help needed with problem with udev on Parallels based jessie

2015-09-12 Thread Comer Duncan
I have been running Parallels on my macbook pro laptop for a few months and
it works great so far.  Recently I decided to do the update + upgrade
sequence and got a problem which seems to point to udev.  There are around
56 things that will need updating and then upgrading and the whole thing
fails to go to completion.  I am attaching the update and upgrade that I
have tried and ask for some help in how to proceed.

Thanks for all your help!


Description: Binary data

question about peculiar svn error

2015-03-27 Thread Comer Duncan
I am trying to extract a public svn software source and have run against an
immediate error returned.  Here are the particulars:

svn checkout http::/xx/yy/codename codename  --username=anomymous

and give a password of anonymous (the approved pw).

the response is:

Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40802) with this library

I am running Wheezy 7.8 and have used svn in the past with no such

Can someone help?



Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2015 #51

2015-01-15 Thread Comer Duncan
Thanks for the suggestions on my problem with a corrupted root pw.  I was
able to get a new root pw via the route of using sudo to change the root
password.  I checked it by bringing up the system in single user mode and
entered the new password and it worked.  I also checked it by issuing su
and gave the new password, which worked. Thanks to all you replied. This
really helped me out!


On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 6:40 AM, <> wrote:

> Content-Type: text/plain
> debian-user-digest Digest   Volume 2015 :
> Issue 51
> Today's Topics:
>   Re: Directories changing their side   [ The Wanderer <
>> ]
>   Re: Directories changing their side   [ Pertti Kosunen
>Re: Find obsolete packages without u  [ Fredrik Jonson <
>> ]
>   Re: Directories changing their side   [ Ric Moore 
> ]
>   problem with corrupted root password  [ Comer Duncan <
> ]
>   Re: problem with corrupted root pass  [ Rob Owens  ]
>   Re: Have I been hacked?   [ Brian  ]
>   Re: Have I been hacked?   [ Brian  ]
>   Re: Have I been hacked?   [ John Hasler 
> ]
>   Re: problem with corrupted root pass  [ Gary Dale 
> ]
>   Re: Have I been hacked?   [ Bob Proulx  ]
>   Re: Disable server so it does not st  [ Bob Proulx  ]
>   Re: problem with corrupted root pass  [ Bob Proulx  ]
> Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 09:25:28 -0500
> From: The Wanderer 
> To:
> Subject: Re: Directories changing their side when copied!
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha512;
>  protocol="application/pgp-signature";
>  boundary="1nbMw8HPgnp8BtgCwbQMCbxTNmMPHT7kE"
> This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
> --1nbMw8HPgnp8BtgCwbQMCbxTNmMPHT7kE
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> On 01/14/2015 at 09:16 AM, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> > Hi all.
> >=20
> > I realized that the same directory, once copied onto vfat pendrive
> > with `cp' or also `rsync', have a size (detected with `du') that
> > doesn't match with the source.
> >=20
> > Please help.
> This is probably because du reports "size on disk" - that is, the amount
> by which the available space on the disk would be increased if the file
> weren't present - rather than the actual number of bytes in the file,
> and the difference between those two numbers will vary depending on what
> filesystem the file is sitting on.
> Specifically, FAT-based filesystems have different overhead from EXT*
> filesystems, which are probably what a modern Debian system is using by
> default. Thus, since du reports "total size including filesystem
> overhead", the space consumed by a file on a FAT FS will likely be
> different from the space consumed by that file on an EXT FS.
> The principle underlying this has been reported by Windows at least as
> far back as Windows 95. If you right-click on a file in the Windows
> file-manager program (Windows Explorer) and choose Properties, the
> resulting dialog will give you two different file-size values; I believe
> they're labeled "size in bytes" and "size on disk". The latter is what
> du reports, and is what differs depending on what filesystem the file is
> sitting on.
> --=20
>The Wanderer hopes that this is less confusing to read than it felt
> like when he was writing it
> The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
> persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
> progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw
> --1nbMw8HPgnp8BtgCwbQMCbxTNmMPHT7kE
> Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
> Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc"
> Version: GnuPG v1
> DVooDpFVQwKQWDcjKDTsMG3xx3kaJbAvmvy2HtoSdT8UT7ZqCmvrv1aiNIxubhfi
> h7G0Vll717LpOh7EBr/GYy3KoACBfTwIwFTXGgRSWVA8hKbub11n1smJtgOrh1dX
> M1peYUVNH6Oqy7EQhIZCZwouU3bXBjSZilGVmSJEdvN+wkRiFKC27xc+lNC5IcR7
> +qZwFwrTrcHJo71p65c2h6r7Jz8pLWLplNymtC2wer9wBc3gfKRt7XcLm6H0Vt6V
> PWg+qag5ufivfV+bOCAlf8kMLx8hYHNXmrs87GuI315iIJHzNUG6U16PsdgWawWd
> Llp6Lk9pNBUWewidw/t5Dz3HwlgVq/Ppo+WMxNnXBwiQfDipNFlue0JZq+WFWt2g
> mY8UQ25X6ixoWzyhsTioCyR9uN0cL3wBT6cEs0o3vbOjam9vV6tn+mBuC9awZ1Zn
> avWrP55F7DOBzXYNjnNeR

problem with corrupted root password

2015-01-14 Thread Comer Duncan
I recently got wheezy up and running.  I installed xfce4 and like it.

However, today in the process of trying to spawn a root terminal (in
Accessories) and going through a cycle of trying to get authorized but
being prevented by repeated complaints that the system password I used was
not correct, I now find that I can not get logged in in single-user mode!
I have thus royally screwed up.  So, how can I get the system password
changed to something new?

Thanks for help and apologies for making such an error.


help in purging old packages

2015-01-09 Thread Comer Duncan

I have a situation in which I am running wheezy 7.7 and for various reasons
now want to purge all packages which for some reason are still present from
etch, lenny, and squeeze.  What I would like to know is how can I purge all
such packages using dpkg?  I can not seem to find how to select just those
old packages for purging. Can those who know about this please help?
