Apache/CGI new error?

2000-12-10 Thread Eireann Lewy
Okay... well, I changed the script somewhat and it should have worked
but didn't. When I looked in suexec.log, I found this:

[2000-12-10 12:36:36]: uid: (max/max) gid: (max/max) cmd: finger.cgi
[2000-12-10 12:36:36]: cannot get docroot information (/home/max)

This is the guy who has the script I showed you the other day. So what
does this error mean?  What do I need to do about it?


Re: Debian/apache, update

2000-12-05 Thread Eireann Lewy
Okay. An update:

1) the /etc/profile is in fact profile and not .profile. This is what
happens when one e-mails when running on a negative amount of sleep and

As for recreating that whole making-a-dir-with-bad-perms thing I don't
think I can do it because whenever I mkdir it has correct perms,
regardless of how I am logged in (i.e. my normal user vs. root vs.
anything else). Perhaps that was just a fluke.  In any case, my people
have been alerted as to how to chmod and chown now and know when and
when not to play with those ever-so-powerful commands. ;)

The I can't FTP thing...well that was just very sad. Despite my
co-admin being warned that I need actual information when she's
reporting a problem,  (Saying, I can't FTP is like saying I don't
really feel good, to a doctor) she didn't explain to me that I can't
FTP really means she can log in and can play around in any directory
but the one with the bad perms. ;)

Maybe that whole thing with making the directory was a fluke. Like I
said, when I make new dirs, I get 755 perms. She got 644 on her newly
made directory, which is bad, considering it renders CD useless. ;)

As for the CGI, it still does not work. I entered the line earnest told
me to enter. I did so using echo (which is what the rest of the file
uses) as well as using print. I tried with and without a semi-colon on
the end. I restarted httpd after each change. No help. So now I am
pasting the file. This is for a script which runs finger on the machine
and prints the e-mail addie to the web user.

There is one other script which is not working, but since someone else
coded it and he has 13+ scripts in his directory all named things which
lead me to believe it could be ANY of them and I don't understand CGI I
am just pasting this one and going to assume that the both need the same
change and/or ask him what the hell file it is... *sigh*

Yeah. I reiterate my suckiness. Here is the script (please excuse
naughty language: geeks which are not me having fun, apparantly...:

#!/usr/bin/csh -f

set fuck=`echo $QUERY_STRING |sed s/yum=/\ /g`

echo Content-type: text/html\n\n
echo HTML
echo body bgcolor=white text=black link=red
set fucko=`echo $fuck|grep +`

if( $fucko == $fuck ) then
echo Please enter only one name, first or last, at a time.
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]./result

set fucke = `cat ./result |grep finger:`
echo $fucke
echo `cat ./result |./login`
echo /body

echo /html

Again, Apache says it's a matter of premature headers (I think. Been a
few days), and the web browser translates that into: There has been an
internal error, please e-mail webmaster@Erin'sdomain.edu



Debian apache woes

2000-12-04 Thread Eireann Lewy
Okay. I am completely and utterly at a loss here.  I feel as if someone
has stolen my brain because I should not be this stupid.  I am, however,
a relative linux fledgling (I have been windows-free for about a year
and a half on the outside, and that's if I take out various pitfalls but

So I'm going to this tiny liberal arts college where I am one of four
people I know who run linux on campus. I shit you not.  Most people
don't want to have to learn computers. So I am a small fish in a tiny
pond, making me one of the most knowledgable people here and this is how
I was selected to admin this student-run webserver which runs Linux. My
co-admin is very slowly learning small commands while she does most of
the HTML and I just, well, geek.

Except I suck at it.  I'm running debian potato (I run woody at home but
I wouldn't trust it on a server till it's distributed officially) and
apache 1.3.9. (I know, it is old, but it's the latest version in potato
as far as I can see.)  

I'm having the following problems:
1) The worst:  Despite having umask 022 in /etc/.profile and everyone's
personal .profiles, newly created directories are randomly getting bad
perms.  This is bad because most of my users don't know what the hell
permissions are, having none (except in very limited cases) in windows.
I just taught my two main cronies about chmod 755 and 644 (for regular
web files), but this shit can't keep happening.  (For FTPed files, I set
up a umask in the wu-ftpd ftpaccess file to set things at 644 which
seemed to work.)

2) Periodically and randomly people alert me I can't FTP.  This seems
to occassionally clear up or people just tell me I'm not having a
problem anymore.  Since I can FTP fine, and can test the files I put
there via FTP, I really can't see what the problem is for these people.
Are they being stupid? I don't know, because it's now happened to two
different people.

3) After having CGI scripts forbidden for a while I finally found the
umpteenth place where I had  to put an ExecCGI in the apache config
files and now every CGI script on the page (one for using finger to
return e-mail addresses of people put into the search thing via a second
page frame, and one for a message board) is run and returns internal
errors. The error in /etc/logs/apache/error.log is that there is a
premature ending of headers.

I am not usually this stupid. Honestly.  I run my own machine virtually
error-free. Apache is simply the bane of my fucking existance. Please
give me ANY input  you can. I'm going away for a semester and my
co-admin thought this would be fine until everything simultaneously
decided to break this week. :P
