Re: mkfs.msdos

2001-03-01 Thread Alex V. Toropov

- Original Message -
From: Roberto Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 1 марта 2001 г. 9:53
Subject: mkfs.msdos

 In which package can I find this utility?



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ProFTPD problem downloading from mounted FS

2001-01-16 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi All

I'm trying to organize remote access to files on user computers
running Win9x. For this on my linux serevr with ProFTPD installed
in /home/user Name I make dir compName and ncpmount
the hole Win9x computer of this user. In shell I can access all
mounted files without any problems. But when I try to connect via ftp
I can list files, get them in TEXT mode, but when I try to download any
file in Binary mode I got 426 Transfer aborted in ftp-client
and data_sendfile error 22: Invalid argument in log files.

I try to ncpmount this with different options (user/group, all rights
but nothing change anything. When in place of Win9x comp with Novell share
I use another unix with exported nfs, every thing work as expected.

Can someon tell me what's the difference in NFS mount and NCPount
and/or in downloading files via ProFTPD and copying them at command prompt.

TIA alex

ppp.log rotation

2000-12-25 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi All,

Sorry for a stupid question, but I cann't find out which cron job
is rotating ppp.log files every day. Depending on time of day
it is some script from cron.daily. But I don't know which one.
I have statndard (not modified) Debian 2.2r1 installation.

Please help me to find this script because I want to 
change this rotation.

TIA, Alex

Pls help with zombie TCP socket

2000-10-27 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi All,

I've a problem with some TCP-listening application (hylafax on 4559/tcp)
which die with Oops and left opened TCP socket with client
which is not running now also.

This connection is shown by netstat as established with Send-Q = 25 
fuser say that 4559/tcp has no process references.

How can I clear (wipe) this connection to free the said port ?

TIA Alex

Can shell-script be setuid ?

2000-10-02 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Can I make a shell script setuid ?
I'v try to do this but it seams that it runs under 
user's id who fired that script (not  under root's as I wish)
When I make a real C program it works as I expect, but 
script doesn't. 
Can anyone explain me where I'm wrong

the script is file starting with

And containing commands like echo with redirection to files in 
root-only-writable directory.

TIA Alex

Re: mount problems NEED URGENT HELP Solved

2000-09-29 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Find out that removing /etc/mtab forced mount to report 
everything correctly. Removing /etc/mtab and restarting 
coursed the problem to be fixed (Hope that really fixed)

But still can't understand the reason.

How to reinstall partial packages ?

2000-09-29 Thread Alex V. Toropov
After power failure some files done away :-(
This files are not necessary but I wish them to be back.
Is their a way to check which files are missed and to install them back
without removing/installing hole packages (For example mgetty: I have all
binaries, but
lost documentation/man. May be other packages are also half-broken)

TIA Alex

Re: How to reinstall partial packages ?

2000-09-29 Thread Alex V. Toropov

- Original Message -
From: Brent Buchholz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Alex V. Toropov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2000 ã. 16:43
Subject: Re: How to reinstall partial packages ?

 On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Alex V. Toropov wrote:

 After power failure some files done away :-(
 This files are not necessary but I wish them to be back.
 TIA Alex
 Have you checked lost+found for the missing files?

 Their names will be lost, so run file(1) on them to determine what they
 used to be. 8)


Things are bad there (in /lost+found)
so the question is about the ability of apt/dkg  etc to do this trick
I mean downloading necessary debs and extracting only missing files and
may be changed files (with promting).

mount problems NEED URGENT HELP

2000-09-28 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi All,
I've got the following problem:
My debian system use one local fs (/dev/hda2 on / (rw))
But time to time I've to mount some other (network) fs
This works fine, so simple asking mount I receive list
of all mounted fs.
Now when i do umount that network fs this clear ALL
information about mounted fs, so asking mount produced
emty list. But in fact everything remains mounted !!!
(I've try to mount /floppy and then mount/umount network fs
and can access /floppy/* although /floppy is not listed in mounted fs)

Any help is VERY apriciated

Re: [Q] Problem with Video Card SiS6326 - SOLVED

2000-08-18 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Thanks everybody for response.
I'v esolved this problem by disabling acceleration
(New type of acceleration according to XF86_SVGA output on stderr)

[Q] Problem with Video Card Sis6326

2000-08-16 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi everyone,

I've change my video card from some kind of S3 to
Sis6326. Now I've problem: Some portions of windows
are blacked or whited out. Most offen in list of e-mails
in Netscape or in text.
I've tried both XF86_SVGA and XF86_SiS Xservers with the same
I'm using wmaker window manager if it matter anything
And would be thankfull for any sugestions.

TIA Alex

PS I've also Win98 installed on the smae comp and don't have any 
problems with video under it.

Network (internet) problems

2000-07-05 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi, all

Some time ago I find out that I have some kind of communication problems
over internet
with some hosts.

It looks like dead connection.
for example: I open a pop3 connection to some host with telnet.
I can login and retr small messages with no problem. (small = 10k)
I can even retr such messages several times in sequence so that total
traffic come up to 100k. But if I try to retr a large message (30k) after
amount of packets other side stop responding. I use tcpdump and notice that
the last packet of hanged session was sent by my host. But after few
minutes I receive
response from other side say that connection from my host was closed due to

While all this is taking place I can still reach that host by ping or
opening another session and work
without any problems (if I'm not tring to retr large messages).

I'm a newbye in tcp connection internals so I can't enterprete tcpdump's
output well.
May be some one can show me where I can get info on how all this internet
connections are
constucted. Any other advise on how to solve that problem

TIA alex

Suggest net trafic analyser pls!

2000-06-23 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all
I having problem with qmail mail server.
I hold some incoming smtp connection for a long time without any messages
received from them :-(
I'd like to analyse this situation.
For this I need some kind of sniffer.
Can anyone suggest me a kind of such app which is able to sniff from ppp
interface ?

I've tried sniffit from slink. The problem is: it seams not able to
analyse ppp trafic

On my debian box I have 3 ethernet card and one modem acting as default
internet connection
When I try

sniffit -i -F eth2

I see active sesions and etc.
But if change eth2 to ppp1 (I find this using ifconfig)
I don't see anything. But I'm sure that ppp1 interface is active and I have
real traffic on it.

TIA Alex

Serial programming question

2000-05-09 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all !
I'm trying to make my first progam, that will read series of bytes from
serial port.
But I have problems opening port. I makeing something like this:

fd=open(/dev/ttyS0, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY)
{printf(Error opening port\n) ; exit(0)}
printf(Port opend ( %s )\n, ttyname(fd));

And program containing this (run under root) prodused the folloing:

Port opend ( /dev/tty1 )

Or some othe tty, depends on real tty I'm executing this program.

Can anybody tell me what's wrong ? why I've opend /dev/tty1, not
/dev/ttyS0 ?

TIA Alex

HELP: Linux die with cann't get free page message

2000-04-25 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all
Today at morning, when I come to my Linux (Debian stable) machine
it was dead. All the screen was fill up with cann't get free page messages
(May be something like that).
I doesn't react on anything.
So I had to hard reset mashine. Now it's running on as usual.

But I can't understand what had happened. I look through all log files
and didn't find any problems. All last messages (before messages coming with
morning startup)
were before 4am and consits of ordinary information.

Can anybody guess what can all that be ?
And how to prevent such things in future ?

TIA Alex

Is there deb containing gated ?

2000-01-27 Thread Alex V. Toropov
I'd like to have a look at gated routing daemon, but I can't find any
.deb package with it. Am I blind ? Or I need to compile it from tar ball

TIA, Alex

Re: CD burning problems

1999-12-09 Thread Alex V. Toropov
David Blackman wrote:

 Please try mkisofs, iy's better maintained, more up to date, and most
 frontends prefer it.

 mkisofs -rva -o outfile paths

But as far as I know mkisofs doesn't genetate jolet fs.



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CD burning problems

1999-12-08 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all,

I'm trying to burn data CD under linux using
mkhybrid (ver 1.12a4.7-3) and cdrecord (ver 1:1.6final-0.2)
on Traxdata CDR4120.

I have to read this CD under Win so I used the following:

mkhybrid -J -v -o image path of prototype
cdrecord speed=4 dev=00,03,00 -v -pad image

This commands' output seems to be all right. And the disk was readable.
The problem apper later (when I've burned several CDs).
Each CD contain one or several small files that were unreadable!
This file(s) was unreadable under Win and under Linux.
More overe when I try to issue dd if=/dev/cdrom of=some file
it report read error near (or at) the end of disk.

My last image created with mkhybrid was still on disk and when I try to
mount it through loop dev ALL files were readable.

My machine is also biitable under Win98 and when I burn CD with
CeQuadrat for Win9x
I have no problems with CDs.

can anyone tell me what I'm missing? I hope that it's possible to burn
CD without rebooting to Win.


Re: PPP not working after reinstall

1999-11-29 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm sending this e-mail using Windowze because my Linux box was
 reinstalled (the primary HD was broken) and PPP isnt working. I used pppconfig
 to configure. I estabilish the connection with pon but the connection's
 velocity doesnt pass above 0 bytes, even pinging or ftping.
 What can be wrong?
 Thanks for any help. Using Windows is getting me nervous. :)

May be You need defaultroute option for pppd ?
Take a look at route output after connection and see if there a deafult route 

ppp0 ?


 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Information Technology Consultant
 Linux Solutions --
 Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

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Controlling access to PPP - server

1999-11-24 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all

I'm trying to organize private ppp - server on debian mashine.

I've installed 3 modems on ttyS0 - ttyS2, mgetty with AutoPPP configured
and pppd (ver 2.3.5-2).

I've created 3 option files (/etc/ppp/options.ttyS0, ...,S2) with lines like in options.ttyS0 in options.ttyS1 in options.ttyS2

I've also created /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file containing clients ID's and

Everything works OK.

But now I'd like to select which user can connect to which modem.
As Each modem is assigned its own ip address I try to specify user's
personal IP
address in chap-secrets file. Now when user try to connect to another modem
he should be anable to configure IP as IP-address provided foe modem in
options file
differs from one allowed for him.

The problem is that when such user connects to another modem he is
assigned IP address allowed for him in chap-secrets overriding option.ttyS?
and connection is allowed !

May be I'm trying to do this in a wrong way?
Can anybody suggest me how can I achieve such control of ppp - users?

TIA Alex

Corel WordPerfect problems

1999-11-23 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all

I've got problem when try to run WordPerfect for linux

It claimes that it cann't find library.

when I try to use ldd on WordPerfect executable (xwp) it shows: = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x4000d000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x4004f000) = not found = /lib/ (0x400ed000) = /lib/ (0x400f6000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x401b4000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x401bd000)

But When I try to use ldconfig -p it shows that said library exists: (libc6) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (libc6) = /usr/X11R6/lib/

(And file REALY exist)

Can anybody explain me why dynamic linker cann't find this file at
runtime ?


shared library not found

1999-11-18 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all

I'm trying to run WordPerfect for linux from Corel
It stops with error not found

when I try ldd xwp it shows among rest lines: = not found

when I try ldconfig -p it shows among rest lines: (libc6) = /usr/X11R6/lib/

what is the problem?
Why ldconfig shows libXpm in cache and ldd ( as well) cann't find
them ?

TIA Alex

Netscape error

1999-11-16 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all

I've problems with Netscape communicator messanger with IMAP protocol.
I've used this for about 2 months without any problems.

But suddenly it stop works. When I try to start messenger it shows error
saing that memory is low and hangs. (The hole communicator with browser and

If I try to change IMAp protocol to POP it works OK.

But I need IMAP together with support for national chars (rusian) and MIME.

Can anybody tell me how can I fix netscape or suggets any alternative MUA ?

TIA Alex

Setting default preferences for X

1999-10-21 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Can anyone tell me how to set default preferences for X using xdm.

Just now I'd like to set DPMS blanking for login screen od xdm.

In user session I've put xset dpms X Y Z in Xsession script. But this
executed only after login. Where can I place this xset call, so that it
should be
executed on xdm startup? Or may be there is some other way to change X



Re: problem: floppy access

1999-10-20 Thread Alex V. Toropov
T.V.Gnanasekaran wrote:

 If I try to mount as root, I get this:
 mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device

 If I use mdir (mtools), I get this:
 Can't open /dev/fd0: Device not configured
 Cannot initialize 'A:'

 What is the problem?

 My fd0 device file looks like this:
 brw-rw   1 root floppy 2,   0 Mar  3  1999 /dev/fd0

 Any suggestions, remedies?


You need install floppy driver. Ether by recompiling kernel with floppy support
or using module.

First I'd suggest to try modprobe floppy, followed by lsmod which should 
If it's listed then you'd be able to mount /dev/fd0.


NEED Help ASAP How to get missing file?

1999-10-18 Thread Alex V. Toropov
I've removed file /usr/bin/test (from shellutils)
What is the simple and correct way to reinstall package (or just missing
without removing package?


Help choosing SQL server engine

1999-10-07 Thread Alex V. Toropov
I need to choose SQL server engine for phone billing system.

Just now it's running on MS SQL server, but I'd like to migrate it to linux

Size of the database just now is about 200 MB, main table contains about 700
000 records.

One of the main needs is that data storage should be safe. (Of course we'd
make backups and etc.,

but such features as data recovery in case of fault are very important).

Also I'd like it to be fast and not very resource consumptive, but this is

So this is the situation. Any kind of suggestions will be very appreciated.


Re: I can't connect to Novell network

1999-10-07 Thread Alex V. Toropov
In fact I'm not Novell expert, but in my case everything works ok.
I'v used debian packages for ncpfs.

NetworkRouter_Net   Router_Node
19930921   0F02 034CA255
0F02   Directly Connected

So, I don't know to the Novell Netware, and I can't adjudge this
ipx_routing is ok, or it's wrong!

As far as I understand, slist shoul show You the address of PEDIA server
(IPX_NET : IPX_NODE) and that IPX_NET should be reachable from Your host.
In case of Your ipx_route table PEDIA should be ether on F02 IPX_NET or
on 19930921   IPX_NET and Host at F02 : 034CA255 should be a valid IPX

May be this will help You

test to deb

1999-10-04 Thread Alex V. Toropov

test 1

1999-10-04 Thread Alex V. Toropov

organizing pptp network over Internet with Win98 and linux

1999-10-01 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all,

Has anyone tried to make subj. with win98 comps acting as pptp-client
and linux-box as pptp server?

The problem is: 
we have private ip LAN in one office. Another comp (win98) is
located in another far away office. It has it's own Internet connection.
The first office also has Internet connection (with static ip address).

We need the comp in the second office to be available on our private ip

Any suggestions will be very appreciated.


pptp for linux - where can it be

1999-09-30 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi, all

I remember that some where I read about  organizing
pptp link between to linux-box over Internet.
Can some one  figure me where can iI obtain this info ?

Re: Slink/ipchains trouble

1999-09-24 Thread Alex V. Toropov

-Original Message-
Date: 24 ñåíòÿáðÿ 1999 ã. 8:32
Subject: Slink/ipchains trouble

I've never seen this before..

Every few minutes something on one of my servers running Slink changes the
default policy on input,output and foward to DENY.  I ravaged through /etc
to see if anything there was doing it, and didnt find anything, anyone
know of a package that would/could do this?  Nothing is in crontab ..i
would remove ipchains totally but i need it for ipmasq ..the machine is
firewalled already upstream so i dont need any special rules other then
the masq one but cannot understand why the machine is doing it..nothing
showing up in the logs..just one moment the policies are ACCEPT (set
manually by me) and the next they are back to DENY.  This machine acts as
a DHCP server, a PPP server, DNS server and NTP server.

any ideas?


I thing you're have ipmasq package installed.
By default it makes default policy DEENY.
And it recalculate it rules avry time ppp link (from ppp client) comes up.

to desable it remove file in /etc/ipmasq/ppp (man ipmasq).


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mserver has anyone try it ?

1999-09-24 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all,

I wonder has anyone tried mserver together with some M$ client ?
And has anyone obtain the said shareware client for win95 ?

Any replies will be much appreciated.


Re: Compilation prob

1999-09-20 Thread Alex V. Toropov

Make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot'
as86 -0 -a o bootsect.o bootsect.s
Make[1]: as86: Command not found
Make[1]: *** [bootsect.o] Error 127
Make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot'
Make: *** [zImage] Error 2

I figured out what this means, but I don't have a clue as to what the
solution to this problem would be. Is it due to a corrupt Makefile ? How
do I get the command as86 ? Anyway I'm hoping anyone could help me.

 This app. is in bin86 package, which should be installed on your comp.


Is there any way to view MS Excel files under linux?

1999-09-15 Thread Alex V. Toropov

Re: Mail Server Problem

1999-09-14 Thread Alex V. Toropov

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that host,
it isn't in my control/locals file, so I don't treat it as local. (#5.4.6)

The above line is an answer to Your problem
You'd add line with to qmail's locals file
in control directory of qmail dir.


By the way thanks to all those who replied to me about the FAQ.


Vivian Lal

sendfax say gs: command not found

1999-09-14 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi, all

Can anyone tell me in what package there is gs program ?

TIA Alex

xruskb doesn't exit

1999-09-10 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi !

I'm trying to use xruskb (1.9.1-1).
It works as it should. But when I logout from
X session (I'm using xdm and fvwm95) it close all
programs but xrus and stay in Xsession.
So i have xkill xrus and after that Xsession ends.

Is this a bug or something misconfigured in xrus ?


Zombie process using pppd

1999-09-08 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi, all !

I'm using my linux-box as dail-in server using mgetty + pppd.
I have an auth-up script, which stores new connection info in file.

Everything works OK usually, but some times this hungs.

In ps afx I see something like

1500 ?  S   pppd
1503 ?  Z \ (auth-up)

My question is :

In what situation process becomes Zombie ?

TIA, Alex

Limited Bandwidth for Linux-router

1999-09-02 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi, all,

Need a quick answer for my boss about possibility to limit bandwidth for
special kind
of ip-traffic (for specific source/dest network) .

Linux-box is gateway from LAN to Internet. So this limitation is needed on
WAN-NetInterface or on internal (kernel ?) routing.

Can anyone help me in this?
Any help (Solution, suggestions, pointing where something can be found ) is
very appreciated.


Text processing under Linux - newbie question

1999-09-01 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all !

Please tell me (a new linux/Unix user) where to start learning
about possble text processing apps under linux.

I've heard such words as TeX, LaTeX, TeTeX, Emacs that should
deal with subj. But where can i find some kind of introduction and
feature description for this apps and general conception for using them.


FireWall and FTP server question

1999-09-01 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all,

I have an FTP  WWW-server behind my firewall.
This firewall allow any tcp trafic from/to ports 21 and 80 of this
machine. WWW-server works fine, but connection to FTP-server
hangs after user authentification (on first LIST request from client).

As far as I know FTP needs some other port for DATA connection.
I've tried to open port 20 on firewall as well, but it dosn't solve

Please tell me at what point I'm wrong?

best Regards, Alex

PS My ftp server is - if someone would like to examine

How to clear console before login promtp ?

1999-08-27 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Is ther any way to clear console window (text mode) before login promt ?

After comp. starts I see (at tty1) login promt at screen bottom and last
of system initialization above it. I'd like to see login prompt at top of
clear screen.

TIA, Alex

Re: Vedr: Re: No network?

1999-08-19 Thread Alex V. Toropov

 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet   HWadrr 00:60:08:31:22:84
  inet addr:   Bcast:  Mask
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0  overruns:0  frame:0
  TX packets 203  errors:0 dropped:0  overruns:0 carrier:203
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300

Are You sure that ethernet LAN is usable? I mean can any other PC on this
LAN see one another?
If they can then may be some problems with your linux-box LAN Card ?

Re: [Re: Vedr: Re: No network?]

1999-08-19 Thread Alex V. Toropov
 Yes - the windows-machines can see each other in the windows-network.
 (Workgroupname Olsen as the domainname at the linux box.)
 The windows pc's can ping each other, but not the linux.

 I'm using bnc-cables, and the linux is in the middle. I've tried to change
 the T's - no effect.
 The start-up messages show no problems initializing the network-card.
 modules . vfat smbfs 3c509 at 0x300 tag 1, 10baseT port, address 00 60
 31 22 84, IRQ 10)
 (eth0: Setting Rx mode to 1 addresses)

 Yours Henning

Well, one logical thing to test - try route -n
You should see line like

If it exists then I can't see any logical errors and I think the problem is
in NIC
may be You can change cards between computers and see if linux card will
work in PC and vise verse.

Re: ncpfs and /etc/fstab

1999-07-20 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Andreas Tille wrote:


I played around something with ncpfs.  I managed to get
an entry in /etc/fstab so that root is able to mount a
netware drive using mount.

Can You explain what kind of entry You've use ?


unable to mount 2 network filesystems simultaneously

1999-07-14 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all,
I'm trying to mount to different network filesystems on
different mount points simultaneously and receive error
Device or resource busy or something like this, depending
on fs type (nfs, ncpfs, smbfs). Any filesystem can be mounted alone.
Additional mount of local fs doesn't affect.

cron executes at UTC not local time

1999-06-16 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all,

I've faced a problem with cron:
it's executes all tasks from /etc/crontab and /etc/cron.d/*
at specified time as if it's UTC time, not local time as I'd like it to be.

date command returns correct date  time (both for local time and UTC time)

Can someone tell me where I should tell cron, that time specified in
crontab files is local ?

Tahnks in advance, 