Hello, I'm a _relative_ newbie to Linux. I'm a competent enough to get
Debian 1.3.1 CD (from LSL) installed. I've gotten the kernel recompiled,
and have gotten diald & sound options compiled.

My question, my only problem, the fly in the ointment of Linux, the
"black fly in my Chardonnay" is that when I want to run a svgalib
program (X works) at the console it doesn't recognize it and then
-screws- it up.. basically, it runs, but it doesn't recognize my Virge

As I've looked through DejaNews for the solution to my problem, I've
been unsuccessful in finding a solution that works. Some suggestions
have hinted at faking svgalib into thinking it's the Trio chipset (which
is basicially all Virge really is with some poor 3d functions strapped
on top.)

So, if anyone's had any luck getting this working, please post or
email... Because xquake in a window simply doesn't cut it. :)

Andrew Keen

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