Which IDE to use with Gnome?

2001-04-02 Thread Abyss

I'm interested in doing some Gnome development in C/C++.

Which IDE packages are most people using and is there a clear winner?

Thanks, Chris.

dselect won't read CD's

2001-03-30 Thread Abyss
I'm building a 2.2.15 kernel with potato (I386) and, on boot up, I can 
mount /cdrom with no problems and can access files on it.  However, dselect 
won't recognize the Debian I386 install CD's.  If I reboot with the old 
kernel 2.0.36, everything works fine.  Same CD's.

In the 2.2.15 kernel, I've included IDE-ATAPI, ISO9660, Microsoft Jouliet 
Extensions and tried various other combinations but can't seem to get it to go.

Any ideas?

Screen full of ?'s

2000-04-14 Thread Abyss
One of the Debian 2.1 console windows has lost it's normal font and is 
displaying characters as black on white question marks and other assorted 
graphical characters.

This does not change if one logs out then back in again.  It does not 
change if X is started.  It does not change if "setfont" is used.  The only 
solution so far is to reboot Linux.

It only happens occasionally and I would prefer not rebooting when it happens.

Anyone encountered this before?
Thanks in advance.