Hello Tony,

Please excuse the intrusion, but I came across your name while skimming
through a Debian listserv..
I am in the process of setting a up a Debian 2.2 (Potato) on a PIA box.

I was able to successfully ping the outside world via my firewall, and was
also able to use a text browser (lynx) to navigate the web.
However, I can't seem to be able to browse using Netscape. 

So as a remedy, I manually inserted some pertinent info in

I also setup /etc/modules to include an alias for my NIC driver(dmfe.o).
The idea is to have the kernel load the correct module for the NIC.  After
restarting 'inetd'  and recognizing that I still
couldn't see the outside world using Netscape, I decided to reboot.

Unfortunately,  the kernel can't find any of the modules listed in
/etc/modules.   Hence, the system won't complete the start up sequence..
Additonally, the machine doesn't have a floppy drive.  Is there anyway that
I can boot into single user mode and fix the problem?
Are there some hot-keys that I can employ?  I have an old Debian 2.0 CD that
I could use as a boot kernel.

I suspect that one of the start up scripts has bogus info in it.  

Thanks in advance...


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