Re: PPP and kernel 2.0.36

1998-12-08 Thread Glenn Amerine
>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Podlejski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Daniel> Kenneth Scharf napisal(a): [...]  : 3: script starting
Daniel> pppd must be suid (I think)

Daniel> Script ? Suid shouldn't work with shell scripts :)

Daniel> # chmod a+x test
Daniel> # chmod u+s test

Daniel> And run test as any user ...

If you call the script "test", you would need to do "./test" to run

It is best to stay away from the command "test" when writing "test"
software. :-)

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

The juggernaught expands?

1998-06-18 Thread Glenn Amerine
>>>>> "Rift" == Rift  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Rift>   My father is a beta tester for Microsoft products.  On
Rift> his mailing list recently he recieved yet another call for
Rift> testers. This one, however seemed out of place to him, so he
Rift> called me about it.  "Microsoft is seeking testers
Rift> registered in our Beta Test program who are experienced in,
Rift> and have access to, the Linux operating system (Redhat or
Rift> Debian distributions preferred) and are able to run XFree86
Rift> reliably.  Please respond to"

Rift> Anyone heard of this yet? what are they testing?  He
Rift> responded, but it'll be a while before he hears anything
Rift> [typically 3-4 weeks.]

They might be checking to make sure Windows98 cleanly wipes out Linux
as it installs. ;-}

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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Emacs & RCS under 1.3.1r6

1997-12-19 Thread Glenn Amerine
I did a quick search in the bugs and couldn't find anything about this
problem. If I try to generate a ChangeLog file via C-x v a works fine
on the initial run. After a changelog exists, I get this at the top of
the changelog buffer;

rlog: unknown date/time: 19/12/1997 23:41:45
rlog aborted

I tried it on 2 machines, one that was upgraded from 1.2 and one that
was installed from scratch with 1.3.1r6. The rlog command works fine
when ran from the command line. Also, as far as I know this isn't an
Emacs 19.34 bug. Any hints?

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] M$ Explorer for Solaris!!!!

1997-11-11 Thread Glenn Amerine
>>>>> "ychim" == ychim  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ychim> MS said that there is no Linux port.  Brian K Servis wrote:
>>  Look out *NIX world here comes M$!!!
>> M$ has released preview 1 of M$ Explorer for Solaris 2.5.
>>  It is even
>> more bloated than Communicator it says it need 30M of disk
>> space when done installing and 60M during the install, YIKES!
>> Brian Servis -- Mechanical Engineering [EMAIL PROTECTED] Purdue
>> University

I don't know if they still do or not, but at one time M$ owned some
shares of SCO. Since Linux and FreeBSD are battling with ODT and
UnixWare for the Intel Unix market, it seems like they would never
even consider a version for Linux.

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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Re: On Bruce Perens and Dave Cinege, etc.

1997-10-28 Thread Glenn Amerine
>>>>> "M" == M W Blunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

M> On 27 Oct 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>>  What problems are term limits supposed to solve, exactly?

M> They prevent the voters from re-electing someone that due to
M> his entrenchment in the system, has more power than a freshman
M> would have.  Greedy and self serving voters vote for the
M> incumbant not because is better for the larger comunity, but
M> because he can use the power for the people that voted for
M> them.

What power does Bruce have that someone running against him wouldn't

M> This is especially prevelant in US politics.  For example, it
M> would be very difficult to beat Ted Kennedy in an election, as
M> he has enough power from the committees he chairs and the votes
M> he can trade with his other cronies that it would cost his
M> state a lot of money if he were replaced by someone else.

You just made a HUGE leap my friend. US Government and Debian are more
than a tad different. (Hey Bruce, I'll vote for you if you make sure
jobs get generated in my district from that Debian powered power plant

M> Hopefully the members of the Debian board is not motivated by
M> self serving reasons, and are smarter that the typical
M> American.

Most Americans realize they all ready have term limits. They are
called elections. When it comes to US positions, sure the Incumbents
have an advantage due to the money and influence they can shift around
during election time. You have a pretty weak argument if you are
saying this applies to Debian like it does in the US Government.

This is not a yes or no on Ted Kennedy, but if he was doing that bad
of a job wouldn't he have been out of office a long time ago? To buy
your argument, the Republicans would have to be under-funded and never
have been in a position of power during Ted's office. Think about it.

Sorry for being off-topic, but I couldn't help it. Bruce has done a
hell of a job and is now getting smashed on the Net for doing so. Look
at your screen and decide if you want to be reaping the benefits of
Bruce and all the other Debian developers or Bill Gates's "work". If
you want term limits, think about Bill, not Bruce.

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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HP SureStore DAT24x6e

1997-10-03 Thread Glenn Amerine

Does anyone have this automated DAT changer on their network? And if
so, any troubles backing up Debian boxes with it? From what I can tell
from HP's literature, backup software for NetWare and NT are included,
and then it lists a bunch of Unix systems that are supported via "mtx
autoloader utility". I'm assuming NFS mounts?

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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Re: Netscape 4.03 for Linux is out!

1997-09-17 Thread Glenn Amerine
>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Seelig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Paul> Thanks for the information. The release has been since quite
Paul> a while now and in the meantime i already deinstalled
Paul> it. Can you imagine that the standalone version needs more
Paul> resources than the already bloated 3.0x version containing
Paul> all that news/mail crap!? Sigh, i'll happily stick to the
Paul> older version!

Maybe Netscape should be pronounced "the Godzilla that ate my
computer" instead of "Mozilla". ;-}

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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Re: afterstep icons

1997-09-09 Thread Glenn Amerine
>>>>> "lc29b50" == lc29b50  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

lc29b50> On Sun, 7 Sep 1997, David wrote:
>> I have had the same problem...but I have installed both Xload,
>> and Xproc.  I still am mising the top icon also.  Maybe we both
>> have something messed up?...or maybe it is a bug? I don't know.
>> If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please help me out.

lc29b50> ITS NOT A BUG. You are missing xbiff. xload is a file in
lc29b50> the package xproc. You need to install xcontrib (i think)
lc29b50> which contains xbiff. If you are missing either xbiff or
lc29b50> xload, 3 icons will be missing: afterstep, mailbox, and
lc29b50> load graph

>From my experiences, there are 2 conditions that can cause the
AfterStep icons to go poof; a missing package as has been covered or
running the X server in 8 bpp. This at least holds true on an
S3 with 2MB. YMMV.

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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Re: I2O article

1997-08-27 Thread Glenn Amerine
>>>>> "john" == john  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

john> I wonder if it was truly a mistake.

Maybe someone in the group runs Linux. ;-}

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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Re: April Infomagic LDR & Debian

1997-06-05 Thread Glenn Amerine
>>>>> "Edward" == Edward McKnight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Edward> So they didn't test it. I don't suppose a CD publisher who
Edward> is distributing other folks' stuff would ever be able
Edward> to--especially in the absence of a test suite. Their test
Edward> should be to deliver a pre-press CD to Debian for
Edward> confirmation.

Edward> Don't change vendors, change procedures. If InfoMagic
Edward> can't play by an "allow-verification-of-master" procedure
Edward> with the agreement that they won't publish it if not
Edward> approved (in a timely manner) by Debian...  *then* change
Edward> vendors.

I'm not saying they should have or even could have ran each
distribution through a test suite (even if they existed), nor am I
saying they should have ran a test suite through all the packages
contained in each distribution, which would be way too costly and time

What I am saying however is that pressing disks without even seeing if
an operating system is installable or not is poor quality
control. Period. That would be like a programmer sending out a tarball
without un-taring, configuring and compiling the actual files that are
going to be sent out rather than making the assumption "It builds from
my source tree so it will build from the files I'm sending out."

How long would it have taken an experienced Linux user to do a quick
install of three different distributions just to make sure something
major wasn't missing? Maybe a day at most?

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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Re: April Infomagic LDR & Debian

1997-06-05 Thread Glenn Amerine
>>>>> "Eric" == E L Meijer \(Eric\)  writes:

Eric> Glenn asked:
>> Does anyone know if Infomagic corrected the missing files for
>> Debian on their April LDR?

Eric> I complained about the missing files to InfoMagic and got
Eric> the following reply:


Eric> E.L.

Eric>   This set was mirrored on the basis of what the Debian
Eric> Folks put on their site for a stable distribution.  We
Eric> didn't include any of the beta release.

Eric> regards, henry m. pierce

Eric> Now there is a short uninterested reply if ever I saw one.
Eric> It is possible that it is true though.  That's why I think
Eric> it is a good idea that there will be official CD images.
Eric> Maybe the Debian community should not forbid anyone to just
Eric> mirror the ftp-site, but it would be nice if proven CD
Eric> releases get an `official debian release' stamp or something
Eric> like that.  Obviously, InfoMagic is not going to get one.

Their reply also indicates they didn't try to install their product
before shipping to the masses. That it pretty bad quality control. I
guess it is time to change vendors.

Thanks for the info!
Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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April Infomagic LDR & Debian

1997-06-04 Thread Glenn Amerine

Does anyone know if Infomagic corrected the missing files for Debian
on their April LDR?

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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HP T3000 Drives

1997-03-17 Thread Glenn Amerine

Does anyone have experience with the HP T3000 drive under Debian
Linux? It is not mentioned in the Hardware FAQ, bt it runs off of the
floppy controller and appears to be manufactured by Colorado.

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472