Re: El meu PC amb Bookworm s'ha quedat mut ...

2023-09-18 Thread Narcis Garcia
El què faria per a esbrinar si és cosa de la distribució o de com està 
la teva instal·lació, és arrencar en una sessió «Live» (USB) de la 
mateixa versió Bookworm.

El 18/9/23 a les 23:00, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda ha escrit:

Bon vespre,

el PC que tinc a la feina, funcionava força bé fins que he actualitzat a 
Bookworm. Aleshores, no reconeix la targeta de so. Tinc aquest error:

snd_hda_codec_hdmi hdaudioC0D2: No i915 binding for Intel HDMI/DP codec
hdaudio hdaudioC0D2: Unable to configure, disabling

La placa té aquest programari:

00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H HD Audio Controller 
(rev 11)

Amb bullseye funcionava bé. Alguna idea?



Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't 
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator 
should remove and omit any @, dot and mailto combinations against 
automated addresses collectors.

Re: El meu PC amb Bookworm s'ha quedat mut ...

2023-09-18 Thread tictacbum
Hola Leopold,
quan vaig actualitzar també em vaig quedar sense audio, no sé si té res a
veure amb l'error que et surt, però la meva solució va ser substituir
pulseaudio per pipewire
pel que veig a l'històric, diria que després d'actualitzar tenia els dos
instal·lats i vaig esborrar els paquets pulseaudio i pulseaudio-utils


Missatge de Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda  del dia dl., 18 de
set. 2023 a les 23:01:

> Bon vespre,
> el PC que tinc a la feina, funcionava força bé fins que he actualitzat a
> Bookworm. Aleshores, no reconeix la targeta de so. Tinc aquest error:
> snd_hda_codec_hdmi hdaudioC0D2: No i915 binding for Intel HDMI/DP codec
> hdaudio hdaudioC0D2: Unable to configure, disabling
> La placa té aquest programari:
> 00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H HD Audio Controller
> (rev 11)
> Amb bullseye funcionava bé. Alguna idea?
> Leopold
> --
> --
> Linux User 152692 GPG: 05F4A7A949A2D9AA
> Catalonia
> -
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
> A: Top-posting.
> Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

Re: sata driver compataility Q

2023-09-18 Thread gene heskett

On 9/18/23 07:57, Dan Ritter wrote:

gene heskett wrote:


It looks like the motherboard shares some PCIe and/or SATA lanes between
SATA ports and M.2 ports, so you must be careful with your choices.?? I
suggest installing an M.2 PCIe x4 SSD into slot M.2_1 and configuring it
for "PCIE mode", so that it works and all 6 SATA ports work.?? You will
want to use EUFI mode and GPT when installing Debian.

Based on this, and a full sized manual printout,  I've ordered a 2T WD
Black, supposedly a 2280 device. $100.

Question, when I put this in, what happens to the 32GB of dimms? How does
this fit into the architecture?  I assume this isn't volatile but is quick

The DIMM slots are different from the M.2 slots. The M.2 slots
are small PCIe interfaces; the installation procedure is to
insert the 2280 (22mm x 80mm) card at a slight upward angle,
then press it down and screw it in. It may ship with a glued-on
heat spreader or tiny radiator; if so, use it, don't peel it

Note that it should appear as /dev/nvme0n1 or similar, rather
than /dev/sda. Partitions will be /dev/nvme0n1p1, p2...

The NVM bits stands for non-volatile memory; it's an SSD with a
different interface.

I propose to put this in as suggested, which should leave all 6 sata-III's
available, Install bookworm to it, w/o the current ectra controller get it
going, then put 3 of the 2T gigastones on sata1-2-3, use the bios to make a
raid5 of them and mount it as /home, prove it works with some throw away
stuff, then plug the existing raid10 controller & mount it as moi, then
format the raid5 again with gparted,

You should use mdadm rather than a BIOS RAID system -- better
recovery to other systems, more understandable error messages,
better support for fixing things that might go wrong.

Thanks, I will.

If the new drives are sda through sdf something like this is what
you want:

mdadm --create /dev/md/gsmoi5 -l raid5 -n 3 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc
mkfs.ext4 /dev/md/gsmoi5
mount /dev/md/gsmoi5 /home

and for your second set:

mdadm --create /dev/md/gsamanda5 -l raid5 -n 3 /dev/sdd /dev/sde /dev/sdf
mkfs.ext4 /dev/md/gsamanda5
mount /dev/md/gsamanda5 /amanda

Suggestions re other, more recent solutions will be accepted and studied.
Definitely must support backing up other machines of varying architectures
on my local network. In addition to a 4 pack of linux running wintel stuff,
there's the potential for 5 or so arms too. Gcodes for 3d printers are all
unrolled loops and bulky as can be.

The most flexible backup systems are the hardest to configure,
but nothing is much worse than amanda.

You might like borg. Borg is in Debian as 'borgbackup'.

In the other direction, using rsnapshot over ssh is relatively
simple and comes with the distinct advantage over both amanda
and borg that the backups are stored as normal files in a normal
filesystem, so recovery from an accidental deletion of a file or
directory is very straightforward.

Compared to the setup required for amanda, that sounds very inviting. 
Amanda has a very steep learning curve just because it is so versatile 
I'm still waiting on stuff, so no more actual progress.

Thanks Dan, tae care & stay well.


Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Httpd base image, libhiredis version

2023-09-18 Thread Xu, Fong

I am reaching out is to ask if you have any other versions of libhiredis that 
we can use.

We are having CVE with our httpd base image. When we upgrade to the latest 
version of httpd, the CVE is gone. However, our app will not start. The error 
we are getting is related to redis. From the list that we can find, 
libhiredis0.14 (0.14.1-4) is the only version we can see. So we had to use the 
earlier version - httpd:2.4.56-debian-ff which work with libhiredis0.14. Any 

Here is what we have currently:

apt install -y libcjose0 libapache2-mod-auth-openidc libhiredis0.14

Please let me know if you need more information.

Thank you,

Apéro à Paris pour fêter les 30 ans de Debian

2023-09-18 Thread Aurélien COUDERC
Bonjour à toutes et tous,

vous avez sans doute noté que Debian avait récemment fêté ses 30 ans ! [1]
« Mais que n’ai-je vu passer de fête d’anniversaire pour ma chère distribution 
!? » vous êtes-vous certainement demandé par devers vous-même et en français.

Las ! Votre attente touche à sa fin. 30 ans ça n’est pas rien alors les 
associations April et Debian France profitent de l’occasion pour organiser un 
apéro à Paris et y fêter cet âge canonique.
L’évènement aura lieu *ce vendredi 22 septembre à 19H* au local de l’April dans 
le 14e arrondissement de Paris. [2]

Afin de faciliter l’organisation nous vous recommandons d’indiquer votre venue 
sur le bloc-notes consacré à l’évènement. [3]
Vous y trouverez toutes les informations utiles sur le déroulement.

Vos contributions au contenu de l’apéro seront les bienvenues. :)

À vendredi !



El meu PC amb Bookworm s'ha quedat mut ...

2023-09-18 Thread Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda

Bon vespre,

el PC que tinc a la feina, funcionava força bé fins que he actualitzat a 
Bookworm. Aleshores, no reconeix la targeta de so. Tinc aquest error:

snd_hda_codec_hdmi hdaudioC0D2: No i915 binding for Intel HDMI/DP codec
hdaudio hdaudioC0D2: Unable to configure, disabling

La placa té aquest programari:

00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Tiger Lake-H HD Audio Controller 
(rev 11)

Amb bullseye funcionava bé. Alguna idea?


Linux User 152692 GPG: 05F4A7A949A2D9AA
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

Re: memtest86

2023-09-18 Thread Anssi Saari
Stefan Monnier  writes:

> Of course the `.com` version won't push all its own caveats in your
> face, that would go against its own commercial interests.

Indeed. Like a feature it has might not work due to other reasons. For
example, I bought the memtest86 pro since I wanted to use the ECC error
injection feature to see ECC memory correction in action. Unfortunately,
on two of my ECC computers error injection isn't working (meaning it's
disabled and there's no option to enable) and the third is old school
and doesn't have UEFI so I can't boot memtest86 pro on it.

Not to mention the GUI seemed unusable on both the systems I tried so
basically I had to do batch testing. At least that limitation was
mentioned somewhere.

Re: [OT] Nueva versión de Thunderbird (Nova) ya disponible como actualización

2023-09-18 Thread Camaleón
El 2023-09-18 a las 19:12 +0200, Borja Gutiérrez Fernández escribió:

(reenvío a la lista, me llegó al privado)

> El 7/9/23 a las 20:23, Camaleón escribió:
> > Hola,
> > 
> > Para los «cobardicas» como yo O:-), que hemos esperado a que Thunderbird
> > actualizara a Nova (102.x → 115.x) os informo que ese día ha llegado.
> > 
> > Sólo comentar que he actualizado como de costumbre y se inicia
> > aparantemente sin problemas. Mi perfil (del que previamente a
> > actualizar he copiado en ubicación a parte, por si acaso...) ocupa 42
> > GiB, de ahí el temor del salto.
> > 
> > Y poco más, el estilo (estética) es muy similar a la versión anterior y
> > ya veremos cómo se va comportando, pero ha migrado todo bien (correos,
> > cuentas, calendario, agenda, filtros...). Se nota ligero, como es
> > habitual.
> > 
> > En fin, cruzo (todos) los dedos y tentáculos.
> > 
> > Nota: Uso el programa descargado de la página web de Mozilla, no los
> > paquetes de la distribución. Estoy en un sistema Debian 11, con micro
> > viejito (Core 2 Quad Q9550 del año 2008) y 8 GiB de RAM.

> Hola,
> Yo he instalado la actualización hace poco. Y después de estar funcionando
> un rato, me empezaba a consumir la CPU de forma desproporcionada.
> Mirando por internet, he encontrado que parece un bug, y después de
> modificar el valor de un parámetro, parece que ha vuelto a un uso normal de
> CPU.

Hum... ese bug es de hace ¡7 años! >:-O

¿Crees que tiene relación con la reciente versión de Nova? 

Cierto es que Thunderbird siempre ha tenido fama de «lentorro y pesado» 
quizá haya arrastrado el problema hasta la versión actual.

En mi equipo (que es viejo a rabiar) se desenvuelve MUY bien para la 
carga que tiene (40 GiB de perfil siempre abierto desde que se inicia 
el equipo). En ese aspecto no tengo queja alguna.



Re: El entorno gráfico no muestra unidades extraíbles USB

2023-09-18 Thread Germán Avendaño Ramírez
Tengo debian 11, con xfce. Para montar usb u otros discos uso el comando

'udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdbX'


@mancho en

Re: resizing PDF files with Ghostscript

2023-09-18 Thread Curt
On 2023-09-17, Greg Marks  wrote:
> I am trying to use Ghostscript to resize PDF files to letter page size,
> but on certain files the output is not the correct size.  As an example:
>$pdfinfo abrams_anh_pardo.pdf=20
>Page size:  539 x 737 pts
>$gs -o resized_file.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFIXEDMEDIA -dPDFFitPage -d
> nh_pardo.pdf
>$pdfinfo resized_file.pdf=20
>Page size:  579.224 x 792 pts
It appears the output of pdfwrite has a MediaBox of 612x792 but a CropBox of
595.61x792, which must be the result of scaling A4 down to Letter and
centering that scaled down area on the page.

curty@einstein:~$ pdfinfo -box resized_file.pdf 

Page size:  579.224 x 792 pts
Page rot:   0
MediaBox:   0.00 0.00   612.00   792.00
CropBox:   16.39 0.00   595.61   792.00
BleedBox:  16.39 0.00   595.61   792.00
TrimBox:   16.39 0.00   595.61   792.00
ArtBox:16.39 0.00   595.61   792.00
File size:  26538 bytes
Optimized:  no
PDF version:1.7

I'm unaware of another way of "fixing" this but the following kludge (unless
you can tell your printing process to use MediaBox and ignore CropBox).

 sed -e "/CropBox/,/]/s#.# #g" resized_file.pdf 

curty@einstein:~$ pdfinfo -box resized_file.pdf 

Page size:  612 x 792 pts (letter)
Page rot:   0
MediaBox:   0.00 0.00   612.00   792.00
CropBox:0.00 0.00   612.00   792.00
BleedBox:   0.00 0.00   612.00   792.00
TrimBox:0.00 0.00   612.00   792.00
ArtBox: 0.00 0.00   612.00   792.00
File size:  26538 bytes
Optimized:  no
PDF version:1.7

AW: Debugging initramfs, server hangs during boot process

2023-09-18 Thread
I have booted on 6.3 and 6.4, both with the same result.
If I boot with 6.1 the prompt for entering the luks passphrase is there and 
I can use the machine.
Getting 6.3 using is possible, but also needs some changes 
the packages config. I managed, but this needs additional work to get it right.

I have filed a bug against udev and later vs. nvidia-driver.
Purging nvidia stuff and using nouveau I could also run with 6.3 o 6.4.
After 6.5 came into debian I have tried again with nvidia and it works again.
So for 6.3 and 6.4 I basically couldn't use nvidia. Not sure about 6.2 as this 
not available on debian.

To diagnose the issue I always booted into debian live.
Mounted the encrypted luks partition and modified the initramfs-tools, generated
new initrd-Images and try again and again.
Getting early netconsole to work and fiddling with the initramfs stuff was not 
so easy for me.
I know that there can be issues running sid, but this was a lot harder than 
You have a working system, do an upgrade and boom this system cannot even boot 

Using debug=x (or whatever value, it doesn't matter) and netconsole=... helped 
to remedy
this problem.

Sigh, Thomas

Betreff: Re: AW: Debugging initramfs, server hangs during boot process
Datum: 2023-08-30T12:00:56+0200
Von: "Michel Verdier" 
An: "" 

On 2023-08-30, wrote:

> The last USB device in this list is a bluetooth card. I have blacklisted 
> btusb, 
> but this didn't help, still hangs.
> At 182 seconds I pressed CRTL_ALT_DEL and the times without sleep statements 
> come down to like 11 seconds when it hangs.

You should blacklist usb devices not found during boot and still listed
with udevadm. You can also try to unplug all usb devices and plug them
one by one to find which hangs.
Do you try to boot on another kernel or a debian live ?

Re: Cuelgues aleatorios

2023-09-18 Thread Jorge Abel Secreto

El dom, 17 sept 2023 a la(s) 06:56, Luis Muñoz Fuente
( escribió:
> Hola a todo el mundo:
> Llevo tiempo que mi ordenador se cuelga aleatoriamente, primero con
> Ubuntu 20.04 y ahora con Debian 12. Hoy mismo se colgó a las 11.39 horas

Probablemente ya lo hiciste pero, testeaste la ram?

> (lo había encendido a las 11.15). Pulsé el botón de reiniciar y ejecuté:
> journalctl -b -1 -p 3
> para ver los fallos del último arranque, que son estos:
> driver privativos de Nvdia, pero seguía colgándose. Total, que no tengo
> ni idea de qué puede ser.
> Saludos


Jorge A Secreto
Analista de Sistemas
MP 361

Re: Can't mount NFS NAS after major upgrade

2023-09-18 Thread debian-user
Steve Matzura  wrote:
> mount /mnt/bigvol1/dir-1 /home/steve/dir-1 -o bind,ro

In addition to what others have observed it might be worth mentioning
that the -v option to mount (i.e. verbose) often gives more information
about what's going on.

Re: sata driver compataility Q

2023-09-18 Thread David Christensen

On 9/17/23 18:17, gene heskett wrote:

On 9/17/23 17:52, David Christensen wrote:

On 9/17/23 03:26, gene heskett wrote:

On 9/16/23 19:46, David Christensen wrote:

On 9/15/23 19:37, gene heskett wrote:

On 9/15/23 20:12, David Christensen wrote:

On 9/15/23 15:04, gene heskett wrote:

On 9/15/23 17:35, David Christensen wrote:

On 9/15/23 12:28, gene heskett wrote:

I've just ordered some stuff to rebuild or expand my Raid setup.
This 16 port sata-III pci-e card:

along with a bigger drive cage, cables and such and some 
gigastone 2T drives to make a raid big enough to run amanda. 
And maybe put a new card in front of my 2T /home raid10.

... Asus PRIME Z370-A II motherboard ...

... i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz ...

A fresh install of  Debian stable or old-stable should solve the 
storage I/O stuttering problems you are experiencing.

It looks like the motherboard shares some PCIe and/or SATA lanes 
between SATA ports and M.2 ports, so you must be careful with your 
choices.  I suggest installing an M.2 PCIe x4 SSD into slot M.2_1 and 
configuring it for "PCIE mode", so that it works and all 6 SATA ports 
work.  You will want to use EUFI mode and GPT when installing Debian.

Based on this, and a full sized manual printout,  I've ordered a 2T WD 
Black, supposedly a 2280 device. $100.

This one?

Question, when I put this in, what happens to the 32GB of dimms?  How 
does this fit into the architecture?  I assume this isn't volatile but 
is quick storage.

You will still have 32GB of memory.  The WD Black is a fast SSD.  The 
crux will be configuring your motherboard firmware Setup program so that 
d-i can see the WD Black during installation and so that the new Debian 
installation can boot and run.

I propose to put this in as suggested, which should leave all 6 
sata-III's available, Install bookworm to it, w/o the current ectra 
controller get it going, then put 3 of the 2T gigastones on sata1-2-3, 
use the bios to make a raid5 of them and mount it as /home, prove it 
works with some throw away stuff, then plug the existing raid10 
controller & mount it as moi, then format the raid5 again with gparted,
and turn mc loose copying /moi to /home to get my working data back. 
Then 3 more 2T gigastones on the last 3 mobo sata ports, make another 
raid5 out of those mounted as amandatapes.. Unforch, I had a wrapper 
around amanda that it took me 5 years to fine tune but I've no idea if a 
backup copy exists anyplace it this midden heap. Amanda, as it exists, 
if you start a recovery to bare metal, can only restore to yesterday, my 
wrapper was a special deal that grabbed the database fom the just 
finished backup and put that into the vtape, uncompressed which if that 
was untared to the bare metal gave anmanda the data for recovery that 
would bring the system back to this mornings state. It also cleaned out 
the database of any links that referenced vtapes that were recycled and 

Most hardware- and hybrid hardware/ software RAID solutions expect 
Windows -- e.g. the manufacturer provides a Windows bundle with device 
driver, CLI, GUI, etc..  Looking at the Asus PRIME Z370-A II Driver & 
Tools page, I see various Windows packages related to storage, but 
nothing for Linux.  Unless you can find suitable Debian packages, I 
would advise against motherboard RAID.

Debian supports software RAID via md, LVM, and btrfs.  I suggest that 
you use one of those.

ZFS is another possibility, but the learning curve is non-trivial.

So while I'm familiar with amanda, its been sold to an outfit that 
doesn't care, so its getting long in the tooth with only user support.

Suggestions re other, more recent solutions will be accepted and 
studied.  Definitely must support backing up other machines of varying 
architectures on my local network. In addition to a 4 pack of linux 
running wintel stuff, there's the potential for 5 or so arms too. Gcodes 
for 3d printers are all unrolled loops and bulky as can be.

I suggest starting with the WD Black and the new Debian installation.  A 
fresh install on a new device will simplify re-arranging the rest of 
your disks later.  The challenge will be deciding what data to put on it 
after Debian boot, swap, and root; and if and how to subdivide the space.

Thank you David, take care and stay well.

Likewise.  :-)


Re: conversion pdf

2023-09-18 Thread Christophe Maquaire
Le dimanche 17 septembre 2023 à 18:33 +0200, Laurent COOPER a écrit :
> Bonsoir

> Pour tout ce qui est conversion de document, je trouve que pandoc est
> un couteau suisse assez irremplaçable. À connaître absolument. On
> peut passer du texte au pdf, du markdown au pdf, on peut passer en
> intermédiaire par latex ou LibreOffice en mettant un template
> personnalisé. Bref, un vrai couteau suisse.
> En espérant être utile
> Laurent
> Le 16/09/2023 à 17:42, Alex PADOLY a écrit :
> >  
> > Bonsoir à tous,
> >   
> > Connaissez-vous un paquet Debian pdf en ligne de commande pouvant
> > s'intégrer dans un script permettant de convertir un document texte
> > ( txt, word, openOffice) ou un dessin en un fichier pdf.
> >  
Une autre possibilité, lp après avoir installé printer-driver-cups-pdf
