Re: DEB vs RPM

1998-09-28 Thread Nicolai Guba
>>>>> "jdassen" == jdassen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  jdassen> X-Mailer: Mutt 0.84

  jdassen> On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 12:28:57AM +1000, Shao Ying Zhang wrote:
  >> Lots people have told me that there are more deb packages than rpm. But
  >> just by looking at the web site, they have 10434
  >> packages listed.

  jdassen> AFAIK, this count include different versions, ports to non-i386
  jdassen> machines, source RPMs, libc5 + libc6 version of just about
  jdassen> everything, etc. Also, the bigger part of these are not supported
  jdassen> by Red Hat in any way.

  jdassen> As such, I don't think this says more than "there are a lot of .rpm
  jdassen> files around".

Indeed.  Also, what we noticed was that the quality of the rpm's often varied
considerably.  Directory paths often changed drastically from one package to
the other and other woes that stem from having just about anybody making up a
RPM, then sticking them on a FTP server.  The Debian system of having large
numbers of individual maintainers makes for much better packages.

Nicolai P Guba
BT Labs 

Re: Kernel Strategies

1998-09-16 Thread Nicolai Guba
>>>>> "Manoj" == M C Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chad> My personal guidelines (and really, I hope all that one would
Chad> need to know) exist in /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz. I have
Chad> included in there a step by step process to creating kernel
Chad> packages. If I have missed something, or there are things you do not
Chad> understand, please mail me. 

Manoj> which package does this come with? I only have /usr/doc/kernel-source
Manoj> and /usr/doc/kernel-headers :(

You need to install the package `kernel-package', like the directory name
suggests.  Debian is very consistent wrt this naming scheme.
Nicolai P Guba
BT Laboratories GNU Project  

Re: Postgresql refure to connect

1998-09-16 Thread Nicolai Guba
>>>>> "Giuseppe" == Giuseppe Sacco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Giuseppe> Organization: HSO Business Company
Giuseppe> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (WinNT; I)

Molto grazie Giuseppe ;)

Giuseppe> About the second problem you said thet I should delete the file in
Giuseppe> /tmp/.s.PGSQL. but this file does not esists! This is the
Giuseppe> problem. I am not sure but I think that the /tmp directory is
Giuseppe> completely cleaned during system startup.

Hmmm, I rebooted often enough and found that the file existed and thus the
postmaster failed to start up.  Note that you also want to edit the (very
good) startup script in /etc/init.d if you want postgres to accept tcp
connections (not enabled by default).

I'd use the starup script to start/stop postgres.  

/etc/init.d/postgresql start

/etc/init.d/postgresql stop

Also, check /etc/postgresql/postgresql.init.  It should define
/var/log/postgresql.log as logfile.  Increasing the debug level should give
you more clues as to what is going wrong.  Be careful not to leave the debug
level high if diskspace is scarce.  With a high loglevel the output file can
grow enormously.

Once you get used to how postgres works it's a very good and useful tool.
Don't forget the documentation (also available via dwww).  Digging on the psql
website ( should also provide you with more
answers.  There is a searchable email archive which you could use to search
what users have said on similar problems.

Happy Hacking! 
Nicolai P Guba
BT Laboratories GNU Project  

Re: Postgresql refure to connect

1998-09-16 Thread Nicolai Guba
>>>>> "Giuseppe" == Giuseppe Sacco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Giuseppe> Organization: HSO Business Company
Giuseppe> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (WinNT; I)

Giuseppe> hsogso:~# psql
Giuseppe> Connection to database 'template1' failed.
Giuseppe> FATAL 1:  SetUserId: user "root" is not in "pg_shadow"

Root is NOT the superuser in postgres.  You need to log on as user postgres.
As root do a `su - postgres' and set up your database.  You can add new users
via a script, namely `createuser'.  The script will prompt you whether the new
user is able to create/delete/modify databases and tables.

Giuseppe> And then, after reboot I cannot start the server:
Giuseppe> hsogso:/tmp# /etc/init.d/postgresql start
Giuseppe> Starting PostgreSQL postmaster
Giuseppe> FATAL: StreamServerPort: bind() failed: errno=13
Giuseppe> Is another postmaster already running on that port?
Giuseppe> If not, remove socket node (/tmp/.s.PGSQL.)and retry.
Giuseppe> /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: cannot create UNIX stream port

I observed the same problem.  Could be a bug with the debian postgres startup
script, could be a bug with postgres not deleting the file on shutdown.

Just delete that file and you can restart the server.  Maybe the startup
script should check for existence of that file after shutdown and remove it if
it's still there.
Nicolai P Guba
BT Laboratories GNU Project  

Re: Debian DSELECT

1998-09-13 Thread Nicolai Guba
>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Martin> X-Mailer: Mutt 0.93.2i

Joris> 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N ( why all these cryptic files and no real
Joris> database ??? HTML yes?)

There are manpages, which are often quite good help if all you need is a
summary and a reminder of what things do.  From all the Linux distributions,
Debian has the best man-db setup.

There are the GNU Info files.  There are numerous documents written in
postscript, there are the books from O'Reilly and you have the Debian
documentation project.

One of the strong points of a Linux based system is that there is so much
documentation about. 

Maybe you don't know yet what you are looking for...

Martin> There is a real database.  It's called PostgreSQL and comes as a
Martin> set of *ponder* five packages, or so.

Indeed.  I am very happy with PostgreSQL.  Can only recommend it Oracle
and Sybase have announced support for Linux too...

Joris> Installing and removing LOOKS easy but there's very little REAL
Joris> version/dependency checking done.

You cannot be serious!

>> Geez, sometimes i start thinking of winDOWs as a better platform just
>> because one can up a system

Martin> ???


Martin> Maybe it's a major lack in the whole community that there are only 
Martin> not free wordprocessors?  I have to admit that I don't need such
Martin> programs since I'm able to use the power of LaTeX.

Not really.  Why should one make such demands when there are very good
alternatives around.  I once showed a LaTeX'd document to a high court judge,
and he was so impressed with it that he actually started to learn to write
LaTeX although he never bothered writing a single line of code.  He was the
opinion that the documents just look so much better with LaTeX, and I agree.

Nicolai P Guba
BT Laboratories GNU Project  

Re: Broken emacs

1998-09-13 Thread Nicolai Guba
>>>>> "Mark" == Mark W Eichin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Mark> X-Mailer: Gnus v5.4.56/Emacs 19.34

>> This was precisely the problem.  The EMACSLOADPATH was set in my 
>> user account, and I was trying to install in a window with su root,

Mark> Ahhh.  I think it would be reasonable to explicitly unset this (and
Mark> probably other variables) in the emacsen-common handler
Mark> scripts... just as they should avoid running the user (or root's)
Mark> .emacs file...

Agree.  Who's going to contact the maintainer(s)?

Nicolai P Guba
BT Laboratories GNU Project  

Re: Database Client

1998-09-07 Thread Nicolai Guba
>>>>> "Kent" == Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Kent> Organization: Abilene Christian University
Kent> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.34 i586)

Kent> Okay. I found the pgsql file (although I wonder why locate didn't find
Kent> it, even after I did an updatedb). Still, since I don't know what I'm
Kent> doing, will this app do what I want it to?
Kent> Thanks.

I doubt it, since it is the interface to the postgres db system.  Not sure
whether you can connect with it to other rdbms.  Maybe you ought to look into
ODBC stuff, which MS-SQL Server supports.

When I was in my final year, my Uni switched from SunOS to Lignux (Debian,
incidentally, hehehe) and they offered a dual-boot, nt and debian.
Administering the Debian network side never took much time accrdng to the
admins, it's the nt side of things that cost them a lot of time...

Nicolai P Guba
BT Laboratories GNU Project  

Re: [off topic] Slashdot announce 2.0beta2

1998-07-10 Thread Nicolai P Guba
"BM" == Brandon Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 BM>  Why not date the betas?  I think everyone knows what is happening when
 BM>  you do this, and they aren't left wondering when the heck beta2 came out
 BM>  when the name is 2.0-beta-1998-7-9.

Good idea.  Subversions might be useful too.  IE 2.0-beta-1, 2.0-beta-2 etc...

Nicolai P Guba, BSc(Hons)   Distributed Systems Group
Managerial Professional Grade   BT Networks and Systems
BT Research LaboratoriesApplied Research and Technology
Martlesham Heath, Suffolk IP3 8SR   pp B54/R73

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