Network configuration

2018-08-05 Thread Ilyass Kaouam
If I choose to configure the network during installation, where can I
configure the network after?
on which file, because in /etc/network/interfaces I don't see the ip
address, subnetwork ...

*Ilyass kaouam*
*Systems administrator*
* Mastère européen Manager de Projets Informatiques*

Re: Network configuration

2018-08-06 Thread Ilyass Kaouam
Thank you for all your reply,

I configured the network via the GUI during installation, the network works
I just want to know if I want to change the address or ..., without going
through the GUI, where I can make my changes, knowing that the

/etc/network/interfaces file does not contain my configuration :

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system

# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

# The loopback network interface

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

Le lun. 6 août 2018 à 10:30, Curt  a écrit :

> On 2018-08-06, Joe  wrote:
> > On Mon, 6 Aug 2018 04:01:44 -0400
> > Jude DaShiell  wrote:
> >
> >> If you do a command line install with no graphics, you end up with no
> >> network configuration once installation completes.
> >
> > Not in my experience.
> >
> > At one time, if you did a non-expert install with no network DHCP
> > server, then you got no networking, even after a netinstall. It bit me
> > around the time of etch or lenny. I've no idea if it's still true today.
> >
> I think there's only one Brian over there in the UK somewhere, and here's
> what
> he said a year back that pertains (if the bug still kicks) to whatever it
> is we're talking about here (in the interests of precision and clarity):
>  netcfg sets up the network during installation and writes a temporary
>  /e/n/i stanza. If a user installs a DE and n-m is installed the stanza
>  is not copied to /target, the assumption being, I suppose, that the user
>  would want n-m to handle the network. This happens when either a wired
>  or wireless connection is used to install.
>  If the user uses a cabled connection but does not select a DE the stanza
>  is copied to /target.
>  If a user has a wireless connection but does not select a DE the stanza
>  is not copied to /target but rewritten to contain loopback only and then
>  copied over. On first boot there is no external connectivity. Your guess
>  is as good as mine why a wireless installation is treated differently
>  from a cabled one. I have never seen any adequate justification for
>  denying external connectivity in this circumstance.
> So it is the experience of wireless people, I guess.
> --
> Some years ago, when the images which this world affords first opened upon
> me,
> when I felt the cheering warmth of summer and heard the rustling of the
> leaves
> and the warbling of the birds, and these were all to me, I should have
> wept to
> die; now it is my only consolation. --Mary Shelley, Frankenstein; or, The
> Modern Prometheus

*Ilyass kaouam*
*Systems administrator*
* Mastère européen Manager de Projets Informatiques*

Re: Network configuration

2018-08-06 Thread Ilyass Kaouam
# Generated by NetworkManager


Le lun. 6 août 2018 à 14:01, john doe  a écrit :

> On 8/6/2018 12:12 PM, Ilyass Kaouam wrote:
> > I configured my network here (see attached picture please)
> >
> > [image: Capture d’écran 2018-08-06 à 12.12.06.png]
> >
> I don't have access to images.
> What is the output of:
> $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
> --
> John Doe

*Ilyass kaouam*
*Systems administrator*
* Mastère européen Manager de Projets Informatiques*

Re: Network configuration

2018-08-06 Thread Ilyass Kaouam
Thank's John :) :)

Le lun. 6 août 2018 à 21:40, john doe  a écrit :

> On 8/6/2018 9:15 PM, Ilyass Kaouam wrote:
> > # Generated by NetworkManager
> >
> Ok -- The app "NetworkManager" is managing your interfaces.
> To deal with NetworkManager through the CLI and config files you will
> need to do some reading:
> --
> John Doe

*Ilyass kaouam*
*Systems administrator*
* Mastère européen Manager de Projets Informatiques*

Monitoring copy file security

2018-08-13 Thread Ilyass Kaouam

I have a database server in which I save the database (dump)
let say
 /home/backup directory.
I would like to monitor this directory and find out if anyone is doing a cp
or mv or.
Any idea?
Thank you very much

Re: Monitoring copy file security

2018-08-13 Thread Ilyass Kaouam
Thank you for you all,
I will all  this.
For other friends, if you have other suggestions please do not hesitate :)

Le lun. 13 août 2018 à 22:57, Roberto C. Sánchez  a
écrit :

> On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 10:30:02PM +0200, Martin wrote:
> >
> > Oh, yes! How simple. Unfortunately, 'apt-cache search fam' returns 578
> hits. 'apt-cache search famd' gives zero. Not that smart naming I guess.
> >
> Try 'apt-cache pkgnames fam' instead.
> 'pkgnames' considers only package names, where 'search' considers
> package names and descriptions.
> Regards,
> -Roberto
> --
> Roberto C. Sánchez

*Ilyass kaouam*
*Systems administrator*
* Mastère européen Manager de Projets Informatiques*

Re: Monitoring copy file security

2018-08-14 Thread Ilyass Kaouam

Le mar. 14 août 2018 à 18:03, Reco  a écrit :

> apt install auditd
> auditctl -a always,exit -F dir=/home/backup -F perm=war
> md5sum /home/backup/* # any reading/writing command will do
> tail /var/log/audit/audit.log
> Reco

*Ilyass kaouam*
*Systems administrator*
* Mastère européen Manager de Projets Informatiques*

Bastion server

2018-12-01 Thread Ilyass Kaouam
Please can you give me an equivalent off Wallix but open source?


Unable to load dynamic library ''

2018-12-04 Thread Ilyass Kaouam
I have this problem.

Ca you please help me :

 php -v
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried:
/usr/lib64/php/modules/ (/usr/lib64/php/modules/ undefined
symbol: zval_used_for_init), /usr/lib64/php/modules/
(/usr/lib64/php/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0
PHP 7.2.11 (cli) (built: Oct 11 2018 19:14:35) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.2.11, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies


Session Recording

2018-12-27 Thread Ilyass Kaouam

Please if you know any opensource tools he can recording session ?
Freeipa can do this ?


*Ilyass kaouam*
*Ingénieur System OpenSource*
*Mastère européen Manager de Projets Informatiques*

Re: Session Recording

2018-12-27 Thread Ilyass Kaouam

thank's for u answer

textual record of a series of commands and their output

Le jeu. 27 déc. 2018 à 17:31, Siard  a écrit :

> On Thu, 27 Dec 2018 16:45:11 +0100, Ilyass Kaouam wrote:
> > Please if you know any opensource tools he can recording session ?
> There is a nice article on that: "5 Screen Recorders for the Linux
> Desktop".
> Also, ffmpeg can do it.
> $ ffmpeg -f x11grab -s cif -r 24 -i :0.0 /tmp/out.mpg
> See 'man ffmpeg' and look for 'X11 grabbing'.

*Ilyass kaouam*
*Ingénieur System OpenSource*
*Mastère européen Manager de Projets Informatiques*

OpenIAM or FreeIPA

2018-12-28 Thread Ilyass Kaouam

What is the best  OpenIAM or FreeIPA ?


*Ilyass kaouam*
*Ingénieur System OpenSource*
*Mastère européen Manager de Projets Informatiques*