netscape weirdness and bus errors

1999-05-10 Thread Alan Bailward
I'm using /unstable, and a couple of upgrades ago some really, /really/
annoying netscape stuff started happening with 4.51.

The first thing is when I have multiple netscape windows open, and close one,
sometimes netscape will all go, and the entire thing has crashed with the
following message:

/usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 93: 6907[1]   Bus Error   $netscape "$@"

[1] this is not always the same #, probably the PID or something.

The second case where this happens is when I press enter after putting a
username/password into a dialogue box.

The netscape* packages I have installed are the following (sorry for the
extra stuff, but I figured it's better to be complete):

redpoint:~# dpkg -l netscape*
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
||/ NameVersionDescription
un  netscape (no description available)
ii  netscape-base-4 14 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software
pn  netscape-base-4  (no description available)
pn  netscape-base-4  (no description available)
pn  netscape-base-4  (no description available)
pn  netscape-base-4  (no description available)
ii  netscape-base-4 4.51-1 4.51 base support for netscape
un  netscape-beta(no description available)
un  netscape-browse  (no description available)
un  netscape-browse  (no description available)
un  netscape-browse  (no description available)
un  netscape-browse  (no description available)
pn  netscape-dmotif  (no description available)
pn  netscape-dmotif  (no description available)
pn  netscape-dmotif  (no description available)
pn  netscape-dmotif  (no description available)
pn  netscape-dmotif  (no description available)
pn  netscape-java-4  (no description available)
pn  netscape-java-4  (no description available)
pn  netscape-java-4  (no description available)
pn  netscape-java-4  (no description available)
ii  netscape-java-4 4.51-1 Netscape Java support for version 4.51
pn  netscape-smotif  (no description available)
pn  netscape-smotif  (no description available)
pn  netscape-smotif  (no description available)
pn  netscape-smotif  (no description available)
ii  netscape-smotif 4.51-1 This is a pseudo package that installs a
pn  netscape3(no description available)
rc  netscape4   4.0-15 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software

Alan Bailward
Life is knowing how far to go without crossing the line.

Re: ProFTPD Question

1999-03-30 Thread Alan Bailward
Matt Kopishke wrote:
> I am running Proftpd (slink) set up with the default config, it set up a
> /home/ftp were anonymous users are sent, but when I add directorys to the
> ~ftp dir, there are invisable to the anonymous user.  Here the kicker, I
> can change dirs to the invisable directorys, go figure, can you help?

I believe there is a directive you can put inside the  block
to specify where the root directory is.  This prevents anonymous users
from going 'below' the home directory that is set for them.

RE: gnome 1.0.x libs

1999-03-25 Thread Alan Bailward
> I tried to get the elightenment window manager 0.15, only it needs the
> libs for gnome ver 1.0.x (i think its 1.0.2) , among others
> libgnome32 1.0.2-1
> libgnomeui32 
> imlib1 1.9.4-1
> libcapplet0 1.9.3-4
> etc.
> I can't seem to find these libs anywhere.
> If anyone knows where i may find them, or how to install the sources so
> dpkg recognises them (I saw that package guitar under potato needs some
> of them, but they didn't appear anywhere in the distribution)
> I got some other packges also that need these libs.
> also the older versions are now broken because i tried to get the libs
> from another source (rpm) so now gnome won't work at all.


I had the same problem a while ago, and was helped by a couple of people on
the list.  Here are the 2 lines from my /etc/apt/sources.list, I don't know
if both are needed, but it seems to work for me(tm). unstable main
deb unstable main

BTW, perhaps send what sucess you have to the list, I've had some problems
with things like the gnome control center and panel applets, and am
interested to see if you are more successful.

Alan Bailward
"Conversion, fastidious Goddess, loves blood better than brick, and feasts
most subtly on the human will."
-- Virginia Woolf, "Mrs. Dalloway"

RE: Problems installing Debian on a 486

1999-03-23 Thread Alan Bailward
> other machine, it brings up the boot: prompt, and then starts to load the
> root FS from root.bin.. After loading for a while it fails with the message
> "A20 gate not responding!"...
> The problem machine is a 486DX33 with 8MB of RAM, if you need more info
> about the hardware, please let me know.

Could it be that the kernel on the rescue disk was compiled for 586+?  Could
that be causing it?  I'm grasping I know, but... :)

alan, out on a limb.

Alan Bailward
He who is known as an early riser need not get up until noon.

Some debian/gnome strangeness

1999-03-22 Thread Alan Bailward
First of all, thanks to Ben and Ed for getting me the right apt-get
sources.list lines to find the hidden-super-secret gnome 1.0 .debs.

I've installed them and things are kinda working ok.  The main thing that's
getting to me is the GNOME control center (gnomecc) and the panel apps. 
gnomecc runs, but as soon as I select any of the options from it I get the

** WARNING **: Unable reach the control-center.

Then I click anything in the window and it segfaults.

The panel apps, well, simply don't work.  I select any of them and it acts as
if they should be there (no error messages or anything), but nothing happens.

I know that this stuff is still pretty beta and that these aren't the
official stable debs or anything, but if anyone has any ideas I'd sure be
glad to hear them (as the package maintainer would as well ).


Alan Bailward
Everyone hates me because I'm paranoid.

Re: Enlightenment .15.x for Slink (and gnome panel problems)

1999-03-20 Thread Alan Bailward

On 20-Mar-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> deb enlightenment/

Thanks brian. 

However, when I went in and chose enlightenment to install, some of the
dependancies were not available.  libgnome32, libgnomesupport0 and

Does anyone know where to get these packages from?  I know that the gnome
.debs aren't here yet and I am waiting patiently (please please please), but
there are obviously packages available *somewhere* for these libgnome* stuff.

On another note...
I made the mistake of trying to install gnome-1.0 via source.  I compiled and
installed only a couple of the librarys packages, and now I'm suddenly not
able to run a lot of the gnomeish programs.  Running panel gives me a
segfault for example, same as gtkicq (though gimp1.1 works fine).  With panel
if I rename my /usr/local/lib to /usr/local/lib.orig panel will display for a
split second and *then* segfault.

I've gone and removed all my gtk packages, or anything that remotely needs
gtk or any of the gnome stuff, and then went in by hand to /usr/lib,
/usr/local/lib and /lib to try to find anything that might be left over from
the source code install, and cleaned it.  But still no go.  

I saw in the list archives that someone earlier was having this problem, but
I couldn't reach him directly by email.  Is this a .deb problem (bleeding
edge)? or are there libraries somewhere that I'm not cleaning up. 

I suck at reading strace output, but if anyone thinks they can figure out
what library is conflicting or segfaulting, I'll send them the output :)
I'm sure that it is something left over as my panel and gtk stuff was working
fine before the source code install.

Sorry for the long message, and TIA
Alan Bailward
Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't
recognize them.

X fonts problems. nothing available for helvetica

1998-12-13 Thread Alan Bailward
Hi there.  Appologies for re-hashing this.

Just upgraded my system for the first time in a couple of months with slink.
Everything mostly went right, but I have had some problems with X.  When
starting it, my windowmanager (windowmaker) complains with a message like:

Can't load font -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed.

>From the following thread
it seems that the fault is of the new break up in the xfont/xbase packages.
The resolution from the mailing list archives seems to be nuke all of X and
re-install.  I'd rather not do that though :)  (though it is possible of

I've tried purging all of the xfonts packages I have, and re-installing them
but to no avail.  If anyone can help me 'easily' fix this, I'd appreciate it
a lot.

Thanks a lot.
