How to configure ls colors

2000-03-19 Thread Andreas Sliwka
  how do I configure the colors ls shows? I cant find any kind of manual
for this ... neither man ls nor info ls nor /usr/share/doc/fileutils ...

  Andreas Sliwka   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   f y cn rd ths y mst hv bn sng nx 
GCS/MU/L d-(+) S:++ a- C++$ UL++$ P++$ L+++$ E--- W+$ N++ o-- K- w-- O- !M !V
PS+(++) PE Y+ PGP>++ t(+) 5+ X- R tv+ b+++ DI++ D G e+ h- r++ x+++

Bash question

2000-02-08 Thread Andreas Sliwka
  where or whom should I ask not-so-easy bash questions?

  The one special question or problem is:

  I want to start a program in a shell script, get the filedescriptor for
its standard input and let other programs, which I want to start after the 
first program, writer there standard output into the first ones standard in
(ie make a /bin/program >&filedescriptor).
  A workaround would be to put braces around the programs and pipe the output
of the so started sub-shell into the program 

  ( program_number_1;
program_number_n; ) | first_program

But thats way to ugly for me ...

Whom can I ask? Where can I look ?

Thanx in advance,

Andreas Sliwka   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ goff:13961062
GCS/MU/L d-(+) S:++ a- C++$ UL++$ P++$ L+++$ E--- W+$ N++ o-- K- w-- O- !M !V
PS+(++) PE Y+ PGP>++ t(+) 5+ X- R tv+ b+++ DI++ D G e+ h- r++ x+++

gdm's Gtkrc doesnt work

2000-02-03 Thread Andreas Sliwka
  I tried to change gdm´s look by setting 
but I see no difference to before. Did I overlook something ?

Andreas Sliwka   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ goff:13961062

Yamaha YMF 724

2000-01-20 Thread Andreas Sliwka
  I got a new board with an Yamaha YMF 724 on board. How can I get this 
chip to play sound?   

Andreas Sliwka   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ goff:13961062

Re: X based developer

1999-02-10 Thread Andreas Sliwka
Brant Wells wrote:
> Howdy All...
> Is there an X-based programming environment like Visual Basic, or Visual
> C++???  Any help woule be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Brant
> __
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Take a lok at CodeCrusader (, may
be that is whta you are looking for ...

Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062


1999-02-01 Thread Andreas Sliwka
  anybody any experiences with gnome-apt ? I've got a mixed hamm/slink
and like to get rid off dselect ...

Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

Re: HD partitioning.

1999-01-31 Thread Andreas Sliwka
Star Linux, start fdisk and enter t (for setting the type of a
partition), Answer all questions, eventually press L to show the list of
partition types (where 82 is Linux native and 6 is Dos >=32Mb) , press x
to write the changes to disk. Should do ...

Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

Can't start X on my Laptop ...

1999-01-27 Thread Andreas Sliwka
  My mom gave me her old Laptop (Toshiba T1950) from work, so Im in the
mobile buisiness now, proging Java on the road ...

While installing slink was a quite easy (downloading all .deb on my main
machine, tarballing, spliting onto disks and so on), I was unable to get
X working. Main problem is my not existant knowledge of the hardware of
the Laptop, i.e. which VGA card and whch Display are build in.
SuperProbe reports a "Generic VGA (or unknown SVGA)", which is not a
help (or is it? I don't know ...).

The Linux-Laptop Guide
( had no useful
information for me, at least none I could find ...

I got the laptop with plain MSDOS 6.2 , so I cant look into the windows
configfiles ...

ok. Can anybody help me ? I'm lost at the moment.

Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

Re: Help! My CDROM is terrible. I can't mount it.

1999-01-24 Thread Andreas Sliwka
> When I try to mount it (mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /cdrom), the error message
> tells me that iso9660 is not supported by the kernel.
So your kernel doesnt understand the filesystem (iso9660) of the CD,
just recompile your kernel with iso9660 support or make a module aout of
it (if possible) and load it


Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

Re: Desktop manager for X Window in a slow computer?

1999-01-22 Thread Andreas Sliwka
Daniel González Gasull wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a potato i486 DX2 66 MHz with 8 MB RAM running
> X with Linux Debian 2.0.  Which desktop manager for X
> Window may/must I use?
Just take a window manager with a (very)small memory footprint, mw2,
blackbox, or icewm

Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

Re: Learning more/Linux programming books

1999-01-22 Thread Andreas Sliwka
Steve Lamb wrote:
> I don't know, I think if there were a language to start newbies out on,
> it is perl.  Don't have to worry about many of the things that other
> languages force upon you yet gives you a good gounding in how those other
> languages work.

Heaven, no!
I think its quite a sinn to give perl to a newbie, perl corrupts. I use
Perl since two years and I quite like it, but only because I can choose
to use either imperative or oop thinking in perl and I dont have to
every variable.

And thats the reason why a newbie should start with a a structured
language like java (oop), pascal (imperative) or scheme
(functional/lists oriented), so she/he learns to order hers/his thoughts
and get a habit of problem solving. Perl gives you every opportunity to
everything in one or two or in any other way, and I don't think that
this is a good start in programming ...

soryy, my 2 euros


Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

Re: Script..... cvs......

1999-01-18 Thread Andreas Sliwka
> Hello,
> I need a hand with scripting... ive got a script that 'want' to update cvs 
> things. But sometimes i get messages like:
> "cvs [update aborted]: connect to failed: Connection 
> refused"
> The script goes on ignoring the message and it think, it has update the 
> module... How can i make it more intelligent trying again when this message 
> apear?
> Thanks,
Try testing the special bash variable $?. quote from man bash :

  $?  Expands to the status of the most recently executed
  foreground pipeline.

so either you test this value explicitly:  
  cvs something;
  if test "$?" ; then  
echo "darn" ; 
or you use it implicitly 
  cvs something || 
  echo darn

hope this helps


Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

Re: The Gimp and gif

1999-01-15 Thread Andreas Sliwka
> I can load gifs into The Gimp but I can't save them. What am I missing?
Try to set the Image type to >indexed< first (right mouse click menu
> --
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Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062