Auto-mounting and unattended boot

1999-08-17 Thread Alex Shnitman

I have a removable drive in a machine that doesn't have a display and
is used via the network. Since the drive is removable, sometimes the
machine boots without the drive, and sometimes with it. I'd like to
have it mount the filesystem on the drive automatically on boot, but
if it's not there it shouldn't wait for a root password like it does
now, but just fail and continue booting. Is it possible somehow?

Thanks in advance!
Please, CC me on your replies, since I'm not on this list. Thanks.

Alex Shnitman|
http://alexsh.hectic.netUIN 188956PGP key on web page
   E1 F2 7B 6C A0 31 80 28  63 B8 02 BA 65 C7 8B BA

"Everything that can be invented has been invented."
-- Charles Duell, head of the U.S. Patent Office, 1899

Description: PGP signature

Re: vmware on debian

1999-08-06 Thread Alex Shnitman
On Fri, Aug 06, 1999 at 11:28:28AM +1000, debian wrote:

> Anyone managed to install vmware via the vmware install perl script and
> actually get it to work and make modules for its devices. I get erros on
> install about my kernel version..
> Anyone care to give me some help/hints on getting it to install cleanly. And
> work.

You have to have the kernel source, or at least the headers part of
it, in /usr/src/linux. Sometimes that's not enough (I'm not familiar
with the vmware Makefile so I can't tell for vmware) and you have to
do this:
cd /usr/include
mv linux linux.old
ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux .
mv asm asm.old
ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/asm .

Alex Shnitman|
http://alexsh.hectic.netUIN 188956PGP key on web page
   E1 F2 7B 6C A0 31 80 28  63 B8 02 BA 65 C7 8B BA

Linux represents a best-of-breed UNIX, that is trusted in mission critical
applications, and - due to it's open source code - has a long term
credibility which exceeds many other competitive OS's. 
-- Internal Microsoft memo

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to escape this for the bash shell...

1999-08-04 Thread Alex Shnitman
On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 01:22:17AM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:

> I have a file named :
> ?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~
> ... in my home directory. 
> I am wondering how to escape this properly for rm to work on it in
> bash.

Most people told you to rm ./file or rm 'file' but that won't work of
course since you can't input the filename from the keyboard at
all. (The name as you typed it looks like it consists of escape
sequences, not something you can easily type on the keyboard.) So it's
a better idea to use the shell's wildcard expansion to do the work for
you. You can type rm -i * and then answer n for every file except for
this one.

Alex Shnitman|
http://alexsh.hectic.netUIN 188956PGP key on web page
   E1 F2 7B 6C A0 31 80 28  63 B8 02 BA 65 C7 8B BA

/real/ kernel hackers
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/vmlinuz
and influence the Universal Randomosity Field.
-- Gaal Yahas

Description: PGP signature

Re: Waiting for scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d

1998-10-22 Thread Alex Shnitman
Moore, Paul writes:

 > Can diald be persuaded to do this (hangup-only, no dialup function)? If
 > not, how do I get at the ppp link stats to monitor packets going
 > through? If I can monitor packets/sec across the ppp link, or maybe
 > traffic over the modem, I could write my own monitor-and-timeout
 > program.

No need - take a look at the "idle" parameter of pppd. From the

   idle n Specifies that pppd should disconnect if  the  link
  is  idle  for  n seconds.  The link is idle when no
  data packets (i.e. IP packets) are  being  sent  or
  received.   Note:  it  is not advisable to use this
  option with the persist option without  the  demand
  option.  If the active-filter option is given, data
  packets which are rejected by the specified  activ­
  ity filter also count as the link being idle.

Alex Shnitman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UIN 188956  --  PGP key here  --  and the OS here

alien or rpm?

1998-10-22 Thread Alex Shnitman

I was wondering, what would be a better idea, to install an RPM
package by converting it first to .deb with alien, or just by using
RPM directly since it's there?

Alex Shnitman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UIN 188956  --  PGP key here  --  and the OS here

Re: smail problems (dial-up)

1998-10-22 Thread Alex Shnitman
Leon Breedt writes:

 > > I found a command "runq" which seems to push stuff through. Is that what
 > > it's for? If so, how do I get this to happen automatically when I start
 > > the PPP link?
 > any scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ get run when the ppp link is established.
 > so, in your case, i'd create in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ a script like so:
 > #!/bin/sh
 > if [-x /usr/sbin/runq]; then

You forgot the spaces - [ is actually a program (check /usr/bin/[) so
its name needs to be separate from the -x parameter. Same for the
closing bracket which needs to be a separate parameter.

Alex Shnitman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UIN 188956  --  PGP key here  --  and the OS here

Kernels from the 2.1 series

1998-10-19 Thread Alex Shnitman
Paul Crowley writes:

 > I'm thinking of moving over to the 2.1 series kernels, since it seems
 > that they're pretty stable these days.  Will this make life very much
 > harder for me?

It shouldn't. I installed a 2.1 kernel right after a vanilla setup of
hamm, and haven't had almost any problems. The only problem I remember
is when the init scripts initialize the serial ports, the kernel
complains about invalid ioctl() calls. Probably setserial or some
other thing uses these calls that are no more there in 2.1. It doesn't
hurt functionality though, so I never bothered about it.

 > * I believe I'll need this new "kmod" thing rather than the "kerneld"
 > that I'm used to.  Do I already have this installed?  Do I need a
 > special package?

The whole idea is that it's now part of the kernel (a kernel thread)
and not an external program like kerneld. So you don't need anything
to use it - just the Linux kernel itself. The init scripts in hamm
automatically find out the existanse of kmod and don't start kerneld
in that case.

Alex Shnitman

Re: Juliet image.

1998-10-19 Thread Alex Shnitman
Liran Zvibel writes:

 > How can I create an iso9660 with Juliet extensions? (It has to have
 > Juliet, would be nice to add RR)
 > Usually I do it with mkisofs, but it (my version at least) doesn't have
 > any switch for Juliet.

Take a more recent mkisofs. Download the latest version of cdrecord
(from the author's site), build it and you'll have the newest mkisofs
which you can copy over /usr/bin/mkisofs. For some reason hamm comes
with a pretty old mkisofs, and there's no newer one in slink.

Alex Shnitman


1998-10-15 Thread Alex Shnitman
Miquel van Smoorenburg writes:

 > >I suspect it has something to do with the way shadow passwords work in
 > >Solaris and in Linux. However, on an adjacent Slackware box it works
 > >flawlessly. What can be the problem?
 > Is the output of "ypcat passwd" the same? Does the Slackware box
 > run libc5, libc6, what version etc?

It's a libc5 Sackware box (I'm not sure what Slackware version, but I
checked that it's libc5). Yes - the output of "ypcat passwd" there is
the same.

Now I'm sure that the problem is with shadow - I ltraced login, and
saw that it crypts the password I enter with the "##" salt, and then
compares it to the "##username" string it got from getpwent() as the
password. Therefore, it doesn't even look for a shadow password. The
machine uses shadow passwords for the root & local accounts. I thought 
that maybe it would look for a shadow password if the password was "x" 
and not the "##username" thing, so I changed the last line in
/etc/passwd to "+:x:", but  as always that didn't help.

 > >I tried to upgrade to the latest nis distribution from slink (and it
 > >took the libc along with it) but it did not help.
 > Can you do "ypcat passwd.adjunct" (as root!) ? Perhaps you need to
 > fiddle with /etc/nsswitch.conf

No. (No such map...) But I also can't do it from any other box that
already is using NIS successfully, such as our SunOS and Solaris
boxes! I checked and the map _is there_, and there's indeed no
shadow.byname map. AAACK!

Alex Shnitman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UIN 188956  --  PGP key here  --  and the OS here


1998-10-15 Thread Alex Shnitman
Gilbert Laycock writes:

 > Alex> Is anyone using NIS with hamm? I'm trying to set it to work
 > Alex> against a Solaris NIS server and it doesn't work. I've got
 > Alex> everything up to the point that "ypcat passwd" indeed cats all
 > Alex> the passwd file from the NIS server (with the passwords replaced
 > Alex> with "##username"). My /etc/passwd has a +:: entry in the
 > Alex> end, and /etc/group - the +::: entry. /etc/nsswitch.conf says
 > Alex> "compat" for passwd, group, and shadow. And yet, when I try to
 > Alex> log in using one of the usernames from the NIS server, it won't
 > Alex> let me. Has anyone stumbled upon anything like this?
 > Alex> I suspect it has something to do with the way shadow passwords
 > Alex> work in Solaris and in Linux. However, on an adjacent Slackware
 > Alex> box it works flawlessly. What can be the problem?
 > Is the Solaris NIS server running NIS+ ? If so you might be out of
 > luck, unless you are prepared to build your own glibc. See

No, it's running NIS. The responsible sysadmin swears that it is.
However, in the meantime I found a message on Usenet asking the exact
same question. There was no good answer there, so I e-mailed the
author personally to ask if he solved it and he told me that there's a
very simple bug in glibc that I need to patch, and then rebuild
glibc. (If anyone wants that message tell me - I just don't have it
here at this moment.)  Since the machine in question is a
486DX2-66/16MB, I started the build today in the afternoon, and I hope
that by tomorrow morning it will be done. :-)

 > On the other hand, if the server is running NIS (or NIS+ in NIS
 > emulation mode) then it should work fine (except for netgroups). I use 
 > it all the time, and your setup sounds OK to me.

Yep, it should - I agree. I try to explain it to the machine but it's
ruthless. :-)

Alex Shnitman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UIN 188956  --  PGP key here  --  and the OS here


1998-10-14 Thread Alex Shnitman
Hey again.

Is anyone using NIS with hamm? I'm trying to set it to work against a
Solaris NIS server and it doesn't work. I've got everything up to the
point that "ypcat passwd" indeed cats all the passwd file from the NIS
server (with the passwords replaced with "##username"). My /etc/passwd
has a +:: entry in the end, and /etc/group - the +:::
entry. /etc/nsswitch.conf says "compat" for passwd, group, and
shadow. And yet, when I try to log in using one of the usernames from
the NIS server, it won't let me. Has anyone stumbled upon anything
like this?

I suspect it has something to do with the way shadow passwords work in
Solaris and in Linux. However, on an adjacent Slackware box it works
flawlessly. What can be the problem?

I tried to upgrade to the latest nis distribution from slink (and it
took the libc along with it) but it did not help.

I'm totally out of ideas. :-(

Alex Shnitman

Re: More robust filesystem?

1998-10-14 Thread Alex Shnitman
Stephen J. Carpenter writes:

 > 1) Stop it from happening... 
 > cut the wires that goto the reset button...replace it with a key
 > switch other bits of wiring...

Then people will use the power off switch. And I can't cut that off
because it's used to switch the workstations off when the lab closes!

 > 2) mount as much as possible read-only. (/usr /etc )

This is probably what I will be doing.

 > 3) On a network? NFS mounts don't seem to mind this abuse at all
 > is NFS-root not an option?

Not really - we have big enough HDs on each station, and it would be a
shame to waste them. Besides, we don't want to buy a new server for
the NFS-root.

Alex Shnitman

Re: More robust filesystem?

1998-10-14 Thread Alex Shnitman
Peter Iannarelli writes:

 > You could put a directive in your crontab to issue a sync
 > every 5 minutes of every hour of every day.

That's not quite the issue - Linux syncronizes its buffers whenever it
has a chance anyway. What I'd like to know is whether there is a way
to minimize the damage in the case of a "reset" when the machine was

Alex Shnitman

More robust filesystem?

1998-10-14 Thread Alex Shnitman

We're using Debian workstations in our labs, and as expected they
rarely get shut down properly, many times they are just reset or
switched off, either due to ignorance or not caring. The question is
whether there is a way to configure the kernel to issue updates to the
meta-data more frequently, even in expense of performance? Or what
else can I do to keep the filesystems on the workstations more stable,
in addition to user educating on which we're of course working?

Alex Shnitman

Running a libc5 binary - weird problem

1998-10-14 Thread Alex Shnitman

I'm trying to run the good old Mule 2.3 which I downloaded from some
Japanese site. It was part of a "Japanesed" bo distribution. I need it
because it supports right-to-left text input, needed for proper Hebrew
writing, which XEmacs-MULE doesn't support. I haven't been able to
find a newer deb, and I failed compiling it myself - it just won't go
with the includes, it apparently needs a lot of fixing before it would
compile with glibc.

Now, I've never had any problem running libc5 applications, including
the libc5 Netscape, until I stumbled upon this one. Normally a libc5
app has its X libraries linked from /usr/lib/libc5-compat, and ldd
shows that. However, look what ldd shows for mule:
alexsh:~/mule/usr/bin> ldd mule => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4000b000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40043000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40055000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4009d000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x400a6000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x400bb000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x400c7000) => /lib/ (0x4016a000) => /lib/ (0x401a6000) => /lib/ (0x401af000) => /lib/ (0x4026d000) => /lib/ (0x40312000)

Why does it try to link the libraries from /usr/X11R6/lib? When I try
to run it it naturally segfaults. Are the paths hard-coded into the
binary? How can I get around that?

Alex Shnitman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UIN 188956  --  PGP key here  --  and the OS here

Re: Internet via Proxy-Server?

1998-10-13 Thread Alex Shnitman
Miquel van Smoorenburg writes:

 > Transparant proxying is an optimization in that you can redirect
 > all connections to port 80 of any outside-server to pass through
 > a caching proxy, so that you get the benefits of a proxy cache without
 > configuring the client to use the caching proxy. I mentioned port
 > 80 because this is done in most cases for web traffic only (not
 > much use in caching telnet sessions)

This is not clear to me - if you want to pass outgoing HTTP requests
through a proxy, you need to modify the stream - for all I know, when
a browser requests a page from a server it sends a "GET /dir/page.html
HTTP/1.0" request to the server, and when it's through the proxy it's
"GET HTTP/1.0", i.e. the request
includes the protocol & the name of the server. So, what am I mising
here? Or does the kernel really edit the outgoing stream when
configured with "transparent proxy"? How can this editing be

And another question - when one Shift-clicks "Reload" in Netscape and
he's using a proxy, a "Pragma: no-cache" directive is sent to the
proxy asking it to re-request the document and not retrieve from the
cache. How is it possible to do such a thing when Netscape doesn't
think it uses a proxy but actually it does?

Alex Shnitman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UIN 188956  --  PGP key here  --  and the OS here

Re: Thanks for mail

1998-10-10 Thread Alex Shnitman
George Bonser writes:

 > > Wow, why such complexities? Try VM under Emacs or (better) XEmacs. You
 > I would say the learning curve for netscape mail is a lot different than
 > for emacs.

I agree. OTOH, the learning curve for Windows 95 is a lot different
than for Linux. We're not supposed to be afraid of difficulties in the 
first stages! :-)

 > At least netscape installs cleanly every time I have tried it.
 > I did two fresh installs of Debian last month and emacs never installed
 > either time.

When I installed hamm it installed flawlessly. What was your problem
with the installation and why don't we solve it?

 > Besides, netscape is a lot smaller than emacs and company.

I'm not sure that's true...

alexsh:~> ps auwxm | egrep '(PID|netscape|emacs)' | grep -v grep
  197  ?5603  62008  3140  7448 10736   148 10588  2900 0 1921 xemacs 
  673  ?2298   3790  4620 12656 17276 0 17276  5644 0 2870 
/usr/lib/netscape/netscape file:/home/alexsh/web/start.html 

And this is Netscape Navigator not Communicator, and XEmacs not Emacs.

Or do you refer to the size on disk rather than memory?

Alex Shnitman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UIN 188956  --  PGP key here  --  and the OS here

Re: Thanks for mail

1998-10-10 Thread Alex Shnitman

 > > Does anyone know of a mail reader for html mail? I might need one.
 > Netscape handles it well. When I get email with html or a hyperlink that I
 > want to check out, I forward it to a special username. I have netscape set
 > up to retrieve it using pop3 and then I can read it or click on the
 > hyperlink to launch the browser. I use pop3 rather than movemail because I

Wow, why such complexities? Try VM under Emacs or (better) XEmacs. You
get the best of all worlds. When you're in X you get clickable URLs
and HTML rendering (and toolbars and inline image attachment viewing
and all the other stuff you see in graphical clients), and when you're
at the console you get a regular textual client a la pine.

Alex Shnitman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UIN 188956  --  PGP key here  --  and the OS here