Re: Careers in Linux

2001-06-26 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
"Jonathan D. Proulx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 01:52:02AM +0100, mark wrote:
> :Hi,
> :Iam finding it very hard to even get looked at by
> :empolyeers.Basically i have made a career change 1 1/2 years ago
> :from being a factory worker to supporting pc's (sadly win9x/win2k
> :for a uk comapany,name withheld to protect my job :-), at least it
> :got my foot in the door).
> Luck did have a big part in getting my current position!  I was "the
> guy who knows computers" in my last job (Public Works department of a
> local Municipality), but hat little official responsibility for them.

Similar here. At the university i studied social sciences the
department of mechanical engeneering was looking for a student with
,,programming knowledge´´. OK, I thought, after 7 jears of linux
experience, GEM - Programming on Atari ST, I have ,,programming
knowledge´´. I got the job, it was very bad payed, and I ended up with
13000 lines of C++ - Code (in the biggest program), a very good
attestation, much more knowledge than before and a lifelong job

> Try to leverage that foot in the door, can you work in a cheap linux
> box to do firewalling, mail, fileserving, intranet webserver, VPN ?
> Be creative and see if there's anything you can do with old machines
> going out of service or a really low end PC, so it won't cost your
> employer much if anything, and then you'll have "official" linux admin
> on your CV

Also try to learn at home as much as possible. Networking, mailing,
firewalling, etc. I would especially take care of things like volume
management, high availability, shared filesystems (Coda, GFS) and
other enterprise features. If you have knowledge in this fields, no
matter on which flavor of unix, you can pick out your
employer. Scripting is a must, I would recommend python. Try to
automate with failure checking and everything needed in a production

> :Also I would be inclined as Iam to start playing with something like
> :Solaris as its more Unix based than say debian/rh/mandrake (if you
> :know what I mean)
> All my "important" servers are Sun machines running Solaris, so yes
> it's important to know.  But I wouldn't call it "more Unix based"
> exept that Unix is a trademark Linux doesn't wear.  From an admin
> perspective some of the commands behave a little differently (though I
> use the GNU tools mostly so they are the same), and there's a few
> minor differences that can be trouble till you get used to them.  From
> a user view there's even less difference.  I'd go so far as to say the
> difference between RH and Debian is greater than the difference
> between Debian and Solaris.

Except that debian is much better. It´s cleaner, it has a clear
policy, an absolute superior package management and more I can count
here. I work in a major data processing center as a solaris sysadmin,
and I hate solaris. 

> That said, they're running Solaris because of the Sun hardware, and
> Sparc Linux isn't quite where we'd need it to be.

Here the same. No one decides to use solaris, but to use SUN hardware.

Greetings, Christoph

Re: LVM, RAID stability

2001-03-11 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
Stefan Traber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,

> i have a question regarding the software RAID and LVM support in Linux. I am
> planning on setting up a Debian system for use as a file-server in a
> production environment. I want to set up RAID-1 (mirroring) and if possible 
> use the
> LVM so that i can increase the size of my volumes afterwards, as i don't know
> yet how much they will grow.

i use lvm extensively, mostly without problems. The only problem I had
was after an upgrade from 0.8 to 0.9-beta1. Upgrading to 0.9-beta5 was
painles. I moved PVs from disk to disk, grew partitions, etc. In my
opinion it´s just as stable as AIX-lvm, and more stable than veritas
VM. I can highly recommend it.

I also tried the combination of raid and LVM without success, but I
had to do it on a redhat-box (company policy), and it was difficult to
get all needed patches into the kernel. This should be easier on
debian, because redhat uses a non-standard kernel, which is not easy
to patch. I thing today it should be possible, maybe easy. I recommend
the lvm mailing list for technical questions. 

Greetings, Christoph

debian and 3rd-party certifications

2001-03-11 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
Hi all,

I recently had to set up and configure a linux-box at our company. I
naturally wanted to take the best UNIX ever made, debian linux, but I
was told that i had to use redhat, because veritas netbackup client is
only certified to work with redhat. My argument, that if it runs on
redhat, I will get it also to run under debian was cancelled, because
of support questions. So my question is: How to get debian certified
as a recommended netbackup platform? I think it is very importatnt for
the success of debian in the server-market to get these

Greetings, Christoph

Re: LVM, MD, what's what?

2001-02-08 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch

Alec Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Right now I've got a 10GB drive split into 4 partitions (/, /boot, /home, and
> swap). I'd like to add another drive to the system, adding its space to /home,
> which is /dev/hda7 under my current setup. The machine currently runs kernel 
> 2.2.18
> and will be upgraded to 2.4.x once a few point releases are out.

I run kernel 2.2.18 and lvm 0.9.beta3.

> How can I go about using Multiple Disks and/or LVM to manage this addition? Is
> there a HOWTO someplace I should be looking at? I'm also thinking about 
> converting
> from ext2 to ReiserFS at some point and would be interested in knowing about 
> any
> gotchas it would involve as far as MD/LVM are concerned.

I would suggest the following:

Install lvm from and install it following
the INSTALL file. Eventually add reiserfs-patches to your kernel
before rebulding it.

Add the new drive, and create 10 partitions, type 8e, each 1G.

# pvcreate /dev/hdb[1-9] /dev/hdb10

Then look how much space you need for /usr, /var, /tmp and create a
volume group for them:

If you need btween 3 and 4G, then do

# vgcreate root_vg /dev/hdb[1-4]
# lvcreate -n usr_lv -L  root_vg
# lvcreate ... (...means do this also for var_lv and tmp_lv)

# mkreiserfs /dev/root_vg/usr_lv ... 

# mkdir /usr_new
# mount -t reiserfs /dev/root_vg/usr_lv /usr_new ...
# cd /usr
# find . -print | cpio -dmp ../usr_new
# ...

Act like this with home_vg, local_vg or whatelse you need.

Then change vou /etc/fstab to the new devices and reboot. Leave the
root-partition and eventually /boot where it is. If everything is ok,
mount says tha /usr is on /dev/root_vg/usr_lv ..., then you can
pvcreate the old partitions and vgextend your volume groups. I left /
(200G) non-lvm and ext2, so I can boot from a normal debian - CD, but
there are also ways for putting root under lvm-control and reiserfs.

If you need further assistance then send me a mail.

Greetings, Christoph

Re: Laptops for Debian GNU/Linux?

2000-12-04 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
"Dexter Graphic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The site is a rich source of information on GNU/Linux laptops. 
> But it's almost too much information and to general in nature 
> to be of immediate use. I still have no idea how to go about
> comparing the hundreds of models listed and what each one's
> strengths and weaknesses are in terms of running my preferred
> OS: Debian GNU/Linux. 
> Perhaps some of you folks would be willing to share your own
> laptop preferences? Are there any hardware companies you
> know of that provide GPL drivers and support open standards?


I use a compaq armada 1750 under debian since the slink times, and I?m
very happy with it. Graphics, Sound, PCMCIA, everything works.

Greetings, Christoph

Re: lvm

2000-09-30 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
> "JM" == Julio Merino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   JM> Hi all,
   JM> I have now a currently working Potato system organized in simple
   JM> partitions as I posted in another message. Well, my question is about
   JM> how can I use LVM.

   JM> Can I convert my current installation structure in a LVM one ? Do I
   JM> have to reinstall all my system ? HOW ?
   JM> Potato install doesn't contemplates LVM.


that´s the way I did it:

I installed lvm deb

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -l lvm
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name   VersionDescription
ii  lvm0.8i-3 The Logical Volume Manager for Linux

Then I patched my Kernel 2.2.17 with

patch-2.2.16-LVM-0.8i ( )
linux-2.2.17-reiserfs-3.5.25-patch ( )

and recompiled with lvm and reiserfs compiled in ( not as modules ).

The I did a vgscan (after reboot), pvcreate on spare partitions ( I
repartitioned a disk with parted to 500MB - Partitions, so I can reassign
them to different volume groups), vgcreate and lvcreate, and copied my
existing partitions to the new ones, e.g.

# vgscan
# pvcreate /dev/hdb[12345]
# vgcreate root_vg /dev/hdb[12345]
# lvcreate -L 1G -n usr_lv root_vg
# mkreiserfs /dev/root_vg/usr_lv
# mkdir /usr_new
# mount -t reiserfs /dev/root_vg/usr_lv /usr_new
# cd /usr
# find . -print | cpio -dpm ../usr_new

and also for all other partitions

Then I edited /etc/fstab to point to the new partitions, rebooted and ready.

The I pvreated the old partitions, added them to the right volume group, and
pvmoved the /dev/hdb[12345] back to /dev/hdb. Here´s my mount - output:

/dev/hda1 on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/root_vg/var_lv on /var type reiserfs (rw)
/dev/root_vg/usr_lv on /usr type reiserfs (rw)
/dev/root_vg/home_lv on /home type reiserfs (rw)
/dev/root_vg/tmp_lv on /tmp type reiserfs (rw)
/dev/local_vg/local_lv on /usr/local type reiserfs (rw)
/dev/local_vg/apt-mirror_lv on /usr/local/apt-mirror type reiserfs (rw)

The / - partition can also be brought under lvm-control, but the you need to
boot in a initial ramdisk before mounting the physical partiton on your HD.

This system works without any hassles, and I moved and resized very much. I
recommend using reiserfs, it does journaling, and comes up very fast after a
power failure or cold reboot.

If you have any questions, send me a mail.

Here some konfiguration outputs:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cg# pvscan
pvscan -- reading all physical volumes (this may take a while...)
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda10" of VG "local_vg" [500 MB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda11" of VG "local_vg" [500 MB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda12" of VG "local_vg" [500 MB / 476 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda13" of VG "local_vg" [500 MB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda14" of VG "local_vg" [500 MB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda15" of VG "local_vg" [500 MB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda16" of VG "local_vg" [500 MB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda5"  of VG "root_vg"  [996 MB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda6"  of VG "root_vg"  [2.93 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda7"  of VG "root_vg"  [996 MB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda9"  of VG "root_vg"  [500 MB / 500 MB free]
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb1"  is in no VG  [502 MB]
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb2"  is in no VG  [502.03 MB]
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb3"  is in no VG  [502.03 MB]
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb5"  is in no VG  [502 MB]
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb6"  is in no VG  [502 MB]
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb7"  is in no VG  [502 MB]
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb8"  is in no VG  [502 MB]
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb9"  is in no VG  [619.66 MB]
pvscan -- total: 19 [12.83 GB] / in use: 11 [8.79 GB] / in no VG: 8 [4.04 GB]

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cg# lvscan
lvscan -- ACTIVE   "/dev/local_vg/local_lv" [1.95 GB]
lvscan -- ACTIVE   "/dev/local_vg/apt-mirror_lv" [1 GB]
lvscan -- ACTIVE   "/dev/root_vg/usr_lv" [2.73 GB]
lvscan -- ACTIVE   "/dev/root_vg/var_lv" [152 MB]
lvscan -- ACTIVE   "/dev/root_vg/home_lv" [1 GB]
lvscan -- ACTIVE   "/dev/root_vg/tmp_lv" [1012 MB]
lvscan -- 6 logical volumes with 7.82 GB total in 2 volume groups
lvscan -- 6 active logical volumes

Greetings, Christoph

console-apt and absolute paths

2000-09-09 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch

everytime I try to install something with console-apt (and aptitude) I get
the message 

Package manager (dpkg) failed: 

  * Internal Error, Pathname to install is not absolute 

apt-get install  works.

Greetings Christoph

Re: Reading Sun disks/backup tapes on a Debian system

2000-08-27 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
> "EGM" == Eric G Miller  writes:

   EGM> On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 03:09:12PM +0100, Melanie Dymond Harper wrote:
   >> Hi folks,
   >> Does anyone have information about how one might read Sun-format
   >> (ufsdump) backup tapes or, alternatively, ufs-format disks on a Debian
   >> system?

   EGM> You probably need a kernel with ufs support.  Apparently there are
   EGM> several versions so you have to specify a 'usftype=...' paramater to
   EGM> mount.  See /Documentation/filesystems/ufs.txt for more
   EGM> info.  I'm guessing it doesn't come with the prebuilt *.deb kernels, but
   EGM> you can check /lib/modules/ would be named ufs.o . If it's built into the kernel (doubtful) you can
   EGM> also look at /proc/filesystems.

ufsdumps are basically cpio-files. If the copy on tape was made to the raw
device (which is so in most cases), then you can access it with cpio as
usual. Maybe you have to skip at the beginning, but I don´t think so.

Hope that helps,


Re: Win & Potato on LAN

2000-08-25 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
> "V" == Vitux  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   V> Dan Hutchinson wrote:
   >> You know there has to be a default gateway with the NIC in Windows!
   >> Also which version of Windows 95/98 or WindowsNT/2000.
   >> Dan
   V> Sorry, Win98 1st.ed.
   V> I tried setting "gateway" to Potato's IP (, now if I
   V> ping the same IP, I get host does not exist.
   V> Do you have any suggestion as to the default gateway in Win?


do you think, the network card in the Windows box is set up correctly. I had
some Problems with win95 and more than one card, massice resource conflicts.

Also check the cabeling. If the LED on the hub doesn´t show anything, it must 
be the windows box or the cable. If the card is set up to autonegoitation,
try to set mode and speed manually.

Just a few suggestions,


Re: Debian Linux on Sun UltraSparc IIi

2000-08-15 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
> "WY" == Wilson Yau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   >> Where did you fail in the boot process? ie. did the Sun access the floppy
   >> and spit out an error message, or did it simply say something like "can't
   >> find boot image" off the HDD?

   WY> When the system started booting, I saw it soughting the floopy drive as
   WY> the green light was on and off several times.  

   WY> Shortly after displaying the system information like:

   WY> SPARCengine(tm) Ultra CP1400 (UltraSparc-IIi 303MHz) OpenBoot 3.10.9 ME
   WY> with 192MB RAM.

   WY> Got this message:

   WY>  Drive not ready
   WY>  Boot device: net  File and args:


try changing the boot device. Type STOP + a, then "boot floppy".

Greetings, Christoph

Re: Raid 1 Problems

2000-08-15 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
> "MK" == Matt Kopishke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   MK> Hi, I am running potato and a 2.2.16 kernel on our file server.  I
   MK> have two raid 1 devices set up, each 10 gigs big.  The problem is that it
   MK> does not seem to cleanly unmount/update the superblock when I
   MK> restart/shutdown (although it says it does).  So what happens is each
   MK> startup it needs to run chkraid, which on two 10 gig md devices, takes a
   MK> while.  

It would not be the solution to the source of your Problem, but why don´t you 
use reiserfs on the md-devices? I do so without problems.

Second, did you check the versions of the raidtools and the kernel modules?

Greetings, Christoph

Re: roaming user

2000-06-11 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
Matt Emmett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all,
> This is question for those users that have a deskop machine and a
> laptop... do you have any suggestions for making the life of a roaming
> user easier?  Most importantly, how does one keep their home
> directories "synced"?

I use coda for this. Try searching for coda in freshmeat.

Greetings, Christoph

Re: Coda filesystem?

2000-05-06 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
Oki DZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 3 May 2000, Christoph Gaitzsch wrote:
> > I use it on my laptop with my home machine as Coda-Server, and I like
> > it very much. I keep my diary and address-files there, and some other
> > stuff I want to share. If it keeps beeing stable, I will put more
> > stuff in the shared directories.
> How do you deal with local cache overflow? When the link is disconnected,
> any updates will be done on the local cache, but if it overflows, no
> message generated. I don't think that Unix "quota" would handle Coda
> caches. I think Coda client needs some improvement regarding local cache.

My cache is much larger than my files I hold there, so I don´t have
any problems regarding cache size. Do you know how to resize the

Greetings, Christoph

Re: Coda filesystem?

2000-05-03 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
Oki DZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Norman Walsh wrote:
> > I'll shortly have both a laptop and a desktop machine, just out of
> > curiosity, is anyone using the Coda filesystem on top of Debian?
> Not yet, but already installed.
> Oki

I use it on my laptop with my home machine as Coda-Server, and I like
it very much. I keep my diary and address-files there, and some other
stuff I want to share. If it keeps beeing stable, I will put more
stuff in the shared directories.

Greetings, Christoph

Can only print dvi

1999-04-16 Thread Christoph Gaitzsch
Hi all,
I have a problem with printing something other than dvi-files with
lprng/magicfilter on slink. Somehow magicfilter doesn't call gs (I can 
see dj500-filter in top a short time), but lpd thinks, it has printed
with sucess: Any hints?

Greetings, Christoph