Re: graphical tool for network design/illustration

2001-10-03 Thread Immanuel Yap
Maybe dia will be to your liking.  It's quite similar to Visio, if
you're familiar with that.  There are both Debian and Ximian packages
for it:

Package: dia
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: graphics
Installed-Size: 10836
Maintainer: Ximian, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 0.88.1-ximian.2
Depends: libart2 (= 1.2.0), libc6 (= 2.1.2), libgdk-pixbuf2 (= 0.9.0), 
libglib1.2 (= 1.2.0), libgtk1.2 (= 1.2.0), libpng2, libpopt0, libxml1, libz1, 
xlib6g (= 3.3.6-4)
Description: A GTK+ based diagram editor andcharting tool
 Dia is used to draw diagrams, graphs, charts, and so forth. This is
 an early version, but the program is fully usable. In this version
 there is support for UML static structure diagrams (class diagrams),
 Entity-Relationship diagrams and Network diagrams. Diagrams can be
 exported to postscript.


Re: superformat?

2000-09-15 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Thu Sep 14, 2000, Michael Soulier wrote:
 On 14 Sep 2000, John Hasler wrote:
   Yeah, I suppose. Out of curiousity, what format is used on zip
 drives running under Linux? I've never used one. Do they have their own
 format, ala CDROMS with iso9660?

ZIP drives are treated as hard drives: /dev/hd[a-d]4, if you have the
IDE version.  Most (all?) ZIP disks come preformatted for PC (vfat) or
Mac (HPFS?).  You're perfectly free, of course, to reformat the disk
as ext2.

Immanuel V. Yap [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | It is the fate of 
Department of Plant Breeding and Biometry   | operating systems 
Cornell University  | to become free.  
|- Neal Stephenson

Re: Using AucTeX with XEmacs 21

2000-04-28 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Apr 28, 2000, Joseph Martin wrote:
 Hello All,
 I have xemacs21.1.9 installed. I cannot install AucTex as it
 conflicts with xemacs21. The description with the auctex says that
 auctex is included with xemacs. When I open LaTeX files the buffer is
 in LaTeX mode and the file is appropriately colorized.
 However I cannot use commands that the auctex info pages (in
 /usr/share/xemacs21/site-packagtes/info/auctex) says I should be able
 to use. For instance C-c,C-c is supposed to automatically generate a
 dvi file from the current file. Instead I get C-C,C-C
 undefined. Also when I look for commands to enter manually (using A-x
 'command') I don't see any of the commands that the auctex info pages
 says should be there.
 Is this a bug? Do I not have something set up correctly?

Put this in your .emacs:

(require 'tex-site)

This is documented in /usr/share/doc/xemacs21/README.Debian.


Re: graphic login does not allow choice of wm

1999-09-10 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Thu Sep  9, 1999, John wrote:
 Have installed 2.1 from Official CDs: this took 2hrs as program continually 
 spent long periods searching sectors and 'resetting atapi' and made it 
 to recall what options I selected. After completion XF86Setup was run 
 successfully and startx fvwm95 worked fine. Now on booting, a graphic login
 screen is presented and leads immediately to what I believe is olvm. I am
 unable to switch to any other window manager. I believe I must have agreed
 this default setting.

To set the default for the entire system, edit
/etc/X11/window-managers and put your desired window manager at the
top of the list.  Individual users can create their ~/.xsession like so:


# Execute desired programs at X11 startup.  You generally
# want to run these in the background with `'.

# Execute the window manager of choice.  This should be the last
# item and should *not* be run in the background (i.e., with `').
exec wmaker 

 Am new to Debian (a little knowledge of another distribution). Can anyone
 explain how to change settings so I can choose which wm to use after login
 (I shall eventually opt for KDE or Gnome).

You probably have xdm installed.  If you want to choose at the login
screen what window manager to use, try wdm.  Also, the menu package
will allow you to choose your window manager from within your X
session, as well as creating menus for launching most of the major


Re: A quickie-2.2.XX kernel compile-/usr/include links?

1999-09-10 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Fri Sep 10, 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm about to compile 2.2.10 for my work machine, and as usual simply follow
 the Fine manual which comes with the package.  This time around, though, I
 noticed no reference to linking /usr/include/{asm||linux||scsi} to dirs
 under the source.  Is this no longer necessary, or is it a grievous mistake
 on the writer's part?

I've never had to do this and I've never had any problems.


Re: Samba and /etc/passwd

1999-08-17 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Tue Aug 17, 1999, Debian Mail wrote:
   I'm quite puzzled since I cannot find the answer to what seems to be a
   faq: I want that samba uses /etc/passwd and not /etc/smbpasswd to
   authenticate a user. How do I do that?
  You can't.
 So every user has to use passwd AND smbpasswd every time he wants to
 change his password?

Not necessarily.  You don't have to use the same password for login
and for samba.  (Indeed, one could argue that this is a Good Thing.)


Re: Samba and /etc/passwd

1999-08-16 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Mon Aug 16, 1999, Debian Mail wrote:
 I'm quite puzzled since I cannot find the answer to what seems to be a
 faq: I want that samba uses /etc/passwd and not /etc/smbpasswd to
 authenticate a user. How do I do that?

You can't.


RE: bash color

1999-08-16 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Mon Aug 16, 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 On 16-Aug-99 Pollywog wrote:
  This is what I have in my .bash_profile in order to get colors:
  export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
  eval `dircolors`
 The last line is apparently superfluous, so I removed it.

It's useful if you want to change the colors from the default, though
you'd probably want to use something like eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors`
(assuming that's where your custom colors are kept).


Re: Terminal errors

1999-08-10 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Mon Aug  9, 1999, John Carline wrote:
 Executing 'dselect' now gives me the error 'Error opening
 terminal: unknown', and in addition many other commands give
 similar messages. For example, if I use a pipe to less (ls |
 less) I get the following:  WARNING: Terminal is not fully

What does 'echo $TERM' say?


Re: Terminal errors

1999-08-10 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Mon Aug  9, 1999, John Carline wrote:
 Immanuel Yap wrote:
  On Mon Aug  9, 1999, John Carline wrote:
   Executing 'dselect' now gives me the error 'Error opening
   terminal: unknown', and in addition many other commands give
   similar messages. For example, if I use a pipe to less (ls |
   less) I get the following:  WARNING: Terminal is not fully
  What does 'echo $TERM' say?
 Thump! Thump! Thump! sound of user banging head against desk :)
 Now why didn't I check that??
 Thanks Noel. You asked the right question, the $TERM variable was
 blank. I ran an env command and compared it to my hamm disk.  All
 the other variables looked ok. I then added TERM=linux and export
 TERM to my root .profile to see if that fixed it. It did.
 However I'm sure that that's not the correct place for TERM to be
 set.  So! I've been checking files on my hamm disk in an attempt
 to find the correct spot. so far I've looked at /etc/inittab,
 .profile, .bashrc and any file I could find that said getty, login
 or init. No luck yet.
 You wouldn't by any chance have another hint in you, would you? :)

Sorry, I don't have a clue.  I've never had this particular problem of
$TERM not being set at all.  I always thought it was hardwired when
you log into the console.  A quick check of 'man login' yields:

   On some installations, the  environmental  variable  $TERM
   will  be initialize to the terminal type on your tty line,
   as specified in /etc/ttytype.

but '/etc/ttytype' doesn't exist on my system.


Re: Good HTML editor for debian Linux?

1999-07-22 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Wed Jul 21, 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 15:47:02- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would not mind something that could:
 1. Gives color coding
 2. Be good for perl AND html AND cgi AND javascript (I doubt I'll get all 4)
 3. Let me save to a web server.
 4. The only time I save stuff locally is for graphics, which I upload via 
 Is there something that will do most of this?  the color coding would be 
 vim, with some hacking.

Xemacs, too ;)


Re: Refusing to deliver mail

1999-06-18 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Fri Jun 18, 1999, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:
 Is there a way to configure the email server (sendmail 8.9.3) so that it
 refuses mail coming from a specified address to a specific email. Let me
 My user A doesn't wan't to receive mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is it
 possible (with sendmail or something else) to make b's message bouce
 back complaining about the unavailability of a ?

This is really a user-level filtering issue rather than a system-level
one.  Procmail should do the trick.  I wish I could be more specific,
but I use exim's builtin filtering mechanism.


Re: grep \ ... how

1999-06-11 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Fri Jun 11, 1999, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 I need to write a script to replace '\'s with '/', but how can I get
 grep to accept '\' as a regular expression (it assumes it to be line
 continue character, at least from the sh prompt)?

Put the expression in single quotes?


Re: screen 'savers'

1999-06-10 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Thu Jun 10, 1999, Judith E Bush wrote:
 I'm looking for what might be blanking out the screen on several linux 
 systems. On all three systems, power management in the bios is set to
 'always on.' All three systems have dramatically different monitors.
 I'm running metrox's  Xwindows and have not selected any of the screen 
 saver/power down options, but the screen blanking occurs even when X
 isn't running?

You mean the monitor blanks on the text console?  Try setterm.


Re: pack/compress?

1999-06-07 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Mon Jun  7, 1999, Jonathan P Tomer wrote:
 it strikes me as odd that the standard potato doesn't seem to include the
 pack huffman coder or compress lzw compressor. while these are fairly
 obsoleted by gzip, especially as gunzip will read .z and .Z files, they
 still are mildly useful. am i blatantly wrong and there's actually some
 package containing them, or should i just write my own copies?

Look for the ncompress package.  It is in non-free due to certain
alleged patent restrictions.


Re: rvplayer working?

1999-04-30 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Fri Apr 30, 1999, Timothy Hospedales wrote:
 Hi! Has anyone got the RealVideo player to work?
 I got the .rpm package from and debianized it with alien and then
 installed it. Then I set it up with netscape as per instructions. (It didn't
 come with the .class files for the plugin; so I had to get those from the
 .tgz archive). 
 But the only thing it will play is the default in rvplayer's location
 bar: pnm:// Everything else - EG: the welcome.rm
 that comes with it wont play, clips from cnn, trailers from movie sites, clips
 from realguide etc either give the General Error #1, or Error #19? - Unable
 to connect to server. :(. Errors of the first kind are accompanied by:
 audio: write error: 706 bytes errno: 0 type messages at the command
 Any ideas what I am doing wrong?!

Use the Debian rvplayer installer:


Re: is postgresql free?

1999-03-08 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Fri Mar  5, 1999, Eliezer Figueroa wrote:
 can I have unlimited clients conected to postgresql with no licese 

Yes.  See for more info.


Re: Removal of idle telnet connections?

1999-02-25 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Thu Feb 25, 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 Dear all,
   One of my users is complaining that if he leaves sessions idle
 for more than about 30 mins the connection that gets dropped. I don't
 recall running any idled or whatever; is this a feature, and if so, how
 might I disable it?

If he's using tcsh, the 'autologout' shell variable controls this.  I
think you can 'unset autologout' to disable this.


Re: /home/ftp directory question

1999-02-24 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Wed Feb 24, 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 On 24-Feb-99 Jesse Jacobsen wrote:
  I missed the first part of this thread, but was wondering... do you have
  separate /home/ftp/bin and /home/ftp/lib/ and /home/ftp/etc directories?
  You need those under /home/ftp/ because the ftpd automatically changes
  the root directory to /home/ftp.  There should be a list somewhere in
  the docs as to what files you need there.  Pay special attention to the
  permissions on those directories and files.  Also, I've noticed that
  updates to the wu-ftpd package occasionally re-copy the appropriate
  programs and libraries, so that the correct versions are available for
  anonymous ftp use under /home/ftp/.
 I installed Proftpd not wu-ftpd and those subdirectories are absent.
 Someone told me that is normal for a Debian install.  I suppose it won't be a
 problem unless I want to have anonymous ftp logins.

Proftpd is totally self-contained.  You don't need special bin/ or
lib/ subdirectories, even for anonymous ftp.


Re: Crashing Install with Debian 2.0

1999-02-19 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Fri Feb 19, 1999, Tallon wrote:
 Does anyone know what this means?  I am trying to install Debian 2.0
 on a Cyrix MII 300 with 128Megs and 2 Fujitsu 4.3G drives.  Has a
 Genoa 3d Phantom Video Card and a SMC Ethernet card 1211TX.
 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address c65f752c
 current--- tss.cr3 = 03eb2000, %cr3 = 03eb2000
[Kernel oops snipped]

Does it fail consistently in the same place?  If the crash appears to
be random, I would guess that you have bad hardware.


Re: VM problem

1999-02-11 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Wed Feb 10, 1999, Daniel Elenius wrote:
 I have a problem with the VM mail reader that has been annoying me for 
 a LONG time. I use an exim filter to put e.g. the debian-user mail in
 a ~/mail/debian folder. Then when I open this folder, there will
 usually be new mail coming into the folder while I read it. That makes 
 it impossible to save the folder after I've finished reading since
 it's changed on disk. Can this be solved, perhaps by telling exim to 
 keep the mail on the queue if the folder is open (lockfiles or

You need to tell exim to filter into a separate SPOOL file, then get
VM to read from the SPOOL.  This URL:

explains the process for procmail, but is applicable for exim, too.


Re: TK installation

1999-02-01 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Mon Feb  1, 1999, ktb wrote:
 I've never attempted anything like this before so I really have no
 clue.  What I'm trying to do is ultimately install the aol instant
 messenger program for unix.  To do this I have to install Tcl/Tk.  I
 don't know what they are for but I followed the directions and installed
 Tcl just fine, I think.  I didn't see any errors and when I type in
 tclsh at the prompt I get a different prompt % and I can type in
 commands, so I assume that is Tcl.  Anyway I then tried installing Tk.
 I did this first:
 ~/tk8.0.4/unix$ ./configure -enable-gcc-shared

Rather than compiling your own, why don't you just install the Debian
packages tcl8.0 and tk8.0.  They're in the libs section.


Re: debian-user trailer line: incomprehensible to those who need it

1999-02-01 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Mon Feb  1, 1999, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
 So, shall we take this opportunity to reopen the discussion about the 
 trailer line? The evidence just keeps indicating that the existing one is 
 useless to
 those who could benefit from it and ignored by everyone else.
 Thomas P. Egloff wrote:
  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I agree. If you know enough to translate that cryptic statement, you
would certainly know enough not to send the unsubscribe message to the 


Re: emacs xemacs

1998-12-09 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Wed Dec  9, 1998, Keith Beattie wrote:
 Kent West wrote:
  Ever since I started with Linux I've wanted a console-based graphical web
  browser, but kept running into a brick wall. Then I read that emacs could
 Uh, isn't console-based graphical anything an oxymoron?  How could
 your ever expect to see graphics on a text-only display?  (Unless the
 graphics are ASCII-art or some such thing.)

One word: SVGAlib


Re: Repost - First-time Linux setup - questions

1998-11-03 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Tue Nov  3, 1998, Jerry E. McGoveran wrote:
 I've just got the basic Linux 2.0.35 working and have been busily
 adding packages.  Among them is the olvwm package.  When I try to
 invoke olvwm, I get a library missing error message.  When I look
 in /usr/lib, the file olvwm complains about is there.  Apparently,
 the environment setup is not complete on my system.  SunOS uses
 $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  Is it the same in Linux?
 What else am I going to find that needs setting up?  Is there an easy
 way to do it all?

Try running ldconfig as root.


Strange Netscape font problem, '=?

1998-11-02 Thread Immanuel Yap
  Hi all,
  I have a really strange font problem in Netscape. Some apostrophes(')
  appear as question marks(?).  This problem as been around since bo and
  since Netscape 4.0 or so, I can't remember exactly.  When I look at the
  source it shows question marks as well.  The funny thing is that some
  of the apostrophes so up fine while other don't.  Has anyone else seen
  this?  What should I look for? My fonts are set as Helvetica(Adobe) for
  variable width and Courier(Adobe) for fixed width.  I have tried other
  fonts including True Type ones and it doesn't help. 

I believe this is caused by a broken editor, e.g. Microsoft Word with
`Smart Quotes' enabled, that produces non-standard HTML.  IOW, there's 
really nothing you can do to fix this short of writing to the author
and asking them to fix their code.


Re: Y2K Compliant?

1998-10-14 Thread Immanuel Yap
Here's a link to Debian's Y2K statement:


Re: vnc x-windows server looking for xauth

1998-10-12 Thread Immanuel Yap
David Karlin wrote:
 I just installed the vnc x-windows server (.deb) and when I fire up
 it says:
   vncserver: couldn't find xauth on your PATH.
 First I checked my hard-drive for xauth (find / -name xauth); the file
 does not exist on my drive.  Then I checked in packages.gz (from hamm),
 and couldn't find it there either.
 From what I've gathered, it's a file which controls who has access to the
 vncserver, but that's about all I know.
 Can anyone help figure out how to set this up?

Do you have X11 installed?

ascus:~ $ dpkg -S xauth
xbase: /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth
xbase: /usr/X11R6/man/man1/xauth.1x.gz


Re: help getting started with postgreSQL

1998-10-08 Thread Immanuel Yap
Shaleh wrote:
 Hi, I just installed the postgreSQL packages.  However I can not add users
 foo# createuser
 Connection to database 'template1' failed.
 FATAL 1:  SetUserId: user root is not in pg_shadow
 createuser: database access failed.
 The docs are not helping.  What is the necessary steps to getting a database 
 so I can learn SQL.

postgres doesn't allow `root' to manipulate the database, as that could
be a breach of security.  Create a user `postgres' who will be database
administrator and run createuser from there.

Immanuel V. Yap e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Plant Breeding (607) 255-3103
Cornell Universityhome: (607) 257-3463
320 Bradfield Hall
Ithaca NY 14853

Re: Unidentified subject!

1998-10-08 Thread Immanuel Yap
Wilson Tuma wrote:
 Plase could you give the the files I have to download to be able to install
 linux man  pages so I can get help by typing say
 man  rm
 man  cp

Install the man-db package.


Re: running X windows

1998-10-07 Thread Immanuel Yap
Bostjan JERKO wrote:
 I still have problem running X windows (Xfree86) on Debian 2.0 as ordinary 
 user. It works fine if I log on as root.
 I use it on stand alone machine without network card and xdm is not running.
 The messages I get are :
 _XSERVTransSocketUNIXCreateListener: ... Socket CreateListener() Failed
 _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: Server already running
 Fatal server error:
 Canno't establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't 
 already running.

Are you sure an X server isn't already running?  What does `ps aux' say?


Re: Kernel compiling error

1998-10-07 Thread Immanuel Yap
Ken Archer wrote:
 Came up with the following error trying to compile a development kernel.  The
 same kernel compiled fine on my Suse partition.
 as 86 -0 -a -o bboot sect.o bbootsect.s
 make [1]: as86: Command not found
 make [1]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
 make [1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-2.1.122/arch/i386/boot
 Seems everything went ok till it tried to make the zImage in the boot
 directory.  Anyone have any ideas on how to fix it on Debian 2.0?

Install bin86.

bin86 - 16-bit assembler and loader

This is the as86 and ld86 distribution written by Bruce Evans. It's a
complete 8086 assembler and loader which can make 32-bit code for the
processors (under Linux it's used only to create the 16-bit bootsector
setup binaries).

kernel-source-2.0.35 - Linux kernel source.

This package provides the source code for the Linux kernel, as well as
scripts that maintain the symbolic link /usr/src/linux).

You may configure the kernel to your setup by typing make config and
following instructions, but you could get ncursesX.X-dev and tk4X-dev
try make menuconfig for a jazzier, and easier to use interface. Also,
intel platforms, you may wish to get bin86 (if you wish to compile the
kernel sources, that is.) Also, please read 

kernel-package - Debian Linux kernel package build scripts.

This package provides the capability to create a debian kernel-image
package by just running make-kpkg kernel_image in a kernel source
tree.  It can also build the kernel source package as a debian file, the
kernel headers package. In general, this package is very useful if you
to create a custom kernel, if, for example, the default kernel does not
support some of your hardware, or you wish a leaner, meaner kernel.

If you are running on an intel x86 platform, and you wish to compile a 
custom kernel (why else are you considering this package?), then you may 
need the package bin86 as well.  (This is not required on other


Re: using RAM above 64 Mb as a swap area

1998-09-21 Thread Immanuel Yap
Default Debian Reader wrote:
 I have a question regarding RAM, does linux recognize anything over 64M
 of ram?  I have 128M on my machine and this is what top reports...
 CPU states:  0.5% user,  1.1% system,  0.0% nice, 98.5% idle
 Mem:   63344K av,  62092K used,   1252K free,  32960K shrd,  17160K buff
 Swap: 130748K av,   1416K used, 129332K free 24180K cached
 it seems it is only using 64M or my physical memory?  Anyone know the

IIRC, this is a BIOS problem; it can only report a maximum of 64 MB of
memory.  To get your kernel to recognize all your memory you need to


in your /etc/lilo.conf, rerun lilo, and reboot.  Note that your system
can get seriously fscked if you don't actually have 128M.  Read lilo(8)
and lilo.conf(5) before trying anything.  There's also some stuff in
/usr/doc/lilo/*.  The BootPrompt-HOWTO also has a few things to say on


Re: xterm menu problem

1998-09-10 Thread Immanuel Yap
Giuseppe Sacco wrote:
  When I try to change the font size, using the control+rightmouseclick then I
  get a menu showing me same font sizes. But this only happens if the user is
  root. Otherwise I get a menu that is really smaller and I can only see the
  first line of text in the menu (the smaller font size.)
 ok, I double checked. The problem is related to the user' .Xresource.
 There is a line that create the problem:
 XTerm*geometry: 80x40

You are setting the geometry resource for *all* the xterm widgets,
including the menu.  You should say:

XTerm*VT100.geometry: 80x40

 The man xterm command says:
   geometry (class Geometry)
Specifies the preferred size and position  of  the
VT102 window.
 so what can be wrong?

If you go back (way back), the man page actually says:

   The following resources are specified as part of the vt100
   widget (class VT100):

by way of introduction to a very long list of resources, including
`geometry'.  It's very easy to miss.


Re: Modules

1998-09-01 Thread Immanuel Yap
Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 |Just installed Debian 2.0, and now I have a question |about modules.
 |I have managed to get isapnp setup my network card |properly. When I
 |   insmod /lib/modules/2.0.34/net/ 8390.0
 |   insmod /lib/modules/2.0.34/net/ne io=0x220 irq=11
 |I get the message that the ne modules has been |successfully loaded.
 |Now I want to ne.o module to be loaded at boot. |How/what/where?
 I know that if you list the modules to be loaded in the file
 /etc/modules (with arguments) they will be loaded at boot time.  (You
 dont have to list 8290.o, loading the ne.o module will load the
 8290.o because it depends on the former, assuming you run depmod -a
 first, which the kernel init scripts do).  What I would like to know,
 is how to create the /etc/module file after building a new kernel, I
 think it has to be done by hand (yuck!).

I believe modconf is the command you're looking for.


Re: Auc Tex not working

1998-09-01 Thread Immanuel Yap
Johann Spies wrote:
 After upgrading Debian 2.0 (emacs20) Auc Tex is not working.
 I have, as the auc tex info file indicated, included  the following in my
 .emacs - file:
 (setq TeX-auto-save t)
 (setq TeX-parse-self t)
 (setq-default TeX-master nil)
 I have re-installed auctex but without success.
 Does anybody knows where I can look for a solution?

You need to add (require 'tex-site) to your .emacs file.


Re: Font Servers

1998-08-28 Thread Immanuel Yap
Mike Nachlinger wrote:
 Is anyone aware of were to get a fontserver to run on
 a Debian 2.0 system?

xfs is included in the xbase package.


Re: format a floppy ?

1998-08-19 Thread Immanuel Yap
Matus fantomas Uhlar wrote:
 as i upgraded from bo to hamm (and on other machine I installed directly
 hamm), I miss the fdformat command... where's that gone ?

fdformat is obsolete; use superformat.
