Re: ftp-upload avec ftps ?

2017-09-06 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet

On 06/09/2017 15:35, Artur wrote:

Bonjour les gens,

J'utilise un petit utilitaire appelé ftp-upload qui permet depuis la
ligne de commande d'uploader un fichier sur un serveur ftp.
Ça marche très bien, pas de souci.

Je cherche à utiliser ftps à la place de ftp pour le même besoin et de
la même manière (dans un script et avec un un serveur ftp avec TLS). Une
idée de l'outil qui permettrait de faire ça, svp ?

sftp — secure file transfer program
sftp -b batchfile [user@]host

Re: Echec de gdm3 à ouvrir une session X sur la console et sur les serveurs X utilisant xdmcp (Stretch 9.1)

2017-08-28 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet

On 28/08/2017 13:09, daniel huhardeaux wrote:

Le 28/08/2017 à 11:14, Jean-Paul Bouchet a écrit :



La solution gdm3/xdmcp/gnome installée sur notre serveur Wheezy 
donnait entière satisfaction. La migration, effectuée l'an dernier, 
de ce serveur vers Jessie a cassé cette fonctionnalité et je n'ai pas 
réussi à la réinstaller. Je viens de migrer le serveur de Jessie vers 
Stretch et de tenter à nouveau d'utiliser gdm3, xdmcp et gnome pour 
disposer d'un bureau graphique sur la console système et surtout sur 
les postes Windows de notre réseau local (avec Cygwin/X).

J'ai adressé à la liste debian-user un courriel décrivant les 
problèmes que nous rencontrons 
( Si le 
sujet vous intéresse ...

Mon message dans cette liste francophone a surtout pour objectif de 
savoir si la solution gdm3/xdmcp/gnome est opérationnelle quelque 
part, sur un serveur utilisant une version Stretch ou Jessie de 
Debian en mode systemd (multi-user, PAM). Un témoignage me 
permettrait de me rassurer sur le bien-fondé de ma recherche d'une 
erreur de paramétrage dans la configuration de notre serveur. Merci 
de préciser si l'installation de Stretch ou de Jessie résulte d'un 
'dist-upgrade' ou d'une installation 'de novo'.

Peut-être utilisez-vous d'autres solutions gratuites pour permettre 
l'accès des utilisateurs de Microsoft Windows aux ressources d'un 
serveur Debian via un bureau graphique ?

Je ne comprends pas le sens de cette phrase: l'accès via un bureau 
graphique? Les postes Windows peuvent monter un disque réseau qui est 
sous Linux via SAMBA par ex.

Par bureau graphique (graphical desktop), je veux dire que le poste 
Windows lance une application émulant un serveur X et gérant notamment 
l'écran, le clavier et la souris du poste Windows. Une fois ce serveur X 
opérationnel, le serveur Debian affiche sur l'écran du poste Windows le 
client de connexion qui permet de s'identifier (greeter), puis,  si 
l'authentification réussit,  ouvre une session comprenant un 
gestionnaire de fenêtres (window manager) comme Gnome, KDE, Xfce et 
utilisant les ressources du serveur Debian (CPU, mémoire, disques, 
applications). L'application gdm3 (version 3 de GNOME Display Manager) 
du serveur Debian communique avec les différents serveurs X des postes 
Windows pour assurer ces services.

Echec de gdm3 à ouvrir une session X sur la console et sur les serveurs X utilisant xdmcp (Stretch 9.1)

2017-08-28 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet


La solution gdm3/xdmcp/gnome installée sur notre serveur Wheezy donnait 
entière satisfaction. La migration, effectuée l'an dernier, de ce 
serveur vers Jessie a cassé cette fonctionnalité et je n'ai pas réussi à 
la réinstaller. Je viens de migrer le serveur de Jessie vers Stretch et 
de tenter à nouveau d'utiliser gdm3, xdmcp et gnome pour disposer d'un 
bureau graphique sur la console système et surtout sur les postes 
Windows de notre réseau local (avec Cygwin/X).

J'ai adressé à la liste debian-user un courriel décrivant les problèmes 
que nous rencontrons 
( Si le 
sujet vous intéresse ...

Mon message dans cette liste francophone a surtout pour objectif de 
savoir si la solution gdm3/xdmcp/gnome est opérationnelle quelque part, 
sur un serveur utilisant une version Stretch ou Jessie de Debian en mode 
systemd (multi-user, PAM). Un témoignage me permettrait de me rassurer 
sur le bien-fondé de ma recherche d'une erreur de paramétrage dans la 
configuration de notre serveur. Merci de préciser si l'installation de 
Stretch ou de Jessie résulte d'un 'dist-upgrade' ou d'une installation 
'de novo'.

Peut-être utilisez-vous d'autres solutions gratuites pour permettre 
l'accès des utilisateurs de Microsoft Windows aux ressources d'un 
serveur Debian via un bureau graphique ?

Vos conseils, suggestions et témoignages sont les bienvenus.


gmd3 fails to open X sessions on the console and on X servers using xdmcp (stretch 9.1)

2017-08-25 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet

A few months ago I met no difficulties to configure our debian Wheezy 
server to manage X sessions with gdm3, on the console and on a set of X 
servers (Windows PC with Cygwin/X) using xdmcp.
I was unable to retrieve this functionality after a dist-upgrade to 
Jessie (cf., 
and astonished by the lack of advices from this forum and other 
channels. I hoped that Stretch could permit me to retrieve it. The 
dist-upgrade from Jessie to Stretch was perfect but let unsolved our 
problems with gdm3.
May be does it work on a fresh install ? On my upgraded server it 
doesn't and I fail to progress. I don't know whether the problems are 
due to wrong file permissions somewhere, wrong values for some 
parameters, or to problems on which I can't get a grip on, or even to 
the gdm3 package. They probably are not the same for the console and the 
xdmcp requests.
Sorry for this long email. You may find more details on

Any advices and ideas are welcome!

1. For the console

The server reboots without any error and finishes with a last message 
telling that GNOME Display Manager has started but nothing else is 
displayed (no greeter, no prompt). I have to type Alt-Ctrl-F3 (or F4, 
F5, F6) to get a login prompt on tty3 and open a terminal on the 
console. I can also connect with ssh -X from other Linux workstations.

In /var/log/messages the first errors during the reboot could let think 
to problems between gdm and cgmanager:
Aug 22 18:38:50 my_stretch_server[4355]: g_slice_set_config: 
assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed
Aug 22 18:38:50 my_stretch_server[4433]: g_slice_set_config: 
assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed
Aug 22 18:38:50 my_stretch_server gdm-session-worker[3909]: Failed 
opening dbus connection: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound: Failed 
to connect to socket /sys/fs/cgroup/cgmanager/sock: Aucun fichier ou 
dossier de ce type (No such file or directory with this type)
Aug 22 18:38:51 my_stretch_server 
/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-wayland-session[4434]: Activating service 
Aug 22 18:38:51 my_stretch_server systemd-shim[4519]: Could not connect 
to cgmanager: Could not connect: No such file or directory
Aug 22 18:38:51 my_stretch_server systemd-shim[4519]: Unable to acquire 
bus name 'org.freedesktop.systemd1'.  Quitting.

Then a loop with the same sequence of errors until the final relief 
('too many opened files'):

Aug 22 18:40:58 my_stretch_server 
/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-wayland-session[22118]: Unable to register display 
with display manager
Aug 22 18:40:58 my_stretch_server gdm-session-worker[22107]: Failed 
opening dbus connection: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound: Failed 
to connect to socket /sys/fs/cgroup/cgmanager/sock: Aucun fichier ou 
dossier de ce type (No such file or directory with this type)
Aug 22 18:40:58 my_stretch_server gdm3: Could not start command 
'/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-session-worker': Trop de fichiers ouverts (too many 
opened files)
Aug 22 18:40:58 my_stretch_server gdm3: Child process -22118 was already 
Aug 22 18:40:58 my_stretch_server gdm3: Child process 22107 was already 
Aug 22 18:40:58 my_stretch_server gdm3: Unable to kill session worker 
Aug 22 18:40:58 my_stretch_server[22141]: 
g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed

which seems the last message about the problem.

Just after this reboot, gdm3 service seems happy:
systemctl -l status gdm3
● gdm.service - GNOME Display Manager
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/gdm.service; static; vendor 
preset: enabled)

   Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-08-22 18:38:48 CEST; 8min ago
  Process: 3849 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/gdm/generate-config 
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 3844 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c [ "$(cat 
/etc/X11/default-display-manager 2>/dev/null)" = "/usr/sbin/gdm3" ] 
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

 Main PID: 3858 (gdm3)
Tasks: 3 (limit: 12288)
   CGroup: /system.slice/gdm.service
   └─3858 /usr/sbin/gdm3

... cgmanager service less:
systemctl -l status cgmanager
● cgmanager.service - Cgroup management daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cgmanager.service; disabled; 
vendor preset: enabled)

   Active: inactive (dead)

Curiously it seems that there has been no attempt to launch X on the 
server (Xorg.0.log not modified during the reboot), despite a loop to 
try to create and display the gdm greeter on the console (from 

2. For xdmcp requests from other X servers

On the workstation (Windows 7), a few seconds after having launched 
Cygwin/X with 'XWin:0 -query my_stretch_server ...', I get a window with 
the following message:

A fatal error has occured and Cygwin/X will now exit.
XDMCP fatal error: Session declined Maximum number of open sessions from 
your host reached.

On the server, I see only a few lines in 

Mise à disposition par un serveur Jessie de l'environnement Gnome pour un parc de serveurs X (PC Windows + Cygwin)

2016-10-21 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet


J'ai adressé plusieurs messages à la liste debian-user pour évoquer mon 
incapacité à lancer une session X11 avec GNOME sur un parc de serveurs X 
après la migration d'un serveur Debian de Wheezy à Jessie :




Je ne sais pas comment interpréter la quasi-absence de réponses à ces 
messages et n'ai pas trouvé dans mes recherches sur internet de pistes 
me permettant de progresser dans la résolution des problèmes rencontrés.

Lorque le serveur debian était sous Wheezy, avec gdm3 et xdmcp, un PC 
pouvait en lançant xlaunch, configuré pour dialoguer avec le serveur 
debian, afficher une fenêtre contenant la liste des utilisateurs 
autorisés à se connecter, s'identifier puis ouvrir une session X avec un 
bureau gnome. La migration du serveur Debian de Wheezy vers Jessie a 
cassé cette fonctionnalité. Malgré mes efforts pour comprendre les 
fichiers de log et vérifier le système, je ne sais toujours pas si cette 
perte de fonctionnalité est due à :

- un problème d'installation sur le serveur debian (paquet manquant ...)

- un problème d'installation sur les serveurs X (paquet manquant dans 
l'installation de Cygwin)

- un problème de paramétrage sur le serveur debian (entre Wheezy et 
Jessie, les fichiers de configuration ne sont pas toujours aisément 
comparables, notamment côté pam)

- l'évolution de Debian, rendant obsolète la solution adoptée précédemment

- un bug de Jessie

Le problème que je rencontre est-il lié au message d'alerte 5.10 "Le 
bureau GNOME nécessite des graphismes 3D de base" ?


"Le bureau GNOME 3.14 de Jessie ne propose plus de prise en charge de 
secours pour les machines ne disposant pas de graphismes 3D de base. 
Pour fonctionner correctement, il nécessite soit un PC suffisamment 
récent (toute machine fabriquée ces 10 dernières années devrait avoir la 
prise en charge requise de SSE2) ou, pour les architectures autres 
qu'i386 et amd64, un adaptateur graphique 3D accéléré avec les pilotes EGL."

Je renouvelle donc, en français, ma demande d'aide.

En particulier, je voudrais savoir si parmi les abonnés de la liste 
debian-user-french, il existe des personnes ayant résolu des problèmes 
proches de ceux que je rencontre et donc disposant d'un serveur Jessie 
capable d'ouvrir des sessions X11 avec Gnome sur un parc de serveurs X.

Je souhaiterais également savoir quelles sont les solutions adoptées 
pour lancer avec un serveur Jessie un bureau graphique offrant les 
applications X11 installées sur le serveur debian, sur un ensemble de PC 
disposant d'une application de type Serveur X, comparable à celui dont 
je disposais sur Wheezy.

Merci par avance pour vos réponses !


Re: With Jessie 8.6, gdm3 and XDMCP, the GDM face browser is built but not displayed (without the attached file)

2016-10-14 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet


At the end of my email 
( I wrote :

"It would be nice if someone could answer that it works on his system : 
Jessie, gdm3 with xdmcp enabled and Windows PC emulating a X11 server 
with xlaunch (through Cygwin or another free software) to open sessions."

Does the lack of answer mean that today nobody uses the combination of 
Gnome, gdm3 and xdmcp on servers with the last stable version of Debian ?


With Jessie 8.6, gdm3 and XDMCP, the GDM face browser is built but not displayed (without the attached file)

2016-10-12 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet


I have sent yesterday the following message (slightly modified this 
morning) but committed the mistake to attach a too big file (I thought 
that a file of 27700 bytes was not too large - Sorry...). Maybe some of 
you have already received it, but I think that it is not the case for 
most of you. So I send it again, without the attached file that can be 
found at:
This attached file contains lines extracted from /var/log/system and 
/var/log/debug (uncompress it with bunzip2 after having renamed it in 

We used during 2 years Gnome and gdm3 on a server with Debian Wheezy to 
let users open sessions from their Windows PC via Cygwin and xlaunch 
(xdmcp). It worked well till the upgrade to Jessie 8.5, for these 
Windows PC, as for the system console. The upgrade to Jessie 8.6 didn't 
solve the problem. I have already tried to describe these problems the 
09th of september ("gdm3 doesn't work any more after the upgrade from 
Wheezy to Jessie 8.5") :

As users were satisfied by the environment provided with gnome, when the 
server ran on Wheezy, I am still trying to launch gdm3.

The story is the same for the console (when the system restarts) and for 
the Windows PC (at each launching of xlaunch): I get during a split 
second a gray background screen, probably corresponding to the GDM face 
browser, followed during a new split second by a nice blue screen 
(debian 8 on the bottom-left corner, date and time on the middle, and a 
few icons on the upper left which are able to display information about 
the connection to the network), followed by a dark screen, till the 
first mouse or keyboard event, that activates definitely the blue 
screen. For the console the dark screen is very ephemeral and has 
appeared only once, before the blue screen is displayed. I have tried to 
understand what happens really and read carefully the /var/log files. It 
is clear that the GDM face browser with the list of all users is being 
built, but I have not yet understood why it is not displayed : warning 
and errors traced in these files should be more understandable for a 
person more expert than me in Gnome and gdm3. I have prepared a file 
with extracts from /var/log/system and /var/log/debug, compressed with 
bzip2 ...

I have read the warning about the upgrading from wheezie to jessie: 
5.10. The GNOME desktop requires basic 3D graphics
The GNOME 3.14 desktop in Jessie no longer has fallback support for 
machines without basic 3D graphics. To run properly, it needs either a 
recent enough PC (any PC built in the last 10 years should have the 
required SSE2 support) or, for architectures other than i386 and amd64, 
a 3D-accelerated graphics adapter with EGL drivers.

It could mean that was I am trying to do is no more possible. But during 
the 3 first days just after the upgrading to Jessie 8.5 I had a degraded 
but nearly working situation with Windows PC: a few minutes to get the 
GDM face bowser, again a few minutes to get the session, which was then 
normal but impossible to close, and sometimes nothing. My attempts to 
improve the situation lead to a much clearer one: what I get now is 
always this nice blue screen, maybe built by gnome-screensaver (I am not 
sure at all). That was not exactly my aim... But it lets me think or 
hope that I am not in the case reported in the warning 5.10.

Today I don't ever know whether the problem I try to solve may be solved 
or not, and if it is due to an error of installation (lacking packages 
to install or packages to uninstall), or an error of configuration 
(despite my attempts to compare the new and the previous ones for gdm, 
pam, ...), an error in Cygwin installation (lacking packages) or, 
possibly, a bug of Jessie.

It would be nice if someone could answer that it works on his system : 
Jessie, gdm3 with xdmcp enabled and Windows PC emulating a X11 server 
with xlaunch (through Cygwin or another free software) to open sessions. 
The problem is not important for the console, as I can leave the blue 
screen with Ctrl-Alt-F1 and open a non-graphical session on tty1, which 
is enough for my needs. It is more annoying for the Windows PC.

Many thanks in advance ! Best regards,

With Jessie 8.6, gdm3 and XDMCP, the GDM face browser is built but not displayed

2016-10-11 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet


We used during 2 years Gnome and gdm3 on a server with Debian Wheezy to 
let users open sessions from their Windows PC via Cygwin and xlaunch 
(xdmcp). It worked well till the upgrade to Jessie 8.5, for these 
Windows PC, as for the system console. The upgrade to Jessie 8.6 didn't 
solve the problem.

I have already tried to describe these problems the 09th of september 
("gdm3 doesn't work any more after the upgrade from Wheezy to Jessie 
8.5") :

As users were satisfied by the environment provided with gnome, when the 
server ran on Wheezy, I am still trying to launch gdm3.

The story is the same for the console (when the system restarts) and for 
the Windows PC (at each launching of xlaunch): I get during a split 
second a gray background screen, probably corresponding to the GDM face 
browser, followed during a new split second by a nice blue screen 
(debian 8 on the bottom-left corner, date and time on the middle, and a 
few icons on the upper left which are able to display information about 
the connection to the network), followed by a dark screen, till the 
first mouse or keyboard event, that activates definitely the blue 
screen. For the console the dark screen is very ephemeral and appears 
only once before the blue screen is displayed.

I have tried to follow what happens really and read carefully the 
/var/log files. It is clear that the GDM face browser with the list of 
all users is being built, but I have not understood why it is not 
displayed : warning and errors traced in these files should be more 
understandable for a person more expert than me in Gnome and gdm3. I 
have prepared a file with extracts from /var/log/system and 
/var/log/debug, compressed with bzip2 ...

I have read the warning about the upgrading from wheezie to jessie:
5.10. The GNOME desktop requires basic 3D graphics
The GNOME 3.14 desktop in Jessie no longer has fallback support for 
machines without basic 3D graphics. To run properly, it needs either a 
recent enough PC (any PC built in the last 10 years should have the 
required SSE2 support) or, for architectures other than i386 and amd64, 
a 3D-accelerated graphics adapter with EGL drivers.

It could mean that was I am trying to do is no more possible. But during 
the 3 first days just after the upgrading I had a degraded but nearly 
working situation with Windows PC: a few minutes to get the GDM face 
bowser, again a few minutes to get the session, which was then normal 
but impossible to close, and sometimes nothing. My attempts to improve 
the situation lead to a much clearer one: what I get now is always this 
nice blue screen, maybe built by gnome-screensaver (I am not sure at 
all). That was not exactly my aim... But it lets me think or hope that I 
am not in the case reported in the warning 5.10.

Today I don't ever know whether the problem I try to solve may be solved 
or not, and if it is due to an error of installation (lacking packages 
to install or packages to uninstall), or an error of configuration or, 
possibly, a bug of Jessie.

It would be nice if someone could answer that it works on his system : 
Jessie, gdm3 with xdmcp enabled and Windows PC emulating a X11 server 
with xlaunch (through Cygwin or another free software) to open sessions.

Many thanks in advance !

Best regards,


Description: application/bzip

Re: Maximal volume size for the client with a NFS v3 mounting

2016-09-29 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet

On 28/09/2016 20:59, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 08:06:53PM +0200, Christian Seiler wrote:

On 09/28/2016 07:18 PM, Jean-Paul Bouchet wrote:

On a Jessie 8.5 system I mount a partition on a NAS server with NFSv3
protocol using options "nfs rw,soft" in /etc/fstab.

The size of the volume on the NAS server side has been extended to 20
To, but for my Debian system, this extension appears to be limited to
16 To :
- The df command gives 16106127360 blocks of 1K
- processes trying to write beyond this limit end with error "no
   space left on device"

Is the volume size mounted with NFSv3 limited to 16 To on the client
side ?

RFC 1813 (the NFSv3 standard) defines the field for the free
space in the response of a NFSv3 server to be a 64bit (probably
unsigned) integer, so that should easily hold more than 16 TiB.

In your case, the 16 TiB limit you experience seems to be if
the size is somehow measured in a 32bit field in units of 4 KiB
blocks. From reading the source code, Linux 3.16 (that comes
with Jessie) only uses 64bit fields in both the NFS client code
and the general kernel structures, so I believe you're running
into a limitation of the NFS server your NAS provides.

I am not sure though - and I don't have any storage with more
than 16 TiB lying around to actually test it - so take my
response as an educated guess based on my read of the kernel
source code.

It may depend on what filesystem is on your storage - and also whether
it's been resized to fit the underlying storage.

I did come across a filesystem bug a while where e2fsck didn't handle

16TB - but that was fixed.

Some other Linux distros might be limited to 16TB per single volume?

Ext4 is potentially Exabyte capable

What set up your NFS volume in the first place?

All best

Andy C

Could the version 4 of NFS solve this problem ?

Possibly; it could be that the NFS4 implementation of your NAS
is not limited in that way - it could also be that it is. It
could also be that the NFS server in your NAS doesn't support
volumes > 16 TiB at all.

Another possibility could be that your NAS's NFS server supports
more than 16 TiB just fine, but the underlying filesystem used
on the NAS only supports up to 16 TiB. (For example, if the NAS
were to use the old Linux filesystem ReiserFS, that only supports
volumes up to 16 TiB.) Does the NAS actually show that there's
that much space free on the filesystem it exports? Or does it
only see the 20 TiB on the partitioning level? What NAS are you
using and what software are you running there?


Thanks to Andy and Christian. Their answers let the administrators of 
the NAS server be convinced that the problem was not on the NFS Debian 
client side, but on the NAS server one's.
The volume was extended to 20 To, but with quota still fixed to 16 To, 
which so was the size seen by the Debian server. Once identified, the 
problem was easy to solve...


Maximal volume size for the client with a NFS v3 mounting

2016-09-28 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet


On a Jessie 8.5 system I mount a partition on a NAS server with NFSv3 
protocol using options  "nfs  rw,soft" in /etc/fstab.

The size of the volume on the NAS server side has been extended to 20 
To, but for my Debian system, this extension appears to be limited to 16 
To :

- The df command gives 16106127360 blocks of 1K
- processes trying to write beyond this limit end with error "no space 
left on device"

Is the volume size mounted with NFSv3 limited to 16 To on the client side ?

Could the version 4 of NFS solve this problem ?



Re: gdm3 doesn't work any more after the upgrade from Wheezy to Jessie 8.5

2016-09-12 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet


It seems that libpam-systemd is correctly installed

dpkg --status libpam-systemd
Package: libpam-systemd
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 304
Maintainer: Debian systemd Maintainers 

Architecture: amd64
Multi-Arch: same
Source: systemd
Version: 215-17+deb8u4

system.logind is running but may be blocked:

4 S root   1644  1  0  80   0 -  4964 -  sept.09 ?  
00:00:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind

systemctl -l status systemd-logind.service
● systemd-logind.service - Login Service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-logind.service; static)
   Active: active (running) since ven. 2016-09-09 13:47:14 CEST; 2 days ago
 Docs: man:systemd-logind.service(8)
 Main PID: 1644 (systemd-logind)
   Status: "Processing requests..."
   CGroup: /system.slice/systemd-logind.service
   └─1644 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind

sept. 09 13:47:14 pac-sm-gafl01 systemd-logind[1644]: New seat seat0.
sept. 09 13:47:14 pac-sm-gafl01 systemd-logind[1644]: Watching system 
buttons on /dev/input/event0 (Power Button)

loginctl shows no session:

0 sessions listed.
May be there has been an attempt of creating a session for Debian-gdm to 
launch on the console the greetings screen?

The last update of most files in ~Debian-gdm correspond with the last 
reboot of the server.

ll -a ~Debian-gdm/
total 36
drwxr-xr-x  6 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 4096 sept. 12 09:42 .
drwxr-xr-x 70 root   root   4096 sept.  9 13:30 ..
drwx--  4 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 4096 sept.  9 13:47 .cache
drwx--  6 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 4096 sept.  9 13:47 .config
drwx--  3 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 4096 sept.  9 13:47 .dbus
-rw-r--r--  1 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 5251 sept.  9 13:47 

-rw---  1 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 2084 sept. 12 09:42 .ICEauthority
drwx--  3 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 4096 sept.  9 13:47 .local

Best regards,

Jean-Paul Bouchet

On 10/09/2016 10:09, Laurent Bigonville wrote:

Jean-Paul Bouchet wrote:
> [...]
> Check that logind is properly installed and pam_systemd is getting 
used at login.

> [...]

Could you check if you have libpam-systemd package installed? And also 
please check if "loginctl" shows sessions.


Laurent Bigonville

gdm3 doesn't work any more after the upgrade from Wheezy to Jessie 8.5

2016-09-09 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet


We used during 2 years Gnome and gdm3 on a server with Debian Wheezy to 
let users work from their Windows PC via Cygwin and xlaunch (xdmcp). It 
worked well till the upgrade to Jessie, for these Windows PC, as for the 
system console, a very simple terminal.

The migration has been done a few days ago after a last upgrade of 
Wheezy and a verification that our server was OK, including connection 
features. The dist-upgrade has not been perfect: here are the last lines 
of the process:

update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-4-amd64
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3_tso5.bin for module tg3
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3_tso.bin for module tg3
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3.bin for module tg3
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour sgml-base 
(1.26+nmu4) ...

Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour menu (2.1.47) ...
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

dpkg --audit gives me a list of 149 packages with the half-configurated 
status. Among them: libpam-ldap:amd64, libpam-mount, xorg, xserver-xorg.
I have launched manually 'dpk -configure' for all of them and 
reinstalled tex-common.

Now dpkg --audit returns nothing. I have not yet done apt-get autoremove 
to eliminate the packages the have become useless.

During the upgrade I have installed the new version of 
/etc/gdm3/daemon.conf, /etc/init.d/gdm3 and got [ ok ] Scheduling reload 
of GNOME Display Manager configuration: gdm3.

After the migration it has been possible during the 3 first days to open 
sometimes a gnome session but with many problems, several minutes to get 
the users' list, and again a long time, up to 10 minutes, to get the 
gnome window. Once displayed, the desk was fully functional, but the 
whole process, from the launch of cygwin was much too long and uncertain 
(we could also never get the connexion window with the list of users). 
It has never been possible to lock or close properly a session and to 
get again the connection window.

I have reinstalled some packages, including gdm3, searched similar 
situations on the web, verified the configuration in /etc/gdm3 or 
/etc/pam.d, compared with the files we had with Wheezy, rebooted the 
server, as carefully and cautiously as I could, but without the least 
improvement. On the contrary, we are now unable to get the connexion 

Now, what we get, for the system console, as for the windows PCs with 
Cygwin, is what I supposed to be the splash window, a blue background 
screen with the time, the date and at the left bottom 'Debian 8' and no 

systemctl -l status gdm.service
● gdm.service - GNOME Display Manager
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/gdm.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since ven. 2016-09-09 13:47:15 CEST; 6h ago
  Process: 1729 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/gdm/generate-config 
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 1721 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c [ "$(cat 
/etc/X11/default-display-manager 2>/dev/null)" = "/usr/sbin/gdm3" ] 
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

 Main PID: 1801 (gdm3)
   CGroup: /system.slice/gdm.service
   ├─1801 /usr/sbin/gdm3
   ├─1814 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -novtswitch -background none 
-noreset -verbose 3 -auth 
/var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-wEWSh7/database -seat seat0 vt7

   ├─2065 gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-launch-environment]
   ├─2194 /usr/bin/gnome-session --autostart 
   ├─2204 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session 
/usr/bin/gnome-session --autostart /usr/share/gdm/greeter/autostart
   ├─2243 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 
--print-address 7 --session

   ├─2252 /usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi-bus-launcher
   ├─2256 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon 
--config-file=/etc/at-spi2/accessibility.conf --nofork --print-address 3
   ├─2259 /usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi2-registryd 

   ├─2289 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon
   ├─2376 gnome-shell --mode=gdm
   ├─2455 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog
   ├─2629 /usr/lib/dconf/dconf-service
   ├─3096 gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-launch-environment]
   ├─3101 /usr/bin/gnome-session --autostart 
   ├─3104 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session 
/usr/bin/gnome-session --autostart /usr/share/gdm/greeter/autostart
   ├─3105 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 
--print-address 7 --session

   ├─3108 /usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi-bus-launcher
   ├─3112 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon 
--config-file=/etc/at-spi2/accessibility.conf --nofork --print-address 3
   ├─3115 /usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi2-registryd 

   ├─3138 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon