Re: Possible?! A Debian public repository for all complex code lines with examples and scripts?

2021-03-27 Thread Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z
Oh dear, so much opposition here, isn't it?

Please take your time and patience to read my whole message,
I put some titles so you can jump where you need to.


Dear Susmita/Rajib, thanks for sharing your opinion.
It is very ambitious what you are proposing.

1.1. Introduction.

Let's see:

El vie, 26 mar 2021 a las 9:57, Susmita/Rajib
() escribió:
> My illustrious Team Leaders and Movers of the Debian List,
> It has often been advised by experienced users of Debian for the
> learners to focus more on man pages.
> I shall seek a few examples before i place my questions.
> Let us for instance look at the man page of ls at:

This one looks very good, although there are more descriptive
manual pages out there for other packages; but, remember it is
about "ls", a very basic command so what else would we expect?

> Then the following pages:

I see what you mean, you are talking about book-like writings that
talk in a straightforward and enjoyable way about a very specific subject.
Well, how-to's have a little common with this, but what are you proposing is
very big.  It would not be like Wikipedia, it would be like WikiHow
( mixed with a blog.

PS: Now that I think, the Debian Wiki [1] is a little like a Debian Wikipedia,
perhaps it may suffice what you're looking for.

> (...)
> Even the book that I have procured — The Linux Command Line, A
> Complete Introduction, by William Shotts  — has all codes spread (or
> sprewn) across many pages and has to be brought together by exhaustive
> note taking.

A book has to have its original sources. :)

1.2. Manual pages.

> It is clearly noticed that wide applications of tricks with wildcards,
> regex and redirections aren't simply available in the man pages.

Well, this is not completely true.  Please look here at
section DEFINITIONS and section EXPANSION subsection
Pathname Expansion.

These manual pages work with a little hierarchy, as I see,
so if you know how to use bash there is no need to specify
how to use ls with bash.  [I didn't know that pathname expansion
is performed by bash].

1.3. A very big documentation.

> So is it then not necessary to have a repository of codes, with all
> permutations & combinations of possibilities with wildcards/regular
> expressions, redirections and so on, along with a wide variety of
> examples, be made available? Have the complete code reference hosted
> by the Debian server itself?

Well, this is a little problematic: let's say we use three programs
on one complete command at a terminal, each one has 20 different options.
If we wrote every possible combination we would have
1152918206075109375 possibilities [2],
not taking into account that some options could be specified multiple times;
also, I didn't count the variable arguments (those that need to be defined
by the user, like a file name).

Instead, you could have a list of tutorials for the most common
questions or uses.
You could organize them so well, that you could find what you want easily.
Of course it would be a very hard work, but certainly it would be very

Aside that, a web search engine gives you closely the same results searching
through the open internet for any information you want.
Blogs and other websites are a good source of information; at least
they are there.
A unified repository for such information is a little better but
it will not give you a big improvement.  And as I said, such a
unified repository can not have all the information, but only the most
relevant one;
for everything else, you will need to search through the open internet again.

PS: again, the Debian Wiki is a good base to build upon such type of

1.4. Unavailability of code and FOSS (or FLOSS).

> Is not this general unavailability of those more complex codes — then
> becomes a de-facto non-disclosure of complex code lines — against the
> very Policy of Free and Open Source systems?

Ok, ok... this is too much.  No, there is not any unavailability of
complex code lines, just ignorance.  Those complex lines must
be interpreted by the program, the program is free software with
"publicly viewable source"; so if you read the source,
you will understand everything.  The complex code lines are just
a way to tell the program to do many tasks at a time or to specify
more precisely what and how things must be done.

The only problem here, and not by Debian's failure, is that
not everyone is a programmer, or developer, or someone who
understands programming languages; also, more complex programs
are more 

Re: A simple screensaver that works - any improvement possible?

2021-03-27 Thread Dan Ritter
Susmita/Rajib wrote: 
> The working code, here:
> [?]invoke a screensaver and xset through script
> Link:
> Not posting the code here, as it would be a case of repitition.

If you are interested in this as a security device in the
slightest regard, you should read

(and it's a good read anyway).


Re: Which package for bug report?

2021-03-27 Thread Leandro neto

 Also watchdog0 sr@latn I am on a fight with Chinese corrupted google employee but nobody cares. Is mud stuffs is being stolen. They come by cell carries and cloned everything mine. Here is evidence links. The slice code I have it. It is unbelievable it shows how to hack any device on earth. I am not a professional. Just a regular window user. Fell fre to remote access my machines and see the files. 

 links evidence pictures and videos. 




 leandro. Contact me over the phone I don't teus this my isp +552122366155 +552121796156


 i want them on jail for the rest of they life's what they did to me and other person here is unacceptable 

 Enviado via UOL Mail

Assunto: Re: Which package for bug report?
Enviado em: 27 de março de 2021 18:23

On 3/27/21, mshr 
> Hello,
> Despite turning bluetooth off, it turns itself back on after the laptop
> wakes from sleep.
> I'm using the plasma desktop, installed from the initial installation media.
> What package should this bug relate to?

Hi, I suppose you should first take a look at [0], and then maybe check
packages 'bluedevil' and 'bluetooth' - maybe in that order.

Hope this help you, kind regards.



Re: Fwd: Xerox B215 configurar scanner con TCP/IP en Debian 10 xfce

2021-03-27 Thread JavierDebian

El 27/3/21 a las 14:28, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano escribió:


No he recibido respuesta del grupo sobre este topic, asi es que he 
llamado al servicio técnico de Xerox, donde me ha atendido una persona 
que desconocía totalmente lo que es linux (dijo que era solo una 
consulta de comando) asi que no pudo darme ayuda.

Hay algún otro foro para preguntar que me puedan recomendar?

Muchas Gracias


 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Xerox B215 configurar scanner con TCP/IP en Debian 10 xfce
Date:   Tue, 23 Mar 2021 20:41:13 -0300
From:   Marcelo Eduardo Giordano 
To: debian-user-spanish 


Les cuento que me compré una impresora Xerox B215 especialmente porque 
en el manual venía bien explicado la instalación en linux que seguí que 
es esta.

Instalación de controladores para Linux 1. Asegúrese de que el 
dispositivo esté conectado al equipo y encendido. Debe conectarse como 
superusuario (root) para instalar el software de la impresora. Si usted 
no es superusuario, consulte con el administrador de su sistema. 2. 
Cuando aparezca la ventana Administrator Login (Inicio de sesión de 
administrador), escriba root en el campo Login e introduzca la clave del 
sistema. 3. Desde el sitio web de Xerox, descargue el archivo zip del 
paquete Unified Linux Driver a su PC. 4. Seleccione el paquete Unified 
Linux Driver y extráigalo. 5. Copie el controlador Unified Linux Driver 
(directorio uld) en el escritorio. 6. Abra la ventana de terminal y vaya 
al directorio uld. 7. Para instalar el controlador de impresión, 
escriba: sudo ./, y pulse Intro. 8. Para instalar el 
controlador del escáner, escriba: sudo ./, y pulse 
Intro. Nota: El controlador de impresora y escáner se pueden instalar 
juntos, para ello escriba sudo ./ 9. Para acceder a las 
opciones de impresión y a las propiedades, vaya a Settings (Opciones)  
Devices (Dispositivos)  Printers (Impresoras). Seleccione la impresora 
y configure las opciones necesarias

Y aunque se instalaron los dos controladores (impresora y escaner) solo 
hizo funcionar la impresora, pero me fué imposible configurar el scanner 
usando TCP/IP

Lamentablemente no puedo "ver" el scanner ni con Simple Scan, ni con 
Xsane. Igualmente probé de configurarlo con el windows con TCP/IP y me 
funcionó perfecto en Windows, pero sigue sin funcionar en linux.

Buenas tardes.

Vayamos por partes.
¿Qué rama de Debian estás usando?
¿Qué controlador has estado usando y de dónde lo obtuviste?

Las impresoras Xerox tienen algunas mañas que no son difíciles de 
solucionar, pero hay que saber por dónde empezar.

Así que prueba lo siguiente:

Elimina con CUPS la impresora http://localhost:631/

Baja el controlador que lista la página de Xerox

Acá empezamos con las mañas; todo esto, como superusuario root en consola.

$ su

Descomprime el archivo en el directorio /root/

# tar -xzvf Xerox_B215_Linux_PrintDriver_Utilities.tar.gz -C /root/

de manera que te queden los archivos en un árbol como te los indico al pie.
No descomprimas el archivo en otro lado, porque entonces NO FUNCIONA.

Cambia a /root/uld/

# cd /root/uld

Ejecuta y di que sí a todo:

# ./

Ese script ejecuta a su vez dos script de instalación: para impresora y 
para escáner.

Enciende la impresora y asegúrate que tenga una dirección IP estática 
que no colisione que ningún otro equipo. Eso se configura desde la 
pantallita. Lee el manual de instrucciones.

Cierra la consola, abre el navegador y ve a CUPS

Instala la impresora; con casi total seguridad aparecerá listada.
Busca el modelo específico para la B215.
Elige las opciones correspondientes y listo la parte de impresión.

Instala y ejecuta xsane.

No debería haber problemas.

PD: Accediendo a la dirección IP de la impresora con un navegador, 
ingresas a la página de configuración de la misma; es más cómodo que la 


└── uld
├── i386
├── noarch
└── x86_64

Re: Which package for bug report?

2021-03-27 Thread riveravaldez
On 3/27/21, mshr  wrote:
> Hello,
> Despite turning bluetooth off, it turns itself back on after the laptop
> wakes from sleep.
> I'm using the plasma desktop, installed from the initial installation media.
> What package should this bug relate to?

Hi, I suppose you should first take a look at [0], and then maybe check
packages 'bluedevil' and 'bluetooth' - maybe in that order.

Hope this help you, kind regards.


Which package for bug report?

2021-03-27 Thread mshr

I'd like to report a bug for Debian testing (bullseye/sid).

Despite turning bluetooth off, it turns itself back on after the laptop wakes 
from sleep.
I'm using the plasma desktop, installed from the initial installation media.
What package should this bug relate to?

Thank you.

Re: Erreur MySQL : résolu

2021-03-27 Thread ajh-valmer
On Saturday 27 March 2021 18:54:07 Philippe wrote:
> > Plutôt que d'un port TCP, il peut s'agir d'un code erreur : 
> > 
> > 110 ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out  
> Bon, ben voilà. Maintenant, je done ma langue au chat aussi…

En rebootant le serveur, les mails remarchent, pop et smtp.

- Mode auto, ça met port 110 et chiffrement TLS,
- Manuellement, port 995 et chiffrement SSL,
les deux modes fonctionnent.

SMTP : port 587 et TLS, ça marche (pas de SSL possible, grisé)

Re: Dell R440 with Debian 10.7.0 Display Issues

2021-03-27 Thread Brian
On Sat 27 Mar 2021 at 11:20:21 -0500, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 27, 2021, 10:00 AM didier gaumet 
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > The Debian installer in graphic mode seems to rely on a VESA/VGA driver
> > rather than a driver dedicated to the hardware detected?
> >   on my laptop, I just booted an USB Debian 10 installer key and it was
> > the vga16fb module that was loaded
> >
> That was my understanding also. Lowest common-denominator is the reason I
> believe.

The installer starts in this fashion and ends in the same way. I would
contend that the contents of the official unofficial offering have zero
influence on this outcome in the normal course of events. It is not all
things for all people and consideration should be given to not seeing it
as such.


Re: Adding wine64 to wine installation (buster)

2021-03-27 Thread Rick Macdonald

On 2021-03-25 11:50 p.m., Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:
"wine" command is a 32-bit ELF binary and "wine64" command is a 64-bit 
ELF binary.
In my experience it doesn't matter which one to use, as long as you 
run programs inside a prefix that supports both 32-bit and 64-bit 
(WoW64). [1]

You can use just one prefix for both 32-bit and 64-bit programs, or 
you can have as many prefixes as you want, each could be setup with 
different settings and\or DLLs, tailored specifically for some program.

It is up to you how to manage them all.
I use "q4wine" program (it could be installed from Debian repo) that 
helps to make some things easier.
There is also commercial software "CrossOver" [2] from the authors of 
WINE project, but I've never used it.


Everything is working perfectly now.  Thanks for the help.


Re: OT: wine y Siap

2021-03-27 Thread Parodper

O 27/03/21 ás 19:54, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano escribiu:

On 25/3/21 03:40, Camaleón wrote:

El 2021-03-24 a las 18:43 -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano escribió:

On 24/3/21 12:17, Camaleón wrote:

El 2021-03-24 a las 11:51 -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano escribió:

On 24/3/21 11:33, Camaleón wrote:


2. Revisa los registros que genera Wine por si tuvieras más datos del
error cuando intentas imprimir.
¿Donde se miran los registros de wine? porque quise ejecutarlo 
desde la

consola y no me fue posible

Tienes que ejecutar la aplicación y mandar la salida a un archivo, aquí
indican cómo:

Where are 'wine' program execution logs stored? 

wine programa.exe &>wine.log

Te iba a decir que miraras también en el registro de cups
(/var/log/cups/*) pero por el error que te aparece en la aplicación me
da la sensación de que ni siquiera llega a hacer el intento de
impresión, es decir, que siap detecta «erróneamente» algún trabajo
pendiente de impresión o que la impresora está ocupada y aborta la

Hum... ¿tienes algún archivo de tipo .lock (bloqueo) en el directorio
donde has instalado siap?

Como hago para escribir "Program Files (x86)" ya que hay una carpeta 
en ese

directorio con el ejecutable.

Puedes ponerlo entre comillas:

wine "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/siap.exe" &>wine.log


Hola Amigos:

Copio log a ver si me ayudan

wine: configuration in L"/home/marcelo/.wine" has been updated.
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (00176250)->(001884D8, 
0, ), hacked stub.
0024:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class 
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (00214048)->(0020B8C0, 
0, ), hacked stub.
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0019F398)->(0020BD78, 
0, ), hacked stub.
0138:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0017B438)->(0022AE10, 
0, ), hacked stub.
0138:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0017B438)->(00B45C14, 
1, ), hacked stub.
0138:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class 
0138:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0172DE58)->(0172A550, 
0, ), hacked stub.
0138:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (01716F18)->(0171F9A8, 
0, ), hacked stub.

0138:fixme:richedit:IRichEditOle_fnInPlaceDeactivate stub 110A0088
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4ed2-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4ed2-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4ed2-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4ed2-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}


¿Aparece algo más en el registro? Por que los fixme son problemas del 
código del propio Wine 
Mira en para ver si hay más 
problemas. En caso contrario el problema es interno de Wine, y lo único 
que se me ocurre es que pruebes a compilar la última versión de Wine.

Re: OT: wine y Siap

2021-03-27 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

On 25/3/21 03:40, Camaleón wrote:

El 2021-03-24 a las 18:43 -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano escribió:

On 24/3/21 12:17, Camaleón wrote:

El 2021-03-24 a las 11:51 -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano escribió:

On 24/3/21 11:33, Camaleón wrote:


2. Revisa los registros que genera Wine por si tuvieras más datos del
error cuando intentas imprimir.

¿Donde se miran los registros de wine? porque quise ejecutarlo desde la
consola y no me fue posible

Tienes que ejecutar la aplicación y mandar la salida a un archivo, aquí
indican cómo:

Where are 'wine' program execution logs stored?

wine programa.exe &>wine.log

Te iba a decir que miraras también en el registro de cups
(/var/log/cups/*) pero por el error que te aparece en la aplicación me
da la sensación de que ni siquiera llega a hacer el intento de
impresión, es decir, que siap detecta «erróneamente» algún trabajo
pendiente de impresión o que la impresora está ocupada y aborta la

Hum... ¿tienes algún archivo de tipo .lock (bloqueo) en el directorio
donde has instalado siap?

Como hago para escribir "Program Files (x86)" ya que hay una carpeta en ese
directorio con el ejecutable.

Puedes ponerlo entre comillas:

wine "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/siap.exe" &>wine.log


Hola Amigos:

Copio log a ver si me ayudan

wine: configuration in L"/home/marcelo/.wine" has been updated.
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (00176250)->(001884D8, 
0, ), hacked stub.
0024:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class 
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (00214048)->(0020B8C0, 
0, ), hacked stub.
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0019F398)->(0020BD78, 
0, ), hacked stub.
0138:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0017B438)->(0022AE10, 
0, ), hacked stub.
0138:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0017B438)->(00B45C14, 
1, ), hacked stub.
0138:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class 
0138:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0172DE58)->(0172A550, 
0, ), hacked stub.
0138:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (01716F18)->(0171F9A8, 
0, ), hacked stub.

0138:fixme:richedit:IRichEditOle_fnInPlaceDeactivate stub 110A0088
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4ed2-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4ed2-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4ed2-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4ed2-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
0024:fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection 
point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}


Re: Activar / desactivar WOR (wake on ring) desde Linux

2021-03-27 Thread José Luis Triviño

On 27/3/21 13:22, Camaleón wrote:

Lo que tenía en mente era buscar algo similar a lo que admite Windows,
o admitía vaya, que sigo con Windows XP en la mayoría de los equipos,
pero entiendo que Windows 10 hará lo mismo. Desde el administrador de
dispositivos, puedes activar / desactivar la funcionalidad de «Permitir
que este dispositivo reactive el equipo», lo cual tienen sentido porque
desde la BIOS lo habilitas en general, para todos los puertos pero desde
el OS debes poder configurar qué dispositivo concreto quieres que lo
permita ya que puedes tener varios modems (como en mi caso) o varias
tarjetas de red en las que quieras activar el WOR o WOL
(respectivamente) pero sólo en una de ellas y con la configuración de la
BIOS únicamente no basta al no discriminar el dispositivo individual sobre el
que actúa.

Eso es lo que busco en Linux, que algún driver o parámetro del kernel
me permita activar / desactivar el WOR en un puerto o dispositivo
ceoncreto O:-)

Creo que lo que buscas es esto:

echo disabled > /sys/devices/platform/serial8250.0/tty/ttyS0/power/wakeup

Pero pensaba que por culpa de tu bios esto no va.


Re: Erreur MySQL

2021-03-27 Thread Philippe
Salut la liste !

> Plutôt que d'un port TCP, il peut s'agir d'un code erreur : 
> 110 ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out  

C'est loin d'être improbable !

> tail /var/log/mail.err : 
> "Error: mysql( Connect failed to database (virtual_email): 
> Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110)". 
> netstat -petulan|grep mysqld : 
> tcp6   0 0 :::3306 :::* LISTEN 111 6946153  15550/mysqld 
> Le port de mysql est 3306. 
> (110) c'est autre chose. 

Comme il semblait que le mail retentissait sur MySQL, j'ai pensé que
ça pouvait être le port.

Moi, je n'ai pas de *.lock dans /run/mysqld :
root@box:~# ls -al /run/mysqld
total 4
drwxr-xr-x  2 mysql root   80 sept. 16  2020 .
drwxr-xr-x 23 root  root  760 mars  27 18:29 ..
-rw-rw  1 mysql mysql   4 sept. 16  2020
srwxrwxrwx  1 mysql mysql   0 sept. 16  2020 mysqld.sock

Mais j'en ai dans le service de courrier entrant :
root@box:~# ps -ax | grep 110
  721 ?Ssl   30:45 /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ -g -u 110:114
 7271 ?S  0:01 /usr/sbin/courierlogger -pid=/run/courier/ 
-start -name=pop3d /usr/sbin/couriertcpd -address=0 -maxprocs=40 -maxperip=4 
-nodnslookup -noidentlookup 110 /usr/lib/courier/courier/courierpop3login 
/usr/lib/courier/courier/courierpop3d Maildir
 7272 ?S  0:02 /usr/sbin/couriertcpd -address=0 -maxprocs=40 
-maxperip=4 -nodnslookup -noidentlookup 110 
/usr/lib/courier/courier/courierpop3login /usr/lib/courier/courier/courierpop3d 
20775 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep 110
root@box:~# ls -al /run/courier
total 16
drwxrwxr-x  3 rootcourier 220 sept. 17  2020 .
drwxr-xr-x 23 rootroot760 mars  27 18:29 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 courier courier 100 sept. 16  2020 authdaemon
-rw-r--r--  1 rootroot  5 sept. 16  2020
-rw---  1 rootroot  0 sept. 16  2020
-rw-r--r--  1 rootroot  6 sept. 17  2020
-rw---  1 rootroot  0 sept. 17  2020
-rw-r--r--  1 rootroot  5 sept. 16  2020
-rw---  1 rootroot  0 sept. 16  2020
-rw-r--r--  1 rootroot  6 sept. 17  2020
-rw---  1 rootroot  0 sept. 17  2020

Le *.sock, c'est le fichier du socket, mais j'ignore à quoi se rapporte le 

Bon, ben voilà. Maintenant, je done ma langue au chat aussi…

Dans le respect des gestes barrière !

Ph. Gras

Re: Instalar scanner de Epson L3110

2021-03-27 Thread Deiby Herrera
Descarga los de nuevo ponlos en una carpeta nueva

El sáb., 27 de marzo de 2021 11:26 a. m., Marcelo Eduardo Giordano <> escribió:

> Estimados:
> No puedo instalar el scanner de la multifunción Epson L3110.
> He bajado los controladores de la página de epson y me da el siguiente
> error.
> dpkg -i epsonscan2-bundle-
> dpkg: error: el archivo 'epsonscan2-bundle-' no es un
> fichero normal
> También me da el mismo error al querer instalar un programa que por lo
> que leo es para buscar e instalar drivers de epson
> dpkg -i imagescan-bundle-debian-10-3.65.0.x64.deb
> dpkg: error: el archivo 'imagescan-bundle-debian-10-3.65.0.x64.deb' no
> es un fichero normal
> Saludos a todos los listeros

Fwd: Xerox B215 configurar scanner con TCP/IP en Debian 10 xfce

2021-03-27 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano


No he recibido respuesta del grupo sobre este topic, asi es que he 
llamado al servicio técnico de Xerox, donde me ha atendido una persona 
que desconocía totalmente lo que es linux (dijo que era solo una 
consulta de comando) asi que no pudo darme ayuda.

Hay algún otro foro para preguntar que me puedan recomendar?

Muchas Gracias


 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Xerox B215 configurar scanner con TCP/IP en Debian 10 xfce
Date:   Tue, 23 Mar 2021 20:41:13 -0300
From:   Marcelo Eduardo Giordano 
To: debian-user-spanish 


Les cuento que me compré una impresora Xerox B215 especialmente porque 
en el manual venía bien explicado la instalación en linux que seguí que 
es esta.

Instalación de controladores para Linux 1. Asegúrese de que el 
dispositivo esté conectado al equipo y encendido. Debe conectarse como 
superusuario (root) para instalar el software de la impresora. Si usted 
no es superusuario, consulte con el administrador de su sistema. 2. 
Cuando aparezca la ventana Administrator Login (Inicio de sesión de 
administrador), escriba root en el campo Login e introduzca la clave del 
sistema. 3. Desde el sitio web de Xerox, descargue el archivo zip del 
paquete Unified Linux Driver a su PC. 4. Seleccione el paquete Unified 
Linux Driver y extráigalo. 5. Copie el controlador Unified Linux Driver 
(directorio uld) en el escritorio. 6. Abra la ventana de terminal y vaya 
al directorio uld. 7. Para instalar el controlador de impresión, 
escriba: sudo ./, y pulse Intro. 8. Para instalar el 
controlador del escáner, escriba: sudo ./, y pulse 
Intro. Nota: El controlador de impresora y escáner se pueden instalar 
juntos, para ello escriba sudo ./ 9. Para acceder a las 
opciones de impresión y a las propiedades, vaya a Settings (Opciones)  
Devices (Dispositivos)  Printers (Impresoras). Seleccione la impresora 
y configure las opciones necesarias

Y aunque se instalaron los dos controladores (impresora y escaner) solo 
hizo funcionar la impresora, pero me fué imposible configurar el scanner 
usando TCP/IP

Lamentablemente no puedo "ver" el scanner ni con Simple Scan, ni con 
Xsane. Igualmente probé de configurarlo con el windows con TCP/IP y me 
funcionó perfecto en Windows, pero sigue sin funcionar en linux.

Les juro que busqué mucha información, pero encontré muy poca.

Encontré este link

pero habla solo de hp all in one y Canon

También encontré esto, *sane*-*find*-*scanner, *pero ejecuté esto y no me dió resultado. 
Entiendo que esto es solo para scanners USB

Encontré esto sobre Debian 11

   2.2. ¿Qué novedades hay en la distribución?

Esta nueva versión de Debian trae de nuevo muchos más programas que su 
predecesora buster; la distribución incluye más de 13370 paquetes 
nuevos, para un total de más de 57703 paquetes. La mayor parte de los 
programas que se distribuyen se han actualizado: más de 35532 paquetes 
de programas (corresponde a un 62% de los paquetes en buster). También 
se han eliminado por varios motivos un número significativo de paquetes 
(más de 7278, 13% de los paquetes en buster). No verá ninguna 
actualización para estos paquetes y se marcarán como «obsoletos» en los 
programas de gestión de paquetes. Consulte la secciónSección 4.8, 
“Paquetes obsoletos” 

 2.2.1. Driverless scanning and printing

Both printing with|CUPS|and scanning with|SANE|are increasingly likely 
to be possible without the need for any (often non-free) driver specific 
to the model of the hardware, especially in the case of devices marketed 
in the past five years or so. CUPS and driverless printing

Modern printers connected by ethernet or wireless can already 
usedriverless printing , 
implemented via|CUPS|and|cups-filters|, as was described in theRelease 
Notes for buster 
Debian 11“bullseye”brings the new package|ipp-usb|, which is recommended 
by|cups-daemon|and uses the vendor-neutralIPP-over-USB 
supported by many modern printers. This allows a USB device to be 
treated as a network device, extending driverless printing to include 
USB-connected printers. The specifics are outlinedon the wiki 

The systemd service file included in the|ipp-usb|package starts 
the|ipp-usb|daemon when a USB-connected printer is plugged in, thus 
making it available to print to. By default|cups-browsed|should 
configure it automatically, or it can bemanually set up with a local 
driverless print queue .

Instalar scanner de Epson L3110

2021-03-27 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

No puedo instalar el scanner de la multifunción Epson L3110.
He bajado los controladores de la página de epson y me da el siguiente
dpkg -i epsonscan2-bundle-
dpkg: error: el archivo 'epsonscan2-bundle-' no es un
fichero normal

También me da el mismo error al querer instalar un programa que por lo
que leo es para buscar e instalar drivers de epson
dpkg -i imagescan-bundle-debian-10-3.65.0.x64.deb
dpkg: error: el archivo 'imagescan-bundle-debian-10-3.65.0.x64.deb' no
es un fichero normal

Saludos a todos los listeros

Re: A simple screensaver that works - any improvement possible?

2021-03-27 Thread Darac Marjal

On 27/03/2021 16:06, Susmita/Rajib wrote:
> The working code, here:
> [?]invoke a screensaver and xset through script
> Link:
> Not posting the code here, as it would be a case of repitition.
> Best.
> Rajib
OK. You're wanting something that turns the screen off while idling at
the console? Are you aware of physlock and vlock?

You've assigned the value 0 to the variable $done, and then not
referenced it - remove that assignment.

You initialise $i and increment it, but then you don't actually use it

Instead of "kill -18" and "kill -19", use "kill -CONT" and "kill -STOP"
- it's more readable.

Don't use backticks, use $(...) instead, as it nests better.

Your usage states to run "./" and then you use "kill ...
`pidof $1`". This seems to imply that you're not aware of the $$
variable, which is the PID of the current shell.

Most of these are simple fixes which can advise you on.
If possible, you should find a plugin for the editor you're using which
can give you realtime shellcheck advice :)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

A simple screensaver that works - any improvement possible?

2021-03-27 Thread Susmita/Rajib
The working code, here:
[?]invoke a screensaver and xset through script
Not posting the code here, as it would be a case of repitition.

Re: Dell R440 with Debian 10.7.0 Display Issues

2021-03-27 Thread Nicholas Geovanis
On Sat, Mar 27, 2021, 10:00 AM didier gaumet 

> Hello,
> The Debian installer in graphic mode seems to rely on a VESA/VGA driver
> rather than a driver dedicated to the hardware detected?
>   on my laptop, I just booted an USB Debian 10 installer key and it was
> the vga16fb module that was loaded

That was my understanding also. Lowest common-denominator is the reason I


Re: Possible?! A Debian public repository for all complex code lineswith examples and scripts?

2021-03-27 Thread Susmita/Rajib
On Fri, 26 Mar 2021 16:47:27 +0200, George Shuklin
... ... [snipped]   ... ... [snipped]   
... ...
> Message-id: <[]>
> In-reply-to: <[]
> References: <[]
... ... [snipped]   ... ... [snipped]   
... ...
> Said all that, it's the most comprehensive operating system I saw.
> Yes, it has old pieces (all OSes have), but general cleanness of the
> goal and quality of the execution made it worth tolerating those
> outdated pieces[...]

So do we need Artificial NeuNet to clean up Debian? Or write from
scratch Hurd OS in a highly structured way?

> But more docs are the most welcomed thing to have[...]

Ah, at last a heart-warming line!

Thank you.

Re: Pending kernel upgrade

2021-03-27 Thread yamo'

David BERCOT a tapoté le 27/03/2021 15:00:
> Bonjour,
> J'ai visiblement répondu trop vite...
> En effet, au lancement des commandes grub-mkconfig et update-grub, je 
> vois bien la ligne "5.10.0-5".
> Malheureusement, au reboot, je ne l'ai pas dans mon menu grub qui 
> n'affiche encore que les options 5.10.0-3 et 5.10.0-2.
> Visiblement, le menu n'est pas à jour...
> Y aurait-il une autre commande à passer ?

Tu n'aurais pas une partition /boot pleine?

Sinon il y a update-grub2 mais ça devrait faire la même chose.


Re: Dell R440 with Debian 10.7.0 Display Issues

2021-03-27 Thread didier gaumet


The Debian installer in graphic mode seems to rely on a VESA/VGA driver 
rather than a driver dedicated to the hardware detected?
 on my laptop, I just booted an USB Debian 10 installer key and it was 
the vga16fb module that was loaded

Re: Erreur MySQL

2021-03-27 Thread Thomas Trupel

Plutôt que d'un port TCP, il peut s'agir d'un code erreur :

/110 ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out /


27 mars 2021 12:31:21 ajh-valmer :

> On Friday 26 March 2021 23:13:04 Philippe wrote:
>>> Port 110 = POP3, sauf si SSL = 995 ou TLS = 110 ou 995
>> C'est exact, mais ça ne répond pas à ma question.
>> Pour éviter que MySQL n'interfère avec POP3 et crée un conflit,
>> mieux vaut faire tourner MySQL sur son port par défaut, ou bien
>> sur un autre, mais qui ne soit pas réservé.
>> Le port par défaut de MySQL est le 3306, ce que ne semble pas
>> indiquer les logs rapportés dans les échanges précédents.
> tail /var/log/mail.err :
> "Error: mysql( Connect failed to database (virtual_email):
> Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110)".
> netstat -petulan|grep mysqld :
> tcp6   0 0 :::3306 :::* LISTEN 111 6946153  15550/mysqld
> Le port de mysql est 3306.
> (110) c'est autre chose.

Re: Pending kernel upgrade

2021-03-27 Thread David BERCOT


J'ai visiblement répondu trop vite...

En effet, au lancement des commandes grub-mkconfig et update-grub, je 
vois bien la ligne "5.10.0-5".
Malheureusement, au reboot, je ne l'ai pas dans mon menu grub qui 
n'affiche encore que les options 5.10.0-3 et 5.10.0-2.

Visiblement, le menu n'est pas à jour...

Y aurait-il une autre commande à passer ?



Le 26/03/2021 à 15:15, David BERCOT a écrit :

OK, c'était très simple.
Un update-grub a tout résolu...



P.S. : je ne comprends pas pourquoi ce n'était pas fait automatiquement 
mais bon...

Le 26/03/2021 à 15:10, Daniel Caillibaud a écrit :

Le 26/03/21 à 14:34, David BERCOT  a écrit :

C'est un message que j'ai déjà eu précédemment (logiquement) au moment
des mises à jour de noyau mais, après reboot, tout rentrait dans 

Là, il semblerait que j'ai installé des noyaux plus récents (5.10.0-4
puis 5.10.0-5) mais qu'ils ne sont pas pris en compte, y compris après

Vous auriez une piste ?

Une directive mise dans un /etc/grub.d/* qui imposerait une version ?

Faudrait aller voir le dernier /boot/grub/grub.cfg généré.

Éventuellement relancer `update-grub` pour le regénérer et voir si les 
nouveaux noyaux sont

bien ajoutés et pris en compte par défaut.

Au boot tu as quoi dans le menu grub ?

Re: Dell R440 with Debian 10.7.0 Display Issues

2021-03-27 Thread Dan Ritter
Felix Miata wrote: 
> Doug Windle composed on 2021-03-26 15:56 (UTC-0500):
> > The embedded VGA compatible controller is a Matrox G200eW3 102b:0536 rev 04
> Was package xserver-xorg-video-mga installed before adding those repos? Your
> onboard GPU is a special beast, an update of a very very old design, adapted 
> to
> Dell servers. Whether there is any special firmware required I have doubts 
> about.
> There's also a special utility matroxset that could be of some use. All my 
> Matrox
> GPUs are older varieties for which FOSS driver support seems to have expired, 
> or
> be in the process of being abandoned for use in conjunction with KMS.

The Matrox G200 should be supported in X without any firmware
blobs at all. As you say, Felix, they pre-date kernel mode
setting and are not compatible with it. On the other hand, they
should emulate VGA framebuffer modes perfectly.


Re: Dell R440 with Debian 10.7.0 Display Issues

2021-03-27 Thread tomas
On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 10:48:43AM +, Brian wrote:


> I did previously note the reiteration and acknowledge that video
> hardware could require non-free firmware. However, does a d-i carrying
> such firmware ever make any attempt to install it? As I understand it,
> the installer is designed to probe for and load non-free firmware for
> network hardware only.

Very good question. I don't know, sorry.

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: Erreur MySQL

2021-03-27 Thread ajh-valmer
On Saturday 27 March 2021 13:23:49 Philippe wrote:
> > netstat -petulan|grep mysqld :
> > tcp6   0 0 :::3306 :::* LISTEN 111 6946153  15550/mysqld
> > Le port de mysql est 3306.
> > (110) c'est autre chose.

> Pouvez-vous exécuter la même commande netstat pour le
> service qui gère le courrier entrant, histoire de voir s'il est
> actif également ?

Quelle est la commande netstat pour "qui gère le courrier entrant" ?

> Puis, vérifier dans /var/run si les fichiers PID existent aussi ?

Dans ce répertoire ? :
/var/run/mysqld# ls  mysqld.sock  mysqld.sock.lock

cat :

Re: fail2ban Squawk

2021-03-27 Thread Sven Hartge
Martin McCormick  wrote:

> I was attempting to setup a systemd timer and checking the syntax of
> that when I ran across a complaint from the fail2ban program which is
> a bit confusing.  It reads:

> /lib/systemd/system/fail2ban.service:12: PIDFile= references path below 
> legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/fail2ban/ → 
> /run/fail2ban/; please update the unit file accordingly.

> So I looked in to that file and the actual line they were
> referring 2 is numbered 15 and points to
> /var/run/fail2ban/ where it certainly lives with a
> recent date.  What is the problem exactly?

As already has been said, there is no problem here. It is just systemd
being a bit too overly chatty and warning about things the package
maintainer would need to address.

You (and I) as mere users should do nothing here.

Of course, you could create an override config file to system and point
the PID file to the path directly under /run to silence the message but
that may create a problem after an upgrade to a newer package version,
for example when a PID file is no longer used but you addition still
points to one.

This is best left alone.

Side note here: In systemd (247.3-2) the Debian maintainers patched
systemd to no longer issue those warnings for unit files provided in
/lib and /usr/lib (i.e. provided by a package) to stop annoying
end-users about issues they can do nothing about.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Minisforum X35G hangs on first boot. [Solved]

2021-03-27 Thread songbird
R. Ramesh wrote:
> Songbird, thanks for your help. I found out some more. Linux was booting 
> after all. It appeared to be hung because I did not get a login prompt. 
> I booted sysrescuecd and began inspecting logs and then hit ctrl-alt-1 
> and voila, I get login prompt. After that some more digging showed 
> lightdm is failing and that is why I was not getting login prompt. It 
> failed because Xorg failed and Xorg failed because /dev/dri is missing. 
> It appears that 10 gen intel cpu graphics is not supported in 4.19 
> kernel. I added buster-backports and updated and installed 5.10 kernel. 
> Everything works now. I am good.

  good deal!  :)

> I also started another thread on debian-user on above X server issue. I 
> closed that also with this message.


Re: Erreur MySQL

2021-03-27 Thread Philippe
Salut la liste !

> netstat -petulan|grep mysqld :
> tcp6   0 0 :::3306 :::* LISTEN 111 6946153  15550/mysqld
> Le port de mysql est 3306.
> (110) c'est autre chose.

Pouvez-vous exécuter la même commande netstat pour le
service qui gère le courrier entrant, histoire de voir s'il est
actif également ?

Puis, vérifier dans /var/run si les fichiers PID existent aussi ?

D'avance merci, dans le respect des gestes barrière !

Ph. Gras

Re: Activar / desactivar WOR (wake on ring) desde Linux

2021-03-27 Thread Camaleón
El 2021-03-26 a las 20:35 +0100, José Luis Triviño escribió:

> On 26/3/21 18:16, Camaleón wrote:
> > El 2021-03-26 a las 00:59 -0400, Juan Lavieri escribió:
> > 
> > > El 24/3/2021 a las 10:48 a. m., Camaleón escribió:
> > > > Estoy buscando la forma de activar / desactivar la funcionalidad de la
> > > > BIOS WOR (Wake-On-Ring) pero desde el sistema, es decir, algo similar a
> > > > lo que permite la herramienta ethtool¹ («ethtool -s wol d») pero para el
> > > > puerto RS-232.
> > (...)
> > 
> > > Elsa, en esta página:
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > Hay un enlace que te lleva a esta:
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > Que tal vez pueda servirte de algo.
> > Hum... El problema es que en este caso es para WOR (modems externos
> > conectados a los puertos COM1 y COM2 del ordenador) no WOL (para
> > tarjetas de red), que son dos situaciones y componentes distintos.


> > También he buscado por la forma de desactivar la funcionalidad en el
> > modem a través de órdenes hayes AT, pero no he encontrado nada al
> > respcto y tampoco sé si sería la forma correcta de gestionarlo: el
> > módem debe saber cuándo entra una llamada, eso es evidente, lo que no
> > debe hacer el ordenador es encenderse cuando detecta el RING.
> > 
> WOR puede estar asociado a la función de auto responder del modem. Quizás
> deshabilitando el "auto answer" con ATS0=0 el modem deje de despertar al
> ordenador.

Si desactivado la función de respuesta automática en el modem, entonces 
el servicio de fax deja de funcionar de manera desatendida y eso no es 
lo que busco. 

Lo que sí podría hacer es un guión en systemd para que al iniciar el 
sistema active el AA (AutoAnswer) («ATS0=2») y al apagar el equipo lo 
desactive («ATS0=0»).

Si funciona sería una opción, pero tengo que probarlo antes para 
validar la teoría.

Me da la impresión de que desactivando esa funcionalidad no evitas, o 
mejor dicho, no cortas el paso de la señalización del RING (RI) que se 
transmite al puerto RS-232 a través del conector del módem a la placa 
base, desencadenando la secuencia de arranque del ordenador.

> También podrías buscar algún comando AT que desabilite el mensaje de RING
> del modem cuando detecta una llamada. Porque es muy probable que el WOR se
> produzca por cualquier actividad en el puerto serie (no necesariamente una
> señal de llamada). Así que, si no puedes conseguir que el modem se mantenga
> bien callado y no puedes deshabilitar WOR en BIOS, no veo que puedas evitar
> el WOR.

Lo que tenía en mente era buscar algo similar a lo que admite Windows, 
o admitía vaya, que sigo con Windows XP en la mayoría de los equipos, 
pero entiendo que Windows 10 hará lo mismo. Desde el administrador de 
dispositivos, puedes activar / desactivar la funcionalidad de «Permitir 
que este dispositivo reactive el equipo», lo cual tienen sentido porque 
desde la BIOS lo habilitas en general, para todos los puertos pero desde 
el OS debes poder configurar qué dispositivo concreto quieres que lo 
permita ya que puedes tener varios modems (como en mi caso) o varias 
tarjetas de red en las que quieras activar el WOR o WOL 
(respectivamente) pero sólo en una de ellas y con la configuración de la
BIOS únicamente no basta al no discriminar el dispositivo individual sobre el 
que actúa.

Eso es lo que busco en Linux, que algún driver o parámetro del kernel 
me permita activar / desactivar el WOR en un puerto o dispositivo 
ceoncreto O:-)

> Con un poco de cacharreo te podrías montar un interruptor para el modem
> controlado por un microcontrolador. De esta forma, desde el ordenador
> podrías apagar el modem antes de apagar el ordenador y encenderlo
> automáticamente cuando vuelvas a encender el ordenador. ;-)

Las soluciones mecánicas no me desagradan, pero quizá sea un poco 
excesivo para este caso. En fin, no lo descarto, a ver si encuentro 
algo ya hecho.

Saludos y gracias por las ideas,


Re: carregar módulos de terceiros no Debian com secure boot

2021-03-27 Thread Antonio Terceiro
On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 03:07:06PM -0300, China wrote:
> Estou instalando o DroidCam para usar o smartphone como webcam, mas
> apareceu o erro abaixo:
> Registering webcam device
> insmod: ERROR: could not insert module
> /lib/modules/5.10.0-0.bpo.3-amd64/kernel/drivers/media/video/v4l2loopback-dc.ko:
> Operation not permitted
> warning: insmod failed
> Segundo o manual, é preciso assinar o módulo para que ele seja
> carregado, mas em todas as pesquisas que fiz a unica opção que aparece
> é a de desativar o secure boot. Não existe uma maneira de assinar esse
> módulo??? tem instruções de como adicionar uma
chave e como assinar módulos.

Eu ainda não tentei, porque ainda não preciseu usar módulos externos,
mas um dos requisitos primordiais para a adoção de SecureBoot no Debian
era de que o dono da máquina tivesse a possibilidade de assinar seus
próprios kernels ou módulos.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Activar / desactivar WOR (wake on ring) desde Linux

2021-03-27 Thread antonio.trujillo.sspa

 Mensaje original De: Juan Lavieri  Fecha: 
26/3/21  20:15  (GMT+01:00) Para: Asunto: 
Re: Activar / desactivar WOR (wake on ring) desde Linux Hola.El 26/3/2021 a las 
1:16 p. m., Camaleón escribió:> El 2021-03-26 a las 00:59 -0400, Juan Lavieri 
escribió:> >> El 24/3/2021 a las 10:48 a. m., Camaleón escribió:>> Estoy 
buscando la forma de activar / desactivar la funcionalidad de la>>> BIOS WOR 
(Wake-On-Ring) pero desde el sistema, es decir, algo similar a>>> lo que 
permite la herramienta ethtool¹ («ethtool -s wol d») pero para el>>> puerto 
RS-232.> > (...)> >> Elsa, en esta página: Hay un enlace que te lleva a esta:
 Que tal vez pueda servirte de algo.> > Hum... El problema es que en este caso 
es para WOR (modems externos> conectados a los puertos COM1 y COM2 del 
ordenador) no WOL (para> tarjetas de red), que son dos situaciones y 
componentes distintos.> > El escenario que tengo es la siguiente: tengo dos 
módems «dial-up» para> gestionar dos líneas de fax (sí, módems de esos que 
hacen> «beep-beeep-bibobibobipi») y que están conectados al ordenador.> > 
El problema es que al apagar el ordenador (apagado total, no> suspensión), los 
modems quedan encendidos (y así debe ser porque tienen> un SAI detrás que no se 
apaga) y cuando alguien marca el número de fax,> el ordenador se enciende.> > 
La típica situación que cuando la necesitas, ya te puedes dar cabezazos> contra 
la pared que nunca funciona y cuando menos te lo esperas, y no> lo necesitas, 
pues funciona a la perfección >:-)> > He estado buscando sobre la funcionalidad 
WOR y dado que no puedo> depender de la BIOS (WOR viene activado de manera 
predeterminada y lo> puedo desactivar) estoy buscando al forma de hacerlo 
desactivando los> eventos ACPI a través del kernel pero no sé hasta qué punto 
sería> posible / viable. Obviamente el módem incorpora la funcionalidad y> 
detecta el «ring» (RI) correctamente pero no quiero que el equipo> reaccione 
cuando está apagado ya que tengo una máquina de fax secundaria> que actúa 
cuando el ordenador no está encendido.>   > También he buscado por la forma de 
desactivar la funcionalidad en el> modem a través de órdenes hayes AT, pero no 
he encontrado nada al> respcto y tampoco sé si sería la forma correcta de 
gestionarlo: el> módem debe saber cuándo entra una llamada, eso es evidente, lo 
que no> debe hacer el ordenador es encenderse cuando detecta el RING.Habiendo 
entendido el problema a fondo se pueden encontrar soluciones; seguiré 
investigando.> > Sigo buscando. Si es os ocurre alguna idea, se agradecen las 
sugerencias :-)> > Saludos,> No puedes dejar encendidos y conectados a la linea 
unos dispositivos pensados para responder y esperar que no respondan.Mira si 
les puedes programar tiempo de respuesta y ponle un tiempo mayor que a la 
maquina, yo buscaría un relé conmutador para intercalar en la linea telefónica 
y lo alimentaria desde el ordenador, si enciendes el ordenador la linea va a 
los módem y si lo apagas val fax

Re: système antispam téléphonie fixe (asterisk ?)

2021-03-27 Thread NoSpam


Le 27/03/2021 à 12:04, Dethegeek a écrit :

Bonjour la liste

Lassé par le spam téléphonique, je cherche une solution me permettant 
de filtrer les appels entrants sur ma ligne fixe. Evidemment c'est 
derrière une box. Mon opérateur refuse de communiquer les infos du 
protocole VoIP, soi-disant qu'ils ont leur propre protocole 
propriétaire (ce dont je doute très fort, mais c'est un autre débat).

Bref. Le top du top serait d'avoir une passerelle hardware entre 
l'émulation RTC faite par ma box et un système évolué comme Asterisk. 
Je pense qu'avec cette appliance, je pourrais filtrer au moins par 
liste noire ou blanche  les appels entrant.

A ce jour je n'ai trouvé que des passerelles connectant un combiné RTC 
à un réseau de téléphonie VoIP. Ce dont j'ai besoin c'est la 
conversion opposée.
GrandStream, Sipura/Cisco et consors font les deux: cela s'appelle FXS 
(connexion du téléphone) ou FXO (connexion de la prise téléphonique). 
Ces ports sont configurables dans le périphérique afin de se connecter à 
un Asterisk.

J'ai vu qu'un fabricant de téléphones fixes a fait un système antispam 
ingénieux par captcha. C'est tentant, mais propriétaire et je voudrais 
arriver à utiliser  mon smartphone comme combiné. (avec un client VoIP 
comme Linphone ou les fonctions natives selon la ROM).
Mouais, qualité pas top: c'est de la radio (Wifi ou xG) ce qui ne vaut 
pas de loin pas en qualité audio un poste filaire. Tu peux aussi faire 
sonner les 2 en même temps

Avez-vous des expériences ou des solutions à partager ?

Fait ;)



Re: Erreur MySQL

2021-03-27 Thread ajh-valmer
On Friday 26 March 2021 23:13:04 Philippe wrote:
> > Port 110 = POP3, sauf si SSL = 995 ou TLS = 110 ou 995

> C'est exact, mais ça ne répond pas à ma question.
> Pour éviter que MySQL n'interfère avec POP3 et crée un conflit,
> mieux vaut faire tourner MySQL sur son port par défaut, ou bien
> sur un autre, mais qui ne soit pas réservé.
> Le port par défaut de MySQL est le 3306, ce que ne semble pas
> indiquer les logs rapportés dans les échanges précédents.

tail /var/log/mail.err :
"Error: mysql( Connect failed to database (virtual_email): 
Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110)".

netstat -petulan|grep mysqld :
tcp6   0 0 :::3306 :::* LISTEN 111 6946153  15550/mysqld

Le port de mysql est 3306.
(110) c'est autre chose.

système antispam téléphonie fixe (asterisk ?)

2021-03-27 Thread Dethegeek
Bonjour la liste

Lassé par le spam téléphonique, je cherche une solution me permettant de
filtrer les appels entrants sur ma ligne fixe. Evidemment c'est derrière
une box. Mon opérateur refuse de communiquer les infos du protocole VoIP,
soi-disant qu'ils ont leur propre protocole propriétaire (ce dont je doute
très fort, mais c'est un autre débat).

Bref. Le top du top serait d'avoir une passerelle hardware entre
l'émulation RTC faite par ma box et un système évolué comme Asterisk. Je
pense qu'avec cette appliance, je pourrais filtrer au moins par liste noire
ou blanche  les appels entrant.

A ce jour je n'ai trouvé que des passerelles connectant un combiné RTC à un
réseau de téléphonie VoIP. Ce dont j'ai besoin c'est la conversion opposée.

J'ai vu qu'un fabricant de téléphones fixes a fait un système antispam
ingénieux par captcha. C'est tentant, mais propriétaire et je voudrais
arriver à utiliser  mon smartphone comme combiné. (avec un client VoIP
comme Linphone ou les fonctions natives selon la ROM).

Avez-vous des expériences ou des solutions à partager ?

Merci et bon week-end.

Re: Dell R440 with Debian 10.7.0 Display Issues

2021-03-27 Thread Brian
On Sat 27 Mar 2021 at 09:04:14 +0100, wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 11:40:53PM +, Brian wrote:
> > On Fri 26 Mar 2021 at 17:01:16 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > 
> > > On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 08:47:38PM +, Brian wrote:
> > > > On Fri 26 Mar 2021 at 15:22:01 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > > > > Issues with video chipset drivers/firmware are extremely common, 
> > > > > especially
> > > > > if one installed with the "official" images, rather than the 
> > > > > "unofficial"
> > > > > ones which contain non-free firmware.
> > > > 
> > > > [...]
> > > > 
> > > > How does using an official unofficial image solve a video problem *by
> > > > itself* when booting into the new system?
> > > 
> > > If the necessary firmware is installed by the installer, the chance of
> > > a video problem is reduced.  No guarantees, though.
> > 
> > Under what circumstances does d-i install non-free packages related
> > to video hardware and at what stage of the installation does it occur?
> Perhaps one of those modules [1] needing firmware?
> Note that Greg said, and re-iterated that it /could/ be due to that.
> It doesn't have to. Some external hardware wants its firmware loaded,
> and might refuse to talk to the kernel driver otherwise (or will appear
> in a "minimal", degraded variant). This applies to GPUs, too.

I did previously note the reiteration and acknowledge that video
hardware could require non-free firmware. However, does a d-i carrying
such firmware ever make any attempt to install it? As I understand it,
the installer is designed to probe for and load non-free firmware for
network hardware only.

Re: RTL problem

2021-03-27 Thread Nicholas Geovanis
If you have a spare hard drive, at this point I would swap it in and
reinstall. See how that goes.

On Sat, Mar 27, 2021, 2:02 AM Maureen L Thomas 

> So I did download your suggestion and it worked.  It went all the way
> through re-install with no problems.  On booting for the first time I
> got the message fsckd-cancel-msg: Press ctrl+C to cancel all filesystem
> checks in progrees.   Well it freezes and nothing is happening.  It just
> stay that way indefinitely.  No file checks and unable to use ctrl+C
> does not work.  Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Thank you
> Maureen
> On 3/26/21 1:22 AM, Charles Curley wrote:
> > On Thu, 25 Mar 2021 19:59:04 -0400
> > Maureen L Thomas  wrote:
> >
> >> So I decided to re-install debian 10.
> >> While doing so I get to the part about the entering the needed rtl
> >> files which I have on DVD and on USB.  I tried both but neither of
> >> them would work.  I cannot get it to even come up to a command line
> >> to do dmesg and see what the real problem may be.
> > I take it that by "rtl files" you mean RealTek firmware blobs for
> > RealTek devices.
> >
> > What I found was that Bullseye (Debian 11) wants the firmware .deb
> > package, not the extracted firmware files. This may or may not work on
> > Buster (Debian 10). Also it wants the file in the root directory of the
> > USB device.
> >
> > You may be able to install without them if you don't need the interface
> > they support to install. You would need some other interface either
> > during installation, or shortly after installation to bring the
> > firmware package in.
> >
> > Probably the easiest option: you might try the unofficial with-firmware
> > installation images. Depending on your requirements, you should be able
> > to drill down from this page:
> >
> >

about a post at debian-python

2021-03-27 Thread Patrice Duroux

Sorry if I polluted the debian-python mailing list about my following

I was not convinced to start by opening an issue starting at snakemake, so
I posted to debian-python. I was probably wrong looking at the different
package maintainers involved:

snakemake - Debian Med Packaging Team <>
python3-pulp - Debian OpenStack 
coinor-cbc - Debian Science Maintainers <>

and also:

glpk-utils - Debian Science Team <>

At the point where I got to, should I report a bug to python3-pulp?

Many thanks,

Re: Possible?! A Debian public repository for all complex code lineswith examples and scripts?

2021-03-27 Thread Susmita/Rajib
Yesterday, I also received a few precious observations (even
counter-views are welcome) from two gifted individuals. The
observations are too deep to let vanish into oblivion.
However, it is incumbent upon me to protect the privacy of those
gifted individuals. So I will only post a part of our observations,
while protecting the privacy of those intellectuals.
This post is for those who like to be enriched by others' visions and
have no reservation between 'Us' and 'Then', for which my motherland
paid dearly with a 1000 years of invasions, oppressions, umpteen
genocide and collective enslavement that continues even today by
Macaulayan-ism [references: myriads, especially, A Case For India,
Will Durant, The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians, by
Henry Miers Elliot, Breaking India, by Rajiv Malhotra, Unbreaking
India, by Sanjay Dixit]

Submission from a Gifted Individual

(intentionally via private email)

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 07:11:24PM +0530, Susmita/Rajib wrote:
> So is it then not necessary to have a repository of codes, with all
> permutations & combinations of possibilities with wildcards/regular
> expressions, redirections and so on, along with a wide variety of
> examples, be made available?

It is available online at the websites you enumerated.

> Have the complete code reference hosted
> by the Debian server itself?

Some of those websites can be copied into Debian packages, and those packages
can be added in the official Debian distributions. It's just that nobody has
done the work so far. Volunteer?

> Is not this general unavailability of those more complex codes — then
> becomes a de-facto non-disclosure of complex code lines — against the
> very Policy of Free and Open Source systems?

The man pages are typically condense definitions, useful as reference manuals,
not tutorials. All info is (should be) in the man pages, and the tutorials
usually don't cover everything. Having man pages (and ultimately the source
code of the software) available in the Debian distributions, is exactly the
disclosure of all info.

> Doesn't this non-disclosure encourage secrecy unless one attends a
> paid course to learn those tricks, permutations and combinations of
> wildcards/regular expressions and redirections involving internal and
> external commands?

It may be more efficient to pay a consultant. It's a choice to be made by the
user. Tutorials are also usually more easy to read than man pages for

> Shouldn't all codes and tricks involving them be available for
> everyone to use,

As said, it's all available.

> but still have the system so robust that it can't be
> hacked?

That is an entirely different topic.

My Submission

Please pardon my leap-frogging.
> ...   ... [snipped]   ... ... Volunteer?
Desperately as I would like to, there lies a problem, as I didn't
follow an organised course to learn whatever little I know about
computing. This web-like learning comes as a detriment in this regard.

But given the benefits that I have had because of this kind of
learning, I would again choose this way. The only difference I would
want would be to create my own course/syllabi and my own teachers.

Educational institutes are like a tightly knit cabal, driven by their
self-interests (greed?) to have  control/power over the collective
using knowledge as a bargaining tool. In India, we call these groups
the Left Liberal cabal (perhaps Woke in the US?), who are all the time
antithetical to national(sic,collective) interests, most likely because
of baboonistics (a term i coined to explain the default reactive
automated mammalian-limbic self-preservation drives, which the
ancients thought was 'ego'. The actions are much closer to egotism to
megalomania. Ego appears to be simply awareness, clouded by
self-preservation drives).

Dr. RMS and his tiny group was a happy accident that was the need of
the hour at the time.[...] much greater things
would have been achieved. Hurd unfortunately happened late.

... ... [snipped]   ... ...
> (intentionally via private email)
... ... [snipped]   ... ...
I am curious on the 'why' part.

Thank you for reaching out.

Please just note that these final barriers built up against the FSF
must fall for Debian to become truly an FSF. Presently, it is very
difficult to find really complex code lines easily, I have found. The
moderators at the wield much power over users and
acts autocratically. If you protest, they would ban you, even if you
have never said anything negative to anyone.

And the Zero-sum Proprietary, Proprietary Game participants win hands
down as a result, taking  the greatest of human virtues down with

Re: Button events from headphone+micro combo

2021-03-27 Thread tomas
On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 04:19:38PM -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > Does acpi-listen pick them up?
> No, it does give me the
> jack/headphone HEADPHONE unplug
> jack/headphone HEADPHONE plug
> events but nothing when I press those buttons.
> > It's entirely possible that the Librem doesn't have a sound chip
> > that translates impedance changes to button clicks. You could
> > ask the hardware folks, right?
> Not the worst idea ;-)

Perhaps not a good one, but a crazy one. Judging by the blatant
signal seen in the ref [1] I posted yesterday... couldn't that
be done in software?

Now I have no access to such a headset, and besides, I'm currently
feeling my customer's fiery breath down my neck, so don't answer
too quickly "show me the code", but...


 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: Dell R440 with Debian 10.7.0 Display Issues

2021-03-27 Thread tomas
On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 11:40:53PM +, Brian wrote:
> On Fri 26 Mar 2021 at 17:01:16 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 08:47:38PM +, Brian wrote:
> > > On Fri 26 Mar 2021 at 15:22:01 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > > > Issues with video chipset drivers/firmware are extremely common, 
> > > > especially
> > > > if one installed with the "official" images, rather than the 
> > > > "unofficial"
> > > > ones which contain non-free firmware.
> > > 
> > > [...]
> > > 
> > > How does using an official unofficial image solve a video problem *by
> > > itself* when booting into the new system?
> > 
> > If the necessary firmware is installed by the installer, the chance of
> > a video problem is reduced.  No guarantees, though.
> Under what circumstances does d-i install non-free packages related
> to video hardware and at what stage of the installation does it occur?

Perhaps one of those modules [1] needing firmware?

Note that Greg said, and re-iterated that it /could/ be due to that.
It doesn't have to. Some external hardware wants its firmware loaded,
and might refuse to talk to the kernel driver otherwise (or will appear
in a "minimal", degraded variant). This applies to GPUs, too.



 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: RTL problem

2021-03-27 Thread Maureen L Thomas
So I did download your suggestion and it worked.  It went all the way 
through re-install with no problems.  On booting for the first time I 
got the message fsckd-cancel-msg: Press ctrl+C to cancel all filesystem 
checks in progrees.   Well it freezes and nothing is happening.  It just 
stay that way indefinitely.  No file checks and unable to use ctrl+C 
does not work.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you


On 3/26/21 1:22 AM, Charles Curley wrote:

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021 19:59:04 -0400
Maureen L Thomas  wrote:

So I decided to re-install debian 10.
While doing so I get to the part about the entering the needed rtl
files which I have on DVD and on USB.  I tried both but neither of
them would work.  I cannot get it to even come up to a command line
to do dmesg and see what the real problem may be.

I take it that by "rtl files" you mean RealTek firmware blobs for
RealTek devices.

What I found was that Bullseye (Debian 11) wants the firmware .deb
package, not the extracted firmware files. This may or may not work on
Buster (Debian 10). Also it wants the file in the root directory of the
USB device.

You may be able to install without them if you don't need the interface
they support to install. You would need some other interface either
during installation, or shortly after installation to bring the
firmware package in.

Probably the easiest option: you might try the unofficial with-firmware
installation images. Depending on your requirements, you should be able
to drill down from this page: