Problem: can't log in/su with any non-root user

1999-07-25 Thread Jeremy Morgan
I'm not sure if this has been posted before (I've looked but can't find
anything.)  I recently reinstalled debian because the only user that my
system could use was root.  When I tried to su to any user except root I
would get error messages:

su: cannot run /bin/bash: Permission denied

When I tried to login as another user:

Unable to cd to /home/porp

Now this creates many problems except the obvious one (I have to use root
always): no daemons or programs can run as another user--exim (mail), the
cron.daily find (nobody), or any others.  Before I continue, I'll list the
permissions of certain files:

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   364336 Jul 25 02:45 /bin/bash
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root 9512 Jun  2 09:59 /bin/su

drwxr-sr-x   2 porp porp 1024 Jul 24 14:49 porp
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 2048 Jul 25 02:39 bin
drwxrwsr-x   4 root staff1024 Jul 24 22:14 home

I've been on and have asked many people to help me discover
the problem but no one has been of much help.  Nevertheless, I decided to
reinstall.  I figured doing that would fix all problems.  And it did.  I
could login as any one, exim would work, and I was happy.  But as soon as I
upgraded to potato (I like many of the packages in unstable), every thing
broke again.  Now I'm sure this can't be a widespread problem because I
would have found solutions.  But I cannot figure out what the problem is.
It can't be the permissions on bash because if I change the user's shell in
/etc/passwd, I get the same error, just a different shell is listed.  It has
to be with some potato packages, either one or a combination of some are
conflicting or broken.  But then again I do not know because many people use
potato.  I just know that I'm not smart enough to figure it out, and my
system is broken. I really do hope you guys can help.

Re: Problem: can't log in/su with any non-root user

1999-07-25 Thread Jeremy Morgan

 What are your permissions for /bin/login?


I've check the permissions on many files. I may've overlooked one, but here
is /bin/login.

-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root40432 May 31 15:01 /bin/login

Re: Problem: can't log in/su with any non-root user

1999-07-25 Thread Jeremy Morgan
I ran potato for a long time without any problems, but I built a new
computer recently so I reinstalled everything.  Then the problem arised.
When I couldn't fix it, I just reinstalled again--from scratch, a nice,
clean hard drive.  Everything was fine with my 2.1 install, but when I
upgraded to potato, it broke.  I did apt-get update and apt-get
dist-upgrade.  I had one problem with the samba package and apt died.  I
couldn't run apt again (something about can't handle the media swap) but I
ran dselect and went to install/configure packages (I'm not sure on exactly
what it's called, but its one of the options on the dselect main screen) and
dselect continued where apt broke.  After that, apt would work normally but
when I checked to see if the problem showed up again, I found that it was.
I can't figure out what in the world it could be.

 Exactly how did you reinstall?  Did you recreate everything, or are you
 trying to reuse parts of a previous installation (e.g. /home)?  Many
 people, including me, have upgraded from Slink to Potato without such a
 problem.  You're not trying to use passwd and group files or /home
 directories left over from a previous distribution are you?

 Eric G. Miller
 Powered by the POTATO (!

Re: Problem: can't log in/su with any non-root user

1999-07-25 Thread Jeremy Morgan

 What're the permissions on /? (ls -ld /)

THANK YOU!  It never even occured to me to check the permissions on /.  But
when I did, I found that only root, the owner, had permission to execute.
Well I fixed that! And now everything seems to be working.  Gosh, am I glad.
Again, thanks guys.  You're really helpful!