SCSI Tape Drive

1999-08-31 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I have recently installed a SONY SCSI tape drive onto my linux box.  I
would like to use the Taper program to back up my hard drive to tape.  But
I seem to be having a problem with getting the tape drive to work.

When I do a cat on /proc/scsi/scsi I get:

Attached devices:
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: SONY Model: SDX-300C Rev: 0300
  Type:   Sequential-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

So the OS is "seeing" the hardware.  However when I try to tar or write to
/dev/st0 I get an error saying device not found.  Any insight onto this
matter would be very much appreciated.


Easy Interface for IPFWADM

1999-07-15 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I have a small ipfw set up. While I don't mind doing the work in VI to 
the rules, some of the people I work with who will be managing the box want
something a little easier to work with, a web based system would be great.
Anyway, I don't have perl installed, and probably will not install it,
lack of room. I was wondering if anyone out there has seen and/or developed
either a shell or java driven script that will allow a normal user to
easily add or remove IPFWADM rules via a web interface.

Thank you for your time,


Anthony Landreneau
DoD Network Security Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

Re: GMT ntp servers

1999-07-11 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I have always found and to be
helpful.  For more information check out,  


>Does anyone know the ip's of some ntp servers that are on gmt?  I'm trying to
>get my computer time correctly set to gmt so it will display the correct
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Debian Router???

1999-06-09 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I am building a debian router, however I prefer to use a FLASH ROM card
instead of a hard drive.  The largest I can afford is a 60 meg card.  Can I
set up a debian router with all the drivers (three cards two DS3 and one
Gigabit), VI as an editor (don't hate me because I like VI ok) and keep it
running under 60 megs?
Anyway have something like this running?  Share the info?  Would be

Anthony Landreneau
DoD Network Security Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

Re: Monitoring remote server

1999-06-06 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Greetings Christian,
I run several Debian boxes doing many things, as well as a few NT 
boxes. I
have found that NOCOL ( does
the job VERY well.  Hope this helps...


At 09:25 PM 6/5/99 -0500, Christian Dysthe wrote:
>we have recently gotten our web server set up running Debian slink (What a
>joy!). I was wondering what the easiest way would be to monitor the
>server and get an email and/or page if the server goes down. I have seen some
>tools that are available in potato (one of them being "bigbrother"), but I
>not like to "experiment" on a web server serving 2.000.000 hits a week
>installing from unstable. The easiest would maybe be to run something on my
>workstation (Debian potato) that monitors the web server (the web server is
>only accessable for me over the Internet, no lan etc).
>Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
>Christian Dysthe
>ICQ 3945810
>Date: 05-Jun-99
>Time: 21:25:46
>Powered by Debian GNU/Linux
>   "Clones are people two"
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Mail Relay for Debian

1999-06-02 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I host several domains and would like to have my DNSs get and hold mail
when remote WAN host  drop off line.  I had been using sendmail, but it has
become MUCH to complicated for this task.  I am looking for a simple, yet
controllable, program that will relay mail for my hosted domains.  


Anthony Landreneau
DoD Network Security Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

Re: Sendmail Relay.

1999-05-20 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Greetings Thomas,
Thanks for the info, I plugged it in and hopefully it will work.  Have
about 200+ domains that I am hosting and trying to relay mail for.  Just
for my understanding, where did you get this information?  I would like to
understand it a little better for future use.  Thanks again,


>you need an access database to create some exceptions allowing relaying:
>create a file called /etc/mail/access with your favourite editor, put
>something like the following in it:
>172.16 RELAY
>192.168.1  RELAY
>wildcards are implicit in this file -- all '' hosts will be
>allowed to relay, as will all hosts in the 172.16 network
>then run:
>makemap hash /etc/mail/access < /etc/mail/access
>and restart sendmail with:
>/etc/init.d/sendmail reload
>hopefully this should work for you... see how far it gets you.
>On Wed, 19 May 1999, Anthony Landreneau wrote:
>> From: Anthony Landreneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To:
>> Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 12:43:45 -0500
>> Subject: Sendmail Relay.
>> Greetings,
>>  I am having a problem with the lastest dist of sendmail that is coming
>> with Debian.  With my old I was able to use my DNS's as mail
>> relay host for the several dozen domains that I host for.  With the new
>> all of my domains are getting "550 we do not relay" messages.
>> Anyone had luck working with this?  I have checked the sendmail site and
>> the HowTo docs, but I have to tell you it is not making a lot of sense to
>> me.  Your help is appriciated.
>> Anthony Landreneau
>> DoD Network Security Administrator
>> Infinity Data Systems
>> New Orleans Louisiana
>> (504)455-8973
>> -- 
>> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
>please forgive my abrupt ending hre - but my conection is  
>xtrememleyyhiclmelyey  BAD hiccuppy etc must sign off - 
>EF D8 33 68 B3 E3 E9 D2  C1 3E 51 22 8A AA 7B 98 umbra (!)
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
Anthony Landreneau
DoD Network Security Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

Sendmail Relay.

1999-05-19 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I am having a problem with the lastest dist of sendmail that is coming
with Debian.  With my old I was able to use my DNS's as mail
relay host for the several dozen domains that I host for.  With the new all of my domains are getting "550 we do not relay" messages.
Anyone had luck working with this?  I have checked the sendmail site and
the HowTo docs, but I have to tell you it is not making a lot of sense to
me.  Your help is appriciated.
Anthony Landreneau
DoD Network Security Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

Installing Compaq Qoftpaq After Linux

1999-04-19 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Got a Compaq computer loaded with Linux.  However I needed to do some 
IRQ stuff and found out that the softpaq was gone.  Downloaded the lastest
greatest softpaq from Compaq and have attempted to install but get an error
each and every time the program tries to write to the hard drive.  Has
anyone had any luck with this?

Anthony Landreneau
Network Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

SMTP Error

1999-03-31 Thread Anthony Landreneau
After upgrading to the lastest greatest Debian Sendmail my sendmail
doesn't work any longer.  Using Qpopper is not a problem to retrieve the
mail, but when I try to send something out I get an error:

The recipient "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is not acceptable to your SMTP
server.  The message is not sendable until the recipient has been changed.

I am assuming that this is a SPAM feature, but for the life of me I 
find the switch that would let me send this stuff out.  And insight to this
would be much appreciated.

Anthony Landreneau
Network Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

Re: qpopper is dead..

1999-03-26 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Got it working again, but I had to go back to inetd instead of xinetd.
>On 26-Mar-99 George Bonser wrote:
>> Stopped working here too, had to switch to cucipop.
>I just ordered a slink disk.  Will I have this problem when I upgrade Debian
>if I leave inetd alone?
>[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
Anthony Landreneau
Network Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

qpopper is dead..

1999-03-26 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Upgraded a few programs on my mailserver, went from inetd to xinetd.
qpopper no longer works.  Can't seem to open a socket on port 110. 
It is in the inetd.conf file, it is also listed in the xinetd.conf.  
not working.  Any insight would be appreciated.

Anthony Landreneau
Network Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

Hard Drive Question....

1999-03-03 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I know I've seen this addressed before, but for the life of me I can't
seems to find it, so I will ask the group.  I have several machine, now
running DOS 6.2. The system BIOS doesn't support large drives, 540MB is the
max.  I have several 630-1000MB drives and wish to use them on these
machines then boot the machines up with LINUX.
What do I set the BIOS to in order to correctly partition the drives 
Linux?  Thanks in advance.

Anthony Landreneau
Network Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

I don't want the display to blank....

1998-11-23 Thread Anthony Landreneau
This is probably easy and I just can't find the answer. I have a couple
dozen Debian boxes attached to a rotating display.  Of course after time it
rotates blank screens, don't want that.  I want to see the login prompt.
Where, how who, do I modify in order to keep the screens up?

Anthony Landreneau
Network Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

IPFW works a little to well...

1998-11-18 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Looking for a little help with ipfwadm. Got a good machine running 2.0,
two nics and the system is passing traffic wonderfully.  Now I would like
to put in packet filtering. IPFW sounds as though it will fit the bill.
The HOWTO regarding IPFW suggests a script, which I have written and is
below. The problem, when I execute the script nothing comes in, nothing
goes out, the perfect firewall. The bad news is I need some traffic to
pass. The network behind the firewall is a subnet of a class B network with
255 addresses. If you have any insight on why I might be running into
trouble, or if you have suggestions, I would love to hear from you.

#  Setup IP packet Accounting and Forwarding
#  By Default DENY ALL services first
ipfwadm -F -p deny
#  Flush all Commands
ipfwadm -F -f
ipfwadm -I -f
ipfwadm -O -f
#  Allow email to NCTAMS01 
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D
#  Allow email to NS1 Relay host
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D
#  Allow email to outside mail severs from NCTAMS01
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 25 -D 1024:65535
#  Allow email to ouside mail servers from NS1
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 25 -D 1024:65535
#  Allow DNS traffic to NS1
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P udp -S 53 -D
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 53 -D
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 82 -D
#  Allow Web connections to outside Web Servers
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 80 -D 1024:65535 
#  Allow FTP connection to outside Servers
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 20 -D 1024:65535 
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 21 -D 1024:65535 
#  Allow Telnet connections to outside Servers
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 23 -D 1024:65535
#  Allow NTP time to NS1
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 123 -D 1024:65535

Anthony Landreneau
Network Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

Re: The evil Dymanic Drive Overlay..

1998-11-10 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Thanks so much for your insight,
What I did was go to Western Digital's site and downloaded their disk
diag. Ran it, safely low leveled the drive, installed Debian, life is good.
The disk is healthy to come to find out, one of the advantages of using
that software.
Again thanks for your input...


The evil Dymanic Drive Overlay..

1998-11-09 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Have an old machine I am looking to load up with Debian, problem is the
original DOS drive had Ontrack's Dymanic Drive Overlay installed on it.  I
do not have the original Ontrack disk.  Tried re-partioning the disk with
Linux's fdisk, no luck, the evil overlay continues. Your thoughts on this
matter would be appriciated...


RAID1 Question....

1998-11-04 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I have a machine that I would like to institue RAID1 on. Two 4 Gig 
the primary is partitioned with a 
/dev/hda1   /
/dev/hda2   swap
/dev/hda3   /var
/dev/hda4   /usr

I have the secondary drive partitioned the same way. I would like to mirror
the partitions on the primary drive to those on the secondary drive. I have
made an mdtab file, 

# mdtab entry for /dev/md3
/dev/md3raid1,8k,1,e46c7dcc /dev/hda3 /dev/hdb3

but can't seem to get it working. Anyone got this kind of stuff running?
Any help would be appricated.


Re: tar and the braindead man

1998-10-26 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Ok Kenneth,
   I must be missing something here, other than my mind of course.  This is
the requirment:
I have a tape with a tar file on it, lets call it thefile.tar .  I need to
make two copies of that file, back on two other tapes.  So I will have
three tapes with three identical copies of this tar file.
   I got thefile.tar off of the original tape using 

tar -xv ./thefile.tar -C /usr/thedirectorystore

   The tar file is now on the hard drive.  Now I want to put it back onto
tape, gee, simple minded me thought

tar -cv ./thefile.tar -C /usr/thedirectorystore

and bingo, but that doesn't seems to be happening.  Any ideas on how I can
complete this task?

Thanks again,


>Close, but no cigar. 
>syntax is:
>tar -cvf /dev/tapedevice /usr/thedirectory.
>To make a full backup I did:
>tar -cvf /dev/st0 / --exclude /dev --exclude /proc
>(my tape drive is a scsi rdat on /dev/st0)  This command backed up
>everything, except the dev and proc directories.  (I had some BAD
>things happen trying to access the devices as files, and you don't
>need to backup the /proc directory as it does NOT exist on the disk.) 
>Don't leave your cd rom mounted for this or it will get backed up
>also, why waste 650MB of tape for something that can't be trashed?!
>Got what I thought was a simple problem. I have a 2GB DAT tape
>drive, a
>directory that I want to backup to that tape drive.  Seems simple
>but I can't seem to get it to work. I thought the command was:
>tar -cvf thetarfile.tar /usr/thedirectory
>But it isn't working.  Now I have created a tar file on the hard drive,
>thought it would be just as easy to move the file to tape, but I can't
>figure that out either.  Tried mounting the tape drive and the machine
>mocks me openly.  Any and all help would be apprciated!
>Get your free address at
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Re: tar and the braindead man

1998-10-25 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Ok, still having a problem.  Let me do some more explaining. This was a TAR
file from another machine, I needed to make a copy of the tar file in order
to distribute the data. THe file was tar'ed with a user and group ID that
doesn't exsist on my system. So I am getting these errors:

# tar -cvf /dev/rmt/0m /usr/web/1801/tape/stddb981016.tar
tar: couldn't get uname for uid 100
tar: couldn't get gname for gid 204
a /usr/web/1801/tape/stddb981016.tar 440280 blocks

and it isn't writing anything to tape. Got any ideas?


>*- Nikolai Andreyevich Luzan wrote about "Re: tar and the braindead man"
>| On Sun, 25 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>| > You can't mount a tape. You need to write directly to the tape.
>| > Otherwise how could you do a full backup of your largest partition if
>| > it was over 50% full?
>| > 
>| > Do this instead:
>| > 
>| > tar -cvf /dev/st0 /usr/thedirectory  
>| > 
>| > where /dev/st0 is the device file for your tape.  Assuming your tape is
>| > a scsi one(since it is a dat this is most likely true), you have scsi
>| > tape support for the kernel and it is your only or first one found by
>| > the kernel then the above device is correct.
>| To the best of my knowledge  the f option is not needed unless you
>| want to create, test or extract from a file. the actual command would
>| be 
>|  tar -cv /path/to/tar/up   
>| tar automagically looks for the first tape device and writes it's
>| archive there. if you doubt me then read the tar man page or the
>| appropriate HOWTO.
>| Nikolai
>I am doubting you.
>From tar's info page Node:Device
>   Starting with version 1.11.5, GNU `tar' uses standard input and
>standard output as the default device, and I will not try anymore
>supporting automatic device detection at installation time.  This was
>failing really in too many cases, it was hopeless.  This is now
>completely left to the installer to override standard input and standard
>output for default device, if this seems preferrable to him/her.
>Further, I think *most* actual usages of `tar' are done with pipes or
>disks, not really tapes, cartridges or diskettes.
>   Some users think that using standard input and output is running
>after trouble.  This could lead to a nasty surprise on your screen if
>you forget to specify an output file name--especially if you are going
>through a network or terminal server capable of buffering large amounts
>of output.  We had so many bug reports in that area of configuring
>default tapes automatically, and so many contradicting requests, that
>we finally consider the problem to be portably intractable.  We could
>of course use something like `/dev/tape' as a default, but this is
>*also* running after various kind of trouble, going from hung processes
>to accidental destruction of real tapes.  After having seen all this
>mess, using standard input and output as a default really sounds like
>the only clean choice left, and a very useful one too.
>And a simple test confirms this:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tmp}[300]>touch test.txt
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tmp}[301]>echo hello >> test.txt
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tmp}[302]>tar cv test.txt
>test.txt100644  0  0   6  6614732352  10601 0ustar
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tmp}[303]>
>So you DO need the -f or --file option.
>"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
> because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
>  - unknown  
>Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Purdue University
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tar and the braindead man

1998-10-25 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Got what I thought was a simple problem. I have a 2GB DAT tape drive, a
directory that I want to backup to that tape drive.  Seems simple enough,
but I can't seem to get it to work. I thought the command was:
tar -cvf thetarfile.tar /usr/thedirectory

But it isn't working.  Now I have created a tar file on the hard drive, and
thought it would be just as easy to move the file to tape, but I can't
figure that out either.  Tried mounting the tape drive and the machine
mocks me openly.  Any and all help would be apprciated!


Re: Automate UPPER to lower case directory

1998-10-20 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Thanks guys, got the job done.  I love ths little script, fits well in my
/usr/bin too!
Tell you, you don't get help like this from Microsoft!

Thanks again,

Anthony Landrenea
Infinity Data Systems

>I think this is from some HOWTO but I forget which one:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$less up2lo
># up2lo - rename files from uppercase to lower case.
>for i in $*
>file=`echo $i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"`
>mv $i $file
>/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL 
>E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
>"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
>"honk if you Love Linux"

Automate UPPER to lower case directory

1998-10-20 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Trying to automate work done by some WIN95/NT people who don't 
upper/lower case.  I have a directory of files that are upper case and need
to be brought to lower case. Does anyones have a program or script that
could help me do about 400 files?


Anthony Landreneau
Infinity Data Systems

Re: named-bootconf failure

1998-10-07 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Thanks Peter,
Had done that but the same things happens.  And even worse bindconfig
takes out all the "extra" that I need to add in order to make the system
secure and responsive.  The problem I seem to be having is narrowed down to
the file not reading the boot.options and
files.  Just can't figure it out.  Thanks again,

Anthony Landreneau
Infinity Data Systems
Network Engineer

>Try running bindconfig instead.
>-Original Message-
>From: Anthony Landreneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wednesday, October 07, 1998 12:25 PM
>Subject: named-bootconf failure
>> named-bootconf is no longer working on one of my DNS systems.  I have two
>>identical systems, both doing DNS with the same software loaded.
>> Last week, the named-bootconf stopped writing the named.conf file on the
>>primary server. The file is empty except for the header, "this file
>>generated by"  When run, I noticed that it was not reading the
>>boot.options and boot.zones files.  I compared the two systems, and I
>>cannot see a difference between the primary and the secondary. Same perl,
>>same bash, same sh.  I even exported the boot.options file to the secondary
>>system and ran named-bootconf and it created the named.conf file.
>> One thing I have noticed is two files have been altered. Both gzip and
>>gunzip were at 0 bytes.  Not sure if this has anything to do with it.  And
>>input on this matter would be appreciated.
>>Anthony Landreneau
>>Infinity Data Systems
>>Network Engineer
>>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

named-bootconf failure

1998-10-07 Thread Anthony Landreneau
named-bootconf is no longer working on one of my DNS systems.  I have 
identical systems, both doing DNS with the same software loaded.
Last week, the named-bootconf stopped writing the named.conf file on the
primary server. The file is empty except for the header, "this file
generated by"  When run, I noticed that it was not reading the
boot.options and boot.zones files.  I compared the two systems, and I
cannot see a difference between the primary and the secondary. Same perl,
same bash, same sh.  I even exported the boot.options file to the secondary
system and ran named-bootconf and it created the named.conf file.
One thing I have noticed is two files have been altered. Both gzip and
gunzip were at 0 bytes.  Not sure if this has anything to do with it.  And
input on this matter would be appreciated.

Anthony Landreneau
Infinity Data Systems
Network Engineer

Big troubles with DSELECT

1998-09-18 Thread Anthony Landreneau
While trying to upgrade to HAMM, something really bad happened. Ran the and things just didn't work out. It seems that not all the Libs
were properly replaced.  While trying to upgrade the system with DSELECT I
got the below errors.  Any ideas on where I should take it from here?  I
have tried to dpkg the packages one at a time but get a core dump.  Would
really not like to reinstall the system.  Your help would be appracited.

Anthony Landreneau

Global symbol "NetConfig" requires explicit package name at
Variable "%NetConfig" is not imported at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/ line 69.
Global symbol "NetConfig" requires explicit package name at
Variable "%NetConfig" is not imported at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/ line 70.
Global symbol "NetConfig" requires explicit package name at
Global symbol "ISA" requires explicit package name at
Bareword "CMD_OK" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
Bareword "CMD_OK" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
Variable "$timeout" is not imported at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/ line 909.
Global symbol "timeout" requires explicit package name at
Variable "$timeout" is not imported at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/ line 917.
Global symbol "timeout" requires explicit package name at
Bareword "croak" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
String found where operator expected at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/ line 919,
(Do you need to predeclare croak?)
/usr/lib/perl5/Net/ has too many errors.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/setup line 7.

query/setup script returned error exit status 2.
Press RETURN to continue.

Debian on HP 9000

1998-09-16 Thread Anthony Landreneau
 Just got my hands on a previously owned HP 9000 635. The system has
HP-UX loaded on it currently, but there are some file system troubles and I
was going to reload it regardless.  I have about a dozen boxes that are
running Debian now (Intel platform) and thought it would be fun to run
Debian on the HP.  
 The questions, has anyone attempted to install Debian on an HP?  Did
it work?  Will it work?

Thanks for any input,

Anthony Landreneau

V.35 Serial Card

1998-08-21 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Does anyone know of a V.35 serial card that has LINUX (Debian) drivers?
Looking to hook a T1 directly into a LINUX box and the CSU/DSU has a V.35


IPFW Questions

1998-08-10 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I am in the process of installing the IP firewall tool kit.  One of the
things I can't seem to figure out is how the enable return replies. It
seems like it would be pretty obvious, but I can't seem to find a reference
in the info pages.

Also, how about an SQL*NET proxy?  Anyone have any luck with that?



SNMP agent w/Multible Interfaces?

1998-02-18 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I have a situation where I would like to SNMP monitor the IPX traffic on
several floors of an office complex. Each floor has it's own collision
domain. I could put a DEBIAN PC on each floor and run the systems SNMP
agent, which should give me the information I will be looking for.  However
I was wondering if the SNMP agent that I can use with DEBIAN is capable of
monitoring more than one interface in a single machine.  It would be MUCH
easier to have one DEBIAN box connected to all four domains and have a
single SNMP agent report on each interface.
Any help, suggestions or comments are welcome in this matter.

Anthony Landreneau
Network Engineer
Infinity Data System

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Drivers for a Supra ISDN

1998-01-12 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I was wondering if anyone has the drivers or knows where I might find 
source for the drivers regarding a Supra NetCommander ISDN card. Supra has
stated that they do not support the card in anything but an win95 or NT
platform.  Any help would be much appreciated.


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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Card and Drivers for v.35

1998-01-12 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I am looking to use several debian systems as routers for a small 
that I am building. What I need is a card that will give me a V.35
interface that will allow me to plug into my RAD modems.  If anyone out
there is using such a card, or can recommend a card I would be most


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sendmail relay against spam on debian

1997-12-29 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I have two Debian boxes that sit on my Network.  The network is host to
about 100 domains.  Along with acting as the DNS for the network, the two
boxes also act as MX relay for all of the domains.  The problem is someone
out there found my boxes and used them to dump spam.
Have disabled the  relay feature, but this is causing problems for my
domain users.  I would like to reinstate this feature, but want to limit
who these boxes sendmail to.  I want to me able to relay mail to all of my
domains, but not to relay mail to anyone else.  But I do wish to accept
mail from the universe, to relay to my domains.
I have read the information about configuring sendmail, spam and all 
other stuff.  I must say that my head is spinning.  Has anyone else out
there resolved this problem, and would be willing to hold my hand while I
institute it on my two debian boxes?  Thanks,


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Full Root

1997-12-22 Thread Anthony Landreneau
My root partition, of 400 megs is full. The partition   /usr  and that of
/var are all on their own partition.  I have looked in every directory for
a core file, and have scanned for viruses.  There is no reason that the
root partition should be filled to capacity and I can't seem to find the
reason that it is.  Fsck, shows the drive as find.  Any help in this matter
would be much appreciated. 


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[Off Topic] Apache Web Server and .htaccess

1997-09-03 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Greetings all you helpful folks,
Been ruuning an apache Web Server on a Debian box for about 6 months.  
I need to password protect the whole directory tree of web pages.  Tried to
use the ".htaccess" type of protection but can't seem to get it to work.
Anyone out there have any luck with getting this to work, or perhaps 
an alternate route to take?  Any and all help would be much appreciated.


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Lost the POP in smail.

1997-09-02 Thread Anthony Landreneau
While doing some software upgrades to my debian box I lost the POP3
ability.  Tried to reinstall smail, nothing, sendmail, nothing.  Eudora
will connect to the box, but as it starts to log in it will just hang.
Any ideas on what could have happened and were I could look to respovle
the situation?
I am still getting incoming mail, and the outgoing mail does not seem to
be effected in any way, just can't get the mail with an outside reader.
All help would be MUCH appreciated.


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HowTO Multible IP's on a single card

1997-08-20 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I would like to put multible IP addresses to a single Network interface 
one of my Debian boxes.  I have found information on how to do it, but
can't seem to get it to work.  Wondering what it is that I am missing.
Looking for some to help out who has this feature working,

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Need Help mounting CD-ROM's w/NFS

1997-05-08 Thread ANTHONY LANDRENEAU
 I have a few IP based CD towers that I am mounting to a debian box. 
The mount is going fine, however the sub-directories that the mounts are
listing are only available to root.  I need to make these sub-directories
exportable to another nfs mount, so I need to make the owner nobody.
   When I try to chown the directory to nobody it tells me that it is
read-only and no changes happen.  I unmount the CDS then chown the
directory without any problems.  However, when I remount the CDS it all
goes back to root:root.  
The CDS are being mounted by listing them in fstab.  Any ideas would
be much appreciated.

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