Re: Apache2 & MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread Ben Bettin
> Yeah I have everything installed that I need -- Did PHP4-MySQL get enabled
> automatically for you, or did you have to add the module manually to
> 'apache2.dconf' ? What syntax does the apache2.conf file use for this module ?

In addition, I don't think you even have to tell apache2 about mysql. 
There's no direct relationship/interface between apach2 and mysql,
it's inferred from both their relationships with php4.

libapache2-mod-php4 tells apache2 about php4 and how to "talk" to it. 
php4-mysql tells php4 about mysql and how to "talk" to it.  I don't
think apache2 even needs to know about mysql, php4 takes care of it
all.  Although I could be wrong?


Re: Apache2 & MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread Ben Bettin
Everything was automatic.

/etc/apache2/apache2.conf - didn't even touch it

/etc/apache2/sites-available/default - edited it to limit access to my
sites (think of it as apache's own personal firewall)

/etc/php4/apache2/php.ini - edited it to enable register_globals (yeah
it's not overly secure, but I havn't converted one of the sites yet)

/etc/mysql/my.cnf - edited it to comment out the bind-address line so
that the mysql server would accept outside connections.


On 9/1/05, Steve Å <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 09:41:42AM -0400 or thereabouts, Ben Bettin wrote:
> > I just reinstalled my LAMP (Linux/Apache/Mysql/PHP) development server
> > at my office.  I'm keeping track of -everything- I do while setting it
> > up so my coworkers can have some idea how to do it themselves.  I
> > installed the following packages (selected via aptitude), and then
> > installed any "recommended" packages as well.
> >
> > apache2-mpm-prefork
> > libapache2-mod-php4
> > php4
> > php4-cli
> > php4-mysql
> > mysql-client
> > mysql-server
> >
> > That assortment of packages should do it for you, and allow you to use
> > php4 and mysql at the command line as well.  The rest comes down to
> > setting up the config files for each of them;
> > /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini for php4, /etc/mysql/my.cnf for mysql,
> > /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and /etc/apache2/sites-available/default for
> > apache2.
> Hello Ben:
> Yeah I have everything installed that I need -- Did PHP4-MySQL get enabled
> automatically for you, or did you have to add the module manually to
> 'apache2.dconf' ? What syntax does the apache2.conf file use for this module ?
> Thanks.
> --
> Steve <>
> ---
> Thursday Sep 01 2005 09:40:02 AM EDT
> ---
> It is so very hard to be an
> on-your-own-take-care-of-yourself-because-there-is-no-one-else-to-do-it-for-you
> grown-up.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> LBRvpjJ3tvADpsafdBzWdtI=
> =t6qk

Re: Apache2 & MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread Ben Bettin
I just reinstalled my LAMP (Linux/Apache/Mysql/PHP) development server
at my office.  I'm keeping track of -everything- I do while setting it
up so my coworkers can have some idea how to do it themselves.  I
installed the following packages (selected via aptitude), and then
installed any "recommended" packages as well.


That assortment of packages should do it for you, and allow you to use
php4 and mysql at the command line as well.  The rest comes down to
setting up the config files for each of them;
/etc/php4/apache2/php.ini for php4, /etc/mysql/my.cnf for mysql,
/etc/apache2/apache2.conf and /etc/apache2/sites-available/default for

I also installed phpmyadmin because I like administering things
remotely, and php4-sybase because some of the sites I develop connect
to an mssql database on another server.


On 9/1/05, Steve Å <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm familiar with how Apache 1.3.x is to be setup, but confess I don't
> understand Apache 2 well.
> I'm doing a new Sarge installation (offsite) on a box which won't be on the
> Internet. I installed Apache 2 and PHP 4. PHP is working fine, however in
> checking my configuration via phpinfo(); I notice that PHP-MySQL isn't 
> enabled.
> I have installed anything related to MySQL and PHP4 found via 'aptitude 
> search'.
> I have searched the archives via Google, I'm not finding anything on how to
> enable MySQL for Apache 2 specifically. Shouldn't this be set up automatically
> when the relevant modules are installed via aptitude ?
> Suggestions ?
> --
> Steve 
> ---
> Thursday Sep 01 2005 08:05:01 AM EDT
> ---
> Every cloud engenders not a storm.
> -- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFDFvC+0TbbxWyNBKURAvL/AJ0arQEC3FXAch1KQ/wLwz6hLlb7SgCeP9Nh
> EZpui8DMLK0/XWP2KVvMxvU=
> =r3sS

Re: shut down exim4

2005-08-30 Thread Ben Bettin
> > 2) How can I stop exim from loading on boot?
> $ find /etc/rc?.d -name '*exim4*' | xargs rm -f

This mess is why I prefer sysv-rc-conf :)

Re: shut down exim4

2005-08-30 Thread Ben Bettin
> 1) How can I stop and restart exim from the command line?

Do an "ls /etc/init.d" to see what's listed.  In mine I saw "exim4".

So you should be able to do:

/etc/init.d/exim4 stop
/etc/init.d/exim4 start
/etc/init.d/exim4 restart

> 2) How can I stop exim from loading on boot?

Well, I think the geeky way is to remove/edit symlinks in /etc/init.d
or some place.  I've found the "sysv-rc-conf" package to work
WONDERFULLY well for managing when processes run.  I'd suggest using
aptitude/apt-get to install it and check it out (type sysv-rc-conf at
the prompt).  Make sure to run it as root; once it's running you can
type "h" for help to understand what everything means and how to do


Re: best way to use a package from unstable in stable...

2005-08-30 Thread Ben Bettin
Properly setup your /etc/apt/preferences file to include JUST that
package from unstable.

When Sarge was in testing I wanted to use the firestarter package from
unstable.  This was my /etc/apt/preferences file for using all
packages from testing, and the single package from unstable:

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: firestarter
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1100

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian
Pin-Priority: -10

I read about how to do this in the reference documentation at  I don't recall which document exactly, it's been a while.


> I am running 3.1 stable & logrotate 3.7-5 as included with stable.  Unstable
> now has 3.7.1-1 which has some date logic in it that I really want.  The
> package has dependencies that aren't included in stable.  Is there a
> recommended way that I can get the newer version of the package into my
> server without breaking things or should I avoid this kind of mixing
> altogether?  Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.   Thanks 
> Jason

Re: Help: Sarge network configuration

2005-08-30 Thread Ben Bettin
Since it connected with DHCP ok durring install I'm guessing the
drivers and everything are ok with your network card.  Perhaps your
just not supplying enough information in /etc/network/interfaces?

Here's mine:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
name Ethernet LAN card

To bring an interface down you'd use "ifdown " as root.  So
to disable your ethernet you'd do "ifdown eth0".  To bring it back up
(ie, try to connect again) you'd use "ifup eth0".  Make sure to do
them as root or nothing will happen.

Hope that helps.


On 8/30/05, weiyun lv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello, I just installed the debian 3.1r0 base system using CDImage file from
> debian,org and want to install others from internet. But now I cann't access
> internet.
> during the first stage of installation, DHCP was checked, it works and the
> installation didn't ask me to further config the network. Then in the second
> stage of installation I can not access the listed http or ftp servers for
> the additional packages.
> The reason is that DHCP is only valid in our department network and for www
> I can only access it through the fixed IP address given to this machine.
> So I edit /etc/network/interfaces as the following and then reboot the
> system(I don't know how to enact this file). With command 'base-config', I
> still cann't be connected to the ftp servers.
> _
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto eht0
> iface eth0 inet static
> address
> netmask
> gateway
> -
> PS:1. my network card is: D-Link DFE-530TX-PCI-Fast Ethernetadapter(rev.B)
> 2. this is the boot information which concerns eth0:
> ...
> eth0: VIA VT6102 Rhine-II at oxd400 00:50:BA:EB:1C:7D, IRQ 11
> eth0: MII PHY found at address 8, status ox7829 advertising 01e1 Link 45e1
> ...
> eth0: Setting full-duplex based on MII #8 link partner capability of 45e1
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: bash, perl, C

2005-01-07 Thread Ben Bettin
Why not run it and find out?  Seems a lot quicker than to wait for a
reply from a mailing list.  It too me longer to write this email than
it'd take you to run those programs/scripts.

Have a Nice Day.


On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 18:28:01 +0100, Gerard Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> can someone explain to me if it is possible that the functions sleep of C and
> Perl work like the function sleep of bashin this scripts and program:
> Bash:
> #!/bin/bash
> echo  "The processus will start in 5 seconds"
> echo
> i=0
> for i in `seq 6`; do
> echo -ne "\e[0;46;31m $[ 6-$i ]\e[0m"  ;
> sleep 1
> echo -en "\r"
> done
> echo
> C:
> #timerest2.c
> #include 
> #include 
> int main()
> {
> unsigned i;
> printf("The processus will start in 5 seconds\n");
> for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
> {
> printf("\e[0;46;31m%d\e[0m", 5 - i);
> sleep(1);
> printf("\r");
> }
> printf("...\n");
> return 0;
> }
> Perl:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> print "The processus will start in 5 seconds\n";
> my $i= 0;
> print "\n";
> while ( $i < 6 ) {
>   print "\r";
> #  print " "x40;
>   print "\e[0;46;31m",5 - $i,"\e[0m  " ;
>   sleep 1;
>   $i++;
> }
> print "...\n";
> tia
> --
> Gérard
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: aptitude: modifying sources.list

2004-12-22 Thread Ben Bettin
Well, I believe the "red screen of non-death" as you put it behaves
exactly as it was intended in the interactive side of aptitude.  From
the command-line, the error message makes sense as well.  Aptitude is
recognizing that your sources don't match up with what packages that
are currently listed, and it's letting you know something is screwy
and that you should update.

However, I do believe it's a bug that updating from the command-line
fails...especially when that's what they tell you to do to fix it heh.
 I'm not that familiar with aptitude from the command-line.  If
there's another aptitude update command you're supposed to use to fix
that problem, then it's not necessarily a bug, but they should mention
that in the error message.  However, if there's only the one update
command then I'd definitly say it's a bug.  You shouldn't have to use
another APT interface to fix aptitude's error just
doesn't make sense.

And yes, I had the same problem when trying to update via the
command-line with an adjusted sources.list.


On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:52:37 +0100, Jonathan Kaye
> Ben Bettin wrote:
> > I see, didn't realize you were using it on the command-line.  I
> > usually use it interactively.
> >
> > When I adjust my sources.list and run 'aptitude' from the
> > command-line, a big nasty red window pops up and lists the errors you
> > describe.  At the bottom is an 'ok' button or some-such, you just hit
> > enter and it loads up aptitude.  Then i hit 'u' for update.  You can
> > see it getting the new package lists from the sources.  After it's
> > done, everything is happy and working great.
> >
> > I'm not sure what the difference is between 'aptitude update' and
> > hitting 'u' when in aptitude's interactive console menus.  Perhaps
> > it's a bug in the program that's causing you to have this problem?
> >
> > Sorry for the confusion, hope this helps.
> >
> > Ben
> Hi Ben,
> You are spot on! I tried an experiment of putting a new source into
> sources list and hitting "u" and exactly what you described happened.
> And yes, carrying on and hitting "u" again caused no further problem. I
> hestitated about reporting it as a bug without confirmation. Would you
> agree that the "red screen of non-death" that appears in the gui version
> is not what the devs intended? If anyone else has had this experience
> I'll volunteer to report it as a bug. My first impulse is self-doubt.
> Would you mind doing the same experiment on the command line after
> adding a new entry to sources.list and see if what happened to me also
> happens to you? Then we can be pretty sure it's a bug. Yes,?
> Thanks again.
> Jonathan
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: aptitude: modifying sources.list

2004-12-22 Thread Ben Bettin
I see, didn't realize you were using it on the command-line.  I
usually use it interactively.

When I adjust my sources.list and run 'aptitude' from the
command-line, a big nasty red window pops up and lists the errors you
describe.  At the bottom is an 'ok' button or some-such, you just hit
enter and it loads up aptitude.  Then i hit 'u' for update.  You can
see it getting the new package lists from the sources.  After it's
done, everything is happy and working great.

I'm not sure what the difference is between 'aptitude update' and
hitting 'u' when in aptitude's interactive console menus.  Perhaps
it's a bug in the program that's causing you to have this problem?

Sorry for the confusion, hope this helps.


On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 15:35:11 +0100, Jonathan Kaye
> Ben Bettin wrote:
> > When you get that error message, scroll down to the bottom.  Near the
> > bottom it will have a message recommending that you "Update" to remedy
> > the problem.  Should be just above the 'ok' button.  ;)
> >
> > Ben
> >
> >
> >>Hi Debianers,
> >>I'm running sarge 2.4.27-1-386 and normally use aptitude (ver.
> >>for handling my packages. I noticed that if I add a new source to
> >>sources.list and then run "aptitude update", I get the hated
> >>"W: Couldn't stat source package list.." error message.
> >>If I first run apt-get (apt 0.5.27) then everything works perfectly. If
> >>I then run aptitude update (probably vacuously since I guess apt-get
> >>update has already done what needs to be done), no more error messages.
> >>I scoured the man pages, help files, and googled around quite a bit and
> >>only found one thread that dealt with this question. The thread seemed
> >>to presuppose that everyone knows you do apt-get update and NOT aptitude
> >>update after modifying you sources.list file.
> >>
> >>First, is this true? or have I misconfigured something?
> >>Second, if true, is it documented somewhere?
> >>
> >>Thanks for the help.
> >>Jonathan
> Hi Ben,
> Thanks for the reply but I'm afraid you didn't understand my question.
> The problems arise when I AM updating - in aptitude. Since I'm running
> aptitude on a command line there are no buttons. I see the message
> "W: You may want to update the package lists to correct these missing files"
> As I said, I know how to fix the problem: I run apt-get update. My
> questions were as I stated them at the end of the original posting.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: aptitude: modifying sources.list

2004-12-22 Thread Ben Bettin
When you get that error message, scroll down to the bottom.  Near the
bottom it will have a message recommending that you "Update" to remedy
the problem.  Should be just above the 'ok' button.  ;)


On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 12:04:30 +0100, Jonathan Kaye
> Hi Debianers,
> I'm running sarge 2.4.27-1-386 and normally use aptitude (ver.
> for handling my packages. I noticed that if I add a new source to
> sources.list and then run "aptitude update", I get the hated
> "W: Couldn't stat source package list.." error message.
> If I first run apt-get (apt 0.5.27) then everything works perfectly. If
> I then run aptitude update (probably vacuously since I guess apt-get
> update has already done what needs to be done), no more error messages.
> I scoured the man pages, help files, and googled around quite a bit and
> only found one thread that dealt with this question. The thread seemed
> to presuppose that everyone knows you do apt-get update and NOT aptitude
> update after modifying you sources.list file.
> First, is this true? or have I misconfigured something?
> Second, if true, is it documented somewhere?
> Thanks for the help.
> Jonathan
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Console Password Manager?

2004-12-21 Thread Ben Bettin
I actually had a palm, and used yapps password manager.  The problem
is, palms arn't extremely reliable.  Occasionally batteries will die,
it will get shaken the wrong way and reset, etc.  When that happens,
you're screwed and lose all of your usernames/passwords (upwards of 80
when it happened to me  2 weeks ago).

I'd much rather have a file on my computer that I can backup and
access remotely :)

The past few days I've been messing with gnupg getting it figured out.
 I definitly like the gnupg + vim approach karsten mentioned, I think
that's what I'll go with.

Thanks again to everyone who has offered advice, I really appreciate it!


On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 20:10:38 -0800, Karsten M. Self
> on Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 10:56:25AM -0600, Jacob S ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 15:16:15 +
> > Ben Bettin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > asg on #debian (freenode) mentioned using gpg + a text file + wipe
> > > (for the tempfile).  Seems like there should be an easier, more
> > > convenient way of doing it, but his suggestion would certainly do the
> > > job.  :)
> >
> > I've been using this method with good success, but instead of wiping the
> > tempfile I found page showing how to keep vim from putting the file into
> > a buffer/tempfile. See the url below for more information.
> >
> >
> >
> > The only problem I have with it is I can't carry my passwords with me
> > and read them from other computers. But that's probably better for
> > security anyway.
> For that, I use a Palm.  Note that there's no handy way to coordinate
> the lists, though.
> In JPilot, you can access Keyring as a plugin.  Not console, but It
> Works[tm].
> Peace.
> --
> Karsten M. Self
>  What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
> Free Software Primer -- concepts you need to understand

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: best IRC client for Debian

2004-12-20 Thread Ben Bettin
I think I've always found Xchat to be the best GUI, especially in
terms of it's similarity to mIRC.  I'd be curious to see what
everyone's favorite CLI client is.  I've heard a few mentions of irssi
in the past, but I've never tried it.


On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 14:02:21 -0400, Shaikh Quader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the best IRC client for Debian?
> In particular, I am looking for an IRC Client which is functionally similar
> to mIRC.
> Thanks,
> Shaikh
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: configuring Mozilla to recognise .php files

2004-12-20 Thread Ben Bettin
Everyone else seems to be pointing you to config files and making
things more complicated than what it really is.  I get the impression
this would be your first time setting up a webserver and whatnot.  If
you're like me when I did it for the first time, things could be a
little overwhelming.

In Debian it's extremely simple to get a webserver up and running. 
You need 3 packages (plus whatever dependencies they ask you for): 
webserver, scripting language, and a connecting module.  For my system
I used apache2-mpm-prefork, php4, and libapache2-mod-php4.  Once those
are installed (assuming the apache2 service gets started - which it
always has for me using aptitude), you can immediately stick files in
/var/www/ and access them by going to localhost/filename.php in
Mozilla.  That's all there is to it.  If the service didn't get
started, simply do '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' and you'll be set.

There are a plethora of options and things to mess with, both for php
and apache.  You can find a lot of documentation for both of them
online using google and their respective hompages.  But for a basic
setup, Debian takes care of just about everything.

One thing you should take note of is security.  Once you have the
webserver up and running, if you're not running a firewall to block
port 80, anyone can connect to it.  Apache2 has a file you can edit to
remedy that.  Check out /etc/apache2/sites-available/default.  You'll
see a section that looks a little like the following, which you can
edit to your liking:

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
#Order allow,deny
#allow from all
Order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from 10.1.0
# This directive allows us to have apache2's default start page
# in /apache2-default/, but still have / go to the right place
#RedirectMatch ^/$ /apache2-default/

I think you can probably follow what it's doing, but i'll explain it. 
This section provides the security permissions for the /var/www/
directory.  It first denies access to EVERYONE (all).  Then it allows
connections to users whose IP address begins with 10.1.0 (which is the
internal ip address setup for my network).  You could set it up to
deny from all, then only allow your ip address.  To find out what your
ip address is you can run 'ifconfig' as root.

You can also see in my pasting up above that I commented out the
RedirectMatch line.  The comments explain what that does, and if you
try to go to 'localhost' without specifying a filename you can see for
yourself what it does.  Apache2 has that line in there by default,
took me a bit of searching to figure out where it was and how to get
rid of it, that's how I discovered all of the security stuff :)

Good luck getting it all working!


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: configuring Mozilla to recognise .php files

2004-12-20 Thread Ben Bettin
(note:  I accidently replied to Rob's email, so I'm resending this to the list)

I could be wrong but I don't believe Mozilla can understand PHP, which
would explain your problem.

The following explanation is probably over simplified and not 100%
technically accurate, but it'll give you the idea of what's going on.
The way a php website works is that there's the Webserver (Apache), a
Scripting Language (PHP), and the user's browser (Mozilla).  The user
first sends a request to the webserver for a page (typing the address
in mozilla).  The webserver would notice the .php extension and hand
the file over the the php interpreter to sort it out.  php would
process the file and hand the html output over to the webserver, who
in turn sends it to the browser.

As you can see, Mozilla doesn't deal with the php.  Asking Mozilla to
understand php is like asking your car to just doesn't work.

The way to get this working is to install php (sounds like you've done
this), a webserver (apache), and the module that connects the
webserver to php (libapache_mod-php4).  You can then place your .php
files into the /var/www/ directory which is where apache defaults to
looking.  Then point mozilla to localhost/filename.php and you should
be all set.

Hope this helps.


On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 15:36:50 +, Rob Clack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to learn php and have written the first script from the book
> I've bought, but when I try to open it with Mozilla (1.7.3 under Debian
> linux) it doesn't recognise the .php extension so prompts for the
> application to use to open the file.  I assume there's a configuration
> option I've not checked but can't find it.  When I try to search mail
> archives or google for stuff about php I get a zillion hits because so
> many files out there on the net are php files, so far nothing to do with
> the problem I'm experiencing.
> Anyone know how I tell Mozilla I want _it_ to open my .php file?
> Thanks in advance
> Rob Clack
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Console Password Manager?

2004-12-20 Thread Ben Bettin
asg on #debian (freenode) mentioned using gpg + a text file + wipe
(for the tempfile).  Seems like there should be an easier, more
convenient way of doing it, but his suggestion would certainly do the
job.  :)

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 13:55:25 +, Ben Bettin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This looks pretty promising, I'll definitly look into it.  I like the
> way it's not dependent on random strange packages, only on python.
> That makes it easier to install on other systems and configurations.
> I'm curious about how active development is on this project?  It
> appears to still be in beta, which worries me a bit in terms of
> security and features.  Although Firefox was in beta for quite a while
> and that didn't stop me from using and enjoying it :)  The last update
> appears to be from 2/04 though.
> Has anyone else found any other options for  a password manager with a
> command line interface (CLI)?
> Thanks once again,
> Ben
> On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 09:12:43 +0100, matze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > El Sun, Dec 19, 2004 at 10:08:25PM -0500 Ben Bettin ha dit:
> >
> > > Does anyone know of a good Password Manager that can be run in the
> > > console?  I know there are many GUI ones, but I need to run this
> > > remotely via ssh so I need a console one.
> > >
> > > I read about PMS ( in this month's
> > > Linux Journal, but it doesn't appear to have any official debian
> > > packages (at least not in my sources.list).  PMS appears to be quite
> > > old; last release was in 2002 according to the download section of the
> > > website.  I figured there may already be an alternative in Debian
> > > whose name I just don't know.
> >
> > i searched one for years, and finally find it: have a look at kedpm
> > (, it's written in python and has a cli
> > and gui. is
> > a debian package for testing
> >
> > matze
> >
> > p.s.: any debian developer willing to sponsor this package?
> >
> > --
> >  An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching
> > (Mahatma Gandhi)
> >
> >( ( ( i ) ) )  ( ( ( i ) ) )
> >  .''`.
> > using free software / Debian GNU/Linux |  : :'  :
> > `. `'`
> > gpg --keyserver --recv-keys B9A88F6F   `-
> >
> >
> >

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Re: Console Password Manager?

2004-12-20 Thread Ben Bettin
This looks pretty promising, I'll definitly look into it.  I like the
way it's not dependent on random strange packages, only on python. 
That makes it easier to install on other systems and configurations.

I'm curious about how active development is on this project?  It
appears to still be in beta, which worries me a bit in terms of
security and features.  Although Firefox was in beta for quite a while
and that didn't stop me from using and enjoying it :)  The last update
appears to be from 2/04 though.

Has anyone else found any other options for  a password manager with a
command line interface (CLI)?

Thanks once again,


On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 09:12:43 +0100, matze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> El Sun, Dec 19, 2004 at 10:08:25PM -0500 Ben Bettin ha dit:
> > Does anyone know of a good Password Manager that can be run in the
> > console?  I know there are many GUI ones, but I need to run this
> > remotely via ssh so I need a console one.
> >
> > I read about PMS ( in this month's
> > Linux Journal, but it doesn't appear to have any official debian
> > packages (at least not in my sources.list).  PMS appears to be quite
> > old; last release was in 2002 according to the download section of the
> > website.  I figured there may already be an alternative in Debian
> > whose name I just don't know.
> i searched one for years, and finally find it: have a look at kedpm
> (, it's written in python and has a cli
> and gui. is
> a debian package for testing
> matze
> p.s.: any debian developer willing to sponsor this package?
> --
>  An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching
> (Mahatma Gandhi)
>( ( ( i ) ) )  ( ( ( i ) ) )
>  .''`.
> using free software / Debian GNU/Linux |  : :'  :
> `. `'`
> gpg --keyserver --recv-keys B9A88F6F   `-

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Console Password Manager?

2004-12-19 Thread Ben Bettin
Does anyone know of a good Password Manager that can be run in the
console?  I know there are many GUI ones, but I need to run this
remotely via ssh so I need a console one.

I read about PMS ( in this month's
Linux Journal, but it doesn't appear to have any official debian
packages (at least not in my sources.list).  PMS appears to be quite
old; last release was in 2002 according to the download section of the
website.  I figured there may already be an alternative in Debian
whose name I just don't know.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


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Re: Sarge Betting Pool

2004-12-17 Thread Ben Bettin
Feb 31, 2005  ;)


On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 21:13:33 +, Andrew M.A. Cater
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 04:07:55PM -0500, William Ballard wrote:
> > I'll say Sarge on April 1st, 2005.  Takers?
> > 
> Feb 25 2005
> >
> > --
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> --
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Re: /etc/apt/preferences problem - might cause problems when Sarge goes stable!

2004-12-17 Thread Ben Bettin
> I wouldn't use priority values higher than 1000 unless I plan to do a
> dist downgrade.

I had thought the same as you until I thought about the reasoning
behind setting values so high, the way I used it (I think) is more of
a special case.  On the documentation project's site they had some
sample preferences files (one for stable, testing, and unstable) which
is where I got the idea.

According to 'man apt_preferences':

P > 1000
causes a version to be installed  even  if  this  constitutes  a
downgrade of the package

Since I'm using Sarge I set a high priority to testing so that its
packages are the default ones installed.  By setting specific packages
to have priority greater than 1000, you're making them exceptions to
the default rule.

So if you were using testing, but you wanted to use the stable
versions of say Apache, you'd give apache from stable a priority >
1000.  That way the stable apache would overrule the one from testing
(in this case it constitutes a downgrade).  Since Unstable will never
have packages with a lower version than Testing, the downgrade effect
doesn't come into play in my case.

I'm still very curious if the conflicting labels from
/etc/apt/preferences and /etc/apt/sources.list will have bad effects
on people with mixed installs when Sarge goes Stable?


On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 17:26:39 +0100, kurtz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> El viernes 17 de diciembre de 2004 a las 15:21:47, Ben Bettin escribe:
> > Package: firestarter
> > Pin: release a=unstable
> > Pin-Priority: 1100
> I wouldn't use priority values higher than 1000 unless I plan to do a
> dist downgrade.
> Hope this makes sense.

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/etc/apt/preferences problem - might cause problems when Sarge goes stable!

2004-12-17 Thread Ben Bettin
I recently started using the /etc/apt/preferences file to get
Firestarter from unstable into my testing install of Sarge.  My file

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: firestarter
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1100

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian
Pin-Priority: -10

A few moments ago I updated my sources.list in preparation for Sarge
going to stable.  I changed all references to 'testing' to 'sarge'.  I
did this because I do NOT want to automatically upgrade to the new
testing right away, I'll probably stick with Sarge for a few months
after he goes stable.  I had to leave the nerim entry as testing and
unstable because he doesn't appear to support the release names.  My
sources.list follows:

deb sarge main contrib non-free
deb sarge/non-US main contrib non-free
deb sarge/updates main contrib non-free

deb testing main

deb sid main contrib non-free
deb sid/non-US main contrib non-free

deb unstable main

After starting up aptitude I had to update my cache, but after that
everything looked fine.  So I edited my /etc/apt/preferences and
changed 'testing' to 'sarge' and 'unstable' to 'sid'.  When I started
up aptitude and updated, things weren't right.  My installed packages
were listed fine under Installed Packages.  But under Uninstalled
Packages everything was listed, even the ones I have installed.  For
my installed packages they had their currently installed version
number, but  listed as their available version number.  All
uninstalled packages had  listed for both their available and
installed version numbers.

The conclusion I came to is that /etc/apt/preferences doesn't support
the release specific names (woody, sarge, sid, etc) and only the
generic names (stable, testing, and unstable).  So I changed the
entries in my preferences back to testing and unstable as listed

It seems to me that the discrepency between /etc/apt/sources.list and
/etc/apt/preferences could cause some serious problems for people when
Sarge goes stable, especially if they have mixed distros.  I don't
have any automated updating, so I'll just have to remember to read the
news before updating every day...that way I can alter the two files
correctly before I update.  But for people that have scripts which
automate the update process, they could get fubar'd.  Any thoughts?


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Re: Firestarter for Testing (Sarge)?

2004-12-17 Thread Ben Bettin
Thanks for the info!  That explains a lot.  :)


On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 12:52:12 +0100, Florian Ernst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Ben, hello list!
> Jumping it late, but here we go...
> On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 04:41:21PM +, Ben Bettin wrote:
> > [...]
> > Firestarter isn't packaged for Sarge?  I thought in order for
> > something to make it to stable it had to be in testing and have "run
> > the gauntlet".
> Well, the particular package had to _have been_ in testing before this
> testing was declared stable. Apparently this applied to firestarter so
> it was included in stable and the next cycle began.
> >I was under the impression that Testing had everything
> > Stable did, perhaps newer versions, and then some things that have
> > made it down from Unstable.  Could someone explain to me how this came
> > about, I'm confused why it isn't there?
> There was a serious bug in the firestarter package in testing
> (#282410), so the package was found unsuitable for release and thus
> dropped from testing on 20041129. The maintainer has since uploaded a
> newer version which fixes that bug, but this new version hasn't yet
> been built on all supported architectures (due to the GNOME 2.8
> transition as it seems) so it couldn't propagate to testing again so
> far.
> If there is no remedy the upcoming stable release (Sarge) will be
> released without firestarter which would be a shame, but the
> maintainer is aware of the situation and will take care.
> HTH,
> Flo

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Re: Firestarter for Testing (Sarge)?

2004-12-16 Thread Ben Bettin
Well, I don't know, but it wasn't available for me.  In previous posts
to this list you can see what my sources.list contained, it wasn't
missing anything.  But in aptitude I couldn't find it.  I didn't try
the apt-cache command because I try to stick to aptitude, but from
what I understand the search feature in aptitude does the same thing.

I'm assuming the packages website at is somehow dynamically
connected to the sources, which would mean that it was dropped for one
reason or another (accidentally perhaps).  I'm not an expert on how
apt works, but I'm under the impression that as you install things the
deb files are saved to your computer, as well as the lists of
packages.  Perhaps if you had installed firestarter on testing prior
to it being dropped, even though it's not on the sources it still
appears in your cache because the deb files are on your local machine.
 All speculation of course, I'd be interested to hear what the
packages maintainers say.

Either way, I'm just happy I got it working.  And hopefully this
thread can help others in a similar situation, or to simply install
packages from unstable that arn't available to anyone in testing.


On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 17:48:05 -0500, John Fleming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > After a lot of reading, the problem is solved.  I'm running
> > firestarter on Sarge and it works great :)
> >
> > I read through Chapter 6 of the Debian Reference manual,
> >  I
> > created the file /etc/apt/prefences and placed the following in it:
> What am I missing?  Firestarter -IS- in Sarge:
> Luke:~# apt-cache search firestarter
> firestarter - gtk program for managing and observing your firewall
> Luke:~#
> I do notice that it's not listed in the testing package list on the Debian
> website, but in fact, it IS available.  No need for all the special
> arrangements to get it from unstable.  Works great too!  - John
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Firestarter for Testing (Sarge)?

2004-12-16 Thread Ben Bettin
After a lot of reading, the problem is solved.  I'm running
firestarter on Sarge and it works great :)

I read through Chapter 6 of the Debian Reference manual,  I
created the file /etc/apt/prefences and placed the following in it:

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: firestarter
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1100

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian
Pin-Priority: -10

What this file does is define the priorities apt should use for the
specified packages (you can read about it in 'man apt_preferences'). 
The first block tells it that testing is the default distribution and
all packages should only have their testing version installed.  The
second block tells it that for the 'firestarter' package ONLY, it
should ONLY use the unstable version and ignore the testing and stable
versions.  The third block sort of reinforces the whole "only install
testing versions" thing from the first block.

I also had to adjust my /etc/apt/sources.list to include the unstable
repositories so that I could get the packages.  Here's my new

deb testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free
deb testing/updates main contrib non-free

deb testing main

deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb unstable/non-US main contrib non-free

deb unstable main

Now when I run 'aptitude' and update the listing it hits all of the
servers listed above.  It did pull in all of the unstable package
listings, HOWEVER, it only lets me install the 'firestarter' package. 
For all of the other packages from unstable it has '' listed for
both the currently installed version and the available version.

One thing to keep in mind, some of the unstable packages require
dependencies that are ALSO in the unstable branch.  From what I read,
it's VERY risky to start installing unstable libraries and things in a
primarily testing installation.  I lucked out and firestarter only
required things that were in testing, so I could install it without
worrying too much.  If it poops out I can remove it without having to
worry about other things getting messed up from the unstable
dependencies that got installed.

So in the future when firestarter makes it into testing, I'll first
PURGE firestarter.  Then adjust my /etc/apt/preferences to remove the
second block, and adjust /etc/apt/sources.list to remove the unstable
repositories.  Then startup aptitude and clear the package listing,
update to get a new list from my new sources.list, then install the
testing version of firestarter.

I think this will work great for others who run testing and only want
one or two packages from unstable.

Thanks once again to everyone who helped point me in the right
direction.  I hope my little summary will help others.


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Re: Firestarter for Testing (Sarge)?

2004-12-16 Thread Ben Bettin
I think I answered my own question.  Poking around at the
documentation project's site I found the following:

* aptitude install package/unstable
This installs package from the unstable distribution while installing
its dependencies from the testing distribution.

* aptitude install -t unstable package
This installs package from the unstable distribution while installing
its dependencies also from the unstable distribution by setting the
Pin-Priority of unstable to 990.

So I could install Firestarter from unstable, then when finally makes
it to testing I could purge what I have and then install it from

* aptitude purge bar
This removes the bar package together with all its configuration files. 

On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 16:41:21 +0000, Ben Bettin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been looking for a nice gui to setup a firewall and monitor
> network traffic.  After reading through the posts on this and other
> lists, I think I'd like to go with Firestarter.  However, upon running
> aptitude and doing a search I couldn't find any packages for it.
> I went to and searched for it there, I found the 
> following:
> --
> # stable (admin): gtk program for managing and observing your firewall.
> 0.8.2-3woody1: alpha arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc
> # unstable (admin): gtk program for managing and observing your firewall
> 1.0.0-3: alpha arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc
> 0.9.3-6: s390 sparc
> --
> Firestarter isn't packaged for Sarge?  I thought in order for
> something to make it to stable it had to be in testing and have "run
> the gauntlet".  I was under the impression that Testing had everything
> Stable did, perhaps newer versions, and then some things that have
> made it down from Unstable.  Could someone explain to me how this came
> about, I'm confused why it isn't there?
> I would still like to get Firestarter if it's possible.  Are there
> other repositories I don't know about?  Here's my
> /etc/apt/sources.list
> --
> #deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main
> deb testing main contrib non-free
> deb testing/non-US main contrib 
> non-free
> deb testing/updates main contrib non-free
> deb testing main
> --
> Is it possible to get a single package from Unstable, like
> Firestarter, while still keeping everything else as Testing?  If it's
> possible to do this in aptitude I'd appreciate instructions for that
> as opposed to the command line apt ones.
> Thanks in advance for your advice, I truly appreciate it!
> Ben Bettin

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Firestarter for Testing (Sarge)?

2004-12-16 Thread Ben Bettin
I've been looking for a nice gui to setup a firewall and monitor
network traffic.  After reading through the posts on this and other
lists, I think I'd like to go with Firestarter.  However, upon running
aptitude and doing a search I couldn't find any packages for it.

I went to and searched for it there, I found the following:

# stable (admin): gtk program for managing and observing your firewall.
0.8.2-3woody1: alpha arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc
# unstable (admin): gtk program for managing and observing your firewall
1.0.0-3: alpha arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc
0.9.3-6: s390 sparc

Firestarter isn't packaged for Sarge?  I thought in order for
something to make it to stable it had to be in testing and have "run
the gauntlet".  I was under the impression that Testing had everything
Stable did, perhaps newer versions, and then some things that have
made it down from Unstable.  Could someone explain to me how this came
about, I'm confused why it isn't there?

I would still like to get Firestarter if it's possible.  Are there
other repositories I don't know about?  Here's my

#deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free
deb testing/updates main contrib non-free
deb testing main

Is it possible to get a single package from Unstable, like
Firestarter, while still keeping everything else as Testing?  If it's
possible to do this in aptitude I'd appreciate instructions for that
as opposed to the command line apt ones.

Thanks in advance for your advice, I truly appreciate it!

Ben Bettin

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Re: Suggestions for DVD/CD writing software?

2004-12-09 Thread Ben Bettin
When I first started using aptitude I got the impression that it was
an almost all encompassing front-end to the command-line apt.  I like
it better than the gui front-ends because you can use it remotely over
ssh.  Using aptitude makes it a bit hard sometimes though, it seems a
lot of people on these forums use apt on the command-line.  I'm sure
after a few more months of using it and learning all the ins and outs
it will make understanding apt commands easier.

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 19:53:30 +, Alan Chandler
> On Wednesday 08 December 2004 22:55, Maurits van Rees wrote:
> ...
> > man apt-cache:
> >
> >
> >   apt-cache performs a variety of operations on APT's package
> >   cache. apt-cache does not manipulate the state of the system but does
> >   provide operations to search and generate interesting output from the
> >   package metadata.
> >
> > So you should be safe. You get things like this:
> >
> > $ apt-cache search dvd write
> > bootcd - run your system from cd without need for disks
> > bootcd-dvdplus - bootcd extension to use DVD+ media
> > bootcd-hppa - bootcd extension to create images that can boot on
> > parisc/hppa bootcd-i386 - bootcd extension to create images that can boot
> > on i386. bootcd-ia64 - bootcd extension to create images that can boot on
> > ia64 k3b - A sophisticated KDE cd burning application
> You can do all of these type of searches within aptitiude, so there is no need
> to use apt-cache.  Take a little time out and read the manual (on-line in
> aptitude) and it will show you how to do these searches.
> --
> Alan Chandler
> First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
>  then they fight you, then you win. --Gandhi
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Suggestions for DVD/CD writing software?

2004-12-08 Thread Ben Bettin
I appreciate your taking the time to test some of it out and teach me
a few things.

On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 20:59:04 +0100, Maurits van Rees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> apt-cache search 
> might help here.

In regards to apt, I've always stuck with aptitude.  I've been using
linux for 3 years now, but only for a few months with Debian (I think
i'll stick with Debian for many years, I love it).  When I installed
Debian it used aptitude, so I continued to use that program after
installation was over and I got into my system.  I read somewhere that
if you install things without using aptitude, aptitude will mess up
because it keeps track of what you install/uninstall.  So I've been
somewhat afraid of using any "apt" commands.  In aptitude I hit "/"
and typed in a regexp to search for.  After reading 'man apt-cache'
I'm assuing that the search functionality with '/' in aptitude is the
same thing?

If using the apt commands won't screw up my system I'd definitly give
them a try, but I'm still leary of it due to my inexperience with
debian and what I read when I first installed it.

> Do you have enough space on the partition? If you have about 700 MB
> free and you want to copy a dvd that is probably not enough and would
> indeed result in a write error. `df -h' helps here.

I'm pretty certain my partition has enough space.  I went ahead and
had debian install everything to a single partition (/), that way I
wouldn't have to worry about it.  My hard-drive that has the '/'
partition is 250gb.

> You may need to use some other infile than /dev/cdrom because it is a
> dvd, but I'm not sure of that. I can't read dvds on my system.

I'm pretty sure /dev/cdrom is ok.  I did a "ls -l /dev/cdrom" and
found that /dev/cdrom is a symlink to /dev/cdrom0, which is my dvd
device.  /dev/cdrom1 is my dvd-writer.  I'm not sure why, but linux
doesn't appear to differentiate the two.  It sticks the master dvd/cd
at /dev/cdrom0, and the slave at /dev/cdrom1.

> I loaded a cd. I have enough space on /opt, so I tried:
> dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/opt/cdrom.iso
> After a while the following appeared:
> dd: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error
> 1273096+0 records in
> 1273096+0 records out
> 651825152 bytes transferred in 397,550926 seconds (1639602 bytes/sec)
> I think dd just reads until it encounters an error like this. Then
> that shouldn't be a problem.

That's the same input/output error I got.  I think I said read/write
error in my post, but that was just the effects of a bad memory :)

> I mounted the resulting iso file on a loop device as root and that
> worked fine. There were md5sums of everything on the cd and they
> checked out fine as well. So at least for cds dd seems okay.

I should try this and see if the mounted image from the iso looks the
same as the original dvd disk.

>From what you've said, it appears my dd of the iso worked.  It was a
bit over 700 mb in size.  But, when I tried to use K3b to copy the
disk, it said the disk was too large (over 6 or 7 gb), and my
recordable disks were too small (4.something gb).  This makes me think
dd really didn't work, that the iso wasn't complete?  That would
explain why when I burned a dvd from the iso tha tit wouldn't play.

You say the cause of this is not having enough room on the partition. 
Perhaps I'm not understanding how partitions in linux work?  When I
installed Debian I had it put everything in a single partition (/), it
said this was for newbies (I did it because it sounded easier hehe). 
Wouldn't that mean that the different directories (/home, /usr, /etc,
etc) could get as big as they want, until the (/) partition hits
250gb?  Or, even though everything is technically in one partition, is
there some kind of virtual limit placed on the directories?  The place
I had dd save the iso was my home directory.

Thanks again for all your help.


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Re: Suggestions for DVD/CD writing software?

2004-12-08 Thread Ben Bettin
My kernel shouldn't have a problem, I'm running 2.6.7.

I'm at work at the moment.  I'll submit a bug report for this when I
get back home later this evening.

I'm not sure what version of K3b I'm using.  Under the suggestions of
the users on this list I started up aptitude and installed whatever
the latest version of it was.  I'm using Testing (Sarge), standard
debian sources...nothing fancy.  I'm not sure how up-to-date's package list is what what's actually on their sources,
but according to the site it's version 0.11.12-1 (linkage:

I appreciate everyone's assistance with helping me figure this problem
out, the community never ceases to amaze me :)  Until I can get k3b
working correctly, I figure it's a good time to learn how to create
and copy cd's and dvd's from the console...then I wouldn't have to
deal with the gui's hehe.  I notice a few people have posted some tips
on this, any more you guys and gals can think of would be greatly

Searching through aptitude for "cd" and "dvd" brings up quite a few
packages.  Some appear to do the same thing, it's rather overwhelming.
 I tried the "dd" command someone mentioned earlier, I used it to try
to copy one of my DVD movies (The Clearing).  I ran "dd if=/dev/cdrom
of=the_clearing.iso".  It ran for awhile then ended with some kind of
read/write error.  I think the iso was just over 700 mb in size. 
Seems like it should've been longer than that.  I deleted the iso and
tried again, same thing happened.  I'm not sure how dd works, but for
copying floppies I see people put in a size argument or something.  I
figured maybe since the command didn't specify one, dd got to the end
of the cd and then threw and error because of it?  I went ahead and
tried to burn the iso using k3b.  It burned ok, but the Dvd wouldn't
play in my tv or fiancee's computer.  The tv says there was some kind
of error, the computer (running windows media player) said that the
dvd wasn't formated to play in this region.  I can post again later
with the exact error message if you like, I can't recall what it was
right now.

On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 13:49:56 -0500, Rick Friedman
> Rthoreau wrote:
> > Just installed K3b as a test, came up with the same bug, K3b does not
> > detect dvd+rw-tools, then used dpkg --purge to purge dvd+rw-tools and
> > reinstalled it, same problem.  Seems like K3b is buggy, will wait  to
> > file bug report, in case first poster wants to. Kernel version 2.6.7.
> > :uname -a Linux Raiz-mpx 2.6.7-mpx #1 SMP Tue Aug 10 09:58:16 CDT 2004
> > i686 GNU/Linux
> > kernel compiled from debian source.
> >
> > From K3b, Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable
> > K3b uses dvd+rw-format to format DVD-RWs and DVD+RWs.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/bin$ whereis dvd+rw-format
> > dvd+rw-format: /usr/bin/dvd+rw-format
> >
> > Looks like everything else can find it except K3b.
> >
> > As stated else where, I do not thing the problem is burning the files,
> > but it is erasing the disc if its a dvd+-rw with K3b, I seem to
> > remember having similar problems with K3b some time ago might of been
> > an early version maybe a year ago. I think I know what it was, it
> > totally screwed up my /etc/fstab file, once I fixed it by hand, and
> > did not let K3b setup use it again, still could not detect my cdrw
> > right, even though I used the other options in K3b.
> Which version of K3b are you using? The other day, I installed the
> version from Sid (K3b 0.11.17). It found everything, including
> dvd+rw-format with no problem.
> Rick
> --
>   "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's
> too dark to read." - Groucho Marx
> --
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Re: Cloning a workstation

2004-12-08 Thread Ben Bettin
I've been looking into doing the same thing at my office.  After
researching a bit, Partimage sounded like a nifty program
(  I havn't tried it yet, but everything I've
read about it sounded promising.

I believe, however, that the project is dead.  There hasn't been an
update in quite a few months.  I contacted the package maintainer and
they said they hadn't heard from the developers in a while and
believed the project was dieing.  However, they said the program is
very useable and works quite well in most cases.

Seems like dd would be an option too?  I don't have a lot of
experience with dd, but it seems like a pretty powerful program.  You
could use dd to create an image of your drive.  Boot up the clone
computer with a knoppix or some other "rescue disk".  Then use dd to
write the image from over the network to your new clone.  Again, I
havn't done it before but it seems reasonable.  Anyone else have any


On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 10:14:56 -0500, Sarunas Burdulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to clone a workstation (which has some custom configuration and
> scripts added to otherwise basic Sarge/KDE) into another set of
> absolutely identical hardware (Intel Pentium 4, IDE HD). Just one clone,
> not a massive install. What tools would you use? Easiest/quickest?
> Machines are on an Ethernet, have CD/DVD and floppy drives.
> Thanks for any suggestion!
> Sarunas
> --
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Re: Suggestions for DVD/CD writing software?

2004-12-07 Thread Ben Bettin
I took everyone's advice and am giving k3b a try.  I picked up a few
DVD+R and DVD+RW discs (my drive supports both + and - protocols).

I installed k3b with aptitude (I'm running Sarge).  I started it up,
and it's giving me an error/warning message which I'm not sure how to
fix.  It says the following:

Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable
K3b uses dvd+rw-format to format DVD-RWs and DVD+RWs.
Solution: Install the dvd+rw-tools package.

According to aptitude I have dvd+rw-tools installed.  I checked
/usr/bin and I see dvd+rw-format listed.  I started up K3bSetup2 and
checked, /usr/bin is in the search path, yet it still can't find
dvd+rw-format.  I tried added /usr/bin/dvd+rw-format to the search
path, still no luck.

I tried searching through some of the past archived post from this
group but didn't have much luck.  I've only been receiving this list
for a week or so, so I apologize if there is a known fix for this that
everyone but me knows.  :)

Does anyone have any suggestions for me to get k3b full working?

If I'm doomed and must use the console to burn cd-r, cd-rw, dvd-r, and
dvd-rw's, does anyone have some linkage to a nice tutorial describing
how to do it?

Thanks so much for your thoughts.


On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 15:17:09 +0100, Maurits van Rees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 07:30:02AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> > No command-line tools? Is k3b a frontend to something?
> k3b uses the command line cdrecord tool that does the real
> burning. Here is the depends list for my version of k3b:
> Depends: k3blibs (>= 0.11.12), kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.2.3), libart-2.0-2 (>=
> 2.3.16), libarts1 (>= 1.2.3), libasound2 (>> 1.0.5), libaudio2,
> libaudiofile0 (>= 0.2.3-4), libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libesd0 (>=
> 0.2.29-1) | libesd-alsa0 (>= 0.2.29-1), libfam0c102, libgcc1 (>=
> 1:3.3.3-1), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.4.1), libice6 | xlibs (>> 4.1.0),
> libmad0 (>= 0.15.1b), libogg0 (>= 1.1.0), libpng12-0 (>=,
> libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.2.3), libsm6 | xlibs (>> 4.1.0), libstdc++5 (>=
> 1:3.3.3-1), libvorbis0a (>= 1.0.1), libvorbisfile3 (>= 1.0.1),
> libx11-6 | xlibs (>> 4.1.0), libxext6 | xlibs (>> 4.1.0), libxrender1,
> libxt6 | xlibs (>> 4.1.0), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1), cdrecord (>=
> 4:2.0+a18-1), cdparanoia (>= 3a9.8), mkisofs (>= 1.10), kdelibs-data
> (>= 4:3.1.4-2), kdebase-bin
> To the original poster: your program may be able to clone a data
> cd/dvd if you provide it with an image file yourself. No touchy-feely
> GUI interface, but there you go. :) Insert the cd you want copied. On
> the command line type
> dd if=/dev/cdrom of=imagefile.iso
> where imagefile.iso should be on a partition where you have enough
> free space to store a cd image. 700 MB should usually do it. See `man
> dd' for more info. Now you should be able to burn that image file to a
> blank cd with your tool. If it can't handle image files, you may need
> to just copy the contents of the original cd/dvd to a new folder and
> burn that one.
> --
> Maurits van Rees | [Dutch/Nederlands]
> "Let your advance worrying become advance thinking and planning."
>  - Winston Churchill
> --
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Re: ddclient uses an unreasonable amount of CPU time

2004-12-07 Thread Ben Bettin
I'm using Sarge as well, and have a custom domain.  I've
only been using it for a few days, but the package I'm using is
"ez-ipupdate".  It was very easy to setup, and seems to be working


On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 19:17:46 +0100, Andreas Ehn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using ddclient 3.6.2-3 in Debian Sarge in daemon mode to keep my
> hostname updated. I have configured it to check the IP
> address of eth0 every minute, but for some reason ddclient uses 10 to
> 20 % of the CPU all the time.
> Is there anything that can be done about it? I don't know what it is
> doing, but it doesn't seem reasonable, even though it's running on a
> slow machine.
> Is there another client in Debian that support custom
> accounts (i.e. your own domain name)?
> Best regards,
> Andreas
> --
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Suggestions for DVD/CD writing software?

2004-12-06 Thread Ben Bettin
Over the years one of the few things that has forced me to keep a
windows install handy was cd writing.  Recently I was finally able to
kick the M$ habit, after discovering the ease of Nautilus's data cd
creation in Gnome, but it doesn't do everything I'd like to do.

I could be wrong, but from what I can tell the built-in Nautilus cd
creator only does data cd's, you can't copy cd's with it?  I recently
purchased a dvd-writer because cd's arn't holding all of my stuff. 
Does the built-in Nautilus burner do data dvd disks?

If the Nautilus creator only does the creation of data cd/dvd's, I
need a simple way to copy cd's and dvd's.  I'd prefer not to have to
use the console.  I would definitly prefer a method which integrates
nicely into Gnome like the Nautilus one does.  What would you all

I used Xcdroast a while back, it seemed a bit shaky and was a bit of a
pain to get working.  I've browsed around on google a bit for other
options, but there seem to be soo many choices and I'd rather find out
what you people think than try them all :)

I use Debian Testing (Sarge).

Thank you for your advice!


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Directory Permissions

2004-12-06 Thread Ben Bettin
I'm running Sarge and have two 250 gb drives.  One has my system
installed on it, the other is mounted as /backup.  I intended to use
/backup to...well...back things up :)

How do I grant certain users access to /backup?  Right now it's only
accessible to the root user.  I've read through a few man-pages, and I
get the impression that I need to add the users to the directory's
groupbut I'm not sure how to do that.  Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: ssh recovery

2004-10-10 Thread Ben Bettin
I'm not certain if this approach will do what you need, but it might be worth looking 
into.  I use a program called "screen" to have multiple terminal windows running in 
one ssh window.  The program also allows you to detach processes and reattach 
them later.  People use this to connect remotely to a machine, detach the processes 
they're working on and close down the remote machine, then go home and reattach 
it on their main machine to pick up where they left off.  Perhaps there's a way you 
could reattach your lost processes if they were run within screen?


On 10 Oct 2004 at 18:15, Daniel L. Miller wrote:

> My cable provider likes to disconnect me during especially long 
> sessions.  Usually when I've been making extension changes to some 
> configuration file and haven't had a chance to save.
> Sometimes when I reconnect - I can see the old ssh, bash, and editor 
> processes still running.  Is there a way to "recover" or switch to those 
> processes from my new connection?
> Daniel
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