how do I foreward mail

1999-04-26 Thread Jeff Katcher
Hi, I am using the mail trasport agent included with slink.  i would
like to foreward some users mail to their personal accounts at their
isp.  I cant seem to find any documentation on how to do this, would
someone please tell me how to set up forewarding.  Do I use a
".foreward" file, and if so what is the format.  or do i set them up in
the aliases file to point to their home addresses.

Help Please
Jeff Katcher

Re: Linux crashes on fiest boot

1999-04-07 Thread Jeff Katcher

Wolfgang Ginolas wrote:
> i have installed linux on a 386 over NFS. After writing a bootsector on
> disk, and makeing a boot-Floppy debian boots the new system. Everything
> looks fine until he sais:
> Configuring serial ports...Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial
> options enaled
> tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16450
> tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16450
> After this my computer does nothing anymore even after pressing keys like
> Shift+PageUp, Ctrl+Alt+Del or any other.
> If have run micro linux and mulinux successfully on this machine.
> What can i do? Are there any Serial options to set?
>   Wolfgang

Have you tried to use the resc1440-safe.bin disk images?  I had good
luck with them on a 486 that i was building.

Good Luck
Jeff Katcher

Using powersave Features on monitor

1999-03-30 Thread Jeff Katcher
Hi all, I would like to use the PowerSave mode on my monitor (in win9x
when i am idle for X minutes the screen goes into powersave mode) is
there a way to do this in Linux?


Re: How to Email a Binary file from the command line

1999-03-26 Thread Jeff Katcher

> It splits the file up into chunks and sends it one chunk per mail
> because some mail transports will reject mail over a certain size.
> I don't know how netscape re-assembles these chunks.

It Dosn't
> You can try making the default chunksize larger so that it is not split.
> To do this, you can add the -s option to the end of the command, along
> with the maximum message size.
> For example:
> [prompt]$ cat mytar.tar.gz |mimeit application/x-gtar/ "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
> "Subject" -s 1000

Worked Like a charm!!
Thank you Very much!

When sent like this it sends the file in a format that Netscape can
understand and I get the file intact.

I suppose if i get some software for windows that will reassemble a mime
text file, I will be able to use the split messages.  I don't think i
will need this for a while yet.  Thanks again!

Re: How to Email a Binary file from the command line

1999-03-26 Thread Jeff Katcher

Mitch Blevins wrote:
> In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I am wondering if anyone knows how to send a binary (.tar.gz) file from
> > the command line?  I am trying to write a "batch" (Sorry my old DOS
> > stuff coming back) program that tars and gzipps up some directorys and
> > then emails them to me.  All this for the purpose of backing up my
> > config files.  I can get the script to tar up the directorys that I
> > want, and then gzip them, but i can't figure out how to email them.
> You are looking for the mimeit command in the metamail package.
> example:
> [prompt]$ cat mytar.tar.gz |mimeit application/x-gtar/ >"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
> "This is the subject of the mail"

Cool, it worked, I think.  When it gets to the other end i get several
messages all with attachments called "Part 1" "Part 2".  How do I get my
original file back again at the other side?  (Im in windows using
netscape if it makes a difference - if I can just find out what has been
done to it maybe I can get it back!)

Thank you so far

How to Email a Binary file from the command line

1999-03-26 Thread Jeff Katcher
Hi all

I am wondering if anyone knows how to send a binary (.tar.gz) file from
the command line?  I am trying to write a "batch" (Sorry my old DOS
stuff coming back) program that tars and gzipps up some directorys and
then emails them to me.  All this for the purpose of backing up my
config files.  I can get the script to tar up the directorys that I
want, and then gzip them, but i can't figure out how to email them.

My system:

Debian Slink
Smail (I think - it is the default MTA that comes with Hamm)

Thanks in advance


Re: Some questions about IP Masquerading

1999-03-25 Thread Jeff Katcher

Mark Phillips wrote:
> I am currently trying to install IP masquerading at home.  I've been
> reading the Mini IP Masquerading HOWTO, and I have some questions
> which I am hoping someone can answer.
> 1. The HOWTO says to add the following lines to /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
>   /sbin/depmod -a
>   /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
>   /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio
>   ...etc

Actually I run IP MASQ and  these modules are loaded automagically when
needed by the kernel.  I have no Kerneld or any other things loaded. 
Following the (IP Firewall/Gateway HOWTO) I think) got me through. 
although I found myself running in circles trying to find what I
needed.  Try
they have a REALLY NEAT (tm) web Interface that provides you with a
script that sets up the firewall and everything for you.

Re: newbie unable to install Slink

1999-03-22 Thread Jeff Katcher

Olivier Ripoll wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am trying to install slink for CDs (I' ve just burned them).
> During the boot process, I got the following (after indentification of
> cd and hard drive)
> (scsi0)  found at PCI 11/0
> (scsi0) Wide channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
> (scsi0) Downloading sequencer code ... 419 instructions downloaded
> and the computer got frozen

> scsi adapter : Adaptec AHA-2940 (SCSI ID =7)
Try looking in the Debian-User archives to find out what has to be done
to boot with an Adaptec AHA-2940/AIC 7XXX SCSI card.  There are some
issues involved!  I'm not sure what issues, but I think there are no
drivers for said card in the default Kernels available for debian.  The
archives have (or should have) LOTS of examples of solutions for you!


Re: more ram and larger harddrive then the bios can take

1999-03-22 Thread Jeff Katcher

Per-Olof Widstrom wrote:
>  I have seen that people get the advise to add a line in lilo.conf that
> tells how much RAM the system have, if they have more then 64 mb, and that
> it is possible to have a larger harddirve then the BIOS can handle. I just
> would like to ask two simple questons about this:
> Q1
>   I have a motherboard with a bios that take 128 ram, no more, that is
> what the manual says, can I have 256 mb if I add memory=256 in lilo.conf.


> Q2
>   My bios manual say that it´s limit is 8,4 gb harddrive. But if i have
> the root inside the 8,4 gb limit is it possible to have, lets say, a 15 gb
> hardrive?


I am guessing at these, so take what I say with a Grain of salt.

I would say that both of these are Hardware Limitations, not software or
driver limitations.  Physical as opposed to Logical problems and thus
not correctable by software.


Re: 'Can't open initial console', 'Kernel panic: Free list corrupted'

1999-03-22 Thread Jeff Katcher

Martin Waller wrote:
> I've put together an old 486 from bits, and am trying to install Debian
> (hamm) on it.
> If I use the boot diskette (doesn't support CD bootup), the bootup stops
> with 'Can't open initial console', and if I try the rescue disk, it just
> says:
> Kernel panic: Free list corrupted'.
> So - how can I boot this thing up?  What do those messages mean in
> practical terms and what can I do about it?

For me to install Slink on an old 486, I had to use the
"resc1440-safe.bin" rescue disk image.  Worked like a charm!


Re: I can't beleive this

1999-03-12 Thread Jeff Katcher

> > We all, I feel, need to bear in mind that Joe Average really does want to
> > sit down, turn on and work right from day 1. 
> > Windows in every experience I've had from 3.0 or earlier offers this.
> Problem is that some of us like our systems to keep working after day 1.

I, However feel that the two are not mutually exclusive!  What a
concept.  Easy to use AND stable.  I see this as a goal!

a.k.a. FlameBait

Re: I can't believe this

1999-03-12 Thread Jeff Katcher

Tommy Malloy wrote:
> In regard to debian's install being difficult for newbies, there seems a

I find the install for Debian to be one of the easiest around.  If it
boots, it will install!  I have had more trouble installing M$ products
than I have had installing Debian.

> simple solution.  At the beginning of the install process have a menu
> that asks what competency level the user is.  (beginner, intermediate,
> advanced) Then have an install procedure suitable for that level.
> Some menus could ask questions of the  beginning user and a recommended
> basic system could be installed and configured. Let the system
> automaticly setup partions, config ppp, setup xwindows, and some Office
> apps.   I know there will be some arguments about what a basic system

This is a good Idea.

> should be.  Still all in all, this does not seem as if it would be that
> hard to do.
> For the record, my former school gave us shell accounts on solaris.  For
> tech support I got a sheet of paper with about 25 unix commands on it.
> Being lazy I installed 4dos on my home pc and aliased the dos commands
> the unix ones.  They became familiar more quickly that way.  One day I
> found Debian on the net. I downloaded 0.93 and have  been happy with
> Debian ever since.   Debian Gnu/Linux is just not as hard as people
> believe.

It's Not Hard at all!

now if i could just figure out mail i would be laughing ;)

Re: still no luck with apt-get

1999-03-11 Thread Jeff Katcher

Mitch Blevins wrote:

> No, it's not your system.  I just checked and
> is just an alias for
> Also, when I try to update from I get errors
> almost identical to yours... and I am running apt_0.3.0
> My best guess would be a mirror problem.
> Any body know some *working* mirrors to test?

deb slink main contrib non-free

Ive had some luck with that (SLOW luck, but luck nonetheless;))


Kernel Panic when trying to Install Slink

1999-03-10 Thread Jeff Katcher
Hi All
I am trying to install debian slink on a 486 DXII 66 from the hard
drive.  I downloaded all the files needed to do so.  When I run
install.bat it says loading
then it says uncompressing Linux
then it starts to boot the kernel.
if fails on a line like this:

RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid ramdisk image starting at 0.
[MS-DOS FS Rel. 12,FAT 0,check=n,conv=b,uid=0,gid=0,umask=022,bmap]
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:00

Any Hints as to why this would happen?

Please CC any replys to me

Thanks, Jeff

Re: In "stall" ing

1999-02-04 Thread Jeff Katcher

Ryan Kleimola wrote:
> When I tried installing Debian Linux it stops booting after this message
> comes up:
> RAMDISK: Compressed Image found at block 0
> Why does it do that? and how can I fix it?
The Ramdisk is where the system mounts your root partition for the
install, I dont think that you will want to disable it.  you might try
the "tecra" rescue and driver disks, they might solve your problem.

I know nothing, and thus am not responsible for the consequenses of
taking my advice.

as far as I know, there is nothing wrong with trying out the "tecra"


Good Luck


Re: suggestion (was Re: 2.0 install problems)

1999-02-03 Thread Jeff Katcher

ivan wrote:
> At 01:55 PM 2/2/99 -0500, Richard Hall wrote:
> >Sounds like he needs a boot floppy with iso9660 support compiled in.  Why
> >it's not there to begin with is beyond me.
> >
> >This seems like a really common problem with Debian installs.  Someone
> >needs a custom boot floppy in order to get their SCSI controller to work
> >or their CD drive
> I agree with what you say but Cristiano's CD ROM is IDE APATI support for
> which is in my (limited) experience compiled into the default kernel.

Support for IDE ATAPI cds is in the default kernel.  I think that more
automated scripts would be in order.  ie something that LOOKS for the
cdrom drive when you choose the cd install method.  As for the SCSI
drivers ie AIC7XXX I think we NEED some sort of other disk set to cover
that install option.

Just my 2c

Jeff Katcher

Re: Help! I can't partition my disk.

1999-02-03 Thread Jeff Katcher

trio wrote:
>My problem: i've downloqded the floppies needed to install a new
> configuration and the rescue disk boots and starts the configuration
> process. First it asks if i have a color screen, then what keyboard. Then
> it says "NEXT: Partition the hard disk". When i choose it, it goes back to
> the main menu to "partition the hard disk" again! There may be a message
> written very fast but i can't read it.

Probably something like "Bad primary partition" 
if it is try the stuff below
>So, how do i get to a prompt to just do the cfdisk manually? I'd be
> happy to partition manually outside of the script if someone can tell me
> how to do a cfdisk before i've installed the operating system?
Press [alt]-F2
Press any Key
cfdisk -z

Partition away!

Good Luck

Re: A package to convert postscript to "RTL?"

1999-01-28 Thread Jeff Katcher

Rafael Kitover wrote:
> Just guessing here, but sounds like some sort of printer language (like
> PCL is the printer language for hewlett packard *jets). You might want
> to
> install magicfilter and ghostscript and see if they support it.

OK I installed magicfilter, and looked through the "Filters/Drivers" and
I can't find any that look like they would work for my plotter. Does
anyone know where or if there are other filters to work with
magicfilter??  Prefferable one that outputs in RTL?  I found out that
RTL is Raster Transfer Language and is Closely related to PCL except
that it is optimized for inkjets instead of Laser printers.

Thanks, Jeff

A package to convert postscript to "RTL?"

1999-01-27 Thread Jeff Katcher
I am trying to find a solution for my company to use for Ripping
Postscript files into RTL files.  I don't know exactly what an RTL file
is, but if I (in dos) "copy somefile.rtl lpt1" it will print on our
Xerox Colorgrafx 50XL (Novagraphx 50XL) wide format plotter.  we
currently use a software from ESRI called Arc Press, this program
successfully completes about 1 in 20 times, so I am trying to find
another solution.  Can anyone tell me where I should start to look?

Please CC: me in any reply's, this list has too much traffic to read in
its entirety

Thanks in advance, Jeff Katcher

Re: Entpacken von Dateien im .deb-Format

1999-01-20 Thread Jeff Katcher

"Preuss, Maik" wrote:
> Kann ich die Dateien im .deb Format auch in einer Windows-Oberfläche
> entpacken? Und wenn ja, wie?
> Maik Preuß
> Tel.: +49-0172-3721363
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

I'm just curious as to wether there is a german? language list we could
direct these kind of query's to.  or wether there is someone German
speaking who could translate?


Re: Chat scrpit trouble

1999-01-08 Thread Jeff Katcher

Terry Maton wrote:
> I am new user and I am having a real problem connecting to my isp.
> First yes I do have a win modem and from what I hear it isnt a good
> start. But onto the problem, when I run the logs for chat script I get
> down to the "expect ok" then I get "alarm" then "failed"
> Then the system says "pppconnect script failed"
> "exit".
> ANy help you can give I would appreciate, I talked to a user on irc
> and he suspects "no carrier" but I am using the same system with win98
> . HELP!
> Terry Marton

These opinions are mine, and have nothing to do with the Linux community

Sorry bud, but your winmodem isn't really a modem.  From what i
understand, it
is a chopped down sound card that needs special drivers to understand
what the
phone line is telling it.  These drivers are PROPRIETARY ie secret.  It
that no-one in the Linux community is willing/able to write drivers for
Not that I blame them its like playing darts blindfolded on a turntable,
may hit the targetbut only by trial an error. and to boot you won't
know if you have hit it.

Jeff Katcher

Re: installing cd-rom device driver

1999-01-06 Thread Jeff Katcher

per_adua32 wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am attempting to install Debian Linux and have got
> stuck.Before I began I read the installation F.A.Q.But
> it's section on installing the device drivers is extremly small.
> My problem started in the install device driver section:
> I choose :  ”cd-rom – common routines for cd-rom drivers…”.
> On pressing  I was greeted with the following:
> ”parameter documentation for this module
>   is unavaible”
> I pressed  and was greeted with a page asking me to:
>  ”Enter command line arguments for the cd-rom”.
> Can anyone help me? I would like to know which arguments
> are being requested and where I should find the information.

I am not sure where this documentation is supposed to be, however it
should work if you just hit .  If it does not work, please post
with more specific error messages.


Re: killing off the *)&@ NT bootloader

1998-12-23 Thread Jeff Katcher

"Richard E. Hawkins Esq." wrote:
> yikes, that thing is stubborn.  I've supposedly installed lilo half a
> dozen times, and the thing still comes up asking which NT configuration
> to use . . .
> It needs to be able to boot NT at least for a little while . . .
Okay, i'm flyin by the seat of my pants here, but you should be able to
add an entry to the NT C:\BOOT.INI file that will point to your linux in
some way (isn't there a howto on this somewhere??)  try the linux
howto's maybe there is a Linux+NT HOWTO.


Re: Tulip Network Card

1998-12-21 Thread Jeff Katcher

Jeff Beley wrote:
> I have a debian linux machine on my network with 2 tulip cards in it.
> On boot up I  get a kernel message (and the machine seems to stop dead):
> eth0: 21142 100baseTx link beat good.
> What does this mean?  And how do i fix it?

It means it is working at 100baseTx why would you want to "fix" it


Re: I can't connect to my computer

1998-12-16 Thread Jeff Katcher

Thomas Adams wrote:
> i installed a hamm system (Scientific Workstation) and can't connect to it.
> Neither ping, telnet nor smtp or something else works. It's like there is
> no network installed. But it is, I, sitting at the computer, can connect to 
> any other machine, I can browse the web, send email or do other stuff that 
> sends
> something back to the machine. Can anybody tell me what's going on here?
> The hostname is Feel free to scan it or 
> whatever
> might lead to an answer.

I tried to connect (ping) your station and the router is
unable to find your machine (I think this is the router you would use to
connect to the internet.  This router is misconfigured, or configured to
not allow connections inside.  Talk to whoever configures the router. 
The message that I got (using window$) was:

Request timed out.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.

Re: Just My 2 Cents

1998-12-09 Thread Jeff Katcher

"Person, Roderick" wrote:
> Hey All,
> Just venting.
> Recently I check out the Linux apps wish list web page! I though that it was
> mighty funny that the software that most people want to see ported to Linux
> is made by the big nasty Microsoft clan. Personally, I hate M$ and was glade
> to find Linux. If it wasn't for Linux I probably would have only used my PC
> for games, which is about the only thing I  WindBlows is go for (IMHO)!
> It seems to me that most Linux user feel the same way. I always read threads
> on the evil M$ or how bad Windblows is etc! So can someone tell me why the
> Hell everyone wants M$ apps ported to Linux - Doesn't that  defeat the
> purpose!!! Well to me it does.
> Just ranting.

I DON'T want "M$ Word" ported to linux, I don't use X.  I would like a
simple word processor (like WordPerfect 5.1 (or maybe less complex),)
but something that I can edit documents with.  I also would like a Lotus
123 Clone for the VT.  Is it out there, and I just can't find it or am I
barking up the wrong tree??


Re: strange non-trivial routing problem

1998-12-09 Thread Jeff Katcher

Rainer Clasen wrote:
> Hi!
> This may be offtopic - its not debian-specific. But I'm not sure where to
> ask at all (linux-net is announced as "development" list ...). I appreciate
> pointers to the correct forum.
> Ok, first some ASCII-art to confuse the reader ;-)
> 10base2
>   |
>   V
>   NET_A
>  |-  ---|
>   | ||
>   |NET_B||
>   |
>   |NET_C   ^
>   ||
>   | <-- 100baseTX crosslink
>   |
> As you can see BOX_A is my 100mbit router running 2.1.125. BOX_B is 2.0.35
> with masquerading stuff turned on. BOX_B has a route to NET_C via BOX_A's IP
> in NET_B. BOX_C's default route points to BOX_B.
> But: BOX_D can't connect/ping whatever to any IP on NET_A!! I traced a ping
> to BOX_C by adding logged ACCEPT rules to BOX_A's and BOX_B's firewall: Ping
> gets in to BOX_A, BOX_A sends it out to NET_A, BOX_C replies, BOX_B gets it,
> and sends it out through NET_B - BUT BOX_A doesn't see it
> If I telnet from BOX_D to BOX_B, I get those  syslog entries known
> from half-port scanning.
> Rainer

Have you set up Firewalling through ipfwadm for BOX_B (or is it packet

Re: Network Setup Problems

1998-12-07 Thread Jeff Katcher

> I am having some problems getting my lan working.  I'm trying to
> connect my win95 machine to my linux machine.  Both have 3c509's
> connected to a hub.  I've given my linux box and windows
>  However, I can not ping either machine from the other.
> Any ideas?
> BTW, here is a basic diagram.
> PPP - eth0
> Internet ---Linux --- win95

Have you set up your network file correctly??  There is a file in
/etc/init.d called network this sets up your network.  the file is
pretty self explanatory and is easy to reconfigure.  Check for a line

route add -net

you might try adding a route like

route add -host eth0

This assumes that there is only one ethernet card in your system.

Good Luck
,,^..^,, Jeff

Re: ip aliasing

1998-12-02 Thread Jeff Katcher

Babs wrote:

> error on boot is: no dependancy information  "ip_alias.o"
> and then mod-prob error on each eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3
> Any ideas???

try looking at your /lib/modules/2.0.34/modules.dep
look for the section where your ip_alias module is and follow the
general format and add ip_alias.o to your dependency files.

MAKE SURE you add the entry in with the rest of that class of
modules!!! otherwise this won't work


Re: DNS configuration

1998-11-24 Thread Jeff Katcher

Carmen Correia wrote:
> I have a machine with Debian Linux 2.0 installed and I am trying to
> configure it as a  DNS server. This machine is not connected to the
> Internet, for now I am only using it to create a Intranet. My LAN as a
> class A  address with a mask of in order to have various
> sub-networks.

Have you tried the "bind" Package??

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V98 #1271

1998-11-12 Thread Jeff Katcher

"J.L.M." wrote:

> 2940.  I installed Redhat and Turbolinux on it just fine.  I
> am using it now, X, IP Networking, everything is fine.  I want
> to whack this system and install debian now.  I really do want to
> do this.  Yes I have a backup.
> When I try to install Debian, either booting from the CD, or running
> the boot.bat on the cd, or taking the image from the CD and putting it
> on a floppy, or making a floppy with the image from, I always
> get the same result.  At the point where it initializes the AIC-7xxx,
> the machine freezes.  It doesn't boot.
> I have kernels, and indeed whole systems, that work fine.  Here is where
> it freezes:
> FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
> (scsi0)  found at PCI 8/0
> (scsi0) Narrow Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
> (scsi0) BIOS enabled, IO Port 0x6c00, IRQ 11
> (scsi0) IO Memory at 0xe600, MMAP Memory at 0x4805000
> (scsi0) Resetting channel
> (scsi0) Downloading sequencer code... 406 instructions downloaded
> That's it.  It doesn't get past that.  The next line should be:
> scsi0 : Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-Fast SCSI) 5.0.19/3.2.4
> scsi : 1 host.
> But I don't get there.  It goes kaput.  I have to push the Microsoft button.
> Now, given that I have a working linux system, (58 working linux systems
> at my WORKplace, I'm proud to say :-), what's my next step?
> 1.  Can I make a debian install boot floppy using a known-good kernel?
> (I know there is a debian package for making install disks, but it
> is a chicken-egg problem.)
> 2.  Can I somehow boot redhat or turbolinux or whatever is installed, and
> jump right into the debian install process?  Like, can I run 
> something from
> the cd, like "install?" from single user mode, or whatever?
> 3.  Are there any other image disks that I haven't found yet?
> And WHY is this happening?  Again, I'm fairly clueful, and I do have great
> success booting other linuxes on this machine...  Why not debian?

:Disclaimer --> I have not tried this, I AM a newbie (and a Dewbie) Good

Try copying one of your working kernels out of one of your other systems
onto a COPY <---note that> of your debian rescue disk,  I believe that
you can do this and it should work the file that contains the kernel is
"Linux" no quotes.

Re: Moving Files from Windows

1998-11-11 Thread Jeff Katcher

"Costa, Michael J." wrote:
> I have just installed LINUX on another machine in my office. The powers that
> be are reluctant at this moment to let me put in on the network. I have
> loaded some items down to my NT machine and now need to ship them to my
> LINUX box. However they are too big to fit on a floppy. Anyone got any ideas
> of a utility I can use to compress on NT and uncompress on LINUX?

Have you tried Paralell or serial link?? ie nulmodem or paralell (I
havn't tried this myself, but it might work (Kermit to Kermit)??

Re: Win95/Linux network problem

1998-11-11 Thread Jeff Katcher
try setting a static route from your linux box to your windoze box

route add -host eth0

this can be typed in at the command line or added to /etc/init/network


1998-11-03 Thread Jeff Katcher
Hi all

I am trying to experiment with the grass4.2 GIS software, and when I
start it up I get the message 
/usr/local/grass42/etc/gis_set: can't load library ''

I (ass}u{me} ;>) that this means I need the "curses" library (as opposed
to the "ncurses" library)  is there a Debian package that contains
this?  or do I already have it somewhere and just can't find it.

Thanks in advance
Jeff Katcher
Linux Dewbie

Re: rawrite2 & NT

1998-11-02 Thread Jeff Katcher

Greg Vence wrote:
> Hello,
> It appears that rawrite2 doesn't work with NT.  Is there one that does?
> I didn't see it going 0-1-0-1-... on side.  Is there something I'm
> missing?

No, I had the same results - EXCEPT that my disks worked PERFECTLY.  I
don't know why NT dosn't show the 0-1-0-1-... on side, but it Works

> I'm not sure if I can find a Win95 box.  But would it work there?
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: clearing screen after logout & login screen

1998-10-30 Thread Jeff Katcher

jim r wrote:
> How do I clear the screen after logout? so...instead of walking up on
> the remnants of the X server terminating and a login prompt, all that
> shows on the screen is the login prompt... what script is it?

I created a file ~/.bash_logout  with one command in it, clear
Works like a charm

> For that matter, how can I change the login prompt itself?both lines
> (Debian GNU/Linux (name) ttyX and login: )?
No Idea

Re: how do I extract a 2.6 gigabyte .tar.gz file ?

1998-10-30 Thread Jeff Katcher
Somewhere in this thread I saw that this might be possible on an
unpartitioned drive.  Would it (dd) work on unpartitioned space on your
existing drive.  I read "SOMEWHERE" about lossless partitioning.
apparently you can partition your drive without losing your data.

Take a look

Re: Quake2/3dfx

1998-10-27 Thread Jeff Katcher
Dave Swegen wrote:
> I don't know if it would be of any help in this case, but there is a
> quake for linux FAQ floating about on the net (sorry, don't know the URL

and work from there (there's a link to the howto)


Re: Wishlist for dselect (was Re: Searching in dselect)

1998-10-21 Thread Jeff Katcher
> > > I was wondering if there is a way to search for a particular type of
> > > package in dselect (not based on it's name, but on what it does)?
> > > ie. Search the description fields.

TO SEARCH  the Description field would be WONDERFUL I don't know how
it took me to find "bind" I was looking for DNS :<

Re: dselect error

1998-10-08 Thread Jeff Katcher
Leon Breedt wrote:
> hi
> am getting weird error messages with dselect under hamm:
> --PASTE---
> internal error - no filename at -e line 12,  chunk 13.
> installation script returned error exit status 1.
> Press RETURN to continue.
> erm, anyone know wot i'm doing wrong?  i've recently migrated
> from slackware, so go easy on me :)

I think it has something to do with a "bad" cd drive, could be wrong! 
In my case I downloaded the cd Image files and burned my own cd, I think
that my CD is Screwed :-(.  Maybe yours too??

Re: Fwd: [lug] recompiling kernel and not loosing sound support

1998-10-08 Thread Jeff Katcher
Try This

edit the Makefile and uncomment the SMP lines

make mrproper

make menuconfig (select Sound Support with a 'Y')
-Select the correct drivers
-(If sound blaster set io, irq etc.)
-in the 2.0.34 kernel there is a setting to "Use the old sound  
configuration script--USE IT it does something (I dont know 

> >make boot

I use make zImage

make modules

> >mv /lib/modules/2.0.34 /lib/modules/2.0.34-old

make modules_install

> >mv /boot/vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz-old

cp zImage /boot/vmlinuz

> >edit lilo.conf to have a backup boot option of the old kernel labeling the
> >old kernel old and new kernel linux.
> >
> >lilo
> >
> >and then reboot.
> >email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >url : <>

Good Luck and Good Hunting
Jeff Katcher

Re: Moniter screen is wavy.

1998-10-05 Thread Jeff Katcher
Mrpeabody wrote:
> My moniter screen has become wavy.  When you look at it it seems to
> move.  I have a 21 inch dell moniter and a stb nvidia video card.  My
> moniter used to be fine but I recently moved it and now it is wavy like
> a day after I moved it.  Has perment damage been done?
> -jeff
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Have you tried to Degauss your monitor. There should be a switch or menu
option for this.

Jeff (KillerK in Team Fortress)

Re: KDElibs vs qt1 and libgif2

1998-04-08 Thread Jeff Katcher
Matt Kennedy wrote:

> library files needed to run KDE on Debian (I think it takes care of
> libgif2). You also need to get QT version 1.3 or better. KDE's site has a
> link to Troll Tech who makes QT where you can get the current version 1.33.

I found that KDE required QT1, but the package from Troll Tech installs
as QT

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Re: Can't get my mouse to work

1998-04-07 Thread Jeff Katcher
Dan Winkler wrote:

> The mouse is a PS/2 mouse.  It works fine under Windows 95.  It does not
> work at all under Linux.  When I run XF86Setup, I select PS/2 mouse and set
> the device to be /dev/psaux and "apply" the changes, but moving the mouse
> does not move the cursor. 

Does the mouse work before you "apply" the changes.  If so just don't
change anything!!

Jeff Katcher

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