
2023-06-12 Thread German Cardozo
or details.
Do you want to accept these changes and continue updating from this
repository? [y/N] y
Get:6 testing/main Sources.diff/Index
[740 B]
Get:7 testing/main Sources
2023-06-11-0934.16.pdiff [49 B]
Get:7 testing/main Sources
2023-06-11-0934.16.pdiff [49 B]
Fetched 207 kB in 28s (7,330 B/s)
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done

### /etc/apt/sources.list (después)
deb testing main non-free
non-free-firmware contrib
deb-src testing main non-free
non-free-firmware contrib

deb testing-security main
contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb-src testing-security
main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

# testing-updates, to get updates before a point release is made;
# see
deb testing-updates main contrib
non-free non-free-firmware
deb-src testing-updates main contrib
non-free non-free-firmware

Quiero pensar que no es más que una notificación del cambio del
repositorio testing de _bookworm_ a _trixie_.

Si persiste el error, sigue el procedimiento para actualizar el
/etc/apt/sources.list a _trixie_ , o  preferiblemente a _testing_ como
indica .


German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


Re: Sugerencias de front end para KVM

2021-03-21 Thread German Cardozo

Hay varias alternativas de las cuales he probado algunas:

- kimchi (
- Cockpit Web Console (
- VMDashboard (

No diría que es una recomendación para lo que buscas (Ya que es un poco
salida de onda, si ya tienes tus VMs montadas) es usar PROXMOX ( Es Debian y KVM en la base, y tiene un interfaz
web que sirve muy bien para los propósitos de administración de las VMs,
maneja clusterización y movimiento en línea de las VMs. Aunque luego no
puedas tán fácilmente actualizar, tiene la ventaja de que puedes conectarte
a los repos de Debian si luego quieres instalar paquetes adicionales para
agregar nuevas funcionalidades. Lo he usado en varias instalaciones, y lo
recomiendo usar si buscas una plataforma de virtualización estable. Si ya
luego decides pagar la suscripción, tu decides, pero tienes todos los
componentes para realizar una buena virtualización desde el primer momento.


German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 10:06 AM Roberto Leon Lopez <> wrote:

> Buenas, ya tengo mis scripts desarrollados para facilitar la creación de
> máquinas KVM, de hecho estoy en proceso de transformar las antiguas
> máquinas VirtualBox a KVM. Hasta ahora me he manejado bien con los scripts
> pero se hace pesado cuando ya tienes dos servidores dedicados a
> virtualización con vista de un tercero, con más de 10 máquinas virtuales
> sean linux Debian/Ubuntu/Centos/Redhat y Windows10.
> Me recomendáis algún frontend para hacer más cómodo el día a día. He leído
> sobre virt-manager pero tendría que montar un servicio vnc en cada nodo,
> también de Cockpit pero lo primero que hace es instalar NetworkManager y
> fastidiar la red que tengo.
> Un saludo.

Re: Proxmox no se instala

2018-05-08 Thread German Cardozo
El problema parece provenir de una falla con el medio de instalación y
la manera en que este fue grabado (bien sea en CD, DVD o USB).

Te recomiendo verificar el archivo de descarga, y el procedimiento con
el cual creaste dicha media.
German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


2018-05-08 10:58 GMT-05:00  <>:
> El error que me da es:
> umount: can´t umount /mnt: invalid argument
> ese es el error y no me deja instalar
> Algun aidea ??
> Gracias a todos por la ayuda
>> Deberías poder instalarlo en casi cualquier equipo, aunque las
>> especificaciones recomendadas son las siguientes:
>> System RequirementsRecommended Hardware
>>- CPU: 64bit (Intel EMT64 or AMD64)
>>- Intel VT/AMD-V capable CPU/Mainboard (for KVM Full Virtualization
>>- 8 GB RAM is good, more is better (grab as much as possible)
>>- Hardware RAID with batteries protected write cache (BBU) or flash
>>- Fast hard drives, best results with 15k rpm SAS, Raid10
>>- Two or more Gbit NIC (for bonding), additional NIC´s depending on
>> the
>>preferred storage technology and cluster setup
>> Por lo tanto, con tu PC deberías poder usarlo sin problemas.
>> El mar., 8 may. 2018 a las 14:38, Eduardo Visbal
>> (<>)
>> escribió:
>>> Amigo que error te da, debes dar mas detalles...
>>> El mar, 8 de mayo de 2018 08:35 a.m., <> escribió:
>>>> Buenos días a todos
>>>> EStoy tratando de instalar Proxmox en Pc con 8 GB RAM, Board B85M-DS3H
>>>> con
>>>> un MICRO i5 y hard disk de 1 TB.
>>>> Mi pregunta es solo se deja instalar en server Pro 
>>>> La PC es nueva.
>>>> Alguna idea,
>>>> Agfradezco toda ayuda

Re: FNo tY jy

2017-06-09 Thread German Velazquez
Definitivamentecreo que es un nuevo tipo de Encrypting code

Algo hay entre lineas que no llegamos a detectar

El 9 de junio de 2017, 17:25, OddieX  escribió:

> Para mi esto se debe a un error en los modulos del kernel...
> Lo que deberias hacer, es eliminar todos los modulos fallados con un:
> burned-head:/proc/sys/fucking/crazy# rmmod -a
> Luego buscas de repararlos, aunque en tu caso lo veo bastante complicado...
> Si eso no soluciona tu problema, deberias eliminarlo de raiz, como tu caso
> es complicado y pueden llegar a quedar secuelas, yo optaria por hacer un:
> burned-head:/proc/sys/fucking/crazy# yes "My God! What did you want to
> write?" > /dev/sda
> Una vez echo esto, deberias volver a reinstalar el sistema...
> Saludos!
> Sry... Habia que ponerle un poco de humor a este altercado...
> El 9 de junio de 2017, 18:39, Edgar Gonzalez 
> escribió:
>> Con dl de los dos de una mujer y que no se me ve el que no se me te lo
>> dije que me vas voy por qué un buen trecho que me voy a ir al cine y que te
>> lo dije folio real que me vas lo mismo con el que se te ocurr  y no te
>> preocupes de eso es lo de los papeles dos y vniños de los que papeles y no
>> me gusta el que de verdad que me lo uvoy vas de viaje la de los que la
>> camioneta que no me se la que
>> pasa se te extiende me lo
>> y el que me lo de he visto a la que no te hagas ilusiones de la tarde
>> sonó el celular y no te hagas lo mismo de siempre y me que me lo de los la
>>  no te hagas ilusiones  No el de los dos de los que se te ha dicho que me
>> voy por el orden de los que niños felices de la escritura y veo que no te
>> hagas ilusiones que de la tarde sonó a el el futuro
>> del señor que me voy por de pronto se te ha dado dicho dado que no
>>  te Que No que se me voy por el que no me voy de por vida de a poco
>>  No lo que de y no de celular que se te veo mañana no te preocupes lo de
>> los mi tío y que te dijo que me lo he vde a las que me voy por la noche de
>> y de no que
>>  ?se Y que no te hagas ilusiones que
>> Enviado desde mi iPhone

Re: Red cableada me deja sin internet

2016-12-19 Thread German Velazquez
has revisado el tema de virus??

El 19 de diciembre de 2016, 17:26, Luciana Coca 

> Javier, estoy usando el wicd por el momento. Seguimos con la red
> inalámbrica que va muy lenta, y saca de quicio, la verdad.
> Hice un relevamiento de la red del edificio (no soy yo quien está a cargo
> de la red ni quien la instaló). Pero vi algunas conexiones entre switches y
> routers, un poco raras.
> Cuando cableemos, vuelvo.
> Los tutoriales los tenes subidos a alguna página?
> Gracias!
> Luciana.

Re: C.

2016-12-01 Thread German Velazquez
solo falta el area code

El 1 de diciembre de 2016, 9:54, Amid Ale  escribió:

> será una emergencia y quieren que la llame por teléfono??
> El 1 de diciembre de 2016, 12:43, fernando sainz <
>> escribió:
>> Ahora ya tenemos todos tu teléfono :-) , pero tienes algún problema con
>> Debian
>> 2016-12-01 14:46 GMT+01:00 Alicia Gutiérrez :
>> >
>> >
>> > Alicia Gutiérrrez
>> > 651 889 691
>> >

Re: Elevado uso de CPU de bind / named

2016-05-19 Thread German Cardozo
2016-05-19 13:42 GMT-04:00 Mauro Antivero <>:
> El 19/05/16 a las 14:17, Camaleón escribió:
>> El Thu, 19 May 2016 13:48:59 -0300, Mauro Antivero escribió:
>> Ese formato, Mauro... que tú eres de la vieja escuela ;-)
>>> Estimados, recientemente migramos toda la configuración de un servidor
>>> Debian Squeeze LTS a Debian Jessie, salvo detalles menores casi todo
>>> funcionó a la perfección... Digo "casi todo" puesto que si bien bind
>>> está funcionando en el servidor nuevo el mismo consume una cantidad
>>> exagerada de recursos.
>> (...)
>> Sí, parece documentado y conocido, también en Debian:
>> bind9: constant high CPU load
>> Mira a ver si lo que dicen te sirve además de todo lo que has hecho.
> Lamentablemente no me sirvió. La opción dnssec-validation la tengo en "no" y
> después sobre lo que se dice en el hilo de Red Hat ya hice todo esto
> también. La verdad que me tiene medio loco este tema...
> Cualquier sugerencia es bienvenida. Saludos y muchas gracias,
> Mauro.
>> Saludos,

¿Probaste colocar en modo debug o activar el "querylog" del serbicio
named, y observar los registros? En situaciones de ataques de DDoS he
visto incrementarse el uso del procesador considerablemente.

Por otro lado, dependiendo del uso que el servidor DNS tenga (DNS
primario o secundario, o Cache-Only, o ambos), he visto que tener
activo las consultas recursivas (allow-recursion), en especial en
situaciones como la anterior, es también la fuente un alto consumo de

Si no es necesario el IPv6 en tu red, además puedes  deshabilitar su
uso en el servicio DNS y el stack TCP/IP. He leído que su uso requiere
también de un alto nivel de procesamiento.

Puedes usar alguna de las herramientas de trazas a los procesos
(strace, gdb, etc.) para investigar mas a fondo que sucede.

German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


[ A little off topic] Best e-mail client for Android

2016-04-11 Thread German
I wonder what Debian users use on their phone/tablet.


Re: Monitor complains on my grub resolution..

2016-03-23 Thread German
On Wed, 23 Mar 2016 07:33:29 -0500
David Wright <> wrote:

> On Wed 23 Mar 2016 at 04:46:23 (-0400), German wrote:
> > Whenever I boot in the system, while in grub, messages pops up on my
> > monitor that I operate in 800x600 while preferred resolution is
> > 1920x1080. After I got login prompt or in the system itself I god
> > 1920x1080. But do I do with monitor message when it is in grub? Can
> > grub go to 1920x1080 resolution and if so how do I go about it? Very
> > annoying. Thanks
> It's in /etc/default/grub. That message times out, doesn't it?
> I leave grub at a low resolution in case I need to substitute
> a spare monitor any time.

So you suggest don't pay attention to it? Yes, the message times out
because 1920 resolution is kicked in. Don't bother with it? Thanks
> Cheers,
> David.

Monitor complains on my grub resolution..

2016-03-23 Thread German
Whenever I boot in the system, while in grub, messages pops up on my
monitor that I operate in 800x600 while preferred resolution is
1920x1080. After I got login prompt or in the system itself I god
1920x1080. But do I do with monitor message when it is in grub? Can
grub go to 1920x1080 resolution and if so how do I go about it? Very
annoying. Thanks

How to tell the system to load right name for wireless card?

2016-02-16 Thread German
Hi list, 

A couple of days ago I asked why my pc changes the wireless card name.
It switches between AR9285 ( right) and AR5008 ( wrong). Someone
suggested  that this is because another kernel module is loaded by
mistake. Well, it is not the case. When system identified with AR9285,
it loads ath9k and I can connect to the router. When system identifies
my card as AR5008, no kernel module is present at all ( lspci -k). The
wrong card name occurs only when system rebooted. If I gracefully shut
down the system, it always comes up with a right name for the card
( AR9285). So, how to force the system identify my card right no matter
if I reboot or shut down? Thank you.

Re: [OFF] Lenguajes de programación para escritorio

2016-02-13 Thread German Cardozo
On Feb 13, 2016 4:28 PM, "Angel Claudio Alvarez" 
> Me parece que no tenes mucha experiencia en programacion
> Cualquier desarrollador ya hubiera cifrado el archivo con los datos para
conectar a la
> DB. Es algo basico

Por muy cifrado que tengas ese archivo con los datos de la conexión, y
dependiendo del protocolo o mecanismo para conectarte con la base de datos,
tendrás que descifrar este desde el programa para hacer uso de ellos. Así
que con un depurador,  algo de experiencia y paciencia, pueden encontrar
las credenciales. Y creeme que no es difícil.

Además, si tu conexión con la base de datos viaja por canales no cifrados,
un analizador de tráfico puede también ayudar a obtenerlos.

Re: [OFF] Lenguajes de programación para escritorio

2016-02-11 Thread German Cardozo
On Feb 11, 2016 7:38 AM, "Rafael Cantos Villanueva" 
> Saludos
> Rafa
> El 11/02/2016 a las 12:28, alparkom . escribió:
>> El día 11 de febrero de 2016, 8:01, Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso
>>  escribió:
>>> On Thursday 11 February 2016 07:33:51 alparkom . wrote:

 Explicado de forma simple; si hago una conexión en Java, el archivo
 .java tendrá los datos de conexión (en caso de usar MariaDB, se
 debería escribir en el .java la dirección del servidor, el usuario de
 MariaDB, la contraseña del mismo y el puerto usado)... entonces, que
 pasa si descompila dicho el .class que genera Java?
>>> Lo estás haciendo mal, si el programa tiene todos esos datos 'tal
cual', te va
>>> a dar igual el lenguaje de programación, compilado o no. Un usuario
>>> podrá obtenerlos. ¿Quién se supone que tiene acceso a la BD? ¿Solo
>>> ¿Solo el programa? El usuario/programa que acceda a la BD ¿Puede hacer
>>> ella lo que quiera? ¿debería poder?
>> Se supone que C++ es compilado a código máquina, y es imposible
>> obtener el código de este lenguaje una vez compilado por lo que no
>> podrían obtener los datos.
> Te equivocas, yo te lo vuelvo a repetir. Da igual que el programa sea
compilado o no, se puede descompilar igualmente y acceder a los datos.


>> Se supone que el software debería tener acceso a la base de datos. Si
>> puede hacer lo que quiera es un sí, aunque dudo importe demasiado la
>> respuesta a esta pregunta.
>> Entonces como lo hacen softwares como algunos Adobe, donde debes
>> iniciar sesión para ocupar varios de sus productos? Con HTTP?
> Como te indicaba en otra respuesta, centra la seguridad en la base de
datos y el servidor. Una opción es esta, enviar por htp, o mejor aún por
https, emplear sockets, etc, una solicitud de acceso al servidor, con un
usuario y contraseña. Desde el servidor, se realiza una conexión a la base
de datos, con los datos almacenados de dicha conexión en el servidor, y
autenticar al usuario. Una vez que lo has autenticado, puedes devolver un
tokken de conexión que valide las comunicaciones realizadas entre ese
usuario y el servidor a través de la aplicación. Esto, si te fijas, es
igual que cuando accedes a un servicio web introduciendo tu usuario y
contraseña desde un navegador web.

Si lo que quieres es una aplicación cliente-servidor, donde el cliente se
ejecute desde la estación como una aplicación instalable, y además
requieres (tus argumentos tendrás para ello) que se use conexiones a la
Base de Datos mediante un único usuario, mi recomendación es mediar con una
capa entre el cliente y la BD que exponga la interfaz que deseas que
conozca el cliente. Dicha capa se encargará de la funcionalidad, la
autenticación y la seguridad entre otros, y allí implementar el protocolo
que más convenga.

La comunicación con la base de datos quedará bajo este "Middleware", y
podrás protegerle mediante firewall u otras medidas, dependiendo de tus
recursos y arquitectura.

Varios lenguajes tienen facilidades para crear estos componentes,
exponiendo mediante "buses de servicio" u otros elementos, un API. Puedes
desarrollar además uno propio, pero todo dependerá del alcance propuesto
para la aplicación, como por ejemplo, hacer uso de estándares como SOA.
Estas tecnologías no son exclusivas de los servicios WEB, aunque su uso
este más extendido en ese campo.

Con este componente mediando entre tus clientes y el modelo de datos,
puedes desacoplar el desarrollo de este, haciendo uso incluso de un
lenguaje de programación distinto al usado en el servidor, y disponer de
clientes para diferentes sistemas operativos, dispositivos o situaciones
como requerimientos de accesibilidad.

Siempre encontrarás problemas de seguridad a resolver, pero todo dependerá
de los requerimientos exigidos y hasta donde estés dispuesto a ceder y

Re: Entorno antiguo.

2016-02-10 Thread German Cardozo
2016-02-10 5:55 GMT-04:30 Carlos Nicolas <>:
> La verdad es que yo he probado enlightenment en varias versiones, no me
> acaba de gustar mucho pero reconozco que es un proyecto cuando menos
> diferente al resto de entornos de escritorio y además la última versión es
> bastante reciente.
> El 10 de febrero de 2016, 11:01, Juan Francisco Guil Vazquez
> <> escribió:
>> El 10/02/16 a las 10:29, Jose Luis Quiroga Rodriguez escribió:
>>> Estimados amigos
>>> Os envío este correo por que ando buscando como loco un antiguo entorno
>>> de escritorio de allá a mediados de los 90. Básicamente era de estilo gótico
>>> y negro, muy bien decorado y precioso, no prosperó debido a que por aquel
>>> entonces las máquinas eran muy lentas.
>>> A ver si me podéis echar una mano.
>>> Un grato saludo debianita.
>>> Tuxmen.
> --

Muy Buenas:

Busca en los siguientes URL, donde existe una lista bastante
importante de "Window Manager for X":



German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


Re: AR9285 identified as AR5008

2016-02-09 Thread German
On Tue, 09 Feb 2016 10:31:35 +0100
Hans  wrote:

> > Do you mind to tell me how to blacklist ath5k? Thanks
> Yes. Create a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ and name it
> ath5k-blacklist.conf The content in it is a single line:
> blacklist ath5k
> There might be already other blacklist files in it, so you have an
> example.
> Good luck!
> Hans

Thanks Hans, I'll try that.

Re: AR9285 identified as AR5008

2016-02-09 Thread German
On Tue, 9 Feb 2016 11:37:16 +0100
Petter Adsen <> wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Feb 2016 05:17:03 -0500
> German <> wrote:
> > Another question. How we can say for sure that ath5k is loaded for
> > AR5008? I looked in database of supported hardware for ath5k and
> > couldn't find AR5008. Thanks
> 'lspci -k' will tell you what kernel module is loaded for each device.
> Petter


AR9285 identified as AR5008

2016-02-09 Thread German
Hi list, 

So, here is the thing. My AR9285 mini-pci-e card sometimes identified
as AR5008. In this case wireless is not working. I believe that AR5008
is not supported at all, when AR9285 works out of the box and I didn't
install even firmware. Usually when I shut down the box, on the next
boot wireless identified correctly and works and when I reboot computer
it identified as AR5008 and doesn't work. I wonder why is this happen
and what can be done to always to use right card not depending on
whether I shut down or reboot. Are there anyway to force it in right
direction? Thanks.

Re: AR9285 identified as AR5008

2016-02-09 Thread German
On Tue, 09 Feb 2016 10:31:35 +0100
Hans  wrote:

> > Do you mind to tell me how to blacklist ath5k? Thanks
> Yes. Create a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ and name it
> ath5k-blacklist.conf The content in it is a single line:
> blacklist ath5k
> There might be already other blacklist files in it, so you have an
> example.
> Good luck!
> Hans

Another question. How we can say for sure that ath5k is loaded for
AR5008? I looked in database of supported hardware for ath5k and
couldn't find AR5008. Thanks

Re: AR9285 identified as AR5008

2016-02-09 Thread German
On Tue, 09 Feb 2016 09:43:40 +0100
Hans <> wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 9. Februar 2016, 03:36:24 schrieb German:
> > Hi list,
> > 
> > So, here is the thing. My AR9285 mini-pci-e card sometimes
> > identified as AR5008. In this case wireless is not working. I
> > believe that AR5008 is not supported at all, when AR9285 works out
> > of the box and I didn't install even firmware. Usually when I shut
> > down the box, on the next boot wireless identified correctly and
> > works and when I reboot computer it identified as AR5008 and
> > doesn't work. I wonder why is this happen and what can be done to
> > always to use right card not depending on whether I shut down or
> > reboot. Are there anyway to force it in right direction? Thanks.
> I believe, that the wrong kernel module might be loaded. AR9xxx needs
> ath9k, whilst AR5 needs ath5k. 
> Maybe, there is a way, to make sure, that the correct recognition is
> done. You can try to blacklist ath5k or delete it. Make sure you have
> a backup available, of course.
> Good luck
> Hans

Do you mind to tell me how to blacklist ath5k? Thanks


2016-02-03 Thread German
Hi people, 

Here is the thing. Building new little build.
My motherboard accepts only 3-pin CPU connector, 
but sysfan has 4-pin. My CPU cooler has 4-pin connector (PWM).
Is that a good idea to plug CPU fan connector to SYSfan connector?
Thank you.

Re: Projector, Debian, OS X, Windows, HDMI

2016-01-15 Thread German
On Fri, 15 Jan 2016 09:11:51 +
Joe <> wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Jan 2016 03:54:10 -0500
> German <> wrote:
> > Hi list, 
> > 
> > First of all good news. I recently bought not expensive LCD
> > projector. So I hooked it up to my computer's HDMI output, plugged
> > the other end of HDMI cable to projector and voila, all of the
> > context of my monitor was mirrored on the wall. All programs,
> > icons, etc.. I opened up movie player and turned on cartoon and
> > enjoyed it on the screen. This set up running Debian 8.0.
> > 
> > 
> > Then I tried it to connect to Mac Book Air ( OS X) with the help of
> > mini display port to HDMI cable. For a while I got computer's
> > wallpaper on the wall ( but not the icons and other stuff which is
> > on Mac's display) and connection was lost ( projector displayed "no
> > input" icon. If this is not faulty mini display to HDMI cord, what
> > might me a problem?
> > 
> > 
> > The third time, Windows machine was connected to projector. By
> > HDMI-HDMI cable. Again, only wallpaper of computer was projected on
> > the wall. No browser and any other programs and icons which are
> > present on the screen of Windows machine.
> > 
> > 
> > Can anyone clue me in what happens? Does other OS's need to be
> > specifically adjust setting? What are the setting there might be?
> > Anyway, please share your thoughts. Thank you
> > 
> Windows needs to know what you want to do with the second monitor: do
> you want it to be an extension of the first, giving you more desktop,
> or do you want it to be a copy, e.g. to run a projector while you
> still work from the laptop screen. It also wants to know whether you
> want a taskbar on one monitor or both, and which is the primary
> screen.
> So what you're seeing on Windows is the default setting: you should
> find that if you move the mouse pointer off the edge of the main
> screen, it appears on the projector screen, though you'll have to
> experiment to find which edge to move from.
> You need to right-click on an empty area of the desktop and I'm not
> sure where you go from there, but explore the menu until you find the
> multiple monitors setup.
> I'd guess that Macs would have similar features, that's probably where
> MS copied theirs from, and almost certainly where the Linux randr
> multiple monitor setup came from as well.

Thank you, i'll try to figure this out

Projector, Debian, OS X, Windows, HDMI

2016-01-15 Thread German
Hi list, 

First of all good news. I recently bought not expensive LCD projector.
So I hooked it up to my computer's HDMI output, plugged the other end
of HDMI cable to projector and voila, all of the context of my monitor
was mirrored on the wall. All programs, icons, etc.. I opened up movie
player and turned on cartoon and enjoyed it on the screen. This set up
running Debian 8.0.

Then I tried it to connect to Mac Book Air ( OS X) with the help of
mini display port to HDMI cable. For a while I got computer's wallpaper
on the wall ( but not the icons and other stuff which is on Mac's
display) and connection was lost ( projector displayed "no input" icon.
If this is not faulty mini display to HDMI cord, what might me a

The third time, Windows machine was connected to projector. By
HDMI-HDMI cable. Again, only wallpaper of computer was projected on the
wall. No browser and any other programs and icons which are present on
the screen of Windows machine.

Can anyone clue me in what happens? Does other OS's need to be
specifically adjust setting? What are the setting there might be?
Anyway, please share your thoughts. Thank you

Re: DVI swtch is not working with Debian 8.0

2016-01-11 Thread German
On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:08:38 -0700
Glenn English <> wrote:

> > On Jan 10, 2016, at 2:21 PM, German <> wrote:
> > 
> > I already tried Mint, Ubuntu and Open SUSE. All the same, mouse and
> > keyboard don't work.
> Hate to beat a dead dog, but are they all using SystemD? I swear
> Wheezy and several earlier versions of Debian (all shell script
> startups, etc.) work just fine, and I can believe this is a subtle
> bug that the SystemD developers didn't notice. Jessie is great on the
> laptop, but there's no KVM involved. Try FreeBSD or Slackware.

I just tried Majaro OpenRC edition. The things are the same. Mouse got
frozen. Was pressing random keys on keyboard and doubt it works either.

> Is anyone on this list successfully running a pile of Jessies with a
> KVM?
> My KVM is used only with Dell and SuperMicro servers -- could their
> different BIOSes be the trouble? 
> If you plug the mouse, keyboard, and monitor into the KVM and set the
> KVM to one of your boxen, then boot that box from powered off, do
> things work? 
No, they don't

I've noticed my servers talking about seeing new devices
> when I switch between machines with the KVM. Maybe yours set things
> at boot and don't notice the switch?

Interesting though. If I forget to plug USB switch cable to a computer,
the BIOS complains that it can't find the keyboard. So BIOS seems to be
perfectly aware of the switch. All works great in BIOS, and mouse and

Re: DVI swtch is not working with Debian 8.0

2016-01-11 Thread German
On Mon, 11 Jan 2016 17:13:02 +0100
Sven Arvidsson <> wrote:

> On Mon, 2016-01-11 at 10:19 -0500, German wrote:
> > Everything works in BIOS and in Windows ( just now tested). WTF is
> > the
> > problem? It is very frustrating, it is hardware switch. What it
> > doesn't
> > like about linux? Oh
> Have you posted logs of what happens when the switch is plugged in
> after boot? I only skimmed through the thread but didn't find any.

If you would tell me how to do it, I would be gladly do. Thank you

Re: DVI swtch is not working with Debian 8.0

2016-01-11 Thread German
On Mon, 11 Jan 2016 04:10:31 -0700
Glenn English <> wrote:

> > On Jan 11, 2016, at 3:13 AM, German <> wrote:
> > 
> >> If you plug the mouse, keyboard, and monitor into the KVM and set
> >> the KVM to one of your boxen, then boot that box from powered off,
> >> do things work? 
> > No, they don't
> Well, there are certainly people on this list that know a lot more
> than I do, but it seems to me that you've got a bent KVM, assuming
> it's set up correctly. That's a pretty simple and straightforward
> test -- it works when everything's plugged directly to the computer,
> but not when plugged into the KVM. Something (or everything) isn't
> getting through the KVM.
> Do you enjoy hardware level troubleshooting? I'd get a voltmeter and
> see if there's power at the USB ports. If there is, I'd plug a mouse
> into the master mouse port and check to see if anything comes out the
> pin on the other side when you click the mouse. Then I'd check the
> mouse :-)


Everything works in BIOS and in Windows ( just now tested). WTF is the
problem? It is very frustrating, it is hardware switch. What it doesn't
like about linux? Oh

Re: DVI swtch is not working with Debian 8.0

2016-01-10 Thread German
On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 08:26:03 -0500
Gary Dale <> wrote:

> On 10/01/16 01:47 AM, German wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I recently bought this DVI KVM switch:
> >
> >
> > It claims to support linux and from what I understand it is hardware
> > switch, so it should work. It isn't. To be specific, mouse and
> > keyboard don't work. Both mouse and keyboard works in BIOS though
> > through the switch. I wonder if anyone has any ideas what's the
> > problem might be. Thank you.
> >
> I'm assuming that both keyboard and mouse work when plugged directly 
> into the box you want to control.

Yes, they work
> What happens if you unplug the keyboard or mouse cable from the box
> you are trying to control, then plug it back in?

I tried to unplug USB cable which goes from switch to a computer and
plug it back, I tried to unplug keyboard and mouse from a switch and
plug it back. Nothing really happens. I got lights on keyboard when
it's connected to a switch and cursor sort of blinks on system login,
but I can't input my ID. If I connect to the system that was already
booted, I got black mouse cursor freezed up. Thanks

Re: DVI swtch is not working with Debian 8.0

2016-01-10 Thread German
On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 12:43:21 -0700
Glenn English <> wrote:

> > On Jan 10, 2016, at 12:24 PM, German <> wrote:
> > 
> > Yes, this is very interesting and very frustrating.
> I've seen BIOSes that shut things down if they don't see a monitor or
> keyboard of even just a mouse. Your problem isn't Linux, I think,
> because I've got several Linux servers running happily with a DVI.
> I've had 2 different DVIs with nary a hint of trouble on Dell and
> SuperMicro server hardware.

If the problem is not os, then why mouse and keyboard works in BIOS
though the KVM?

> > Didn't try Windows yet.
> If that works, look at the DVI. Or maybe W is doing odd things to the
> BIOS...

Re: DVI swtch is not working with Debian 8.0

2016-01-10 Thread German
On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 13:53:07 -0500
Gary Dale <> wrote:

> On 10/01/16 08:50 AM, German wrote:
> > On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 08:26:03 -0500
> > Gary Dale <> wrote:
> >
> >> On 10/01/16 01:47 AM, German wrote:
> >>> Hi list,
> >>>
> >>> I recently bought this DVI KVM switch:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> It claims to support linux and from what I understand it is
> >>> hardware switch, so it should work. It isn't. To be specific,
> >>> mouse and keyboard don't work. Both mouse and keyboard works in
> >>> BIOS though through the switch. I wonder if anyone has any ideas
> >>> what's the problem might be. Thank you.
> >>>
> >> I'm assuming that both keyboard and mouse work when plugged
> >> directly into the box you want to control.
> >>
> > Yes, they work
> >> What happens if you unplug the keyboard or mouse cable from the box
> >> you are trying to control, then plug it back in?
> >>
> > I tried to unplug USB cable which goes from switch to a computer and
> > plug it back, I tried to unplug keyboard and mouse from a switch and
> > plug it back. Nothing really happens. I got lights on keyboard when
> > it's connected to a switch and cursor sort of blinks on system
> > login, but I can't input my ID. If I connect to the system that was
> > already booted, I got black mouse cursor freezed up. Thanks
> >
> Interesting. There are usually various BIOS options you can adjust
> for USB ports (e.g. EHCI handoff). You could try playing around with
> them.
> Also, if you have both USB2 and USB3 ports, try both.

Yes, this is very interesting and very frustrating. I saw in BIOS EHCI
handoff ( btw, do you what it does? ) and I also can disable legacy
devices, except these two I didn't find any USB options in BIOS. FYI, I
tried live Ubuntu and live Mint xfce and the results are the same,
keyboard and mouse doesn't work. So I guess this is pure linux problem.
I mean if everything works in BIOS, it should work also and outside
them. Didn't try Windows yet. Thanks for the support.

Re: DVI swtch is not working with Debian 8.0

2016-01-10 Thread German
On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 13:52:02 -0700
Glenn English <> wrote:

> > On Jan 10, 2016, at 1:14 PM, German <> wrote:
> > 
> > On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 12:43:21 -0700
> > Glenn English <> wrote:
> > 
> >> I've seen BIOSes that shut things down if they don't see a monitor
> >> or keyboard of even just a mouse. Your problem isn't Linux, I
> >> think, because I've got several Linux servers running happily with
> >> a DVI. I've had 2 different DVIs with nary a hint of trouble on
> >> Dell and SuperMicro server hardware.
> > 
> > If the problem is not os, then why mouse and keyboard works in BIOS
> > though the KVM?
> Hmmm. I should have said I've got several *Wheezy* Linux servers
> happy on a KVM. That's 7, IIRC.
> Can you try Wheezy? I haven't tried Jessie...

I already tried Mint, Ubuntu and Open SUSE. All the same, mouse and
keyboard don't work.

DVI swtch is not working with Debian 8.0

2016-01-09 Thread German
Hi list, 

I recently bought this DVI KVM switch:

It claims to support linux and from what I understand it is hardware
switch, so it should work. It isn't. To be specific, mouse and keyboard
don't work. Both mouse and keyboard works in BIOS though through the
switch. I wonder if anyone has any ideas what's the problem might be.
Thank you.

Re: no response from listmaster

2015-12-15 Thread German
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 11:33:18 +
Lisi Reisz  wrote:

> On Tuesday 15 December 2015 10:50:55 wrote:
> > > Since when could one extrapolate from one language to another??!
> >
> > I have to do this all the time.
> Well, you shouldn't.  Languages don't equate in that way.
> Lisi

Maybe enough needless banter? It would be better if needed questions
was answered better and with specifics

Re: Montar unidades de memoria automáticamente en consola

2015-11-05 Thread German Cardozo
2015-11-05 18:30 GMT-04:30 José Miguel (sio2)
> El Thu, 05 de Nov de 2015, a las 09:48:07PM +0100, Rafael Cantos Villanueva 
> dijo:
>> Buenas nuevamente
> Hola.
>> Bien, mi pregunta es si existe algún paquete que haga lo mismo que usbmount,
>> pero montando los dispositivos con algún nombre identificativo, como la
>> etiqueta de volumen que tenga asignada la unidad de memoria (por ejemplo,
>> rafa16gb).
> Yo uso udisks, pero te puedo decir poco porque lo configuré hace mucho
> tiempo. Lo que sí ocurre es que me monta los dispositivos bajo /media
> usando el nombre del volumen (p.e. /media/MIPICHOUSB).
>> O si no es así, si hay alguna forma de saber que el dispositivo
>> montado en /media/usb0, por ejemplo, se corresponde a la unidad en /dev/sdb
>> (pues sabiendo este último dato puedo obtener con udev la información de la
>> unidad).
> $ mount | awk '$3 == "/media/usb0" {print $1}'
> Un saludo.
> --
>El amor es como los columpios, porque casi siempre empieza
> siendo diversión y casi siempre acaba dando náuseas.
>   --- Enrique Jardiel Poncela ---

Yo uso desde consola pmount para montar/desmontar cualquier
dispositivo USB o CDROM. Al menos en mi caso, no hago uso del montaje
automático, pero puede servirte. udisk puede ayudarte en el
reconocimiento de los dispositivos.

German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


Copy all files and folders from USB drive to SATA drive..

2015-10-24 Thread German
Hi everyone.

I set up something like NAS for torrent files and installed debian on
it. Installed one 4TB internal drive. My files are on USB drive. I'd
like to copy all of them from my USB drive to internal drive. Are there
any commands to do it in one go? I also formatted internal drive to
ext4 filesystem. I hope I've done right thing. Please advice. Thanks

Telegram IM 64 bit desktop LXDE

2015-10-17 Thread German
Ok list, I just downloaded and extracted tar.xz file from

After extracting I got two files ( which are executable) Telegram and
Updater. I am using LXDE, so I wonder how to I make it to my
Start/Internet menu in LXDE. Pointers, thoughts are all welcome.

Re: Debian deja el Linux Standard Base. :(

2015-10-11 Thread German Cardozo
2015-10-11 4:22 GMT-04:30 Javier Silva <>:
> Entonces las aplicaciones de terceros como VMware y sus bundles
> (Workstation, Horizon View, etc.) que utilizan comandos de la LSB para
> instalar/actualizar sus paquetes, ven que Debian no es LSB compatible,
> dejarán de poder ser instalados?
> Evidente resulta que estos paquetes no están en los repositorios de Debian,
> pero se necesitan instalar en empresas.
> Estoy errado o al igual de VMware hay otras herramientas que necesitas de
> estos para su instalación?

Los productos de VMware no están certificados como LSB. Harán uso de
algunas de sus herramientas, en especial las que actualmente Debian
deja a disposición en los paquetes lsb-base y lsb-release.

Quedará a jucio de VMware Inc., si es un obstáculo para sus nuevas
versiones, o si consideran que el sistema operativo Debian deja de ser
un objetivo para ellos. A mi juicio, si nuncan han certificado este
producto como LSB, y solo hacen uso de algunas herramientas o
librerías, como por ejemplo la identificación del sistema o el manejo
del estándar Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), el cual no creo que
Debian incumpla a mediano plazo, no veo razón para no seguir liberando
nuevas versiones que soporten este sistema.

Existen muchas herramientas de software propietario que hacen uso de
LSB, aun no estando certificadas. De momento recuerdo HP OpenView y HP
Operations Manager for Unix. Así mismo, drivers y hasta software libre
que hace uso de algunas de ellas. Pero no he conseguido hasta ahora
alguna que haga uso extensivo de ellas, lo cual con la decisión
tomada, pudiera implicar que deje de instalarse o funcionar

Si dejasen de soportarlo, y están en su potestad de hacerlo, quizá
sería como retaliación y/o medida de presión para provocar que Debian
reconsidere la medida, no sería una decisión por razones técnicas. Sin
embargo, pienso que hay suficiente software libre como para cubrir
todas las necesidades, mas aún en temas de virtualización.

German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


Re: Debian deja el Linux Standard Base. :(

2015-10-11 Thread German Cardozo
 apartamentos "de lujo" o
"a la medida". Nadie se mudará allí, y quizá los que lo hagan, se
ajustan o terminen haciendo "remodelaciones".

Pongo como ejemplo Oracle Database, como pude poner por ejemplo,
PostgreSQL. Ambos no están certificados LSB, y en el caso de este
último, cada distribución la organiza como mejor le convenga. En mis
labores, he tenido que ajustar PostgreSQL para trabajar en pool de
servidores, ya que la organización de sus directorios por defecto en
Debian a mi modo de ver no es práctica, por ejemplo para manejar
varias instancias o incrementar dinámicamente los volúmenes.


German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


Re: Debian deja el Linux Standard Base. :(

2015-10-11 Thread German Cardozo
2015-10-11 21:26 GMT-04:30 Pablo Mercader Alcántara <>:
> Pues a mi me parece que es una pena que no tengamos interés en hacer algo
> por estandarizar nuestro querido sistema operativo. Me parece que como están
> las cosas actualmente es difícil para los desarrolladores de aplicaciones
> trabajar para distribuciones diferentes de gnu/linux.

Interés tenemos muchos, pero quizá LSB no sea el camino mas adecuado.
La razón fundamental por lo cual Linux no ha crecido en especial en
los ambientes de Desktop, es esta falta de estadarización que viene a
tratar el LSB de corregir. La mayoría sabemos que no es una opinión
nueva. Ya Linus Torvals y Mark Shuttleworth (Ubuntu) lo han expresado
en otras ocaciones. Algunos piensan que a los "Padres Fundadores" se
les escapó de las manos. Pero no podemos pretender que un software
como GNU/Linux, donde todos tenemos la libertad de modificarlo y
distribuírlo como nos parezca mejor a nuestros fines, de forma
individual, organizado en comunidades, como una organización
gubernamental, o como una empresa pequeña, mediana o grande,  no
exista incompatibilidades. ¿Porqué nacen en principio las
distribuciones? ¿Para qué las derivaciones?

> Imagínate que un día en el futuro vas a la página de blender y encuentras un
> solo paquete binario para sistemas "gnu/linux" eso sería bueno. Quizás hay
> paquetes que no necesitarían estar en el repositorio de cada una de las
> distribuciones de linux. Porque piénsenlo bien las gentes de blender proveen
> binarios para los diferentes sistemas operativos windows, mac, linux. Pero
> en linux el binario no se sabe si funcionará en tu distribución. Entonces
> cada distribución tiene su propio paquete a la medida de lo mismo "blender".
> Y es como duplicar esfuerzos, en vez de trabajar en mejoras y nuevos
> features estamos invirtiendo recursos en empaquetar todo nuestro software de
> mil maneras diferentes para debian, redhat, suse, archlinux, etc. Los mismos
> programas una y otra vez. Si nos ahorraramos ese trabajo y esa gente
> trabajara en otra cosa la plataforma "gnu/linux" avanzara un poco más. No?

Muchos de esta lista, venimos de cuando para instalar un nuevo
programa (Ingres, PostgreSQL, Apache HTTPd, entre los que recuerdo,
incluyendo Blender) debía ser bajado en código fuente, compilado e
instalado. Eran incipientes los administradores de paquetes en la
mayoría de las distribuciones de aquel tiempo. Los proyectos no habían
crecido lo suficiente, como para soportar una comunidad de
desarrolladores que se encargaran de empaquetar para el público,
nuevos programas con la velocidad necesaria. Todos debieron trabajar
independientemente en mecanismos y estándares propios, que permitieran
organizar su trabajo para lanzar cada nueva distribución. Nuevas
exigencias fueron haciendo que las distintas distribuciones crecieran,
incluyeran nuevos paquetes, se dividieran en diferentes tipos
(servers, workstation, desktop, etc.) o según su uso, entre otras
opciones. Cada una de ellas, según su organización técnica y sus
experiencias, han tomado el software libre que desean, lo empaquetan y
lo organizan según sea mejor, en colaboración muchas veces con el
mismo desarrollador. Y hasta ahora esto ha funcionado, y es lo que
permite que hoy podamos hablar en esta lista de Debian, y en otras de
Ubunto, o Fedora o openSuSE.

> Me parece que sería definitivamente bueno que nos tomáramos más en serio el
> LSB. Digo eso si realmente queremos avanzar más y más rápido.

Ciertamente, sería estupendo contar con esa garantía de poder instalar
un nuevo programa sin que sea un obtáculo la distribución GNU/Linux
donde se haga; será un logro fascinante, y apuesto a que a futuro
podremos lograrlo. Pero es posible que la respuesta no venga de la
Linux Foundations hacia las distribuciones, si no en sentido inverso.

German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


Re: Debian deja el Linux Standard Base. :(

2015-10-10 Thread German Cardozo
2015-10-10 10:01 GMT-04:30 Camaleón <>:
> (...)
> Sinceramente, los estándares en informática siempre son útiles.

Los estándares son útiles en la práctica, pero no en la teoría...

Considerando que el Linux Standard Base (LSB) cumple casi 15 años
desde su primera versión[1], y como menciona el artículo[2], solo 8
aplicaciones de 6 compañías son certificadas por LSB, y de ellas solo
una es versión superior a 4.0, creo que en la práctica, el logro a
sido insignificante, para el trabajo que es poner de acuerdo a
compañias como RedHat, SuSE, Oracle, Ubuntu, entre otras. Dichas
empresas tienen por supuesto, el "músculo financiero" para seguir un
esfuerzo sin resultados, no así las comunidades como Debian que
dependen de la contribución de sus desarrolladores. Se debe considerar
además, los posibles obstáculos que el cumplimiento de este estándar
puedan interponer para el desarrollo de una mejor distribución.

Me gustaría ver una aplicación como Oracle Database 11g o 12c,
cumpliendo con el estándar LSB, y pudiendo ser instalada sin
inconvenientes en Oracle Linux, SuSE Linux, OpenSuSE, Ubuntu y por
supuesto Debian, incluyendo por supuesto el soporte de Oracle, asi
fuese de pago.

De momento y acepto las críticas, lo mas útil que he encontrado en el LSB es:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:Debian GNU/Linux testing-updates (sid)
Codename:   sid

Y esto seguirá siendo mantenido por Debian.


German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


Re: Debian deja el Linux Standard Base. :(

2015-10-10 Thread German Cardozo
2015-10-10 11:52 GMT-04:30 Camaleón <>:
> (...)
> Nada impide mejorar, ampliar y redefinir las especificaciones del LSB
> para que se ajusten a las necesidades reales de las distribuciones. Si
> algo falla pero la base es buena siempre se puede corregir y creo que lo
> que intenta conseguir el LSB unificando criterios muy básicos en los
> sistemas linux es del todo acertado.

Inocuo y sin resultados importantes a la vista.

>> Me gustaría ver una aplicación como Oracle Database 11g o 12c,
>> cumpliendo con el estándar LSB, y pudiendo ser instalada sin
>> inconvenientes en Oracle Linux, SuSE Linux, OpenSuSE, Ubuntu y por
>> supuesto Debian, incluyendo por supuesto el soporte de Oracle, asi fuese
>> de pago.
> (...)
> Mal ejemplo: algo me dice que Oracle Database es software propietario así
> que no deberías ni tenerlo en cuenta siquiera como candidato a cumplir el
> LSB ;-)

¿Y RedHat, SuSE y Oracle Linux, son Software Libre en el sentido
estricto del concepto? No niego sus aportes, pero: ¿En qué beneficia a
un proyecto como Debian? y viceversa: ¿Qué beneficio obtienen ellos de

En un escenario hipotético, si Oracle Linux y Debian estan
certificados para  LSB 4.0, y la pregunta es casi capsiosa: ¿Qué
impide que sus aplicativos sean interoperables entre plataforma? En
ninguna parte, donde he revisado, indica que LSB sea solo para
licencias compatibles con GPL o de licencia libre, pudiendo adherirse
al estándar aplicaciones con licencia propietaria.

German Cardozo Chirinos
~ memento mori ~


[Off Topic] e-w60 case and shipping company from China to Russia

2015-09-25 Thread German
Hi list, 

I am trying to purchase a mini-itx case to put Debian in it. I am very
much liking e-w60 realan case:

Price Realan quoted was $38 ( with 120 W DC board and 90W power
adapter) and I am excited. However the fee for a shipping is $66 via
Russian EMS which is way too expensive for me. I wonder if anyone from
China have an idea how much costs shipping from China to Russia by any
alternative methods? I am sorry that is not Debian specific, just
trying to establish my new Debian box and don't see anything close
locally to that beautiful case. Please reply privately if possible.
Thanks much.

Re: A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
On Thu, 04 Jun 2015 15:53:20 -0500
John Hasler wrote:

 German writes:
  I still think that it is nothing to do with proxies. Might that be
  that my computer name is filtered or as I said earlier the whole
  linux system is subject to filtering?
 Tell us what this forum is so that we can try it.

Sorry, but this is a private information. That breaks my privacy

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Re: A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
On Thu, 04 Jun 2015 15:51:08 -0500
John Hasler wrote:

 German writes:
  Right, but already tried to post through proxy. And now I have found
  list of IP proxy which can be configured through browser. I still
  have the same message that I can't post. I doubt that they know
  this proxy address, it is not free web based address.
 If you can find that list so can they.

I still doubt it.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
On Fri, 5 Jun 2015 00:05:57 +0300
Reco wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Jun 2015 15:37:12 -0400
 German wrote:
 I had some discussion on some message board. After a while I
 got banned for no obvious reason. So I have decided to create
 another account with a free proxy, cleaned my cookies and
 continue to do some conversations with a members with which I
 have enjoyed talking. I successfully created account with web
 proxy, could logging in, but can't post on the message board.
 The message I got was that I am not permitted to post. So, I
 believe that the server can identify me somehow. Any ideas
 what can be done in this situation so I can post? Thank so
 much for all of your insights. 

It's not impossible that they detected the proxy and won't allow
postings from it. 
   Or it's possible that the proxy in question sends that funny
   X-Forwarded-For HTTP header which contains the original IP *and*
   the message board checks it too.
  I still think that it is nothing to do with proxies. Might that be
  that my computer name is filtered or as I said earlier the whole
  linux system is subject to filtering?
 It's possible. Every time you use a browser you're telling everyone
 interested that you're using Linux. It's a part of User-Agent string.
 And it's easy to change (using privoxy on your own PC) regardless of
 the browser you're using.

Oh thanks, that's something. What's this privoxy is?

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
On Fri, 5 Jun 2015 00:43:51 +0300
Reco wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Jun 2015 17:36:01 -0400
 German wrote:
   I had some discussion on some message board. After a
   while I got banned for no obvious reason. So I have
   decided to create another account with a free proxy,
   cleaned my cookies and continue to do some conversations
   with a members with which I have enjoyed talking. I
   successfully created account with web proxy, could
   logging in, but can't post on the message board. The
   message I got was that I am not permitted to post. So, I
   believe that the server can identify me somehow. Any
   ideas what can be done in this situation so I can post?
   Thank so much for all of your insights. 
  It's not impossible that they detected the proxy and won't
  allow postings from it. 
 Or it's possible that the proxy in question sends that funny
 X-Forwarded-For HTTP header which contains the original IP
 *and* the message board checks it too.

I still think that it is nothing to do with proxies. Might that
be that my computer name is filtered or as I said earlier the
whole linux system is subject to filtering?
   It's possible. Every time you use a browser you're telling
   everyone interested that you're using Linux. It's a part of
   User-Agent string. And it's easy to change (using privoxy on your
   own PC) regardless of the browser you're using.
  Oh thanks, that's something. What's this privoxy is?
 You're joking, right? Ok, I'll play along.
 apt-get install privoxy -y
 x-www-browser /usr/share/doc/privoxy/index.html
 Run first command as root, the second as a normal user.

No, I am not joking and thank you. I am not as linux computer savvy as
you. I think I'll try your suggestion.

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Re: A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
On Thu, 4 Jun 2015 22:49:41 +0100
Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Thursday 04 June 2015 22:33:41 German wrote:
  Sorry, but this is a private information. That breaks my privacy
 Then don't discuss it here.  
 People who bypass email blacklistings are very annoying.  You have
 presumably been blacklisted because the list doesn't want you.

do not tell me everyone on the list. You have no information to be
based on. And there are people on THIS list who are trying to help me
to solve my problem. And of course there will be people like you who
know this all

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Re: A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
On Thu, 4 Jun 2015 13:36:24 -0400
Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:

 On Thu, 04 Jun 2015 19:29:43 +0200
 Sven Arvidsson wrote:
   I had some discussion on some message board. After a while I got
   banned for no obvious reason. So I have decided to create another
   account with a free proxy, cleaned my cookies and continue to do
   some conversations with a members with which I have enjoyed
   talking. I successfully created account with web proxy, could
   logging in, but can't post on the message board. The message I
   got was that I am not permitted to post. So, I believe that the
   server can identify me somehow. Any ideas what can be done in
   this situation so I can post? Thank so much for all of your
  It's not impossible that they detected the proxy and won't allow
  postings from it. 
  You might try Tor, but that might be blocked too.
 Or they might have black-listed the IP address you post from ?

Right, but already tried to post through proxy. And now I have found
list of IP proxy which can be configured through browser. I still have
the same message that I can't post. I doubt that they know this proxy
address, it is not free web based address. I think that maybe
blacklisted Debian. LOL

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Re: A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
On Thu, 04 Jun 2015 19:29:43 +0200
Sven Arvidsson wrote:

 On Thu, 2015-06-04 at 13:21 -0400, German wrote:
  I had some discussion on some message board. After a while I got
  banned for no obvious reason. So I have decided to create another
  account with a free proxy, cleaned my cookies and continue to do
  some conversations with a members with which I have enjoyed
  talking. I successfully created account with web proxy, could
  logging in, but can't post on the message board. The message I got
  was that I am not permitted to post. So, I believe that the server
  can identify me somehow. Any ideas what can be done in this
  situation so I can post? Thank so much for all of your insights. 
 It's not impossible that they detected the proxy and won't allow
 postings from it. 
 You might try Tor, but that might be blocked too.

Ok, how is that possible to detect the proxy? And Tor is some sort of
software you can use from linux? 

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A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
I had some discussion on some message board. After a while I got banned
for no obvious reason. So I have decided to create another account with
a free proxy, cleaned my cookies and continue to do some conversations
with a members with which I have enjoyed talking. I successfully
created account with web proxy, could logging in, but can't post on the
message board. The message I got was that I am not permitted to post.
So, I believe that the server can identify me somehow. Any ideas what
can be done in this situation so I can post? Thank so much for all of
your insights. 

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Re: A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
On Thu, 04 Jun 2015 12:51:49 -0500
John Hasler wrote:

 German writes:
  Ok, how is that possible to detect the proxy?
 There are published lists of the IPs of known proxies.
  And Tor is some sort of software you can use from linux?
 apt-cache show tor

Ok, thank you

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Re: A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
On Thu, 4 Jun 2015 22:12:44 +0300
Reco wrote:

 On Thu, 04 Jun 2015 19:29:43 +0200
 Sven Arvidsson wrote:
  On Thu, 2015-06-04 at 13:21 -0400, German wrote:
   I had some discussion on some message board. After a while I got
   banned for no obvious reason. So I have decided to create another
   account with a free proxy, cleaned my cookies and continue to do
   some conversations with a members with which I have enjoyed
   talking. I successfully created account with web proxy, could
   logging in, but can't post on the message board. The message I
   got was that I am not permitted to post. So, I believe that the
   server can identify me somehow. Any ideas what can be done in
   this situation so I can post? Thank so much for all of your
  It's not impossible that they detected the proxy and won't allow
  postings from it. 
 Or it's possible that the proxy in question sends that funny
 X-Forwarded-For HTTP header which contains the original IP *and* the
 message board checks it too.

I still think that it is nothing to do with proxies. Might that be that
my computer name is filtered or as I said earlier the whole linux
system is subject to filtering?
 Or the proxy intercepted forum's login credentials so they can be used
 to spam the message board in question. The possibilities are endless.
 The fine point of the story - don't trust the proxy *you* do not
 control. Even if they don't charge you for using it. Especially if
 they don't charge you.

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Re: A little of topic: security and anonymity question

2015-06-04 Thread German
On Thu, 4 Jun 2015 20:02:34 +0100
Brian wrote:

 On Thu 04 Jun 2015 at 13:21:09 -0400, German wrote:
  I had some discussion on some message board. After a while I got
  banned for no obvious reason. So I have decided to create another
  account with a free proxy, cleaned my cookies and continue to do
  some conversations with a members with which I have enjoyed
  talking. I successfully created account with web proxy, could
  logging in, but can't post on the message board. The message I got
  was that I am not permitted to post. So, I believe that the server
  can identify me somehow. Any ideas what can be done in this
  situation so I can post? Thank so much for all of your insights.
 A *little* off-topic for Debian? This has nothing to do with the OS.
 Why should we be interested or involved in sorting out your private

That is because I use Debian and I think people who use linux is also
conscious about security matters.

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KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread German
Hi list, 

I am shopping locally here for a good KVM switch. For now, I am not
even sure what type should I get. What are advantages to have DVI
instead of VGA interface? Are there any justifications in price? VGA
KVM is about $20, where is DVI is $100. If money is no object, DVI KVM
is better than VGA? Thanks for all info you can share.

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Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread German
On Sat, 23 May 2015 16:53:37 +0200
Petter Adsen wrote:

 On Sat, 23 May 2015 10:30:33 -0400
 German wrote:
  Hi list, 
  I am shopping locally here for a good KVM switch. For now, I am not
  even sure what type should I get. What are advantages to have DVI
  instead of VGA interface? Are there any justifications in price? VGA
  KVM is about $20, where is DVI is $100. If money is no object, DVI
  KVM is better than VGA? Thanks for all info you can share.
 DVI-D = digital, DVI-I = digital + analog, VGA = analog.

Most of the monitors are DVI-D, right? Now, my attention was caught by
DVI-I KVM because of affordable price. Do I need some sort of adapter
for DVI-D monitor? How much it is usually running at? Or DVI-I will fit
DVI-D output? Thanks

 One thing to be aware of is that you *might* get issues with HDCP
 (DRM) when using DVI.

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Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread German
On Sat, 23 May 2015 11:18:16 -0700
David Christensen wrote:

 On 05/23/2015 07:30 AM, German wrote:
  I am shopping locally here for a good KVM switch. For now, I am not
  even sure what type should I get. What are advantages to have DVI
  instead of VGA interface? Are there any justifications in price? VGA
  KVM is about $20, where is DVI is $100. If money is no object, DVI
  KVM is better than VGA? Thanks for all info you can share.
 I run and work on many different makes and models of PC-compatible 
 computers.  VGA and PS/2 are the lowest-common-denominator interfaces
 -- especially for servers, retail point of sale, and business
 desktops. So, I have an 8-port KVM with VGA and PS/2 connectors, and
 a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to match.  I use various PS/2-to-USB,
 DVI-I-to-VGA, DisplayPort-to-VGA, etc., adapters at the computer end
 of the KVM cables.  I don't use USB or microphones through the KVM.
 I use a passive line-level mixer for speakers.
 Determining compatibility before making a purchase is tough.
 Hardware tends to be identified by product manufacturer name and
 model number, while software (device drivers) tends to be identified
 by chip manufacturer name and part number.  After searching and
 reading whatever you can, you will need to buy a KVM, plug it in, and
 find out for yourself.  Make sure you buy the KVM through a vendor
 that will allow you to use it for a week or two, and return it if you
 don't like it.  I went through several KVM's before finding one
 (IOGEAR GCS78) that worked reliably with Windows and Linux, and put
 the hotkeys where they didn't interfere with other applications
 (notably games).

Thanks for your thoughts, David. You have mentioned adapters. So it
makes sense to use for instance vga-to-dvi adapter? How about the
quality of this connection? Is this worth it?

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libgtk2.0-0:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libsm6:i386

2015-05-14 Thread German
Hi list. I am installing some program which needs 32 bit libraries. The
packages in the subject line exist in Ubuntu, however there are no such
in Debian. Are there any substitutes? Thank you!

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2015-05-12 Thread German
probably stupid question, but do I need the same size drive using this
program? Just to make sure until I got my next decision. Thanks

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-12 Thread German
On Tue, 12 May 2015 11:31:10 +0100
Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Tuesday 12 May 2015 11:18:34 German wrote:
  On Tue, 12 May 2015 08:57:28 +0100
  Lisi Reisz wrote:
   On Tuesday 12 May 2015 01:15:20 German wrote:
Well, Wanderer, I got the drive cloned, it took three days,
with no positive results.
   What results did you expect?  You cloned it.  You now presumablty
   have a clone.  You can now work on the clone.  What else?
   USB is very slow.  Might you be able to work on teh clone more
  Great. And what this work involves?
 People have made a lot of suggestions in this thread.

Just rereading the thread, couldn't find any. What tools to use and how
to use them?

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-12 Thread German
On Tue, 12 May 2015 08:57:28 +0100
Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Tuesday 12 May 2015 01:15:20 German wrote:
  Well, Wanderer, I got the drive cloned, it took three days, with no
  positive results.
 What results did you expect?  You cloned it.  You now presumablty
 have a clone.  You can now work on the clone.  What else?
 USB is very slow.  Might you be able to work on teh clone more

Great. And what this work involves?

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-11 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 19:52:04 -0400
The Wanderer wrote:

 On 05/08/2015 at 07:33 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 19:20:37 -0400
  The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/08/2015 at 07:08 PM, German wrote:
  That's what I got:
  spore@asterius:~$ lsblk
  sda  8:00 119.2G  0 disk 
  ├─sda1   8:10   512M  0 part /boot/efi
  ├─sda2   8:20 111.3G  0 part /
  └─sda3   8:30   7.4G  0 part [SWAP]
  sdb  8:16   0 465.8G  0 disk 
  sdc  8:32   0   1.8T  0 disk /media/spore/9F86-0131
  sdd  8:48   0   1.8T  0 disk 
  └─sdd1   8:49   0   1.8T  0 part 
  Where sdd is my failed drive. sdc is my spare drive. The correct
  procedure will be ddrescue if=/dev/sdd1 of=/dev/sdc ?
  No. That might potentially work (except that, if I'm reading the
  ddrescue man page correctly, the syntax is wrong), but it wouldn't
  be correct.
  First, unmount /dev/sdc.
 Note for the record: The other steps will erase any data which is
 presently on /dev/sdc. I figure you probably already know that, but I
 just want to be explicit about it.
  Then do one of two things:
  1) Create /dev/sdc1 (as an unformatted partition, using fdisk or
  parted or whatever partitioning tool you choose), and then run
  ddrescue /dev/sdd1 /dev/sdc1 /any/path/you/want/ddrescue.log
  2) run
  ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /any/path/you/want/ddrescue.log
  Ok, I think I am getting closer. How big is a log file?
 The size of the log file depends on two things: the size of the data
 source which is being copied/rescued, and the number of errors which
 occur while attempting to read that data source.
 It can be very small, or it can be moderately large. Even in a
 ridiculous case, however, I wouldn't expect it to be more than a few
 hundred megs - unless the source drive is so bad that you're not going
 to be getting any data back off of it anyway.
  Can it be anywhere on all drives that have enough space? For
  ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /dev/sda2/ddrescue.log will work?
 Not quite. /dev/sda2/ is not a directory; it's a device node.
 Since /dev/sda2 is mounted to / (the root filesystem), the correct
 equivalent to this command would be:
 ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /ddrescue.log
 and although I wouldn't advise storing a log file in the root
 directory, the command should work.
 The log file itself can be placed in any writable location which has
 enough space.

Well, Wanderer, I got the drive cloned, it took three days, with no
positive results. What to do? Forget about it and try to format?
Error mounting /dev/sdc1 at /media/spore/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive: Command-line 
`mount -t ntfs -o 
/dev/sdc1 /media/spore/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive' exited with non-zero exit 
status 13: ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn: magic: 0x09401dc4  size: 1024   
usa_ofs: 43473  usa_count: 27729: Invalid argument
Record 17625 has no FILE magic (0x9401dc4)
Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error
Index root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error
Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Input/output error
NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a
SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows
then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very
important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate
it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g.
/dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation
for more details.

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-09 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 19:52:04 -0400
The Wanderer wrote:

 On 05/08/2015 at 07:33 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 19:20:37 -0400
  The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/08/2015 at 07:08 PM, German wrote:
  That's what I got:
  spore@asterius:~$ lsblk
  sda  8:00 119.2G  0 disk 
  ├─sda1   8:10   512M  0 part /boot/efi
  ├─sda2   8:20 111.3G  0 part /
  └─sda3   8:30   7.4G  0 part [SWAP]
  sdb  8:16   0 465.8G  0 disk 
  sdc  8:32   0   1.8T  0 disk /media/spore/9F86-0131
  sdd  8:48   0   1.8T  0 disk 
  └─sdd1   8:49   0   1.8T  0 part 
  Where sdd is my failed drive. sdc is my spare drive. The correct
  procedure will be ddrescue if=/dev/sdd1 of=/dev/sdc ?
  No. That might potentially work (except that, if I'm reading the
  ddrescue man page correctly, the syntax is wrong), but it wouldn't
  be correct.
  First, unmount /dev/sdc.
 Note for the record: The other steps will erase any data which is
 presently on /dev/sdc. I figure you probably already know that, but I
 just want to be explicit about it.
  Then do one of two things:
  1) Create /dev/sdc1 (as an unformatted partition, using fdisk or
  parted or whatever partitioning tool you choose), and then run
  ddrescue /dev/sdd1 /dev/sdc1 /any/path/you/want/ddrescue.log
  2) run
  ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /any/path/you/want/ddrescue.log
  Ok, I think I am getting closer. How big is a log file?
 The size of the log file depends on two things: the size of the data
 source which is being copied/rescued, and the number of errors which
 occur while attempting to read that data source.
 It can be very small, or it can be moderately large. Even in a
 ridiculous case, however, I wouldn't expect it to be more than a few
 hundred megs - unless the source drive is so bad that you're not going
 to be getting any data back off of it anyway.
  Can it be anywhere on all drives that have enough space? For
  ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /dev/sda2/ddrescue.log will work?
 Not quite. /dev/sda2/ is not a directory; it's a device node.
 Since /dev/sda2 is mounted to / (the root filesystem), the correct
 equivalent to this command would be:
 ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /ddrescue.log
 and although I wouldn't advise storing a log file in the root
 directory, the command should work.
 The log file itself can be placed in any writable location which has
 enough space.

UPDATE: Digging into it more, I found out Gentoo small tutorial and it
was almost as you suggested, but with -f and -n flag. Here it is:

Disk to Disk

In this scenario the hard disk drive /dev/sdb is about to fail and we want to 
create an exact copy on a new hard disk drive /dev/sdc, which should be at 
least the same size as the source drive.

First round, we just copy every block without read error and log the errors 
into /root/rescue.log

All data on /dev/sdc will be lost and also are the partitions or partition 
table, if any.
root #ddrescue -f -n /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /root/rescue.log

Second round, we copy only the bad blocks and try 3 times to read from 
source before we give up

root #ddrescue -d -f -r3 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /root/rescue.log

Now the new drive could be mounted and the file system checked for 

I am running ddrescue now for 7 hours. 595000 mb rescued. The speed
fell off for some reason. In the beginning, it was about 54000, now
just 6000. Have no idea why this is.

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Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
Hi list. Ok, now I have a spare 2TB USB drive where I can save .img
file. Is that the right procedure? Do I have make a snapshot of failed
drive and transfer it as a .img file to a spare drive, correct?
R-studio for linux can display files of failed drive ( TestDisk coudn't
do it ). So now I think I'll proceed. What is exact command to do it
with ddrescue and what file system the spare drive has to be formated?
Thank you very much!

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 12:10:38 -0400
Gary Dale wrote:

 On 08/05/15 10:32 AM, German wrote:
  Hi list. Ok, now I have a spare 2TB USB drive where I can save .img
  file. Is that the right procedure? Do I have make a snapshot of
  failed drive and transfer it as a .img file to a spare drive,
  correct? R-studio for linux can display files of failed drive
  ( TestDisk coudn't do it ). So now I think I'll proceed. What is
  exact command to do it with ddrescue and what file system the spare
  drive has to be formated? Thank you very much!
 You can try ddrescue if=/dev/sdb1 of=failed.img where /dev/sdb1 would
 be the partition that you want to recover.

Thanks, but some clarification is needed. Now I have two drives, failed
and a spare. Both are 2TB in size. Failed drive probably has 1.6 TB
data I'd like to recover. It has only one partition I suppose. So, if
failed drive is for instance /dev/sdb and spare drive is for
isntance /dev/sdc, the right command will be ddrescue if=/dev/sdb
of=/dev/sdc/failed.img ? And also, you didn't answer this, what file
system the a spare drive ahs to be formated?

 If you have space, make a copy of failed.img as well (cp failed.img 
 failed2.img) so you don't have to go back to the actual failed drive, 
 which is likely getting worse each time you access it.
 Next you can run whatever rescue software you like on the failed.img 
 file to see if you can recover anything. I usually start off with 
 something simple like fsck before trying testdisk.

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 13:40:01 -0400
The Wanderer wrote:

 On 05/08/2015 at 01:20 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 12:10:38 -0400 Gary Dale
  On 08/05/15 10:32 AM, German wrote:
  Hi list. Ok, now I have a spare 2TB USB drive where I can save
  .img file. Is that the right procedure? Do I have make a snapshot
  of failed drive and transfer it as a .img file to a spare drive, 
  correct? R-studio for linux can display files of failed drive (
  TestDisk coudn't do it ). So now I think I'll proceed. What is 
  exact command to do it with ddrescue and what file system the
  spare drive has to be formated? Thank you very much!
  You can try ddrescue if=/dev/sdb1 of=failed.img where /dev/sdb1
  would be the partition that you want to recover.
  Thanks, but some clarification is needed. Now I have two drives,
  failed and a spare. Both are 2TB in size. Failed drive probably has
  1.6 TB data I'd like to recover. It has only one partition I
 That's bad.
 If the drive has only one partition, it probably has a single
 filesystem taking up all of its space.
 When you create a ddrescue image from that partition, the new image
 will take up _at least as much_ space as the original filesystem.
 That's not the 1.6TB of used space; it's the full 2TB of total
 space. (Plus however much space is taken up by the index file used
 by ddrescue while doing its work.)
 That means that if your two 2TB drives are actually the same size, the
 good one will not have enough space to store the image you need to
 rescue from the bad one.

Thanks Wanderer. So, I have no chances with two drives the same
capacity? Would you advise to wait when I can get more capacity drive
and only then to proceed as to save some head ache? Once again, thanks
for such a complete instructions.

  So, if failed drive is for instance /dev/sdb and spare drive is for 
  isntance /dev/sdc, the right command will be ddrescue if=/dev/sdb 
  of=/dev/sdc/failed.img ?
 With ddrescue, you do not (want to) create a new filesystem directly
 on the new device.
 What you want to do is create a filesystem _image_, in a file which is
 stored on the new device.
 Step-by-step, what you do is:
 * Create a filesystem on your good drive (/dev/sdc). You can use any
 filesystem you want.
 * Mount the newly created filesystem somewhere. For example, if you
 want to mount it to the empty directory '/mnt/new_disk', you could
 run the command:
 mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/new_disk
 * Run the command
 ddrescue /dev/sdb /mnt/new_disk/sdb_failed.img
 Note that this will create _two_ files: the rescued filesystem image,
 and a log file which ddrescue uses to keep track of what it has
 already successfully rescued and where it has encountered errors. This
 second file will take up additional space.
 * If you have enough free space, copy the resulting sdb_failed.img to
 a separate location, so you have a backup copy if something goes
 * Run recovery tools (starting with fsck, as Gary Dale suggested) on
 sdb_failed.img, and see how much you can recover.
 * Mount sdb_failed.img, using a loopback mount, and copy out whatever
 files you can to a new location.
 Recovering data from a failed drive using ddrescue, dd_rescue, or
 myrescue is entirely possible; I've done it myself. However, it is not
 trivial, and in my experience the process requires considerably more
 space than the size of whatever drive is being rescued.
 Personally, I would probably recommend the use of myrescue rather than
 of ddrescue or dd_rescue, but any of them can work if you use them

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 14:23:39 -0400
The Wanderer wrote:

 On 05/08/2015 at 02:16 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 13:40:01 -0400 The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/08/2015 at 01:20 PM, German wrote:
  Thanks, but some clarification is needed. Now I have two drives,
  failed and a spare. Both are 2TB in size. Failed drive probably
  has 1.6 TB data I'd like to recover. It has only one partition I
  That's bad.
  If the drive has only one partition, it probably has a single
  filesystem taking up all of its space.
  When you create a ddrescue image from that partition, the new image
  will take up _at least as much_ space as the original filesystem.
  That's not the 1.6TB of used space; it's the full 2TB of total
  space. (Plus however much space is taken up by the index file
  used by ddrescue while doing its work.)
  That means that if your two 2TB drives are actually the same size,
  the good one will not have enough space to store the image you
  need to rescue from the bad one.
  Thanks Wanderer. So, I have no chances with two drives the same
  capacity? Would you advise to wait when I can get more capacity
  drive and only then to proceed as to save some head ache?
 Yes, that's what I'd do in your situation. A 2.5TB drive should be
 more than enough; that would also let you store the
 sdb_failed.ddrescuelog file on the same drive, if you need to, so you
 don't have to worry about finding space for it elsewhere.
  Once again, thanks for such a complete instructions.
 I wouldn't call the directions I gave complete; there's a lot of
 details you'll still have to work out on your own, because they will
 depend on the exact details of your failure and the recovery process.
 Still, they should at least provide you a good starting point.
 Again, I would recommend that you install (and read the documentation
 for) myrescue, and consider using that instead of ddrescue. I've used
 both (as well as dd_rescue), but if memory serves I've had better
 results with myrescue.
Thanks so much. I wait when I can get a bigger drive. Have a greatest

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 14:48:47 -0400
Gary Dale wrote:

 On 08/05/15 02:32 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 14:23:39 -0400
  The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/08/2015 at 02:16 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 13:40:01 -0400 The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/08/2015 at 01:20 PM, German wrote:
  Thanks, but some clarification is needed. Now I have two drives,
  failed and a spare. Both are 2TB in size. Failed drive probably
  has 1.6 TB data I'd like to recover. It has only one partition I
  That's bad.
  If the drive has only one partition, it probably has a single
  filesystem taking up all of its space.
  When you create a ddrescue image from that partition, the new
  image will take up _at least as much_ space as the original
  filesystem. That's not the 1.6TB of used space; it's the full
  2TB of total space. (Plus however much space is taken up by
  the index file used by ddrescue while doing its work.)
  That means that if your two 2TB drives are actually the same
  size, the good one will not have enough space to store the
  image you need to rescue from the bad one.
  Thanks Wanderer. So, I have no chances with two drives the same
  capacity? Would you advise to wait when I can get more capacity
  drive and only then to proceed as to save some head ache?
  Yes, that's what I'd do in your situation. A 2.5TB drive should be
  more than enough; that would also let you store the
  sdb_failed.ddrescuelog file on the same drive, if you need to, so
  you don't have to worry about finding space for it elsewhere.
  Once again, thanks for such a complete instructions.
  I wouldn't call the directions I gave complete; there's a lot of
  details you'll still have to work out on your own, because they
  will depend on the exact details of your failure and the recovery
  process. Still, they should at least provide you a good starting
  Again, I would recommend that you install (and read the
  documentation for) myrescue, and consider using that instead of
  ddrescue. I've used both (as well as dd_rescue), but if memory
  serves I've had better results with myrescue.
  Thanks so much. I wait when I can get a bigger drive. Have a
  greatest day!
 I think Wanderer may be overstating the problem a little. If the two 
 drives are exactly the same size, you can use ddrescue to duplicate
 the failed drive onto the new drive (ddrescue if=/dev/sdb
 of=/dev/sdc). However this will limit you to recovering in place on
 new drive.

What will this duplication accomplish? What advantages if I am
duplicate? After I duplicate the drive, what are my next steps?
 Hopefully the file system is repairable which will make this
 possible. If the file system isn't, you need a third drive to hold
 recovered files.

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 8 May 2015 21:35:56 +0100
Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Friday 08 May 2015 21:09:42 German wrote:
  What will happen when I duplicate drive? Why is that failed drive is
  failed and duplicated drive might be repairable? If it's
  duplicated, it will be exactly the same, no? 
 Yes, that is the point.  If there is something wrong with the disk
 then every time you read it you may be making it worse.  Every time
 you read it it may be the last time you can. And it has your precious
 data on.  So TAKE A COPY WHILE YOU CAN.  If the data are really
 precious take two copies.
 Then work on a copy.  If you are working on it, you may destroy it or
 anyhow damage it.  If you are doing it to the one and only original
 that would matter.  Do it to a copy.  Make all the attempts you want
 on the copy.  You still have the original if something goes wrong.
  Confused.  And bad drive is physically ok 
  I think, it is just something wrong with file system. 
 You could still lose or damage the files in the process of recovery.
 Besides, how sure are you that it is not the drive?  How precious are
 the data?
 ?  Mean time to failure??

Well, data is pretty much precious to me. Studios flacs of rare and
hard to get music.

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 16:51:20 -0400
The Wanderer wrote:

 On 05/08/2015 at 04:34 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 16:27:22 -0400 The Wanderer wrote:
  What leads you to conclude that the drive is OK and the filesystem
  is what is bad? What errors are you seeing, in what situations?
  Error mounting /dev/sdc1 at /media/spore/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive:
  Command-line `mount -t ntfs -o
  /dev/sdc1 /media/spore/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive' exited with
  non-zero exit status 13: ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed:
  Input/output error Failed to read of MFT, mft=17625 count=1 br=-1:
  Input/output error Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error Index
  root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error
  Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Input/output error
 Input/output error in this sort of context usually means that the
 drive itself is failing, not the filesystem. (Or that something else
 in the connection between the system and the drive is faulty; I've
 seen it happen with bad SATA/IDE cables, and for that matter with
 cables which were just loose.)
 Just to confirm, this happens on any mount attempt, correct?

Yes, this happens on mount attempt. I still don't think that drive is
failing and I think cables are ok too. It's happened when I was
installing Lubuntu. During the install, install program obviously
probed all available drives, and did something nasty to the drive.
  NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a
  SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on
  Windows then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f
  parameter is very important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID
  then first activate it and mount a different device under
  the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1).
  Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for more details.
 If you have a suitable Windows system with which to try the suggested
 'chkdsk /f' and double reboot-into-Windows approach, you could do
 that, but I wouldn't bet on it helping - and if the drive really is
 failing, then trying to access the drive that way might make things
 I think it looks as if the drive really is failing, and the separate,
 larger drive ddrescue/dd_rescue/myrescue approach is the right way to
 go after all.
 (Also note that since the filesystem is on /dev/sdc1, you'll almost
 certainly want to apply your ddrescue command to source that node, not
 the higher-level /dev/sdc node. You _can_ recover the data from a copy
 of /dev/sdc, but it's significantly less trivial.)

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 16:00:05 -0400
Gary Dale wrote:

 On 08/05/15 02:56 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 14:48:47 -0400
  Gary Dale wrote:
  On 08/05/15 02:32 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 14:23:39 -0400
  The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/08/2015 at 02:16 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 13:40:01 -0400 The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/08/2015 at 01:20 PM, German wrote:
  Thanks, but some clarification is needed. Now I have two
  drives, failed and a spare. Both are 2TB in size. Failed
  drive probably has 1.6 TB data I'd like to recover. It has
  only one partition I suppose.
  That's bad.
  If the drive has only one partition, it probably has a single
  filesystem taking up all of its space.
  When you create a ddrescue image from that partition, the new
  image will take up _at least as much_ space as the original
  filesystem. That's not the 1.6TB of used space; it's the full
  2TB of total space. (Plus however much space is taken up by
  the index file used by ddrescue while doing its work.)
  That means that if your two 2TB drives are actually the same
  size, the good one will not have enough space to store the
  image you need to rescue from the bad one.
  Thanks Wanderer. So, I have no chances with two drives the same
  capacity? Would you advise to wait when I can get more capacity
  drive and only then to proceed as to save some head ache?
  Yes, that's what I'd do in your situation. A 2.5TB drive should
  be more than enough; that would also let you store the
  sdb_failed.ddrescuelog file on the same drive, if you need to, so
  you don't have to worry about finding space for it elsewhere.
  Once again, thanks for such a complete instructions.
  I wouldn't call the directions I gave complete; there's a lot
  of details you'll still have to work out on your own, because
  they will depend on the exact details of your failure and the
  recovery process. Still, they should at least provide you a good
  starting point.
  Again, I would recommend that you install (and read the
  documentation for) myrescue, and consider using that instead of
  ddrescue. I've used both (as well as dd_rescue), but if memory
  serves I've had better results with myrescue.
  Thanks so much. I wait when I can get a bigger drive. Have a
  greatest day!
  I think Wanderer may be overstating the problem a little. If the
  two drives are exactly the same size, you can use ddrescue to
  duplicate the failed drive onto the new drive (ddrescue if=/dev/sdb
  of=/dev/sdc). However this will limit you to recovering in place on
  new drive.
  What will this duplication accomplish? What advantages if I am
  duplicate? After I duplicate the drive, what are my next steps?
 With the drive duplicated, run fsck on the new drive. Hopefully the
 file system will be repairable. If it isn't, you can run testdisk or
 whatever to try to rescue files to another device (not the original,
 bad drive).

What will happen when I duplicate drive? Why is that failed drive is
failed and duplicated drive might be repairable? If it's duplicated, it
will be exactly the same, no? Confused.  And bad drive is physically ok
I think, it is just something wrong with file system. MTF?

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 8 May 2015 15:00:13 -0600
Bob Proulx wrote:

 German wrote:
  Bob Proulx wrote:
   There is an idea that I didn't see proposed as I read through this
   thread.  If one had three same sized drives then there is another
  Problem I have now is the lack of money. I simply don't have money
  now to buy yet another drive. I took out one drive from my another
  system, bought usb external enclosure and thought I'll succeed.
  Hmm.. everything is just not as easy as it seems.
 I think I read that you have one identically sized drive, yes?  I am
 not sure where you are sitting with regards to the other suggestions.
 But at the least I would make one good backup as soon as possible.
 And it seems that possibly you have the capability at this time?

Yes, I do have two identical 2TB drives. So, you are advising to make a
back up. Something like ddrescue if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY ?
 On the backup it might be possible (not sure how advised it would be)
 but possible to mount it read-only and then read files from it.  The
 copy would have had errors and therefore the file system would
 probably be somewhat damaged.  But mounted read-only I presume there
 would be no more changes to it.  Might be possible to copy the files
 that could be recovered from the read-only media off elsewhere over
 the network or to other places.  That might get you a lot of what you
 need within the limits that you have.
 Good luck!

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 16:27:22 -0400
The Wanderer wrote:

 On 05/08/2015 at 04:09 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 16:00:05 -0400 Gary Dale
  On 08/05/15 02:56 PM, German wrote:
  What will this duplication accomplish? What advantages if I am
  duplicate? After I duplicate the drive, what are my next steps?
  With the drive duplicated, run fsck on the new drive. Hopefully
  the file system will be repairable. If it isn't, you can run
  testdisk or whatever to try to rescue files to another device (not
  the original, bad drive).
  What will happen when I duplicate drive? Why is that failed drive is
  failed and duplicated drive might be repairable? If it's duplicated,
  it will be exactly the same, no? Confused.  And bad drive is
  physically ok I think, it is just something wrong with file system.
 If the bad drive is physically OK, then ddrescue is probably not
 ddrescue, and the similar *rescue tools, are only for recovering as
 much data as possible data when you can't use plain dd because the
 drive itself is producing errors in some sectors. (You still can't
 recover data from those sectors, but you can generally get the rest.)
 If the drive is OK but the filesystem is bad, then you need to use
 other tools for data recovery. Exactly what those tools would be will
 probably depend on what filesystem is involved; if fsck doesn't work,
 then it will probably involve advanced manual techniques which we
 (or, at least, I) could not talk you through via E-mail.
 If you want to copy the bad filesystem for analysis and/or
 dissecting, then as long as the drive is OK, you should be able to do
 it using plain dd - no need for ddrescue or any such thing.
 What leads you to conclude that the drive is OK and the filesystem is
 what is bad? What errors are you seeing, in what situations?

Error mounting /dev/sdc1 at /media/spore/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive: Command-line 
`mount -t ntfs -o 
/dev/sdc1 /media/spore/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive' exited with non-zero exit 
status 13: ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error
Failed to read of MFT, mft=17625 count=1 br=-1: Input/output error
Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error
Index root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error
Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Input/output error
NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a
SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows
then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very
important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate
it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g.
/dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation
for more details.

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 8 May 2015 14:41:24 -0600
Bob Proulx wrote:

 The Wanderer wrote:
  Gary Dale wrote:
   I think Wanderer may be overstating the problem a little. If the
   two drives are exactly the same size, you can use ddrescue to
   duplicate the failed drive onto the new drive (ddrescue
   if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc). However this will limit you to
   recovering in place on new drive.
  In my experience, single-pass recovery like this does not work very
  reliably or very well; it also doesn't let you make the backup
  copy you originally suggested, which is a good idea if you have
  the space (though I never have had).
 I have never had *enough* disk space.  Because I always need more!
 There is an idea that I didn't see proposed as I read through this
 thread.  If one had three same sized drives then there is another

Problem I have now is the lack of money. I simply don't have money now
to buy yet another drive. I took out one drive from my another system,
bought usb external enclosure and thought I'll succeed. Hmm..
everything is just not as easy as it seems.

It isn't that unusual to have three drives of the same
 size.  One could then make two copies of the data.  Copy the data from
 the failing drive to a good same-sized drive.  It would then be an
 identical copy.  Then take the failing drive and put it on the shelf
 so as not to damage it further while trying to recover.  Then make
 another identical copy onto the third drive.  At that point one of the
 copies can be used for recovery experimentation and there would still
 be a copy available for backup on the other drive.
 Also when making the first backup copy using ddrescue use a third
 location for the ddrescue log file.  I am assuming that a system has
 been booted up for the rescue and has the failing disk and the target
 disk attached.  That means the host system has its own space available
 for the copy.  Use it for the log file.
   ddrescue /dev/sdX /dev/sdY /var/tmp/rescuelogfile
 Where /dev/sdX is the failing source drive, /dev/sdY is the spare
 target drive, and /var/tmp/rescuelogfile is on the system hosting the
 recovery effort with its own drives.  If I had a spare drive of the
 same size this would be what I would do to copy it.
 Then could do the same for the backup onto the working copy spare for
 recovery.  Or just use a normal dd there since presumably both of the
 spares are good and error free.
  It's technically possible, yes, but I wouldn't want to trust or
  rely on it in any case where the source device is potentially prone
  to failure - and in any scenario where it isn't, you're unlikely to
  want to use one of the *rescue tools in the first place.
 My experience has been that once a drive starts to produce hard
 failures that it tends to become worse rather quickly.  I would
 perform the backup of it.  There is no way to avoid it.  But I would
 try to avoid working the failing drive as much as possible until there
 is as much recovered as possible.  After having recovered as much as
 is possible only then would I try any other work on the failing drive.
 Because Murphy's Law usually means that it becomes worse quickly.  But
 after I had a good backup then trying other things such as other disk
 recovery software and so forth is reasonable.  Why not if the drive
 has already failed otherwise?  But again I would want a good backup
 first.  And do any recovery work on a different working copy of it.
  (There's also the consideration of finding space for the ddrescue
  log file if you're restoring directly to the identical-size device;
  that file that may not be as important in some scenarios, but I
  wouldn't want to try to do such a rescue without one.)
 Agreed.  The ddrescue log is critical.  But a hosting system with both
 drives mounted could use /var/tmp/rescuelog for space not on either of
 the same-sized drives.
  I certainly wouldn't say there are never times when direct
  device-to-device recovery like that is appropriate, but I haven't
  encountered one and I would not recommend it as a base-practices
 Storage recovery is definitely a problem that takes skill to produce
 good results.  It's a problem.  There is no easy solution because the
 decisions we make along the way all depend upon the knowledge and the
 information available at that moment.  It is really hard to document a
 canonical procedure.  Sometimes it just helps to be lucky.

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 8 May 2015 22:05:40 +0100
Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Friday 08 May 2015 21:58:12 German wrote:
  It's happened when I was
  installing Lubuntu.
 Post hoc doesn't necessarily imply propter hoc.

You are philosopher. In meanwhile I think that that what caused the
problem. I also have internal drive which couldn't be mounted after
install of Lubuntu. Interesting enough, after installing Debian on the
same system, my internal drive became fully operational. :)

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 16:00:05 -0400
Gary Dale wrote:

 On 08/05/15 02:56 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 14:48:47 -0400
  Gary Dale wrote:
  On 08/05/15 02:32 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 14:23:39 -0400
  The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/08/2015 at 02:16 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 13:40:01 -0400 The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/08/2015 at 01:20 PM, German wrote:
  Thanks, but some clarification is needed. Now I have two
  drives, failed and a spare. Both are 2TB in size. Failed
  drive probably has 1.6 TB data I'd like to recover. It has
  only one partition I suppose.
  That's bad.
  If the drive has only one partition, it probably has a single
  filesystem taking up all of its space.
  When you create a ddrescue image from that partition, the new
  image will take up _at least as much_ space as the original
  filesystem. That's not the 1.6TB of used space; it's the full
  2TB of total space. (Plus however much space is taken up by
  the index file used by ddrescue while doing its work.)
  That means that if your two 2TB drives are actually the same
  size, the good one will not have enough space to store the
  image you need to rescue from the bad one.
  Thanks Wanderer. So, I have no chances with two drives the same
  capacity? Would you advise to wait when I can get more capacity
  drive and only then to proceed as to save some head ache?
  Yes, that's what I'd do in your situation. A 2.5TB drive should
  be more than enough; that would also let you store the
  sdb_failed.ddrescuelog file on the same drive, if you need to, so
  you don't have to worry about finding space for it elsewhere.
  Once again, thanks for such a complete instructions.
  I wouldn't call the directions I gave complete; there's a lot
  of details you'll still have to work out on your own, because
  they will depend on the exact details of your failure and the
  recovery process. Still, they should at least provide you a good
  starting point.
  Again, I would recommend that you install (and read the
  documentation for) myrescue, and consider using that instead of
  ddrescue. I've used both (as well as dd_rescue), but if memory
  serves I've had better results with myrescue.
  Thanks so much. I wait when I can get a bigger drive. Have a
  greatest day!
  I think Wanderer may be overstating the problem a little. If the
  two drives are exactly the same size, you can use ddrescue to
  duplicate the failed drive onto the new drive (ddrescue if=/dev/sdb
  of=/dev/sdc). However this will limit you to recovering in place on
  new drive.
  What will this duplication accomplish? What advantages if I am
  duplicate? After I duplicate the drive, what are my next steps?
 With the drive duplicated, run fsck on the new drive.

Can I try to run fsck on the failed drive?

 Hopefully the
 file system will be repairable. If it isn't, you can run testdisk or
 whatever to try to rescue files to another device (not the original,
 bad drive).

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 18:11:03 -0400
The Wanderer wrote:

 On 05/08/2015 at 06:07 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 16:00:05 -0400 Gary Dale
  On 08/05/15 02:56 PM, German wrote:
  What will this duplication accomplish? What advantages if I am 
  duplicate? After I duplicate the drive, what are my next steps?
  With the drive duplicated, run fsck on the new drive.
  Can I try to run fsck on the failed drive?
 You can (or, rather, on the filesystem which is on that drive), but if
 the drive really is physically failing, you will probably just make
 the problems worse - and reduce the likelihood of successfully
 recovering data off of it later.
 If the drive _isn't_ physically failing, however, then running fsck on
 the filesystem is probably the first thing you should do. If you're
 sure the drive itself is OK and the problem is with the filesystem,
 I'm kind of surprised you didn't do that before you even contacted
 the list in the first place.

I am not sure about anything. I just gather some information on how to
recover my files. As I said, with R-studio ( linux commercial data
recovery app) I could see all files and directory on failed drive.
Ok. Could you please tell me how to do fsck on NTFS drive? 

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 8 May 2015 23:54:46 +0100
Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Friday 08 May 2015 23:07:34 German wrote:
  Can I try to run fsck on the failed drive?
 They are *your* files.  But given that you have actually got a
 suitable disk, i would at least dd them first onto that.

That's what I got:

spore@asterius:~$ lsblk
sda  8:00 119.2G  0 disk 
├─sda1   8:10   512M  0 part /boot/efi
├─sda2   8:20 111.3G  0 part /
└─sda3   8:30   7.4G  0 part [SWAP]
sdb  8:16   0 465.8G  0 disk 
sdc  8:32   0   1.8T  0 disk /media/spore/9F86-0131
sdd  8:48   0   1.8T  0 disk 
└─sdd1   8:49   0   1.8T  0 part 

Where sdd is my failed drive. sdc is my spare drive. The correct
procedure will be ddrescue if=/dev/sdd1 of=/dev/sdc ?

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 8 May 2015 17:22:11 -0600
Bob Proulx wrote:

 German wrote:
  Bob Proulx wrote:
   I think I read that you have one identically sized drive, yes?  I
   am not sure where you are sitting with regards to the other
   suggestions. But at the least I would make one good backup as
   soon as possible. And it seems that possibly you have the
   capability at this time?
  Yes, I do have two identical 2TB drives. So, you are advising to
  make a back up. Something like ddrescue if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY ?
 Again I am not sure of the status of things with you since there have
 been many good suggestions in this discussion thread.  You may be
 halfway down a different path.  But yes if I were having hardware
 problems I would make a backup as soon as possible.  (Actually I
 already have backups all of the time.  Backups are important.)
 Always use a log file with ddrescue.  If I have both of those disks
 mounted on a second system with its own disks then put the logfile on
 the host system.  That would be on the host system and not either the
 source or target.
   ddrescue if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY /var/tmp/rescuelogfile

Hmm.. The Wanderer suggest that *if= and of=* is the wrong syntax.
He says that this should be simple as this:

ddrescue /dev/sdX /dev/sdY /path/to/logfile

Who is right?
 If you had booted a livecd and wanted that logfile to be persistent
 then mount up a USB storage device and store it there.
   ddrescue if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY /media/usb1
 Where /media/usb1 is an example of a mounted usb storage device.
 Replace that string with the mount point of the usb device mounted on
 your host system.
 I now read that perhaps it wasn't hardware problems.  If the disk is
 okay then the first thing I would do is to fsck it.  But if the disk
 is having hardware problems then I would copy a backup first.

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 19:52:04 -0400
The Wanderer wrote:

 On 05/08/2015 at 07:33 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 08 May 2015 19:20:37 -0400
  The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/08/2015 at 07:08 PM, German wrote:
  That's what I got:
  spore@asterius:~$ lsblk
  sda  8:00 119.2G  0 disk 
  ├─sda1   8:10   512M  0 part /boot/efi
  ├─sda2   8:20 111.3G  0 part /
  └─sda3   8:30   7.4G  0 part [SWAP]
  sdb  8:16   0 465.8G  0 disk 
  sdc  8:32   0   1.8T  0 disk /media/spore/9F86-0131
  sdd  8:48   0   1.8T  0 disk 
  └─sdd1   8:49   0   1.8T  0 part 
  Where sdd is my failed drive. sdc is my spare drive. The correct
  procedure will be ddrescue if=/dev/sdd1 of=/dev/sdc ?
  No. That might potentially work (except that, if I'm reading the
  ddrescue man page correctly, the syntax is wrong), but it wouldn't
  be correct.
  First, unmount /dev/sdc.
 Note for the record: The other steps will erase any data which is
 presently on /dev/sdc. I figure you probably already know that, but I
 just want to be explicit about it.
  Then do one of two things:
  1) Create /dev/sdc1 (as an unformatted partition, using fdisk or
  parted or whatever partitioning tool you choose), and then run
  ddrescue /dev/sdd1 /dev/sdc1 /any/path/you/want/ddrescue.log
  2) run
  ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /any/path/you/want/ddrescue.log
  Ok, I think I am getting closer. How big is a log file?
 The size of the log file depends on two things: the size of the data
 source which is being copied/rescued, and the number of errors which
 occur while attempting to read that data source.
 It can be very small, or it can be moderately large. Even in a
 ridiculous case, however, I wouldn't expect it to be more than a few
 hundred megs - unless the source drive is so bad that you're not going
 to be getting any data back off of it anyway.
  Can it be anywhere on all drives that have enough space? For
  ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /dev/sda2/ddrescue.log will work?
 Not quite. /dev/sda2/ is not a directory; it's a device node.
 Since /dev/sda2 is mounted to / (the root filesystem), the correct
 equivalent to this command would be:
 ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /ddrescue.log
 and although I wouldn't advise storing a log file in the root
 directory, the command should work.
 The log file itself can be placed in any writable location which has
 enough space.

Thank you I started ddrescue and it is going somewhere. Probably will
take 10 hours or more to complete. I'll let you know how it's all went.
Thank you once more. It refused to work as we wanted and asked for
--force option ( -f)

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread German
On Fri, 08 May 2015 19:20:37 -0400
The Wanderer wrote:

 On 05/08/2015 at 07:08 PM, German wrote:
  On Fri, 8 May 2015 23:54:46 +0100 Lisi Reisz
  On Friday 08 May 2015 23:07:34 German wrote:
  Can I try to run fsck on the failed drive?
  They are *your* files.  But given that you have actually got a
  suitable disk, i would at least dd them first onto that.
  That's what I got:
  spore@asterius:~$ lsblk
  sda  8:00 119.2G  0 disk 
  ├─sda1   8:10   512M  0 part /boot/efi
  ├─sda2   8:20 111.3G  0 part /
  └─sda3   8:30   7.4G  0 part [SWAP]
  sdb  8:16   0 465.8G  0 disk 
  sdc  8:32   0   1.8T  0 disk /media/spore/9F86-0131
  sdd  8:48   0   1.8T  0 disk 
  └─sdd1   8:49   0   1.8T  0 part 
  Where sdd is my failed drive. sdc is my spare drive. The correct
  procedure will be ddrescue if=/dev/sdd1 of=/dev/sdc ?
 No. That might potentially work (except that, if I'm reading the
 ddrescue man page correctly, the syntax is wrong), but it wouldn't be
 First, unmount /dev/sdc.
 Then do one of two things:
 1) Create /dev/sdc1 (as an unformatted partition, using fdisk or
 parted or whatever partitioning tool you choose), and then run
 ddrescue /dev/sdd1 /dev/sdc1 /any/path/you/want/ddrescue.log
 2) run
 ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /any/path/you/want/ddrescue.log

Ok, I think I am getting closer. How big is a log file? Can it be
anywhere on all drives that have enough space? For instance:

ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc /dev/sda2/ddrescue.log will work?

 (Don't do both, of course.)
 Note that I did NOT specify the 'if=' and 'of=' syntax. That is
 correct syntax for dd, but the ddrescue man page does not mention it,
 and I believe that it is incorrect syntax for ddrescue.

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Re: OT proxy reverso con apache con multiples ip de destino

2015-05-02 Thread German Cardozo
2015-05-02 11:54 GMT-04:30 Juan Guil
 estoy intentando configurar un servidor debian con un apache como proxy 

 la historia que quiero hacer es:

 si pongo quiero me vaya a un servidor apache
 interno que apunta a

 si pongo quiero que vaya a otra servidor apache
 con otra ip

 Diferentes servidores apache que tengo en una subred

 Consigo configurar el apache para que haga de proxy al primer servidor,
 previamente cargando los modulos etc,etc creo el siguiente fichero:


 con lo siguiente:

 VirtualHost *:80
 ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/frontend-error.log
 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/frontend-access.log common
 ProxyRequests Off
 ProxyPreserveHost On
 ProxyPass /app1/
 ProxyPassReverse /app1/

 Despues lanzando el comando

 a2ensite frontend.conf

 He intentado crear un segundo virtual Host de la misma forma, pero con
 la configuracion para que apunte al segundo servidor alojado en el

En principio no puedes crear un segundo VirtualHost con el mismo Esto debe indicarte un error el Apache httpd cuando
corres el configtest. La verdad nunca lo he intentado. Pero si lo que
entiendo deseas es que desde el mismo te redirija a dos
aplicaciones distintas desde el contexto de la aplicación, debes
indicar un nuevo juego de ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse en la misma
configuración del Virtual Host, es decir:

VirtualHost *:80
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/frontend-error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/frontend-access.log common
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
# appl1
ProxyPass /app1/
ProxyPassReverse /app1/
# appl2
ProxyPass /app2/
ProxyPassReverse /app2/

En algunos casos, prefiero hacerlo con el Location
/context.../Location que es mas flexible al momento de aplicar
configuraciones y reglas distintas a un único contexto. Algo asi:

VirtualHost *:80
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/frontend-error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/frontend-access.log common
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
# appl1
   Location /appl1/ 
 ProxyPassReverse /app1/
 # Otras Reglas
# appl2
   Location /appl2/ 
 ProxyPassReverse /app1/
 # Otras Reglas

 Al poner me da un error 404, y si ves en el log, es
 como si el apache es como si consultara el otro virtual host.

Si esto no da error, está claro porque el servidor Apache se confunde.

 ¿Alguien me podria echar una manita con el tema?


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German Cardozo Chirinos
~ carpe diem ~

:wq! / C-c C-c

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Re: OT proxy reverso con apache con multiples ip de destino

2015-05-02 Thread German Cardozo
2015-05-02 12:24 GMT-04:30 Camaleón
 El Sat, 02 May 2015 18:24:03 +0200, Juan Guil escribió:

 Hola estoy intentando configurar un servidor debian con un apache como
 proxy reverso.

 la historia que quiero hacer es:

 si pongo quiero me vaya a un servidor apache
 interno que apunta a

 si pongo quiero que vaya a otra servidor apache con
 otra ip


 ¿Has probado a añadir una variable más en lugar de crear un nuevo
 contenedor? Ya que se trata del mismo dominio entiendo que deberían
 compartir la misma configuración, es decir:

 VirtualHost *:80
 ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/frontend-error.log
 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/frontend-access.log common
 ProxyRequests Off
 ProxyPreserveHost On
 ProxyPass /app1/
 ProxyPassReverse /app1/
 ProxyPass /app2/

 Otra cosa, mejor reinicia el servidor apache tras los cambios (service
 apache2 restart).

En general, y para este tipo de cambios, no te recomendaría que en
ambientes de producción se ejecute un service apache2 restart. Esto
solo cuando hagas cambios mas agresivos como agregar ciertos módulos,
entonaciones o nuevas IP o puertos escuchas (LISTEN), entre los que
recuerdo. Apache en su documentación, indica claramente cuales cambios
conducen a hacer un reinicio completo del servicio. Nuevos VirtualHost
o agregar ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse, no requieren de un reinicio.

Mas amable es ejecutar un reload (recarga de la configuración),
usando el service apache2 reload o apache2ctl -k graceful, el cual
cerrará cuando terminen de ser atendidas las conexiones establecidas
justo antes de la recarga de la nueva configuración, bajará los
procesos que no han cargado los cambios, y en paralelo crea nuevos
procesos con la nueva configuración cargada, que atenderán todos los
nuevos requerimientos.



German Cardozo Chirinos
~ carpe diem ~

:wq! / C-c C-c

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Re: OT proxy reverso con apache con multiples ip de destino

2015-05-02 Thread German Cardozo
2015-05-02 13:08 GMT-04:30 Camaleón
 El Sat, 02 May 2015 12:43:36 -0430, German Cardozo escribió:

 2015-05-02 12:24 GMT-04:30 Camaleón


 Otra cosa, mejor reinicia el servidor apache tras los cambios (service
 apache2 restart).

 En general, y para este tipo de cambios, no te recomendaría que en
 ambientes de producción se ejecute un service apache2 restart.


 Cierto, pero recargando la configuración no siempre se obtiene el efecto
 deseado así que te curas en salud con un reinicio del servicio y si hay
 algún error más gordo cuanto lo veas, mejor.

Debe leerse bien la documentación de Apache httpd. En ambientes de
producción, en especial aquellos con mucho tráfico, y a pesar de tener
balanceadores (ejemplo haproxy), nunca es recomendable efectuar un
reinicio, ya que los navegadores pueden experimentar fallas en sus
request, lo que dependiendo del sitio, puede causar molestias
innecesarias a sus usuarios.

Para garantizar que la configuración esta correcta antes de recargar o
reiniciar, se debe ejecutar el comando apache2ctl configtest para
comprobar la sintaxis, o apache2ctl -S el cual es mas informativo, y
te describe los sitios configurados, sus ServerName, IP y puertos,
etc. Cualquier otro problema, se deberá únicamente a alguna
configuración no lograda correctamente.



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German Cardozo Chirinos
~ carpe diem ~

:wq! / C-c C-c

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Re: OT proxy reverso con apache con multiples ip de destino

2015-05-02 Thread German Cardozo
German Cardozo Chirinos
~ carpe diem ~
On May 2, 2015 3:15 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 El Sat, 02 May 2015 13:31:32 -0430, German Cardozo escribió:

  2015-05-02 13:08 GMT-04:30 Camaleón
  El Sat, 02 May 2015 12:43:36 -0430, German Cardozo escribió:
  2015-05-02 12:24 GMT-04:30 Camaleón
  Otra cosa, mejor reinicia el servidor apache tras los cambios
  (service apache2 restart).
  En general, y para este tipo de cambios, no te recomendaría que en
  ambientes de producción se ejecute un service apache2 restart.
  Cierto, pero recargando la configuración no siempre se obtiene el
  efecto deseado así que te curas en salud con un reinicio del servicio y
  si hay algún error más gordo cuanto lo veas, mejor.
  Debe leerse bien la documentación de Apache httpd. En ambientes de
  producción, en especial aquellos con mucho tráfico, y a pesar de tener
  balanceadores (ejemplo haproxy), nunca es recomendable efectuar un
  reinicio, ya que los navegadores pueden experimentar fallas en sus
  request, lo que dependiendo del sitio, puede causar molestias
  innecesarias a sus usuarios.



 Si estás haciendo pruebas y cambios en la configuración de los archivos
 de Apache te expones a que algo deje de funcionar recargues la
 configuración o reinicies así que se supone que lo estás haciendo cuando
 el servidor tiene poca carga de trabajo o en un día de poco tráfico para
 molestar lo menos posible. Siempre será preferible una parada del
 servicico para asegurarse de que todo funciona correctamente.

Disiento doblemente... ;)

En ambientes en producción, donde el (o los proxy reversos) deben atender
20 o mas VirtualHost, con diferentes niveles de uso de las aplicaciones,
hace díficil abrir ventanas de mantenimiento que incluyan cese del servicio
prolongado (5, 10, 15 minutos pueden ser largos para ciertos
proveedores). Para pruebas, siempre es recomendable tener ambientes de test
homologados al de producción, para saber a que nivel los cambios afectan
este servicio.

Así mismo, la activación de nuevos servicios al vuelo, es una gran
ventaja en sistemas muy dinámicos, escalables y a gran escala. Apache httpd
soporta desde hace tiempo estos cambios, y su mecanismo para hacerlo es
bastante seguro y confiable.

Respecto a nginx, lo estoy probando aún, pero hay requerimientos de ciertos
componentes que manejo, que lo hacen de dificil implementación en la



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Re: Help with TestDisk

2015-04-29 Thread German
On Tue, 28 Apr 2015 22:24:50 -0700
Seeker wrote:

 On 4/28/2015 8:03 PM, German wrote:
  On Tue, 28 Apr 2015 19:06:29 -0700
  Seeker wrote:
  On 4/28/2015 6:09 PM, German wrote:
  My USB drive won't mount. I tried TestDisk, but I am not sure what to do 
  and how to procede. Are there any experts out there with TestDisk 
  knowledge? Also, if there are, could anyone tell me what is good site to 
  attach screenshots? Thanks
  The testdisk web site has a pretty good sample session so you can see
  what it should look like.
  Later, Seeker
  It is still confusing. Here where I got stucked. Maybe someone can chime 
  in. Thanks.
 Right from the beginning this sounds bad
 /Input/output error//
 //Failed to read of MFT, mft=17625 count=1 br=-1: Input/output error//
 //Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error//
 //Index root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error//
 //Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Input/output error/
 MFT tables are low level indexes in the NTFS file system, if they can't 
 be read
 that's a big issue.
 The screenshot here
 looks like you already got the partition list and hit 'P' to see a list 
 of files.
 You should be seeing a list of files and directories at that point, none 
 are visible
 in the screenshot, another bad sign.

As you can see, there are two directories, but how to view contents of them I 
have no clue. Enter, P, Right does nothing.
 Was this after a deep scan?

After deep scan I got one FAT partition 32 MB in size, what is it and what it 
has to do with NTFS I also have no clue.

 Was the partition listed more than once, and if so did you try to view 
 the files in all
 listings for the partition?
 If the cradle for the goflex has SATA connectors that plug into the HDD 
 like the one
 shown here...
 My next step, would be to plug the goflex in to the SATA power and data 
 cable in a
 desktop system. When plugged in on USB more is done in software, the 
 SATA controller
 on the motherboard is better able to recover from errors if there is 
 more going on than
   just filesystem corruption.

Unfortunately I don't have now any desktop computer and I am not sure if that's 
possible re-assamble this GoFlex drive.
 I've dealt with a few of the goflex drives and had to shave the plastic 
 on the SATA power
 and data cable with a razor blade to get them to fit into the connectors 
 on the drive without
   taking the enclosure apart.
 Typically at this point I would run the Gnome disk utility, and do a 
 full smart test on the
 hard drive. If the drive already has errors recorded that the disk 
 utility doesn't like it may
   give you an indication of this when you run it. You can also view a 
 list of Smart data in the
 disk utility. Pending remaps and uncorrectable errors are a couple of 
 the more significant
 things to look at.
 Sector remaps only happen on a write, so a handful of pending I would 
 not consider an
 automatic failure, if you are getting into the neighborhood of ten or 
 more I would question
 the reliability of the drive.
 This could be done from the command line with smartmon tools, but I'm 
 not familiar with
 it's usage.
 If the disk physically looks good, then I would try testdisk again.
 If you can get access to the files, you want to have another drive ready 
 to copy the files
 to or enough free space on the drive you are running from to hold the files.

As I said before, I got two directories shown. What they are and how to view 
the content of them I have no clue. Please enlighten me.

 If you get an indication that the disk is failing, then the question of 
 how important the data
 is to you comes into play, poking at a disk that is physically failing 
 could reduce the chance
 of a professional data recovery service being able to recover the files.

I think that physically ok. I just was installing Lubuntu to my computer and 
forgot to unplug this USB drive and installer probed it and done to it 
something nasty.

 If testdisk still doesn't show you and files and directories, then I 
 would try photorec.
 Photorec doesn't do well with files that are fragmented, and if it can 
 recognize files may give
 you numbers for names, instead of the actual file names, it does have a 
 brute force option
 that will try to piece the file chains together and match the files to 
 names. The brute force
 option has to be enabled before doing the scan.
 If you use the brute force option be prepared for it to take days to 
 analyze the partition.
 Later, Seeker
Thank you for the effort

Re: [Debian 8.0 Installation] Synaptics touchpad not working in Graphical Install

2015-04-29 Thread German
On Wed, 29 Apr 2015 21:53:52 +0530
Avinash Sonawane wrote:

 3 Days back when I tried to install debian 7.8.0 on my laptop, at the
 time of install my mouse touchpad was working just fine. But when I
 tried to install Debian 8.0 in graphical way touchpad isn't working at
 Does that mean Jessie lacks the Synaptics driver in default install?
 Will I be able to make the touchpad work after installing Debian?

Yes, mine wasn't working either in graphical mode. I did text install
and after rebooting my touchpad was working. Go ahead and install in
text mode.

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Synaptic package?

2015-04-29 Thread German
I just installed new Jessie on my new laptop. I assume it is Synaptic
touchpad, but can be wrong. How at all to tell by whom touchpad was
made? Anyway, I think it is possible to make my touchpad more
responsive. Firmware? Drivers? Clue me in. Thanks. 

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Help with TestDisk

2015-04-28 Thread German
My USB drive won't mount. I tried TestDisk, but I am not sure what to do and 
how to procede. Are there any experts out there with TestDisk knowledge? Also, 
if there are, could anyone tell me what is good site to attach screenshots? 


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Re: Help with TestDisk

2015-04-28 Thread German
On Tue, 28 Apr 2015 19:06:29 -0700
Seeker wrote:

 On 4/28/2015 6:09 PM, German wrote:
  My USB drive won't mount. I tried TestDisk, but I am not sure what to do 
  and how to procede. Are there any experts out there with TestDisk 
  knowledge? Also, if there are, could anyone tell me what is good site to 
  attach screenshots? Thanks
 The testdisk web site has a pretty good sample session so you can see 
 what it should look like.
 Later, Seeker

It is still confusing. Here where I got stucked. Maybe someone can chime in. 
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How to bypass login screen in Jessie?

2015-04-21 Thread German
hi. I'd like to bypass the login screen and boot straight to LXDE desktop. How 
do I accomplish this? I am the only user on this system. Thanks


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boot logo in Jessie?

2015-04-21 Thread German
Is that possible to set up boot logo in Jessie? Black screen during boot is not 
nice. Thanks


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Re: Wicd - no wireless networks found

2015-04-17 Thread German
On 17 Apr 2015 11:04:02 GMT
Kruppt wrote:

 On 2015-04-16, German wrote:
  Ok, I installed realtek firmware, running modrpobe 
  rtl8723be returns no output, so I think my card is 
  operational. But Wicd doesn't show any wireless networks. 
  Where to go from here? Thank you
 From Wicd GUI toolbar select Preferences,(drop down box far right)
 General Settings -- Network Interfaces
 Wireless interface: wlan0
 Check to see that proper interface is selected here
 if not add it.

That was it and that was  easy. Thanks so much, I am connected.
 Or directly edit the /etc/wicd/manager-settings.conf file.
 start /etc/wicd/manager-settings.conf file example
 backend = external
 wireless_interface = wlan0
 wired_interface = eth0
 wpa_driver = wext
 always_show_wired_interface = True
 use_global_dns = False
 global_dns_1 = None
 global_dns_2 = None
 global_dns_3 = None
 global_dns_dom = None
 global_search_dom = None
 auto_reconnect = True
 debug_mode = 0
 wired_connect_mode = 1
 signal_display_type = 0
 should_verify_ap = 1
 dhcp_client = 0
 link_detect_tool = 0
 flush_tool = 0
 sudo_app = 0
 prefer_wired = True
 show_never_connect = True
 end /etc/wicd/manager-settings.conf file example
 Note the line:
 wireless_interface = wlan0
 Edit as such and save changes.
 From Wicd GUI you will need to click on Refresh
 after you  have done the previous mentioned,
 then select Properties button for AP you intend to use
 and select Encryption type from drop down menu.
 Then add key in window below.
 Then select Ok button in same window.

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Realtek firmware

2015-04-16 Thread German
Hi all. What do I need to install Realtek firmware for my wireless card? Thanks


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Re: Realtek firmware

2015-04-16 Thread German
On Thu, 16 Apr 2015 18:08:18 +0200
Jean-Marc wrote:

 Thu, 16 Apr 2015 10:32:07 -0400
 German écrivait :
  Hi all. What do I need to install Realtek firmware for my wireless card? 
 Check what is your chip using lspci
 And send back the output of:
 lspci -v -s xx:xx.x (xx:xx.x = the bus:slot.function of the wifi device)

I don't think this is important what chip I have. I think that all realtek 
firmware installs in one package. Right now I am wondering how to enable 
non-free repo in Jessi. If you could tell me this, I'd appreciate it.


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Wicd - no wireless networks found

2015-04-16 Thread German
Ok, I installed realtek firmware, running modrpobe rtl8723be returns no output, 
so I think my card is operational. But Wicd doesn't show any wireless networks. 
Where to go from here? Thank you


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Re: Wicd - no wireless networks found

2015-04-16 Thread German
On Thu, 16 Apr 2015 23:05:26 +0200
albcares wrote:

 2015-04-16 22:22 GMT+02:00 German
  On Thu, 16 Apr 2015 15:12:30 -0500
  David Wright wrote:
   Quoting German (
Ok, I installed realtek firmware, running modrpobe rtl8723be
  no output, so I think my card is operational. But Wicd doesn't show
  any wireless networks. Where to go from here? Thank you
   Does iwconfig show a wireless interface?
   $ /sbin/iwconfig
   wlan0 IEEE 802.11abg  ESSID:my-name
 Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: 44:...
 Bit Rate=54 Mb/s   Tx-Power=15 dBm
 Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
 Power Management:off
 Link Quality=64/70  Signal level=-46 dBm
 Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
 Tx excessive retries:6  Invalid misc:794   Missed
  Yes, it shows. When I ran ip link show, it says it is DOWN. Now how
  to get it UP? Thanks
   lono wireless extensions.
   eth0  no wireless extensions.
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  hallo! as I'm not an expert I try to learn something out and
  about. have you ever tried - as root:
  # dhclient wlan0 (the label of your device)

This hangs for a while and exits. 
  # wlan0 up

Command not found. wlan0 is an interface, not a program.

Here is output of my few commands, maybe someone else can shed a light
on this:
 ip link show
1: lo: LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode 
DEFAULT group default 
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: eth0: BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP 
mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
link/ether 28:d2:44:d9:c1:33 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: wlan0: BROADCAST,MULTICAST mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT 
group default qlen 1000
link/ether 38:b1:db:5e:64:79 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

as you see wlan0 is down.

ifconfig -a
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 28:d2:44:d9:c1:33  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::2ad2:44ff:fed9:c133/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:3116 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1413 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
  RX bytes:3639821 (3.4 MiB)  TX bytes:116814 (114.0 KiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
  RX packets:74 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:74 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
  RX bytes:6572 (6.4 KiB)  TX bytes:6572 (6.4 KiB)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 38:b1:db:5e:64:79  
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Thanks for any suggestions.

  I don't remember exactly, maybe the first string can be enough...
  let us know!
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Re: Wicd - no wireless networks found

2015-04-16 Thread German
On Thu, 16 Apr 2015 15:12:30 -0500
David Wright wrote:

 Quoting German (
  Ok, I installed realtek firmware, running modrpobe rtl8723be returns no 
  output, so I think my card is operational. But Wicd doesn't show any 
  wireless networks. Where to go from here? Thank you
 Does iwconfig show a wireless interface?
 $ /sbin/iwconfig 
 wlan0 IEEE 802.11abg  ESSID:my-name  
   Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: 44:...
   Bit Rate=54 Mb/s   Tx-Power=15 dBm   
   Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
   Power Management:off
   Link Quality=64/70  Signal level=-46 dBm  
   Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
   Tx excessive retries:6  Invalid misc:794   Missed beacon:0

Yes, it shows. When I ran ip link show, it says it is DOWN. Now how to get it 
UP? Thanks

 lono wireless extensions.
 eth0  no wireless extensions.
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Can't isntall Debian on UEFI system

2015-04-15 Thread German
Hi all, I am trying to install live image from USB stick, but my comp's BIOS 
doesn't see the drive. I tried to dd .iso to stick, I tried to copy it, still, 
BIOS doesn't see it. I also don't see any efi folders on the stick when I look 
at it with a file manager. Any ideas? Thanks


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Corrupted USB drive

2015-02-25 Thread German
Hi list, can't mount my usb drive. It seems it is corrupted. I tried to run 
ntfsfix and here is its ouput:
digger@digger:~$ sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdc1
Mounting volume... ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error
Failed to read of MFT, mft=17625 count=1 br=-1: Input/output error
Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error
Index root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error
Attempting to correct errors... 
Processing $MFT and $MFTMirr...
Reading $MFT... OK
Reading $MFTMirr... OK
Comparing $MFTMirr to $MFT... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
Setting required flags on partition... OK
Going to empty the journal ($LogFile)... OK
ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error
Failed to read of MFT, mft=17625 count=1 br=-1: Input/output error
Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error
Index root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error
Remount failed: Input/output error

If anyone can suggest how I can recover my drive and what is exactly a problem, 
I'd appreciate it. Thanks


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Re: Corrupted USB drive

2015-02-25 Thread German
On Wed, 25 Feb 2015 16:06:58 -0500
Gary Dale wrote:

 On 25/02/15 03:09 PM, German wrote:
  Hi list, can't mount my usb drive. It seems it is corrupted. I tried to run 
  ntfsfix and here is its ouput:
  digger@digger:~$ sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdc1
  Mounting volume... ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error
  Failed to read of MFT, mft=17625 count=1 br=-1: Input/output error
  Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error
  Index root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error
  Attempting to correct errors...
  Processing $MFT and $MFTMirr...
  Reading $MFT... OK
  Reading $MFTMirr... OK
  Comparing $MFTMirr to $MFT... OK
  Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
  Setting required flags on partition... OK
  Going to empty the journal ($LogFile)... OK
  ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error
  Failed to read of MFT, mft=17625 count=1 br=-1: Input/output error
  Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error
  Index root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error
  Remount failed: Input/output error
  If anyone can suggest how I can recover my drive and what is exactly a 
  problem, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
 Testdisk might be able to help.

What exactly should I be looking for in testdisk? I checked structure, it is 
ok. Should I do deeper search? And what means Index root attribute missing 
in directory inode 5?

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Re: Corrupted USB drive

2015-02-25 Thread German
On Wed, 25 Feb 2015 23:50:20 -0500
Gary Dale wrote:

 On 25/02/15 06:03 PM, German wrote:
  On Wed, 25 Feb 2015 16:06:58 -0500
  Gary Dale wrote:
  On 25/02/15 03:09 PM, German wrote:
  Hi list, can't mount my usb drive. It seems it is corrupted. I tried to 
  run ntfsfix and here is its ouput:
  digger@digger:~$ sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdc1
  Mounting volume... ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output 
  Failed to read of MFT, mft=17625 count=1 br=-1: Input/output error
  Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error
  Index root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error
  Attempting to correct errors...
  Processing $MFT and $MFTMirr...
  Reading $MFT... OK
  Reading $MFTMirr... OK
  Comparing $MFTMirr to $MFT... OK
  Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
  Setting required flags on partition... OK
  Going to empty the journal ($LogFile)... OK
  ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error
  Failed to read of MFT, mft=17625 count=1 br=-1: Input/output error
  Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error
  Index root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error
  Remount failed: Input/output error
  If anyone can suggest how I can recover my drive and what is exactly a 
  problem, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
  Testdisk might be able to help.
  What exactly should I be looking for in testdisk? I checked structure, it 
  is ok. Should I do deeper search? And what means Index root attribute 
  missing in directory inode 5?
 The problem you reported was inability to mount a USB stick. Testdisk 
 helps you recover from disk/file system corruption.
 I suggest you use ddrescue to create an image of the NTFS partition on 
 the USB stick and retry ntfsfix against the image. Assuming ntfsfix 
 works, you can then mount the image using the loop option.
 e.g.  ddrescue /dev/sdx1 ./ntfs.img
  ntfsfix ./ntfs.img
 mkdir ntfs-image
 mount -o loop ./ntfs.img ./ntfs-image
 If ntfsfix doesn't work, try using testdisk against the .img file.
 Once you've got your files copied to a new stick, don't use the old one.

Thanks for your suggestion. However I am afraid I can't create .img file 
because my internal disk is 128 GB and my unmountable drive is 2 TB. ( it is 
3'5 external usb disk, not a USB stick ).

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Skype, Pulseaudio, very quite output from a speaker

2015-02-15 Thread German
Hi people.

Just installed Skype and when I make a test call, I got very quite output from 
the speakers. Is this bevaviour normal? I mean if I call someone would they 
hear me clear. I know, I really have to call someone, but don't have this 
opportunity as fo yet. Thanks for your thoughts.


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