
occasionally I experience a hang in booting during the network setup.
The boot screen shows a timeout of 5min 7sec going to 6min 37sec after
the former expired. Then the system starts normally and the networks
work, including openvpn and barracudavpn (when in use).

I didn't file a report with reportbug, since I believe it has to do with
the interaction of packages and not a single package.

As far as I remember, the behavior appeared when I installed openvpn.
With it came the WiFi package and the first use of the
Network-Manager-Applet. My normal network connection is cable based to a
LAN and routed out via a DSL modem to the internet. It is configured
manually via /etc/network/interfaces.

Since my tower machine has no WiFi, I suspect that the WiFi package(s)
look for one, for six and a half minutes and then gives up.

Apart from this behavior I wonder, why WiFi packages would be in a
dependency list of the openvpn package.

I can't tell with certainty now, since I don't have detailed records,
but the hang does not occur every boot, and may have some relation to
hardware initialization, as it may be rarer or not happen, when I reboot
into Debian from Windows 7.
Sometimes the machine hangs in networking for about 2 minutes in
shutdown too, again showing a timeout and counting seconds.

My system runs Debian 10.5 now but the behavior is much older. If you
tell me how, I can send you when I installed what.

Kind Regards,

Armin Faltl

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