Creating Debian mirror from install CD's

2002-02-23 Thread Chris Howells
Hash: SHA1


FAI requires a Debian mirror. Is it possible to produce such a mirror from the 
installation CD-ROMs (in my case a Woody snapshot)? If so, how? Will this 
method also work with potato?

I'd be greatful if you could CC me that answer since I'm not subscribed to the 

Many thanks

- -- 
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Building XFree86 4.0.3 on Debian potato

2001-05-04 Thread Chris Howells
I have successfully build XFree86 4.0.3 on my potato box (I've just left
the old 3.3.6 DEBs in place to stop a dependency messup), although when
I try to 'make install' XFree86 4.0.3, I get the following message:

install: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/proxymgr/pmconfig: Too many levels of
symbolic links

Does any body know how to fix it?

Chris Howells 
ICQ: 93699029

Which bootup script brings up interface 'lo'

2001-04-24 Thread Chris Howells
I'm trying to work out where interface 'lo' is brought up on potato.

I've grepped through /etc, but can't see any references to 'ifconfig'.

I'd be greatful to be CC'd, since I'm not on the list.

Chris Howells 
ICQ: 93699029

Re: koffice -- how-to?

2001-04-10 Thread Chris Howells
From: will trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> there seems to be a bunch of nouns missing there. how do i figure
> out (where be the fligging manual) what command to issue to get
> into spreadsheet (kspread) or wordprocessing (kword)?

I'm not familiar with the apt-get method of install KDE (since I just
download the tar.gzs and compile them), but you should be able to run the
applications by just typing 'kspread', 'kword', or 'koshell' for the KOffice

You should note though that *only* KOffice 1.0 has been released. If you
want a newer version, then you need to run from CVS or a daily snapshot.
Please see for more details, or to see the KOffice
1.1. release schedule.


Re: problem updating to perl 5.6.0

2001-04-10 Thread Chris Howells
From: Yang Shouxun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> How can I update my system to Perl 5.6.0-20? Perl-5.005 was installed.
> There is an evil dependency circularity that prevents me from upgrading
> the system: debconf depends on perl-5.005 and the like.

It's a bloody annoyace to do so, and pretty awkward.

However I did it (on potato) like this:

Leave old perl 5.005 in place.

Obtain perl 5.6.0 source (actually 5.6.1 has been released in the last few
days IIRC), and compile:

sh Configure -de
make test
make install

When asked if you want to update the /usr/bin/perl link, choose "no".

Now you should have two versions of perl on the system.

perl --version should give you 5.6.0
/usr/bin/perl --version should give you 5.005

You need to keep /usr/bin/perl as 5.005 otherwise debconf breaks. However
/usr/bin/perl is just a symlink to /etc/alternatives/perl, so if you're
compiling a program which expects /usr/bin/perl to be 5.6, you can symlink
/usr/bin/perl to the perl5.6 binary (sorry, can't remember where it's
located), and change it back to 5.005 when you've compiled the program.


Re: Progeny Debian 1.0 released

2001-04-10 Thread Chris Howells
From: Jeff Licquia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> We thought that this would be something that Debian people generally
> would be interested in, which is why we posted it.  If you would
> rather not, then that's fine; we won't bother you all on the lists
> anymore.

I don't consider it to be spam. If it wasn't posted here, I would not have
know. Please continue posting major announcenments here.


Re: Using Visioneer Scanner under Debian

2001-04-08 Thread Chris Howells
From: Bob Hilliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Is anyone using a Visioneer 4400 Scanner successfully under
> Debian?


Re: Building GNOME 1.4 on Debian potato -- errors in control-center

2001-04-08 Thread Chris Howells
> Have you installed esd (it's the Enlightenment Sound Daemon) before
> you try to build control-center?

I have indeed -- I've compiled from source. If I hadn't then ./configure
would have just bombed out...

I've also compiled all of the other dependencies (such as gnome-libs) from

I've also tried running ldconfig, but the problem persists.

Any other ideas?

Chris Howells

Building GNOME 1.4 on Debian potato -- errors in control-center

2001-04-08 Thread Chris Howells
I'm attempting to compile GNOME 1.4 on my Debian potato box.

During the 'make' stage of compiling control-center, I'm getting this:

undefined reference to `esd_sample_getid'
undefined reference to `esd_sample_free'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [sound-properties] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/gnome1.4/control-center-'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

Can anyone help?

Chris Howells
ICQ: 93699029

Re: HP's InkJet drivers on Debian -- success?

2001-04-07 Thread Chris Howells
> I found some drivers for hp880 here:
> I downloaded the debian source packages of ghostscript 5.50 and with the
> instructions on the site I hacked through the configurationscripts of
> debian/rules. 2 hours has passed to compile the b*tch. It gave so much
> errors... I have the binaries of the compiled ghostscript 5.50 with
> cd880 drivers packaged in debian-format. If you like to have it, mail me
> back.

Thanks, but I'm specifically asking about the drivers for Linux that HP have
released themselves, not any others (I'm currently using CUPS + GIMP-Print
which works pretty well).

Chris Howells

HP's InkJet drivers on Debian -- success?

2001-04-06 Thread Chris Howells
I am interested in knowing whether anybody has successfully managed to use
HPs InkJet drivers on Debian -- currently they are only available as
binaries for RedHat (SuSE and Mandrake coming soon).

Unfortunately my attempts to compile the drivers in failed, due to the fact
that printing with the new version of GhostScript generated loads of errors.

I did receive this response when asking HP about support for Debian:

> We are working with the distributions to produce more binaries.  You may
> want to put in your request with Debian as well.  Mandrake already has
> incorporated binaries into their 8.0 beta distribution.  You may want to
> post to the forum to see if anyone else has successfully compiled for
> Debian.  I will also forward your request on to our developer.

However I'm not sure whether the drivers could be incorporated into Debian
at the moment due to the license (basically a BSD style license with a "HP
only" clause) -- although I think I did hear they were planning to GPL them

See for the exact license.


Chris Howells
ICQ: 93699029

Upgrading to perl 5.6 on potato

2001-04-02 Thread Chris Howells
Basically I need to upgrade to perl 5.6 (or better) on Debian potato,
for a few things (such as GIMP 1.2.1 and parts of KDE 2.1.1). However
judging from here:

the latest version in stable is 5.005.

So how am I supposed to upgrade to a later version of Perl than 5.005,
bearing in mind the dependency mess that I could create. Is there a
pre-built DEB somewhere? Or what else would be the "best" to do?

Chris Howells
ICQ: 93699029

Re: staroffice..

2001-03-24 Thread Chris Howells
From: Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Yes but for kpresenter to work I have to install kde 2.x I even havent
> installed kde 1.x and since I am using windowMaker I am a little bit

It's better to not have KDE 1 first, since you won't then get any nasty
hangovers when you use KDE 2.

> afraid of KDE mostly due to last Nick Croft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posting
> about "Subject: Re: kde virus-like menu masher"

I have absolutely no problem with Window Maker 0.64.1 and KDE 2.0.1 either
on Debian potato or Mandrake 7.0

Chris Howells

Re: staroffice..

2001-03-24 Thread Chris Howells
From: Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well after a little bit lurking the web a see the only real chance to see
> powerpoint files under linux is staroffice (yes I know I could use wmware
> and the like but I want something as lighter as possible since I wont use
> it too much).

There is a powerpoint filter in Kpresenter, see for

Chris Howells

Re: how to edit the kernel....make menuconfig???

2001-03-23 Thread Chris Howells
From: Mike Egglestone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm having a tough time finding info on how to 
> edit the kernel so I can add "transparent_proxy" support.
> Isn't there some utility to do this?

You want to recompile the kernel with transparent_proxy?

If so, see

Chris Howells

Re: printer setup

2001-03-23 Thread Chris Howells
From: jens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I installed 1.1.6 the same way you are suggesting and all went fine. I
> then tried installing kups which is a nicer interface  as part of

> Did you have the same problem ? Do you use kups ? How did you resolve
> the issue ?

Sorry, no, I simply use the web interface. I find that quite adequate for my
needs (I generally use it via Lynx, since Konqueror doesn't seem capable of

Chris Howells

Re: printer setup

2001-03-22 Thread Chris Howells
From: Juergen Fiedler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The one in unstable is not quite as old, I assume: 1.1.4-3. Would that
> do? I tried it and when I connected to the web based admin tool and
> tried to add a new printer, it gave me only 6 choices for the printer
> type: file, ipp and the various serial ports. Now, the printers that I
> need to use are all remote, using BSD style lpd.
> How would I go about setting up one of those under CUPS?

Yes, different versions of CUPS seem to give different choices for
destinations. I'm not familair with 1.1.4, but I'm pretty sure that 1.1.6
has a choice for lpd style printing.

Sorry I can't be of more help -- I'm no CUPS expert ;)

Chris Howells

Re: printer setup

2001-03-22 Thread Chris Howells
From: Juergen Fiedler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am not the original poster, but I am very interested in CUPS. But I
> can't  even figure out which packages I really need (in unstable).
> cupsys, I assume. cupsys-bsd? cupsys-client? Anything else?

The version in potato is old. Download 1.1.6 from (get the DEB), and then install it with:

dpkg -i cups-version.deb

Worked fine for me.

Chris Howells

Re: printer setup

2001-03-22 Thread Chris Howells
From: Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've the same problem! Coming from RedHat with its magic "printtool" I'm
> somewhat distressed about setting up a printer under Debian (e.g. epson
> stylus color, which is surely supported).
> Please help the both of us

If it has driver for your printer, CUPS is probably the easiest way, since
it has a browser based configuration tool.

Chris Howells

Re: 2.4 Loopback file system mounts

2001-03-21 Thread Chris Howells
From: Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Were there any changes to files that are necessary to support loopback
> mounts in 2.4?  I have one iso image that I mount as a drive for Wine, and
> whenever I try to mount it, it hangs pretty solid.  I have to reboot to
> that task (no kill options I tried work on it).

Nope, it's simply broken in 2.4.2. Get a 2.4.3 pre, or wait for 2.4.3

Chris Howells

Debian package management and forcing dependencies

2001-03-21 Thread Chris Howells
As an experienced Linux user, but Debian newcomer, this has been
something that has been annoying me for a while.

Say I want to remove the packaged version of ghostscript (5.1) and
compile my own (5.5 with some of my own drivers). I can do this quite
easily with 'dpkg --force-depends -r gs'. The '--force-depends' is of
course required so that I can keep some software which has a dependency
for ghostscript installed -- this shouldn't cause a problem because it's
about to be able to use the version of ghostscript that I've just

However, dpkg and apt-get will remember about this forced dependency for
ever more -- a right pain because it means that I can't 'apt-get'
something. This is simply because the source compiled version of
ghostscript isn't in the dpkg database.

So, what am I supposed to do so that dpkg and apt-get will forget about
this forced dependency?

Chris Howells 
ICQ: 93699029

Re: Hdparm and 2.4 kernel

2001-03-20 Thread Chris Howells
Ethan Benson wrote:

> what chipset?  some (VIA) have been blacklisted in the kernel since
> they are too buggy (or the kernel driver is too buggy)

Nope, like I said in the original message, the Intel LX. The same
hardware has worked fine under Mandrake, with the same kernel version.

Chris Howells 
ICQ: 93699029

Installing Netscape 4 on 2.2r2

2001-03-20 Thread Chris Howells
I am attempting to install Netscape 4 on 2.2r2, but am having

When I do 'apt-get install netscape4', a package is installed, as
expected. However there does not seem to be an executable instsalled,
and in fact the DEB package is only a few hundered K in size --
certainly not the whole of Netscape. A file called 'netscape-remote'
does exist however, and running this generates an error message ("Cannot
connect to display", I think).

'apt-get install communicator' leads to an error message suggest that
apt knows about the communicator package, although can't find it, for
some reason (and in fact, I can't see it on my three CD set, either).

What am I actually meant to do to run/install Netscape? 

Chris Howells 
ICQ: 93699029

Re: Hdparm and 2.4 kernel

2001-03-19 Thread Chris Howells

Forrest English wrote:

is your kernel compiled with dma support?  because if it's not, thats not
gonna work.

Yup, pretty sure it is. I'll check though.

Chris Howells
ICQ: 93699029

Re: Hdparm and 2.4 kernel

2001-03-19 Thread Chris Howells

Generally you need to be root to use hdparm.

I am root! I wouldn't imagine it working it with a non-priveleged user.

There seems to be a gerneral problem with hdparm not being happy under 
the 2.4 kernel -- if I boot 2.2.18 again it works fine.

Even more generally you shouldn't need to use hdparm with 2.4.x kernels.
2.4.x has much better IDE support.

I get much better benchmark results with DMA set on.

Chris Howells
ICQ: 93699029

Hdparm and 2.4 kernel

2001-03-18 Thread Chris Howells
I'm having trouble using hdparm (versions 3.6 and 4.1) on a Debian 
Potato system.

When I do:

hdparm -d1 /dev/hda

The message is: HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted.

Does anybody have any suggesstions why? The same hardware worked with 
DMA under Linux on Mandrake 7.0 (LX chipset + Maxtor disk drive)

Even compiling my own version of hdparm doesn't help.

Chris Howells
ICQ: 93699029

Re: Debian 2.2 installer boot floppys

2000-11-17 Thread Chris Howells

paolo massei wrote:

Hmm, problem solved thanks.

I finally found some decent floppies (I must have tried about two sets 
before), and made images of root.bin and rescue.bin. I then booted, and 
waited past the messages "VM: do_try_to_free_ages failed for modprobe... 
(and kswapd), and eventually the intaller came into life.

Perfect (I hope)!


Many thanks all,
Chris Howells
ICQ: 93699029

Re: Debian 2.2 installer boot floppys

2000-11-17 Thread Chris Howells

paolo massei wrote:

>> to edit the file, even if I specify
>> mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
> ^^
> Perhaps here is the error: try with
> mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
> ^^

Thanks. 'msdos' turned out, *surprisingly* to be the correct option. It
still hasn't helped me getting the distro installed, I'm afraid. :(
Chris Howells
ICQ: 93699029

Debian 2.2 installer boot floppys

2000-11-15 Thread Chris Howells
I have just obtained the full three CD-ROM Debian CD-ROM set. I wish to
try it out on my old computer first, which does not have a CD-ROM drive
capable of booting.

Therefore I must make a boot floppy.

I used rawrite to create a floppy from the image install/rescue.bin,
which boots the machine up with syslinux, and then asks for "Insert root
floppy disk to be loaded...". So, I made a floppy with the image of

When I take the first (rescue.bin) floppy out, and put this one
(root.bin) instead I get a 'Kernel Panic: "Unable to mount root fs…"'

I asked on #debian about this, and was told that I needed to edit the
file syslinux.cfg on one of the floppies, yet I am unsure how to do this
(or why even -- all I want to do is start the installer from the
CD-ROM?). They won't mount under Linux Mandrake (on my other machine),
to edit the file, even if I specify 

mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

I'd be really grateful if somebody could help. I do have a fair amount
of Linux experience (with mainly Red Hat style distros -- where it's
just a matter of writing installer.img or similair, and making sure the
CD-ROM is in the drive), but this has got me stumped. 

Chris Howells 
ICQ: 93699029