Etch na starym sprzecie

2007-09-12 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

wpadl mi w rece, w firmie, stary nieuzywany juz lapek Toshiba tecra 
750cdt pentium-mmx 233mhz 90mb ram hdd 5gb. Generalnie lapek calkiem 
spoko daje rade jako maszyna do pisania a i nawet w x-ach mozna sobie 
popracowac (fluxbox). Jest calkiem calkiem wypchany roznymi badziewiami 
jak kontroler scsi, usb, karta S3 z svideo i tvout, pcmcia jakies 
wejscie na jakas kamere, irda i karta dzwiekowa. Generalnie poza tym ze 
jest troche wolny i czasem trzeba do niego troche cierpliwosci to 
niczego sobie sprzet i jeszcze troche mozna go po eksploatowac.

Pytanie do Was mam nastepujace, bo samemu niewiele udalo mi sie znalezdz:
Zna ktos jakis manual albo dobre howto jak odchudzic debiana z 
niepotrzebnych uslug coby sie szybciej laodwal? Jakis taki opis procesu 
bootowania z komentarzami co mozna powylaczac.

Wlasnie jestem na etapie kompilacji kernela i wywalaniu niepotrzebnych 
sterownikow i modolow zeby obraz byl jak najmniejszy ale tez idzie mi to 
jak krew z nosa bo czytajac opisy w helpie do danej opcji w jadrze nie 
jestem czesto pewien czy to jest w moim przypadku potrzebne czy nie a 
jedyne opisy konfiguracji jadra jakie znalazlem to jedynie zebrane 
(ewentualnie przetlumaczone) opisy z wlasnie helpa z kernela. Jaky ktos 
znal tez dobre howto o konfiguracji jadra i narzedzia diagnostyczne co 
bym sobie sprawdzil jakie dokladnie te chipy w tym lapku sa, to by bylo 
extra. Jezyk angielski/polski.

 na koniec tylko wrzuce jeszcze wyjscie z lspci -v:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Toshiba America Info Systems CPU to PCI bridge (rev 2c)
Subsystem: Toshiba America Info Systems Satellite Pro
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0

00:04.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. ViRGE/MX (rev 05) (prog-if 00 

Subsystem: Toshiba America Info Systems ViRGE/MX
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64
Memory at f800 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64M]
Expansion ROM at 1000 [disabled] [size=64K]

00:0a.0 Communication controller: Toshiba America Info Systems FIR Port 
(rev 13)

Subsystem: Toshiba America Info Systems Unknown device 0001
Flags: bus master, slow devsel, latency 64, IRQ 11
I/O ports at ffc0 [size=32]

00:0b.0 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 01) (prog-if 10 [OHCI])
Subsystem: Toshiba America Info Systems USB
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 11
Memory at f7fff000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]

00:0c.0 Multimedia video controller: Toshiba America Info Systems Tecra 
Video Capture device (rev 04)

Subsystem: Toshiba America Info Systems Unknown device 0001
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 11
Memory at f7ffef00 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]

ponizej lista procesow ktore mam uruchomione zaraz po starcie (ps aux)
root 1  0.7  0.6   1944   644 ?Ss   12:13   0:08 init [2]
root 2  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SN   12:13   0:00 
root 3  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S12:13   0:00 

root 4  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [events/0]
root 5  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [khelper]
root 6  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [kthread]
root 9  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [kblockd/0]
root12  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [khubd]
root14  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [kseriod]
root55  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S12:14   0:00 [pdflush]
root56  0.1  0.0  0 0 ?S12:14   0:01 [pdflush]
root57  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [kswapd0]
root58  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [aio/0]
root   682  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 
root   858  0.1  1.0   2528   972 ?Ss  12:14   0:01 udevd 

root  1056  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [kpsmoused]
root  1240  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [pccardd]
root  1243  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?S   12:14   0:00 [pccardd]
daemon1564  0.0  0.3   1688   348 ?Ss   12:15   0:00 
root  1587  0.0  0.5   2300   540 ?Ss  12:15   0:00 
dhclient3 -pf /var/run/ -lf 
/var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases eth0
root  1755  0.0  0.6   1752   612 ?Ss   12:15   0:00 
root  1761  0.0  0.3   1704   372 ?Ss   12:15   0:00 
/sbin/klogd -x
100   1816  0.0  1.0   5312   992 ?Ss   12:15   0:00 
/usr/sbin/exim4 -bd -q30m
root  1825  0.0  0.3   1628   360 ?Ss   12:15   0:00 
/usr/sbin/gpm -m /dev/input/mice -t exps2
root  1836  0.0  0.5   1748   560 ?Ss   12:15   0:00 
ntp   1858  0.0  1.4   4308  

Re: Etch na starym sprzecie

2007-09-12 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Dzieki za wszystkie odpowiedzi, bede walczyl dalej ;)
a odnosnie
Marcin Kasperski napisał(a):
Dużo prostsze rozwiązanie to skompilować niemal wszystko jako 
moduły, ładowane są tylko te, które są potrzebne. Notabene ... 
kernele z dystrybucji są robione w znacznej mierze właśnie tak.

Innymi słowy: prawdopodobnie męczysz się zupełnie niepotrzebnie.
to zauwazylem ze w miare jak wywalam zbedne zeczy z jadra to zmniejsza 
mi sie rozmiar plikow initrd.img* i  vmlinuz-*. im bardziej je 
zminimalizuje tym szybciej sie zaladuja. Tylko teraz nie wiem czy 
kompilowanie elementow jako moduly wplywa na wielkosc tych plikow 
(oczywiscie chodzi o wplyw na tyle znaczacy ze moze spowolnic ladowanie 
jadra) ?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[etch] console fonts disappear over time

2007-07-03 Thread Jakub Narojczyk
Hi, I have a strange problem. After some time working in X I noticed 
that I can't run any xterminal (xterm, eterm...) I somehow manage to run 
kde konsole. When I issue $xterm i get :

X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)
  Major opcode of failed request:  45 (X_OpenFont)
  Serial number of failed request:  11
  Current serial number in output stream:  12

and $Eterm gives:
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XOpenFont, resource 0x0061 
(request 45.0):  BadName (named color or font does not exist) (error 15)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XCreateGlyphCursor, resource 
0x0061 (request 94.0):  BadFont (invalid Font parameter) (error 7)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XChangeWindowAttributes, resource 
0x0062 (request 2.0):  BadCursor (invalid Cursor parameter) (error 6)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  XError in function XCreateGlyphCursor, resource 
0x0061 (request 94.0):  BadFont (invalid Font parameter) (error 7)

Eterm:  Error:  Attempting to continue...
Eterm:  Error:  Unable to load font 
-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-2.  Falling 
back on fixed

Eterm:  FATAL:  Couldn't load the fallback font either.  Giving up.

The problem is clearly with fonts but the strange thing is that after 
restarting Xsession it's all god. It happends after some time of using 
X. I tried #dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig but it didn't help.
How else can I regenerate font cache or somthing? Does any one have an 
idea why these fonts break after a while?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: bluetooth in etch

2007-06-28 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Marcelo Chiapparini napisał(a):


I am running etch  and I want to use bluetooth in order to synchronize
my cel telefone (motorola z3) with the desktop. I got a bluetooth usb
adapter and now I have to configure etch to use bluetooth. I googled a
bit and found the following pages:

which seems pretty complex to me, and

I wander is does exists an standard bluetooth guide for etch...

Thanks in advance


It depends what do You want to use the blueooth for. My guess is that 
You want to donload/upload files from/into a cell phone. The lilnks You 
found describe, as far as I understand, how to connect devices via usb 
to create some sort of wireless network (but maybe I' wrong) I tried to 
sync my samsung e250 also only to download/upload stuff but after a 
while I gave up :(. I couldn't find a good how to about bluetooh and 
phones. If You browse the list a while back You should even find my post 
here but there were no answers. May by You will be more lucky ;)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[etch] Eterm compilation problem

2007-06-27 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

I wanted to recompile Eterm's source package using my CFLAGS for better 
performance, but I ran into a problem. dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b gives:

libscream.c:1488:2: warning: #warning compiling in libscream
libscream.c:1493:2: warning: #warning compiling in support for GNU screen
libscream.c: In function 'ns_attach_by_sess':
libscream.c:1086: warning: 'ret' may be used uninitialized in this function
libscream.c: In function 'ns_ren_disp':
libscream.c:1935: warning: 'l' may be used uninitialized in this function
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. 
-I..   -I/usr/include   -O2 -Wall -g -mtune=opteron -msse2 -m3dnow -c -o 
sse2_cmod.lo sse2_cmod.c
 cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/include -O2 -Wall -g 
-mtune=opteron -msse2 -m3dnow -c sse2_cmod.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o 

sse2_cmod.c: In function 'shade_ximage_15_sse2':
sse2_cmod.c:93: error: can't find a register in class 'BREG' while 
reloading 'asm'

make[3]: *** [sse2_cmod.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/eterm-'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/eterm-'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/eterm-'
make: *** [debian/stamp-makefile-build] Error 2

my debian/rules script looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/make -f
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/
DEB_DH_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS = -L libEterm -l debian/tmp/usr/lib/
DEB_DESTDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp
--enable-xim \
--with-backspace=del \
--with-delete=execute \
--enable-share=yes \
--enable-static=no \
--enable-mmx=yes \
--enable-sse2=yes \
--enable-multi-charset=unicode \
--enable-escreen \
CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -g -mtune=opteron -msse2 -m3dnow

I can see that its a problem with sse2 but my box is dual opteron and it 
has sse2 instructions. I've installed alle the necesery dependencies.

What can I do about that error?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [etch] Eterm compilation problem

2007-06-27 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Jakub Narojczyk napisał(a):

#!/usr/bin/make -f
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/
DEB_DH_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS = -L libEterm -l debian/tmp/usr/lib/
DEB_DESTDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp
--enable-xim \
--with-backspace=del \
--with-delete=execute \
--enable-share=yes \
--enable-static=no \
--enable-mmx=yes \
--enable-sse2=yes \
--enable-multi-charset=unicode \
--enable-escreen \
CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -g -mtune=opteron -msse2 -m3dnow

I can see that its a problem with sse2 but my box is dual opteron and it 
has sse2 instructions. I've installed alle the necesery dependencies.

What can I do about that error?


hmmm... it seems that indeed it's a problem with sse2 option. It 
compiles smoothly with --enable-sse2=no.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to Dual-Head? [Was: xrandr only shows one video card]

2007-05-24 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Kent West napisał(a):

On 5/22/07, Andrew Sackville-West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for the response.

So obviously, I'm clueless about how to get dual-head working now that
xinerama appears to be unusable (with the i810/intel driver update
which breaks it). Anyone have any pointers to documentation that might
get my dual-head working again?


try to find something about mergefb. I recently got it to work with my 
ati card and it beats xinerama for sure. I'm not sure if it works with 
intel chipsets thought. I'll try to look it up tomorrow.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [etch] apt_preferences issues

2007-05-18 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Florian Kulzer napisał(a):

On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 22:43:18 +0200, Jakub Narojczyk wrote:

OK, I have to admit that I really don't understand what is going on
here. For some reason your apt regarded the gimp 2.2.13-1 package on the
server as being different from the gimp 2.2.13-1 that you had installed
already and it upgraded accordingly. Your package pin cannot prevent
this since both are 2.2.13-1.

It would interesting to see what apt-cache policy gimp produces now,
and also apt-cache show for one of the not upgraded packages, e.g.
apt-cache show gimp-data.

well, apt-cache policy gimp gives:

  Installed: 2.2.13-1
  Candidate: 2.2.13-1
  Package pin: 2.2.13-1
  Version table:
 *** 2.2.13-1 1001
500 etch/main Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

were apt-cache policy gimp-data gives:

  Installed: 2.2.13-1
  Candidate: 2.2.13-1
  Package pin: 2.2.13-1
  Version table:
 2.2.13-1 1001
500 etch/main Packages
 *** 2.2.13-1 1001
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

as for apt-cache show


Package: gimp
Priority: optional
Section: graphics
Installed-Size: 7792
Maintainer: Ari Pollak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Version: 2.2.13-1
Replaces: gimp-data ( 2.2.11-2)
Depends: wget, gimp-data (= 2.2.13-1), libaa1 (= 1.2), libart-2.0-2 (= 
2.3.16), libatk1.0-0 (= 1.12.1), libc6 (= 2.3.6-6), libcairo2 (= 
1.2.4), libexif12, libexpat1 (= 1.95.8), libfontconfig1 (= 2.3.0), 
libfreetype6 (= 2.2), libgimp2.0 (= 2.2.0+rel), libglib2.0-0 (= 
2.10.0), libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.8.0), libice6, libjpeg62, liblcms1 (= 
1.08-1), libmng1 (= 1.0.3-1), libpango1.0-0 (= 1.12.3), libpng12-0 (= 
1.2.8rel), libsm6, libtiff4, libwmf0.2-7 (=, libx11-6, 
libxcursor1 ( 1.1.2), libxext6, libxfixes3, libxi6, libxinerama1, 
libxmu6, libxpm4, libxrandr2, libxrender1, libxt6, zlib1g (= 1:1.2.1)

Recommends: gimp-svg, gimp-print
Suggests: gimp-help-en | gimp-help, gimp-python, libgimp-perl, 
gimp-data-extras, libasound2 (= 1.0.0)

Conflicts: gimp-data ( 2.2.11-2), libgimp2.0 (= 2.3.0)
Filename: pool/main/g/gimp/gimp_2.2.13-1_i386.deb
Size: 3067832
MD5sum: c6bf2c928770e3e03d67fe9e2b5410d1
SHA1: e8ddf11478b1696dad39abd9d4de0b147daa
SHA256: a00529749b8f09ffe7a007039c790a24992fb82485e9cb3e9221d234f8a954d3
Description: The GNU Image Manipulation Program
 The GIMP lets you draw, paint, edit images, and much more! GIMP
 includes the functionality and plug-ins of other famous image
 editing and processing programs.
 If you'd like to use a MIDI device as an input controller in GIMP,
 install libasound2 and read the how-to at /usr/share/doc/gimp/README.MIDI
Tag: interface::x11, role::program, role::shared-lib, 
scope::application, suite::gimp, uitoolkit::gtk, use::editing, 
works-with::image, works-with::image:raster, x11::application

Task: desktop


Package: gimp-data
Priority: optional
Section: graphics
Installed-Size: 20400
Maintainer: Ari Pollak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: all
Source: gimp
Version: 2.2.13-1
Recommends: gimp
Filename: pool/main/g/gimp/gimp-data_2.2.13-1_all.deb
Size: 6776230
MD5sum: 58bcb4b9bd29a004ae58abc8ef27b944
SHA1: 85108add26ae101f8b2a842e0ea7375c2a825aa7
SHA256: fce925cd7233816ac6d759ae866fe8ad1863d443b8ab851952825bc01a90665d
Description: Data files for The GIMP
 This package contains architecture-independent supporting data files
 for use with The GIMP.
Tag: made-of::data:icons, role::app-data, special::auto-inst-parts, 
suite::gimp, uitoolkit::gtk, works-with::image, works-with::image:raster

Package: gimp-data
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: graphics
Installed-Size: 19586
Maintainer: Ari Pollak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: all
Source: gimp
Version: 2.2.13-1
Recommends: gimp
 /etc/gimp/2.0/gtkrc e1b477a10123f796e0e4660bd1307165
 /etc/gimp/2.0/sessionrc 0e7d0d195286139b2a4214bca01ac63b
 /etc/gimp/2.0/gimprc 9c7860a21cf2843b258ad5bcc2353a32
 /etc/gimp/2.0/unitrc 3ec404ec597ef5460600cccf0192f4d6
 /etc/gimp/2.0/ps-menurc 70aeff88269e7cba118c5fbe38685938
 /etc/gimp/2.0/controllerrc dc285f9d351d26a538cd4f683786a3aa
 /etc/gimp/2.0/templaterc 34b5343551f53a1db6ee8f921e9bf351
Description: Data files for The GIMP
 This package contains architecture-independent supporting data files
 for use with The GIMP.

May by it's a bug of some sort, some conditional instructions are 
randomly interpreted in some rare cases. some of the packages were held 
back as they should. maybe a work around would be to change the version 
of the compiled packages slightly up, eg. 2.2.13-1 to 2.2.13-2? although
I will have to dig through the how-to about making debs becouse at this 
moment I don't know where to change this numbers

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[etch] configuring bluetooth for linux2gsm communication

2007-05-18 Thread Jakub Narojczyk
Hi I've run into trouble while trying to connect my cell phone and 
desktop computer running etch. I've ran into several how-to's and here 
is what I've done so far:

- installed packages from debian repos
- started bluetooth
   /etc/init.d/bluetooth start
- scanned for devices
   hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:1A:8A:DE:A5:E9   SGH-E250

- phone was detected correctly it is samsung sgh-e250, but when I try to 
 connect to the phone i get :

hcitool cc  00:1A:8A:DE:A5:E9
Can't create connection: Operation not permitted

I can't get past that. Can anyone point me to some good how-to about 
configuring bluetooth and gsm phone? there is lot about that on the net 
but I just can't find anything relevant to my case.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [etch] apt_preferences issues

2007-05-16 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Florian Kulzer napisał(a):

You are missing the blank lines to separate the records:

$ man apt_preferences | awk '/Effect/,/^$/'
   The Effect of APT Preferences
   The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the
   assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line
   records separated by blank lines. Records can have one of two forms, a
   specific form and a general form.

If it still does not work with separated records then you should post
the output of e.g.

apt-cache policy gimp

records are separated by blank lines. I just didn't know that those 
blanks were essential and compressed the listing in the e-mail. sorry 
about the confusion. and it still doesn't work.

$ apt-cache policy gimp
  Installed: 2.2.13-1
  Candidate: 2.2.13-1
  Package pin: 2.2.13-1
  Version table:
 2.2.13-1 1001
500 etch/main Packages
 *** 2.2.13-1 1001
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [etch] apt_preferences issues

2007-05-16 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Florian Kulzer napisał(a):

To me that looks like the pinning worked and I do not understand how apt
can think of upgrading to the same version. Is your currently
installed gimp a version from another repository?

What happens if you ask specifically for gimp:

apt-get install gimp

Also, what is the output of

apt-get check


apt-get install -sf


I've installed all packages only from debian repositores, plus some 
multimedia codecs from

about the rest:
#apt-get install gimp ... installs gimp

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Suggested packages:
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/3068kB of archives.
After unpacking 41.0kB of additional disk space will be used.
(Reading database ... 101262 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace gimp 2.2.13-1 (using .../gimp_2.2.13-1_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement gimp ...
Setting up gimp (2.2.13-1) ...

# apt-get check
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done

# apt-get install -sf
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded.

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Re: Beautifying Debian Etch

2007-04-06 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

eklektik napisał(a):


I installed Etch recently, with the help of the good people of this 
mailing list. Now, it works perfectly, but I hate its look. So I decided 
that I completely redesign the desktop. Now the work is complete and I 
wrote a short article in my blog about the redesign process. The article 
includes screenshots and original artworks. Do you like the redesign? 
You can read the article here.


Now you can have a huge leap forward in email:* get the new Yahoo! 

In beautifying the desktop You can also use Quingy ( ) insted of gdm. It's more themable, I 
think, than gdm and it's certenly much lighter than gdm. If You want to 
have system monitor for cpu usage and other statystics then conky 
( is Your best choise.


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Re: enlightenment news server

2007-02-23 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Paul Johnson napisał(a):

Have you tried nntp:// yet?

Thanks that was what I was trying to find las couple of days

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Re: enlightenment news server

2007-02-22 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Andrew Sackville-West napisał(a):

why don't you just subscribe to those mail lists?


i will subscribe in order to post messages,but i don't like to to 
receive tons o emails every day. I like the idea to browse the list them 
and read only messages of interest.


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enlightenment news server

2007-02-21 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Hi All!
I'm having trouble customizing a theme in the enlightenment under etch. holds a couple of mailing lists on developing and using 
enlightenment. I'd like to view and post to those lists via thunderbird 
(...sory, I ment icedove ;) ) but I can't find what news server holds 
them. I don't know what server name I have to put in the newsgroup 
account configuration in icedove.
Does anybody know the address of such server or any other server that 
holds lists of subject of interest?


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Re: Etch on X86-64

2007-01-29 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Ananda Samaddar napisał(a):

Hello there,

my desktop computer recently bit the dust and I'm thinking of getting a Core 2 
duo system.  What is the status of Debian on the X86-64 platform?  Is it 
usable?  I'd love to hear from people using this particular port and their 
experiences.  I've heard various things here and there e.g. Linux doesn't use 
both CPUs on the Core 2 duo.  Is this a load of nonsense?

thanks in advance,


I'am useing sarge on amd64 on two Opterons (not dual core) an it runs 
with no problem useing both cpus. The only limitation that bugs me a lot 
i the lack of flash plugin for internet browser and lack of 64bit 
version of open-office. Other than that its all fine


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Re: Why there is no space left on root partition?

2007-01-19 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Ron Johnson napisał(a):

Hash: SHA1

On 01/18/07 17:43, Greg Folkert wrote:

But Microsoft lets me run *anything* as Administrator
This is becouse Windows is stupid. running programs as a root gives them 
ability to damage your system.

Why can't I do the same thing in Stupid Old Linux?
Just becouse linux is different than windows it doesn't mean that it is 
stupid. It is generally a good idea to folow the guidelies of a given 
system. If some one tells You not to run programs as root then don't. 
Belive me, the more time You spend learning linux the more convinced 
You'll be that MS Win is a crapy system. BTW ever wandered why there is 
so much viruses on windows?? No, not becouse windows is popular... it's 
becouse that system lets You run every program as administator, thus 
lets the program break the system ;)


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Re: SVGATextMode na intel GMA 950

2007-01-18 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Henio Paszczak napisał(a):

Odjakiegos czasu prubuje uzyskac wy#380;sze
rozdzielczo#347;ci w konsoli za pomoc#261;
SVGATextMode dla karty Intel GMA 950.
chodzi mi o otrzymanie rozdzielczosci 1024x768,
monitor to Eizo L360 (H30-61, V50-75). Nie mam
poj#281;cia jakiego chipsetu mam u#380;yc oraz jak
dobrze ustalic prametry ... 

Nie wiem co to SVGATextMode ale nie mozesz skorzystac po prostu z 
framebuffer-a? Wpisz w grubie vga=791 jakp parametr jadra i jezeli masz 
jadro skompilowane z obsliga framebuffer-a to powinno zalatwic sprawe


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Re: getting xorg working on an old box .....

2007-01-12 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Michael Fothergill napisał(a):

I use gdm as the login window. I have never actually seen the window of 
course because xorg hasn't worked correctly yet.  But gdm did try to 
fire up.
 However at the terminal prompt after interrupting a failed xorg session 
I typed in startx.

Hi gdm and kdm are both resource consumeing so i recomend using xdm or 
just startx command on an old machine. Especially when You're short on 
RAM. After running the window manager the ?dm's don't do nothing more 
than stay in the memory till You finish Your xsession. xdm is the 
smallest of the three.

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jak odwrocic dzialanie tail?

2007-01-06 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Mam taka drobna sprawe, mianowicie:
tail -n 5
wypisuje 5 ostatnich linii z wejscia. A jak wypisac te 5 linii z 
poczatku wejscia?


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conky and enlightenment on etch

2007-01-04 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Hi I have few questions about conky usage.

1) Does conky has some sort of maximum length of .conkyrc that it can 
parse? I have as much as 10 - 15 partitions but I cant display file 
system usage of all of them. Currently i display only 5 of them. When I 
try to add more image of displayed by conky get scrambled.

2) I want to use the $diskiograph but $diskio but I cant get it to 
distinguish between my two hard drives. ${diskio /dev/hda} and ${diskio 
/dev/hdb} display the same value. The same goes to $diskiograph. Does 
these variables return only average disk IO?

3) I set max width of conky window to 300px. when I try to maximize any 
other window to full screen it only maximizes to 
full_screen_width-300px. Conky window is set this way:

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
# If own_window is yes, you may use type normal, desktop or override
own_window_type desktop
# Use pseudo transparency with own_window?
own_window_transparent yes

when I draw conky to root window with own_window no I can't get it to 
display on all desktops

My window manager is enlightenment e16.7

Thanks for any suggestions
Jakub Narojczyk

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Re: gdm startup window manager and other program

2006-12-18 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

E0x napisał(a):

hello i use pekwm ( window manager ) i choose and make it my default 
session in gdm but i want startup some programs after pekwm startup , 
pekwm have they own startup scritp but i dont want use it because when 
i restart pekwm for something reason the startup file is reading again 
and the program set in it run again to

with gdm i try ~/.xsession file , ~/.Xclients , ~/.Xsession , and dont 
work , even a file in /etc/X11/Xsession.d called startup ( i read that 
in some website ) but dont work , any idea ?


In gdm and kdm also ( I think ) ~/.xsession file will be parsed only if 
You choose default session in gdm menu.
fn:Jakub Narojczyk
org:Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
adr:;;Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17;Poznan;Wielkoposka;60-179;Poland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:PHD Student
tel;work:(061) 8695151

Re: gdm startup window manager and other program

2006-12-18 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

E0x napisał(a):

don't exist a way for startup things ?

On 12/18/06, *Jakub Narojczyk* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

E0x napisał(a):

 hello i use pekwm ( window manager ) i choose and make it my
 session in gdm but i want startup some programs after pekwm
startup ,
 pekwm have they own startup scritp but i dont want use it
because when
 i restart pekwm for something reason the startup file is reading
 and the program set in it run again to

 with gdm i try ~/.xsession file , ~/.Xclients , ~/.Xsession ,
and dont
 work , even a file in /etc/X11/Xsession.d called startup ( i
read that
 in some website ) but dont work , any idea ?


In gdm and kdm also ( I think ) ~/.xsession file will be parsed
only if
You choose default session in gdm menu.

here is the example of my ~/.xsession file :

xscreensaver -nosplash
wmfire -f 4
exec fluxbox

All apps prior to fluxbox are startted firs and backgrounded. Lastly 
fluxbox is started. You can put Your own apps to Your file. Each one 
should end with  - this is important otherwise the system will hang 
on a given app, till You exit form it - at the end You can strat 
whaterver wm You want - exec (gnome, kde, fluxbox wmaker etc..). And 
notice no  this time - this is also important otherwise You wont even 
see Your wm ;)

fn:Jakub Narojczyk
org:Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
adr:;;Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17;Poznan;Wielkoposka;60-179;Poland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:PHD Student
tel;work:(061) 8695151

Re: Etch ISO images

2006-12-15 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Hans du Plooy napisał(a):

Hi guys,

I want to download the latest current testing images.   What is the
difference between the first three images, and the -binary images after
that in:



Hi, look at the file dates. The most recent are those without binary. 
My gues is that someone missmatched  filenames
fn:Jakub Narojczyk
org:Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
adr:;;Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17;Poznan;Wielkoposka;60-179;Poland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:PHD Student
tel;work:(061) 8695151

Re: jigdo and its files

2006-12-15 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Alan Ianson napisał(a):

On Thu December 14 2006 19:06, Peter Colton wrote:

On Friday 15 December 2006 02:53, Alan Ianson wrote:

On Thu December 14 2006 18:29, Peter Colton wrote:

Hello all,

I been using jigdo for the dvd images of Etch testing over the last
couple of mouths. From :
The jigdo files I downloaded where in the format of :
debian-testing-i386-DVD-1.template   :  and so on

But now there is more jigdo files in the format of :

So the question is whats the difference ? and which format of jigdo
file do I use ?

Hard to say why that is, looks like the ones without -binary in the name
are newer so maybe the names have changed?

I had a look in a few other arch's and they don't have any -binary in the
filenames, those are the ones I would get. The -binary means the iso's
are for binary packages as opposed to -source packages.

Thanks for your replie Alan

As you pointed out in the other arch's its just :

So this jigdo file type as the source and the binary for the package ?

I think this is binary packages just as before but the -binary is assumed. The 
source iso's have -source in the filename. That's just an uneducated guess 
though.. :)


Where as the :
Is for just the binary packages ?

Regards : peter colton

Hi, I've updated my images form 04-12-2006 via jigdo to those 11-12-2006 
(without binary) and it worked out just fine. Its only the name that's 

fn:Jakub Narojczyk
org:Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
adr:;;Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17;Poznan;Wielkoposka;60-179;Poland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:PHD Student
tel;work:(061) 8695151

Re: Gnome 2.16 GTK 2.8

2006-12-13 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Justin Hartman napisał(a):

I'm currently on etch using Gnome 2.14.3 and GTK 2.4. Is there any way
to upgrade to 2.16 and 2.8 respectively? I've edited my sources.list
file to include the contrib and non-free but neither brings either
Gnome or GTK to these versions.

Thanks in advance

You should probably use unstable repos in Your /etc/apt/sources.list
fn:Jakub Narojczyk
org:Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
adr:;;Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17;Poznan;Wielkoposka;60-179;Poland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:PHD Student
tel;work:(061) 8695151

Re: partitions

2006-12-11 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

michael napisał(a):

I'm not sure if I'm messed up here but all advice welcome: 

used the WinXP setup CD to delete existing WinXP 32Gb partition,  
2 new 16Gb partitions, then made some spare space at end a new  

too (it may have been 2 new partitions). WinXP installed okay into one
of the partitions (didn't create a
filesys on the others).

but then it seemed had to change from hda3 to hda6 to boot Debian and
then when do gpart/parted it gives a  
smaller no.
of partitions than the XP setup made and has a couple with same  

point (byte? cylinder?)

I then deleted the new partitions (leaving WinXP in the new but smaller
partition) but still Debian (eg parted) only sees 3 partitions and two
of them start in same place.

Sorry for lack of details - will write them down and post later today


I'm not sure what is the problem in You're case. Below is my fdisk -l 
output to one of my discs, mayby it'll help You somehow.

dev boot   start  end Blocks  id   system
/dev/hda1   *   11275102414067  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hda21276   23834   181205167+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/hda3   23835   24077 1951897+  83  Linux
/dev/hda4   24078   24321 1959930   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/hda51276382520482843+   7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hda63826510010241406b  W95 FAT32
/dev/hda751015354 2040223+   6  FAT16
/dev/hda85355   23834   148440568+  83  Linux

As You can see hda2 and hda5 start in the same spot and hda8 ends with 
the end of hda2. This is qiute normal, as the hda6-8 are the logical 
volumes of hda2 with is the extendet partition. hda 1,3,4 are primary 


fn:Jakub Narojczyk
org:Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
adr:;;Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17;Poznan;Wielkoposka;60-179;Poland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:PHD Student
tel;work:(061) 8695151

Re: problem with system clock

2006-12-06 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Dario Rossi napisał(a):

i have a etch installation, daily updated.

I am experiencing a problem with  system clock infact it suddenly
started running at half speed ( means that if i run sleep 2, it takes
more or less  4 seconds to complete).

I recompiled the kernel upgrading it from 2.6.18 to 2.6.19, but the
problem remained.

I had an installation of vmware (just a test) and it seems that
everything started after i've  removed it...
Could it be possible?

Do u see any possible solution?

Thanks a lot.


Hi, I had problems with clock on sarge on amd64 but it was two times 
faster than normal in my case. I've faild to solve the problem. Nothing 
helped, kernel recompilation, new drivers...etc, nothing. We've 
installed gentoo on that machine and it was all fine with the clock 
after that. Unfortunetly this is not the sollution You're looking for. 
Do You have 32 bit or 64 bit machine? Does Your system's clock runs at 
half speed (i.e. is the time correct)? What's Your uptime output 
compared to real uptime?

fn:Jakub Narojczyk
org:Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
adr:;;Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17;Poznan;Wielkoposka;60-179;Poland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:PHD Student
tel;work:(061) 8695151

[testing] xorg and modelines question

2006-11-30 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

I have a problem with aligning display on my PC. I hav currently 3 
systems instaled : windows, debian 3.1 and 4.0 recenly came be. I set up 
a display under windows by monitor menu becouse under linux it can be 
done by software and under windows it can't. Under 3.1 I've generated a 
modeline with xvidtue and placed it in XF86Config-4 in the monitor 
section. It worked just fine. Under 4.0 on the oter hand it doesn't. I 
generate a modeline with xvidtune but when I restart X with a modeline 
added to xorg.conf the display is shifted. Modeline it self does 
something becouse when I comment it out the shift is different but it 
doesn't do as xvidtune shows it should.

Any suggestions?
Jakub Narojczyk
fn:Jakub Narojczyk
org:Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
adr:;;Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17;Poznan;Wielkoposka;60-179;Poland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:PHD Student
tel;work:(061) 8695151

Re: fluxbox 0.9.14 build error

2006-11-27 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Douglas Tutty napisał(a):

On Sun, Nov 26, 2006 at 09:49:46AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, I tried to build a debian source package with fluxbox with no 
luck. I
downloaded the package for debian testing, package version is 0.9.14. 

soul modyfication I've made to the source was adding -mtune=athlon-xp
CFLAG to package/debian/rules.

Aftef #dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b; it brakes with the following:

checking for strstream... no
configure: error: Your libstdc++ doesn't have the sstream or strstream
make: *** [config.status] Error 1

I've searched google but found mostly some wingsdings in russian that I
can't read.

Could it be that the source in testing is designed to be built with the
compiler in testing, i.e. your compiler doesn't have sstream or
strstream while the testing version does?

My whole system is testing, but turns out your right. I tried to 
compile the source with gcc 3.4, when i switched to gcc 4.1 it all went 
smoothly. Thanks
fn:Jakub Narojczyk
org:Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
adr:;;Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17;Poznan;Wielkoposka;60-179;Poland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:PHD Student
tel;work:(061) 8695151