Re: FreeWWWeb

2000-04-07 Thread Bart Friederichs

 I don't remember exactly what I did to get mine going, but I did wind up
having to
 use minicom to figure out what was happening. Then I think I had to make
an entry in
 pap-secrets for freewwweb (I can't currently access that box to look
around at the
 moment, so I'm having to do this by (poor) memory).
Thanks, but I don't know minicom that good to use PAP scripts. I cannot just
let it call the number, and I get a login screen, but that rejects
everything I try. pap-secrets has an entry in it for freewwweb, but still it
doesn't work.


i am considering paid internet. maybe they can connect me 


2000-04-06 Thread Bart Friederichs

I signed up for FreeWWWeb, the registration went OK, my POP works, only I
cannot connect. I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] as my login and PAP
authentication. When I try to login, my /var/log/syslog says PAP
authentication failed. It requests my username and password OK (password is
plain text in syslog).

The FreeWWWeb support-for-linux page says I should check my /etc/ppp/options
file. But I didn't touch that one.

Anybody knows more on this (not so great) free webXS?


My first account didn't work because I used the 80 hrs already, according to
the support people. And I didn't even ever connect!
When I choose PAP in pppconfig and chap-secrets exists, it uses CHAP. I
guess something fairly wrong with my ppp ...

X on MS?

2000-04-05 Thread Bart Friederichs

While reading a page on X, I was wondering, should it be possible to kick
out Microsoft's window system and run Windows (??) 98 with X? It says it is
portable to various systems. Or maybe just the manager. So, that I can make
Win98/NT look like one of the X windows Wmanagers.

Just wondering... I am not really wanting to do this, but it might give me
more knowledge about MSwin, X, WManagers, Desktops etc.


Or maybe running X on dos ; )??

C and system calls

2000-04-03 Thread Bart Friederichs

Are there any system calls to move or copy files? I know I can do it with
system() but i don't like that solution.


Re: Questions from a new debian user

2000-03-31 Thread Bart Friederichs
 Uninstall the xdm package.  Then X won't startup on boot.
Isn't this a bit too much? You could also just remove the xdm startup
script, just in case you would like to start xdm sometimes.

Why would you want to close X? You can also switch to a virtual terminal
from X at any time using alt-ctrl-F1 to F6 (there are six virtual
terminals at default).



2000-03-31 Thread Bart Friederichs

I signed up for FreeWWWeb, because some time ago people said it was good and
had Linux capabilities. Well, signed up goed well, but when I try to
connect, it says the following:

Serial connection established
Remote message:
LCP connection close

(the words may be a bit different, I am not someone that remembers (error)
messages exactly).
It connects OK, but after that it closes the connection. I also told this to
FreeWWWeb support (no answer yet) but perhaps I am doing something wrong. It
looks like my password is rejected.

I did a 'pppconfig' and used PAP as authentication protocol.



2000-03-31 Thread Bart Friederichs

Can anybody tell me how to make a *simple* makefile? Or a URL where I can
find more info? The manpages aren't very clear, and *way* too extensive.

I have a small project with 3 source code files, and I don't want to compile
all of them every time.


Re: permission denied

2000-03-28 Thread Bart Friederichs
How are the permissions set? You should have execution permission to execute
the file (this is the 'x' bit in -rwxrwxrwx ...)


Re: locate warning . . . ?

2000-03-28 Thread Bart Friederichs
 locate: warning: database `/var/lib/locate/locatedb' is more than 8 days
 Any ideas about what this means?
It means what it says, the database is more than 8 days old. When you do
'updatedb' it indexes your filesystems and puts that info in
/var/lib/locate/locatedb' to speed up the search. You should update that
database every few days to make sure all files are in it.


I have my updatedb in crontab, so that i don't have to bother about it. It
updates every monday at 10.

2 monitors on a Rage Mobility

2000-03-25 Thread Bart Friederichs

A friend of mine has a Laptop with a ATI Rage Mobility. When running Windoze
he can connect another monitor to his laptop and use both his TFT and the
CRT, with a resolution of 1600x600 of the entire desktop. He can't get that
to work under Linux. Is there anyway it is possible? I know he had a hard
time finding the correct X-server, and now it doesn't support this feature.


This and getting VMWare to work fine are the only things that keeps him from
swapping from MS to Linux. I'm helping the Linux community to get another
soul ;-).


2000-03-24 Thread Bart Friederichs

I am writing a C++ program and I really need info on how to overload
operators (especially + and ) and info on streams. Does anybody know a URL
where this kind of info can be found?


Re: C++

2000-03-24 Thread Bart Friederichs
Hmm, looks like a store, I don't wanna buy a book. Just some online info. It
is the gaps in my memory that must be filled.


Re: C++

2000-03-24 Thread Bart Friederichs
Never knew this was so easy to find..


Re: Debian

2000-03-23 Thread Bart Friederichs

Well, thanks for all that info. Guess the support and packaging does it for
Debian. Sounds good. And then to mention that not long ago I read that
Debian had no support. I installed Debian, but haven't used it long yet, so
we'll see.


Re: Debian

2000-03-23 Thread Bart Friederichs
  And don't give me the 'it is the only really non-commercial version'

 What makes you think anyone intended to do so?  Remarks like that serve
 only to discourage useful answers.
Most Linux users I talked to on IRC are a bit principal (is that the right
english word for it?) and *will* give these answers. I assumed that on
mailingslists will be the same kind of people than on IRC. Maybe that wasn't
right to assume (is it?). I also have those principles and would've given
such an answer. You're right when I should have just another term than
'crap'. Sorry for that.


Re: ssh loading at startup

2000-03-23 Thread Bart Friederichs
 manually as described above. Read the man page on update-rc.d (symlink
 management program), also read the Debian faq at:

When I just manually remove any links in an rcX.d directory, is that a way
to disable servers etc. at startup?



2000-03-22 Thread Bart Friederichs

Can anybody tell me why Debian is better than other distributions? And don't
give me the 'it is the only really non-commercial version' crap. I want real
technical benefits. Or is it all a matter of flavor? I have been using
Slackware for one or two years now and I also liked that one. Switching to
Debian was necessary because the store didn't sell slack.


Re: Debian rocks

2000-03-21 Thread Bart Friederichs

 Debian does indeed rock but the x windows really need more than 4MB
 of RAM.
I have 8M, but the upper 4 are bad. I am just busy installing it now. I
*know* it is the ram that does it ; ). Maybe I will get me more RAM, hope it
is easy to get some 30pins SIMMs.

 I notice you posted using Outlook Express 5.  Would you consider
 dual booting that box as it clearly has the RAM needed to be a
I wish I could. This workstation (with the i-net, with the NT4, with the
128M of RAM) is at my work. The debian system is at my appartment.


Debian rocks

2000-03-20 Thread Bart Friederichs

Debian rocks! Yeah, only installing it on a 486 with just 4MB of RAM, will
cost you (until now, he still isn't ready) 3 days  That is, for the
standard workstation. Ahh, what the heck, as long as it runs, I will be


Segmentation faults in dpkg

2000-03-18 Thread Bart Friederichs
 Here another one from the guy that can't get Debian installed due to a bad
 PC (I think). When I run dselect and it starts installing all goes well
 until one of the packages gets a segfault (dpkg does actually) and then my
 whole PC crashes. I tried again and it crashed on the same package (m4 or
 Also, when I do apt-get, the apt-get program hangs when 'Correcting
 dependencies...'. There is no action, except that it takes up all the %CPU
 that is left. Anybody any ideas?
 Think I have to do all the packages by hand : ((

Segmentation faults in dpkg

2000-03-17 Thread Bart Friederichs

Here another one from the guy that can't get Debian installed due to a bad
PC (I think). When I run dselect and it starts installing all goes well
until one of the packages gets a segfault (dpkg does actually) and then my
whole PC crashes. I tried again and it crashed on the same package (m4 or

Also, when I do apt-get, the apt-get program hangs when 'Correcting
dependencies...'. There is no action, except that it takes up all the %CPU
that is left. Anybody any ideas?


Think I have to do all the packages by hand : ((

Mounting a Sony cdu33a

2000-03-16 Thread Bart Friederichs


I want to mount a sony cdu33a on my 486. The module 
cdu31a loads OK, it says unused in 'lsmod'. Now I should mount /dev/sonycd, but 
it isn't there. Does anybody know how the link between a block device and a 
module is made? Can i make just a block device with mknod, and then load the 
module? I really don't understand it anymore. please help!


dpkg/dselect and why it won't work

2000-03-16 Thread Bart Friederichs

I am trying to install Debian 2.1 on a 486/50/8M/800M machine. The first
troubles concerning the cdrom drive (an old sony cdu33a, thanks Bruce, but I
also found it in the CDROM howto (sorry for not cecking first ;o))) are
solved, but the installation still doesn't go too well. I get a lot of
Kernel panics/Oopses (whatever they are) and sometimes the systems just
hangs. I think that is related to bad RAM.

But, the problem i get now, is that 'dpkg' cannot install DEBs. When I try
the following:

dpkg -iB [pkgname]

I get an error like:

 Warning: files list file missing, assuming 0 files or directories
currently installed.
Unpacking [pkgname] ...
dpkg: Error processing [pkgname] unable to create files list file for pkg
[name]: No such file or directory...

It seems like it needs some kind of list file where it stores pkg
information. I guess it should be created during updating or installing.
Extracting the pkg goes well, but then no pkg info is written.

Help me plz

Re: dpkg/dselect and why it won't work

2000-03-16 Thread Bart Friederichs

 What does: dpkg --get-selections
Haven't tried

 Have you tried: apt-get update
 apt-get -f install
I did the update (several times) it says it updated 1159 packages.

 If you do dselect, in the 'select' part, are there any packages marked for
 installation (by a *)?
Yes, a lot.


Re: dpkg/dselect and why it won't work

2000-03-16 Thread Bart Friederichs
 Make sure that Quick POST in the BIOS is not turned on.
Not supported by bios

 Are you sure the kernel was compiled for i386 rahter than
 for i586
I wish I could compile it : )). I only have the base system running.

 Are you sure that you are in proper directory when you are
 using dpkg? Wouldn't dselect be a better choice.
dselect invokes dpkg, same problem


mailinglist replying

2000-03-16 Thread Bart Friederichs
since i am quite at mailinglists like these, i was wondering, what is the
best way of replying to a posted message? reply to sender only, to list
only, or to sender with a CC to the list?

i would like to know, because i keep getting all replys to my own posts
twice. i there some convention? some sort of mailinglist-iquette or
