Re: [Rant] The Endless Search for a Mail Client That Doesn't Suck

2004-08-09 Thread Edvard Majakari
Greg Folkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I use courier-imap-ssl, I haven't seen a problem yet. I even have a
> couple of folders with 15K+ messages and one with 23K+ messages. I also
> have 34 folders, 15 the have sub-folders from there, one sub-folder with
> 12 sub-folders in it.

Can you set per-group/sender/whatever auto-expiry policies? Gnus can, and
that's why I stick with it (eg. mail from my wife never expires, ditto
for work related, mail from my friends does expire but not very fast,
other stuff expires and junk/spam expires fast enough.

# Edvard Majakari   Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available  Soli Deo Gloria!

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Re: you may be even more embarassed if you can't deliver

2004-08-04 Thread Edvard Majakari

Obviously it is, as you can check by the headers.

However, I don't know if the Bayesian filter is trained. With training,
you'd expect better accuracy.

# Edvard Majakari   Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available  Soli Deo Gloria!

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Re: how to manage services ?

2004-08-03 Thread Edvard Majakari

> I am new to debina. I have certain services running like lpd rpc etc. In
> RedHat there is a command chkconfig with which i can start/ top services
> for certain run levels or completely stop it from running.

You'd like to check manpage of update-rc.d

# Edvard Majakari   Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available  Soli Deo Gloria!

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Re: /proc/loadavg disagrees with top and ps

2004-08-03 Thread Edvard Majakari
John Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>As such, load averages below 1 mean system doesn't have any processes
>>(except perhaps the one being run) waiting to be served.
> I believe it includes the one running.
> .96 is very far from idle.

Yes, that's why I put the "(except perhaps the one being run)" part. Sorry
for the misleading statement. Shouldn't write stuff before actually waking

# Edvard Majakari   Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available  Soli Deo Gloria!
One day, when he was naughty, Mr Bunnsy looked over the hedge into Farmer
Fred's field and it was full of fresh green lettuces. Mr Bunnsy, however, was 
not full of lettuces. This did not seem fair.  --Mr Bunnsy has an adventure 

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Re: /proc/loadavg disagrees with top and ps

2004-08-03 Thread Edvard Majakari
Reid Priedhorsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> /proc/loadavg currently reports the following:
>   0.96 0.98 0.78 1/116 23994
> xload also reports roughly the same.
> But top and ps both report a nearly idle system (98% idle). What is going
> on? How can I find out what is causing my system to be so busy?

Umm.. your system doesn't seem busy to me. IIRC, those load averages represent
the average number of processes waiting to be served for 1, 5 and 15
minutes. Thus load averages of 3.5, 2.3 and 0.97 would indicate heavy
increase in load during the last 15 minutes, and that at the moment 3.5
processes in average wait for the kernel scheduler to give them some
processing time.

As such, load averages below 1 mean system doesn't have any processes
(except perhaps the one being run) waiting to be served.

# Edvard Majakari   Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available  Soli Deo Gloria!

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Re: Source files

2004-08-03 Thread Edvard Majakari
nx13372 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How can i dowload the source file:
> #apt-get install 

apt-get build-dep 
apt-get source 

The first one is quite handy - it makes sure you have the required
components to build the package. Of course, if you just fetch the source
for reading it (not compiling), you don't need the first one.

# Edvard Majakari   Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available  Soli Deo Gloria!

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Re: Resize partitions urgent help

2004-08-03 Thread Edvard Majakari
John Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>You might want to check package 'convertfs' and turn your filesystem(s)
>>reiserfs. I did exactly that - on live fs - and didn't have any problems
>>whatsoever.  YMMV, though.
> Why whould Vijaya want to do that?

Oh, sorry - I forgot to share the most important details - size of mounted
reiserfs partitions can be readjusted on the fly (using resize_reiserfs
-f) whereas using ext2 unmounting is a must (I think).

Of course, the OP might want to stick with ext3 due to several
reasons. Besides, I don't know how bug-free converts is, but I've used it
twice to convert a live filesystem from ext3 to reiserfs, and didn't have

Sorry for the missing crucial details on the previous post :)

# Edvard Majakari   Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available  Soli Deo Gloria!

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Re: Resize partitions urgent help

2004-08-03 Thread Edvard Majakari
Vijaya S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all,
> I have a server with the following structure.
> # df -hT
> FilesystemTypeSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda2  unknown8.3G  399M  7.5G   5% /
> tmpfstmpfs252M 0  252M   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/hda3 ext3 19G  1.8G   16G  11% /usr
> /dev/hda5 ext39.2G  1.9G  6.9G  22% /var
> /dev/hda6 ext3 12G  1.4G  9.1G  13% /home
> /dev/hda7 ext3 19G   19G 0 100% /debian
> /dev/hda8 ext36.9G   33M  6.6G   1% /work
> The /dev/hda7 has been utilized 100% so i would like to increase  it to
> 22GB and /work to 2.6GB
> Is it possible? If so how do i do it without data loss or
> undestructively?

You might want to check package 'convertfs' and turn your filesystem(s) to
reiserfs. I did exactly that - on live fs - and didn't have any problems
whatsoever.  YMMV, though.

# Edvard Majakari   Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available  Soli Deo Gloria!

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Random freezes & font size changes

2004-07-30 Thread Edvard Majakari

I've been wondering what is wrong with my Debian box.

Symptom 1:

Few times a week the system freezes when using X, and the system doesn't
respond to anything. However, when I log on to the system remotely via ssh
from another machine, the freeze stops and the system works again.

It seems like using XMMS to play mp3 files causes freezing to occur more
likely (same login-fix works).

Symptom 2:

The font size changes randomly. Sometimes when I login to the system
(using either Gnome or KDE) the font size changes. It doesn't matter
whether I use KDE or Gnome - sometimes the login screen in kdm is using
very small, tiny fonts, and when I log on, all the fonts are so small I
barely can read them. When I decrease the font size it looks ok, but next
time when I log in, the font size can be ridiculously large (due to change
of font size). When I adjust (make smaller) font size again, it can be ok
for a while, but at some point the fonts are again very tiny. I really
wonder what is causing all this..

I'm using xfs-xtt as true type font server, and it is listed as the first
entry in XF86Config. Debian release I use is up-to-date testing, and both
the symptoms have troubled me for roughly half a year or so.

Oh yeah, the display driver is that produced by NVidia, and  updating it
hasn't affected the problem either. :(

# Edvard Majakari   Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available  Soli Deo Gloria!

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Re: Virtual provides?

1998-07-16 Thread Edvard Majakari
> "MB" == Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 MB> Then edit /etc/equivs.conf cd /usr/src/equivs- fakeroot
 MB> debian/rules binary dpkg -i ../equivs*.deb

Thanks for info. It complains about missing command debstd. I wonder
where I can get this? :)

# Ed   GSM: 040 5960810 URL:
/* we have tried to make this normal case as abnormal as possible */
--Larry Wall in cmd.c from the perl source code

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Re: Virtual provides?

1998-07-13 Thread Edvard Majakari

Oh, please ignore the first line of the message (my apologies)

# Ed   GSM: 040 5960810 URL:
"What is the sound of Perl?  Is it not the sound of a wall that
people have stopped banging their heads against?"
--Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Virtual provides?

1998-07-13 Thread Edvard Majakari
> "KV" == Kenneth Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Using dselect is awful, because I use Qmail as my MTA. However,
dselect always recommends me to install smail, or any other MTA which
is understandable, and even as it is easy to press 'Q' always when it
recommends smail, it is quite frustrating. 

I think it is not possible to create a file containing so called
'virtual provides', which would contain strings like 'mta, httpd,
news-server' etc. This way, I can install Qmail on my own, put the
appropriate string somewhere and debian would realize service (mta) is
already provided.

I know, it is always possible to create a .deb package, but I find
this approach far too tedious.

This feature would be really nice. At our system there's often need
(or desire) to compile a package from .tgz, and there should be some
way to tell the system what service(s) it provides..

# Ed   GSM: 040 5960810 URL:
echo "Your stdio isn't very std."
--Larry Wall in Configure from the perl distribution

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