I'm experiencing an issue with aptitude regarding archive compression types
during update. Currently, I have two installed systems (etch stable) that
retrieve different update archive types. One system retrieves Packages.bz2,
where the other system retrieves Packages.gz during 'aptitude update'
(discovered using apt-get --print-uris update). Unfortunately, the *.bz2
archives are producing an md5sum mismatch error on one system, but the *.gz
archives do not. Where can I configure apt/aptitude to update using a
specific archive type for update/install (*.bz2 or *.gz), and why does one
system request updates via Packages.bz2, while the other does it using
Packages.gz? I have not configured either system in any particular way for
archive updates, and they both point at the same repos for updates and
installs. I've looked both through documentation and lists, with no answers
to this issue. Assistance is much appreciated.


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