Re: Is there a way to ssh into the debian installation process?

2013-12-10 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sun, Dec 08, 2013 at 08:57:05PM -0800, Rick Thomas a écrit :
> Do I have to build my own CD?  Or is there some way I can use a standard
> netinst CD, put a magic parameter on the boot command line and maybe
> something (what?) on a handy USB stick, and have it all fall into place?
> This seems to involve heavy use of pre-seeding.  I don't have any experience
> with pre-seeding, but maybe this is the time to learn.  Can you point me to
> an explanation of what I need to know?

Hi Rick,

with a proper preseed file, you can start the network console with a netinst
CD, or even a more minimal netboot image. 

In theory, this needs only the three lines of preseed indicated on the Debian
wiki (<>).

In practice, if the installer has a question to ask before reaching that step, 
will wait indefinitely for the answer.  The Installer's guide has explanations
on how to change the Debconf prioriy, pass start parameters and preseed a couple
of early questions in order to avoid this.

You might need a bit of trial and error.  If you think that something can be
clarified in the documentation, I guess that patches will be welcome.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Is there a way to ssh into the debian installation process?

2013-12-08 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sun, Dec 08, 2013 at 06:26:33PM -0800, Rick Thomas a écrit :
> Is there some way to tell the debian installer to enable an ssh server during
> the installation?  I'd like to be able to ssh/slogin/scp to the installation
> process so I can retrieve log files and otherwise snoop the process when the
> keyboard/mouse are frozen.
> This is part of my pursuit of Bug#728936, which renders it impossible to do a
> normal Sid CD-based installation of my PowerPC Macs, because the USB keyboard
> and mouse are not recognized.

Dear Rick,

I think that is what you
are looking for.


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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