Good way to do procmail on server, read mail from client?

2001-04-01 Thread Ansel Sermersheim
Hi all, new Debian user here.  Started with Slackware four years ago,
put up with redhat for a while, but now I've found a distribution to
call home.

Anyway, I have a question about how folks do their email.  I recently
bought a new box to put Debian on, but I'm still tied to my old system 
'till I can figure out a good way to get email on it.  I'd also like
to wipe the old systems and get them on Debian as well.

The old setup:
I have a big ~/.procmailrc, which sorts mail into 15 or so different
files in '~/incoming/'.  My home directory here is nfs-mounted onto my 
desktop box, and I have Gnus set up to pull from '~/incoming/'. (This
setup evolved for historical reasons - my server is rather historical, 
and XEmacs on a 486/12 with 16MB is Not Fun.)  This is a really ugly
hack, and I'd like to get rid of it.

The new setup:
I have come up with a couple of options.  The only givens are that 
1) I read mail with Gnus, and
2) I filter mail with procmail.

1) is invariant (I cannot re-train my fingers.) 2) is malleable.

Possibilities include:
1) NFS mount ~/incoming off the new server, keep procmail as-is.
   Pros: little change from present status.
   Cons: Ugly. NFS sucks.

2) Set Gnus to pull from 'ftp:server:~/incoming', keep procmail as-is.
   Pros: same as above.
   Cons: More error-prone, probably locking issues.

3) Have my mail account on server forward to account on desktop, run
   .procmailrc locally.
   Pros: Better performance.
   Cons: my desktop isn't up 24/7, with this I have to make sure to
   bring it up every day or so or I start losing mail.

What kind of solution do you folks like to use?  Maybe fetchmail can
do this? How, though? (I use sendmail's local-part feature to split
out lists - how well will this play with exim/fetchmail?  Isn't the
envelope To: lost when it gets delivered?)

Many thanks,
$_{\$,}=[];@,=(%_,\%_,\*_,sub{},'JaPH'x2);y/0-9a-y//d,for(@,);map{$_ x=3}@,;$q=
join'',sort'$y=shift@,; $y^= int(eval$q) $q=q-my eval${q}if@,;$y-;pr'=~/\S*/g;$
_=q]"^vp|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|12O7340CP567M[,"];[EMAIL PROTECTED]@\$][$&[EMAIL 
PROTECTED];@]=(split'',unpack qq^$&q^^q^,

Re: How to remove zope from run-level 3?

2001-04-12 Thread Ansel Sermersheim
> "Robert" == Robert Cymbala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Robert> Here's the situation:

Robert> Syntax: update-rc.d [-n] [-f] name remove

Robert> How to remove Zope from only/just run-level 3?

I think the third syntax in the update-rc.d manpage is what you're
looking for.  Something like:
update-rc.d zope stop 25 3

should do the trick.  (I think those are the right options - 'man
update-rc.d', and look at the third SYNOPSIS line for details.)  The
'remove' option is, as you've discovered, for removing a init script
entirely from the startup process.

In your case, I would probably just disable zope for all runlevels;
you can still run it manually with '/etc/init.d/zope start', and once
you get it working right you can easily re-enable it with 

update-rc.d zope defaults 

(P.S., is there a good all-around reference for the bootup process?  I
started on Slackware a long time ago, so the symlinked /etc/rc?.d
entries are kind of new and strange to me.)

$_{\$,}=[];@,=(%_,\%_,\*_,sub{},'JaPH'x2);y/0-9a-y//d,for(@,);map{$_ x=3}@,;$q=
join'',sort'$y=shift@,; $y^= int(eval$q) $q=q-my eval${q}if@,;$y-;pr'=~/\S*/g;$
_=q]"^vp|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|12O7340CP567M[,"];[EMAIL PROTECTED]@\$][$&[EMAIL 
PROTECTED];@]=(split'',unpack qq^$&q^^q^,

Re: 2.2r3 and pseudo-image

2001-04-17 Thread Ansel Sermersheim
> "Nathan" == Nathan E Norman  writes:
Nathan> On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 08:48:22PM -0700, Pann McCuaig wrote:
>> Feel free to point me at a FM to R.
>> I have an iso image of 2.2r2 binary 1, built using the pseudo-image
>> kit.
>> Q: Can I loop mount this puppy and use rsync to convert it to 2.2r3
>> binary 1?
> Since you've already got the image, I don't think you need to
> mount it at all.  Substitute your iso image for the output of
> the pseudo-image kit and let rsync do it's best.

I tried this a while ago, trying to convert 2.2 i386 binary disc 2 to
2.2r2.  It worked okay, but I ended up pulling almost 125 MB from the
rsync server, so I don't think I'll do it again.

It takes longer to do the full pseudo-image pull, but it's much kinder
to the network.

(Admittedly, I was going from 2.2 -> 2.2r2.  I doubt that 2.2r2 ->
2.2r3 would be so big. In fact, I think I'll try it as soon as a
close mirror has got it.)

$_{\$,}=[];@,=(%_,\%_,\*_,sub{},'JaPH'x2);y/0-9a-y//d,for(@,);map{$_ x=3}@,;$q=
join'',sort'$y=shift@,; $y^= int(eval$q) $q=q-my eval${q}if@,;$y-;pr'=~/\S*/g;$
_=q]"^vp|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|12O7340CP567M[,"];[EMAIL PROTECTED]@\$][$&[EMAIL 
PROTECTED];@]=(split'',unpack qq^$&q^^q^,

Re: HOWTO? Fix a term that has "space junk"

2001-04-22 Thread Ansel Sermersheim
> "Mark" == Mark Hurley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mark> When I run...

Mark>   cat *somebinaryfile*

Mark> My term displays irregular ansi characters.  (I've called space
Mark> junk) I realize the correct information is being displayed, just
Mark> sort of encrypted.  ;)

Mark> Without exiting the term how do you fix this?

Hey cool, one I actually know!

If all it's done is sprayed garbage all over the screen, Control-L may
fix it by redrawing the screen.

However, this usually doesn't work, because the font table got hosed,
and everything's garbage.  You have to send a initialize command to
the terminal. Type 'echo ', and then press Control-V Escape 'c'.  This
will place the two character sequence "^]c" on the command line,
and when you run it, the terminal should be fixed.

(You probably won't be able to read it properly when you're typing it
in, because the font table's hosed.  Just type it blind.)

$_{\$,}=[];@,=(%_,\%_,\*_,sub{},'JaPH'x2);y/0-9a-y//d,for(@,);map{$_ x=3}@,;$q=
join'',sort'$y=shift@,; $y^= int(eval$q) $q=q-my eval${q}if@,;$y-;pr'=~/\S*/g;$
_=q]"^vp|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|12O7340CP567M[,"];[EMAIL PROTECTED]@\$][$&[EMAIL 
PROTECTED];@]=(split'',unpack qq^$&q^^q^,