Mail arriving late

1999-10-08 Thread B. Szyszka

For some odd reason, mail I'm sending to this list is taking
a long time to arrive back in my mailbox. One of the messages
was sent at about 10pm last night and it arrived at 5pm today.
That's a 21-hour time lag! I've heard of 3-5 hours, but not 21.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Microsoft posts Linux myths

1999-10-08 Thread B. Szyszka
Hi everyone,

I found a Wired article with a link to this Microsoft document,
titled "Linux Myths":

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Three questions

1999-10-08 Thread B. Szyszka
> The poor quality of documentation, such as these "how tos" is one of the
> reasons why I recommend when ever I am asked whether a site should move
> to linux to recommend that they don't.  

Although I didn't agree with the tone of this message, I definitely think 
needs to be done about Linux documentation, especially if it is expected that
people switch to it from Windows/Mac (my personal opinion is that they *should*
do that) where a lot of things are tucked away and done behind their backs. 
have told me that certain things on Linux are difficult to setup, but the only 
thing I've
personally found difficult is reading a how-to and I'm someone who's been with 
computers when DOS was the predominant OS for "PCs". I don't like the idea
of people new to computers trying to understand the how-tos when I've had 
with them myself, although Linux *is* relatively new with its popularity and 
I'd imagine
all this would be cleared up in a year from now when Bill Gates will be the 
head chef
of McDonald's.   : )

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group 

RE: Last potato linuxlogo

1999-10-06 Thread B. Szyszka
> Until this evening I had linuxlogo displaying the pretty debian swirl. However
> after the latest potato update I noticed this had changed to a pengouin, which
> looks very ugly on my screen (the default is squeezed because of the
> resolution, and the banner mode does not look nice because of my fonts). Is
> there some hidden option to have it display the debian logo again, or do i
> have to downgrade it?
I had that very same problem. First I had the penguin, then I upgraded linuxlogo
and got the nice swirl and then after I upgraded again, I got the penguin back.
When I looked for all the images I could use (I think linux_logo --help is where
I found out what those were), none of them had the swirl. I'd appreciate knowing
why that happened too.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: In case anyone was wondering where went.

1999-10-05 Thread B. Szyszka
> > Is there any particular reason why the Debian and/or KDE mirror sites
> > don't offer the apt sources? Getting at least half of the KDE mirrors out
> > there to mirror the apt sources would be heaven. Gnome has a buttload
> > of apt sources, why can't KDE?
>   Debian folk have determined that the QT license is incompatible with
>   the GPL. Hence, KDE stuff is bound to a non-free license... I'm not
>   sure it makes a lot of sense considering the other "non-free" software
>   that is distributed...
OK, but what about the KDE folks, then? Why don't the mirrors for KDE have
apt-ing setup?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: In case anyone was wondering where went.

1999-10-04 Thread B. Szyszka
> is looking for a home and it is currently distributing only
> the bare minimum for kde.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the actual
> administrator.

Is there any particular reason why the Debian and/or KDE mirror sites
don't offer the apt sources? Getting at least half of the KDE mirrors out
there to mirror the apt sources would be heaven. Gnome has a buttload
of apt sources, why can't KDE?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Slink to Potato

1999-10-02 Thread B. Szyszka
> As for the version, i'd go with the latest stable (2.2.12, unless they
> released 2.2.13 just today). There's even a brand new Debian package so
> you won't have to compile your own if you don't want.

Where would I be able to find that package?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Sun goes fully open source!

1999-10-02 Thread B. Szyszka
> > download and run Solaris on my own system, make as many modifications as I 
> > like,
> > as long as I don't re-distribute the changes. Sun is only trying to protect 
> > it's
> Not being able to distribute your changes, is not free speech. It's crap and 
> they
> are only hoping to capitalize on the hardwork of others without giving them
> anything truly worthwhile in return.

Well it's better than Microsoft capitalizing off others without giving them 
worthwhile at all.   : )

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: DriveReady SeekComplete Error and DriveStatusError

1999-09-29 Thread B. Szyszka
> OK, but for me it remains the only convincing test.
> As it happens I have a couple of old pentium 75 motherboards at home and
> I just imagined that maybe you or somebody you knew also had stuff like
> that that you could use for a test, temporarily.
The other motherboard I have is from an old 486 computer, but that didn't have
any luck with Linux at all. It's a totally unstable computer. I'll try Debian, 
if I ever find the time. But the motherboard is very old. I'd think it'd be more
capable of causing problems than my current one.

> Otherwise, I'd start down the "turn off go faster modes until it works
> reliably" track as already suggested; the same approach can fix Sig-11s.
> Check out the tool hdparm as well as tweaking the dma in the kernel.
I'll try the hdparm thing and some of you guys' other suggestions. Thanks!

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: DriveReady SeekComplete Error and DriveStatusError

1999-09-29 Thread B. Szyszka
> I cannot give you any other suggestions ATM, because you haven't deigned
> to list /any/ of your hardware.  Since this seems to be a hardware-related
> problem, the idea that anyone could solve it for you w/o hardware specicfic
> information is ludicrous.
All you had to do was ask, then. Some of you here have a tendency to talk
down to people and be short tempered as if they didn't know to tell you 
out of spite. I didn't tell you what type of harddrive I have because I've never
dealt with that kind of error before and I wouldn't have known that it had to
do with hardware. I'll find out what type of harddrive I have tomorrow. I'm 
sure it's either a Mitsumi or a Toshiba IDE drive.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Flat-panel monitors?

1999-09-29 Thread B. Szyszka
> For the case of the Number Nine card and SGI 1600SW digital flat
> panel, all the necessary info needed to manually configure
> /etc/X11/XF86Config is in the /usr/share/doc/xserver-i128 pages. 
> Note that you need xfree86 v3.3.1 or later. Note also that the later
> .deb's have a broken xserver... So either stick with the
> .debs or grab the binary from
Well I'm not really ready to configure one yet. I was just asking for
people's personal experiences with them. Do they display things just
as well as Windows would? Worst? The same?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: DriveReady SeekComplete Error and DriveStatusError

1999-09-28 Thread B. Szyszka
> Personally, I find it difficult to troubleshoot problems when the only
> data I'm given is "These things cost money".  Give us something to work
> with.

Well "buy something else" isn't exactly a very good solution to a problem
either. I cited two error messages and asked what they could be caused
by. Do you want a list of every single piece of hardware on my computer?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Flat-panel monitors?

1999-09-28 Thread B. Szyszka

I was wondering what luck, if any, you guys have had with flat panel
monitors in Debian. Has everything worked as it should?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: DriveReady SeekComplete Error and DriveStatusError

1999-09-28 Thread B. Szyszka
> > Well I can't afford to just go out and get a new harddrive, especially since
> > the two that I have no have more than enough space. Is there a way to
> > run a check on the harddrive that could prove whether or not the harddrive
> > itself is the problem?
> The surest test would be to use it with another motherboard for a while.

Like I said, I can't afford to just go out and buy a new piece of hardware as
I see fit. These things cost money. Are you tell me there's no way for me
to check what hardware Linux might be having a problem with?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: DriveReady SeekComplete Error and DriveStatusError

1999-09-28 Thread B. Szyszka
> That's *usually*ยน a sign that your hard disk is about to die on you. Do a
> backup, buy a new drive, and copy the stuff over to that one.

Well I can't afford to just go out and get a new harddrive, especially since
the two that I have no have more than enough space. Is there a way to
run a check on the harddrive that could prove whether or not the harddrive
itself is the problem?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Debian images with newer kernel

1999-09-26 Thread B. Szyszka
> > Where can I find the rescue and other disk images for Debian with
> > the newer kernels? When I went to the potato directory and got them
> > >from there, the kernel was 2.0.x. Isn't it up to 2.1.x or 2.2.x now?
> There are debian images by CapTech including newer kernels at:

Any others? With this one, when I go through setting up the partitions
and then it asks me for setting up /, /usr, and /var (the "Activate... and
... Kernel ..." step), it goes right back to the beginning. I've tried this
a couple times with floppies and also from a DOS partition and this happens
every single time.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
** Good deal for magazine subscriptions/renewals while helping my school: 

RE: Getting The Most Out Of APT

1999-09-26 Thread B. Szyszka
> deb stable main contrib non-free
> deb unstable main contrib non-free
> deb stable/non-US/binary-i386/
> deb unstable/non-US main 
> contrib non-free

Hmm... what different would having the stable there make? Since it
always grabs the newest version and things are unstable first, then would
the stable apt sources in there make any difference except waste a couple
seconds during an 'apt-get update'?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
** Good deal for magazine subscriptions/renewals while helping my school: 

Debian images with newer kernel

1999-09-25 Thread B. Szyszka

Where can I find the rescue and other disk images for Debian with
the newer kernels? When I went to the potato directory and got them
from there, the kernel was 2.0.x. Isn't it up to 2.1.x or 2.2.x now?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
** Good deal for magazine subscriptions/renewals while helping my school: 

DriveReady SeekComplete Error and DriveStatusError

1999-09-24 Thread B. Szyszka

I've reinstalled Debian to try to get a cleaner setup going, but am
running into some error messages:
hdb: write_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdb: write_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }

They show up randomly. Sometimes while I do apt-get or run some
other program. Sometimes if I leave the computer alone they'll
show up in the command prompt. Last time I got those errors was
right after typing 'cp '. Any ideas? The only thing I did differently is
that Linux takes up more of my second hard drive now that I've
removed a Win95 partition (which I had up only for testing MSIE3
since Win98 won't allow it) and replaced it with a /var partition.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
** Good deal for magazine subscriptions/renewals while helping my school: 

RE: Other KDE apt sources?

1999-09-09 Thread B. Szyszka
> There is a mirror in Germany
>   deb potato kde contrib rkrusty kde2
> or 
>   deb slink kde contrib rkrusty kde2

These look like the same site I already have. What are these mirroring?
BTW, I *didn't* just ask about TDYC. It was more important to me to find
out other KDE sites so I'm not just relying on the TDYC one (which isn't
very reliable). As I've said, Gnome has a ton of them. You can see them
all (I think 34 is the total) at:

How can KDE just have one place?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Startup hangs because of bad partition

1999-09-08 Thread B. Szyszka
> try mounting our /usr partition - some editor should be there...

Yep, that's exactly what I did. Noticed /usr wasn't mounted so I mounted
it and was able to use an editor. Everything is fine now. Thanks everyone.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Other KDE apt sources?

1999-09-08 Thread B. Szyszka
> KDE TDYC is currently restructured (check kde-debian mail archive at
>  Network traffic/load was too high.  Hopefully the
> transition will be finished RSN (tm). After that there should be
> sources available again (but there will be no sources for kde2 until
> it reaches beta status).
Really?!? That's exactly why I needed the TDYC apt source, so I can
try out KDE 2.0. When is it expected to reach beta status? What about
other apt sources out there? It's always nice to be able to try a different
site if one fails.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

ICQ Debian users?

1999-09-08 Thread B. Szyszka

I was wondering if there are any Debian users here who use
ICQ and wouldn't mind me asking them questions if I had
problems. My ICQ number is 4982727 . Feel free to add me
to your list if you wouldn't mind. Thanks.   : )

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Startup hangs because of bad partition

1999-09-08 Thread B. Szyszka
Hello everyone,

I wanted to move /var to another partition since it kept on
filling up, but I accidentally forgot to make its partition a
Linux one and now Linux won't start. When I boot it, it
asks me for my root password for maintenance or press
Crtl+D to continue booting. If I put in the password, I get a
limited set of programs including no text editor so I can't
edit /etc/fstab and fix everything. If I press Ctrl+D, it'll stop
when it's turning on syslog or something starting with 'sys'.
Any ideas? I have it boot to the x-server/KDE through KDM,
BTW, if that makes any difference. If I could just edit /etc/fstab,
everything would be fine.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Why use Debian? Why not Red Hat?

1999-09-08 Thread B. Szyszka
> I don't wanna start a flame war, but it is reeelly all that difficult to use
> 7(or is it 9? -I forget) installation disks instead of two?.
7 or 9 disks?!? I just downloaded the files for the base installation to my
harddrive and used my *1* rescue disk that I created from an image to
kick-start the installation. Floppies are a PITA, IMO. Too slow. After I had
the base install done, I just got everything I needed through apt.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

KDE 2.0

1999-09-07 Thread B. Szyszka

I was wondering if anyone here has tried KDE 2.0. If so, how
stable was it? Especially compared to Windows9x?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: ssh

1999-09-07 Thread B. Szyszka
> > You can get it through 'apt-get install ssh', but I'm not sure what you 
> > should
> > do if you're outside of the U.S. You can probably download it manually from 
> > here:
> >
> no, no, no
> I'm outside US (Poland) and apt-get install ssh works just fine for me.
> Just need to add a non-us section mirror
> I've got:
> deb stable non-US
> in my sources.list

Oh, well actually I was referring to the part on their site about ssh being 
to outside the U.S., but I didn't read far enough as it looks like using a 
outside of the U.S. like you did would be fine.   : )

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: ssh

1999-09-07 Thread B. Szyszka
> Does anyone know where i can download the debian package ssh (secure shell)

You can get it through 'apt-get install ssh', but I'm not sure what you should
do if you're outside of the U.S. You can probably download it manually from 

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: XDM startup?

1999-09-06 Thread B. Szyszka
> How can I get apps to start automatically with X if its using XDM?
> Before I used to use .xnitirc, but this doesnt seem to work any more since apt
> installed xdm. :(.
If you're using KDE, all you have to do is make an icon to the program and
put it into the Autostart folder.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Configuring Logitech mouse buttons

1999-09-02 Thread B. Szyszka

I have a Logitech Trackman MarbleFX trackball and I was wondering
if it's possible in Linux to configure one of the extra buttons (there
are four) to do double-clicking.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Disk Druid

1999-09-01 Thread B. Szyszka

>From Win98 with Partition Magic, I have resized my partition and
made room for a partition I'll use for /var . In Red Hat, I had the option
to use Disk Druid, format the partitions I wanted as Linux partitions,
and set their mount points. I'm having trouble finding Disk Druid for
Debian. I have FDisk, but that doesn't let me choose the mount point.

A related question. When after Debian is setup I create a partition
for /var and set the mount point for it, will all the stuff that was in
/var before get moved to the new partition? Or should I make a copy
of /var first, then create the partition with the mount point, and copy
the stuff back to /var .

If I can't have Disk Druid, are there any alternatives? What about a
graphical partitioning program like Partition Magic that'll work in KDE?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Setting up Soundcard

1999-09-01 Thread B. Szyszka

I have a Sound Blaster AWE64 sound card and am looking for
pointers on what I need to do to set it up on Debian Linux. What
programs would I need? I have the latest KDE version (1.1.1 I
believe) with the various programs for playing multimedia files,
but don't have my soundcard configured yet.

* Thanks

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Why use Debian? Why not Red Hat?

1999-09-01 Thread B. Szyszka
> try and decide for yourself.  I use Debian because its so easy to keep it
> stable, because I think apt-get is way way easier than rpm and because the
> support offered by this list is great.

I agree with the former two reasons, but from my experiences, Red Hat's
list was much better. Not to put down this one, though, but on that one, every
one of my questions were answered with at least five responses. Here, I see
questions go buy unanswered, which really sucks, especially if you have the
same question or if you're the one who asked it.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

24-bit color with 1024x768 instead of 16-bit

1999-08-31 Thread B. Szyszka

On Windows98, I'm able to use my MAG DJ700 monitor with
my Diamond 3D Stealth 2000 card at 1024x768 and 24-bit colors
without a problem. Whenever I've tried to set that up with
XFree86, it always turns off the 1024x768 option for 24-bit color,
so the highest color depth I'm able to use 1024x768 with is 16-bit.
Since I do things with graphics a lot (and on my particular setup,
16-bit colors is yucky since gradients aren't smooth at all), I'd
really like to have 24-bit colors at 1024x768. Any suggestions?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Mozilla on Linux

1999-08-30 Thread B. Szyszka
Hi Everyone,

I've setup Mozilla Milestone 8 on my Debian system, but when you
resize a window or load a site, it's just way too slow. Unusably slow.
When I tried Milestone 9 and Milestone 8 in Windows98, it was
fairly quick and totally useable. Has anyone else noticed these
differences? Is there a way to get around them?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Matrox G400

1999-08-30 Thread B. Szyszka
> If you are interested in the Matrox G400, maybe you'll like one of the
> boards with the TNT2 chipset from Nvidia. One friend of mine just got a
> Diamond Viper V770 Ultra (It costs the same as the Matrox G400), and It runs
> fine in X using the Xserver downloaded from the Nvidia site. Nvidia gave the
> drivers to the XFree team, and it will work fine with future XFree releases.
> He even plays Quake II and Quake III-test using the glx (open-gl) acceleration
> that the card provides.

Hmm... I was just looking at the Diamond Viper V770 Ultra. Thanks!

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Matrox G400

1999-08-30 Thread B. Szyszka
>  G200 8MB AGP, works great. I show XFree86 version having
>  support for G400 16MB video. I'd guess it also works well.
Does the amount of MB part make a difference? I was thinking about
a G400 32MB.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Matrox G400

1999-08-29 Thread B. Szyszka

I'd like to get a new graphics card and was wondering how well
the Matrox G400 is supported on Linux.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: ICQ client

1999-08-29 Thread B. Szyszka
> This may be an FAQ, and I apologize if it is. Does anyone have any
> suggestions for a good Linux ICQ client? I want to get rid of my old Win98
> box, but I keep it around for just that one thing. Please keep me CC'd, as I
> don't subscribe to this list. Thanks.

A great site on various ICQs for Linux is at:

My personal favorite is GTKicq-based Gnome ICU (I've been able to use GTKicq
in KDE and I'm pretty sure Gnome ICU too). Licq is OK, but it's interface could
use a little help. I've also liked Kicq, which seems closest to the real thing, 
that one doesn't do file or chat last time I checked. Gnome ICU is pretty 

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

KDE doesn't start after crash

1999-08-28 Thread B. Szyszka

Last night, KDE crashed on me and ever since then, it won't load.
When I do startx -- -bpp 16, all I get is that checker/basket pattern
with the 'X' cursor and nothing loads. When I press Ctrl+Alt+F1, this
gets repeated over and over until I press Ctrl+Z:
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno=2

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: How convert PC text to UNIX ascii

1999-08-28 Thread B. Szyszka
> I know it's because the file is in pc binary instead of true ascii (despite
> being saved as a text file). My question is this, is there any way I can
> convert the file to true ascii while it's still on my pc then copy it to
> floppy then copy it to linux, without the need to ftp the file between one
> system and the other?

NoteTab Pro is the text editor I use in Windows and it lets you save
files in the Unix format. Have a look at:

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: Netscape

1999-08-26 Thread B. Szyszka
> I run Window Maker, and I always have. My dad (who alo uses this machine) 
> uses KDE,
> due to it's simplicity and "user friendly" interface. Even he has no problems.
> I was just wondering what other people thought of the Netscape problem.

I've found several problems with Netscape and all of them are centered around
the fact that Netscape doesn't behave like a regular Linux program. It doesn't
use the global settings from the OS and doesn't offer much customization to
make up for that. It's also much slower than any other program I've used on
Linux. I'm looking forward to the Opera betas for Linux and am hoping to see
improvements in NSN from the Mozilla project.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: apt-get KDE?

1999-08-26 Thread B. Szyszka
> I wonder if is down now. 
When I did an apt-get update with that added, it wasn't able to
connect to the server. I hope the site will be back up soon because
Gnome has given me problems and is doing the same right now.
I've never had a single problem with KDE.

Does anyone know, though, why none of KDE's FTP sites have
the kde-installer program for the DEB packages while the same
FTP site has it in the RPM package? What am I supposed to do
if the installer isn't available? Anyways, I'm really hoping that
apt-get site for KDE will work so I won't have to deal with this.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

RE: apt-get KDE?

1999-08-25 Thread B. Szyszka
> Add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list (or replace slink with 
> potato if that's what your using):
> deb slink kde contrib rkrusty

When I did that and ran apt-get update,  it couldn't connect to that
server. Are there any other apt sources I can use? Also, how come
none of the FTP sites listed at KDE's web site have a DEB package
for the kde installer program? They have all the other packages except
the one that I'd need to get the ball rolling.   : )

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

apt-get KDE?

1999-08-25 Thread B. Szyszka

I was wondering if there's a way to apt-get KDE. I'm having
trouble finding that.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Install not going through after SCSI0

1999-08-23 Thread B. Szyszka
(I tried sending this to the list before, but I didn't get any responses to
I'm not sure if it arrived. I've also updated some things in the message.)

I'm trying to install Debian Linux as per the instructions for installing
from a DOS partition at:

My problem is that the installation seems to go through, it finds my
harddrives, CD-ROM drives, etc., but then there are three lines about
SCSI0 (with the last one starting with 'Downloading sequencer code')
and it stops. Any ideas?

After following a link to that page, I found something about Adaptec
AIC-7xxx SCSIs causing problems and to use the aic7xxx=no_probe
boot parameter. I have an AIC-7850 and changed my install.bat file
to have the following in it:
loadlin linux root=/dev/ram initrd=root.bin aic7xxx=no_probe

, but I get the same results. I'd appreciate getting some help with
this. Another thing I tried is trying to install via the Rescue floppy
disk. When I do that, I get the boot: prompt and when I press
Enter, it goes through, find everything, and then stops at SCSI0
just like before. I've also tried typing:
linux aic7xxx=no_probe

and am getting the same thing too.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Install not going through after SCSI0

1999-08-23 Thread B. Szyszka

I'm trying to install Debian Linux as per the instructions for installing
from a DOS partition at:

My problem is that the installation seems to go through, it finds my
harddrives, CD-ROM drives, etc., but then there are three lines about
SCSI0 (with the last one starting with 'Downloading sequencer code')
and it stops. Any ideas?

After following a link to that page, I found something about Adaptec
AIC-7xxx SCISs causing problems and to use the aic7xxx=no_probe
boot parameter. I have an AIC-7850 and changed my install.bat file
to have the following in it:
loadlin linux root=/dev/ram initrd=root.bin aic7xxx=no_probe

, but I get the same results. I'd appreciate getting some help with

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group