Re: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones

2022-04-09 Thread Teemu Likonen
* 2022-04-10 03:59:25+0100, mick crane wrote:

> On 2022-04-10 01:21, The Wanderer wrote:
>>> avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp
>> Does that get the information from CUPS?
> With printer connected via other PC (CUPS print server) there is no 
> output from "avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp"

Should be, if the print server has setting "Share printers connected to
this system". Obviously Cups and Avahi must be running on machines in
the same network.

/// Teemu Likonen - .-..
// OpenPGP: 6965F03973F0D4CA22B9410F0F2CAE0E07608462

Description: PGP signature

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 09:26:58PM -0600, Charles Curley wrote:
> Two of my machines have their database files dated at midnight or one
> minute after.
> Possibly because updatedb is run by a systemd timer, not cron.


unicorn:~$ ls -l /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db
-rw-r- 1 root mlocate 28983797 Apr  9 00:00 /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db


unicorn:~$ less /etc/cron.daily/mlocate 
#! /bin/bash

set -e

# skip in favour of systemd timer
if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
exit 0

Wow.  That's incredibly annoying!

unicorn:~$ less /lib/systemd/system/mlocate.timer
Description=Updates mlocate database every day



... it doesn't even say when it runs?  What silliness is this?

Oh well.  It clearly isn't bothering me (I'm usually in bed before
midnight, though not always), so I never had to look into it.  I'm sure
someone felt it was a "good idea" to move things from perfectly normal
and well-understood crontab files into this new systemd timer crap that
nobody understands, and that I should respect their wisdom, but I don't
see the advantages at this time.

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Charles Curley
On Sat, 09 Apr 2022 16:59:04 -0400
gene heskett  wrote:

> Matches mine too Greg, so I expect thats default, but why is Roy's
> going off at about midnight?

Two of my machines have their database files dated at midnight or one
minute after.

Possibly because updatedb is run by a systemd timer, not cron.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones

2022-04-09 Thread mick crane

On 2022-04-10 01:21, The Wanderer wrote:

avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp

Does that get the information from CUPS?

With printer connected via other PC (CUPS print server) there is no 
output from "avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp"


Re: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones

2022-04-09 Thread The Wanderer
On 2022-04-09 at 07:56, Brian wrote:

> On Fri 08 Apr 2022 at 19:45:41 -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
>> (This is probably both overly long and overly repetitive, among
>> possibly other undesirable things, but I'm running short on time.)
> So I hope you do not mind if I do not reply to every point you make.

I don't strongly mind that, no. A few of them were probably rephrasings
of the same thing in different ways.

>> On 2022-04-08 at 18:44, Brian wrote:

>> What Greg was asking about, as far as I can tell, is a way to get
>> CUPS to tell him that network-location information - so that he, as
>> someone external to the printing system, could then apply that
>> information to his additional knowledge about the physical location
>> of the printer with a specific IP address.
>> I'm not sure we (in this thread) have yet found a way to do that 
>> directly; we've found what appear to be two different ways to find
>> the IP address of the printer with the name that CUPS is reporting,
>> but it looks to me as if both of them are getting that information
>> via an external method (probably similar to how CUPS found the
>> printer in the first place), rather than getting that information
>> from CUPS itself.
>> The IP-address (etc.?) information must exist within CUPS, since
>> CUPS is able to actually send jobs to the printer; why isn't it
>> straightforward and obvious how to get that information *from*
>> within CUPS *to* someplace visible?
> It is straightforward, I don't know about obvious to all users.
> avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp

Does that get the information from CUPS?

It looks to me as if it gets the information from the network, via what
are probably the same discovery methods as CUPS used to get it.

That's not the same as getting the information *from CUPS*, which must
logically already have that information.

Having a way to get the information at all (and we already seem to have
at least two of those, from this thread, one of them being the one you
just cited) is not the same as having a way to get the information *from
where it must logically already be*, and the apparent lack of the latter
is what's bothering me about the described behavior.

>>> CUPS knows how to route the job. The physical location of the 
>>> printer is not involved in the routeing.
>> True, and I don't understand why you thought it was involved (as
>> relates to CUPS) at all.
>> The IP address, however, *is* involved in the routing - and
>> therefore CUPS must know it. (Or some proxy piece of information,
>> as above.)
>> The original question as I understand it was how to get CUPS to
>> reveal that piece of information which it must know.
> CUPS uses mDNS/DNS-sd for discovery. The user does the same:
> avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp

This seems to be confirming the hypothesis above: that this is not
getting CUPS to reveal the information, but performing the same
discovery method that CUPS used to get the information.

If, for example, the printer was online when CUPS discovered it and is
therefore listed in the CUPS interface, but is offline now (perhaps
someone accidentally unplugged the network cable from the printer?), I
would be mildly surprised if this would still result in showing the IP
address of the printer. CUPS, however, must still have that address,
from its past discovery.

 What I understood Greg as asking about is how to get CUPS to
 *tell* you what the IP address it knows about for a given
 printer object is. That doesn't seem to be an unreasonable
 thing to want to know, or to expect CUPS to be able to provide;
 I'd want the same thing, in anything remotely like his place.
> avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp

As above.

>>> Finding the IP address is easy:
>>> ippfind -T 5 ipp://envy4500.local:631/ipp/print ping -c 3
>>> envy4500.local
>> That only works if IPP is in use, which isn't guaranteed.
> Communication between CUPS servers is guaranteed to be by IPP.
> Between CUPS and modern printers is only via IPP.

Okay, those are both details which I didn't know.

>> Also, how is that command supposed to be discoverable? Greg
>> certainly doesn't seem to have discovered it in his efforts, and I
>> wasn't aware of its existence either, and it also hasn't previously
>> been mentioned in this thread (despite the mentioning of
>> 'avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp', which turned out to also be an
>> adequate way of finding out what is probably the same
>> information).
> I don' think I want to hazard a guess as to users' thought
> processes.

But that's an essential thing to do for designing in discoverability.

>>> If you were in his place, you should hope that the sys admins
>>> would include the physical location of the printer when
>>> advertising it. This is part of the IPP standard.
>> Speaking as someone who has *been* such a sysadmin (though I'm not
>> now, except insofar as those who are call on me to help solve
>> problems), I can say that aside 

Re: rdnssd not updating /etc/resolv.conf

2022-04-09 Thread Jeremy Ardley

On 10/4/22 7:04 am, Jeremy Ardley wrote:

I've installed rdnssd

The host has ipv6 enabled in /etc/network/interfaces and it's 
acquiring an IPv6 address via RA in addition to having a static IPv6 

rdnssd is running but nothing is changing in /etc/resolv.conf or 

The RA does include DNS information

root@orangepi-r1:~# radvdump
# radvd configuration generated by radvdump 2.17
# based on Router Advertisement from fe80::fca5:6fff:fe75:6129
# received by interface enxc0742bffdceb

interface enxc0742bffdceb
    AdvSendAdvert on;
    # Note: {Min,Max}RtrAdvInterval cannot be obtained with radvdump
    AdvManagedFlag off;
    AdvOtherConfigFlag on;
    AdvReachableTime 0;
    AdvRetransTimer 0;
    AdvCurHopLimit 0;
    AdvDefaultLifetime 1800;
    AdvHomeAgentFlag off;
    AdvDefaultPreference medium;
    AdvSourceLLAddress on;
    AdvLinkMTU 1500;

    prefix 2403:5800:c101:b700::/64
        AdvValidLifetime 3776;
        AdvPreferredLifetime 2776;
        AdvOnLink on;
        AdvAutonomous on;
        AdvRouterAddr off;
    }; # End of prefix definition

    RDNSS fe80::fca5:6fff:fe75:6129
        AdvRDNSSLifetime 0;
    }; # End of RDNSS definition

    DNSSL lan
        AdvDNSSLLifetime 1800;
    }; # End of DNSSL definition

}; # End of interface definition


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

rdnssd not updating /etc/resolv.conf

2022-04-09 Thread Jeremy Ardley

I've installed rdnssd

The host has ipv6 enabled in /etc/network/interfaces and it's acquiring an IPv6 
address via RA in addition to having a static IPv6 Address

rdnssd is running but nothing is changing in /etc/resolv.conf or 

Any suggestions?

root@orangepi-r1:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto enxc0742bffdceb

iface enxc0742bffdceb inet dhcp

iface enxc0742bffdceb inet6 static
    address 2403:5800:c101:b700:beef::face/64
    # use SLAAC to get global IPv6 address from the router
    autoconf 1
    accept_ra 1
    privext 2

cat /var/run/rdnssd/resolv.conf

search lan

cat /etc/resolv.conf
search lan

root@orangepi-r1:~# ip a
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group 
default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN group 
default qlen 1000
    link/ether 02:42:7d:73:5a:21 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: enxc0742bffdceb:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast 
state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether c0:74:2b:ff:dc:eb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic enxc0742bffdceb
   valid_lft 84677sec preferred_lft 84677sec
    inet6 2403:5800:c101:b700:b99c:4896:34af:8926/64 scope global temporary 
   valid_lft 3012sec preferred_lft 2011sec
    inet6 2403:5800:c101:b700:c274:2bff:feff:dceb/64 scope global dynamic 
   valid_lft 3012sec preferred_lft 2011sec
    inet6 2403:5800:c101:b700:beef::face/64 scope global
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::c274:2bff:feff:dceb/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: wlan0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN 
group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 44:b2:95:fc:5f:74 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

root@orangepi-r1:~# route -n6

Kernel IPv6 routing table

Destination    Next Hop   Flag Met Ref Use If

2403:5800:c101:b700::/64   :: U    256 2 0 

fe80::/64  :: U    256 1 0 

::/0   fe80::fca5:6fff:fe75:6129  UGDAe 1024 4 0 

::1/128    :: Un   0   6 0 lo

2403:5800:c101:b700:b99c:4896:34af:8926/128 :: Un   0   
3 0 enxc0742bffdceb

2403:5800:c101:b700:beef::face/128 :: Un   0   5 0 

2403:5800:c101:b700:c274:2bff:feff:dceb/128 :: Un   0   
2 0 enxc0742bffdceb

fe80::c274:2bff:feff:dceb/128  :: Un   0   3 0 

ff00::/8   :: U    256 6 0 

::/0   :: !n   -1  1 0 lo

root@orangepi-r1:~# lsof | grep rdnssd

rdnssd 977  root  cwd   DIR  179,1 4096 
 2 /
rdnssd 977  root  rtd   DIR  179,1 4096 
 2 /
rdnssd 977  root  txt   REG  179,1    17880 
  1188 /usr/sbin/rdnssd
rdnssd 977  root  mem   REG  179,1   113596 
  6997 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
rdnssd 977  root  mem   REG  179,1   973416 
  6819 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
rdnssd 977  root  mem   REG  179,1    22488 
  7004 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
rdnssd 977  root  mem   REG  179,1   110012 
  6718 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
rdnssd 977  root    0r  CHR    1,3  0t0 
 3 /dev/null
rdnssd 977  root    1w  CHR    1,3  0t0 
 3 /dev/null
rdnssd 977  root    2w  CHR    1,3  0t0 
 3 /dev/null
rdnssd 977  root    3wW REG   0,23    3 
   379 /run/
rdnssd 977  root    4r FIFO   0,12  0t0 
  8479 pipe
rdnssd 978    rdnssd  cwd   DIR  179,1 4096 
 2 /
rdnssd 978    rdnssd  rtd   DIR  179,1 4096 
 2 /
rdnssd 978    rdnssd  txt   REG  179,1    17880 
  1188 /usr/sbin/rdnssd
rdnssd 978    rdnssd  mem 

Re: configure installation source from NET installer cmdline?

2022-04-09 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 05:42:43PM -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
> Roberto C. Sánchez composed on 2022-04-09 17:16 (UTC-0400):
> > Have you tried the option to manually enter the mirror information?  In
> > the past I have successfully used this point at for
> > an installation of an older version of Debian.  You should be able to
> > use the URL (IIRC).
> Is there a more detailed menu where manual entry is offered? All that's 
> presented is:
Doing a regular installation, just after the base system is installed,
select "yes" to the question "Use a network mirror?"  Go to the top of
the list and select the "enter information manually" option.  Enter the
host name as "" and the archive mirror directory as
"/debian/" (these will be asked as two separate questions).

I tried it just now in a new installation in a Qemu VM and it worked.
The installer was able to retrieve packages from



Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: configure installation source from NET installer cmdline?

2022-04-09 Thread Felix Miata
Roberto C. Sánchez composed on 2022-04-09 17:16 (UTC-0400):

> Have you tried the option to manually enter the mirror information? 

Gripped by blindness the first several tries, I eventually noticed that manual
entry topped the list, and installation has been proceeding. :p
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

Re: configure installation source from NET installer cmdline?

2022-04-09 Thread David Christensen

On 4/9/22 14:08, Felix Miata wrote: doesn't seem to show
the possibility exists. Is it not possible? What doc explains?

The problem: I want to install on a K6/2. The newest installation kernel that
doesn't require cmov that K6/2 doesn't have is Wheezy. When I boot the Wheezy
installation kernel and initrd from Grub, selection of installation source omits as a selection, which is apparently the only place Wheezy can
be found any more. Is there a country that can be selected where will be selectable? USA, UK & Germany don't seem to offer it.

If I wanted to get a Unix-like operating system working on old x86 
hardware, I would try FreeBSD or NetBSD:


Re: configure installation source from NET installer cmdline?

2022-04-09 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 05:36:25PM -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
> Andrew M.A. Cater composed on 2022-04-09 21:15 (UTC):
> > YOu could try expert mode and select your own mirror.
> Only way I can find in expert mode to select a mirror is from the lists from 
> the
> various countries presented, among which is not listed in 
> USA,
> UK or Germany. Is it squirreled away in some obscure country?
> > The other alternative would be to
> > use a CD or DVD to install - so that you don't need to start with a network 
> > mirror.
> > 
> I considered installing from full CD, until I gave up looking for such an iso 
> to
> download. Did you look there yourself? Where are the .iso files?
> Other distros offer command line options to specify the installation source. 
> Isn't
> there one for Debian?



Note that CD image (the system where installers are hosted) has its own
archive sub-directory.  The contents of are not the
installers themselves, but the actual package archive.


Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: configure installation source from NET installer cmdline?

2022-04-09 Thread Felix Miata
Roberto C. Sánchez composed on 2022-04-09 17:16 (UTC-0400):

> Have you tried the option to manually enter the mirror information?  In
> the past I have successfully used this point at for
> an installation of an older version of Debian.  You should be able to
> use the URL (IIRC).

Is there a more detailed menu where manual entry is offered? All that's 
presented is:

Choose lang
Config kb
Detect net hdwe
config net
"Choose a mirror of the Debian Archive"
download installer components
change debconf priority
save debug logs
execute shell

# cat /proc/cmdline

vga=788 -- net.ifnames=0 ipv6.disable=1 netcfg/get_hostname=myhost
netcfg/disable_dhcp=true tasks=standard base-installer/install-recommends=false 
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

Re: configure installation source from NET installer cmdline?

2022-04-09 Thread Felix Miata
Andrew M.A. Cater composed on 2022-04-09 21:15 (UTC):

> YOu could try expert mode and select your own mirror.

Only way I can find in expert mode to select a mirror is from the lists from the
various countries presented, among which is not listed in 
UK or Germany. Is it squirreled away in some obscure country?

> The other alternative would be to
> use a CD or DVD to install - so that you don't need to start with a network 
> mirror.


I considered installing from full CD, until I gave up looking for such an iso to
download. Did you look there yourself? Where are the .iso files?

Other distros offer command line options to specify the installation source. 
there one for Debian?
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

Re: configure installation source from NET installer cmdline?

2022-04-09 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 05:08:50PM -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
> doesn't seem to 
> show
> the possibility exists. Is it not possible? What doc explains?
> The problem: I want to install on a K6/2. The newest installation kernel that
> doesn't require cmov that K6/2 doesn't have is Wheezy. When I boot the Wheezy
> installation kernel and initrd from Grub, selection of installation source 
> omits
> as a selection, which is apparently the only place Wheezy 
> can
> be found any more. Is there a country that can be selected where
> will be selectable? USA, UK & Germany don't seem to offer 
> it.

Have you tried the option to manually enter the mirror information?  In
the past I have successfully used this point at for
an installation of an older version of Debian.  You should be able to
use the URL (IIRC).



Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: configure installation source from NET installer cmdline?

2022-04-09 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 05:08:50PM -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
> doesn't seem to 
> show
> the possibility exists. Is it not possible? What doc explains?
> The problem: I want to install on a K6/2. The newest installation kernel that
> doesn't require cmov that K6/2 doesn't have is Wheezy. When I boot the Wheezy
> installation kernel and initrd from Grub, selection of installation source 
> omits
> as a selection, which is apparently the only place Wheezy 
> can
> be found any more. Is there a country that can be selected where
> will be selectable? USA, UK & Germany don't seem to offer 
> it.
> -- 
> Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
>   based on faith, not based on science.
>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
> Felix Miata

Hi Felix,

YOu could try expert mode and select your own mirror. The other alternative 
would be to
use a CD or DVD to install - so that you don't need to start with a network 

might work.

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater 

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 04:59:04PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> On Saturday, 9 April 2022 16:35:26 EDT Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > grep daily /etc/crontab
> Matches mine too Greg, so I expect thats default, but why is Roy's going 
> off at about midnight?

We'd have to see what his /etc/crontab contains, and what his system
clock is set to.

configure installation source from NET installer cmdline?

2022-04-09 Thread Felix Miata doesn't seem to show
the possibility exists. Is it not possible? What doc explains?

The problem: I want to install on a K6/2. The newest installation kernel that
doesn't require cmov that K6/2 doesn't have is Wheezy. When I boot the Wheezy
installation kernel and initrd from Grub, selection of installation source omits as a selection, which is apparently the only place Wheezy can
be found any more. Is there a country that can be selected where will be selectable? USA, UK & Germany don't seem to offer it.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread gene heskett
On Saturday, 9 April 2022 16:35:26 EDT Greg Wooledge wrote:
> grep daily /etc/crontab

Matches mine too Greg, so I expect thats default, but why is Roy's going 
off at about midnight?

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 03:40:41PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> On Saturday, 9 April 2022 12:04:18 EDT Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> > So around midnight I am seeing a burst of activity,  which sometimes
> > interferes with whatever else I happen to be doing at the time. 
> > Looking at the process list,  I see the above-referenced come and go. 
> > I didn't want this,  and it's not apparent to me how to deal with it.
> > 
> > How do I find out where this is invoked,  so I can get rid of it?
> It used to be in a root crontab, where you could delay it to say 3 am.
> But I've no clue where its at in the later versions since systemd took 
> over.

It's in cron.daily.

unicorn:~$ ls /etc/cron.daily/
apt-compat*  dpkg*   man-db*   popularity-contest*
aptitude*google-chrome@  mlocate*  spamassassin*
calendar*logrotate*  ntp*  sysstat*

So, you could change when the cron.daily job runs, but you can't easily
postpone just one part of cron.daily.

unicorn:~$ grep daily /etc/crontab
25 6* * *   roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts 
--report /etc/cron.daily )

I don't remember whether I moved that to 06:25 myself, or what.  But
anyway, that's where you would change it.

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread gene heskett
On Saturday, 9 April 2022 12:04:18 EDT Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> So around midnight I am seeing a burst of activity,  which sometimes
> interferes with whatever else I happen to be doing at the time. 
> Looking at the process list,  I see the above-referenced come and go. 
> I didn't want this,  and it's not apparent to me how to deal with it.
> How do I find out where this is invoked,  so I can get rid of it?

It used to be in a root crontab, where you could delay it to say 3 am.
But I've no clue where its at in the later versions since systemd took 
over.  Run synaptic, search for locate, and see if properties>installed 
files will tell you where the time entry is now. Its a pretty handy 
utility so I wouldn't remove it, its keeping its database up to date so 
you can do a "locate filename", and find out where in terabytes of data, 
that filename might be found.  
> --
> Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and
> ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
> be killed but can't be tamed.  --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet
> Masters" -
> Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies.
> --James M Dakin
> .

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

Re: Apparmor problem.

2022-04-09 Thread Nicholas Geovanis
On Sat, Apr 9, 2022 at 5:46 AM George  wrote:

> Hi!
> Im trying to make a profile for firefox-esr.
> I used aa-genprof to create it and then aa-logprof to update it.
> I also use apparmor-notify to get error messages.
> The problem is that I get constant apparmor messages like the
> following:
> Apparmor Message
> Profile /usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr
> Operation: file_lock
> Name: /home/gpred/.mozilla/firefox/8i0h8b60.default-esr/-
> webappsstore.sqlite
> Denied: wk
> Logfile: /var/log/kern.log
> I run aa-logprof but it doesnt seem to detect the denied command. It
> doesnt show me the option to allow it,deny it, etc. I also tried to
> clear the kern.log and syslog files but after a while I have the same
> problem.
> Any ideas?

My reading is that firefox access to the file labelled as "Name:" is
It's failing because firefox wants to obtain a lock on that file but can't.

In other words:
 Name: /home/gpred/.mozilla/firefox/8i0h8b60.default-esr/-

It's trying to create a lock for the file with that name, and lock creation
Could be because firefox lacks permissions to that file. Or because your
login id
lacks permissions to it. Or because another process holds a lock on it

My firefox profile
> # Last Modified: Sat Apr  9 12:18:47 2022
> #include 
> /usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr flags=(complain) {
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   #include 
>   deny /home/*/AppData/** rw,
>   capability sys_admin,
>   signal send set=kill peer=/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr//null-
> /usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr,
>   signal send set=term peer=/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr//null-
> /usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr,
>   signal send set=term peer=/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr//null-
> /usr/lib/firefox-esr/plugin-container,
>   /etc/firefox-esr/firefox-esr.js r,
>   /etc/mailcap r,
>   /etc/mime.types r,
>   /proc/devices r,
>   /proc/driver/nvidia/params r,
>   /proc/filesystems r,
>   /proc/modules r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:00.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:00.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:00.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.0/subsystem_device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.0/subsystem_vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.1/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.1/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.1/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:04.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:04.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:04.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:08.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:08.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:08.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:12.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:12.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:12.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:15.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:15.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:15.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:16.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:16.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:16.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:17.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:17.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:17.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/:03:00.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/:03:00.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/:03:00.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/:04:00.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/:04:00.0/device r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/:04:00.0/vendor r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/class r,
>   /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/device r,

Re: Problemas con Mutt (era: Resolución de pantalla en las tty)

2022-04-09 Thread Aristobulo Pinzon Gmail
​ Gracias por tu interés. 
Tenía mutt como aplicación de correo configurada en el navegador y en 
aplicaciones predeterminadas.
Pero de pronto sucede que cuando deseo contestar algún mensaje, no abre el Mutt 
para escribir la respuesta si no que envía un mensaje vacío al clicar en la 
dirección. Y además no conserva el hilo de los mensajes ni se como contestar 
incluyendo el mensaje enviado como Usted los hace… :-(
Debo tener algunos errores en el .muttrc.

Re: Problem downloading "Installation Guide for 64-bit PC (amd64)"

2022-04-09 Thread davidson

On Sat, 9 Apr 2022 Richard Owlett wrote:

On 04/08/2022 01:18 AM, Tixy wrote:

On Thu, 2022-04-07 at 09:40 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

I need a *HTML* copy of "Installation Guide for 64-bit PC (amd64)" for
*OFFLINE* use.

The HTML links on []
lead *ONLY* to Page 1.

You can download all the pages using a recursive wget:

   wget -r -k -np

That's 774kB of files when I tried it (I know internet data usage is
important to you).

I've never used wget. I just did an initial reading of its quite detailed man 
page. Is there a recommended introduction to wget. I'm not thinking of a 
tutorial so much as a "What wget can do for you" intro.

 $ info --index-string=Examples wget

Same material on public web pages:

Ce qui est important est rarement urgent
et ce qui est urgent est rarement important
-- Dwight David Eisenhower

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 9 Apr 2022 13:59:44 -0400
Greg Wooledge  wrote:

Hello Greg,

>This is not the case in Debian 11 (stable). 

You're right.  I misread the page and muddled the stable and backports

My apologies for the confusion.

 Regards  _
 / )  "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
/ _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
I an an island, entire of myself
Lookin' After No.1 - The Boomtown Rats

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 06:18:31PM +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
> mlocate is a transitional package in Debian.  It installs plocate.  Which
> means Roy is likely running plocate anyway.  Therefore mlocate can be
> removed.

This is not the case in Debian 11 (stable).  It appears to be true in
testing and unstable, though.

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Brian
On Sat 09 Apr 2022 at 18:18:31 +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:

> On Sat, 9 Apr 2022 17:50:03 +0100
> Brian  wrote:
> Hello Brian,
> >Or replace mlocate with plocate, which is reckoned to be better than
> mlocate is a transitional package in Debian.  It installs plocate.  Which
> means Roy is likely running plocate anyway.  Therefore mlocate can be
> removed.
> From info on the Debian package tracker, plocate has been used in place
> of mlocate since at least October 2020.  There's no data going back
> further.

Thank you, Brad, for clarifying.

I remember the discussions on -devel regarding plocate. It is on my
Debain 11 system, but I could not remember how it got there and did
not investigate.


Re: Impressions partielles avec Brother-HL2150N

2022-04-09 Thread ajh-valmer
On Saturday 09 April 2022 17:31:17 kaliderus wrote:
> Le sam. 9 avr. 2022 à 11:06  a écrit :
> > - tes pilotes d'impression sont fournis par Debian? ou par Brother? 
> > J'aurais tendance à dire que si ton imprimante est supportée par 
> > défaut par Debian, installer des trucs Brother,  
> > ne fera que compliquer les choses :

Pourquoi ?
Aucune complication, c'est un test, retirer le driver cups-debian,
installer le driver Brother-HL2150N.
Si l'impression partielle disparait, c'est qu'il y a un bug dans le cups-debian.

J'obtiens un meilleur rendu avec le driver Epson proprio.

ajh Valmer

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread
On Sat, 9 Apr 2022 17:50:03 +0100
Brian  wrote:

plocate is a locate(1) based on posting lists, giving much faster searches
on a much smaller index. It is a drop-in replacement for mlocate in nearly
all aspects, and is fast on SSDs and non-SSDs alike.

Besides this it also handles sshfs mounts proper

my 2 EURO cents

> On Sat 09 Apr 2022 at 12:39:45 -0400, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 11:04:18AM -0500, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> > > So around midnight I am seeing a burst of activity,  which sometimes 
> > > interferes with whatever else I happen to be doing at the time.  Looking 
> > > at the process list,  I see the above-referenced come and go.  I didn't 
> > > want this,  and it's not apparent to me how to deal with it.
> > > 
> > > How do I find out where this is invoked,  so I can get rid of it?
> > > 
> > You can uninstall the mlocate package.  Or, you can edit
> > /etc/cron.daily/mlocate and comment out the cron entry.  That would
> > leave the package installed, but you would need to keep the database
> > updated manually.
> Or replace mlocate with plocate, which is reckoned to be better than
> mlocate.

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 9 Apr 2022 17:50:03 +0100
Brian  wrote:

Hello Brian,

>Or replace mlocate with plocate, which is reckoned to be better than

mlocate is a transitional package in Debian.  It installs plocate.  Which
means Roy is likely running plocate anyway.  Therefore mlocate can be

From info on the Debian package tracker, plocate has been used in place
of mlocate since at least October 2020.  There's no data going back

 Regards  _
 / )  "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
/ _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
Did you do it for fame, did you do it in a fit?
Identity - X-Ray Spex

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Charles Curley
On Sat, 9 Apr 2022 11:04:18 -0500
"Roy J. Tellason, Sr."  wrote:

> How do I find out where this is invoked,  so I can get rid of it?

You may not want to get rid of it. That's the process that updates the
database for the locate utility, which is very useful.

I was about to add, think instead about adding a nice value to its cron
entry. However it look like mlocate is now handled by systemd, and I
don't know enough to advise you on how to do that.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Brian
On Sat 09 Apr 2022 at 12:39:45 -0400, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 11:04:18AM -0500, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> > So around midnight I am seeing a burst of activity,  which sometimes 
> > interferes with whatever else I happen to be doing at the time.  Looking at 
> > the process list,  I see the above-referenced come and go.  I didn't want 
> > this,  and it's not apparent to me how to deal with it.
> > 
> > How do I find out where this is invoked,  so I can get rid of it?
> > 
> You can uninstall the mlocate package.  Or, you can edit
> /etc/cron.daily/mlocate and comment out the cron entry.  That would
> leave the package installed, but you would need to keep the database
> updated manually.

Or replace mlocate with plocate, which is reckoned to be better than


Re: updatedb.mlocate

2022-04-09 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 11:04:18AM -0500, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> So around midnight I am seeing a burst of activity,  which sometimes 
> interferes with whatever else I happen to be doing at the time.  Looking at 
> the process list,  I see the above-referenced come and go.  I didn't want 
> this,  and it's not apparent to me how to deal with it.
> How do I find out where this is invoked,  so I can get rid of it?
You can uninstall the mlocate package.  Or, you can edit
/etc/cron.daily/mlocate and comment out the cron entry.  That would
leave the package installed, but you would need to keep the database
updated manually.



Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: Impressions partielles avec Brother-HL2150N

2022-04-09 Thread didier gaumet
Le samedi 9 avril 2022 à 17:40:03 UTC+2, kaliderus a écrit :

> C'est bien mystérieux :-/ Ce pourrait-il que l'environnement soit en 
> question ... je vais tester

Plus un environnement de bureau est complet plus, généralement, il installe des 
bibliothèques  et utilitaires qui te facilitent la vie. C'est un peux comme les 
paquets recommandés parles gestionnaires de paquets Debian: sans eux le système 
est plus léger et réactif, mais au risque d'amputer certaines fonctionnalités 
si on n'a pas précisément cerné ses besoins.

Tu peux aussi tester en imprimant tes fichiers-à-problèmes dans un fichier 
plutôt que sur papier pour voir si c'est un problème d'impression générique ou 
si ça dépend vraiment de ton modèle d'imprimante

(Pour les pages web, il y a aussi le gag ordinaire d'oublier de spécifier 
d'imprimer les arrières-plans, ce qui change totalement la page par rapport à 
son rendu dans un navigateur)


2022-04-09 Thread Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
So around midnight I am seeing a burst of activity,  which sometimes interferes 
with whatever else I happen to be doing at the time.  Looking at the process 
list,  I see the above-referenced come and go.  I didn't want this,  and it's 
not apparent to me how to deal with it.

How do I find out where this is invoked,  so I can get rid of it?

Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and
ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
be killed but can't be tamed.  --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet Masters"
Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies. --James 
M Dakin

Re: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones

2022-04-09 Thread Brian
On Fri 08 Apr 2022 at 13:22:26 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 08, 2022 at 06:03:47PM +0100, Tixy wrote:
> > On Fri, 2022-04-08 at 17:59 +0100, Tixy wrote:
> > > On Fri, 2022-04-08 at 12:10 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > > > Unfortunately, I was not able to find ANY way to determine the IP
> > > > addresses of the autodetected printers that were presented to me.
> > > 
> > > If I go to http://localhost:631/printers/
> > 
> > I should say I got to that URL from the CUPs interface at
> > http://localhost:631/ then clicking the 'Admininitation' tab at the top
> > followed by the 'Manage Printers' button on the page that showed.
> Here is what I have on that page:
> =
> Showing 7 of 7 printers.
> Queue NameDescription LocationMake and Model  Status
> Canon_LBP351dn_f9_7a_4a_  CNLBP712C CNLBP712C, 
> driverless, cups-filters 1.28.7Idle
> Canon_LBP712Cdn_db_c0_d3_ Canon_LBP712Cdn_db_c0_d3_   
> CNLBP712C CNLBP712C, driverless, cups-filters 1.28.7Idle
> Cups_PDF_oc3261540276 Cups_PDF_oc3261540276   Local Raw Printer   
> Paused
> HP_LaserJet_4100_Series_0001E6A68D3D_ HP_LaserJet_4100_Series_0001E6A68D3D_   
> HP LaserJet 4100 Series , driverless, cups-filters 1.28.7   Idle
> hp_LaserJet_4250_621E13_  hp_LaserJet_4250_621E13_hp 
> LaserJet 4250, driverless, cups-filters 1.28.7   Idle
> HP_LaserJet_P3010_Series_0FCDD7_  HP_LaserJet_P3010_Series_0FCDD7_
> HP LaserJet P3010 Series, driverless, cups-filters 1.28.7   Idle
> PostScript_oc3261540276   PostScript_oc3261540276 Local Raw 
> Printer   Paused
> =


> Looking at the stuff that I pasted here, how am I supposed to know whether
> this corresponds to the physical printer with IP address

Let's eliminate Cups_PDF_oc3261540276 and PostScript_oc3261540276
first. These are local, manually set up print queues (not discovered).
The queue name doe not end with an underscore, indicating they are not
physical printers. (oc3261540276 identifies the host, but why that

The remaining five entries are printers. The "driverless, cups-filters"
indicates that cups-browsed has automatically set up local print queues
for them. They are on the same subnet as your device. 10/10 up to now
for the printing system.

This leaves two Canons and three HPs. What make is the printer in the
room? Canon? Still don't want to guess? Then

  avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp | grep -B 2 ""

Another 10/10 fot the printing system and the tools it uses.

Of course, knowing the queue name in advance would be more desirable and
lead to less frustration.


Re: Impressions partielles avec Brother-HL2150N

2022-04-09 Thread kaliderus

Le sam. 9 avr. 2022 à 11:06, didier gaumet  a écrit :
> - j'ai parfois eu des problèmes de bouts (petits ou gros) de texte manquants 
> à l'impression par le passé en utilisant claws-mail sous Xfce alors que ça ne 
> se produisait pas avec Thunderbird sous Gnome, par exemple. Je m'en étais 
> tiré (il me semble, ça remonte loin, j'ai oublié) en installant des bouts de 
> ghostscript et assimilés, qui étaient installés par défaut avec 
> Thunderbird/Gnome
C'est bien mystérieux :-/ Ce pourrait-il que l'environnement soit en
question ... je vais tester

> - tes pilotes d'impression sont fournis par Debian? ou par Brother? J'aurais 
> tendance à dire que si ton imprimante est supportée par défaut par Debian, 
> installer des trucs Brother ne fera que compliquer les choses
Oui je n'ai que du 100% Debian

> - D'autre part ton imprimante est apparemment compatible réseau mDNS/IPP, 
> donc configurable driverless (je trouve que mon combo printer/scanner HP 
> fonctionne mieux sans HPLIP et l'intégralité de CUPS, avec juste des bouts de 
> CUPS en driverless):
- Ja vais creuser aussi par ici ...


Re: Envoi automatique de mail après le démarrage par systemd

2022-04-09 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 03:35:12PM +0200, NoSpam wrote:
> Bonjour
> Le 09/04/2022 à 14:29, Roberto C. Sánchez a écrit :
> > On Sat, Nov 13, 2021 at 05:34:01PM +0100, steve wrote:
> > > Salut,
> > > 
> > > Le 13-11-2021, à 16:42:49 +0100, NoSpam a écrit :
> > > 
> > > > Bonjour
> > > > 
> > > > utiliser @reboot dans cron et executer le script
> > > Merci, je n'avais pas pensé à cette solution simple (qui marche, je
> > > viens de tester). Mais ça ne répond pas à mon problème initial :)
> > > 
> > > 
> > Désolé de répondre à un très vieux fil.
> > 
> > D'une autre manière, tu peux utiliser /etc/rc.local qui est exécuté à
> > la fin de chaque démarrage.  Par exemple:
> > 
> > /usr/local/bin/ || exit 0
> ce fichier n'est plus exécuté avec systemd sauf a créer un service qui
> imiterait
Je ne le savais pas.

Sur mon PC (de l'année 2016 et qui a commencé avec Jessie et qui puis a
eu des mises à jours vers stretch et buster), il y a le fichier
/etc/rc.local. Je pensais que ce fichier était toujours installé sur les
nouvelles installations.

Je viens d'installer un chroot avec buster et un autre chroot avec
bullseye. Pas de fichier /etc/rc.local. J'ai aussi installé une machine
virtuelle avec bullseye sous qemu. Pas de fichier /etc/rc.local. Je
pense que tu as raison. Le fichier /etc/rc.local n'est plus inclu quand
on fait une nouvelle installation.

Désolé pour la confusion.



Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: Envoi automatique de mail après le démarrage par systemd

2022-04-09 Thread NoSpam


Le 09/04/2022 à 14:29, Roberto C. Sánchez a écrit :

On Sat, Nov 13, 2021 at 05:34:01PM +0100, steve wrote:


Le 13-11-2021, à 16:42:49 +0100, NoSpam a écrit :


utiliser @reboot dans cron et executer le script

Merci, je n'avais pas pensé à cette solution simple (qui marche, je
viens de tester). Mais ça ne répond pas à mon problème initial :)

Désolé de répondre à un très vieux fil.

D'une autre manière, tu peux utiliser /etc/rc.local qui est exécuté à
la fin de chaque démarrage.  Par exemple:

/usr/local/bin/ || exit 0

ce fichier n'est plus exécuté avec systemd sauf a créer un service qui 


Re: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones

2022-04-09 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 12:56:12PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> It woould have been far, far more useful to have had the queue name on
> the card. Perhaps it can be added? Printing then becomes a two minute,
> no-fuss job:

I'm not on site now, so I can't recall all of the information that
was on the "card" (folded sheet of paper actually).  There was
something that looked like a Windows pathname, but it did not match
any of the names presented by CUPS, and I don't remember exactly what
it said.

Re: Envoi automatique de mail après le démarrage par systemd

2022-04-09 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Sat, Nov 13, 2021 at 05:34:01PM +0100, steve wrote:
> Salut,
> Le 13-11-2021, à 16:42:49 +0100, NoSpam a écrit :
> > Bonjour
> > 
> > utiliser @reboot dans cron et executer le script
> Merci, je n'avais pas pensé à cette solution simple (qui marche, je
> viens de tester). Mais ça ne répond pas à mon problème initial :)
Désolé de répondre à un très vieux fil.

D'une autre manière, tu peux utiliser /etc/rc.local qui est exécuté à
la fin de chaque démarrage.  Par exemple:

/usr/local/bin/ || exit 0



Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: Wireshark ne décode pas certains AVP Radius, pourtant présents dans ses dictionnaires

2022-04-09 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Tue, Apr 05, 2022 at 02:46:06PM +0200, Olivier wrote:
> Bonjour,
> En analysant du trafic Radius avec wireshark, sur Bullseye, je me rend
> compte que certains attributs des messages Radius ne sont pas décodés.
> Plus précisément, dans un message Accounting-Request, il y a 3 AVP,
> 186, 187 et 188 qui sont affichés avec t=Unkown-Attribute(186).
> Pourtant, dans /usr/share/wireshark/radius/dictionnaru.rfc7268, j'ai:
> # of [IEEE-802.11], with values of OUI and Suite Type drawn
> # from Table 8-99.
> ATTRIBUTEWLAN-Pairwise-Cipher186integer
> # same as WLAN-Pairwise-Cipher
> ATTRIBUTEWLAN-Group-Cipher187integer
> # in Suite selector format as specified in Figure 8-187
> # within Section of [IEEE-802.11], with values of OUI and
> # Suite Type drawn from Table 8-101:
> ATTRIBUTEWLAN-AKM-Suite188integer
> Comment changer cela ?
Bonjour Olivier,

Comment changer quoi ?  Tu voudrais changer la sortie de la commande
wireshark ou le contenu du fichier ?



Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: On IP addresses and bus tripe [was: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones]

2022-04-09 Thread tomas
On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 12:47:09PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> On Sat 09 Apr 2022 at 08:33:31 +0200, wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 08, 2022 at 08:52:26PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > > You didn't like my bus analogy, did you?
> > 
> > I did like it. Nevertheless, I thought something's missing:
> In general, analogies don't really work, do they?

In a former life, I used to be physicist. We actually thrive from
analogies :)


> Setting up a queue in some circumstances may require knowledge of
> an IP address. Printing to it doesn't. The wrong path was taken.

That's, strictly speaking, right; in the OP's case, it'd been
helpful to finding the printed rag, though.

> > In the bus's case, perhaps there is a big sign on the parking lot
> > "NEUF-BRISACH". There, that's your IP address.
> > 
> > Back to the printers, I'm horrified at the idea that CUPS doesn't
> > tell you the IP address it thinks the printer is at. It's what
> > I call "authoritarian software", where the software thinks it's
> > smarter than me. Don't get me wrong, I like comfort like the next
> > guy, but I don't like being treated like an idiot.
> What is important for printing is the queue name (the destination)
> an the URI. Cups will take care of all the nitty-gritty in getting
> the job to the printer. A card with the queue name would have saved
> much head scratching.

That didn't help the OP. To back out from analogy land, a piece of
software which makes available to me as much info as it can has
more of my sympathy. Doing it in a well-structured and discoverable
way gets it 100+ points of sympathy. I appreciate the designer's
hard work in this.
> > Look: if some programmer gal thinks she's smarter than me, I go
> > "arrogant gal, but who knows, probably she's right". But if a
> > piece of software does that, I tend to kick it out of my box.
> > My box, my rules :)
> > 
> > And yes: no CUPS (no Avahi either) on my box :-)
> Avahi is not mandatory for printing. However, it does benefit many
> users.

I know, I know. Before kicking out Avahi I looked into what it
does. It was a voluntary decision, which most definitely isn't
right for everyone.

> Plug in a mouse. It wors straightaway. Nobody gives it a secomd
> thought. Nowadays, plug in a modern printer to USB and, with Avahi,
> it is immediately available for printing. What is there to dislike?
> People have been asking for this level of operation for years.

Overgeneralisation works even less than analogies :)


Description: PGP signature

Re: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones

2022-04-09 Thread Brian
On Fri 08 Apr 2022 at 19:57:53 -0500, David Wright wrote:

> On Fri 08 Apr 2022 at 23:44:29 (+0100), Brian wrote:
> > On Fri 08 Apr 2022 at 16:20:54 -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> > > What I understood Greg as asking about is how to get CUPS to *tell* you
> > > what the IP address it knows about for a given printer object is. That
> > > doesn't seem to be an unreasonable thing to want to know, or to expect
> > > CUPS to be able to provide; I'd want the same thing, in anything
> > > remotely like his place.
> > 
> > Finding the IP address is easy:
> > 
> >  ippfind -T 5
> >  ipp://envy4500.local:631/ipp/print
> >  ping -c 3 envy4500.local
> Would the ping output give an IP address like the one quoted
> (, or would you only get a 169.254/16 one?
> (I've not run an mDNS configured network.)

brian@desktop:$ ping -c 1 envy4500.local
PING envy4500.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=31.3 ms


Re: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones

2022-04-09 Thread Brian
On Fri 08 Apr 2022 at 19:45:41 -0400, The Wanderer wrote:

> (This is probably both overly long and overly repetitive, among possibly
> other undesirable things, but I'm running short on time.)

So I hope you do not mind if I do not reply to every point you make.

> On 2022-04-08 at 18:44, Brian wrote:
> > On Fri 08 Apr 2022 at 16:20:54 -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> > 
> >> On 2022-04-08 at 15:52, Brian wrote:
> >> > You didn't like my bus analogy, did you?
> >> > 
> >> > What makes you think that knowing a bus number and destination 
> >> > provudes information for where it departs from?
> >> > 
> >> > What makes you think that knowing an IP address tells you where any
> >> > machine of any description is located?
> >> 
> >> I'm confused as to why you might think anyone involved in this
> >> conversation thought that.
> >> 
> >> There's no reason to expect that knowing an IP address tells you the
> >> location of the device at the other end.
> > 
> > The OP explicitly associated IP address with physical location:
> > 
> >  > "Aha," I thought.  "All I have to do is figure out which one of the
> >  >  autodetected printers on this list has the same IP address as the 
> > printer
> >  >  that I can see and touch over there.
> > 
> > The user may be aware of the printer's location, but is the printing
> > system in possession of the same knowledge?
> ...I do not follow your reasoning in parsing that statement. I do not
> see how that statement leads in any way to the conclusion that the
> printing system has, or must have, any knowledge of the printer's
> location.
> Even if the printing system doesn't have any knowledge of the printer's
> physical location, it must still have some knowledge of the printer's
> *network* location, in the form of an IP address (or other routing
> information, such as in the print-server model described below).
> What Greg was asking about, as far as I can tell, is a way to get CUPS
> to tell him that network-location information - so that he, as someone
> external to the printing system, could then apply that information to
> his additional knowledge about the physical location of the printer with
> a specific IP address.
> I'm not sure we (in this thread) have yet found a way to do that
> directly; we've found what appear to be two different ways to find the
> IP address of the printer with the name that CUPS is reporting, but it
> looks to me as if both of them are getting that information via an
> external method (probably similar to how CUPS found the printer in the
> first place), rather than getting that information from CUPS itself.
> The IP-address (etc.?) information must exist within CUPS, since CUPS is
> able to actually send jobs to the printer; why isn't it straightforward
> and obvious how to get that information *from* within CUPS *to*
> someplace visible?

It is straightforward, I don't know about obvious to all users.

  avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp  
> >> However, if CUPS did autodiscovery and found the printer, then it
> >> must know what the place is that it was looking at when it found
> >> that device.
> > 
> > By "place" do you mean physical place?
> No. I mean, the place on the network where it got the information.
> (Which will presumably be a place which has an IP address.)
> >> Unless I'm missing something, the options are that either CUPS
> >> found the printer in a list of printers being maintained somewhere
> >> else (e.g. a print server on the network), or CUPS found the
> >> printer on the network directly.
> > 
> > The same technique is used for both: mDNS/DNS-SD.
> I find that plausible enough, but will have to take your word for it.
> >> If CUPS found the printer on a list of printers being maintained 
> >> somewhere else, then it must have also found information about
> >> that "somewhere else", and that information might include an IP
> >> address.
> > 
> > "somewhere else" would have to be explained. It is not part of my
> > inderstanding.
> I was referencing the same definition of "somewhere else" as used in the
> previous sentence, where I gave the example of a print server on the
> network.
> I was thinking of the design in which a print server maintains a list of
> print queues, and serves as a proxy to receive print jobs and pass them
> to those print queues, so as to both avoid contention on the printer
> itself and facilitate central management of those print queues (rather
> than needing to manage them on the individual endpoints, whether the
> client computers or the printers).
> In that case, as the print server would not hand out the IP addresses of
> the printers (since that would enable bypassing the server-side print
> queues), but would only hand out the combination of the server's IP
> address and the name of the print queue to specify when sending jobs to
> that printer via that print server, CUPS would not have access to the IP
> address of the printer itself.
> (I could have 

Re: Problem downloading "Installation Guide for 64-bit PC (amd64)"

2022-04-09 Thread Tixy
On Sat, 2022-04-09 at 06:16 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I've never used wget. I just did an initial reading of its quite 
> detailed man page. Is there a recommended introduction to wget. I'm not 
> thinking of a tutorial so much as a "What wget can do for you" intro.

I don't know about any intro. It's just one of those tools you come
across and remember exists, so you can Google for usage examples and/or
read the man page to customise it's behaviour to the use-case in hand.


Re: On IP addresses and bus tripe [was: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones]

2022-04-09 Thread Brian
On Sat 09 Apr 2022 at 08:33:31 +0200, wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 08, 2022 at 08:52:26PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> [...]
> > You didn't like my bus analogy, did you?
> I did like it. Nevertheless, I thought something's missing:

In general, analogies don't really work, do they?
> > What makes you think that knowing a bus number and destination
> > provudes information for where it departs from?
> >
> > What makes you think that knowing an IP address tells you where
> > any machine of any description is located?
> This is, of course, not guaranteed. But "the system" might provide
> for the user not being an idiot and perhaps having bits of info
> "the system" doesn't. 
> In Greg's (was he the OP? I lost the thread in the process) case
> it's the IP address stuck on the printer (most printers these days
> tell you, if you ticke their menus for long enough, BTW).

Setting up a queue in some circumstances may require knowledge of
an IP address. Printing to it doesn't. The wrong path was taken.
> In the bus's case, perhaps there is a big sign on the parking lot
> "NEUF-BRISACH". There, that's your IP address.
> Back to the printers, I'm horrified at the idea that CUPS doesn't
> tell you the IP address it thinks the printer is at. It's what
> I call "authoritarian software", where the software thinks it's
> smarter than me. Don't get me wrong, I like comfort like the next
> guy, but I don't like being treated like an idiot.

What is important for printing is the queue name (the destination)
an the URI. Cups will take care of all the nitty-gritty in getting
the job to the printer. A card with the queue name would have saved
much head scratching.

> Look: if some programmer gal thinks she's smarter than me, I go
> "arrogant gal, but who knows, probably she's right". But if a
> piece of software does that, I tend to kick it out of my box.
> My box, my rules :)
> And yes: no CUPS (no Avahi either) on my box :-)

Avahi is not mandatory for printing. However, it does benefit many

Plug in a mouse. It wors straightaway. Nobody gives it a secomd
thought. Nowadays, plug in a modern printer to USB and, with Avahi,
it is immediately available for printing. What is there to dislike?
People have been asking for this level of operation for years.


Re: Problem downloading "Installation Guide for 64-bit PC (amd64)"

2022-04-09 Thread Richard Owlett

On 04/08/2022 01:18 AM, Tixy wrote:

On Thu, 2022-04-07 at 09:40 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

I need a *HTML* copy of "Installation Guide for 64-bit PC (amd64)" for
*OFFLINE* use.

The HTML links on []
lead *ONLY* to Page 1.

You can download all the pages using a recursive wget:

   wget -r -k -np

That's 774kB of files when I tried it (I know internet data usage is
important to you).

I've never used wget. I just did an initial reading of its quite 
detailed man page. Is there a recommended introduction to wget. I'm not 
thinking of a tutorial so much as a "What wget can do for you" intro.

The data cap on my monthly internet usage is about to become less 
intrusive. I've been informed that the bandwidth available to the local 
library's machines makes downloading DVD1 reasonable.

Re: Paquets installés automatiquement

2022-04-09 Thread David BERCOT


En effet, c'est un résultat déjà intéressant.
Je l'ai transféré pour utiliser apt (car je ne suis pas trop de la team 
aptitude ;-)) :

apt list --installed | grep -v automatique] | cut -d '/' -f1

Après, la question que je me pose, au-delà des meta-paquets que tu 
évoques, c'est de savoir si le résultat n'est pas un peu trop large, 
sous-entendu si certains paquets installés manuellement ne le seraient 
pas automatiquement via un des autres...

Et puisque tu évoques apt.conf, j'ai ajouté la ligne :
APT::Install-Recommends "true";
mais je ne suis pas certain qu'elle soit bien prise en compte...

En tous cas, cette gestion "optimale" des paquets n'est pas vraiment 

Merci et bon week-end.


Le 08/04/2022 à 09:43, Luc Novales a écrit :


Le 07/04/2022 à 20:04, David BERCOT a écrit :

Bonjour Luc,

Je te remercie pour cette information mais pour gérer un système avec 
un grosse centaine (estimation) de paquets, ça me semble compliqué ;-)

J'avais plutôt à l'esprit une commande globale...

La recherche peut être fine avec aptitude si l'on connaît la bonne page ;)

Si tu te moques de savoir ce qui pourrait être optimisé par des 
méta-paquets, la commande suivante te renvoie juste le nom des paquets 
installés (~i), pas automatiquement (\!~M).

aptitude search ~i\!~M | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2

Une installation minimale suivie d'un aptitude install paquets> devrait faire le taf suivant tes options apt.conf

Bonne journée,


Re: Impressions partielles avec Brother-HL2150N

2022-04-09 Thread ajh-valmer
On Friday 08 April 2022 23:28:40 kaliderus wrote:
> J'ai une imprimante Brother-HL2150N.
> Cups la reconnait très bien.
> Néanmoins, avec certains fichiers (pdf ? mais pas que), il arrive que
> quelques pages sortent avec une partie d'impression manquante sur une
> bande de quelques cm, des fois c'est quelques lignes, des fois c'est
> la moitié de la page qui n'est pas imprimée, des fois il manque 99% de
> l'impression.
> Je n'arrive pas à comprendre d'où vient le problème, et même pas une
> porte d'entrée, si ce n'est que le phénomène est reproductible avec
> systématiquement les mêmes pages.
> Je suis en Bullseye.
> Si quelqu'un à rien qu'un début de piste à creuser, merci par avance ...

Et avec ce pilote proprio :
ça marcherait mieux ?

Apparmor problem.

2022-04-09 Thread George
Im trying to make a profile for firefox-esr.

I used aa-genprof to create it and then aa-logprof to update it.
I also use apparmor-notify to get error messages.

The problem is that I get constant apparmor messages like the

Apparmor Message
Profile /usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr
Operation: file_lock
Name: /home/gpred/.mozilla/firefox/8i0h8b60.default-esr/-
Denied: wk
Logfile: /var/log/kern.log

I run aa-logprof but it doesnt seem to detect the denied command. It
doesnt show me the option to allow it,deny it, etc. I also tried to
clear the kern.log and syslog files but after a while I have the same

Any ideas?

My firefox profile

# Last Modified: Sat Apr  9 12:18:47 2022

/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr flags=(complain) {

  deny /home/*/AppData/** rw,

  capability sys_admin,

  signal send set=kill peer=/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr//null-
  signal send set=term peer=/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr//null-
  signal send set=term peer=/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr//null-

  /etc/firefox-esr/firefox-esr.js r,
  /etc/mailcap r,
  /etc/mime.types r,
  /proc/devices r,
  /proc/driver/nvidia/params r,
  /proc/filesystems r,
  /proc/modules r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:00.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:00.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:00.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.0/subsystem_device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.0/subsystem_vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.1/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.1/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/:02:00.1/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:01.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:04.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:04.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:04.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:08.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:08.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:08.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:12.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:12.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:12.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:14.2/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:15.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:15.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:15.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:16.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:16.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:16.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:17.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:17.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:17.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/:03:00.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/:03:00.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/:03:00.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/:04:00.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/:04:00.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/:04:00.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1c.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.0/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.0/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.0/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.3/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.3/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.3/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.4/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.4/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.4/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.5/class r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.5/device r,
  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1f.5/vendor r,
  /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index2/size r,
  /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index3/size r,

Re: Impressions partielles avec Brother-HL2150N

2022-04-09 Thread didier gaumet

- j'ai parfois eu des problèmes de bouts (petits ou gros) de texte manquants à 
l'impression par le passé en utilisant claws-mail sous Xfce alors que ça ne se 
produisait pas avec Thunderbird sous Gnome, par exemple. Je m'en étais tiré (il 
me semble, ça remonte loin, j'ai oublié) en installant des bouts de ghostscript 
et assimilés, qui étaient installés par défaut avec Thunderbird/Gnome

- tes pilotes d'impression sont fournis par Debian? ou par Brother? J'aurais 
tendance à dire que si ton imprimante est supportée par défaut par Debian, 
installer des trucs Brother ne fera que compliquer les choses

- D'autre part ton imprimante est apparemment compatible réseau mDNS/IPP, donc 
configurable driverless (je trouve que mon combo printer/scanner HP fonctionne 
mieux sans HPLIP et l'intégralité de CUPS, avec juste des bouts de CUPS en 

Re: Weird printing issue...

2022-04-09 Thread Bijan Soleymani

On 2022-04-09 03:52, nimrod wrote:
Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately I couldn't find any setting about 
Postscript, PCL or such in CUPS, HPLIP and the usual Gnome utilities to 
manage printers.

The only spot where I see something like what you say is from 
Libreoffice printer's details, File / Printer settings / Properties / 
Device / Printer language type. The choice is currently "Automatic: 
PDF", but I can choose also 3 level of Postscript or "Postscript: level 
from driver".

So there are two stages here. One the app (libre office) converts the 
document to postscript or PDF. And two cups converts the PDF or 
postscript to some format your printer understands. It is possible that 
either of these steps fails.

This is why I recommended trying print to file (which default to pdf) 
and seeing if that pdf file prints properly if opened and printed via 
chrome. That way you can tell whether it is stage one or stage two above 
which has an issue. Also I think there must be a cups command line 
command to print pdf and ps files that you could try, if it works in 
chrome, to see if chrome does another level of processing that fixes things.


Re: Weird printing issue...

2022-04-09 Thread Bijan Soleymani

On 2022-04-09 03:52, nimrod wrote:
Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately I couldn't find any setting about 
Postscript, PCL or such in CUPS, HPLIP and the usual Gnome utilities to 
manage printers.

The only spot where I see something like what you say is from 
Libreoffice printer's details, File / Printer settings / Properties / 
Device / Printer language type. The choice is currently "Automatic: 
PDF", but I can choose also 3 level of Postscript or "Postscript: level 
from driver".

I guess I should look also in some configuration file.

Best regards.


It's been a while since I had to adjust printer settings in cups.

I just checked I think the procedure is:

in a browser on the computer.

Go to the printers tab.

Click modify printer.

Keep the same path to the printer (usb or tcp or whatever)
then click next
keep the same name for the printer click next,
on the 3rd screen there will be a selection of drivers or filters you 
can choose

In my case there are a half dozen options that match my printer, also it 
is possible to supply a .ppd file there which specifies additional settings.

In my case I see some of the options mention PCL, others mention other 
languages or drivers.

I recommend you try the options that match the model number of your 
printer or look on the web for the latest ppd file for your printer.

For example I see on the following possible drivers for my printer:

And I think all 5 (possibly with more variations are available on my 


Re: Weird printing issue...

2022-04-09 Thread nimrod
On gio, 2022-04-07 at 20:09 -0400, Bijan Soleymani wrote:
> On 2022-04-07 18:20, nimrod wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm getting very strange, and ugly, prints with LibreOffice, Evince
> > and 
> > Atril. You can see what I mean in the linked screenshot below.
> > 
> > The "screen " image shows what I
> > see 
> > when I open a PDF file, with Evince, Atril, PDFmod and so on. The 
> > "printed " one shows the ugly 
> > results when I print the same file. It seems the problem is the 
> > monospace uppercase "A". But somewhere else the same horrible
> > result 
> > seems caused by a monospace lowercase "b" in the word "sub".
> My guess not knowing anything about your setup is that the printing
> is 
> happening using some print language postscript or the HP one (PCL),
> and 
> the fonts are not communicated properly or missing on the printer,
> but 
> computer thinks they are there, etc.
> You can try some experiments. You can print from LibreOffice to a
> PDF, 
> and then print that pdf from a pdf viewer and from chrome (since you
> can 
> print from chrome without issue), and that way narrow down the issue.
> The other thing to do is switch your print settings in CUPS or
> whatever 
> the print system is from Postscript to PCL, or vice versa and see if 
> that fixes things.
> Bijan

Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately I couldn't find any setting about
Postscript, PCL or such in CUPS, HPLIP and the usual Gnome utilities to
manage printers.

The only spot where I see something like what you say is from
Libreoffice printer's details, File / Printer settings / Properties /
Device / Printer language type. The choice is currently "Automatic:
PDF", but I can choose also 3 level of Postscript or "Postscript: level
from driver".

I guess I should look also in some configuration file.

Best regards.


Re: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones

2022-04-09 Thread Tixy
On Sat, 2022-04-09 at 00:05 +0100, Brian wrote:
> On Fri 08 Apr 2022 at 21:07:18 +0100, Tixy wrote:
> > On Fri, 2022-04-08 at 20:18 +0100, Brian wrote:
> > > On Fri 08 Apr 2022 at 17:59:10 +0100, Tixy wrote:
> > > 
> > > > On Fri, 2022-04-08 at 12:10 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > > > > Unfortunately, I was not able to find ANY way to determine the IP
> > > > > addresses of the autodetected printers that were presented to me.
> > > > 
> > > > If I go to http://localhost:631/printers/ and click on my printer it
> > > > shows amongst other information:
> > > > 
> > > > Connection: socket://
> > > 
> > > OK. That's the destination.
> > > > 
> > > > In case it got that IP address because I configured it that way, I just
> > > > tried it on another computer that didn't previously have CUPS on until
> > > > I just installed it and it shows the same for an auto discovered
> > > > printer.
> > > 
> > > Do you find that surprising? The destination hasn't changed because you
> > > use another computer. You would be miffed if it did.
> > > 
> > 
> > I wasn't expecting a different IP address but, given Greg's experience,
> I think we have a differnet understanding of what The OP's experience
> was.

Possibly, I thought his experience was that he couldn't see the IP
address for printers in GUI or command-line interfaces.


Problemas con Mutt (era: Resolución de pantalla en las tty)

2022-04-09 Thread Camaleón
El 2022-04-08 a las 17:50 -0500, Aristobulo Pinzon escribió:

> Disculpen por favor estos mensajes, y es por que el mutt ya no está
> funcionando bien con email.
> abrazos.

También uso Mutt con mi cuenta de Gmail pero no experimento ningún problema 
con la lista ni con el cliente de correo.

¿Qué te sucede exactamente? ¿O por qué crees que el problema viene de 
Mutt? :-?



On IP addresses and bus tripe [was: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones]

2022-04-09 Thread tomas
On Fri, Apr 08, 2022 at 08:52:26PM +0100, Brian wrote:


> You didn't like my bus analogy, did you?

I did like it. Nevertheless, I thought something's missing:

> What makes you think that knowing a bus number and destination
> provudes information for where it departs from?
> What makes you think that knowing an IP address tells you where
> any machine of any description is located?

This is, of course, not guaranteed. But "the system" might provide
for the user not being an idiot and perhaps having bits of info
"the system" doesn't. 

In Greg's (was he the OP? I lost the thread in the process) case
it's the IP address stuck on the printer (most printers these days
tell you, if you ticke their menus for long enough, BTW).

In the bus's case, perhaps there is a big sign on the parking lot
"NEUF-BRISACH". There, that's your IP address.

Back to the printers, I'm horrified at the idea that CUPS doesn't
tell you the IP address it thinks the printer is at. It's what
I call "authoritarian software", where the software thinks it's
smarter than me. Don't get me wrong, I like comfort like the next
guy, but I don't like being treated like an idiot.

Look: if some programmer gal thinks she's smarter than me, I go
"arrogant gal, but who knows, probably she's right". But if a
piece of software does that, I tend to kick it out of my box.
My box, my rules :)

And yes: no CUPS (no Avahi either) on my box :-)


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