Floppy Problem

2002-10-15 Thread Benjamin Sommerfeld

Hi Leute,

habe folgendes Problem: Beim Versuch, eine Diskette zu mounten, kommt die Meldung
mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /floppy busy

is aber net gemountet und au net busy. in den /var/log/messages stehen lauter errors 

floppy0: disk absent or changed during operation
end request I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector 0  verschiedene sektoren 
erscheinen hier..

was bedeutet das?

Danke im Voraus, Benjamin
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Re: Linux ICQ client that doesn't suck?

2002-01-18 Thread Benjamin Sommerfeld
On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson wrote:

The only possability to use ICQ these days in Linux is by using a ICQ Java 
applet on the ICQ page. http://lite.icq.com

They changed the protocol in their new Windows Client so none of the old 
clients is usable and there's no open source implementation of the new 
protocol out yet, so there can be no usable Linux Client to this day.

With old clients you can get online, receive messages, but when you send 
messages they don't reach your pals.

 On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
  Does anyone out there use ICQ under Debian? So far I've tried licq and
  gaim with the ICQ plugin, and both of them have very annoying problems
  (messages get lost, or messages from previous sessions get delivered
  again on client startup... this is a problem when you have 20+
  messages that come in everytime you start your ICQ client).
 This is not a bug with licq, this is a problem with AOL.  AOL is
 attempting to kill ICQ off by making it as unreliable as possible.
 Annoy AOL if this bothers you.
  Suggestions would be very welcome at this point.  Unfortunately, the
  suggestion to drop ICQ for another IM is not feasible, due to the
  infamous Circumstances Beyond My Control (tm).
 That and most other IMs suck more...


Re: Linux ICQ client that doesn't suck?

2002-01-18 Thread Benjamin Sommerfeld
On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Erik Andreas Fjogstad Brandstadmoen wrote:

 Mark Ferlatte wrote: 
  Does anyone out there use ICQ under Debian? So far I've tried licq and
  gaim with the ICQ plugin, and both of them have very annoying problems
  (messages get lost, or messages from previous sessions get delivered
  again on client startup... this is a problem when you have 20+
  messages that come in everytime you start your ICQ client).
 Why not go for the original ICQ? For Java, that is. Works nicely.

i just tried that thing and it didn't work at all


 | Erik Brandstadmoen  |
 | http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~erikbra |http://www.brandstadmoen.net 


Re: Linux ICQ client that doesn't suck?

2002-01-18 Thread Benjamin Sommerfeld
On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Brian Clark wrote:

 * Benjamin Sommerfeld ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 18. 2002 02:59]:
  The only possability to use ICQ these days in Linux is by using a ICQ
  Java applet on the ICQ page. http://lite.icq.com
  They changed the protocol in their new Windows Client so none of the
  old clients is usable and there's no open source implementation of the
  new protocol out yet, so there can be no usable Linux Client to this
 Some Linux clients *do* work with the new/changed protocol. I know
 centericq 4.5.x does, at least. I haven't had any problems with it, but
 I did have problems with others (like Licq). 

thanks for the advice! now i'm on icq again

 `ICQ Development with the ickle Library'


Re: nVidia and X problems

2002-01-18 Thread Benjamin Sommerfeld
On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, David Wright wrote:

 I am using an AGP nVidia GeForce2 MX video card and am experiencing video 
 problems. The screen, even in text mode, shows lots of flickering, horizontal 
 The monitor is a 1600 x 1200 19 LCD; I can plug it into another machine and 
 the image is beautiful, so I don't think the problem is in the monitor.
 I have two new machines which each have this card, and both show this 
 behaviour, so I don't think the problem is in the video card.
 I suspect it is a driver problem. When I do lsmod, I see
 no video card driver! My ATI radeon system at home shows
 So could it be that I am using some generic driver and need to use the right 
 I don't need top 3D performance, so I would prefer not have have to deal with 
 nVidia's closed-source drivers -- isn't there also an open-source driver from 
 XFee86-4? (nv?) And shouldn't the kernel load agpart to use the AGP slot? 
 How do I get it to do this stuff?

I would suggest using the NVidia Drivers from the NVidia page. Although 
they are closed they really work well for me and kick your video 
acceleration to the limit! If you want to watch a movie in fullscreen mode 
for example you could get a problem with the xfree driver sometimes. 

the installation of these drivers is really no problem. just read the 
Readme form their homepage. 
default window-manager: look at the links 
/etc/alternatives/x-window-manager and /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager
they point to your default window managers. i think if you set the 
x-session-manager to gnome for instance, it should work for every user
use the commmand ln -s, if you want to make gnome your default for 
instance: ln -s /usr/bin/gnome-session /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager , 
before that you have to delete the 
old link of course. rm /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager 

 I have seen this with both testing and unstable.
 Also, once I get proper video output, how do I configure a default window 
 manager and gnome desktop for all users?


problem with executing binaries in bash

2002-01-17 Thread Benjamin Sommerfeld
hi everybuddy.

i got a problem with executing binaries in the bash in sid.
for example, when i try to start pine:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ./pine-bin.linux
bash: ./pine-bin.linux: Permission denied

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l pine-bin.linux
-rwxr-xr-x1 bsommerf users 6321927 Jan 17 09:24 pine-bin.linux

as you see, the file should be executable ldd won't help either...

ldd pine-bin.linux
/usr/bin/ldd: ./pine-bin.linux: Permission denied

do you have any problem what i could do? i update every day, so there 
should be no problem with that.

thanks in advance, benjamin sommerfeld
