible mais en plus
> contrairement a une boite gmail, il ne peut pas changer les choses lui
> meme. Il vaut bien mieux répondre a la liste et uniquement a la liste
> (comme tout le monde le fait, sauf toi et bernard).

Re: Re : Xorg non fonctionnel

2020-02-17 Thread Nicolas PÉCHON

Le 16 février 2020 20:19:45 GMT+01:00, Dethegeek  a écrit :

Bonjour et merci de votre aide

>Donc il serait intéressant de savoir si il existe un Xorg.conf, en plus
>de connaître la carte graphique effectivement installée.

Il n'y avait pas de xorg.conf.  J'en ai généré un. Toutefois, cela n'y a rien 

Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec Courriel K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser ma 

Re: utilisation de Debian dans l'informatique en zone Euro (cloud, serveurs Internet et Web)

2020-02-17 Thread ilario . quinson
Pghm un version de ubuntu.

Il 17 febbraio 2020 13:02:11 CET, ajh-valmer  ha scritto:
>> Le 17/02/2020 à 10:05, a écrit :
>> > On Monday 17 February 2020 07:48:12 Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
>> >> Qui sait quelle est la proportion de Debian installés sur les
>> >> informatiques en zone Euro connectés à l'internet ?
>> >>
>> > Attention aux statistiques,
>> > Malraux disait : 
>> > "les statistiques, on peut leur faire dire tout et son contraire".
>> > Dans le monde professionnel, tout dépend de l'organisme,
>> > Privé : Redhat, IBM-Linux, CentOS,
>> > Public : Debian, Ubuntu,
>> > Associations, Fondations : Debian, Ubuntu.
>> > Ministère des finances : CentOS.
>> > Pompiers de Paris : Windows (avec l'aide financière de la mairie de
>> > Paris). 
>> > Les notaires : souvent IBM.
>> > Entreprises privées : souvent Redhat.
>> > Le groupe PSA : SUSE
>> > Les particuliers : Ubuntu (en tête), Debian...
>On Monday 17 February 2020 12:15:11 G2PC wrote:
>> Dans mon cas, utilisation, 60% Debian, 35% Mint, 5% Windows :
>Pour ma part, mes 3 ordinateurs : Debian Buster,
>Mon site pro : Ubuntu version 16.
>> Intéressant ta réponse, mais, tu ne l'a pas sourcée.
>Ce sont des infos réelles, mais pas facile de les sourcer :
>- Notaires IBM : infos relatées par un président de la chambre des
>- Ministère des finances : CentOS, info d'un responsable ministère au
>  POSS (migration d'Unix SCO à CentOS),
>- Pompiers de Paris : Windows, article de la mairie de Paris (2010),
>- Le groupe PSA : SUSE, nombreux articles à l'époque sur sa migration,
>- Particuliers : Ubuntu (en tête), Debian... : stats vues sur plusieurs
>- Idem pour les autres utilisateurs, infos glanées mais pas récentes.
>Dommage que les assos du Libre officielles représentatives, 
>FSF, April, Aful... ne publient pas des statistiques sourcées,
>long travail, mais à mon sens, nécessaires et utiles.
>En plus, évolution rapide, modifications fréquentes...
>On l'a vu avec la mairie de Münich, migration de Windows à Linux,
>(sa propre distribution baptisé LiMux),
>puis retour à Windows sous la pression de Microsoft,
>et même de LibreOffice à Microsoft-office.
>Il y a aussi les écoles de l'EN, qui avaient beaucoup de Linux,
>et suite au (gros) chèque de Microsoft au pdent Hollande est revenu à
>sans compter, la défense nationale, le ministère de la culture etc...,
>tous revenus à Windows.

-- Inviato da /e/ Mail.

Re: utilisation de Debian dans l'informatique en zone Euro (cloud, serveurs Internet et Web)

2020-02-17 Thread ajh-valmer
> Le 17/02/2020 à 10:05, a écrit :
> > On Monday 17 February 2020 07:48:12 Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
> >> Qui sait quelle est la proportion de Debian installés sur les serveurs 
> >> informatiques en zone Euro connectés à l'internet ?
> >>
> > Attention aux statistiques,
> > Malraux disait : 
> > "les statistiques, on peut leur faire dire tout et son contraire".
> > Dans le monde professionnel, tout dépend de l'organisme,
> > Privé : Redhat, IBM-Linux, CentOS,
> > Public : Debian, Ubuntu,
> > Associations, Fondations : Debian, Ubuntu.
> > Ministère des finances : CentOS.
> > Pompiers de Paris : Windows (avec l'aide financière de la mairie de
> > Paris). 
> > Les notaires : souvent IBM.
> > Entreprises privées : souvent Redhat.
> > Le groupe PSA : SUSE
> > Les particuliers : Ubuntu (en tête), Debian...

On Monday 17 February 2020 12:15:11 G2PC wrote:
> Dans mon cas, utilisation, 60% Debian, 35% Mint, 5% Windows :

Pour ma part, mes 3 ordinateurs : Debian Buster,
Mon site pro : Ubuntu version 16.

> Intéressant ta réponse, mais, tu ne l'a pas sourcée.
Ce sont des infos réelles, mais pas facile de les sourcer :
- Notaires IBM : infos relatées par un président de la chambre des notaires.
- Ministère des finances : CentOS, info d'un responsable ministère au salon
  POSS (migration d'Unix SCO à CentOS),
- Pompiers de Paris : Windows, article de la mairie de Paris (2010),
- Le groupe PSA : SUSE, nombreux articles à l'époque sur sa migration,
- Particuliers : Ubuntu (en tête), Debian... : stats vues sur plusieurs sites,
- Idem pour les autres utilisateurs, infos glanées mais pas récentes.

Dommage que les assos du Libre officielles représentatives, 
FSF, April, Aful... ne publient pas des statistiques sourcées,
long travail, mais à mon sens, nécessaires et utiles.
En plus, évolution rapide, modifications fréquentes...

On l'a vu avec la mairie de Münich, migration de Windows à Linux,
(sa propre distribution baptisé LiMux),
puis retour à Windows sous la pression de Microsoft,
et même de LibreOffice à Microsoft-office.
Il y a aussi les écoles de l'EN, qui avaient beaucoup de Linux,
et suite au (gros) chèque de Microsoft au pdent Hollande est revenu à Windows,
sans compter, la défense nationale, le ministère de la culture etc...,
tous revenus à Windows.

Re: need syntax for /etc/fstab to mount space on an ssd over /tmp

2020-02-17 Thread Carl Fink

On 2/17/20 5:00 AM, Klaus Singvogel wrote:

elvis wrote:

On 17/2/20 3:10 pm, Gene Heskett wrote:

Greetings all;

I am trying to remove as much write activity as possible from the u-sd
that a raspi boots from.  To that end I'll create a partition on an ssd,
of 5000 megs, then copy the existing /tmp's contents to it it, then
mount the ssd partition of that name on top of it where it is in the
u-sd now. A partition labeled tmp-u-sd-temp would be about the least
mistake prone to put in /etc/fstab. I did this once at least a decade or
more ago because I outgrew the /home/partition but can't in 2020
remember the fstab syntax a decade+ later.

Can someone help

This is not the asked solution to the problem, but why not just have your
root on nfs? No need to worry about any writes to the card then.

I, for myself, have the problem, that can't catch him.

He is speaking about a u-sd, but I'm only familiar with: ssd or usb.
Both sound similar, are different to handle, and at the end it's something
completly different he want's to know.

I believe he means a "micro SD" and is using the letter "u" to stand in 
for Greek mu.

Carl Fink

Read my blog at  Reviews!  Observations!

Re: utilisation de Debian dans l'informatique en zone Euro (cloud, serveurs Internet et Web)

2020-02-17 Thread G2PC

Le 17/02/2020 à 10:05, a écrit :
> On Monday 17 February 2020 07:48:12 Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
>> Qui sait quelle est la proportion de Debian installés sur les serveurs 
>> informatiques en zone Euro connectés à l'internet ?
> Attention aux statistiques,
> Malraux disait : 
> "les statistiques, on peut leur faire dire tout et son contraire".
> Dans le monde professionnel, tout dépend de l'organisme,
> Privé : Redhat, IBM-Linux, CentOS,
> Public : Debian, Ubuntu,
> Associations, Fondations : Debian, Ubuntu.
> Ministère des finances : CentOS.
> Pompiers de Paris : Windows (avec l'aide financière de la mairie de Paris).
> Les notaires : souvent IBM.
> Entreprises privées : souvent Redhat.
> Le groupe PSA : SUSE
> Les particuliers : Ubuntu (en tête), Debian...

Intéressant ta réponse, mais, tu ne l'a pas sourcée.

Dans mon cas, utilisation, 60% Debian, 35% Mint, 5% Windows.

Re: Réponse à la ML depuis gmail

2020-02-17 Thread hamster
Le 17/02/2020 à 10:34, David_dev Dev a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> J'utilise gmail (ouais bon, arrêtez la pluie de tomates svp :) ), et
> qd je fais répondre à tous, je me retrouve avec le mail de la personne
> en A: et la ML en CC ... hors c'est plutôt le contraire qu'on voudrait
> (voir même que la ML en fait)
> Pour le moment je corrige à la main (presque) à chaque fois, mais
> c'est pénible.

J'utilise thunderbird et quand je fais "répondre a tous" j'ai
l'expéditeur et la liste qui sont tous les deux en A:

Tu peux très bien utiliser thunderbird pour consulter une boite gmail.

Faire "répondre a tous" sur une liste comme celle ci est une mauvaise
idée : celui a qui tu répond est aussi inscrit sur la liste (sinon il
aurait pas pu poster) et du coup il recoit ton message en double, une
fois directement et une fois en passant par la liste. En plus, si il a
mis un filtre pour classer automatiquement les messages de la liste, la
version qu'il recoit directement ne sera pas traitée par le filtre et il
devra la classer a la main. Non seulement c'est pénible mais en plus
contrairement a une boite gmail, il ne peut pas changer les choses lui
meme. Il vaut bien mieux répondre a la liste et uniquement a la liste
(comme tout le monde le fait, sauf toi et bernard).

Re: need syntax for /etc/fstab to mount space on an ssd over /tmp

2020-02-17 Thread Klaus Singvogel
elvis wrote:
> On 17/2/20 3:10 pm, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Greetings all;
> > 
> > I am trying to remove as much write activity as possible from the u-sd
> > that a raspi boots from.  To that end I'll create a partition on an ssd,
> > of 5000 megs, then copy the existing /tmp's contents to it it, then
> > mount the ssd partition of that name on top of it where it is in the
> > u-sd now. A partition labeled tmp-u-sd-temp would be about the least
> > mistake prone to put in /etc/fstab. I did this once at least a decade or
> > more ago because I outgrew the /home/partition but can't in 2020
> > remember the fstab syntax a decade+ later.
> > 
> > Can someone help
> This is not the asked solution to the problem, but why not just have your
> root on nfs? No need to worry about any writes to the card then.

I, for myself, have the problem, that can't catch him.

He is speaking about a u-sd, but I'm only familiar with: ssd or usb.
Both sound similar, are different to handle, and at the end it's something
completly different he want's to know.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Réponse à la ML depuis gmail

2020-02-17 Thread David_dev Dev

J'utilise gmail (ouais bon, arrêtez la pluie de tomates svp :) ), et qd je
fais répondre à tous, je me retrouve avec le mail de la personne en A: et
la ML en CC ... hors c'est plutôt le contraire qu'on voudrait (voir même
que la ML en fait)

Pour le moment je corrige à la main (presque) à chaque fois, mais c'est


Re: utilisation de Debian dans l'informatique en zone Euro (cloud, serveurs Internet et Web)

2020-02-17 Thread David_dev Dev
La difficulté de ces stats, c'est qu'une bonne partie des machines doivent
être en interne et donc invisible de la plupart des outils (surtout pour
ceux qui ont mit en place un cache apt par ex).
En plus tu avais les VMware et assimilés qu'on pouvait encore identifier,
même si certains usages étaient volatiles... mais maintenant tu as docker
en plus => comment les compte-t-on ? En cloud privé/public, mais voir local

Par exemple, mon serveur gitlab utilise docker pour ses jobs CI/CD avec des
bases debian mais qui ne se lancent que de temps en temps pour un
traitement de 2 minutes... comment comptabiliser ceci ?

Le lun. 17 févr. 2020 à 10:05,  a écrit :

> On Monday 17 February 2020 07:48:12 Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
> > Qui sait quelle est la proportion de Debian installés sur les serveurs
> > informatiques en zone Euro connectés à l'internet ?
> >
> Attention aux statistiques,
> Malraux disait :
> "les statistiques, on peut leur faire dire tout et son contraire".
> Dans le monde professionnel, tout dépend de l'organisme,
> Privé : Redhat, IBM-Linux, CentOS,
> Public : Debian, Ubuntu,
> Associations, Fondations : Debian, Ubuntu.
> Ministère des finances : CentOS.
> Pompiers de Paris : Windows (avec l'aide financière de la mairie de Paris).
> Les notaires : souvent IBM.
> Entreprises privées : souvent Redhat.
> Le groupe PSA : SUSE
> Les particuliers : Ubuntu (en tête), Debian...

Re: utilisation de Debian dans l'informatique en zone Euro (cloud, serveurs Internet et Web)

2020-02-17 Thread ajh . valmer
On Monday 17 February 2020 07:48:12 Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
> Qui sait quelle est la proportion de Debian installés sur les serveurs 
> informatiques en zone Euro connectés à l'internet ?

Attention aux statistiques,
Malraux disait : 
"les statistiques, on peut leur faire dire tout et son contraire".

Dans le monde professionnel, tout dépend de l'organisme,
Privé : Redhat, IBM-Linux, CentOS,
Public : Debian, Ubuntu,
Associations, Fondations : Debian, Ubuntu.

Ministère des finances : CentOS.

Pompiers de Paris : Windows (avec l'aide financière de la mairie de Paris).

Les notaires : souvent IBM.

Entreprises privées : souvent Redhat.

Le groupe PSA : SUSE

Les particuliers : Ubuntu (en tête), Debian...

Re: FOSS friendly PDA?

2020-02-17 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Tuesday, 11 Feb 2020 at 23:23, Jeremy Nicoll wrote:
> My impression is that a lot of these machines although theoretically
> able to run linux don't have sufficient developers able to work on 
> them for all the wrinkles to be fixed.  That is, other OSes may be 
> bootable but it's strictly "enthusiasts only" territory.

I have a Gemini and use it daily with Debian, especially while commuting
by train.  It works perfectly fine for me, using stumpwm & emacs (gnus,
org mode) primarily.  The system is robust for my use case.  However,
others are less impressed, especially with respect to graphics
performance as there is no acceleration.

I don't use it as a phone so cannot comment on that aspect.  Whether the
radios can be disabled or not is something I don't know either.

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50 & org 9.3.6 on Debian bullseye/sid

Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread Curt
On 2020-02-17, Doug McGarrett  wrote:
> Finally some common sense. I HATE touchscreen "technology" as they like 
> to call it. I want to use my keyboard and my trackball, and I do not 
> even try to communicate by touch-screen phone. A phone is a voice
> communications device, as far as I'm concerned. Good for calling 911 if 
> you have to. I hope I never have to do so again. (I fell off the stoop
> after tripping over my dog's tether in the dark on the 4th of July, 
> 1915, and spent most of the summer in various stages of recovery.)
> Maybe some day I'll figure out how to dial a number on the phone.

I'm sure you must've recovered by now and greatly admire (and remain
somewhat astounded by) your longevity.

> --doug

"J'ai pour me guérir du jugement des autres toute la distance qui me sépare de
moi." Antonin Artaud

Re: Xorg non fonctionnel

2020-02-17 Thread didier . gaumet
Le dimanche 16 février 2020 19:20:03 UTC+1, a écrit :
> Bonjour,
>  j'ai un soucis avec Xorg qui refuse de démarrer.
>  Si quelqu'un pouvait me donner une piste.
>  Je précise que je suis sous une DEBIAN stable.
>  L'ordinateur avait une ubuntu dessus. Mais, mon fils préférant debian...
>  voici mon fichier de log(Xorg.0.log):
>  [  1227.684] (EE) Unable to find a valid framebuffer device

Peut-être y a-t-il un paramètre vga=quelquechose dans le fichier 
/etc/default/grub (à la ligne GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT ou 
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX). Avec le compte root (ou en mode sudo), édite le fichier, 
vire le paramètre, puis lance la commande update-grub et redémarre le PC. Il 
est fort possible que X démarre normalement. 

Re: *nix

2020-02-17 Thread tomas
On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 05:37:57PM -0500, Felmon Davis wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2020, Curt wrote:
> >On 2020-02-15, John Kaufmann  wrote:


> plus I suppose a lot of generalists are specialists in something or
> other. generality, at least.

> also from the balcony.

Now I fell down from it *poof!*

-- t

Description: Digital signature

Re: need syntax for /etc/fstab to mount space on an ssd over /tmp

2020-02-17 Thread elvis

On 17/2/20 3:10 pm, Gene Heskett wrote:

Greetings all;

I am trying to remove as much write activity as possible from the u-sd
that a raspi boots from.  To that end I'll create a partition on an ssd,
of 5000 megs, then copy the existing /tmp's contents to it it, then
mount the ssd partition of that name on top of it where it is in the
u-sd now. A partition labeled tmp-u-sd-temp would be about the least
mistake prone to put in /etc/fstab. I did this once at least a decade or
more ago because I outgrew the /home/partition but can't in 2020
remember the fstab syntax a decade+ later.

Can someone help

This is not the asked solution to the problem, but why not just have 
your root on nfs? No need to worry about any writes to the card then.


Cheers, Gene Heskett

All that glitters has a high refractive index.

Re : Re : Re: [HS] Loi Avia : le contrôle tous azimuts, un danger réel de censures

2020-02-17 Thread nicolas . patrois
Le 17/02/2020 07:38:20, a écrit :

> Bonjour Gaëtan,
> Boulevard Voltaire est devenu un torchon depuis la fin 1990 en se
> faisant le prosélyte de la théorie du complot.

Tu sembles avoir confondu Boulevard Voltaire et le réseau Voltaire (qui, oui, 
est devenu complotiste vers cette période-là).
Boulevard Voltaire est cependant en gros du même bord politique.

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des humains ? 
Un cerveau plus gros ?
P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...