Re: Don't use Matrox cards (Was re:dosemu)

1996-08-20 Thread Dan Bergman
  Um, FYI Matroax *HAVE* now allowed the source code to be released, and the
  drivers for their cards are being worked on, (at last) so, you can use
  this to tell what card to get ;)
  -Barry Hughes
 When did this happen?  I talked to a friend, just a couple of weeks ago,
 and he said he just talked to Matrox and they were pretty dead set
 against giving their support away like that.  However, if I am wrong I
 admit it, and apologize for the wrong advice I gave.
 Shaya Potter

Atleast so far you can't get a XFree accel'ed Xserver.. I and a friend
debian on his machine and then we came to that conclution.. And running
in 640x480x8bit isn't all that fun.. so we scrapped that project.. (for
a while


*   Dan Bergman*
* *
*  *
*  *
*   Lister: Love is what separates us from the animals.*
*   Rimmer: No, Lister - what separates us from animals is *
*that we don't use our tongues to clean our genitals.  *
*  Red Dwarf   *

Netscape Window size problem..

1996-08-13 Thread Dan Bergman
Hmm I have stumbled on a new problem... 

I used to have a 1280x1024 virtual screen but now I only use
a screen the same size as my viewport(1024x768) so whenever I start
Netscape3.0b6 Mail program it's window is too large.. Where is this 
window size info stored??.. I've looked allover but no go..


*   Dan Bergman*
* *
*  *
*   Lister: Love is what separates us from the animals.*
*   Rimmer: No, Lister - what separates us from animals is *
*that we don't use our tongues to clean our genitals.  *

Few quick questions

1996-08-10 Thread Dan Bergman
Well its been a few years since I used unix.. so

1.  How do I used FIND to find say.. core files and delete em I know that
it should
look something like this...  find -name core -exec rm

2. How do I use FIND to find files bigger than 1024k and using -ok if i
want to 
delete or not..

3. In what ini file do I put my aliases so I get em all the time when I
start a bash
shell in a xterm window?

and i'm allso intrested in all kinds of smart tricks to make things easier.
I was thinking
of putting in a Linux tips 'n tricks on my web page..

Re: Floppy won't boot with internal cache enabled

1996-08-08 Thread Dan Bergman
Guy Maor wrote:
 On Tue, 6 Aug 1996, Steve Gaarder wrote:
  I am installing Debian 1.1.1 on a generic clone with an AMD 486 on an
  Opti-based motherboard.  If I have the internal cache enabled in setup,
  I get the error invalid compressed format after the uncompressing
  Linux message.  If I disable the cache, it boots fine.  It boots ok
  from the hard drive either way.  Anyone know what is going on?
 I don't see how this could happen with an L1 cache (internal), but it
 could with an L2 (external).  Were you perhaps enabling and disabling
 the external?  Try to enable it but make the timings more
 conservative.  You're probably seeing hardware problems; your L2 cache
 is being addressed too quickly.

I had problems like this a couple years back when I was installing OS/2
on a Dell Machine (486,66mhz).. The installation would fail if I didn't
disabel both L1 and L2 caches.. But I ripped out the TsengLab GFX card
and all troubles went away.. Ripping out gfx card is often not a option 
but the Dell MB had a Cyrrus Logic Chip on it...

Two Questions

1996-08-06 Thread Dan Bergman
1. How do I set up a boot so I can boot Debian or Win95? 
 Now I have to use a boot disk to get debian to boot...

2. How do I change the diplay mode in XF86 from 8bit to 16bit
color? I have a Diamond Stealth 64 Video VRAM w/ 2MB and use 
16bit color in win95 so there shouldn't be any probs to get
it in X too..