Re: JavaScript and JAVA

2000-04-13 Thread Angus Claydon
I can corroborate this too; Actually just now Netscape got further than last
time in legitimately getting to my online bank account, even so far as accepting
the verisign certificate needed for authentification.  The documentation with
the account doesn't list linux or any of the Unixes in system requirements
If they are worried about Linux as a hackers toolbox it must be possible to
write a java applet to exclude it. It was a java jar that finally killed
netscape.  It seems not to be java per se that kills netscape.


Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Pollywog wrote:  I have JavaScript enabled in Netscape, but a
certain website was  crashing Netscape each time I visited.  I started up Star
Office and  I enabled JavaScript but it complained that it could not find JAVA
 and JAVA is needed in order to use JavaScript.  That's news to me; I 
thought JAVA and JavaScript were two entirely different things.  I do not want
to install the JDK.  Netscape does not complain that  the JDK is not
installed; is that because Netscape includes JAVA  libraries that SO does not
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Re: EMERGENCY: LILO can't load Win95 / Mount fails

2000-04-01 Thread Angus Claydon
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Stefan Baums ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 hda1 contains what cfdisk calls Win95 FAT32 (LBA) (the lost
 Win95 partition)
 hda4 contains a Debian 2.0 base system
  LILO was set up to automatically boot Win95.  The only major thing we
  did was install Ghostscript 6.01 for Windows, then next day when we
  turned the computer back on, LILO got stuck in booting after printing
  LI on screen.
  I then went into the Debian 2.0 system with a rescue disk, wrote a
  series of lilo.conf's, ran lilo, rebooted.  The result was always that
  LILO got to the point where it told me
  Then I tried to mount the Win95 partition from GNU/Linux to save the
  most important data, but the result of mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt
 Just a thought, but does Debian 2.0 (this is hamm, released July 98)
 support FAT32 in its vfat, or only FAT16 with long filenames?
 Fat32 support seemed to creep rather quietly into linux kernels,
 judging by rgrep -i -r fat32 *
 Ie, have you mounted the partition successfully before from linux?
I've been grateful to learn about the fdisk /mbr thing though in my case its 
closing the door after the horse has bolted ... result of using an immature
bootloader with poor documentation.

I do regularly browse my win95 files mounting thusly:
mount -t msdos /dev/sdb1 /mnt 

angus claydon
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Re: How to determine local IP

1999-06-22 Thread Angus Claydon
 Hi, Once dialed in, how to determine the local (dynamically assigned) IP id? 
 I know pppd invokes ip-up with the local IP. But outside that, is there a env 
 variable, API or a file that holds returns this info?
 Thanks much,



Re: New windows

1999-06-22 Thread Angus Claydon
On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Tim Nicholas wrote:

 actually while i use and like WindowMaker i think that the look and feel of 
 win9x is the best thing that M$ ever did. Which may not be saying much but 
 still the LF is alot better than the underlyeing crap that they write. 
snip  I came from MS Windows to Linux a few months ago. I was tired of 
crashes and snipusers secretly have missed the look and feel of MS 

For my x environment I went for icewm after trying afterstep. Tkdesk?
Like the afterstep menu bar is a little brash isn't it? Icewm
is just at the point of developing the full desktop icon idea which is 
fun to play with.  aaagh. just open an xterm and fire up what you want to 

yours not too puritanically i hope

angus claydon

Re: R: raid

1999-06-21 Thread Angus Claydon
On Sat, 19 Jun 1999, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:

 I am using debian 2.1 snip
 I would like to set-up a RAID-1 array of 2 IDE drives (on separate
 a raid software may be slow.hmmm especialy ide raid
 it's not a good idea for system performance

Excuse me jumping on here as I too have been considering this kind of 
configuration for extra stability.

 Would system performance be poor if only 
/etc and /home/~ were reading from and writing to both disks using raid1 
(assuming this is possible) ?

Any comments and suggestions most appreciated

angus claydon

Re: X fonts.

1999-06-07 Thread Angus Claydon
On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, Fu-Dong Chiou wrote:

  Can anyone tell me how to make
 the Chinese fonts available in X?  I have the following fonts in

AFAIK  alias.dir and alias.fonts
 are updated automatically  by intlfonts* but I'm pretty sure emacs
doesn't use .pcf fonts anyway. Excuse me if I'm twisting your question 
slightly. Xcin  uses .pcf fonts and the shell script that comes with it
will even fire up crxvt  (assuming you installed rxvt-ml_2*) and the 
input window with your  favourite input method. There the 
will let you both changjei and chuyin and will more likely
appeal to any non-native shinese speakers.

Best of luck Chip,


The Professor

angus claydon

Re: Staroffice 5.1 under slink

1999-05-25 Thread Angus Claydon
Excuse me  hopping on here, but I liked the  hamm version of ncftp  in 
this regard. The beta version that comes with slink , ncftp3 if I  
remember correctly, doesn't handle resuming downloads as yet.
Angus Claydon

 Personally I like lftp.  It allows you to resume broken downloads among other 
 nifty things.

I  do too now.
 Shao Zhang wrote:
  I don't understand why they don't split the one big tar into pieces.
  With the daily use of the telephone, it is nearly impossible for me
  to download the whole thing.
  Is there any programs similar to Go Right in linux?
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1999-05-17 Thread angus claydon
  Could anyone tell me where enscript queues  print jobs
  if its  not somewhere  in /var/spool;   ?

  By testing  enscripting a  gif file to the printer  my deskjet is insisting 
on trying to
  print  300  garbage pages 

  many thanks in advance

  angus claydon

Re: MP3 encoder

1999-05-14 Thread Angus Claydon
On Fri, 14 May 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:

   Things like cdgrip say and your favourite mp3 encoder, or default
 to lamer - but I can find to evidence of a mp3 encoder in the archive.
 Can anyone help me out?

I've not seen anything (but that's  not gospel and to say there's not)
but check for Mpeg Audio Layer 3 (mp3)

angus c;aydon


1999-05-14 Thread Angus Claydon

I ddistinctly remember checking out a version of mtv video cd player
from a posting to  this list and getting it to play vcd's on a hamm
system with a standard kernel. 

Looking around  for it again  and itching to try it on my fairly new 
slink box I  can only find a version that 
recommends patching some stuff into /usr/src/linux/drivers/block/ide-cd.c
and recompiling and installing `xreadvcd'.

I'm happy to have a go at this ; 

It has to be done or what?

angus Claydon

proc line in fstab

1999-04-22 Thread Angus Claydon

Could anyone who's online just now let me know what the proc line  should
look like  in  /etc/fstab  ?.   Unfortunately  I messed it up
and  none of modules are loading correctly.

Many thanks

angus claydon

Re: Beep

1999-04-22 Thread Angus Claydon

`echo  ^G'

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Kamil Jonca wrote:

 How to make beep?
 I don't want to do peintf \a but i have a process which has no controlling
 terminal (from atd/cron) and it has to make some beep /dev/beep  ,/dev/pcsp
 don't work.(no char-modules-1{0,3}) but in kernel configuration I haven't 
 found anything like this
   Any ideas ?
   Regards KJ 
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Re: how to reset the console?

1999-04-15 Thread Angus Claydon
On the slightly related issue of using the mouse under console
do you  know if  youhave to do more than  configuring svgalib toget it 


Angus C

emacs and autosaving

1999-04-01 Thread Angus Claydon
IMHO  If there's one program that could firmly go into the Heinz category
terms of it being better because its harder to get out of the bottle)
my vote would be  for emacs.

Is it possible to turn off the autosaving feature?


-  Angus   ^..^
*please reply to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-03-26 Thread Angus Claydon

perplexed  why  does pine  put `To:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' instead of `My Name'
 in the `from'  column of my mailbox index 
 when I test post to
 myself (and presumeably other
 recipients on receipt of mail ) 

note using 2.0.34 on i586 arch. pine 3.96 ssmtp2.27-2  this happens
only for non root users /note

queryis  the  only way to have `from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
   instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED]'  appearing achieved
by  running pine as non-root user? Is there a config way
round this using 
sendmail smail or exim as MTA instead
   of ssmtp perhaps?

please reply to angus claydon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: lpr and text formatti

1999-03-11 Thread Angus Claydon
To hitch a ride on this thread,
can anyone please help me use the -COLUMN option for pr;
When I type  'pr -COLUMN 2 filename | lpr
I get 

pr: invalid option --C

Did I miss  something in the man page?

MTIA   angus claydon
On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Mark Wagnon wrote:

 Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
  I want to know what lpr options can be used to format ascii text docs.
  Specifically, I want to have my docs print with normal 1 inch margins.
  I'm running lprng, magicfilter, and gs-aladdin.  Thanks
 Check out 'pr'. Take a look at the man page. It has some options that
 let you format plain text for nice printout. I haven't used it in a
 couple years though.
   __   _
 Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
 Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
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how to download disks

1999-02-27 Thread Angus Claydon
Can anyone recommend  a protocol for downloading
the  base14-X.bin 's using  either x ,y or  z modem
or more  specifically  which arguments to use with


I always get remote user abort when I'm about
half way  through the file.  

Many TIA

angus claydon

Re: how to download disks

1999-02-27 Thread Angus Claydon
Apologies to anyone paying to read this, but problem solved 
by using -r  option to  append to what was already downloaded.

On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, Angus Claydon wrote:

 Can anyone recommend  a protocol for downloading
 the  base14-X.bin 's using  either x ,y or  z modem
 or more  specifically  which arguments to use with
 I always get remote user abort when I'm about
 half way  through the file.  
 Many TIA
 angus claydon
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printing application probs

1999-01-12 Thread angus claydon
Can anyone shed any light on the following problem? TIA

Why is my printer chewing off first lines of paragraphs?

I'm running a deskjet portable printer using debian 2.0,
specifically lpr and magicfilter
I've tried filters deskjet-filter and dj500-filter.

a file written
with emacs and printed with  the following command;

cat filename | lpr

printed out very nicely , on closer inspection however some of the lines
were missing;
see below;

also with:

pr filename | lpr

thanks   AC

Below is the text file I was trying to print
here it is: (quotes from Joseph Cornell)

Stage 1. Awaken Enthusiasm

 It is important to choose first activities carefully with sensitive
awareness to the group's special needs.

Stage 2. Focus Attention

 The attention stage needn't last long, 5-15 minutes is plenty. The
important thing is to be intenseley aware of the groups level of
enthusiasm and receptivity - are they ready for more sensitive
experiences yet, if not ask - what games can I use to raise their
their enthusiasm and focus their attention.

Stage 3. Direct Experience

###  the line that follows this didn't reach the paper
 Direct experience games involve people directly in nature. Shutting
off peoples sense of sight makes them more alert to information from
other senses and so helps them experience their surroundings in fresh
ways. Direct experience awakens a sense of wonder. 

Stage 4.  Share Inspiration
# the line that follows this didn't reach the printer or paper
 Sharing reinforces the players' sense of wonder and draws the group
together. The simple activities of the inspiration stage also bring a
sense of closure and wholeness to the day. 

###all the other lines worked perfectly

thank you for taking the time to read this.

Angus Claydon

- End of forwarded message from angus -


  _ ?888P_
  ,'  .:8bv'  .:88.
 / .:88 .:8b
/  .:8P  .:8b
  ,'  .:8P\   .:88.
   ,='   .:88  \   __:88g_
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   ~o..__.:8|  | _-~   ?8b_ _.-'
 ~~  ~~--.:88  /:___...(888)
--Merry Christmas  a Happy New Year

printing application probs

1999-01-11 Thread angus claydon

I have a printing application question relating to printing a file written
with emacs and printed with  the following command;

cat filename | lpr

it printed out very nicely , on closer inspection however some of the lines
were missing;
see below;


pr filename | lpr

the printer jammed after the first paragraph. I've played with some of the
options of pr previously and also encountered the problem I had just now with:

cat filename |  lpr 

thanks   AC
here it is: (quotes from Joseph Cornell)

Stage 1. Awaken Enthusiasm

 It is important to choose first activities carefully with sensitive
awareness to the group's special needs.

Stage 2. Focus Attention

 The attention stage needn't last long, 5-15 minutes is plenty. The
important thing is to be intenseley aware of the groups level of
enthusiasm and receptivity - are they ready for more sensitive
experiences yet, if not ask - what games can I use to raise their
their enthusiasm and focus their attention.

Stage 3. Direct Experience

###  the line that follows this didn't reach the paper
 Direct experience games involve people directly in nature. Shutting
off peoples sense of sight makes them more alert to information from
other senses and so helps them experience their surroundings in fresh
ways. Direct experience awakens a sense of wonder. 

Stage 4.  Share Inspiration
# the line that follows this didn't reach the printer or paper
 Sharing reinforces the players' sense of wonder and draws the group
together. The simple activities of the inspiration stage also bring a
sense of closure and wholeness to the day. 

###all the other lines worked perfectly

thank you for taking the time to read this.

Angus Claydon