LILO disaster: L 01 01 01 ...

2001-10-28 Thread Andreas Gartus

I have two HD's. Although hdb (40GB) is not recognised by the BIOS,
booting Debian 2.2 on hdb worked fine with LILO on the MBR of hda.
But yesterday I installed RedHat 7.2 on a spare partition of hdb and
now LILO stopps with L 01 01 01 ...!
However, I can reach my Debian system with a boot floppy - everything is
still there. But it's impossible to boot from the HD!

My lilo.conf looks like:
(/boot is inside the 1024 cylinder limit!)


Rerunning lilo doesn't help. (BTW: I get no errors when I run lilo - it
just refuses to boot later.) The linear option doesn't help. Setting
the disk geometry with disk=... doesn't help. Making a DOS MBR with
FDISK /MBR and copying it to hdb doesn't help. I have no idea what
really happend but I think RatHat must have done something to hdb that
makes it impossible for LILO to access it's second-stage boot loader on
Although my system still works with a boot floppy I would appreciate any

Andy G. 8-)

PS: Please CC me your mails - I'm not on the list.

Cross-Platform Development?

2001-01-14 Thread Andreas Gartus
Hi Everybody!

I plan to develop a little GUI application (GPLed of course ;-) using
Debian/GNU-Linux as primary development environment. Unfortunately the
app also has to run on Windoze... :-((
Does anybody have experience developing such cross-platform apps? Can
you recommend a language or a toolkit? (I have some practice in C  C++
but would also like it to learn something new... ;-)

Andy 8-)

broken woddy Packages file on mirror

2001-01-02 Thread Andreas Gartus

I wanted to install the woody package bluefish_0.6 (which I found on an
australian mirror _only_) on my potato system, but apt-get mysteriously
didn't see the package. It took me quite a while to find out that the
file Packages from this mirror still contains a description of
bluefish_0.3, so apt-get thought I had already the newest version. This
was the only mirror I found bluefish_0.6 on, so simply changing to
another mirror won't help (I guess).
What can I do now? Do I have to download all of the Packages on which
bluefish_0.6 depends and resolve the dependencies by installing them in
the right order with dpkg -i? Any other suggestions?

Thanx, Andy 8-)

Re: Burning CDs in Linux

1999-12-31 Thread Andreas Gartus
Rob Rati wrote:

 I just got the new Yamaha 6x4x16x CD-RW and can't seem to burn a CD.  It
 always error out with what looks like a buffer problem.  My machine is
 all SCSI, and it doesn't seem to matter whether I do a CD to CD burn or
 make an image and burn that from the HD.  It always errors out.

Recently I also bought a Yamaha CDRW6416S (now connected to a PCI
NCR53c810a SCSI controller) which turned out to work just fine. No
problems at all! (In fact I had a problem with bad/corroded contacts of
the controller to the PCI bus, but that's another story...)
I have used X-CD-Roast 0.96e and cdrdao 1.09 (I didn't use the
stand-alone cdrecord) on my Debian 2.1 (slink) system to burn CD-R(W)s
with 6x speed (4x for CD-RWs) and had not a single failure!
So it's for sure that your writer _is_ supported, but unfortunately I
have no idea how to solve your (SCSI ?) problems...
BTW: Can you use the writer to mount and read a CD?

Andy G. 8-)

Re: RIVA128 (nVidia) card works, but loses cursor in emacs ...

1999-11-25 Thread Andreas Gartus
Jingsong Zhao wrote:

 I mail-ordered a XFree86-supported video card, yet I received a Jaton
 Video-68AGP card that uses RIVA128ZX chip. To my chagrin, I spent
 several hours figuring out that I have to download from nVidia a
 special XF86_SVGA and do some setups. 

I have an ELSA VICTORY ERAZOR LT with RIVA128ZX and unfortunately didn't
know that I can download a special XF86_SVGA from nVidia. Instead I just
used the XFree coming with Debian 2.1. It worked fine (no
problems with emacs cursor), but just in 8bit color mode...
When I tried to use 16bit or higher and something changed on the screen
(e.g. a moving window) often pixel errors / horizontal streaks occured
which was somewhat annoying.
I was _not_ able to find a solution to this problem! Changing the
BIOS/AGP settings, trying different options in XF86Config, nothing
worked. At last I wrote a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but got no answer.
Finally I decided to give up and bought a new, better supported graphics
card... :-(

 First thing I want to try is to remove the hardware cursor feature,
 but I could not find a way to do that. Anyone with similar experience?

Shouldn't something like options sw_cursor in the Device-Section of
XF86Config do the trick?

Andy G. 8-)