kernel-image-2.4.2[01].*-k7.deb bootet readonly

2003-07-27 Thread Gerhard Kroder

die aktuellen genannten Kernel booten auf meinem nforce2 Chipsatz Board 
anscheinend nur im readonly Modus. Der init prozess kommt nicht in die 
Gänge, keine shell oder login möglich, auch bei boot argument 'single'. 
Erkenne bei den Kernel-Boot-Meldungen zwischen den vielen Ausgaben sowas 
wie cannot read/write mtab, die fsck's klappen alle nicht, nix wird 
gemountet, nichtmal / .
apt installiert die deb Pakete incl. initrd  lilo ohne Fehler. Mein 
hausgebackener 2.4.20 (ohne initrd) bootet wunderbar.

Kai Neahnung, wo/wie ich da ansetzen kann.  Wer hat eine Idee.

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Re: Cups-Fehlersuche

2003-07-27 Thread Gerhard Kroder

Zieht das Papier wie gewohnt ein. Druckt Zeile um Zeile, ohne das etwas auf dem Papier zu sehen ist

hatte ich auch mal, (Farb-) Tinte leer und er wollte partout in Farbe 

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Re: Formulare in mozilla

2003-07-27 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Marcus Jodorf wrote:

Jan Ulrich Hasecke [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:

Windowmaker als Windowmanager?

fvwm :)

Damit hat mozilla seit einiger Zeit erhebliche Probleme bzw. umgekehrt.
U.a. kommen Eingabeprobleme dabei öfter vor, weil das Focushandling
nicht klappt.
Auch 'mein' mozilla macht ähnliche Probleme, wie von den anderen bereits 
beschrieben. Reagiert als ob er den Fokus verliert, das betreffende 
Fenster ist aber noch 'higligthed', der (X-) Fokus somit auch noch dort. 
Auch Blättern oder Scrollen per Tastatur in größeren HTML Seiten klappt 
dann nicht bis ich mit den von anderen beschriebenen Methoden den 
Mozilla wieder aktiviert bekomme

In obigem Falle hilft explizites Anklicken der Fenstertitelzeile, damit
Windowmaker explizit mitbekommt, wer den Focus hat und dann klappen
Eingaben auch wieder völlig problemlos.

Maus in ander Fenster, rumklicken, auch Fensterzeile hilft meist nicht. 
Gelegentlich hilft mit den Slidern das Bild zu scrollen...

Aktuelles Testing System, Mozilla ebenfalls aktuell aus Sid.


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Re: drucken/lp0 klappt nicht

2003-06-25 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Bertram Scharpf wrote:

Ich hatte den _Verdacht_, daß Gerhard sich keine Zugriffsrechte
auf `/dev/lp0' eingeräumt hatte.

mein Problem hat sich mittlerweile erledigt. Drucken klappt so wie es 
soll. Ursache meines Problems wahr wohl ein Konfigurationsfehler :( Es 
war für mich leider nicht so offensichtlich beim Einrichten, daß ich da 
was falsch gemacht habe. Im Webinterface unter Drucker konfigurieren  
für die Ausgabe gab es (nur sinnvoll) den Eintrag canon:dev/lp0 , den 
ich ursprünglich gewählt hatte. Und das klappt nicht. Nachdem ich beim 
x-ten mal neu konfigurieren wollte war da plötzlich noch canon:dev/lp0 
(bjc-6000). Hat mich erst verwundert, hing wohl mit den dann geladenen 
Kernelmodulen zusammen (modprobe lp  lädt auch parport_pc usw). Mit dem 
neuen Device Eintrag gings dann ohne Probleme.

Mit Userberechtigungen habe ich nix gemacht, standard Sarge Einstellungn:
und ich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) bin in keiner der Gruppen Mitglied.

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drucken/lp0 klappt nicht

2003-06-19 Thread Gerhard Kroder

usrprüngliches Problem war, das cups nicht drucken wollte (device busy). 
Jetzt wollte ich mit 'cat textfile /dev/lp0' mal sehn, ob das 
wenigstens ganz unten im Keller klappt. Keine Druckdaemonen im Spiel. Da 
rührt sich aber nix. Wie/wo kann ich da noch was machen? blöd Unter 
$Win klappts/blöd ;-(

Mein System ist ein aktueller Sarge, mit selbstkompilierem 2.4.20. Hier 
noch der kernel output für lp0:

parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778) [PCSPP,TRISTATE]
parport0: irq 7 detected
parport0: Printer, Canon BJC-6000
lp0: using parport0 (polling).

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Re: Asus a7n8x deluxe

2003-06-19 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Marcin Pankowski wrote:

Hi, Leute..

HAt einer von euch Erfahrung mit diesem Board?? Bei mir läuft alles mit Mühe 

hatte auch probleme das ans laufen zu bekommen, lag aber an der graka. 
ansonsten straight forward potato-upgrade sarge, nvidia treiber für 
grafik, netz. nur 3com noch nicht gepatcht.

aber ich kriege deadlocks... Keine Vorwarnung nicht 
nachvollziehbar. Keine Logs.

kenn ich nicht... 2.4.18-bf, 2.4.20, beides mit e3fs.


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cupsd bjc6000: rendere or PostScript error

2003-06-19 Thread Gerhard Kroder

mein Drucker will unter Linux keinen mucks kann mal jemand helfen? 
irc#debian konnte nicht, bug tracing system oder google haben mir leider 
auch nicht geholfen...

Habe aktuelles testing/sarge system mit cupsd, den bjc6000 (paralell 
port) über das Webinterface von cups konfiguriert. sieht soweit ok aus, 
es kommt aber nix gedruckt, sodern bleibt alles in der Warteschlange. 
War nicht zu erkennen woran das liegt, habe dann den loglevel auf debug 
gesetzt und in error_log nachgesehen. Bei zwei der möglichen bjc6000 
config scripts wird mir dann auser einigen Warnungen zu locales der 
Fehler ausgegeben:

D [19/Jun/2003:11:52:28 +0200] [Job 1] foomatic-gswrapper: gs 
'@bjc6000a1.upp' '-dBATCH' '-dSAFER' '-dQUIET'
 '-dNOPAUSE' '-sOutputFile=| cat 3' '/dev/fd/0' 31 12
D [19/Jun/2003:11:52:28 +0200] [Job 1] Unable to open command line 
file bjc6000a1.upp
D [19/Jun/2003:11:52:28 +0200] [Job 1] renderer return value: 1
D [19/Jun/2003:11:52:28 +0200] [Job 1] renderer received signal: 1
D [19/Jun/2003:11:52:28 +0200] [Job 1] Process dieing with Possible 
error on renderer command line or PostS
cript error. Check options., exit stat: 3
D [19/Jun/2003:11:52:28 +0200] [Job 1] Possible error on renderer 
command line or PostScript error. Check op
Das nicht gefundene bjc600a1.upp existiert aber im cups filesystem Bereich.

Bei der drittem Möglichkeit mit der gimp-config finde ich keinerlei 
Fehlermeldung oder Warnung. Der DruckerAnschluß funktioniert 
grundsätzlich, wenn ich $Win boote.

Sonstige involvierte Komponenten, alle aus aktueller sarge: a2ps, gs
ach, ja, cups meldet noch:
Gerätestatus: arbeitend, Nimmt Aufträge entgegen.
/Parallel port busy; will retry in 30 seconds.../
Geräte URI: canon:/dev/lp0
und lpstat

bjc-2   root 15360   Thu Jun 19 12:53:11 2003

Irgendwelche Ideen?


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Re: PCMCIA Netzwerk

2003-06-19 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Steffen wrote:

Diese wird auch super erkannt (als eth0) wenn ich sie reinschiebe.

immerhin... meine muß ich immer zweimal reischieben, beim ersten mal 
passiert nix... via hotplug(für cardbus), oder?

Leider ist sie nicht aktiviert, ich muss nun manuell

ifconfig eth0 netmask up

eingeben, damit ich die Karte benutzen kann.

/Wenn/ du die ip/karte schon bei der installation benutzt hast, dürfte 
ein 'ifup eth0' reichen.

Könnte man es nicht so einstellen, dass das Netzwerk sich auch noch
automatisch von selbst aktiviert, wenn ich die Karte reinstecke, also
dass ich nicht immer manuell den o.a. Befehl eingeben muss?

Eigentlich sollte das auch via hotplug oder cardmgr 
(etc/init.d/{hotplug|pcmcia}) automatisch ausgeführt werden, bei mir 
klappt das aber auch nicht. Habe noch nicht nachgesehen warum. Ich muß 
wohl nochmal RTFM machen ;)


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mail import in mozilla

2003-06-19 Thread Gerhard Kroder

ich habe mehrere alte mailfolder/dirs/subdirs aus verschiedenenen 
netscape/mozilla  (etwa ab netscape 4.1) versionen, die ich gerne in den 
aktuellen mozilla importieren möchte. Ich glaubte mal ein import/mail 
in mozilla gesehen zu haben, kanns aber nicht mehr finden. is die option 
weg? wie bekomm ich die denn im aktuellen (sarge) mozilla reingeladen?


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Re: program to display graphically postgres relations?

2001-10-30 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Bruno Boettcher wrote:
   i was wondering if there was some tool to display graphically SQL
   tables and relations between them ... especially in the case of a
   postgres database...

there are some solutions... one i know to work is installing odbc and
use staroffice, it's db-module (starbase?) can create/edit db's with/in
postgres and give you a graphic view of tables and relations. but
odbs/so is not capable of doing all db manipulations you may do
manually, as you can by using psql.


  Gehard Kroder


2001-10-17 Thread Gerhard Kroder

there is something wrong, isn't it?

README says:

cd /usr/lib
mkdir -p dosemu freedos
ln -s ../freedos dosemu

my guess here: mkdir -p dosemu/freedos; cd dosemu/freedos before


Re: Woody: X won't start after upgrade to 4.1

2001-10-15 Thread Gerhard Kroder
David Harrigan wrote:

 Probably Branden Robinson's comment applies
  There is a bug in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99xfree86-common_start in 4.1.0-7:

i had the same problem: startx died, GDM login either. Applying the
above solved it.

 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 15 October 2001 15:34
 Subject: Woody: X won't start after upgrade to 4.1
 I have just updated/upgraded my Woody system with apt-get. This
 changed XFree86 from 4.0.3 to 4.1.1
 When I type startx the server starts then exits. I did not change
 anything. I ran xf86config but get the same effect.
 My Xfree86.0.log is 22kb so I'm reluctant to post it straight away.
 I would welcome any suggestions .
 Tim Wood
 The computer is a laptop (Gateway 5150) but the standard settings
 have worked in the past. It has a Neomagic NM2200 (256AV) video
 chip with 2.5Mb of video RAM. The screen is a TFT 1024*768.
 I have not been able to use the Synaptics Touchpad since moving
 Potato - Testing/Woody, but found it easier to use a PS/2
 external mouse anyway.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
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  Gehard Kroder

Re: Help with install: Woody

2001-09-27 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Lars Jensen wrote:
 How do I install woody over a ppp connection?
 Here's what I've done so far:
 First I downloaded the images and created the three installation
 rescue.bin, root.bin, drivers.bin.
 The installation goes fine until the installer asks where to find the
 base system. I'm not sure what to do at this point? I have looked around
 on the debian ftp site, and I don't see any base.tgz or anything like
 that. Which files are the installer looking for? Where do I find them?

if going directly to a woody installation, as described by the other
mails,  is too dificult you might install a base potato system instead,
maybe from an  existing cd set, configure ppp and go to dist-upgrade to
woody. But if you do not have cd's, it's the same as with potato.


fetchmail or ipopd messed up my emails?

2001-09-21 Thread Gerhard Kroder

usualy i get lots of emails from mailinglist, and netscrape -messenger
is quite blocked untill all mails are downloaded. so i installed current
ipopd, fetched my mail with fetchmail $PROVIDER from provider to local
mda (exim). now i tried (actually i did...) to retrive emails from local
ipopd with netscrape and very much mails got messed up, just like the
one attached. subjects, sender, dates bodies, just all mixed up.

uups, just took a look on my  mbox in /var/spool/mail. looks ok. reading
it with mutt is ok too, even on mails that where messed up when received
in messenger. so i suggest problem with popd (2001beta010722debian-4,
oh, it's beta..;)?

any idea what went wrong? 

btw: where does From
from? Seems to be on all messed up mails.

(just did an upgrade, so my woody/testing is current.)

Brooks R. Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   the worm wouldn't even know the difference, to it it looks like it would
   hit microsofts site from your url if it tries those extentions.
  Not correct, it gets a Redirect as the response, and it's its
  responsibility to follow it, unless it's using a toolkit that does so
  Code Red, for instance, wouldn't follow redirects.

 What about port forwarding?  It'd still up the CPU usage on a machine, but
 would it have the same results?  I so much want to do this.

You could always set up a tarpit:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Sep 22 00:08:03 2001
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from localhost ([] ident=gerhard)
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by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-5.9.0)
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 20 SStatus:   

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id 15kBfK-0003ZN-00
for; Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:47:26 -0700
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:47:26 -0700
From: Craig Dickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: nimda probes
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Sam Varghese wrote:

  Code Red, for instance, wouldn't follow redirects.
 try calling default.ida from my server --

What for? If I do so with a browser, I'll presumably get redirected. But
the virus wouldn't, because IT ISN'T A BROWSER AND DOESN'T SUPPORT HTTP

Let's be clear on how redirects work. If someone requests default.ida
---End Message---

Re: Netscape download

2001-09-21 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Vittorio wrote:
 I've tried to find the downloaded file under
 /.netscape and $HOME to no avail.
 Any help?

usually download goes to where you started netscape, i.e. working dir
from where you called the command. don't know what it does when started
from a window manager, but i guess it should be $HOME then... tried a

hope it helps


Re: fetchmail or ipopd messed up my emails?

2001-09-21 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Gerhard Kroder wrote:

 one attached. subjects, sender, dates bodies, just all mixed up.

more precisely: sometimes sender, sometimes bodies, somtimes
combinations, ect

 btw: where does From
 from? Seems to be on all messed up mails.

Ah , found it as Return-Path from mailinglist daemon. So, From is
the rewrite from fetchmail?


Re: testing

2001-09-14 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Martin F Krafft wrote:
 also sprach [EMAIL PROTECTED] (on Wed, 12 Sep 2001 12:12:32PM -0500):
  how stable is testing? would it be too risky to upgrade from stable
  to testing?

as mentioned before, a matter of taste. But it's not too risky. Instead
it's quite stable. I've had once in a while (about one in tree months)
smaller problems after updates, that could be solved by manual actions,
sometimes after looking to mailinglists or bugreports. Last problem last
week was corrupted display of fonts in Netscape's menue/toolbars. Solved
after next update.

 able to answer. most of us (as in the people usually answering) run

well, i permanently 'just' run testing, though i sometimes desperately
wait for updates and new packages to come to testing.

 the only bits of facts i can give you: i have as of now been unable to
 get postgresql-7.0 running

you should convert to testing, maybe... just kidding. But: on testing
postgres runs quite well, too. Currently as of 7.1-4


Re: Folio file types / AS Physics

2001-09-06 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Hereward Cooper wrote:

  called nse2html.
 It works OK, but I have to problem that the file is 220Mb+ and
 I just run out of memory when trying to convert it (I'm running
 416Mb)! But it works on smaller files.

You  may enlargen your swap space temporary, to meet larger ram
requirements, though it'll be somewhat slow then.


Re: Folio file types / AS Physics

2001-09-05 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Hereward Cooper wrote:
 Does anyone know how to read a folio file under linux/debian?
 The file extension is a nfo.

tryed out  command  'file   xyz.nfo' already? Maybe it knows this type.


Re: upgrading from debian 2.0 to debian 2.2

2001-08-30 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Bostjan Muller wrote:


 I have installed base system for debian 2.0 on an old i486 machine with only
 4mb of ram.. I'd like to upgrade it to debian 2.2 over the net now. I was told
 to get apt-hamm, but that was not available on the net anymore, could someone
 please tell me how to upgrade to debian 2.2 if at all possible?

read  /debian/dists/potato/main/upgrade-i386/ on your favourite debian mirror.
They say how to upgrade, and that upgrade from 2.0 to 2.2 should run, as any
other upgrade should  (though it is not extensively testet). Read the section
about packages reorganisation carefully, so you don't be surprised after 


import cyrus-imap mails

2001-08-24 Thread Gerhard Kroder

i need to import a backup copy of my old cyrus imapd (from
woody/testing) mail dir on a new server. Can this be done just by
copying the mail files  (numbered 1. to xxx.) and subdir into new
created user mail dir?


  Gehard Kroder

Re: import cyrus-imap mails

2001-08-24 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Gerhard Kroder wrote:
  i need to import a backup copy of my old cyrus imapd (from
  woody/testing) mail dir on a new server. Can this be done just by
 Cyrus does not use the maildir format ;)

yeah, i was refering to it's dirs with the mail files..

  and it has other databases too.
 The safest way to do this is to use an imap/pop3 client to receive all

server has gone, no chance to retrive mails via imap or pop. all that is
left is my inbox dir with subdirs and mail files. i want to put this in
a new server at home.

 convert them to bsmtp

what's this?


Re: FortranPlus F95 Compiler Packs: New Release now shipping

2001-08-22 Thread Gerhard Kroder
NAS Marketing wrote:

 Upgrade Prices

I wonder if they will offer a cross-grade/trade-in, i might giv'em g77


Re: Unresolved dependencies

2001-08-15 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Marcus Günther wrote:

 about unresolved dependencies. I already tried the -f option but it didn't
 work either.
 How can I solve the dependencies problems?

all the time just using apt? strange symptom. dist-upgrade? how does
your sources.list look like? give us a typescript or cut'n'paste of your
apt session, so we can see more about this problems.

otherwise, when it says depends on xy go and apt-get install xy.


Re: Stop apt-get downloading same Packages.gz from different mirrors

2001-08-10 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Karsten Heymann wrote:

 Is there any possibility or plan to stop
 this double download? 

just a thougt: link files in /var/lib/apt/lists together, like ln -s
$PRIMARY_Package $SECONDARY_Package. When updating, apt or dselect
should download only newest file (by timestamp), which might be $PRIMARY
usualy. As i wrote, just a thouht. Tell me resutlst, if you try. 



Re: xfree 4: unknown reason for exeption; clock problems

2000-11-18 Thread Gerhard Kroder

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, John Galt wrote:

 You probably wanted [EMAIL PROTECTED]

no, i intentionally posted to  mailinglist first. But since nobody could
help i'll goto bugs...


xfree 4: unknown reason for exeption; clock problems

2000-11-15 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Package: xserver-xfree86
Version: 4.0.1-3

Hi there,

after upgrading from 3.3.6 to 4.* my X(Free86) is out of order, i don't
get it running any more on my own. I took a 
look on debian-x mailing list and found one similar problem (Michiel
Mieeuwissens's), which ended up (AFAIK) with no
 solutuon. Here's a short summary, which is also my problem: ATI Rage
128  (should be a PRO,  onboard, AGP), XFree
86 log says unknown reason for exception, unable to correctly
retrieve adapter BIOS, Cannot shadow an accelerat
ed frame buffer, Unknown programmable clock generator..., which
causes no pixel clocks to be avaliable and therfo
re having no valid screen modes.  

Does anybody know what to do? As mentioned on mailing list i tried a
base setup from dexter, and i generated a lspci
 log, files attached. Should i file this as bug report against xfree86
or xserver-xfree86?

Gerhard01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X 
(rev 5c) (prog-if 00 [VGA])
Subsystem: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X
Flags: bus master, stepping, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 11
Memory at e600 (32-bit, prefetchable)
I/O ports at d000
Memory at e500 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)
Capabilities: [50] AGP version 1.0

The -bpp option is no longer supported.
Use -depth to set the color depth, and use -fbbpp if you really
need to force a non-default framebuffer (hardware) pixel format.

This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any
way.  Bugs may be reported to XFree86@XFree86.Org and patches submitted
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions,
please check the latest version in the XFree86 CVS repository

XFree86 Version 4.0.1e / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6400)
Release Date: 6 November 2000
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.2.18pre15 i686 [ELF] 
Module Loader present
(==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.0.log, Time: Wed Nov 15 14:04:39 2000
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (??) unknown.
(==) ServerLayout Default Layout
(**) |--Screen Default Screen (0)
(**) |   |--Monitor Generic Monitor
(**) |   |--Device Generic Graphics Device
(**) |--Input Device Generic Keyboard
(**) Option XkbRules xfree86
(**) XKB: rules: xfree86
(**) Option XkbModel pc104
(**) XKB: model: pc104
(**) Option XkbLayout us
(**) XKB: layout: us
(**) |--Input Device Generic Mouse
(WW) The directory /usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(**) FontPath set to 
(==) RgbPath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
(==) ModulePath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
(++) using VT number 7

(II) Module ABI versions:
XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.1
XFree86 Video Driver: 0.3
XFree86 XInput driver : 0.1
XFree86 Server Extension : 0.1
XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.1
(II) Loader running on linux
(II) LoadModule: bitmap
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
(II) Module bitmap: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.0.1e, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.1
(II) Loading font Bitmap
(II) LoadModule: pcidata
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
(II) Module pcidata: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.0.1e, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.3
(II) PCI: Probing config type using method 1
(II) PCI: Config type is 1
(II) PCI: stages = 0x03, oldVal1 = 0x, mode1Res1 = 0x8000
(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 8086,7190 card , rev 02 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 8086,7191 card , rev 02 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
(II) PCI: 00:07:0: chip 8086,7110 card , rev 02 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:07:1: chip 8086,7111 card , rev 01 class 01,01,80 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:2: chip 8086,7112 card , rev 01 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:3: chip 8086,7113 card , rev 02 class 06,80,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0c:0: chip 1274,1371 card 1274,1371 rev 02 class 04,01,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0e:0: chip 1000,000f card 1000,1000 rev 26 class 01,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:00:0: chip 1002,4742 card 1002,4742 rev 5c class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: End of PCI scan
(II) LoadModule: scanpci

diskus on distribution contents?

2000-06-28 Thread Gerhard Kroder
a short question:

where to ask or discuss  about contents of a Debian distribution, what
belongs to it or will be taken into distribution?

I wonder why nisplus is not provided by Debian's...

Gerhard Kroder +49 241 5295 275
Unices, Networks, Services

switching from/to X -query display

2000-06-06 Thread Gerhard Kroder
i have an sun-server accessable to run remote  X sessions (dtlogin
fetched with X -query ...). logging onto the sun works fine, switching
back to local (linux) X with ctrl-alt-f7 is fine, too. but switching to
sun's display back again i run in trouble. all i can see is a black
screen with a tty-style output  like Erase is  delte \n Kill is
control-U and such.  i see no way to recover to real display.  i had
this remote display running some weeks ago without this problem.
meantime i updatet my woody sytem.

any hints?

Re: switching from/to X -query display

2000-06-06 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Gerhard Kroder wrote:

 i have an sun-server accessable to run remote  X sessions (dtlogin
 fetched with X -query ...). logging onto the sun works fine, switching
 back to local (linux) X with ctrl-alt-f7 is fine, too. but switching to
 sun's display back again i run in trouble. all i can see is a black
 screen with a tty-style output  like Erase is  delte \n Kill is
 control-U and such.  i see no way to recover to real display.  i had
 this remote display running some weeks ago without this problem.
 meantime i updatet my woody sytem.

 any hints?

looked around more and found a  /usr/lib/console-log/maillogpager running
with permanently changing pid's.  after i killed it's parent my remote sun
session works fine again.

can anyone tell me what this pager is for? i looked at it, it's easy to
read, as it's just a bourne script. but i don't know what's the sense of
it and who starts it when or what for.


nisplus avaliable on debian?

2000-05-30 Thread Gerhard Kroder
i need to run nisplus on debian systems. is there any chance to get a
deb-package for potato? if not i'll go get it as tar and install it the
old way...


Re: nisplus avaliable on debian?

2000-05-30 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Gilbert Laycock wrote:

 Gerhard Kroder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  i need to run nisplus on debian systems. is there any chance to get a
  deb-package for potato? if not i'll go get it as tar and install it the
  old way...


i knew that one ... ;-)

 There are apt-able packages. I use the following in sources.list:
  deb debian/

and this was what i was actually looking for, thanx ;-))

downloaded, installed, worked, even w/o reboot that was beeing told during
installation. just like debian behaves regulary :-))

any ideas why this isn't belonging to a debian distribution?

Gerhard Kroder +49 241 5295 275
Unices, Networks, Services

rsync:@ERROR: chroot failed

2000-01-20 Thread Gerhard Kroder
i run into problems using rsync to [EMAIL PROTECTED]: chroot failedr debians
ftp archive, which worked for a while. but now all i get is this error
message: @ERROR: chroot failed. i don't even know who makes this
error. i tried to do it manually, as follows:

 sh-2.03$ LOGFILE=rsync.debian.log
 sh-2.03$ TO=/mnt/mirror/debian
 sh-2.03$ #MIRRORTOP=/mnt/hydra/mirror
 sh-2.03$ MIRRORTOP=/mnt/mirror
 sh-2.03$ RSYNC_DIR=debian/
 sh-2.03$ LOCK=${TO}/
 sh-2.03$ cd $MIRRORTOP
 sh-2.03$ pwd
 sh-2.03$ umask 002
 sh-2.03$ if lockfile -! -l 43200 -r 0 $LOCK; then
echo `hostname` is unable to start rsync, lock file exists
exit 1
 sh-2.03$ echo $?
 sh-2.03$ trap rm -f $LOCK  /dev/null 21 exit
 sh-2.03$ echo $?
 sh-2.03$ set +e
 sh-2.03$ rsync -v -rltvz \
 @ERROR: chroot failed
 sh-2.03$ rsync -v -v -rltvz  $EXCLUDE  $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_DIR $TO
 @ERROR: chroot failed
 sh-2.03$ rsync -v -v -v -rltvz  $EXCLUDE  $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_DIR $TO
 @ERROR: chroot failed
 sh-2.03$ rsync -v -v -v -v -rltvz  $EXCLUDE  $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_DIR 
 @ERROR: chroot failed

any idea what's going on? maybe some conflict with nis, which is running
here, too?

some more infos to my versions:

 Subject: rsync: @ERROR: chroot failed
 Version: 2.3.2-1.1
 Severity: normal
 -- System Information
 Debian Release: potato
 Kernel Version: Linux stardust 2.2.13 #1 Sat Nov 20 12:44:19 EST 1999 i686 
 Versions of the packages rsync depends on:
 ii  libc62.1.2-11 GNU C Library: 
 Shared libraries and Timezone data


potato install-disks and package selection

2000-01-14 Thread Gerhard Kroder
do the potato boot-disks contain the base package selecion menue? i used
the disks from before a week and did run in troubel with this.


update-menus problem with potato

2000-01-14 Thread Gerhard Kroder
i've just setup a brandnew potato system (builtup from scratch as
potato) an try to get x/windowmanagers runnig. i noticed that 
update-menus doesn't run throug correctly, but i can't find the problem. 

running on the new system shows:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gerdk more update-menus.log 
 In file /usr/lib/menu/xbase-clients, at (or in the definition that ends at) 
 line 22:
 [...]x11 package=xbase-clients section=Apps/Tools
 [...] ^
 Missing (or empty) tag: title
 This tag needs to defined for the menuentry to make sense.
 Note, BTW, that update-menus re-arranges the order of the
 tags found in the menu entry files, so that the part above
 isn't literal
 /etc/menu-methods//asclassic: Aborting

and so on for all other things  update-menus should do...

testing on an older system runnung already potato shows:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /root update-menus 
 In file /etc/menu-methods//afterstep, at (or in the definition that ends 
 at) l
 ine 32:
 startmenu=   PopUp \ $section \\n Title title() \\n
 Unknown function: Title
 /etc/menu-methods//afterstep: Aborting
 Update-menus[3535]: Script /etc/menu-methods//afterstep returned error status 

what to do?


s3 trio 3d (86C356) won't work in svga

2000-01-12 Thread Gerhard Kroder
i try to get a s3 trio 3d runninc (came onboard wiht a ibm pl 300). im
using recent potato with xf86_svga (xfree 3.3.5), which seems recognize
the card correctly  (uses virge-driver ...). but i can't get a valid
mode with svga server. i've already tried the modelines written in faq
for 1024 rsp. 1280 resolutions. what happens is that server starts,
screen turns of an nothing more. by switching to virtual terminal i can
verify server is still running. i tries to cycle to all supplied modes
with ctrl-shift-plus to find any workin mode, but nothing works. using
vga16 for setup works ok. the  label on graphic chip says S3 Trio 3D,
onboard, NDC=BB and 86C365, 9924CA3358.00. for more infos see
attached config and probe files.

anyone there to help me? 

XFree86 Version 3.3.5 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: August 23 1999
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.2.10 i686 [ELF] 
Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0):
  ET4000W32i, ET4000W32i_rev_b, ET4000W32i_rev_c, ET4000W32p,
  ET4000W32p_rev_a, ET4000W32p_rev_b, ET4000W32p_rev_c,
  ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000, ET6100, et3000, pvga1, wd90c00, wd90c10,
  wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31, wd90c33, gvga, ati, sis86c201, sis86c202,
  sis86c205, sis86c215, sis86c225, sis5597, sis5598, sis6326, sis530,
  sis620, tvga8200lx, tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c, tvga8900cl,
  tvga8900d, tvga9000, tvga9000i, tvga9100b, tvga9200cxr, tgui9400cxi,
  tgui9420, tgui9420dgi, tgui9430dgi, tgui9440agi, cyber9320, tgui9660,
  tgui9680, tgui9682, tgui9685, cyber9382, cyber9385, cyber9388,
  cyber9397, cyber9520, cyber9525, 3dimage975, 3dimage985, cyber9397dvd,
  blade3d, cyberblade, clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426, clgd5428,
  clgd5429, clgd5430, clgd5434, clgd5436, clgd5446, clgd5480, clgd5462,
  clgd5464, clgd5465, clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225, clgd6235, clgd7541,
  clgd7542, clgd7543, clgd7548, clgd7555, clgd7556, ncr77c22, ncr77c22e,
  cpq_avga, mga2064w, mga1064sg, mga2164w, mga2164w AGP, mgag200,
  mgag100, mgag400, oti067, oti077, oti087, oti037c, al2101, ali2228,
  ali2301, ali2302, ali2308, ali2401, cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440,
  video7, ark1000vl, ark1000pv, ark2000pv, ark2000mt, mx, realtek,
  s3_savage, s3_virge, AP6422, AT24, AT3D, s3_svga, NM2070, NM2090,
  NM2093, NM2097, NM2160, NM2200, ct65520, ct65525, ct65530, ct65535,
  ct65540, ct65545, ct65546, ct65548, ct65550, ct65554, ct6,
  ct68554, ct69000, ct64200, ct64300, mediagx, V1000, V2100, V2200,
  p9100, spc8110, i740, i740_pci, Voodoo Banshee, Voodoo3, generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keycodes: xfree86
(**) XKB: types: default
(**) XKB: compat: default
(**) XKB: symbols: us(pc101)
(**) XKB: geometry: pc
(**) XKB: rules: xfree86
(**) XKB: model: pc104
(**) XKB: layout: de
(**) XKB: variant: nodeadkeys
(**) Mouse: type: PS/2, device: /dev/mouse, buttons: 3
(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: Primary Card
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: Primary Monitor
(**) FontPath set to 
(--) SVGA: PCI: S3 Trio3D rev 1, Memory @ 0xf800
(--) SVGA: S3V: Trio3D rev 1, Linear FB @ 0xf800
(--) SVGA: Detected S3 Trio3D
(--) SVGA: using driver for chipset s3_virge
(**) SVGA: videoram:  4096k
(**) SVGA: Ramdac speed: 23 MHz
(--) SVGA: Detected current MCLK value of 100.227 MHz
(--) SVGA: chipset:  s3_virge
(**) SVGA: videoram: 4096k
(**) SVGA: clocks:  25.18  28.32  25.18  25.18
(**) SVGA: Using 8 bpp, Depth 8, Color weight: 666
(--) SVGA: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 23.000 MHz
(**) SVGA: Mode 640x480: mode clock =  28.320
(--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 640x480
(--) SVGA: SpeedUp code selection modified because virtualX != 1024
(--) SVGA: s3_virge: Using hardware cursor
# File generated by xf86config.

# Copyright (c) 1995 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is 

nisplus package?

2000-01-10 Thread Gerhard Kroder
is ther a debian package for nisplus out already? i haven't seen it so
far an want to try it out...


scsi-device: how deatache?

2000-01-07 Thread Gerhard Kroder

it's somewhat known already how to attache a scsi-device  to a running
system (echo add... /proc..), and it works well. but what if you
deattache a device. i want to move my external dat-streamer to some
other machien. is there any harm with just plugging it of an runnung
system? i expect so. is there a distinct way to deatache propperly?
something like `echo remove... /proc...`?


Re: staroffice , potato , unrecoverable error

1999-11-29 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Eric G . Miller wrote:

 I have SO5.1a running fine for a few months now on a potato box. Got it
 from the Sun website a couple months ago. Many fewer hiccups than
 version 5.0.

well, i'm having same trouble, too. downloaded 5.1 from sun, installed it, was
running fine a couple of days, and then unrecoverable error  i'm updating 
potato every week, but the problem is still there.

 If SO5.1 still doesn't work for you, maybe try an strace to
 find out where it chokes.

i already took a fast look to strace's output, but didn't tell mee much i 
i should look somewhat closer


Re: staroffice , potato , unrecoverable error

1999-11-29 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Eric G . Miller wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 09:05:44AM +0100, Gerhard Kroder wrote:
  well, i'm having same trouble, too. downloaded 5.1 from sun, installed
  it, was running fine a couple of days, and then unrecoverable
  error  i'm updating my potato every week, but the problem is
  still there.
  i already took a fast look to strace's output, but didn't tell mee
  much i understood.  i should look somewhat closer
  Well, on an off chance something weird got written to a startup file,
  try removing (or moving) ~/Office51 and rerunning the set-up routine.

äähhh, ja, forgot: i've tried that one too  when problems occured (but not 
i'll take one more...

  I agree that strace's output isn't easy to decipher.



where to find this bug: Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 177, GEN20 chunk 2.

1999-11-29 Thread Gerhard Kroder
i try to apt-get upgrade and get this error since a week or two. and
since i don't understand perl enough i can't realy trace back. is it a
problem of perl perl5005, debconf, dpkg? what to do?

 apt-get upgrade
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 The following packages have been kept back
   debiandoc-sgml gnuplot guile1.3 libopenldap1 netstd ssh-askpass-ptk
 205 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.
 1 packages not fully installed or removed.
 Need to get 0B/82.7MB of archives. After unpacking 3555kB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

 stty: standard input: Invalid argument
 stty: standard input: Invalid argument
 100% [Scanning packages]
 Configuring packages ...
 Use of uninitialized value at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 177,  chunk 2.
 Use of uninitialized value at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 103,  chunk 2.
 This shouldn't happen at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Text/ line 45,  chunk 2.
 E: Sub-process dpkg-preconfig --apt returned an error code (255)
 E: Failure running script dpkg-preconfig --apt


Re: where to find this bug: Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 177, GEN20 chunk 2.

1999-11-29 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Martin Fluch wrote:

 Does an

   dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/debconf*


oh, yes,  cycled  from .22 up  to .48  why didn't debconf update
throughout regular  apt-get update


upgrade error

1999-11-19 Thread Gerhard Kroder
while trying to upgrade (apt-get {update|upgrade} ) my potot i  get
errors (see attachement) since some days. can somebody tell me what this
means   resp. how to fix it?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc apt-get check
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc apt-get upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages have been kept back
  debiandoc-sgml gnuplot guile1.3 netstd ssh-askpass-ptk 
123 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0B/58.7MB of archives. After unpacking 3087kB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 

stty: standard input: Invalid argument
stty: standard input: Invalid argument
100% [Scanning packages]
Configuring packages ...
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ 
line 177, GEN20 chunk 3.
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ 
line 103, GEN20 chunk 3.
This shouldn't happen at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Text/ line 45, GEN20 
chunk 3.
E: Sub-process dpkg-preconfig --apt returned an error code (255)
E: Failure running script dpkg-preconfig --apt

Re: NIS question: ypserver=localhost in yp.conf on slave NIS?

1999-11-17 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:

 step that is NOT contained in the howto.

can't cover all possibilities

 Whenever my master server was unreachable the slave server couldn't read the
 passwd map. So I entered ypserver localhost in /etc/yp.conf, et voila,
 things worked again.

so your localhost is the second nis server, isn't it?

 Is this The Right Thing(TM) to do? Or why didn't the library functions on
 the slave server machine automatically use the slave NIS instead of the
 master NIS server after the disappearance of the master server was detected?

nis is a service. it gets served by a daemon for who ever calls it. if
you set up the daemon to server, you haven't set implicitly any client
to call.  usually ypbind is used to bind (connect) to the server, and
when you actually call any nis-info (let say a passwd entry) your system
looks how to get it (nsswitch.conf) and then looks which ypserver serves
this info (i.e. the one ypbind is bound to) and makes the call. when the
server bound to is gone, then ypbind acts as configured (see man
ypbind). debian asks which is your ypserver during installation of nis
package. and this gets noted in yp.conf. all you can put in there is
documented in man yp.conf. and putting ypserver hostname in there is
just right for multiple servers in one nis-domain. when ypbind takes
notice of a gone (or bad to reach) ypserver it binds to the recently
best one to reach, as configured in yp.conf. (it could be done by
broadcasts also, but that's usually no good choice). 


mirror: server gone away

1999-11-11 Thread Gerhard Kroder

i try to setup an intranet mirror (with mirror v2.9-12) for potato, but
i guess i get into timeouts. running mirrorr -d -d conffile tells me
somewhere in exluding stuff:

exclude: dists/potato/main/source/misc/x-face-el_1.3.6.1-1.diff.gz
 --- PWD
 remote server gone away
exclude: dists/potato/main/source/misc/x-face-el_1.3.6.1-1.dsc

looks like exluding all the not wanted things takes some time to much. i
already set an timeout=500, but it doesn't help.  can someone tell me
how to work around this?


Re: I screwed up w/ shadow passwords

1999-10-15 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Martin Waller wrote:
 I have on old 486 on which I installed debian (slink) (any excuse), but
 forgot my root password.  So I went in and edited /etc/passwords, where
 there were 'x's fro the password fields.
 How do I fix this?

these 'x's are ther because you have shadow installed, so you need to
delete rootpassword in /etc/shadow as you have done in passwd. set back
password in passwd to the 'x'. that should work. you may take a look to
manpages for shadow (man -k shadow), especially to pconv/pwunconv and
shadowconfig to swithc between shadow/passwd support.


8N2 communication?

1999-09-21 Thread Gerhard Kroder
recently i had to configure a cisco isdn router, wich requieres 2 stopbits
(at eight data and null parity bits) as communication parameters. the only
communication programm avaliable on my 80mb deb2.1 was minicom, which
didn't have 8N2 to set up. do you know others that support 8N2, or how else
can i set these parameters? i do not want to switch to an windows
evironment, where hyperterm supports 8n2...


Re: .profile BASH in PATH?

1999-09-14 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Pollywog wrote:

 You could make a directory $HOME/bin and put your shell scripts there, and
 also add it to your PATH in your user .profile:
 export PATH
 That would be better than just adding . to your PATH.

even better might be using $HOME rather than /home/username, since $HOME
is set already and homedir sometimes change.  

(assumuing bash for login shell, others similar)

but  that's turning out kind'a academic talk... ;-)


Re: r utilities went missing

1999-09-14 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Lewis, James M. wrote:
 What happened to in.rexecd (and the rest of them)?  They used
 to be in netstd in slink.  I upgraded this morning and they
 went missing. 

this seemed to happen somewhat earlier, i miss`m some days 

 I got the Contents-i386.gz from potato and they
 were not in there.  Were they dropped on purpose? 

well i guess security...  use ssh, it´s (more) secure. if you need, ssh can
behave like r*, but better you configure your environment to use ssh.

split out into
 another package?  When will they be restored?

since i need to use r* it would help me too.


Re: Netscape 4.61 - ???

1999-08-15 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:
 Ok, is there anyone actually using netscape 4.61 as provided in potato?
 I only get a segfault.
 If you are able to use it, what combination of
 kernel/libc/what-the-hell do you have ?

well, my config looks like this:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gerdk bug -p communicator
 Please describe your problems using communicator in one line.
 Subject: communicator: .
 Package: communicator
 Version: 1:4.61-19
 Severity: normal
 -- System Information
 Debian Release: potato
 Kernel Version: Linux stardust 2.2.10 #2 Wed Jul 14 15:41:43 CEST 1999 i686 
 Versions of the packages communicator depends on:
 ii  navigator-smoti 4.61-8 Netscape Navigator 4.61 (static Motif)
 ii  netscape-java-4 4.61-8 Netscape Java support for version 4.61

communicator 4.61 runs fairly well, besides some bus errors ans all the
bugs  described before in this mailinglist.


dpkg: error processing libcgi-perl (--remove)

1999-08-03 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Subject: libcgi-perl: error processing libcgi-perl (--remove)
Package: libcgi-perl
Version: 2.76-11
Severity: normal

when i try either to upgrade or remove, libcgi-perl is disturbing... how
can i fix it? dpkg says this:

(Reading database ... 68053 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing libcgi-perl ...
dpkg - warning: while removing libcgi-perl, directory `/usr/lib/perl5/CGI'
not empty so not removed.
Update-menus[32503]: further output (if any) will appear in
update-menus[32502], debugging bug #42051. Everything OK now
See also
No diversion `diversion of /usr/lib/perl5/CGI/ to
/usr/lib/perl5/CGI/ by libcgi-perl', none removed
Removing `diversion of /usr/man/man3/CGI::Carp.3pm.gz to
/usr/man/man3/CGI::Carp_dist.3pm.gz by libcgi-perl'
dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/man/man3/CGI::Carp.3pm.gz'
  different file `/usr/man/man3/CGI::Carp_dist.3pm.gz', not allowed
dpkg: error processing libcgi-perl (--remove):
 subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall again
Press enter to continue.

installation script returned error exit status 100.
Press RETURN to continue.

-- System Information
Debian Release: potato
Kernel Version: Linux stardust 2.2.10 #2 Wed Jul 14 15:41:43 CEST 1999 i686

Versions of the packages libcgi-perl depends on:
ii  perl-5.004  5.004.05-2 Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and
^^^ (Provides virtual package perl5)
libwww-perl Not installed or no info

Unices, Networks, Services
Gerhard Kroder +49 241 5295 275


1999-07-30 Thread Gerhard Kroder
excuse me,

i don't get mail from list, so testing

nis(+) shows wong map

1999-07-29 Thread Gerhard Kroder

i try to setup automount for linux using solaris-nis+ maps. i need to adopt
them to work with linux automounter. but my problem for now is, that
auto-maps on sunserver are different than what i can see from linux:

linux  ypcat auto.master
-hosts  -nosuid

and on master server from solaris i get:

solaris  niscat auto_master.org_dir
/- auto_direct
/home auto_home
/net -hosts -nosuid

what makes me wonder is auto.master shows parts of auto_master. that
translation of _ to . should be a bug? and first column of auto_master
gets lost! i'm shure ther's no oter nisserver in our local net, where i
could fetch wrong maps. and these entries are not present at linuxes
auto.master map.

any ideas?


some infos:

Package: nis
Version: 3.3.3-1

-- System Information
Debian Release: potato
Kernel Version: Linux stardust 2.2.10 #2 Wed Jul 14 15:41:43 CEST 1999 i686

Versions of the packages nis depends on:
ii  libc6   2.1.1-13   GNU C Library: Shared libraries and
ii  libgdbmg1   1.7.3-26.2 GNU dbm database routines (runtime
ii  make3.77-7 The GNU version of the make utility.
ii  netbase 3.15-4 Basic TCP/IP networking binaries

Re: Potato

1999-07-28 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Account for Debian group mail wrote:
 Anyone using the Potato release on a machine that needs to be up.  How
 stable is it at this point?

what do you want? uptimes, load meters? my potato goes down only when i
feel i need to reboot (installing new kernel image or beeing too stupid do
set some  other things by hand). it is stable and fast enouhg for me doing
my dayly work on it.


Re: su/PATH newgrp/HOME

1999-07-28 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Kent Howard wrote:
 1) Is it just me or does su set the PATH to a default and forget
the currently set one?  Is this intentional?

it depends on invocation (and thoug is intentional): you may set a complete
su-environmen with su - or just change your effective user id with su,
see man su

 2) newgrp unsets the HOME environment variable.

huh, what's that? that makes me wonder.. moment, i'll check.

manpage says your current environment is kept, which it actually doesn't
with  $HOME. doing  newgrp - (as you also do with su) reinitializes your
env and there you go with $HOME. i guess: newgrp starts a new subshell and
when $HOME is not exported, you loose it in that subshell unless you force
reinitialisation. seemes to be intentional as with su.


Re: .tgz? How do I go about extracting them?

1999-07-27 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Revenant wrote:
 There's a very complex method listed in my Running Linux book.  But,
 given the rate at which Linux is evolving, pretty old.
 Is there a easier, newer way than that convoluted string piping from
 gzip to tar etc. ?

well, tgz is (supposed to be) a gzip'ed (i.e. compressed) tar (i.e. tape
archive) file. it's very eays to pipe. but on recent linux systems like
debian you just do a tar xvzf file.tgz, and everything's fine (gnu tar
knows about compression), unless it's a bad package! if you are not very
shure about it's contens you should take a look at it's contents with tar
tzf file.tgz.  or you could run seperat a gunzip and a tar command. see
man tar rsp. man gzip.


Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Gerhard Kroder
 Is there a way to put a 30 second pause in your bash script?

ever RTFM for bash? it says:

   wait [n]
  Wait  for the specified process and return its ter­
  mination status.  n may be a process ID  or  a  job
  specification;  if  a  job  spec is given, all pro­
  cesses in that job's pipeline are waited for.  If n
  is  not given, all currently active child processes
  are waited for, and the return status is zero.   If
  n  specifies  a  non-existent  process  or job, the
  return status is 127.  Otherwise, the return status
  is  the  exit  status  of  the  last process or job
  waited for.



Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Gerhard Kroder wrote:
  Is there a way to put a 30 second pause in your bash script?
 ever RTFM for bash? it says:
wait [n]

huups, guess it's me to RTFM...

of course you do not need (nor is it applicable) bash's builtin wait but
the commmand sleep (man sleep).


Re: Netscape crashing -- a lot.

1999-07-26 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Marek Habersack wrote:
 * Philip Lehman said:
   I had that problem, the fix (for me at least) was deleteing my 
   Dunno why, but somthing get corupted.
  Hmmm... this is the first suggestion that has worked for me! i still get
  bus errors trying to login to, but i haven't gotten it to crash on
  closing a window yet.
  I just tried that from a new user account and had no problems crashing
 I tried it as well but, alas, it helped only partially. The problem I have
 is as follows:
 1. Open Netscape Navigator (not Communicator) 4.x and load any page which
requires authentication.
 2. Type your login and password and tap OK
 3. Netscape closes the window and dissappears without ANY error message

i can confirm this. especially when starting communicator (smotif-4.61, on
recent potato with 2.2.10), opening messenger, getting connectet to
mailserver (imap), downloading headers, just before mailfilter will apply
to those new mails communicator just quits.

and of course ther are all the other features like bus-errors, shutting
all by closing one of it's windows, any problems about communicator we hear
and write since some time .


Apologising for Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Gerhard Kroder wrote:
 Gerhard Kroder wrote:
   Is there a way to put a 30 second pause in your bash script?
  ever RTFM for bash? it says:
 wait [n]

hey, shame on me, i know,... sorry, 

my working day just starts and i'm not quite awaken. and i was too fast
with replying, and usually i don't use _this_ term, and anything 

and thanks for your hints :-)

anyway, how come your responses came in as fast as my first dementi?  ;-)


distributed-net/proxy errors

1999-07-22 Thread Gerhard Kroder
i get some errors in logfile, what does it mean? Anything wrog with my

Package: distributed-net
Version: 2.7106-3
System Information
Debian Release: potato
Kernel Version: Linux stardust 2.2.10 #2 Wed Jul 14 15:41:43 CEST 1999 i686

running this with local proxy (Package: distributed-net-pproxy, Version:
280-2, as mailed before) gives error messages in logfile:

distributed-net.log says:

[Jul 19 17:16:01 UTC] Connecting to
[Jul 19 17:16:01 UTC] Fetch::Bad request acknowledgement.

corrosponding proxy-console.log says

[07/19/99 17:16:39 GMT] rc564 r=0/400, d=0/10, des r=0/400, d=0/10
[07/19/99 17:16:39 GMT] 0d 0:18:07, 0.0 rc5 Mkeys/sec 0.0 des Mkeys/sec
[07/19/99 17:16:39 GMT] cml. RC5 0, 0.0 Mkeys/sec, DES 0, 0.0 Mkeys/sec
[07/19/99 17:16:39 GMT] Status: Slot 0 LISTENING
[07/19/99 17:16:39 GMT] Server 4 added to slot 1 ip port 2064
[07/19/99 17:16:39 GMT] Flush took 0 sec.  Next flush in 1 work periods

[07/19/99 17:16:01 GMT] Client requesting communication
[07/19/99 17:16:01 GMT] No keys available for client
[07/19/99 17:16:01 GMT] Error processing client  my.local.ip.dom  Closing.
[07/19/99 17:16:09 GMT] Closing timed-out idle connection slot 1

so, what's wrong?


Re: Lynx Problems

1999-07-21 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Bill Leach wrote:

 I'm in danger of displaying and attitude here...  I use netscape but
 consider it to be the worst piece of software that I have on any Linux
 box of mine.  GUI web browsers that I have used on Linux are all junk
 in my opinion!

using netscape with all the known but unsolved crashes and bus errors i feel 
workin with m$ software...

 Lynx OTOH is a typical UNIX program.  I have never seen Lynx crash,
 hang, or fail in any way and have never heard anyone else claim that
 it has for them.

 Lynx help is VERY good.  The help and keystroke pages are treated just
 like any other web page except that there is no waiting for a response!
 For all the years that I have used Lynx, I have to admit that so far
 I have not even scratched the capability of that program.

 You can search the help pages with /key string which can be quite

 Probably the biggest problem for people used to netscape type browsers
 is that Lynx with do everything that they do (sans waste bandwidth
 downloading huge, and usually useless, graphic images) and a whole lot
 more but things are done in a different way.

 On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 08:07:11AM +0200, Gerhard Kroder wrote:
  Doug Young wrote:

well, as im writing similar to Doug in an other thread on pmail i didn't go 
into this


Re: Lynx Problems

1999-07-20 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Doug Young wrote:
 Does anyone know of a real basic web browser thats simple
 to setup  configure. I am fast running out of patience with lynx
 due to its virtually useless documentation and excessively complicated
 config file.

you  are thinking in terms of netscape or similar? why don't you just
install it?


Re: Suggestion for Newbie Guide Lines

1999-07-20 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Stephan Engelke wrote:
 Hi folks,
 On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 09:57:26PM -0400, Carl Mummert wrote:
  One issue: there is already a lot of documentation out there.  ( I will
  not vouch for its quality or lack thereof, but volume is something that it
  does not lack).  Every package should have a manpage, and often there is
  stuff in /usr{/share}/doc/package also, as well as all the web-based
 the most common problem I have encountered when suggesting Linux as an
 OS to other people is, that even though there is a wealth of docs out
 there, new users don't know where to look for them.  Newbies need to be told
 where to find the information.  I think that in many cases the doc's are
 not read simply because the user is not aware of them (I had a user in here
 the other day who, after two years of using a UNIX system, did not know
 about the man command ...).  I think this is a problem which needs to be

i agree to this. but, as we are talkin of linux-beginners, the second most
common problem is how to use  docus. there should be some help how to use
this helps, too, it is for this kind of usergroup not suficcient to say
read manpage to xyz or look at readme/howto xyz. there should be some
more general hint like debian has it's docu in /usr/doc||/usr/share/doc,
you need an html-browser/pager like abc to read howto/doc at 
url.local/url.remote, you should read plain text docu with pager xy
call browser/pager with ... and so on. we must remember, they are doing
first steps in linux and are not familliar with any of these tools. and
probeabely they haven't read any other docu about.

 I think the idea of a bug report/debian-user post-checklist is great.
* ) a list of (too) commonly asked questions and answers
 I think that a pointer to such a list would be sufficient - provided it
 is part of the base system install.

and there is some advise to use it, as i said above.

other linux distributions meanwhile come with some book(let), wich gives a
brief look at common unix commands and tools, which is also present in
every regular book (paper or online) you can find. but regulary books
aren't read. may be we should pick some of the existing books of ldp (or
others) and write some  guide around it, (and only extend it therby to the
needs of beginners) wich refers with implicit links to that book where
needed/convenient, instead of doing all once more? this could reduce work a
lot, gets faster results, prevents just a noter guide


problems with distributed-net-pproxy startup script

1999-07-19 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Package: distributed-net-pproxy
Version: 280-2
Severity: normal

startup script seems to be more confued than i am about it. it starts proxy
as user nobody, with running start-stop-daemon. but, nobody hasn't got
access rights to /var/run/* or /var/log/*. does that make sense? once
startet, it wants to create a   pidfile again , wich would overwrite ssd's
pidfile, which wasn't ceated before. once i want to stop this process, it
won't. jut says no such procesee, removes existing pidfile, and that's

i tried to fiddle around with this, but do not realy know what's going on.
any hints? (i looked at manpage for ssd, but it's not enough forme...)

-- System Information
Debian Release: potato
Kernel Version: Linux stardust 2.2.10 #2 Wed Jul 14 15:41:43 CEST 1999 i686

--- Begin /etc/init.d/distributed-net-pproxy (modified conffile)
test -x ${PPROXY} || exit 0
case $1 in
echo -n Starting personal proxy: 
cd /var/lib/distributed-net-pproxy || exit 1
# Check if there is a process to match what's in the pid
# file, by sending signal 0, which has no effect. This 
# also checks to see if there is a pid file at all, BTW.
if start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --signal 0 \
--pidfile /var/run/ \
--name distributed-net 2/dev/null
echo  already running.
# Figure out where start-stop-daemon is (it's moved between
# bo and hamm, and it isn't in the path inside a su).
if [ -x /sbin/start-stop-daemon ]; then
/bin/su nobody -c $ssd --start --quiet \
--exec ${PPROXY} \
#   i  replaced this instead of
--pidfile /var/run/ \
/var/log/distributed-net-pproxy/console.log \
echo $!  /var/run/
echo .
echo -n Stopping personal proxy: 
# Check if there is a process to match what's in the 
# pid file, by sending signal 0, which has no effect.
# This also checks to see if there is a pid file at 
# all, BTW.
if start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --signal 0 \
--pidfile /var/run/ --user 
nobody \
--name distributed-net 2/dev/null
start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop \
--exec ${PPROXY} \
--pidfile /var/run/ \
--user nobody \
--name distributed-net
echo .
echo  not running.
rm -f /var/run/
if start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --signal 0 \
--pidfile /var/run/ \
--name distributed-net \
--user nobody 2/dev/null
$0 stop
sleep 2
$0 start
$0 reload
echo -n Reloading personal proxy 
# Check if there is a process to match what's in the 
# pid file, by sending signal 0, which has no effect.
# This also checks to see if there is a pid file at 
# all, BTW.
if start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --signal 0 \
--pidfile /var/run/ --user 
nobody \
--name distributed-net 2/dev/null
start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --signal 1 \
--exec ${PPROXY} \
--pidfile /var/run/ \
--user nobody \
--name distributed-net
echo done.

smbmount, random timestamp

1999-07-14 Thread Gerhard Kroder
found some strange behaviour of smbmount-2.2.x, is it me or is it smb?

doing smbmount-2.2.x '\\ntserver\user' user -U user -c 'mount
/mnt/smb/user -u myname -g 0'   mounts as expected, but  touching a
file in smbmounted dir gives random   timestamps instead of actual time
looks like this:
 ls -l
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Dec  6  1985 test
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Feb 25  1911 test2
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Nov 30  1919 test3
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Mar 12  1946 test4

i run potato/2.2.9,  smbmount-2.2.x,  Version 2.0.4b; i'm able to verify
this wron timestamps throug an other linux-box that uses smbmount v2.0.2,
a WinNT-box shows also wrong but different timstamps on files above.
touching from the oter linux-box works korrekt.

what can i do?


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Re: smbmount, random timestamp

1999-07-14 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Mirek Kwasniak wrote:

 From linux-2.2.10-ac5/Documentation/filesystems/smbfs.txt :)

aah, i forgot to look there. but anyway, i'v 2.2.9 running. just got 2.2.10
and going to install..

 Mount-Time Options
 Windows 95 has several bugs that affect SMB operations, and smbfs includes
 work-arounds for all of the bugs found (so far, at least.) These can be
 enabled at compile-time with the CONFIG_SMB_WIN95 kernel option.

ther's no '95 around here, and i havent confiogured this support in. may be
it's default?

well, first i'll update kernel, look at docu, an try again. thanks.


smbmount, random timestamp

1999-07-13 Thread Gerhard Kroder
found some strange behaviour of smbmount-2.2.x, is it me or is it smb?

doing smbmount-2.2.x '\\ntserver\user' user -U user -c 'mount
/mnt/smb/user -u myname -g 0'   mounts as expected, but  touching a
file in smbmounted dir gives random   timestamps instead of actual time
looks like this:
 ls -l
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Dec  6  1985 test
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Feb 25  1911 test2
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Nov 30  1919 test3
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Mar 12  1946 test4

i run potato/2.2.9,  smbmount-2.2.x,  Version 2.0.4b; i'm able to verify
this wron timestamps throug an other linux-box that uses smbmount v2.0.2,
a WinNT-box shows also wrong but different timstamps on files above.
touching from the oter linux-box works korrekt.

what can i do?


Re: smbmount, random timestamp

1999-07-13 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Gerhard Kroder wrote:

 found some strange behaviour of smbmount-2.2.x, is it me or is it smb?

 doing smbmount-2.2.x '\\ntserver\user' user -U user -c 'mount
 /mnt/smb/user -u myname -g 0'   mounts as expected, but  touching a
 file in smbmounted dir gives random   timestamps instead of actual time
 looks like this:
  ls -l
  -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Dec  6  1985 test
  -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Feb 25  1911 test2
  -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Nov 30  1919 test3
  -rwxrwxr-x   1 gerdkroot0 Mar 12  1946 test4

 i run potato/2.2.9,  smbmount-2.2.x,  Version 2.0.4b; i'm able to verify
 this wron timestamps throug an other linux-box that uses smbmount v2.0.2,
 a WinNT-box shows also wrong but different timstamps on files above.
 touching from the oter linux-box works korrekt.

 what can i do?


in addition to that i get Input/output error trying  after a while to ls
on smbmounted dir,  though i can  acess it with smbclient without problems,
and also with smbmoutn on the other linux-box.  seemes to me, 2.0.4b of
smbmoutn is broken...



1999-07-12 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Doug Young wrote:
 Would someone please explain in words of less than two syllables
 just what steps are required to use dselect ?? . I have followed
 the instructions in the manual at least 20 times so far but it seems
 there must be something more than +  and - involved in
 selecting packages to install / uninstall 

no, that's about all you need (besides step 1 and 2, selct installation
method and update filelist)

 that is probably trivial to
 an expert but totally incomprehensible to a beginner :(

what's going wrong? messed up in depencies? for installing stable debian
from cd all you need to do is select packages (+,-)  and confirm depencie
dialogs (space, return).


Re: Adaptec 2940AU

1999-07-12 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Michael Konrad wrote:

 (scsi0)Adaptec AHA=2940A Ultra SCSI host adapter found at PCI 19/0
 (scsi0)Narrow Channel, SCSI ID=7, 3/255 SCBs
 (scsi0)Cable present (Int-50 YES, Ext-50 NO)
 (scsi0)Downloading swquencer code ... 419 instructions downloaded

may be timing problems? is your 
pc-bios set up well? try to play with pci-settings (trigger level/edge)
or some of other timing values. once (some dell-pc) i had to switch the
slot i plugged controller in due to timing problems (dell's hint from their


Re: Slow rsh performance linux-solaris

1999-07-10 Thread Gerhard Kroder
George Bonser wrote:
 I am wondering if there might be some giant delay in resolving the
 hostname (so a .rhosts lookup might work).  A test of this would be ...
 does the total real time stay about the same if you double the transaction

since installing ssh, i found that simple r* commands go first throug ssh,
and if ssh isn't avaliables on targethost it falls back to r* service.
that's the way it's configured here. maybe you go through ssh too, which
causes that delay? but +1m is quite a lot. *big* key and *slow* machien?


Re: Can't write to an nfs export

1999-07-05 Thread Gerhard Kroder
 And of course, see /usr/doc/nis/nis.debian.howto.gz
 My huge home network consists of 2 computers and even in this simple
 situation nis is making life easier.


Re: Can't write to an nfs export

1999-07-04 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Mark Brown wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 02, 1999 at 08:40:52AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
  Yet when I try to create a directory or copy a file, etc I get
  Permission Denied errors.
 Are you trying to do this as root?  As a security measure, NFS defaults
 to converting all accesses from root to accesses from the user nobody.
 To enable access as root, add no_root_squash to the options in

and don't forget user id mapping may confilct, too. if you try to access a
nfs-mounted device, you may read/write with client's permissions, but that
do not neccesarely be the same than on nfs-server. you will have to take
shure about same uid on both machines or on appropriate uid-mapping, see
manpage  (mount, nfs ...)


Re: https connections?

1999-07-04 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Nate wrote:
 Hi folks.
 I have installed apache-ssl.  I still cannot get https connections.
 What do I have to do to get this going.  Documentation? Thanks

give us a little more... how do you try, what does it say, what does
logfile say, is there any appropriate networking set up? docs may be found
(as usual) at /usr/doc/apache*, and many others.


Re: A stylistic question?

1999-06-28 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Revenant wrote:
 Hi.  I finally worked out how to do the Linux equivalent of batch files
 (scripts) and was wondering if there was a generally accepted directory
 for keeping user (and/or root) scripts in.

you don't like $HOME or it's subfolders? you may customize then /usr/local
as you like.



1999-06-27 Thread Gerhard Kroder
found some things that look strage to me, almost a bug, isn`t it?

||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  openssl 0.9.2b-3   Secure Socket Layer and related cryptographi

- openssl contains no manpages, no realy easy to use docu exept short
things for programmers (/usr/doc/openssl)
- openssl installs in some strange (to me) way: 
/usr/bin/ssl/*; why ../ssl/
/etc/ssl/lib/openssl.cnf; why ../lib/

so what is this?


Re: Alternative to NIS?

1999-06-17 Thread Gerhard Kroder
 I understand that NIS is fairly insecure.  What is a good alternative for
 synchronizing system files?  I don't think there is a debian package for NIS+

AFAIK linux supports at least nis-clients in traditional yp style _and_
nis+, for more info about look at nis-howto. i'm not shure if there is/will
be a nis+ server port also.


Re: How/where can I see the messages from booting

1999-06-10 Thread Gerhard Kroder
 when booting linux there are lots auf messages scrolling away, so I can't 
 I guess they are stored in a logfile anywhere in the system for later viewing.
 But where?

you  may try look at /var/log/messages, depends on your /etc/syslog.conf,
or just try dmesg



1999-06-07 Thread Gerhard Kroder
need some help with not propperly working mailfilters...

i' using netscapes for quite a while. since i recieve a lot of email i've
set up some mailfilters in netscapes (currently 4.6 messenger, static
motif), which used to work quite well on previus used pop-server. recently
i switched from an pop-server to an imap-server. now my inbox on imapserver
contains all subdirectorys, lot's of them nested, where mailfilter should
move mails to.

now the problem:
when recieving mailheaders to imap-inbox mail _sometimes_ doesn't get
moved, but stay in inbox. same happens (always) on initial connect to
imapserver. when looking at filterdefinitions it shows wrong move-to
destination, i.e. inbox itself. and trying to set it back to supposed
target-folder won't even show it in the list of avaliable folders. after
workin on (looking in) corrosponding subfolder on imapserver they appear on
list of selectable move-to destination folders in mailfilter-dialoge.

it seems to me like communicator can't handle/remember status of existing

any ideas on how to solve?


Re: Netscape 4.6 crashes

1999-06-01 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Matthew Gregan wrote:
 On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 07:29:48PM +0200, Andreas Voegele wrote:
  The faulty behaviour is most obvious if you've got more than one
  Navigator window opened. Instead of closing the selected window only
  the whole application crashes sometimes.
 I've been having that exact same problem here... Running potato with kernel 
 2.2.9 and Communicator 4.6. I was also having the problem with an earlier 
 version (probably 4.51 or 4.5).

well, since you are talking about netscapes: my communicator  is getting
wild sometimes too. for some unknown reason it starts eating up all
cpu-time (as top tells me), and no soft way to kill this process will work.
killing with -9  help. This behaviour is present to me since
hamm/communucator 4.5/static (i didn't work before with debian), running
with fvwm (now fvwm2). once i had a simmilar effect (a wild process, that
didn't want to terminate either) with gtimer and without netscape.

i noticed when trying to reach a newsserver with netscapes from behind a
firewall, and the  firewall wasn't configured well, this happened too.
could there be a relation?


Re: Potatoe - usable ?

1999-05-26 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Patrick Colbeck wrote:

 So what the consensus of opinion, is potatoe usable at the moment ? I
 dont mind some problems but is it reasonably stable ?

i upgraded from slink to potato (via dselect/apt-get) an my system runs
suficciently well. ther was some trouble during reboot, can't realy rememer
what. had to run in single user mode, recompile and reinstall a new kernel
(2.2.7.), then tings worked. there are still some minor problems i havent
