help - need to read a floppy from SCO

1997-03-03 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all...
I have a disk with some information on it that came from an SCO box 
 (some version that was current about 3 years ago - 3.0 ODT ?).
I recall that the disk was formated with the format command native 
 to SCO. If im not mistaken the disk was mounted over /floppy and a tar 
 file was copied straight to the mount point. As best as I can 
Ive tried to mount this disk with a "mount /dev/fd0 /floppy -t 
 sysv", with no luck. Can anybody out there offer any suggestions.
 ... a very large thanks in advance ...
 regards dave

SB cfg problem - need docs

1997-04-08 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all...
I recently acquired a Sound Blaster 16 card for my debian box. I 
 have seen the card working in a windows machine w/ an ide disk.
After plugging it in and powering up, the card obviously conflicts 
 with the adaptec 1542c controller. The machine will not boot.
Unfortunately, the donor of the card has no configuration 
 documentation for the SB16 and I need a little help.
 Does anybody out there know of a site that contains information for 
 the jumpers and configs for this SB16 card?
 thanks in advance...

Re[2]: SB cfg problem - need docs

1997-04-09 Thread David_Oswald
 Sorry to bother everyone with this issue. The simple answer is that did actually 
 have a rather nice configuration sheet for this card. Pictures and 
 everything. I guess I just didn't think that they would have gone 
 through this effort. Nicely done...
My next adventure will be to visit the adaptec site, and hope that 
 they have a similar configuration page available.
 Thanx for everyone's input.

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: SB cfg problem - need docs
Author:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Luis Francisco Gonzalez) at INTERNET-PUB
Date:4/8/97 10:18 PM

>  Hello all...
> I recently acquired a Sound Blaster 16 card for my debian box. I 
>  have seen the card working in a windows machine w/ an ide disk.
> After plugging it in and powering up, the card obviously conflicts 
>  with the adaptec 1542c controller. The machine will not boot.
> Unfortunately, the donor of the card has no configuration 
>  documentation for the SB16 and I need a little help.
>  Does anybody out there know of a site that contains information for 
>  the jumpers and configs for this SB16 card?
>  thanks in advance...
Try Creative Labs' web site:
Hope this helps,
Luis Francisco Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Fingerprint = F8 B1 13 DE 22 22 94 A1  14 BE 95 8E 49 39 78 76

Re: 1.1 installation notes.

1996-05-10 Thread David_Oswald
> I just installed the beta debian 1.1, over a very old Slackware 
>system (I'm going to update a debian 0.96 system soon, using 
>floppies no less).  
>I used .deb files that I had ftp'ed on April 26, but the 
>boot,root,base disks I freshly ftp'ed.
>It went very smoothly.
>One trouble is that I find the dselect "Select" screen confusing. 
>Admittedly, It is not immediately obvious to me which line is the 
>"selection".  Also I was surprised, the first time I used dselect, to 
>see each section (admin, doc, text, etc.) show up multiple times.
>I would prefer not starting in a split-screen mode here.
 > ...
 The deselect/select application does wonderful things. However with 
 sophistication comes complexity and confusion, and this package can be 
 confusing - to a new user or someone coming from the slackware 
It would be nice if the package could appear more visually 
 inutative. Obviously with losing any of its functionality. I have 
 found the dependancy list to be a bit confusing also... 
 However - I think the overall package is GrEaT !!! Everyone take a bow 
 for your exceptional efforts...

Re[2]: DEBIAN Linux on floppy disks

1996-06-12 Thread David_Oswald
 use a cable to transfer the files to the laptop from the machine with 
 the cdrom. Dont forget to use a proper cable setup...
 It'll save your ass a ton-o-time. and you wont have to be splitting 
 files across floppies.
 I use xtgold's "xtlink" which works great...
 BUT - if you dont have xtlink...
 MS-DOG provides the software called "interlnk", which does the same 
 thing - more or less.

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: DEBIAN Linux on floppy disks
Date:6/12/96 10:34 AM

> Fritz Ilg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am a Linux novice and I have a Slackware Linux distribution installed
> on my Toshiba 105CS Satellite, which works fine. I am planning to install 
> DEBIAN Linux on to my Laptop. Unfortunately I have no CD-ROM drive avail- 
> able with this Laptop which make this attempt impossible.
> I have one CD-ROM with the DEBIAN Linux distribution on it. As I am able 
> to run this CD on a Windows-based PC-System WIN95 on a seperat computer I 
> thought it might be possible to make floppys, like I did with the 
> Slackware distribution. I soon realized that a lot of files are too large 
> to fit onto the disk.
> Is there anybody out there ...who can give me some advises how I can 
> solve this problem.

rename a machine

1996-08-05 Thread David_Oswald
 Can anyone tell me how to _Permanently_ change the hostname on my 
 machine ???
 If I issue the hostname command: hostname newname
 the node name is set to newname - HOWEVER after a reboot the original 
 name returns.
 Where is this info written ?
 Thanx in advance...

eth0: Memory squeeze, dropping packet

1996-08-09 Thread David_Oswald
 While using the dpkg-ftp option within dselect -
 I am able to get the few packages that I requested 
 I also get these messages at random locations in my download session
 eth0: Memory squeeze, dropping packet
 eth0: Memory squeeze, dropping packet
 eth0: Memory squeeze, dropping packet
 eth0: CU wedged, status 0240 , resetting ...
 couldn't get a free page 
 eth0: Memory squeeze, dropping packet
 eth0: Memory squeeze, dropping packet
 eth0: Memory squeeze, dropping packet
 Any body care to shine some light on what this is all about?
 Thanx in advance...

Unidentified subject!

1996-08-15 Thread David_Oswald
 hey ...
 I would like to mount a filesystem from my crummy IBM RS6000 R20 onto 
 my massive 486-66 w 8 mb of ram.
 THE QUESTION - How big can a Debian ( and/or slakware) filesystem be??
  - AND is that size limitation consistent with nfs mount   
  - are there any nfs howtos that would be helpful to pick  
  - Where can I find docs about security tips for/with NFS?
 As a point of reference...
AIX 3.2.5 can mount a file system of _ONLY_ 2 gig !!!
AIX 4.1.4 can mount filesystems of 64 gig.
AIX 4.2 - rumor has it 4.2 will work with 128 gig filesystems.
 mucho Thanxo in advance ...

netscape de-caffeinated

1996-09-03 Thread David_Oswald
 > The browser works fine, but I can't get any java applets to work. I 
 > have > the setting set right and used the package setup that Brian 
 > put together, but something still isn't working. I don't receive any 
 > errors when I aim > at a page that I know has an applet on it, it 
 > just doesn't work. The
 > applet space is blank.
 Strangely enough this situation came up on my cluster of ten spark 
 stations. (one disk server {nis} and 9 nis clients)
 The root user is able to view java apps no_problem (nice and speedy) 
 however the casual users are getting a blank area for the java app. 
 Java_30 has been moved to all suggested locations for test purposes. 
 AND lately when a user tries to view the app the netscape client 
 application crashes, dumping core.

Console Setup

1996-09-04 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all ...
 I'm getting the following information upon bootup of my debian box. 
 The console seems to work fine... Can anyone tell me if I should be 
 concerned with the information below - and how to fix it ???
 Console setup:
  Linking /dev/console to
  cannot open file N
  Cannot open font file N
 run-parts: /etc/rc.boot/0kbd exited with return code 1
 Thanx in advance ...

help - cant find fonts ...

1996-09-04 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all ...
 Can someone please help me resolve some (or all) of these missing 
 I get the following messages after running xinit, and then starting 
 fvwm and fvwm2 reports:
 can't get font -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
 can't get font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
 can't get font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
 gwm - reports:
 Cannot find font *-helvetica-bold-o-normal--18-*
 Cannot find font *-helvetica-medium-r-normal--14-*
 Cannot find font *-times-bold-r-normal--18-*
 Cannot find font *-symbol-medium-r-normal--14-*
 Later - if I decide to start netscape, I get :
 Warning: Cannot convert string 
 "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct
 Warning: Cannot convert string 
 "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct
 Warning: Cannot convert string 
 "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct
 Warning: Cannot convert string 
 "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct
 Warning: Cannot convert string 
 "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct
 Warning: Cannot convert string 
 "-*-helvetica-medium-o-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct
 Thanx in advance.

static vs. dynamic - gimp

1996-09-12 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all.
 I would like to install gimp.
 Pardon my ignorance ...
 I see that there are two versions.
 gimp-dmotif (dynamic)
 gimp-smotif (static)
 I am using a standard debian install with X, tcp/ip ...
 I would like to know :
q1 - how do I know if I can use the static version?
q2 - given a choice between both, what version would be "better or
 faster ...". Are there any pros and/or cons to choosing one or 
 the other when both are valid options for a given machine 
 (i.e.. speed vs. size ... )?
 Thanx in advance ...
 Keep up the good work - it is greatly appreciated.

fvwm2 as default wm from xdm

1996-09-16 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all ...
 a debian node of mine is using xdm ...
 Q1? Can someone please tell me how to set fvwm2 as the default window  
 Q2? Is there a deb install package for olwm/olvwm and those related
 apps that go along with it? (such as the slackware install has)
 Thanx in advance.
 As always - your help is appreciated...

imagemagick depends on libtiff3

1996-09-18 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all ...
 I'm trying to install imagemagick ...
 I get the following messages:
imagemagick depends on libtiff3
libtiff3 does not appear to be available.
 Q1: Can somebody tell me where I can find libtiff3 ?
 Q2: Is it a .deb installation file ?
 Thanx in advance ...
 Your help is greatly appreciated.

sound blaster or GUS

1996-09-21 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all...
The FHF has struck again...
 Someone has dropped off a sound blaster card on my desk, and I'm about 
 to install it in my debian box. It is an original Creative labs Sound 
 blaster. oh yeah - speakers and a microphone also.
 The problem is: (my ignorance)
I have never used any type of sound card in any type of machine 
 and/or operating system. (winblowz, slackware, debian...)
So...  I could use some guidance as to how to configure and test 
 it. In addition I would like to know what my software options are when 
 it comes to using it with the debian OS. Pardon my ignorance I just 
 have no clue what this thing-a-ma-bob is good for. Maybe an X11 gui 
 cdrom player ??? i dunno...
 Oh yeah - actually the Free Hardware Fairy gave me two sound cards. 
 The other one is a Gravis Ultra Sound - it's neat, the circuit board 
 is red!
 Based on the color (or technology) of the card, should I consider 
 using the Gravis U.S. instead of the Sound bastard???
 Thanx in advance ...
 Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: Filename case - the simple solution ...

1996-09-23 Thread David_Oswald
 Resolving the case problem can also be solved VeRy simply by typing 
 the one magical word... case
 - NEXT TIME - when you do your FTP'ing don't forget to use the "case" 
 For example ...
 ftp> bin
  200 Type set to I
 ftp> prompt
  Interactive mode off
 -AND- last but surly not least ...
 ftp> case
  Case mapping on
 ftp> mget *
 There, wasn't that easy and completely painless. But: no pain - no 

Unidentified subject!

1996-09-23 Thread David_Oswald
 hello all ...
 I'm working on a machine that has a 1.2 gb hdd in it (scsi)
 1 gig is ms-dog
 200 mb is debian.
 because I have transferred my debian system to a dedicated machine, I 
 would like to reclaim that 200 meg and "append" it to the 1 gb dos 
 partition without reformatting the 1 gb partition and the data that's 
 on it.
 Any ideas - I figure if anyone would know it would be someone from 
 this group. Otherwise - I backup, fdisk, and restore. whoa-is-me...
 As always any help is appreciated...
 Thanx in advance.

tcpip communications not available

1996-10-05 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all ...
 I have a strange problem that consistently comes up upon a reboot of 
 two Debian nodes of mine.
After these nodes reboot (cold or warm) no one can telnet to, or 
 ping ... to them.
 HOWEVER - if I login as any user including root (onto the problematic 
 machines consoles) and ping out to any functional node on my net. The 
 ping session will pause for about 10-15 seconds and then start to 
 communicate with that node getting very reliable timing of 1ms, AND 
 NEVER one problem for the rest of the uptime of that machine.
 At this point any user from any other node will be able to telnet to, 
 ping ... these machine with 0 problems, UNTIL that machine is rebooted 
 (warm or cold) again. The cycle repeats itself...
 I am using a 3com 3c503 card, 486-100mhz, 16mb ram, aha1542c.
 ( a very simplistic setup )
 Any ideas ???
 As always - thanks in advance.
 Keep up the great work !!!

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Re: Boot disk SCSI kernel panic

1996-10-14 Thread David_Oswald
Hello ...

I have the same identical problem as you. And unfortunately I have not 
figured out a cure either. I had to resort back to using an older AHA 1542c 
controller.(which gives me no problems).

I also have experimented with the slakware distribution and found that 
the darn thing worked nicely. (but that was several moons ago and I'm just not 
sure If I tried that experiment on my current hardware ... I say nicely, but I 
should say that it was actually impressive. At the time I had mount a 10mb/sec. 
drive and I liked the way this machine performed.

Good luck ...

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Boot disk SCSI kernel panic
Author:  Lindsay Haisley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at INTERNET-PUB
Date:10/13/96 2:06 AM

Package: boot1440.bin / aic7xxx
Version: Debian 1.1
I get a kernel panic on SCSI probing on attempting to boot from the standard 
Debian boot disk and can go no further.  My system is a 486 DX2/80 with an 
Adaptec AHA2842 VL Bus SCSI card.  boot1440.bin was obtained from 
\buzz\disks-i3\current on the 3 Oct 96 Debian CD from iConnect.
On looking up the SCSI driver in the F4 help, I see that aic7xxx may receive 
the options "extended,noreset".  On checking the README for the driver on 
another Linux system, I see no reference to "extended", and the correct 
syntax for "noreset" is "no_reset".
The latter portion of the boot sequence output is as follows (close, I hope, 
since I copied it by hand):
aic7xxx: (aic7xxx_isr) Encountered Spurious Interrupt 
qlogicisp : PCI bios not present
PPA: unable to initialize controller at 0x378, error 2
scsi0: Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-Fast SCSI) 3.2/3.1/3.0 
scsi : 1 host
aic7xxx: Scanning channel A for devices 
aix7xxx: (aic7xxx_isr) BRKADRINT error(0x1):
  Illegal Host Access
Kernel panic: aic7xxx (aic7xxx_isr) BRKADRINT, error(0x1) seqaddr(0x0)
I had exactly the same difficulty with the Slackware 96 boot disk, write 
Patrick Volkering and Walnut Creek about it and never heard a word from them.  
It is worth noting that this same system is successfully running Slackware 
Linux, manually upgraded from kernel 1.2.18 which boots from a zImage 
bootdisk (kernel 2.0.12, or some such) made with "make zdisk" and the SCSI 
boot operation is executed with no problem.
I don't know if this is a bug, a configuration problem, or a startup 
parameters problem, but I assume the former since I can find no 
documentation which might direct me to appropriate config or startup param 
Has anyone any knowledge of this problem and if it can be solved at my end? 
I'll be happy to supply additional information if necessary.
Lindsay Haisley   (__)
FMP Computer Services   (oo)"The bull 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/--\/stops here!" 
Austin, Texas, USA   / |||  
512-259-1190*  ||---|| * * * * * *
   ~~   ~~
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firewall on my web server

1996-10-22 Thread David_Oswald
 Hi all ...
I need to install the tis firewall (fwtk) onto my debian machine 
 which is also a web server. I have no other hardware to install it on 
 so I need to run with what I have - our simple web server.
  I imagine it will take some time to properly configure this box. 
 Personally speaking - I can't just install this package and lock out 
 the users from doing their web page development. BUT - I have a rather 
 pressing needs to start using this package - NOW. 
 My questions:
 After installation of fwtk:
 Q1: Will my remote users/clients still be able to telnet into this 
 machine - after the initial installation of this package.
 Q2: will the web services still be accessible to our network - after   
  the initial installation of this package.

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Unidentified subject!

1996-11-08 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all ...
Some idiot here has given me a vax! Specifically a 4100. Anyway I 
 have no desire to run VMS - but I would consider running any form of a 
 free Linux / unix on it. 
 Q: is there a version of linux available for this platform ???
if there is no linux distrib available - does anybody have any 
 other suggestions. 
 IM NOT GOING TO RUN VMS OR ULTRIX - i don't have the funds to pay for 
 the licenses ...

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UMSDOS partition and debian

1996-12-06 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all...
I have gathered that it is possible to run the debian installation 
 in a dos fat partition. I am hoping that this configuration would 
 resemble the slakware installation running over the dos fat partition.
I've not seen any documentation about how this has to be setup.
 ??? Does there exist a set of installation disks that will allow me to 
 build the op. sys. over my existing dos file system(s) ??? I have 
 several students / colleagues here that would like to try the os but 
 cant / won't commit themselves to repartitioning disks so close to the 
 end of the semester. (I'm not going to ask them to bring their boxes 
 in so that I can fibs their disks for them - and run the risk ...)
I would specifically like to have a "drv_letter:\linux\..." on a 
 MS-DOg filesystem and would like to use the dos executable loadlin.exe 
 to light the debian install at my convenience.
I like the slakware install because they have made this install 
 completely painless. However I prefer to run with the debian 
 installation because:
1) slakware did not support my scsi controller that is 
 integrated into my Hewlett Packard "Vectra XV 5/133C". I _think_ its 
 an AMD scsi controller. I'd have to reboot to be sure...
2) IMHO - while the dselect package needs a facelift - it 
 is functional. I prefer the debian OS - I just think the Debian linux 
 variant is a better system than the others.
 Please help,
 keep up the great work,
 and Thanks in advance...

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What package do I need ? (

1996-12-12 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all...
   Installed the new 1.2 - loved it...
1) did any body else out there notice some funky things going on 
 inside the drivers/modules selection menu? It worked but there was 
 some strange goings on when I moved the selection bar up and down.
2) also - I installed the xfree packages. The new GUI setup app is 
3) but after installing the fvwm2 & afterstep Window managers. I 
 fvwm2: can't load library ''.
 afterstep: can't load library ''
 What package do I need to install to get this lib?

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Unidentified subject!

1996-12-12 Thread David_Oswald
 hello all...
I should have been more specific when I spoke of the 
 strangeness I saw in the drivers selection menu.
I saw this in the "net" selection for ethernet device drivers. This 
 was not serious because I could recognize my ethernet card by the 
 description - BUT the "3c509" was not mapped correctly to the 
 description of the card. _in_fact_ I didn't see it at all until I 
 moved my section bar down to the next entry (which is not the 3c509 
 Well - that's what i see anyway ...
   anybody else see this behavior ???

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Unidentified subject!

1996-12-16 Thread David_Oswald
 hello all ...
   I would like my xdm startup to start in 1024x768 resolution. How can 
 this done - can it be done? I don't see any parameters in the 
 xdm-config file ???
Also - on machines without xdm can I configure the startx process 
 to start up res. of a users preference ???
 Thanx again ...

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rawrite under nt - bad things happen...

1996-12-18 Thread David_Oswald
 hello all ...
 Has anybody else out there tried to run rawrite/rawrite2 under NT ?
 I get this message when running rawrite:
 Number of sectors per track for this disk is 18
 Writing image to drive A:  Press ^C to abort.
 Attempt to DMA across 64K boundary
 and it stops right at this point - which is actually the beginning of 
 the rawrite process.
 RAWRITE2.EXE actually locks my NT box up solid! Goes straight to a 
 blue screen with the white letters telling me some message... got to 
 push the red button...

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Re[2]: rawrite under nt - bad things happen...

1996-12-19 Thread David_Oswald
 RE: RAWRITE.exe under MS N/T - Bad things happen...
 > The "fix?" was to load DOSKEY.  I think it has something to do with 
 > memory pages.  Maybe rawrite has to be on a single page and I added 
 > enough junk into that page to force it to find a whole new clean 
 I never thought of that - but I will give it a shot next time. I had a 
 similar experience _MANY_ moons ago with another DOS application that 
 I tried to use. (don't recall what it was...)
I had (under ms-dos) about 613kb of 640kb free on a 16 MB machine. 
 While running this app I received a 64kb boundary message. The cure 
 was to use up a bit of memory and then - the app worked!
 Just goes to show - it really doesnt matter how much memory you have 
 in that box... That MS-DOS sure is a tricky OS - isn't it? They sure 
 did a great job of emulating the dos environment - didn't they ???

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Doom .deb file for debian 1.2

1996-12-24 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all...
  Can anyone tell me if there is a .deb file for doom, and/or any other 
 game(s) similar to doom for debian.
 oh yeah ...
 A very merry Christmas and all that garb to all of you...
 -AND- a very prosperous new year to all the debian developers and the 
 devoted debian users out there... who ever you are...

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EGA driver for Xfree ?

1996-12-24 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all...
Can anybody out there tell me if there exists an X11/XFree86  
 driver for my ol' EGA monitor/card combo (IBM). Hate to ask - but I 
 (sob weep ...) feel sorry for the poor thing - its brand new. 
 (literally never been used) ...

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linux file systems - frag-up

1997-02-18 Thread David_Oswald
 Hi -
Can anybody out there familiar with linux filesystem formats tell 
 me if I need to be concerned with file system fragmentation.
I have a copy of the new AIX (4.1.4) on my rs6k and have noticed 
 that it comes with a file sys. defrag utility.
And so I am wondering if linux's filesystems "frag-up", and if 
 there are utilities for defragging them.
 regards & thanks in advance - dave

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want lilo on sda not sdb

1997-02-20 Thread David_Oswald
after installing debian on sdb (the second drive in scsi based 
 machine - scsi id2), lilo went and performed its installation to 
 /dev/sdb, not /dev/sda ... woe is me - now I'll need to use a floppy 
 to boot...
I only can boot this machine from the floppy now. Can I tell lilo 
 to install itself to the first SCSI disk (/dev/sda) on this machine? 
Does anybody out there suggest an alternate boot loader? Can I boot 
 debian from the NT boot loader ??? This is a work based machine - that 
 would be the best - considering the other users will use M$-NT on 
 occasion ...
 if the nt boot loader is "do-able" can somebody send me a copy of what 
 the boot.ini would look like ?
 regards, and thanx in advance - dave

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dsik with new kernel hung at rc.don (sort-of)

1997-02-25 Thread David_Oswald
 Hi all...
 Created a new kernel for my litlle compaq tecra laptop. (386sx, 
 6mb ram, 120mb +- HDD, mono vga)
After doing a make bzImage, I copied the image to the floppy as 
 "linux" and boot the contura with the new disk to perform a new 
 install on this box. oh yeah - I ran the *sh file that the text file 
 on the boot disk recommends - I cant remember the name at this time.
The bootup goes well - no problems until the rc.done message 
 appears. The machine just stops at this point.
HOWEVER - After fooling around I found out that ALT+F2 worked. And 
 I was able to install the system by running the dinstall executable.
Any ideas on what I did wrong.
 Thanks in advance...Dave

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Make your kernel with "make bZimage". ???

1997-02-28 Thread David_Oswald
 Make your kernel with "make bZimage".
 This statement can be found on the boot disk "rsc1440.bin" in the file 
I am rather new to the compiling of kernels and found that this 
 statement did not work for me...
I was able to run "make bzImage however... Was that what I was 
 supposed to execute? It did work for me... Sorry for the nitpicking, 
 but I literally followed the instructions to the letter...
Others may be as confused as I was (or am) ...