2008-03-14 Thread Cassiel
Hi you all,

I am a LAN member and I am experiencing a strange behaviour with dchp ip

Every time I restart my Lenny I obtain a new ip addr from one of the 2 dhcp
servers. We have a 1 month lease on this servers and this should never
happen within this period.

any experience on this?



2008-03-14 Thread Cassiel
Yes that's the point,
I know you can map a mac address to ensure a static ip but my network admin
said this should not be necessary because of the 1 month lease on the
servers (running debian etch)

I must say I do not know how dchp works exactly, I am a poor web application
developer :-)

So finally I guess this is the standard behaviour of a dhcpd daemon, at
least on linux boxes?


2008/3/14, Chris Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 9:13 PM, Cassiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Every time I restart my Lenny I obtain a new ip addr from one of the 2
> dhcp
> > servers. We have a 1 month lease on this servers and this should never
> > happen within this period.
> You can't guarantee what IP address you'll receive with DHCP. If you
> wanted to ensure static ip on your host, you should the following
> lines to dhcpd.conf on the DHCP servers (if it is a linux/UNIX-based
> dhcpd):
> host  {
>   hardware ethernet ;
>   fixed-address ;
> }
> That will ensure that your host (identified with MAC address) will
> receive the same IP.
> Does that helps? Or you have other intentions?
> Chris

GRUB Error 17

2008-05-08 Thread Cassiel
Hello list,

as you guess I am having serious boot problems, grub loading fails at stage
1.5 with "Error 17".

I did not install/re-install anything, resize partitions or anything else
could do something wrong. I was trasferring data from my usb HD when the
process stopped (input/output error) and the system went completely frozen.
>From that moment on I can not boot from HD.

Using knoppix I can read all partitions... exept /home and /

I tried to reinstall grub on MBR using the ubuntu studio rescue (apologize
for that :-) ) and SGD (Super Grub Disk).
The former stops during device mapping, showing partitions like /dev/sd1,
/dev/sd2 and so on which is quite absurd, the latter is unable to install
grub on the MBR (for the same problem I guess ...) and to boot any of the
two OS  (XP is there, but I do not boot it from ages )

I would prefer not to do a fresh install if not necessary even if my data
are backed up on a safe partition.

Any ideas? Can I resume my lenny?



2008-05-13 Thread Cassiel
hello list,

any ideas about how long do we have to wait for ardour to re-enter testing


PCI: BIOS Bug: MCFG area at e0000000 is not E820-reserved

2008-06-14 Thread Cassiel
Hi you all,

I got this line in dmesg output and my PCI audio card (Terratec DMX 6fire)
not working at all.
Can someone tell me if this bug (a kernel bug probably,
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=480513) prevents PCI cards
from working? or my audio card has compatibility problems with recent

I recently updated my linux box to AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor
5200+ on an ASUS M3A motherboard, debian lenny and 2.6.24-1 kernel.


mysql-server - no debug?!

2008-07-08 Thread Cassiel
hi list,

can anybody explain why mysql-server is shipped with no debugging support
enabled in debian?
It seems to me quite strange... I think everybody wants debugging enabled
while working with massive data storage


Re: Dual Monitor with Xinerama

2008-07-15 Thread Cassiel
2008/7/15 Volkan YAZICI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Cassiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I had the same problem with my desktop and I solved by disabling
> > secondary monitor (so the primary become Screen0) + restarting Xserver
> > + enabling secondary again (now it become Screen1) using
> > nvidia-settings app
> Do I need to do this everytime I want to use an external monitor? Would
> you mind sharing your modified xorg.conf after nvidia-settings updated
> it?

no, you don't, it's safe to unplug the external monitor.
just take care of linux-image updates because you must repeat the
compile+install steps to match nvidia-kernel-source version with your kernel

> > From you xorg.log it seems you have no nvidia-glx driver installed or
> > that it does not load due to a recent kernel update (I guess), have a
> > look to this how-to
> I didn't install nvidia-glx driver. AFAIK, it isn't something necessary
> for Dual Monitor + Xinerama, right?

well, I don't know, I just followed the howto and it worked fine ;-)

> Regards.


here is my xorg.conf

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings:  version 1.0  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  Tue Jun 24 10:44:02 PDT

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  Tue Jun 24 10:54:02 PDT

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
Screen  1  "Screen1" RightOf "Screen0"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"

Section "Files"
RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"

Section "Module"
Load   "dbe"
Load   "extmod"
Load   "type1"
Load   "freetype"
Load   "glx"

Section "ServerFlags"

# Removed Option "Xinerama" "0"
Option "Xinerama" "1"

Section "InputDevice"

# generated from default
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "auto"
Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Section "InputDevice"

# generated from default
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Unknown"
ModelName  "Maxdata (RogenTech) Belinea1930S1"
HorizSync   30.0 - 83.0
VertRefresh 50.0 - 76.0
Option "DPMS"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor1"
VendorName "Unknown"
ModelName  "Philips 150S"
HorizSync   30.0 - 63.0
VertRefresh 56.0 - 76.0

Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
BoardName  "GeForce 6150"
BusID  "PCI:0:5:0"
Screen  0

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard1"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
BoardName  "GeForce 6150"
BusID  "PCI:0:5:0"
Screen  1

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
Option "TwinView" "0"
Option "metamodes" "DFP: nvidia-auto-select +0+0"
SubSection "Display"
Depth   24

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen1"
Device "Videocard1"
Option "TwinView" "0"
Option "TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder" "CRT-0"
Option "metamodes" "CRT: nvidia-auto-select +0+0"

Re: [OT] Looking for a Debian based Linux distro

2008-07-18 Thread Cassiel
have a look at

2008/7/18 Santanu Chatterjee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Everybody,
> This might be a bit off-topic. Anyway, I am looking for a Debian based
> Linux distribution (liveCD or something that can be installed on a
> pendrive) that is mostly command line oriented (just a fluxbox like
> WM maybe, but most of the things done via command prompt, also
> with C/C++/Python available 'out of the box').
> Does anyone know of anything that fits the above requirement?
> Otherwise I might have to start with Sidux and use aptoncd or something
> like that to create one.
> Regards,
> Santanu Chatterjee
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Test

2008-08-26 Thread Cassiel
just stop testing on this list

2008/8/26 Zaki Akhmad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Just ignore
> -za,
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Sound driver configuration issue?

2008-09-02 Thread Cassiel
Install  qjackctl and look at the connections between "client" and "server"
appz in the connections panel, probably there's something wrong in there. Be
sure that your mic is the only source/input for audacity... maybe system
playback is routed to audacity ins

however I suggest you to use ardour-gtk on etch


> However, I think I've got something set wrong in the mixer.  When I am
> recording, anything playing in another program will get picked up by
> the audio capture (e.g. playing a background track in Audacious while
> trying to record a solo track through Audacity, the background track
> will show up in the recording).  I can tell I'm not just picking up
> speaker sounds on the microphone, since this happens even with the
> speakers off.  I tried disabling one of the two "capture" devices in
> alsamixer, but one of them has no effect and the other just kills all
> recording, both internal sounds and microphone.

Re: sound popping on powerbook DVI

2008-09-08 Thread Cassiel
If "the sound often clicks" probably you need the Ingo Molnar real-time
patch in order to obtain a "Complete Preemption" (low latency kernel) that's
good for audio stuff.


2008/9/8 Jeff Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Thanks Elijah, but unfortunately that didn't solve the problem. In addition
> I've found that sound quality sometimes lapses into what sounds like a 22 or
> 11 khz samplerate. Very strange.
> I'm compiling a fresh kernel, just to see if that happens to fix it, but
> otherwise I'm not sure what to do. Where would I report this bug,
> www.kernel.org?
> -Jeff
> elijah r. wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 8:03 PM, Jeffrey Loren Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Debian-ers,
>>> I've tried a few distributions of gnu Linux on my powerbook, and Debian
>>> is
>>> the best that I found. I'm now synced with the latest Lenny updates and
>>> it's
>>> working great.
>>> The only thing I had to configure manually was to put the line
>>> "snd-powermac" in /etc/modules to get sound to automatically work after
>>> booting. The problem is that sound often clicks. If I use the trackpad it
>>> clicks horribly in addition to the regular clicking. A usb mouse doesn't
>>> seem to aggravate the clicking. I've tried totem movie player and VLC.
>>> I've searched on google and this list's archives for a solution but
>>> haven't
>>> found a solution. I would definitely appreciate any help!

Re: apache2 in Debian - adding vhost - which file to edit?

2008-09-09 Thread Cassiel
2008/9/9 Zach Uram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am trying to add a name based virtual host to apache2-mpm-prefork
> version 2.2.9-7 on Debian lenny/sid.
> First I read to edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf but this file it seems is
> empty and not used in Debian.
> Then I read to edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf but it seems that is
> also not the right place for adding it so then
> I found the file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
> This is the correct file to edit? I was told to add my section to it such
> as:
> .
yes, but 000-default file should be left alone with standard directives for
your DocRoot /var/www/

then you should put directives for any other web site you are going to add
in a separate file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and then create a
symlink to it in

>  /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/

so you can simply remove the symlink if you ever want to put sites offline
instead of commenting out lines on a single, maybe huge, conf file, moreover
you gain better control on per site directives

(before going online) http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/



Re: Debian AMD64

2009-01-07 Thread Cassiel
with `lspci |grep -i wireless` you can obtain enough information about your
wifi card and the proper module to load and if you don't... google is your

wifi kernel modules are in debian lenny and I think you should have
wireless-tool and kwifimanager installed

eg. on my laptop I got an "intel 4965" wireless card and the module to load
is "iwl4965"


2009/1/7 Umarzuki Mochlis 

> right now, i'm having problem installing wifi driver for lenny. Now
> trying with mad wifi, i how do i know which module to load?

compile lbgdal1-1.5.0 (maybe OT?)

2009-02-03 Thread Cassiel
Hi you all,

don't know if this could be regarded as off topic, however it involves
debian package building system.

I am trying to build gdal libraries with ECW support (
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/ECW) because this compression format is not
enabled in the standard package (it's not under GPL... maybe EULA).

Steps are very easy, download ECW SDK source from http://ermapper.com/,
configure && make && make install and then apt-source in order to get debian
sources of libgdal.

I then edit the debian/rules file in order to add ecw support and start
building with dpkg-builpackage -uc but the whole process stops with this

dh_shlibdeps -L libgdal1-1.5.0 -l debian/libgdal1-1.5.0/usr/lib
dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: no dependency information found for
/usr/local/lib/libNCSUtil.so.0 (used by
dh_shlibdeps: command returned error code 512
make[1]: *** [binary-common] Error 1

libNCSUtil.so.0 is part of libecw

Any ideas on this?
Is there any flag I can pass to dpkg-builpackage in order to override
dependencies information check? I have tried with dpkg-buildpackage -d with
no success, same error


Re: Software for creating web page

2009-02-05 Thread Cassiel
2009/2/4 seeds 

> On Feb 3, 4:10 am, Kevin Philp  wrote:
> > Tom Ashley wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 08:56 -0800, Cahaya Lilin wrote:
> >
> > >> Hello all..
> >
> > >> is there any one know what is a good software for creating web in
> > >> linux like dreamweaver in windows ??
> >
> > >> Thanx..
> >
> > > I've never used them but
> > >
> http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Wind...liststhe
>  following as similar linux software: OOWeb, NVU, KompoZer (fork of NVU
> 1.0), Quanta Plus, Mozilla, Screem, Bluefish, Amaya.
> >
> > > Good luck.
> >
> > > Tom Ashley
> >
> > I have used a few and they are probably not like Dreamweaver.
> >
> > Quanta, Screem and Bluefish are HTML editors, they don't have a wysiwyg
> > interface. They have useful little dialogues to help adding tags but
> > that's about it. 

This is quite misleading and not true.
Quanta is a full featured develop environment with a wysiwyg interface to
switch to in alternative to the source view and many other plugins.



2009-03-03 Thread Cassiel
Hi you all,

I am experiencing a strange behaviour with desktop locking...that is I can
not unlock
Unlocking fails everytime and I can only kill the kdesktop_lock process...

any ideas?


Re: How do I Install your Linux operating system.

2009-03-13 Thread Cassiel
2009/3/13 caleb rodgers 

> Hey how do I Install your Linux operating system on my computer I can only
> access my database drive and I want to dual boot with Windows Vista. I have
> like 80 GB of Hard disk space. I installed the battlefield 2 game on my
> laptop. I have a AMD turion64 x2 processor and a built in broadcom wireless
> network. What can I do please help me I want to protest against MICROSOFT
> because the truth is I was hit by the downadup worm C version and I am
> trying to remove the administrator rights from system and
> trustedInstaller.exe person or something. Please help me in owning my
> computer again if you don't here from me for awhile then they literally own
> my computer. These guys who wrote this worm can take down air planes, own
> banks and take out government computers and maybe lauch missiles un
> suspectedly. Please Help me be able to solve this problem and prevent a
> cyber terrorist attack that might be launched from my computer or used by my
> computer.

Wow! so we are going to save the world today!! can we put a debian stick on
it after the job is done?  Africa deserts? Russian steppe?

> Thank You guys You Devian can be a hero this time in the cyber world.

Relly I am not sure I am prepared for this...

> Thank you please email me back as soon as possible. thank you and I hope
> you are blessed if you do help me if not then I would have to ask Gentoo,
> Ubuntu and other Linux distrubutors. basically what I am saying is you have
> a mission to do right now.
Ok, let's say Omm

Re: snd-hda-intel Codec: IDT 92HD73E1X5 support in lenny

2009-03-18 Thread Cassiel
2009/3/18 Emanoil Kotsev 

> Kelly Clowers wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 13:51, Emanoil Kotsev 
> wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> can someone help me to get sound in lenny with the intel (Codec: IDT
> >> 92HD73E1X5) snd card
> >>
> >> I read in the bugreports that alsa 1.0.19 should support it and
> installed
> >> from source but still no sound. I'm not sure it was really  the 19
> >> version because it said it was 1.0.19 but after installing in
> >> cat /proc/asound/version
> >> Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.18rc3
> >
> > This might be because you didn't upgrade all of alsa.
> >
> > Part of my alsa (Sid packages) is 1.0.19, but cat /proc/asound/version
> > says Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.18a.
> >
> >> or something
> >>
> >> the board is DG45FC. If someone could point me to a good howto it would
> >> be enough
> >
> >
> > http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Quick_Install
> >
> > When I had sound card issues, I found building alsa-drivers was enough.
> >
> > Make sure you have the linux-headers* package for your kernel
> >
> > Download the alsa-drivers tar.bz2 package to /usr/local/src/
> >
> > # unpack
> > tar -xvjf alsa-driver-1.0.19.tar.bz2
> > cd alsa-driver-1.0.19/
> >
> > #build
> > ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel --with-isapnp=no
> > make
> >
> > # become root to install
> > make install
> >
> > reboot (or a correct modprobe invocation might suffice)
> > of course this doesn't make .debs, but it works, and is easy
> thanks for the detailed instructions, I'll look at it in the evening.
> I am willing to use lenny.
> thanks again and regards

First, I suggest you not to do a configure && make && make install against
debian packages
I you need to compile from sources use the debian way, apt-get source alsa
&& dpkg-buildpackage

Try to add this line at the end of your /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base

options snd-hda-intel model=your_model

on my lenovo laptop I added:
options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo


BUG in gnome-settings-daemon? dbus? pam?

2009-03-23 Thread Cassiel
Hi you all,

I am experiencing this behaviour with gnome-settings-daemon: everytime I log
in it takes a very long time and, once I logged, if I try to change the look
of gnome I get this message:

"There was an error starting the GNOME settings daemon.
Some things, such as themes, sounds or background settings may not work
The error message was:
Did not receive a reply. (etc.)"

Running from cli gives
** (gnome-settings-daemon:8539): WARNING **: Failed to acquire
** (gnome-settings-daemon:8539): WARNING **: Could not acquire name

googling around I found hundreds of forum full with this message but none
reported the solution (even if someone SOLVED in a totally obscure manner
that didn't worked for me)

I tried to add a new user and everything worked fine but when adding this
new user to the groups I needed to belong to... things stopped working once
again. Removing the user from every group fix the "anomaly" but obviously
nobody can live with this limited user.

Any suggestion?


I am on debian squeeze running a real time kernel with some other system
tweaks in order to boost audio performance, e.g. in limits.conf
@audio   -  rtprio 99
@audio   -  memlockunlimited
@audio   -  nice  -19

and a rc.local script with:

chrt -f -p 99 `pgrep sirq-timer`
chrt -f -p 99 `pgrep sirq-hrtimer`

Re: how to add a virtual directory in apache with support to php files?

2008-10-08 Thread Cassiel
install php modules (If you didn't yet) then add index.php to DirectoryIndex
in dir.conf module inside /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

> >
> > then i visit it by http://localhost/php/StarLiu/Welcome.php, but it
> > pops out the download dialog to download the Welcome.php file.
> >
> > it seems i didn't configure it correctly, how can i fix it? thanks

Kill question

2008-10-11 Thread Cassiel
Hi you all,

I recently compiled my own 2.6.26 kernel applying the Ingo Molnar's rt patch

*Processor type and features -> Preemption Mode -> Complete Preemption
(Real-Time) ->  Y
Processor type and features -> Timer frequency -> 1000 HZ ->  Y*
enable deadline as the default IO scheduler
enable HPET timer support
enable enhanced real time clock support
enable the high precision event timer

The system boots and everything seems to be ok but after launchig qjackctl
the jackd daemon doesn't stops anymore.
If I try to stop it using qjackctl gui it refuses to shutdown and from bash
happens the same.

The result is I can't kill jackd using kill -9 PID

The jackd daemon is listed  in the ouptput of `ps -ax`  with a 'DLs' staus
and I can't start/restart it anymore.

Everything it's ok with 2.6.26 generic... but no RT

My box: amd64 dual core running debian lenny

Can anyone help?


Re: OT: How to extract sound track from a DVD [SOLVED]

2008-11-17 Thread Cassiel
I would use transcode or DVDrip for a gui.


2008/11/17 Thierry Chatelet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Monday 17 November 2008 15:11:06 David Schmidt wrote:
> > google search for "dvd2mp3 linux" came up with this link.
> >
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/dvd2mp3/
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Thierry Chatelet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > Well, everything is in the title.
> > > I have a DVD from a jazz concert I would like to extract the sound to
> > > play it in my car. Can someone suggest tools or links?
> > > Thanks
> > > Thierry
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> >
> > --
> > David Schmidt   |   http://www.fm5.at
> Thanks all.
> Actually using correct vocabulary, ie ripping instead of extracting with
> google, gave me a lot of answers. Here is the one I will use:
> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-rip-dvd-audio-to-mp3-or-ogg.html
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: whereis php

2008-12-12 Thread Cassiel
find / -iname php\*


2008/12/12 Phillipus Gunawan 

> Hi there,
> I am using debian etch/lenny
> I installed PHP5 using apt-get
> I seems can not find my executable php
> whereis php giving me result:
> php:
> thats it
> I also installed php5-cgi which also didnt give me anything
> I expect to see my executable php in /usr/lib or /lib or somewhere similar
> but already checked everywhere
> any help please?
>  Start your day with Yahoo!7 and win a Sony Bravia TV. Enter now
> http://au.docs.yahoo.com/homepageset/?p1=other&p2=au&p3=tagline
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-requ...@lists.debian.org
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> listmas...@lists.debian.org

Re: 64-bit Flash Player

2008-12-27 Thread Cassiel
There's also http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html

just put libflashplayer.so into the mozilla plugins dir


2008/12/27 Osamu Aoki 

> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 12:47:30AM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> >
> > FYI: Currently it seems sid amd64 system has broken flashplugin-nonfree
> at this
> > moment.  It was working :-)
> It works again:
> $ sudo update-flashplugin-nonfree --uninstall
> $ sudo update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-requ...@lists.debian.org
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> listmas...@lists.debian.org

Re: 64-bit Flash Player

2008-12-29 Thread Cassiel
I can confirm it works perfectly on lenny amd64

I didn't try on etch but I will when come back to work... but I guess etch
it's a little bit older, great improvements have done in lenny and surely
flashplayer rely on latest libraries.


2008/12/29 Girish Kulkarni 

> On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:11 PM, Cassiel wrote:
> > There's also http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html
> > just put libflashplayer.so into the mozilla plugins dir
> This doesn't work on Etch.  Can you confirm?
> --
> Girish Kulkarni - Allahabad, India - http://girish.50webs.com

Re: 64-bit Flash Player

2008-12-29 Thread Cassiel
oh, apologize if I mislead you, my isp is .it so I can not try iplayer for
bbc videos...
I can only say that flashplayer now works fine on amd64.


2008/12/29 Girish Kulkarni 

> On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:11 PM, Cassiel wrote:
> > There's also http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html
> > just put libflashplayer.so into the mozilla plugins dir
> This doesn't work on Etch.  Can you confirm?
> --
> Girish Kulkarni - Allahabad, India - http://girish.50webs.com

Dell Precision Workstation T7400 - 32bit

2009-04-07 Thread Cassiel
Hi you all,

has anyone of you managed to install debian on a Dell Precision Workstation
It comes with the f***ing vista pre-installed and (obviously) I want to
install debian... but the bios doesn't allow me to change the boot device


Re: Dell Precision Workstation T7400 - 32bit

2009-04-07 Thread Cassiel
2009/4/7 Sharninder 

> > has anyone of you managed to install debian on a Dell Precision
> Workstation
> > T7400?
> > It comes with the f***ing vista pre-installed and (obviously) I want to
> > install debian... but the bios doesn't allow me to change the boot device
> > order.
> >
> Are you sure the BIOS doesn't allow you to change the boot order ? Try
> pressing F-11 during POST. I've never seen a BIOS which doesn't let
> the user change the boot order.

I tried F* and finally got it with F2
I am now installing lenny from netinst :-)

Thank you

Re: debian testing

2009-04-07 Thread Cassiel
2009/4/7 Brent Clark 

> Daniel Dalton wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How stable is debian testing (squeeze)? Is it worth updating to? Or
>> should I wait a little bit until more development has been done? I used
>> to run debian when it was testing, so wonder if squeez is this stable?
>> Daniel.
> Hi
> Im of the opinion that more people should be running testing (and if you
> know what you doing / more braver - use unstable).
> It works and it works very well.
> Here where I work, and at home too, I run debian testing. In the Ten years
> that I have been running Debian, I can only remember that on two occasions
> that I have experienced problems (but im sure the problem was more between
> the keyboard and chair ;) ).
> Another thing is if more people would submit bugs. Really help the
> maintainers. Help the project and community.
> The only problem I do have is with package management. I find it a bit
> cumbersome and too tiring to even bother (Think Debian could learn from
> FreeBSD).
> Anyway.
> HTH and hope you will give Testing a try.
> Kind Regards
> Brent Clark


I run testing for non-production boxes from ages.

If you want a more stable system you can use apt & pinning techniques to run
a mixed stable/testing.
Also, when in testing, have a look at BTS for packages you are interested


Re: debian testing

2009-04-07 Thread Cassiel
2009/4/7 Daniel Dalton 

> On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 04:29:42AM -0700, Thorny wrote:
> > I suggest you wait until you can run a release version without having to
> > ask questions for help. Until such time as you can understand what
> > is happening when breakage occurs and describe the conditions exactly in
> a
> > bug report, those are the kind of bug reports that are helpful, many
> I'm probably at that stage, my questions aren't directly related to my
> release or bugs, more things i would like to learn how to do.

You can regard using debian testing as a shock therapy, let's say: the more
you face with problems the more you learn about fixing :-)

> I have ran testing in the past, but as you say, when I ran it about 6
> months before it was roled out into 5.0, it was most likeley more stable
> than the testing available now. I'll wait a bit and then upgrade.

Yes, actually testing could be really near unstable


> Daniel.


Re: [OT] Cursing Re: Dell Precision Workstation T7400 - 32bit

2009-04-08 Thread Cassiel
2009/4/8 Robert Holtzman 

> On Tue, 7 Apr 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
>  In <49db1705.8060...@gmail.com>, Avi Greenbury wrote:
>>> Cassiel wrote:
>>>> It comes with the f***ing vista pre-installed and (obviously) I want to
>>>> install debian.
>>> Also, in general, if it's not appropriate to write a swear word with all
>>> its letters, it is generally also not appropriate to just substitute
>>> three of them with asterisks.
>> :)
>> Agreed, if you are such a pussy that you can't even fucking swear
>> correctly.
>> Don't even try writing a damn swear word with those shitty asterisks. j/k
>> ;)
> I do so love eloquence.

Oh yeah, so do I
run again (with swear words patch applied)

"once upon a time, there WAS a dell workstation with the FUCKING vista
pre-installed... "

