PPP Problem

1997-05-27 Thread C . J . Lawson
  I have two linux boxes. I recently bought modems and tried to get it to work
to little or no avail. Please could someone take me through the series of steps
required to effect this ...


PS. I have read a lot of the documentation and consulted a few chaps this end
and still remain none the wiser..

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EDO && 486's

1997-03-20 Thread C . J . Lawson
Has anyone put EDO memory in a 486? ..does it work alright? 



Re: SVGATextMode?

1997-03-20 Thread C . J . Lawson
And for me too  singing and dancing!!



1997-03-13 Thread C . J . Lawson
  I have been trying to compile gnuplot to work without X. I have managed to
get is working but, only if I log on as root. Apparently in the
"./term/linux.trm" file there is a piece of code that disables linux vga
(?svga) mode if 'uid' does not indicate root. When I commented this out it
compiled but wouldn't run. It gives some I/O error when trying to initialise
my video card. I noticed the same thing when I ran SVGATextMode, it only
allowed me to run it as root.
  Please could some-one tell me how to disable this feature?


1997-03-07 Thread C . J . Lawson

(1) Please could someone confirm that the latest version of SVGATextMode is 1.4
(or am I missing something out)

(2) I seem to have a problem configuring my SVGATextMode program. For a start I
have a cirrus Logic GP-5446 Card and this in not listed amongs the list of
supported cards (XFREE does) Also, could someone with a cirrus logic car, who
has SVGATextMode running mail me their TextConfig file ...




1997-02-21 Thread C . J . Lawson
I notice that the entries in the .dir_colors file for the attributes of
the text are 00 01 04 05 ... The 04 does not seem to work, replacing it
with 03 seems to do the trick (04) is the only even number. Is this
someting particular to my system or is there an error in that 


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Multifunction Cards

1997-01-16 Thread C . J . Lawson
Hello everyone,
I am thinking of getting one of those multifuncion (Modem, Fax,
Answerphone, Sound ...) cards. I know of only two such cards 

(1) The microConnect 34 office  and 
(2) The Aztech Telephony 3000

I wonder if anyone could let me know of any other and what is the pecking order
interms of quality and linux compatibility 


Jonathan Lawson

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Cirrus Logic GP5446 display card

1997-01-08 Thread C . J . Lawson
Hi again,
I have a Cirrus Logic GP5446 (2MB) which I recently bought. (I seem to 
have little luck with display cards. The last one I had was an Avance logic one
which was unsupported for ages). Well, I tried to install X last night and
found that it is unsupported or so I am told by "X -probeonly" which reports 
"Unknown cirrus chipset type 0x2e, rev 0" I wonder if anyone has a similar
problem or if a driver for the chipset has been added to the X11R6 package. 

I seriously doubt this and wonder if someone could give me some directions as
to how to write one myself. Possibly with an existing one as an example..



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re: LI???

1997-01-08 Thread C . J . Lawson
  On the second of Jan Kendrick wrote ..

>When I boot my machine, I get LI and a blinking cursor, and it locks up.
>The machine boots fine from floppy, though.  My system is set up with
>/dev/hdb1 as the / slice, booting from there.  It gave me a warning when I
>did that, but I just ignored it, thinking it was nothing.  Does it HAVE to
>boot from the first physical disk?  My old version of slackware didn't...

I have a similar problem, I get a LIL- prompt and the system hangs. It boots OK
from the boot floppy I made during install. Recycled lilo countless number of
times, changed the boot parameters and such like ... It still does the same
thing. What is really puzzling is that I have two 486's (66 & 133). I installed
 linux from the same disks (floppies) within a week of each other and guess
what? I only get this error on the 133! 

I got some lilo.19... sources yesterday but couldn't get lilo built, I get an
error from a file called boot.c! (I would try to build it on an alpha today --
from a fresh source and see if the package I obtained was to blame for this). I
would like to know if anyone else had/has the same problem and if so and has
resolved could you let us know what the solution is... I wonder about that
CDROM drive ...

?Just curious... I also just noticed there is "1.2 fixed" at the Debian site,
>so I am about to re-install with those images...

Did this work?



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Not really Linux

1996-11-13 Thread C . J . Lawson
 I am stuck and am turning to the list as a last resort. To those of you who
find this improper, I crave your indulgence.
   My problem is to do with variable argument lists. More precisely given the
 double sum_series(int num, ... )
13double sum=0.0,t;
14va_list argptr;
15  /* Initialise argptr */
16va_start(argptr, num);
18  /* Sum the series */
20 t = va_arg(argptr,double); /* get the next argument */
21sum +=t;
23  /* do orderly shutdown 8*/
25return sum;

How do I determine the form of the pointer argptr (yes it is a struct.. Made up
of what?) and is it possible to alter the address of its __base value and the
size of the __offset..

Sorry to intrude on the net in this manner


Jonathan Lawson

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LaTeX fonts

1996-10-25 Thread C . J . Lawson
Hi Folks,
Please does anyone have (or know of where I can find) as script/Macro I
can run which would check for the fonts installed on my system and write out a
tex file repeating some phrase in the different avaliable fonts. This is so I
can actuall see what the different fonts look like...



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Re: The fuckin list request address is busted out.

1996-09-28 Thread C . J . Lawson
Please could we avoid using strong language on the net? Some of us find it

Jonathan Lawson

>From:  SMTP%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 27-SEP-1996 15:50:33.29
>Subj:  Re: The fuckin list request address is busted out.
>Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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>Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 10:54:27 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Randall Shutt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CC: debian-user@lists.debian.org
>Subject: Re: The fuckin list request address is busted out.
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>>On Fri, 27 Sep 1996, Randall Shutt wrote:
>>  Yeah, Ive unsubscribed from this list about 2 weeks ago, everything was
>> fine, and now Im recieveing mail again.  I tried to mail
>> gave me instructions on how to unsubscribe (which were, incidently the same
>> procedure that I was using).  So, I REALLY hate posting to the list about 
>> this,
>> but since listname-request is fuckin broken, I have no choice.  Thanks
>Please try: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Place your request in the subject line (possibly: unsubscribe?)
>  --
>aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
>  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
>  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> If you don't see what you want, just ask --

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Cirrus Logic GP-5446

1996-09-25 Thread C . J . Lawson
Hi folks,
[not me again].. 
I decided to do the decent thing and switch to PCI. .
...  The long and short of it is that I am stuck with a Cirrus Logic GP-5446
(2Mb) video card that X claims it cannot id (X -Probeonly actually reports
something like 64k) I wonder if there is anyone out there who knows about these
things or has (is having) the same problem...

P/s there is some report at boot-time of an unidentified PCI device (no prizes
for guessing what is indicated in /proc/PCI)


386 Dx-40

1996-09-24 Thread C . J . Lawson
Hi folks,
A Q. Q. is anyone out there using still using a 386 dx-40 (running
Linux) and if so could you let us know what problems you are having if any
I am considering the purchase of one..



1996-09-17 Thread C . J . Lawson
  Please does anyone know of a program/script I can run to provide an html
output for my manual pages? or better still act as the front end of man? I have
heard that there is some utility for doing this, though I have not come across 
it yet

"...when the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy?"

Re: Protections against a mad maintainer?

1996-09-16 Thread C . J . Lawson
Hi Sue,
  I read with intrest your posting, you do make valid points with refrence to
the trade off's ... That is assuming the person involved is rational.  Believe
me, if you want to make sure that an upload from you is untracable... It can be
done .. and finally, it is a simple matter to delay the phenomenon so that it
occurs at a certain day of after a finite number of executions, 666 for
It is a frightening thought,...



>Hi Jean --
>There are (at least) 3 counterarguments to the concern that Debian 
>maintainers could maliciously add dangerous commands to their 
?{pre,post}{inst,rm} scripts:
>-- the same package system which is open to many for development is 
>equally open to many for testing.
>-- by having both "stable" and "unstable" releases, Debian distinguishes 
>between packages which are [likely to have been] tested and those which 
>are not.
>-- as the saying goes, "Never interpret as malicious that which could 
>also be explained by stupidity."   Humans at commercial software firms
>are no more protected from their own stupidity than humans who are working
>to provide free software, _and_ who are offering the world the opportunity
>to scrutinize their source code.  
>Another way to pose the question is, what would motivate a developer to
>include mailicious software?  He could be pretty sure that the offending
>code would be found quickly, and he would be identified (via PGP keys)
>with the problem.  The perpetrator would be immediately banned from 
>using the system.  And all he got for his trouble was to inconvenience one
>or a few unknown, randomly selected, victims.  Not a very good tradeoff.
>All the same questions being asked of free software should be asked, 
>of course, of the commercial software...  
>Susan Kleinmann

LinuX Book

1996-08-27 Thread C . J . Lawson
Hi guys,
I finally decided to buy a book on LinuX and guess what? There are so
many, I am at a loss for which one to choose (and  some are pricey too). Could
anyone out there point me to what is considered the 'defacto' definitive guide
(Advanced!!) to LinuX


Jonathan Lawson

Re: Avance Logic

1996-05-06 Thread C . J . Lawson
>Hi Jonathan.
>I use a Avance Logic card in my Win95 box (I doubt that'll help, but listen
>anyway).  The unfortunate problem I had was that I needed specific drivers
>for it - I'd give up if you are going to try to use it for X-windows I
>think.  Unless there's a specific driver in X for it.

Thanks for the response Karl. I decided to copy the net on this one as there
might be some other interested party. I got my Avance logic card to run
straight off with MSDOS (The diskettes came with the machine). On the other
hand I had to shop around on the net for the OS2 driver diskettes and it was a
while before I found them. As a result of this I never really considered
installing X, that was until I couldn't get gs to work. For some reason I had
read Bruce's posting about svgalib-1.2.10 and had decided to install it just
before I installed X (Don't ask me why). The thing is that in that distribution
there _is_ a driver for the Avance logic chipset (ALR2301) it is not the same
as mine but it worked fine. For instance I could finally get gnuplot to compile 
(without X) and X works fine. The sad thing is that I still cannot get
gs-no-X to work and I have spent a lot of time on it. It compiles ok but then
the screen just goes white when I try to run it 

So there is my tale -- I hope that it is of some use to someone 


--Jonathan Lawson

Avance Logic

1996-05-03 Thread C . J . Lawson
Hi does any one out there use an Avance Logic Video Card. Please if you do 
could you be in touch. I would like to discuss some of the problems that I am 
having with my video card ..

--Thanks Jonathan Lawson


1996-05-02 Thread C . J . Lawson
  Has anyone run PVM3 on linux I am anxious to know how you got on. I have just
downloaded the program and am about to set about compiling it. Any one that
knows _ANYTHING_ about it is greatly encouraged to say their bit  Every
little will be of help

Thanks and I am hoping to get loads of replies

--Jonathan Lawson