This is present in Buster and Stretch - can't remember precisely when it broke.

Don't know which package maintainer is responsible, have searched a  lot and 
found many similar sounding issues yet not been able to fix it myself, nor find 
active similar bug. Possibly one filed with glx-alternative

The breakage is fairly innocuous - unless your DE tries to do too much - like 
KDE Plasma..  However 360 degree videos will without fail be garbled. (I 
vaguely remember this occurring sometime between Wheezy and Stretch but didn't 
really pay it much attention at the time). Installation of the proprietary 
304xx nvidia driver (in Stretch as no longer included since Buster) changes but 
does not fix the issue.

I get the impression it's something to do with the spaghetti of openGL symbolic 
links, but I'm a little out of my depth.

Would love to get some help to rectify this one way or another.

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