Re: Is there such a thing as a Debian blend for a MacBook Air 1,1 and/or Mac boxes in general? ...

2020-10-21 Thread Paul Wise
On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 4:51 PM Albretch Mueller wrote:

>  I got that tar ball and I think i am doing the right thing, but
> something is not going well:

The firmware-b43-installer package uses b43-fwcutter to extract the
firmware from the tarball, I suggest using firmware-b43-installer
instead of trying to reimplement what it does.


Re: Intel RST driver -> SSD bug ?

2020-10-21 Thread David Christensen

On 2020-10-21 10:21, A. Kapetanovic wrote:

David Christensen writes:

Intel hardware RAID is best supported on Windows -- install a driver 
that includes an administration GUI, and you can see what the hardware 
is doing.

I used smartctl, short and long test. Both seems to be OK (the shell is 
at the end of this message), but one strange thing : both test are 
finished quite at the same I run them.

'smartctl -t ...' starts a test in the background.  Short tests can take 
seconds or minutes to complete, depending upon the drive.  Long tests 
can take minutes or hours.  Monitor progress with 'smartctl -x ...' (I 
prefer '-x' rather than '-a').  See below.

I will look for a driver that includes an administration GUI, I have no 
knowledge about.

I meant that Intel provides RAID drivers and tools for Windows:

Intel supports Linux through open-source software:

I now use ZFS exclusively for RAID. This means I need to set the disk 
drive mode to AHCI in the motherboard firmware.

Can this filesystem help me ?

Yes, but ZFS is not supported OOTB on Debian.

Given a single 512 GB SSD, I would use the Debian installer and put 
Debian into the first ~14 GB using ext4.  Once the system is up, I would 
install the ZFS packages:


Then, create a partition using the rest of the SSD.

Then, create a ZFS pool using that partition with the options:

-O compress=lz4
-O atime=off
-O copies=2

Now you can add ZFS filesystems and/or volumes as desired, such as for 
/home or for PostGreSQL.

Are parts of your Perl program disappearing? If so, describe the steps 
required to reproduce the bug and view the effects.

Look this shell :

amel@laptopasus:~/fp/test.algoB$ perl -c syntax OK
amel@laptopasus:~/fp/test.algoB$ ./
2020-01-01 - 2020-08-31
amel@laptopasus:~/fp/test.algoB$ ./
2020-01-01 - 2020-08-31
amel@laptopasus:~/fp/test.algoB$ ./
Undefined subroutine ::lisblocage called at ./ line 161.

I didn't change anything in between these shells. Some hours 
before that, I had the same problem : a function of vanished, 
I'm not sure, It is very possible it's the same.

Are parts of a file accessed by your Perl program disappearing? If so, 
describe the steps required to reproduce the bug and view the effects.

This program access a postgresql database, impossible for me to say 
something, the main table has millions of records, the little tables are 

We cannot comment unless you post an example script and/or database that 
demonstrates the bug.

Do you have a test suite for your Perl program?

Create a test script that elicits the bug. Then, move your Perl 
program and test script to another machine without RST and run the 
test script. That should tell you if you have an issue with your Perl 
program or an issue with RST.

I will take a look of perl-testing.html ; bu there, I have only my 

Test-driven development is a software engineering process.  You can use 
any computer.  A new Asus laptop with an NVMe drive, Debian, and Perl 
should work very well:

"Intermediate Perl" explains modules, distributions, testing, and other 
useful subjects:

If you are serious about Perl, you will want these books:

# smartctl -t short -a /dev/nvme0n1p5

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

This is the result of whatever test smartctl ran previously.

# smartctl -t long -a /dev/nvme0n1p5

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

This is the result of the smartctl 'short' test, started above.

Run 'smartctl -x /dev/nvme0n1p5' to see the result of the 'long' test.


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread David
On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 at 08:45, David  wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 at 02:04, Celejar  wrote:

> > Searching EXE: A:/DFT/DFT-V300.EXE
> > Inflating: CleanDsk.PID
> > Inflating: CleanMBR.PID
> > Inflating: DFT.EXE
> > PXSFX: (E50) Disk Full, file: *

More hints:

I just noticed another annoyance, that "disk full" error suggests
that it expects A: to be writable as well. So you will need
to solve that issue.

It's weird that LOADDFT.EXE takes a self-extracting file
as an argument. Especially as the files are being extracted
onto the floppy drive, so they must be small enough to fit
on there anyway, so why compress them. Maybe it's just
a packaging convenience.

Looking again at this line from AUTOEXEC.BAT:

suggests that running DFT.EXE (one of the self extracted
files, per above) is the ultimate goal, perhaps by loading it

So this is what I think needs to happen:
I would run DFT-V300.EXE somewhere that it can successfully
extract all its files, put all those files into the image, disable the
AUTOEXEC.BAT and then try again. Run DFT.EXE manually, or try
as one command. It does not matter how you get to that point,
it does not all need to happen at boot time.

Unfortunately, their CD image uses exactly the same code
as above so it also requires an A: drive that is writeable
by DOS for their stupid extraction code to succeed.

A final thought is that _might_ actually need the ramdrive,
but that would be weird too. If not, you can probably disable
most or all of CONFIG.SYS too.

Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Celejar
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 14:52:41 -0600
Charles Curley  wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 14:06:55 -0400
> Dan Ritter  wrote:
> > But I suspect that we now know why the DFT utility can't see it:
> > because DOS can't see it, because DOS doesn't have any SATA
> > support. The best that can be done is providing a virtualized
> > interface, and that won't let you interrogate the disk.
> Not necessarily. As you say, MS-DOS (And, I believe, Free-DOS) don't
> have drivers for SATA. However, it is perfectly possible for the DFT
> utility to have its own drivers built in. If I were testing hard drives
> on MS-DOS  that's what I would do.

And DFT explicitly claims to support SATA drives:


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Celejar
On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 08:45:59 +1100
David  wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 at 02:04, Celejar  wrote:
> > I poked around a bit, but was unable to get anything to run:
> >
> > 'dir' shows two files: DFT-V300.EXE and LOADDFT.EXE. The latter
> > returns: "Error: Missing parameter." The former returns:
> >
> > PKSFX (R) FAST! Self Extract Utility Version 2.50 03-01-1999
> > Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Registered Version
> > PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
> >
> > Searching EXE: A:/DFT/DFT-V300.EXE
> > Inflating: CleanDsk.PID
> > Inflating: CleanMBR.PID
> > Inflating: DFT.EXE
> > PXSFX: (E50) Disk Full, file: *
> >
> > A:\DFT>
> >
> > I switched to disk B: 'dir' shows four files: the two in A:, and
> > CLEANDSK.PID and CLEANMBR.PID. Running DFT-v300 gives the same error
> > (after warnings about overwriting the two *.PID files), and running
> > LOADDFT also gives the same error as above.
> >
> > I understand that no one here can be expected to support this
> > ridiculously crufty proprietary closed source software. I'm just
> > wondering whether there's any FLOSS solution to emulate the actual
> > environment the thing expects closely enough for it to work.
> On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 at 05:07, Dan Ritter  wrote:
> > But I suspect that we now know why the DFT utility can't see it:
> > because DOS can't see it, because DOS doesn't have any SATA
> > support. The best that can be done is providing a virtualized
> > interface, and that won't let you interrogate the disk.
> Hmmm. That error message from LOADDFT.EXE and its name
> makes me suspect that LOADDFT.EXE could possibly be the
> driver that needs to be loaded before running DFT-V300.EXE.
> At a guess, I would try adding something like
> to your CONFIG.SYS file. [1]
> [1]

Thanks. I think I'm done with wasting time on this silly thing, but
FWIW, LOADDFT does not appear in the CONFIG.SYS shipped with the DFT
tool, but it is called by its AUTOEXEC.BAT in its final line:


I tried running this line from the DOS prompt, and it threw some error
about the RAMDRIVE, but that's probably because I was running it from
the FreeDos environment, rather than the DFT one.


Re: Thunderbird / enigmail

2020-10-21 Thread D. R. Evans

Greg Marks wrote on 10/21/20 5:23 PM:

I had no problems transitioning from Enigmail to Thunderbird 78.3.1,
which has removed Enigmail.  With an existing GPG installation, it
was necessary to run the command "gpg --export-secret-keys --armor >
private_key.asc" for importation into Thunderbird.  Then in Thunderbird,
clicking the main account header in the side panel brings up a link
"End-to-end encryption."  This brings up "Account Settings," toward the
bottom of which is an "End-To-End Encryption" header.  From here one can
enable OpenPGP by importing the "private_key.asc" file created earlier.

OK, but how do I create a sticky setting that tells TB to use encryption?

If I go to "Account Settings | End-to-End Encryption" I can select and add a
key to an account. But there doesn't seem to be a "save" function, and as
soon as I leave the settings page, the setting reverts to "None - do not use
OpenPGP for this identity".

The first step is not exactly adding a key to an account.  The first
step is importing a private GPG key stored on your computer for use in
Thunderbird; this key can then be used (or not) with any e-mail account
you are accessing via Thunderbird.  (For example, you might access both
a work e-mail account and a personal e-mail account in Thunderbird.)

I'll try to elaborate on my previous message with more details.
I'm assuming you have an existing GPG key stored in the subdirectory
~/.gnupg of your home directory and have run the command "gpg
--export-secret-keys --armor > private_key.asc" already.

1. In Thunderbird, under Account Settings --> End-to-End Encryption,"
under the "OpenPGP" section, initially it will say, "Thunderbird doesn't
have a personal OpenPGP key for [your e-mail address]."  Next to that
message is a button "Add Key."

Yep; that's what I did.

2. Clicking on that button opens a new window with the message, "If you
have an existing personal key for this email address, you should import
it.  Otherwise you will not have access to your archives of encrypted
emails, nor be able to read incoming encrypted emails from people
who are still using your existing key."  You will be able to select
either "Create a new OpenPGP Key" or "Import an existing OpenPGP Key."
Select "Import an existing OpenPGP Key" and click "Continue."

Yep; that's what I did.

3. In the next window that opens, click "Select File to Import" and
select the file "private_key.asc" created earlier.

Yep; that's what I did.

4. A new window will open that should have a message at the top saying
(in my case) "Thunderbird found 2 keys that can be imported"; each will
be listed with its ID, e-mail address, and a box you can check saying
"Treat this key as a Personal Key."  (In my case, I selected my most
recent key, the earlier one having been revoked.)  Click "Continue."
You'll be asked to enter the passphrase used to decrypt access to
your private key on your machine.  Then a window should open with a
green highlighted message saying "OpenPGP Keys successfully imported!"
Each key will be listed with a button "Key Properties."

Yep; that's what I did.

5. At the bottom of the window there will be a message, "To start using
your imported OpenPGP key for email encryption, close this dialog and
access your Account Settings to select it."  Click Continue.  Then,
on the Account Settings --> End-to-End Encryption screen, deselect
"None" and select the ID of the OpenPGP key.

Yep; that's what I did. That's the thing that I don't know how to make sticky. 
Merely selecting the ID doesn't seem to do anything except that the marked 
radio button switches from "None" to the key ID. If I leave that screen and 
return to it, the "None" radio button is marked again.

6. At the bottom of the page you can select default settings for sending
messages: whether to encrypt by default, whether to digitally sign
be default.  If you are using Thunderbird to access multiple accounts,
you will set these options on the "Account Settings --> End-to-End
Encryption" page for each account.

Nope; they remain greyed out, even after step 5.

7. Quit Thunderbird and restart it.  (This step is probably unnecessary
but couldn't hurt.)

I'm afraid that that doesn't help. I still can't use encryption, and when I go 
back to the e2ee screen under the account settings, "None" is selected, not 
the key I previously selected.

So far as I can tell, account settings in Thunderbird are sticky
by default.  If I go to Account Settings (accessible under the "Edit"
drop-down menu of Thunderbird), change an option, and then simply close
the "Account Settings" tab, the option stays as I set it until I change
it again by reopening Account Settings.  

They seems to be sticky here, except for the choice of key. Or, to be more 
precise, the choice of key never seems actually to enable any functionality, 
so I suspect that TB is somehow thinking that I still haven't selected a key, 
even though the radio button is definitely consistent 

Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread David
On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 at 08:45, David  wrote:

Hmmm again. Ignore my previous message. I didn't read the thread
carefully enough. I still haven't done that, because I should be
doing other things, but I have looked a little bit more carefully
so I have slightly better suggestions.

Drive Fitness Test Version 4.16
The Drive Fitness Test (DFT) quickly and reliably tests SCSI, IDE and
SATA drives. [...] Supports Leading Drives
- Serial ATA.
- Parallel ATA.
- IDE.
So apparently it claims to work with all those interfaces. But
read the notes.

Next, check pages 5 and 6 and 31 of
in particular
>From release 3.50, DFT supports Hitachi Serial-ATA drives when these
drives are attached to
- Motherboards and Plug-in PCI controllers, which utilises the Highpoint HPT374
and 372A (with Marvel bridge chip) chipsets, Silicon Image SIL3112A and 0680
chipset and Intel ICH5 chipset.
Configurations NOT supported:
- Drives attached using ATA RAID controllers where direct access to the attached
devices is blocked by the controller also not supported are Multi-Channel SCSI
RAID controllers.
- Serial-ATA controllers based on the Silicon Image Promise and Intel
chipsets are
not currently supported
It seems to be a 2009 document, pretty ancient.

I downloaded the bootable image

and looked inside it using:
sudo mount -r -t msdos -o loop dft32_v416_b00_install.IMG /mnt/junk

The CONFIG.SYS file in the image shows what drivers are expected
to be loaded. A lot of what is in there is standard guff (ramdrive, upper
memory use, that may well be unnecessary) and causing the error
messages you reported earlier. It could be greatly simplified.
It looks like no additional drivers are loaded for ATA drives.

The AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the image contains the essential
  cd DFT

The final line is the most important.
That shows the correct use of the LOADDFT.EXE  and
DFT-V300.EXE files, and invalidates my previous advice.

The >NUL might be hiding diagnostic messages.

And I wonder if /PSR is anything like "terminate and stay resident"
so I would be wary of expecting sensible results if running that
line more than one time.

What I would do is rename AUTOEXEC.BAT in the image, to disable
it, and I would run the above commands manually at the DOS prompt.
And I would run them without the >NUL and perhaps also without the /PSR

Re: Thunderbird / enigmail

2020-10-21 Thread Greg Marks
> > I had no problems transitioning from Enigmail to Thunderbird 78.3.1,
> > which has removed Enigmail.  With an existing GPG installation, it
> > was necessary to run the command "gpg --export-secret-keys --armor >
> > private_key.asc" for importation into Thunderbird.  Then in Thunderbird,
> > clicking the main account header in the side panel brings up a link
> > "End-to-end encryption."  This brings up "Account Settings," toward the
> > bottom of which is an "End-To-End Encryption" header.  From here one can
> > enable OpenPGP by importing the "private_key.asc" file created earlier.
> OK, but how do I create a sticky setting that tells TB to use encryption?
> If I go to "Account Settings | End-to-End Encryption" I can select and add a
> key to an account. But there doesn't seem to be a "save" function, and as
> soon as I leave the settings page, the setting reverts to "None - do not use
> OpenPGP for this identity".

The first step is not exactly adding a key to an account.  The first
step is importing a private GPG key stored on your computer for use in
Thunderbird; this key can then be used (or not) with any e-mail account
you are accessing via Thunderbird.  (For example, you might access both
a work e-mail account and a personal e-mail account in Thunderbird.)

I'll try to elaborate on my previous message with more details.
I'm assuming you have an existing GPG key stored in the subdirectory
~/.gnupg of your home directory and have run the command "gpg
--export-secret-keys --armor > private_key.asc" already.

1. In Thunderbird, under Account Settings --> End-to-End Encryption,"
under the "OpenPGP" section, initially it will say, "Thunderbird doesn't
have a personal OpenPGP key for [your e-mail address]."  Next to that
message is a button "Add Key."

2. Clicking on that button opens a new window with the message, "If you
have an existing personal key for this email address, you should import
it.  Otherwise you will not have access to your archives of encrypted
emails, nor be able to read incoming encrypted emails from people
who are still using your existing key."  You will be able to select
either "Create a new OpenPGP Key" or "Import an existing OpenPGP Key."
Select "Import an existing OpenPGP Key" and click "Continue."

3. In the next window that opens, click "Select File to Import" and
select the file "private_key.asc" created earlier.

4. A new window will open that should have a message at the top saying
(in my case) "Thunderbird found 2 keys that can be imported"; each will
be listed with its ID, e-mail address, and a box you can check saying
"Treat this key as a Personal Key."  (In my case, I selected my most
recent key, the earlier one having been revoked.)  Click "Continue."
You'll be asked to enter the passphrase used to decrypt access to
your private key on your machine.  Then a window should open with a
green highlighted message saying "OpenPGP Keys successfully imported!"
Each key will be listed with a button "Key Properties."

5. At the bottom of the window there will be a message, "To start using
your imported OpenPGP key for email encryption, close this dialog and
access your Account Settings to select it."  Click Continue.  Then,
on the Account Settings --> End-to-End Encryption screen, deselect
"None" and select the ID of the OpenPGP key.

6. At the bottom of the page you can select default settings for sending
messages: whether to encrypt by default, whether to digitally sign
be default.  If you are using Thunderbird to access multiple accounts,
you will set these options on the "Account Settings --> End-to-End
Encryption" page for each account.

7. Quit Thunderbird and restart it.  (This step is probably unnecessary
but couldn't hurt.)

8. When you compose or reply to a message, in the Composition Toolbar of
the composition window (which will appear at the top, right underneath
"File," "Edit," "View," etc.), you should see "Send," "Spelling,"
"Security," and "Save."

9. "Security" provides a drop-down menu for "Encryption Technology"
(choose OpenPGP), "Do Not Encrypt," "Require Encryption," "Digitally
Sign This Message," "Attach My Public Key," and "View Security Info."
Here you can alter the default settings you chose in "Account Settings
--> End-to-End Encryption."

So far as I can tell, account settings in Thunderbird are sticky
by default.  If I go to Account Settings (accessible under the "Edit"
drop-down menu of Thunderbird), change an option, and then simply close
the "Account Settings" tab, the option stays as I set it until I change
it again by reopening Account Settings.  Once you've imported your GPG
private keys, they should be usable in any account you're accessing in
Thunderbird.  This can be checked under "Tools --> OpenPGP Key Manager,"
which will open a window showing the private keys you've imported.
Highlighting one of them and clicking "View --> Key Properties" will
show information about the key (fingerprint, etc.); under "Type" it
should read "key 

Re: kernel security upgrade - "rebase?"

2020-10-21 Thread rhkramer
On Wednesday, October 21, 2020 02:03:26 PM David Wright wrote:
> On Wed 21 Oct 2020 at 09:40:37 (+0300), Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Ma, 20 oct 20, 10:44:17, wrote:
> > > I agree, for an additional reason -- iiuc, if you are using an older
> > > version of Debian, dist-upgrade will attempt to upgrade to the current
> > > version, which could cause problems.
> What do you mean by "older" and "current"? There's no reason to
> suppose that sources.list has been touched. Perhaps the "dist-"
> prefix is confusing¹, and makes you think there's a release
> change involved. But one of the virtues of the apt-get command
> line is its stability, hence its recommendation for scripting,
> so that's unlikely to change.

I was thinking it could do something like (attempting to) migrate a system 
from, for example, Jessie to Buster ...

> Are you not just compounding rhkramer's confusion?

Ahh yes, thanks for straightening me out, I was confused!

Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread David
On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 at 02:04, Celejar  wrote:

> I poked around a bit, but was unable to get anything to run:
> 'dir' shows two files: DFT-V300.EXE and LOADDFT.EXE. The latter
> returns: "Error: Missing parameter." The former returns:
> PKSFX (R) FAST! Self Extract Utility Version 2.50 03-01-1999
> Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Registered Version
> PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
> Searching EXE: A:/DFT/DFT-V300.EXE
> Inflating: CleanDsk.PID
> Inflating: CleanMBR.PID
> Inflating: DFT.EXE
> PXSFX: (E50) Disk Full, file: *
> A:\DFT>
> I switched to disk B: 'dir' shows four files: the two in A:, and
> CLEANDSK.PID and CLEANMBR.PID. Running DFT-v300 gives the same error
> (after warnings about overwriting the two *.PID files), and running
> LOADDFT also gives the same error as above.
> I understand that no one here can be expected to support this
> ridiculously crufty proprietary closed source software. I'm just
> wondering whether there's any FLOSS solution to emulate the actual
> environment the thing expects closely enough for it to work.

On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 at 05:07, Dan Ritter  wrote:

> But I suspect that we now know why the DFT utility can't see it:
> because DOS can't see it, because DOS doesn't have any SATA
> support. The best that can be done is providing a virtualized
> interface, and that won't let you interrogate the disk.

Hmmm. That error message from LOADDFT.EXE and its name
makes me suspect that LOADDFT.EXE could possibly be the
driver that needs to be loaded before running DFT-V300.EXE.

At a guess, I would try adding something like
to your CONFIG.SYS file. [1]


Re: Intel RST driver -> SSD bug ?

2020-10-21 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev
On 21.10.2020 22:21, A. Kapetanovic wrote:
> David Christensen writes:
>> If you think your SSD is dying, backup your data and be sure to
>> preserve old backups.
> That's done. My laptop is quite new (2 months old), Asus.
Could you tell us exact model of your laptop?
What type of filesystem do you use?
Is it possible dataloss was a consequence for unexpected laptop freeze
or shutdown or power loss or failed sleep\hibernation?
I've looked up your SSD on Samsung web site and it appears to be EoL
already. As usual ASUS build their ultra modern laptops from outdated
previous gen scrap parts.
And of course Samsung being all hush-hush about exact specifications for
their SSD products, not even telling NAND type.
You can try to search ASUS support web site for a possible firmware
update for your SSD. Not so long ago, SSDs with poorly written\tested
firmwares had similar symptoms like partial data loss or worse.
There is a quite recent firmware update for your SSD (PM991), but from
Dell [1] and from Lenovo [2]. I'm not really sure if it will install on
ASUS product, but even its existence is a good sign.


With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: wrong from field with alpine

2020-10-21 Thread David Wright
On Wed 21 Oct 2020 at 20:25:06 (+0200), Roger Price wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2020, davidson wrote:
> > On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> > > when I send a mail with alpine, the from field becomes
> > > "" instead of ""
> > 
> > One thing you could try is go to config settings in alpine
> > 
> > Main menu >> Setup >> Config
> > 
> > search for the setting "Customized Headers", and set it to
> > something like this:
> > 
> >  Customized Headers   = From: Pierre Frenkiel 
> Thanks, I've wondered for a long time how to do this.  Is it possible
> to set a second customized header?  I tried to append Cc: ... but got
> an error message.

Did you separate the headers with a comma?

If it's not that, perhaps explain "append" and disclose the error message.


Re: Qemu 9pfs sftp chrootdirectory option issue

2020-10-21 Thread Markus Schönhaber
21.10.20, 19:11 +0200, john doe:

> On 10/20/2020 7:59 PM, Markus Schönhaber wrote:

>> How about moving the 9pshare to a root-owned directory and pointing the
>> ChrootDirectory there, for example:
>> share -> /all/owned/by/root/9pshare
>> ChrootDirectory -> /all/owned/by/root
> Thank you for this.
> I can only do that if 'passthrough' is used, as I don't realy understand
> the implecations of running qemu as root, I was hoping to find a way
> with 'mapped'.
> 'mapped' requires that the directory on the host is set to the group and
> user used by qemu, 'libvirt-qemu in this case.

I don't see the problem with chown'ing the 9pshare directory to the qemu
user in my example above.


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Charles Curley
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 14:06:55 -0400
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> But I suspect that we now know why the DFT utility can't see it:
> because DOS can't see it, because DOS doesn't have any SATA
> support. The best that can be done is providing a virtualized
> interface, and that won't let you interrogate the disk.

Not necessarily. As you say, MS-DOS (And, I believe, Free-DOS) don't
have drivers for SATA. However, it is perfectly possible for the DFT
utility to have its own drivers built in. If I were testing hard drives
on MS-DOS  that's what I would do.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic profile parsing problem: slashes and spaces

2020-10-21 Thread Alexei Fedotov
Hello, Mattia, folks,

I'm running pbuilder-0.230.4~bpo9+1/pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic
for the debian/control which contains

Build-Depends: live-build (<= 1:20170213), ...

I get the following log

+++ output='live-build (<= 1:20170213), sed, gawk, rsync, wget, patch,
coreutils, findutils, '
+++ output='live-build (<= 1:20170213), sed, gawk, rsync, wget, patch,
coreutils, findutils'
+++ echo 'live-build (<= 1:20170213), sed, gawk, rsync, wget, patch,
coreutils, findutils'
++ for INSTALLPKGMULTI in $(get_build_deps | split_deps)
+++ echo 'live-build/(<=/1:20170213)'
+++ tr / ' '
++ echo ' -> Considering build-dep live-build (<= 1:20170213)'
 -> Considering build-dep live-build (<= 1:20170213)
+++ split_alternates 'live-build/(<=/1:20170213)'
+++ echo 'live-build/(<=/1:20170213)'
+++ sed 's/ *| */\n/g'
++ for INSTALLPKG in $(split_alternates "$INSTALLPKGMULTI")
+++ get_pkg_name 'live-build/(<=/1:20170213)'
+++ echo 'live-build/(<=/1:20170213)'
+++ sed 's#^/*##; s#[[/(<].*##'
++ echo 'live-build/(<=/1:20170213)'
++ grep -q '\['
++ echo 'live-build/(<=/1:20170213)'
++ grep -q '<'
++ checkbuilddep_restrictiondeps 'live-build/(<=/1:20170213)' 'nocheck astrace'
++ local 'INSTALLPKG=live-build/(<=/1:20170213)'
++ local 'PROFILES=nocheck astrace'
+++ echo 'echo "$INSTALLPKG" | sed -e 's/[^<]*<\(.*\)>.*/\1/' -e 'y|/|
|' -e 's/>\s\+.*/\1/' -e 'y|/| |' -e 's/>\s\+
+7 916 562 8095

[1] Join Alexei Fedotov @linkedin,
[2] Join Alexei Fedotov @facebook,
[3] Start using Apache Openmeetings today,

Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Dan Ritter
Celejar wrote: 
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 14:06:55 -0400
> > But I suspect that we now know why the DFT utility can't see it:
> > because DOS can't see it, because DOS doesn't have any SATA
> > support. The best that can be done is providing a virtualized
> > interface, and that won't let you interrogate the disk.
> Ah, okay. Well, the BIOS does offer an IDE mode for the controller, but
> even that doesn't allow DFT to work. Are you suggesting that that's
> because it's not "real" IDE, but some kind of virtualized interface?

Yeah. IDE stands for "integrated drive electronics" and was
essentially a wrapping of the 8-bit (and later 16-bit) PC/AT bus
that fed into a controller mounted on the drive.

The successor was called ATA, and later still redubbed PATA
(parallel ATA) when SATA was invented.

You've got a multiterabyte SATA drive. It speaks a 1.5, 3 or 6 Gb/s
serial protocol with a command set that only looks like IDE if you run
them both through a blender. For one thing, I'm pretty sure IDE couldn't
handle more than... here's the doc:

The 528MB, 137GB, and 4.2GB limits are all coming into effect
here, possibly others.


Re: wrong from field with alpine

2020-10-21 Thread Roger Price

On Wed, 21 Oct 2020, davidson wrote:

On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
when I send a mail with alpine, the from field becomes 
"" instead of ""

One thing you could try is go to config settings in alpine

Main menu >> Setup >> Config

search for the setting "Customized Headers", and set it to something like 

 Customized Headers   = From: Pierre Frenkiel 

Thanks, I've wondered for a long time how to do this.  Is it possible to set a 
second customized header?  I tried to append Cc: ... but got an error message.


Apache 2.4. Autoriser la méthode PUT pour un chemin spécifique

2020-10-21 Thread Olivier

J'ai des fichiers dans une arboresence /srv/tftp/foo d'une machine sous
Je souhaite pouvoir "pousser" des fichiers dans cette arborescence avec la
méthode PUT via un serveur Apache 2.4 sur lequel le paquet php est installé.

Comment procéder proprement ?

J'ai le fichier file_upload.php au contenu suivant:

J'ai aussi un fichier de config Apache, activé avec a2enconf :

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

Alias /foo /srv/tftp/foo
DocumentRoot /srv/tftp/foo
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Script PUT /srv/tftp/foo/file_upload.php

curl -T foo.cfg

405 Method Not Allowed

Method Not Allowed
The requested method PUT is not allowed for this URL.

Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) Server at Port 80

Comment corriger ?


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Celejar
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 14:06:55 -0400
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Celejar wrote: 
> > On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 13:00:11 -0400
> > Dan Ritter  wrote:
> > 
> > > Celejar wrote: 
> > > > On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 11:15:40 -0400
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > and made a FreeDos installer USB stick and put DFT on it. It actually
> > > > runs (although it skips the opening menu that comes up when booting the
> > > > disk image itself (via PXE or the UBCD image)), but it fails to find
> > > > any disks on the system :(. I don't know if that's a problem with
> > > > the way I'm running it, or some problem with my system configuration
> > > > (UEFI / BIOS, etc.) I tried changing the SATA controller mode from RAID
> > > > to IDE, but it didn't help.
> > > 
> > > A disk behind a weird SATA controller that sometimes thinks it's
> > > a RAID controller? That's going to be problematic.
> > 
> > This is an HP Z440 workstation. I don't know much about these things,
> > but this is apparently standard HP design:
> > 
> >
> > (p. 108)
> OK, it's an Intel FakeRaid. This will work optimally with Debian
> in AHCI mode. 
> But I suspect that we now know why the DFT utility can't see it:
> because DOS can't see it, because DOS doesn't have any SATA
> support. The best that can be done is providing a virtualized
> interface, and that won't let you interrogate the disk.

Ah, okay. Well, the BIOS does offer an IDE mode for the controller, but
even that doesn't allow DFT to work. Are you suggesting that that's
because it's not "real" IDE, but some kind of virtualized interface?

> > > Let's go back to: what are you trying to accomplish? Do you have
> > > a new disk that you're trying to qualify in some way, or an old
> > > disk that may have failed and you want to send in for warranty
> > > replacement, or what?
> > 
> > A "refurbished" HGST Ultrastar, almost certainly a server pull,
> > purchased on eBay. Originally, I just wanted to verify the health of
> > the disk, and to do so "by the book" (I can always just run badblocks
> > and call it a day), but now I'm intrigued, I suppose, by the
> > challenge ;/
> I think you've come to the end of this road. Do run badblocks
> and check it out that way. And have smartctl run a long test.

Makes sense - I'll do that. Thanks.


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Dan Ritter
Celejar wrote: 
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 13:00:11 -0400
> Dan Ritter  wrote:
> > Celejar wrote: 
> > > On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 11:15:40 -0400
> > >
> > > 
> > > and made a FreeDos installer USB stick and put DFT on it. It actually
> > > runs (although it skips the opening menu that comes up when booting the
> > > disk image itself (via PXE or the UBCD image)), but it fails to find
> > > any disks on the system :(. I don't know if that's a problem with
> > > the way I'm running it, or some problem with my system configuration
> > > (UEFI / BIOS, etc.) I tried changing the SATA controller mode from RAID
> > > to IDE, but it didn't help.
> > 
> > A disk behind a weird SATA controller that sometimes thinks it's
> > a RAID controller? That's going to be problematic.
> This is an HP Z440 workstation. I don't know much about these things,
> but this is apparently standard HP design:
> (p. 108)

OK, it's an Intel FakeRaid. This will work optimally with Debian
in AHCI mode. 

But I suspect that we now know why the DFT utility can't see it:
because DOS can't see it, because DOS doesn't have any SATA
support. The best that can be done is providing a virtualized
interface, and that won't let you interrogate the disk.

> > Let's go back to: what are you trying to accomplish? Do you have
> > a new disk that you're trying to qualify in some way, or an old
> > disk that may have failed and you want to send in for warranty
> > replacement, or what?
> A "refurbished" HGST Ultrastar, almost certainly a server pull,
> purchased on eBay. Originally, I just wanted to verify the health of
> the disk, and to do so "by the book" (I can always just run badblocks
> and call it a day), but now I'm intrigued, I suppose, by the
> challenge ;/

I think you've come to the end of this road. Do run badblocks
and check it out that way. And have smartctl run a long test.


Re: kernel security upgrade - "rebase?"

2020-10-21 Thread David Wright
On Wed 21 Oct 2020 at 09:40:37 (+0300), Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Ma, 20 oct 20, 10:44:17, wrote:
> > On Tuesday, October 20, 2020 05:10:33 AM Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > > On Lu, 19 oct 20, 20:21:45, The Wanderer wrote:
> > > > To install that package and let the upgrade go forward, you have a few
> > > > options. The simplest, and the one I go with myself, would be to run
> > > > 
> > > > $ apt-get dist-upgrade
> > > 
> > > I disagree, the simplest and arguably slightly safer is
> > > 
> > > apt upgrade
> > 
> > I agree, for an additional reason -- iiuc, if you are using an older 
> > version 
> > of Debian, dist-upgrade will attempt to upgrade to the current version, 
> > which 
> > could cause problems.

What do you mean by "older" and "current"? There's no reason to
suppose that sources.list has been touched. Perhaps the "dist-"
prefix is confusing¹, and makes you think there's a release
change involved. But one of the virtues of the apt-get command
line is its stability, hence its recommendation for scripting,
so that's unlikely to change.

> Actually you will just end up with a partially upgraded system, which 
> may be worse.
> Your best course of action at that point is likely to follow-up with 
> dist-upgrade to switch completely to the next release.
> This two-step distribution upgrade is actually a documented work around 
> for some issues on upgrades to the next release.

Are you not just compounding rhkramer's confusion?

The OP reported running a system where they were running "apt-get
update" (implied) and "apt-get upgrade" regularly (over a period
of weeks) but that their kernel wasn't up-to-date as it was being
held back.

That's standard behaviour, because linux kernel versions (as opposed
to Debian kernel versions) include their version number in the package
name, so apt-get won't install the new packages by default.

The next step, suitable for the great majority (including myself) is
to use "apt-get dist-upgrade" to allow the kernel to be upgraded.
(Where the previous kernel has been running satisfactorily for a
sufficient period, this can be followed by "apt-get --purge
autoremove" to remove the previously-old version.) (attached 1)

The OP had a problem with this sequence, in that ThunderBird was
also being held back, and they didn't want that upgraded because
of its interaction with EnigMail. There are several possible ways
of resolving that.

Pinning would work one-time, but would have to be updated every
few years, whenever the TB/EM problem recurs, because AIUI it
pins applies to a specific version.

Adding  --no-remove  to your script, or configuring  APT::Get::Remove
in /etc/apt/ will prevent accidental removal of packages by apt-get.

Using apt instead will work until your fingers type apt-get one time.
("Wired" fingers can be just as much a problem as not noticing/bothering
to read apt-get's warning.)

And The Wanderer pointed out that you can just "apt-get install
linux-image-amd64", another one-time method. (attached 2)

BTW I think "rebase" was an accidental slip of the pen, rather than
anything particularly different about this security upgrade.

¹ From  man aptitude:

This command was originally named dist-upgrade for historical reasons, and
aptitude still recognizes dist-upgrade as a synonym for full-upgrade.

Start-Date: 2020-10-19  14:48:28
Commandline: apt-get upgrade
Upgrade: linux-libc-dev:amd64 (4.19.146-1, 4.19.152-1), 
linux-compiler-gcc-8-x86:amd64 (4.19.146-1, 4.19.152-1), linux-source:amd64 
(4.19+105+deb10u6, 4.19+105+deb10u7), linux-kbuild-4.19:amd64 (4.19.146-1, 
4.19.152-1), linux-config-4.19:amd64 (4.19.146-1, 4.19.152-1), 
linux-source-4.19:amd64 (4.19.146-1, 4.19.152-1)
End-Date: 2020-10-19  14:48:40

Start-Date: 2020-10-19  14:54:50
Commandline: apt-get dist-upgrade
Install: linux-headers-4.19.0-12-amd64:amd64 (4.19.152-1, automatic), 
linux-image-4.19.0-12-amd64:amd64 (4.19.152-1, automatic), 
linux-headers-4.19.0-12-common:amd64 (4.19.152-1, automatic)
Upgrade: linux-image-amd64:amd64 (4.19+105+deb10u6, 4.19+105+deb10u7), 
linux-headers-amd64:amd64 (4.19+105+deb10u6, 4.19+105+deb10u7)
End-Date: 2020-10-19  14:56:19

Start-Date: 2020-10-19  14:57:22
Commandline: apt-get --purge autoremove
Purge: linux-headers-4.19.0-10-amd64:amd64 (4.19.132-1), 
linux-image-4.19.0-10-amd64:amd64 (4.19.132-1), 
linux-headers-4.19.0-10-common:amd64 (4.19.132-1)
End-Date: 2020-10-19  14:57:43
# apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
  linux-headers-amd64 linux-image-amd64
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.

# apt-get install linux-headers-amd64 linux-image-amd64
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state 

Re: TV Linux.

2020-10-21 Thread qbtdbm

didier gaumet a écrit :

Je ne peux pas t'éclairer sur le cas particulier de ces TV chez Boulanger mais 
il y a ici un  article en anglais (récent, mars 2019) qui détaille les 
différents systèmes d'exploitation, commerciaux ou non, présents sur des smart 
TV et basés sur Linux, avec une évaluation de leurs parts de marché respectives:


Le lien est très intéressant. Finalement Linux est très présent sur les TV.

Ça ne garantie pas que l'on puisse mettre à jour ou faire évoluer la TV.


Re: Re : TV Linux.

2020-10-21 Thread qbtdbm a écrit :

Le 19/10/2020 21:32:05, qbtdbm a écrit :

Je me permet ce message même si cela ne concerne pas directement
Debian mais Linux.
En passant chez Boulanger, j'ai vu des TV fonctionnant sous Linux et
pas sous Android…
Je n'ai pas trouvé plus d'informations mais je continue de chercher.
Est-ce Open Source ? Est ce que l'on peut mettre à jour en cas
d’obsolescence ?
Quelqu'un a-t-il des informations complémentaire ou une expérience ?

J’en ai une à la maison, déjà ancienne.
Il y a des prises USB mais je doute qu’on puisse démarrer dessus où même y 
faire fonctionner un clavier ou une souris.
Le système est inaccessible, du moins, je n’ai pas vraiment chercher à y faire 
tourner Doom.

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

Merci de ta réponse.

Le but n'est pas de l'utiliser comme un ordinateur, je suis en train de 
tester une configuration de média center à base de Raspberry.

Je n'ai aucune confiance pour la connecter à Internet.

Ce que j'aimerai, c'est pouvoir la mettre à jour après la fin de 


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Celejar
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 13:00:11 -0400
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Celejar wrote: 
> > On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 11:15:40 -0400
> >
> > 
> > and made a FreeDos installer USB stick and put DFT on it. It actually
> > runs (although it skips the opening menu that comes up when booting the
> > disk image itself (via PXE or the UBCD image)), but it fails to find
> > any disks on the system :(. I don't know if that's a problem with
> > the way I'm running it, or some problem with my system configuration
> > (UEFI / BIOS, etc.) I tried changing the SATA controller mode from RAID
> > to IDE, but it didn't help.
> A disk behind a weird SATA controller that sometimes thinks it's
> a RAID controller? That's going to be problematic.

This is an HP Z440 workstation. I don't know much about these things,
but this is apparently standard HP design: (p. 108)

> > extracting it from DFT-V300.EXE on my Debian system and putting it
> > manually onto the FreeDos USB drive, and by putting DFT-V300.EXE on the
> > FreeDos drive and running it from within FreeDos to extract DFT.EXE. I
> > got the same result of no disk found both ways. Note that I'm pretty
> > sure that the disk is alive - I've been waiting to actually start
> > using it until I can run some checks on it, but it does respond
> > properly to S.M.A.R.T. queries.
> > 
> > Thanks again. Any further suggestions?
> Let's go back to: what are you trying to accomplish? Do you have
> a new disk that you're trying to qualify in some way, or an old
> disk that may have failed and you want to send in for warranty
> replacement, or what?

A "refurbished" HGST Ultrastar, almost certainly a server pull,
purchased on eBay. Originally, I just wanted to verify the health of
the disk, and to do so "by the book" (I can always just run badblocks
and call it a day), but now I'm intrigued, I suppose, by the
challenge ;/


Re: Qemu 9pfs sftp chrootdirectory option issue

2020-10-21 Thread john doe

On 10/20/2020 7:59 PM, Markus Schönhaber wrote:

20.10.20, 18:49 +0200, john doe:


According to (1):

Specifies a path to chroot(2) to after authentication. This path, and
all its components, must be root-owned directories that are not writable
by any other user or group. After the chroot, sshd(8)"

i'm using the Qemu's 9p implimentation (mapped mode) to share files
between guests and host, (2) due to lack of space on the guest.
This mountpointis not owned by root and I'm  at a lost on how to have
sftp access to that guest while pointing the chroot directory directive
to that share.

How about moving the 9pshare to a root-owned directory and pointing the
ChrootDirectory there, for example:
share -> /all/owned/by/root/9pshare
ChrootDirectory -> /all/owned/by/root

Thank you for this.

I can only do that if 'passthrough' is used, as I don't realy understand
the implecations of running qemu as root, I was hoping to find a way
with 'mapped'.
'mapped' requires that the directory on the host is set to the group and
user used by qemu, 'libvirt-qemu in this case.

John Doe

Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Dan Ritter
Celejar wrote: 
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 11:15:40 -0400
> and made a FreeDos installer USB stick and put DFT on it. It actually
> runs (although it skips the opening menu that comes up when booting the
> disk image itself (via PXE or the UBCD image)), but it fails to find
> any disks on the system :(. I don't know if that's a problem with
> the way I'm running it, or some problem with my system configuration
> (UEFI / BIOS, etc.) I tried changing the SATA controller mode from RAID
> to IDE, but it didn't help.

A disk behind a weird SATA controller that sometimes thinks it's
a RAID controller? That's going to be problematic.

> extracting it from DFT-V300.EXE on my Debian system and putting it
> manually onto the FreeDos USB drive, and by putting DFT-V300.EXE on the
> FreeDos drive and running it from within FreeDos to extract DFT.EXE. I
> got the same result of no disk found both ways. Note that I'm pretty
> sure that the disk is alive - I've been waiting to actually start
> using it until I can run some checks on it, but it does respond
> properly to S.M.A.R.T. queries.
> Thanks again. Any further suggestions?

Let's go back to: what are you trying to accomplish? Do you have
a new disk that you're trying to qualify in some way, or an old
disk that may have failed and you want to send in for warranty
replacement, or what?


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Celejar
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 11:15:40 -0400
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Celejar wrote: 
> > On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 08:55:20 +0300
> > Reco  wrote:
> > 
> > According to the manual, after I make the menu selection, "DFT will
> > load automatically and present you with the License Agreement as shown
> > below: ..." but this is where the thing bails and drops me to the
> > screen above.
> > 
> > I poked around a bit, but was unable to get anything to run:
> > 
> > 'dir' shows two files: DFT-V300.EXE and LOADDFT.EXE. The latter
> > returns: "Error: Missing parameter." The former returns:
> > 
> > PKSFX (R) FAST! Self Extract Utility Version 2.50 03-01-1999
> > Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Registered Version
> > PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
> > 
> > Searching EXE: A:/DFT/DFT-V300.EXE
> > Inflating: CleanDsk.PID
> > Inflating: CleanMBR.PID
> > Inflating: DFT.EXE
> > PXSFX: (E50) Disk Full, file: *
> > 
> > A:\DFT>
> > 
> > I switched to disk B: 'dir' shows four files: the two in A:, and
> > CLEANDSK.PID and CLEANMBR.PID. Running DFT-v300 gives the same error
> > (after warnings about overwriting the two *.PID files), and running
> > LOADDFT also gives the same error as above.
> Suggestion: mount the image as a loopback on your Linux system,
> extract the DFT.EXE (the DFT-V300.EXE is almost certainly a ZIP
> file that unzip can process), and then run it in a FreeDos boot.

Thanks much! We're almost there (perhaps). I followed the instructions

and made a FreeDos installer USB stick and put DFT on it. It actually
runs (although it skips the opening menu that comes up when booting the
disk image itself (via PXE or the UBCD image)), but it fails to find
any disks on the system :(. I don't know if that's a problem with
the way I'm running it, or some problem with my system configuration
(UEFI / BIOS, etc.) I tried changing the SATA controller mode from RAID
to IDE, but it didn't help.

I tried running DFT.EXE two different ways: the way you suggested, by
extracting it from DFT-V300.EXE on my Debian system and putting it
manually onto the FreeDos USB drive, and by putting DFT-V300.EXE on the
FreeDos drive and running it from within FreeDos to extract DFT.EXE. I
got the same result of no disk found both ways. Note that I'm pretty
sure that the disk is alive - I've been waiting to actually start
using it until I can run some checks on it, but it does respond
properly to S.M.A.R.T. queries.

Thanks again. Any further suggestions?


Re: Is there such a thing as a Debian blend for a MacBook Air 1,1 and/or Mac boxes in general? ...

2020-10-21 Thread Albretch Mueller
 I got that tar ball and I think i am doing the right thing, but
something is not going well:

$ _IFL="broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2"

$ ls -l "${_IFL}"
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13514651 Aug 13  2011 broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2

$ file --brief "${_IFL}"
bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k

$ sha256sum --binary "${_IFL}"

$ sha1sum --binary "${_IFL}"
21691a8c99c66f58d18f863ee43593d1633b454c *broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2

$ md5sum --binary "${_IFL}"
f4e357b09eaf5d8b1f1920cf3493a555 *broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2

$ ls -l *.o
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12111310 Aug 13  2011 wl_ap.o
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13231072 Aug 13  2011 wl_apsta.o
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11943791 Aug 13  2011 wl_sta.o

$ file *.o
wl_ap.o:ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, MIPS, MIPS32 version 1 (SYSV),
not stripped
wl_apsta.o: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, MIPS, MIPS32 version 1 (SYSV),
not stripped
wl_sta.o:   ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, MIPS, MIPS32 version 1 (SYSV),
not stripped

$ gcc -Wall *.o
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
/usr/bin/ld: wl_ap.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 8)
wl_ap.o: error adding symbols: File in wrong format
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


Re: Thunderbird / enigmail

2020-10-21 Thread D. R. Evans

Greg Marks wrote on 10/13/20 9:37 AM:

I had no problems transitioning from Enigmail to Thunderbird 78.3.1,
which has removed Enigmail.  With an existing GPG installation, it
was necessary to run the command "gpg --export-secret-keys --armor >
private_key.asc" for importation into Thunderbird.  Then in Thunderbird,
clicking the main account header in the side panel brings up a link
"End-to-end encryption."  This brings up "Account Settings," toward the
bottom of which is an "End-To-End Encryption" header.  From here one can
enable OpenPGP by importing the "private_key.asc" file created earlier.

OK, but how do I create a sticky setting that tells TB to use encryption?

If I go to "Account Settings | End-to-End Encryption" I can select and add a 
key to an account. But there doesn't seem to be a "save" function, and as soon 
as I leave the settings page, the setting reverts to "None - do not use 
OpenPGP for this identity".


PS BTW Thanks very much for the instructions; I would have been completely 
lost without them. This sure isn't easy/obvious.


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Dan Ritter
Celejar wrote: 
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 08:55:20 +0300
> Reco  wrote:
> According to the manual, after I make the menu selection, "DFT will
> load automatically and present you with the License Agreement as shown
> below: ..." but this is where the thing bails and drops me to the
> screen above.
> I poked around a bit, but was unable to get anything to run:
> 'dir' shows two files: DFT-V300.EXE and LOADDFT.EXE. The latter
> returns: "Error: Missing parameter." The former returns:
> PKSFX (R) FAST! Self Extract Utility Version 2.50 03-01-1999
> Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Registered Version
> PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
> Searching EXE: A:/DFT/DFT-V300.EXE
>   Inflating: CleanDsk.PID
>   Inflating: CleanMBR.PID
>   Inflating: DFT.EXE
> PXSFX: (E50) Disk Full, file: *
> A:\DFT>
> I switched to disk B: 'dir' shows four files: the two in A:, and
> CLEANDSK.PID and CLEANMBR.PID. Running DFT-v300 gives the same error
> (after warnings about overwriting the two *.PID files), and running
> LOADDFT also gives the same error as above.

Suggestion: mount the image as a loopback on your Linux system,
extract the DFT.EXE (the DFT-V300.EXE is almost certainly a ZIP
file that unzip can process), and then run it in a FreeDos boot.


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Celejar
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 09:04:12 -0400
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Reco wrote: 
> > Hi.
> > 
> > On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 09:10:48PM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > > I had started thinking about PXE after my initial post. I tried PXE
> > > (from my OpenWrt router) - it was actually fairly easy to setup,
> > > following the guide here:
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > And the thing actually runs! But I get the same errors described here :(
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > To be more precise, here's what I get:
> > > 
> > > **
> > > 
> > > HIMEM: DOS XMS Driver, Version 3.15 - 05/30/94
> > > Extended Memory Specification (XMS) Version 3.0
> > > Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 1988, 1994
> > > 
> > > ERROR: Unable to control A20 line!
> > >   XMS Driver not installed.
> > > 
> > > IBM RAMDrive version 3.10 virtual disk C:
> > > RAMDrive: Extended Memory Manager not present
> > > HMA not available: Loading DOS low
> > > Microsoft (R) Mouse Driver Version 8.20
> > > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1983-1992.
> > > Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 1992-1993.
> > > Mouse driver installed
> > > Loading DFT ...
> > > 
> > > Insert diskette for drive B: and press any key when ready
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Error RAMDRIVE not found or wrong RAMDRIVE size.
> > > 
> > > Insert diskette for drive A: and press any key when ready
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > A:\DFT>
> > > 
> > > **
> > > 
> > > and that's it. Is this just a limitation of memdisk's emulation? Any
> > > further ideas?
> > 
> > Hm. Aren't you supposed to execute something from that A:\DFT directory?
> > I mean, it booted, successfully mapped memdisk to A:, all is left to
> > execute an appropriate .COM/.EXE.
> As Reco says: that's a success. You're in a DOS command-line
> environment.
> New experience: I've never explained DOS commands in terms of
> shell commands before; it's always been the other way around.
> UNIX systems have a single root; DOS systems have a root on each
> filesystem, and filesystems are identified by a letter followed
> by a colon. Traditionally A: and B: are removable media and C:
> is a hard disk, but it's not mandatory.

Thanks - I've used DOS before, and I'm somewhat familiar with its basic

> Change to a different filesystem root by typing the letter
> followed by a colon
> c:
> ls  dir (you want /p for paginate)
> cd  chdir   (later versions allow you to substitute cd)
> fsckchkdisk
> reset   cls clear screen
> rm  del
> cp  copy
> cp -r   xcopy   
> Go find the executable you need and run it by just typing its
> name or its path. Remember the slashes are backwards.

Thanks, but as I've described in more detail in my email to Reco, none
of the executables in either A: or B: work, and according to the
manual, none of them should need to be executed manually - the thing is
supposed to continue from its initial menu screen to its actual
operation, but instead it's bailing with the errors shown.

Thank you again,


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Celejar
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 08:55:20 +0300
Reco  wrote:

>   Hi.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 09:10:48PM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 20:46:20 +0300
> > Reco  wrote:
> > 
> > > On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 01:15:48PM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > 
> > > > I'm tearing my hair out trying to get HGST's Drive Fitness Test utility
> > > > to run:
> > > ...
> > > > I've tried so many different things and wasted so much time, but have
> > > > still not succeeded:
> > > > 
> > > > 1) Copying the IMG straight to a flash drive:
> > > 
> > > Boot the thing via PXE. Syslinux can emulate a floppy from it's image
> > > (memdisk module).
> > 
> > I had started thinking about PXE after my initial post. I tried PXE
> > (from my OpenWrt router) - it was actually fairly easy to setup,
> > following the guide here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > And the thing actually runs! But I get the same errors described here :(
> > 
> >
> > 
> > To be more precise, here's what I get:
> > 
> > **
> > 
> > HIMEM: DOS XMS Driver, Version 3.15 - 05/30/94
> > Extended Memory Specification (XMS) Version 3.0
> > Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 1988, 1994
> > 
> > ERROR: Unable to control A20 line!
> > XMS Driver not installed.
> > 
> > IBM RAMDrive version 3.10 virtual disk C:
> > RAMDrive: Extended Memory Manager not present
> > HMA not available: Loading DOS low
> > Microsoft (R) Mouse Driver Version 8.20
> > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1983-1992.
> > Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 1992-1993.
> > Mouse driver installed
> > Loading DFT ...
> > 
> > Insert diskette for drive B: and press any key when ready
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Error RAMDRIVE not found or wrong RAMDRIVE size.
> > 
> > Insert diskette for drive A: and press any key when ready
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > A:\DFT>
> > 
> > **
> > 
> > and that's it. Is this just a limitation of memdisk's emulation? Any
> > further ideas?
> Hm. Aren't you supposed to execute something from that A:\DFT directory?
> I mean, it booted, successfully mapped memdisk to A:, all is left to
> execute an appropriate .COM/.EXE.

I should have been a bit more precise - when the thing boots, some
software is started, and I get the menu described on p. 7 of the User's

According to the manual, after I make the menu selection, "DFT will
load automatically and present you with the License Agreement as shown
below: ..." but this is where the thing bails and drops me to the
screen above.

I poked around a bit, but was unable to get anything to run:

'dir' shows two files: DFT-V300.EXE and LOADDFT.EXE. The latter
returns: "Error: Missing parameter." The former returns:

PKSFX (R) FAST! Self Extract Utility Version 2.50 03-01-1999
Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Registered Version
PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.

Searching EXE: A:/DFT/DFT-V300.EXE
Inflating: CleanDsk.PID
Inflating: CleanMBR.PID
Inflating: DFT.EXE
PXSFX: (E50) Disk Full, file: *


I switched to disk B: 'dir' shows four files: the two in A:, and
CLEANDSK.PID and CLEANMBR.PID. Running DFT-v300 gives the same error
(after warnings about overwriting the two *.PID files), and running
LOADDFT also gives the same error as above.

I understand that no one here can be expected to support this
ridiculously crufty proprietary closed source software. I'm just
wondering whether there's any FLOSS solution to emulate the actual
environment the thing expects closely enough for it to work.


Re: which package can convert barcode image to url?

2020-10-21 Thread Charles Curley
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 14:35:52 +1300
Richard Hector  wrote:

> On 21/10/20 2:19 pm, Long Wind wrote:
> > On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, 9:06:25 PM EDT, Richard Hector
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > .
> > After installing imagemagick (and zbar-tools), and reading some man
> > pages, this worked:
> > 
> > richard@zircon :~$ convert dierge_16.jpg
> > -sharpen 0x3 - | zbarimg -
> > QR-Code:
> > scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.01 seconds

This also worked for me. Thanks, Richard.

My iPhone did decode it correctly, both the native camera and the
'Barcode to PC' app.

> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Really? it's unbelievable
> > qr code in image is in black and white, it's not taken by camera,
> > so no fuzzy logic is needed by decoder
> > image source:
> >  
> Strange that they provide a blurry image.

They could have provided a larger image. This is only 87 x 86 pixels.
Images I've generated are more like 123 x 123 or 171 x 171.

Note that the file size of mine is an order of magnitude smaller, 484
bytes v. 6457.

qtqr also failed to decode dierge_16.jpg.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Is there such a thing as a Debian blend for a MacBook Air 1,1 and/or Mac boxes in general? ...

2020-10-21 Thread Paul Wise
On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 12:43 PM Albretch Mueller wrote:

>  Thank you for all the leads and I was installing
> firmware-b43-installer via dpkg, but after I took care of all
> dependencies  firmware-b43-installer was trying to connect to the
> Internet to some lwfinder?
>  Resolving] ... failed: Name
> or service not known.

Hmm, that domain works for me and firmware-b43-installer seems to use
https not http.


Re: Is there such a thing as a Debian blend for a MacBook Air 1,1 and/or Mac boxes in general? ...

2020-10-21 Thread Dan Ritter
Albretch Mueller wrote: 
> > apt install firmware-b43-installer
> > will be needed, I think.
>  Thank you for all the leads and I was installing
> firmware-b43-installer via dpkg, but after I took care of all
> dependencies  firmware-b43-installer was trying to connect to the
> Internet to some lwfinder?
>  Resolving] ... failed: Name
> or service not known.

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1
ttl=48 time=56.6 ms

Yeah, this package goes and gets the firmware from an external
source. Broadcom is nasty like that.


Re: Running HGST's DFT utility from a flash drive

2020-10-21 Thread Dan Ritter
Reco wrote: 
>   Hi.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 09:10:48PM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > I had started thinking about PXE after my initial post. I tried PXE
> > (from my OpenWrt router) - it was actually fairly easy to setup,
> > following the guide here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > And the thing actually runs! But I get the same errors described here :(
> > 
> >
> > 
> > To be more precise, here's what I get:
> > 
> > **
> > 
> > HIMEM: DOS XMS Driver, Version 3.15 - 05/30/94
> > Extended Memory Specification (XMS) Version 3.0
> > Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 1988, 1994
> > 
> > ERROR: Unable to control A20 line!
> > XMS Driver not installed.
> > 
> > IBM RAMDrive version 3.10 virtual disk C:
> > RAMDrive: Extended Memory Manager not present
> > HMA not available: Loading DOS low
> > Microsoft (R) Mouse Driver Version 8.20
> > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1983-1992.
> > Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 1992-1993.
> > Mouse driver installed
> > Loading DFT ...
> > 
> > Insert diskette for drive B: and press any key when ready
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Error RAMDRIVE not found or wrong RAMDRIVE size.
> > 
> > Insert diskette for drive A: and press any key when ready
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > A:\DFT>
> > 
> > **
> > 
> > and that's it. Is this just a limitation of memdisk's emulation? Any
> > further ideas?
> Hm. Aren't you supposed to execute something from that A:\DFT directory?
> I mean, it booted, successfully mapped memdisk to A:, all is left to
> execute an appropriate .COM/.EXE.

As Reco says: that's a success. You're in a DOS command-line

New experience: I've never explained DOS commands in terms of
shell commands before; it's always been the other way around.

UNIX systems have a single root; DOS systems have a root on each
filesystem, and filesystems are identified by a letter followed
by a colon. Traditionally A: and B: are removable media and C:
is a hard disk, but it's not mandatory.

Change to a different filesystem root by typing the letter
followed by a colon


ls  dir (you want /p for paginate)
cd  chdir   (later versions allow you to substitute cd)
reset   cls clear screen
rm  del
cp  copy
cp -r   xcopy   

Go find the executable you need and run it by just typing its
name or its path. Remember the slashes are backwards.


Re: Is there such a thing as a Debian blend for a MacBook Air 1,1 and/or Mac boxes in general? ...

2020-10-21 Thread Albretch Mueller
> apt install firmware-b43-installer
> will be needed, I think.

 Thank you for all the leads and I was installing
firmware-b43-installer via dpkg, but after I took care of all
dependencies  firmware-b43-installer was trying to connect to the
Internet to some lwfinder?

 Resolving] ... failed: Name
or service not known.


Re: Laptop keyboard and touchpad don't work after upgrading fromlinux-image-4.19.0-9-amd64 to any later kernel [SOLVED]

2020-10-21 Thread David
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 at 18:40,  wrote:

> Thanks a lot for your detailed post-mortem. You made the world
> a bit nicer :)

You helped, actually :) I made use of the bug search methods
suggested previously, including yours:

Re: Laptop keyboard and touchpad don't work after upgrading fromlinux-image-4.19.0-9-amd64 to any later kernel [SOLVED]

2020-10-21 Thread tomas
On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 11:49:01PM -0500, Matt Roberds wrote:
> Quick version:


Thanks a lot for your detailed post-mortem. You made the world
a bit nicer :)

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: wrong from field with alpine

2020-10-21 Thread davidson

On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 davidson wrote:

On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 Pierre Frenkiel wrote:


when I send a mail with alpine, the from field becomes 
"" instead of ""

One thing you could try is go to config settings in alpine

Main menu >> Setup >> Config

search for the setting "Customized Headers", and set it to something like 

 Customized Headers   = From: Pierre Frenkiel 

(Ah. I now see that I am repeating Curt's advice.)

 The day will come  |  Last words, August Spies (1855--1887).
 When our silence will be   |  Hanged, by the state of Illinois,
 More powerful than |  alongside fellow journalists
 The voices you strangle today  |  Adolf Fischer and Albert Parsons.

Re: wrong from field with alpine

2020-10-21 Thread davidson

On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 Pierre Frenkiel wrote:


when I send a mail with alpine, the from field becomes "" 
instead of ""

One thing you could try is go to config settings in alpine

 Main menu >> Setup >> Config

search for the setting "Customized Headers", and set it to something like this:

  Customized Headers   = From: Pierre Frenkiel 

If you use alpine's "Role" rules, it is possible to override this for
a given role (ie, you could set a different "From:" header value for
that role).

An obvious consequence is that people can't reply to this mail

Well, I guess that would be true if you had sent it with alpine (but
it appears that you did not).

Ce qui est important est rarement urgent
et ce qui est urgent est rarement important
-- Dwight David Eisenhower

Re: kernel security upgrade - "rebase?"

2020-10-21 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 20 oct 20, 10:44:17, wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 20, 2020 05:10:33 AM Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Lu, 19 oct 20, 20:21:45, The Wanderer wrote:
> > > To install that package and let the upgrade go forward, you have a few
> > > options. The simplest, and the one I go with myself, would be to run
> > > 
> > > $ apt-get dist-upgrade
> > 
> > I disagree, the simplest and arguably slightly safer is
> > 
> > apt upgrade
> I agree, for an additional reason -- iiuc, if you are using an older version 
> of Debian, dist-upgrade will attempt to upgrade to the current version, which 
> could cause problems.

Actually you will just end up with a partially upgraded system, which 
may be worse.

Your best course of action at that point is likely to follow-up with 
dist-upgrade to switch completely to the next release.

This two-step distribution upgrade is actually a documented work around 
for some issues on upgrades to the next release.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: [rech] script traitement par lot d’image ?

2020-10-21 Thread ptilou
Le lundi 19 octobre 2020 à 18:00:03 UTC+2, ptilou a écrit :
> Le dimanche 18 octobre 2020 à 15:30:02 UTC+2, Marc Siegwald a écrit : 
> > Le 18/10/2020 à 07:55, ptilou a écrit : 
> > > Bonjour, 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Voilà 30 images prises à un intervalle de 1 mn, en astronomie le club du 
> > > Havre propose un logiciel gratuit sous MS, c’est un astronome de Boston 
> > > qui me l’a confié. 
> > > 
> > > J’ai d’autre exemple de «stack » de photos. 
> > > 
> > > J’aurais aimer savoir c’est quoi le script qui détecte les similitudes 
> > > d’images, par exemple Google photo, au bout de X heures, proposent 
> > > d’enregistrer divers choses (animation, panorama, etc ) 
> > > 
> > > Je pose la question avant de me lancer dans une recherche, j’ai trouvé 
> > > une commande sous imagemagick pour assembler les photos, mais je n’ai 
> > > rien vu pour détecter les photos à assembler, dois je m’orienter dans 
> > > l’utilisation de opencv pour réaliser cela ? 
> > > 
> > > J’ai aussi l’idée de savoir si la commande hdr, qui est apparue y a 
> > > quelque temps, c’est juste l’assemblage de 3 photos, ou il y a quelque 
> > > chose d’autre, pourquoi doit on utiliser une biblio spécifique sous 
> > > imagemagick, est-ce que quelqu’un l’a fait ? 
> > > 
> > > Désoler pour le lien Google, j’ai été déménagé 
> > > Je vais compléter par une ligne de commande pour le stack imagemagick, le 
> > > temps que je trouve . 
> > > 
> > > — 
> > > Ptilou 
> > > 
> > Bonjour, 
> > 
> > En astrophoto pure (par exemple stack de photos lunaires ou 
> > planétaires), on utilise plusieurs logiciels à la suite : PIPP, 
> > Autostakkert 3 ou Registax. Ce sont tous des logiciels Windows à la 
> > base, mais utilisables sous Debian et Wine. (petit bémol pour Registax 
> > dont la compatibilité n'est pas optimale). 
> >
> composite -dissolve 50 in1.png in2.png -alpha Set out.png 
> Un exemple de stack, on est pas obligé de se limiter à : composite -dissolve, 
> d'autre commande existe, et ma question est comment par quel algo, determine 
> t'on les images à selectionner, pour imagemagick, est-ce que le module perl 
> n'est pas plus adapté, sinon ici c'est logiciel libre et donc Gimp fait ce 
> que tu propose, moi je cherche un automatisme, dans la commande choisie par 
> imagemagick, et un deuxieme automatisme dans le choix des images, comme 
> google photos le fait c'est que c'est public, juste quelqu'un qui me donne 
> l'info sur l'algo, opencv est peut etre un bon debut de piste, y a que moi 
> qui fait de la photo en ligne de commande ?
> > Fais une recherche sous Youtube sur "la chaîne astro" ou "astronote" ou 
> > "Dk astronomie" pour des utilisations détaillées et chaînées des 
> > différents logiciels. 
> > 
> > Bonne journée,
> Merci, je paye mon houblon au Fosdem !
> > 
> > Marc 
> > 
> > PS : et désolé pour le mail privé, j'ai cliqué trop vite
> Pas de souci google mail marche bien

Y a tous les automatismes, bon le script je vais repartir sur ma base de 
convert, que j’ai publié sur fcolc, mais làselections des images ? (Opencv ?)

Autre ptit chose elles (les images) arrivent en 18 Mpx, c’est pas mieux de les 
réduire puis de faire les traitements ?

Y a t’il des photographes open sources ?
( sur un blog chez Word presse, sur de l’open sources, là pub de bannière 
propose un photographe de drone, j’ai faillit chanter alleluia...)

> -- 
> ptilou