Hello, any help with the folowing would be greatly appreciated:

I have an ide with debian 1.3 and win 95 on it and decided that the 
rewrite_table option in lilo would be the easiest way to dual-boot the 

The recompilation of lilo with the rewrite_table option was successful, 
but when I add a section for win95 in lilo.conf and run /sbin/lilo it 
complains that lilo must reside on the mbr (i assume that win95 has 
the mbr).  How can I put lilo back on the mbr?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

                   * _______________________________*  
                 / )|        Eddie Urenda           |( \
              __(  (|_______________________________|)  )__
             ((( \  \>  / )                  ( \   </  / )))
             (\\\ \  \_/ /                    \  \_/  / ///)
              \         /                      \          /
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