Re: Backup.

2024-06-27 Thread Jerome BENOIT

why did you not use something as backup2l ?
Best wishes,

On 27/06/2024 20:23, wrote:


My working data is in a directory we can refer to as A. A is on a
removable flash store.  "du -hs /home/me/A" reports 3.0G.  I want a
reliable backup of most files A/*.

I created a directory "Backup" on the HDD and apply this shell
function whenever motivated.

Backup() { \
   if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
 echo "Too many arguments.";
 echo "0 or 1 arguments are OK.";
 echo "source is $source.";
 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
   echo "0 arguments is OK.";
   echo "destination is $destination.";
   echo "1 argument is OK.";
   echo "destination is $destination.";
   echo "Executing sync and rsync.";
   rsync \
   --exclude='Trap*' \
   --exclude='*.mp3' \
   --exclude='*.mp4' \
   -auv $source $destination ;
  /bin/ls -ld $destination/MailMessages;
  printf "du -hs $destination => ";
  du -hs $destination;

When the flash store fails, work since the last execution of Backup
can be lost.

In case the Backup directory on the HDD is lost or I want to see an
old file not current in A, I want backups of Backup.  This function is
applied every week or two to write to a DVD.

FilesToDVD () { \
   printf "Insert open or new DVD-R.";
   read t;
   echo "startPath is $startPath";
   echo "source is $source";
   cd $source;
   xorriso -for_backup -dev /dev/sr0 \
   -update_r . / \
   -commit \
   -toc -check_md5 failure -- \
   -eject all ;
   cd $startPath ;
   echo "  xorriso -dev /dev/sr0 -toc";
   echo "  mount -o sbsector=nn  /dev/sr0 /mnt/iso"; }
Finding a file as it existed months or years ago can be tedious.  For

example, find A/MailMessages as it was at 2023.02.07.  Otherwise the
backup system works well.

Now I have a pair of 500 GB external USB drives.  Large compared to my
working data of ~3 GB.  Please suggest improvements to my backup
system by exploiting these drives.  I can imagine a complete copy of A
onto an external drive for each backup; but with most files in A not
changing during the backup interval, that is inefficient.

Thanks,... Peter E.

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread Jerome BENOIT


can we efficiently jail zoom ?


On 19/12/2023 11:28, Bret Busby wrote:

On 19/12/23 17:53, John Conover wrote:

Does the Zoom client work on Bookworm with pipewire?



Are you aware of Zoom using video calls for spying on, and, collecting personal 
information from, users, causing

"The Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) is calling on free and open source software 
(FOSS) contributors to stop using Zoom video conferencing"

"Back in March, Zoom quietly changed its fine print to include a clause in section 10.4 that 
assigned the video-chat biz perpetual, royalty-free rights to use "customer content" 



Recommendation had been made, for people to switch to jitsi.

Bret Busby
Western Australia

Re: file server

2023-07-12 Thread Jerome BENOIT


On 12/07/2023 13:48, lina wrote:

Currently I do not have a plan to keep the data, once the data finished 
analyzing, I can just remove it.

Do you want a `scratch space` [1] ?
What can be also interesting to know is whether you can compress your data.

Best wishes,


On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 12:26 PM Dan Ritter>> wrote:

lina wrote:
 > Dear all,
 > My computer only has 2 TB data storage capacity,
 > I want to have 100 TB capacity to store/analyze data.
 > I am thinking of adding 5 hard drives, each is 18TB, and then merge them
 > into one volume?
 > or get a file server?
 > What is the best option for me, and what is the budget?

Two questions:

- do you have a backup plan in mind, or will you accept the loss
   of all data?

- how fast does new data come in, and how long do you need to
   keep it around?


Re: Cannot open *.asc files with gpg -- because no pinentry

2023-01-06 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 06/01/2023 11:38, Ken Heard wrote:

When I try to do so I receive the following message:

[GNUPG:] ENC_TO 091EE1D5633F19F2 16 0
[GNUPG:] KEY_CONSIDERED 7D605C8CDA5240843A6B9A8394D949CCE9099937 0
[GNUPG:] KEY_CONSIDERED 7D605C8CDA5240843A6B9A8394D949CCE9099937 0
gpg: encrypted with 4096-bit ELG key, ID 091EE1D5633F19F2, created 2007-12-05
"KenHeard (swimmerken) "
gpg: public key decryption failed: No pinentry
[GNUPG:] ERROR pkdecrypt_failed 67108949
gpg: decryption failed: No secret key

After an internet search I found one responder who suggested that 'the issue 
might be in the configuration of your gpg-agent'.  So I checked the contents of 
the gpg-agent.conf file.  There were only two lines:

default-cache-ttl 300
max-cache-ttl 99

At this point I ran command gpg-agent which returned 'gpg-agent running and 

Another responder said that running the following two commands worked for him:

pkill gpg-agent
gpg-agent --pinentry-program=/usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2 --daemon

Before running those two commands I found that I had the following pinentries:


I then ran those two commands twice, for -curses and -tgt.  It may have worked 
for him but did not for me.

I finally tried to add to the gpg-agent.conf file the second of those two 
commands, also twice, but before trying to decrypt an *anc file I ran file 
pkill gpg-agent.  That arrangement did not work either.  By now I had run out 
of suggestions.

I would consequently appreciate any advice as to how to decrypt my *.anc files.

By the way, I was able to run from an Xterm in succession the commands gpg -k 
and -K, which -- without the use of any passkey -- returned information about 
my public and secret keys in succession.

Other maybe useful information: I am using Bullseye and had added to my file 
.bashrc the following two lines:

export GPG_TTY

Do you have to necessary privilege to play with $(tty) ?


Information et amélioration a propos de LMDE 5

2022-09-19 Thread jerome

Toujours, je tiens à remercier toute l'équipe qui contribue au
développement de linux mint version debian (paquets).
J'apprécie énormément cette distribution. Elle est à la fois, stable,
légère, simple d'utilisation pour un débutant linux, rapide en
Surtout, continuez svp a développer cette version debian linux mint. Elle
est génial.
J'aime bien aussi le fait de pouvoir créer très simplement des lanceurs de
programme depuis le clic droit sur le bureau. Une fenêtre s'ouvre et on a
plus qu'à choisir le programme et de cocher ou non le choix de lancer le
terminal ou pas. Cette fonction est génial également. Elle n'existe pas sur
vos '' concurrents'' comme Ubuntu et compagnie.
Je reste donc sur mint debian. 
Maintenant, je trouve dommage qu'il n'existe pas de documents PDF ou de
manuel en ligne qui explique en détail comment on procède à installer Linux
mint debian sur un disque en choisissant l'option ''autre chose '', pour
faire concrètement un pationnement de disque dur adéquat et opérationnel
pour faire l'installation.
Comment partionner, la taille, etc ... pour faire une partition efi, swap ,
home .
Bref du concret.
J'ai réussi à installer LMDE sur un disque dur externe, car j'ai une
machine windaube  avec un disque aux partions non modifiable, non
accessible, en mbr. Donc pas compatible avec le nouveau bios et le format
Bref, une notice aurait aider et simplifier.
A part ceci,  nickel le LMDE.
La version debian 11 pure en revanche est compliqué pour un débutant,
concernant l'installation encore une fois (choix mode installation ''autre
chose'' ) et les pilotes a installer ou a télécharger manuellement etc.

C'est pour cela que je préfère LMDE.
Continuez donc svp a développer  et à améliorer cette version.
Mille merci encore.

Re: Resize partitions ext4 /LVM

2022-08-12 Thread jerome moliere
Merci bien Hamster. Je ne savais pas pour l'hibernation et la
compression a la volee...
L usage c est du dev principalement avec pas mal de docker (donc il faut un
var plus gros) et du java (donc il faut de la RAM)
Pour le swap il ne va pas swapper du tout juste hiberner en bon laptop!!!
Pour le home 300Go ou 400Go c est pareil c est enorme!!! pas besoin de tout
Mais la question interessante a ete posee : pkoi LVM ? he bien parce que je
voulais tenter mais mal joue...
Je vais encore tout casser saucissoner comme je veux et cela sera top...
Je laisse 20Go comme la RAM et pas plus pour le swap...

C est parti pour re-peter la machine ...J ai le week-end pour le faire

merci pour vos conseils

Le ven. 12 août 2022 à 19:37, hamster  a écrit :

> Le 12/08/2022 à 19:09, jerome moliere a écrit :
> > De ce que j'ai cru lire je dois demonter mes  partoches, jongler avec
> > resize2fs et autres outils  LVM et cela doit etre gagne...
> Petite question a la con : pourquoi LVM ??? Sur une config comme celle
> que tu décris j'en vois vraiment pas l'interet. Le chiffrement je
> comprend, mais LVM ca rajoute de la complexité et des risques de panne
> pour… pour quoi au fait ?
> >LV VG   Attr   LSizePool Origin Data%  Meta%
> >   Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
> >home   dwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao <441.04g
> >root   dwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao   23.28g
> >swap_1 dwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao  976.00m
> >tmpdwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao   <1.86g
> >vardwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao9.31g
> >
> >
> > Il me faudrait un swap d'environ 30Go pour 20Go de RAM non?
> Tu ne dis rien de ton usage. C'est pour de la bureautique ? Pour faire
> un serveur ? Une machine de compilation ? Autre ?
> Si c'est de la bureautique :
> - t'a pas besoin de 20 G de RAM, vraiment pas, mais bon tu les a, tant
> mieux pour toi
> - t'a besoin d'une swap tout juste aussi grosse que la RAM pour hiberner
> - t'a besoin d'environ 20 G de partoche root, tout compris
> - t'a pas interet a saucissauner ton disque en rajoutant une partoche
> /tmp  et une partoche /var, laisse tout dans une seule partoche root
> - garde un maximum de place pour ta partoche /home
> Si c'est pour un autre usage, il faudra adapter.
> Dans tous les cas, t'a pas besoin d'une swap plus grosse que la RAM. Tu
> peux meme l'avoir un peu plus petite : quand il hiberne il copie la RAM
> dans la swap en compressant a la volée.

Re: Resize partitions ext4 /LVM

2022-08-12 Thread jerome moliere
Merci Daniel pour les infos,
si c est moi qui ait fait cela mais :
1 - la config via l installateur en CLI est assez tricky au niveau LVM je
2 - c est un portable ancien et son usage est assez clair dans ma tete il
me suffit amplement le seul truc c est cette hibernation...

J'ai un backup borg d hier donc ma data est saine et sauveMais ok je
prends note de prevoir de garder du mou est de n attribuer que 70% disons
de l espace disk 

Un grand merci encore

Le ven. 12 août 2022 à 19:24, NoSpam  a écrit :

> Bonjour
> Le 12/08/2022 à 19:09, jerome moliere a écrit :
> > bonjour a tous,
> > j ai reinstalle 1 ancien PC excellent (t450s) sur 1 base de debian
> > avec  1 install en LVM  chiffre...
> > Malheureusement l'installateur choisit une heuristique pas terrible
> > pour le sizing des partitions (peu pour /  et swap et tout le reste
> > pour /home)
> > en consequence pas d hibernation possible...
> > J'ai regarde la procedure de resize LVM elle a l'air simple mais avant
> > de tout casser ma jolie install je voulais savoir si il  n'y avait pas
> > de ruses ou de pieges?
> > De ce que j'ai cru lire je dois demonter mes  partoches, jongler avec
> > resize2fs et autres outils  LVM et cela doit etre gagne...
> >
> > La situation initiale:
> > ❯❯❯ sudo pvsmain
> >   PV VG   Fmt  Attr PSizePFree
> >   /dev/mapper/sda5_crypt dwmdevtop-vg lvm2 a--  <476.45g  0
> >
> > ❯❯❯ sudo vgsmain
> >   VG   #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSizeVFree
> >   dwmdevtop-vg   1   5   0 wz--n- <476.45g0
> >
> > deadbrain@dwmdevtop ~/IdeaProjects/SimpleKafkstreamDemo
> > ❯❯❯ sudo lvsmain
> >   LV VG   Attr   LSizePool Origin Data%  Meta%
> >  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
> >   home   dwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao <441.04g
> >   root   dwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao   23.28g
> >   swap_1 dwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao  976.00m
> >   tmpdwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao   <1.86g
> >   vardwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao9.31g
> >
> >
> > Il me faudrait un swap d'environ 30Go pour 20Go de RAM non? et reduire
> > donc d autant le root (en commencant par la bien sur)
> >
> >
> > Avez vous des retours specifiques?
> Soit utiliser un fichier dans /home pour la swap, soit effectivement
> redimentioner. Si le /home n'est pas rempli actuellement, copie les
> données sur /, démonte /home et recrée le avec les bonnes valeurs. Je
> trouve idiot d'utiliser l'espace disque complet en LV sur l'ensemble du
> disque à l'installation, le but de LVM étant tout de même de conserver
> de l´espace disponible pour les volumes et leurs éventuelles évolutions
> au cours de leur vie. J'ose espérer que ce n'est pas toi qui avait
> demandé cette action ;)
> Sinon lvreduce mais sauvegarde les données de /home auparavant.
> Daniel

Resize partitions ext4 /LVM

2022-08-12 Thread jerome moliere
bonjour a tous,
j ai reinstalle 1 ancien PC excellent (t450s) sur 1 base de debian  avec  1
install en LVM  chiffre...
Malheureusement l'installateur choisit une heuristique pas terrible pour le
sizing des partitions (peu pour /  et swap et tout le reste pour /home)
en consequence pas d hibernation possible...
J'ai regarde la procedure de resize LVM elle a l'air simple mais avant de
tout casser ma jolie install je voulais savoir si il  n'y avait pas de
ruses ou de pieges?
De ce que j'ai cru lire je dois demonter mes  partoches, jongler avec
resize2fs et autres outils  LVM et cela doit etre gagne...

La situation initiale:
❯❯❯ sudo pvs
  PV VG   Fmt  Attr PSizePFree
  /dev/mapper/sda5_crypt dwmdevtop-vg lvm2 a--  <476.45g0

❯❯❯ sudo vgs
  VG   #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSizeVFree
  dwmdevtop-vg   1   5   0 wz--n- <476.45g0

deadbrain@dwmdevtop ~/IdeaProjects/SimpleKafkstreamDemo
❯❯❯ sudo lvs
  LV VG   Attr   LSizePool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move
Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  home   dwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao <441.04g
  root   dwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao   23.28g
  swap_1 dwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao  976.00m
  tmpdwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao   <1.86g
  vardwmdevtop-vg -wi-ao9.31g

Il me faudrait un swap d'environ 30Go pour 20Go de RAM non? et reduire donc
d autant le root (en commencant par la bien sur)

Avez vous des retours specifiques?

Par avance merci

jupyter-qtconsole, turtle, and Xfce: unresponsive turtle console

2022-07-12 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hello Debian Users,

I am playing with jupyter-qtconsole in Xfce. Debian is Debain version 11.4.
When I launch a turple from the jupyter-qtconsole, I get a turtle console as 
And I can move the turtle around. However, when I switch to another workspace 
then come back to the workspace having the turtle console, it appears that the 
console is unresponsive: the frame is present, but the inside contain random 
from other workspaces.
When I do the same directly from python3, the turtle console behaves as 

How can we fix this issue ?

The python3 code is:

import turtle
bob=turtle.Turtle() ## here a turtle console pop up
bob.fd(100) ## and so forth.

Thanks in advance,
best wishes,

Re: Which Program does WebKitWebProcess belong to

2022-05-26 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hi, you want to play with apt-file.

On 26/05/2022 22:43, wrote:

Hi List,
I'm getting high CPU usage from WebKitWebProcess (50% or higher) on my
machine and would like to know how to find what is being a CPU hog, for
one. And how to report it?
Thanks in advance.

[HS] Vente de matériel

2022-04-25 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour à tous,
désolé du dérangement mais suite à la fermeture de ma société je me sépare
de diverses machines , plutôt que de les vendre à des quidams sur le bon
coin je préfererais faire plaisir à des barbus linuxiens...

Voilà donc les machines  :
- Thinkpad X230 8Go RAM SSD 256Go : 150 € discutables avec  dock et chargeur
- Thinkpad T420 8Go RAM SSD 256 Go : 100€
ou 200€ pour les deux ...

- Thinkpad T450s 24Go RAM SSD 2To : 600€
- System 76 lemur pro 2 : RAM  40 Go Disks: SSD  3To 1200€ (carte wifi HS
Intel AX201 mais cela se trouve sur le Net)

N'hésitez pas à me contacter 
à votre dispo

je suis old school mais je préfère remettre les machines en mains propres
je peux  le faire en région de Bordeaux , sur Paris ou Lille à l'occasion
d'un déplacement (1ere semaine de Mai par exemple)

Re: User group "users"

2022-01-21 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 21/01/2022 15:59, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 02:49:09PM +0100, Steve Keller wrote:

I see that on my Debian systems there is a user group "users" with GID 100,
but by default no user gets added to it.  So what is the purpose or reason
to have it?

>From old Unix installations I know the group "users" which every user was
a member of, by default.

New users have gid 100 set as their primary group by default.  So, new
users are members of the group without having to be added to the group
in /etc/groups.

This might be specific to your installation.
Usually users have by default their own group.




Re: downgrade qt version from 5 to 4

2021-11-11 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 11/11/2021 14:20, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Thu, Nov 11, 2021 at 02:10:40PM +0100, lina wrote:

Thanks all for the input. My problem originated from after the system
upgrade to bullseye, the gaussian view (gview) won't be able to show the
result file.

actually gview stands for G[tk] view (distributed in gvim package)

As gview is an essential part in my work, these days my work is stranded
due to it. I don't know how to fix it. Honestly.

If this program doesn't work under bullseye, but is known to work under
buster, then I see three main courses of action from which you might

1) Buy a new computer, install buster on it, and use gview on this.

you can also consider a remote computer.

2) Install buster inside a chroot, or a virtual machine, or some other
virtual layering technology, on your bullseye computer.  Run gview
within the virtual buster environment.

This looks the best solution here (for short and long term):

3) Reinstall buster instead of bullseye on your current machine.

4) dual boot: Buster / Bulleye (but heavy, so to avoid).

Once you've restored your ability to do your work, *then* you can try
to pursue long-term solutions so that you aren't stuck with a perpetual
out-of-date buster environment for this one program.


Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
AE28 AE15 710D FF1D 87E5  A762 3F92 19A6 7F36 C68B

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: downgrade qt version from 5 to 4

2021-11-10 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 10/11/2021 09:37, lina wrote:

Hi all,

In order to have avogadro instead of avogadro2.

I intend to downgrade qt5 to qt4.

You are looking for trouble here.


But I can't find the qt4 snapshot from 

Thanks again for your help, lina

Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
AE28 AE15 710D FF1D 87E5  A762 3F92 19A6 7F36 C68B

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Package: nvidia-legacy-390xx-driver

2021-11-10 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 10/11/2021 09:16, lina wrote:

I use the xfce4.

Shall I consider changing to the gnome in order to get this problem solved?

I guess it is a lower level issue.

You may try Debian Live on your box to get a better idea.



On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 5:35 PM Greg Wooledge>> wrote:

On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 04:15:49PM +, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
 > On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 02:51:33PM +0100, lina wrote:
 > > Can I have a system with both X-session and the nvidia-driver
 > > as gaussian view requires
 > >
 > > Gaussview must be run in an X-windows session. Details for controlling 
 > > application are provided in the materials found in the Resources 
 > >
 > If you are running Bullseye [Debian 11] and GNOME, I think it defaults
 > to using Waylan - if you are at the login prompt, you can choose which
 > session is loaded by clicking on the cogwheel.

Wayland, with a "d".  This is also true for Debian 10 (buster).

Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
AE28 AE15 710D FF1D 87E5  A762 3F92 19A6 7F36 C68B

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: which package is good for making poster

2021-11-02 Thread Jerome BENOIT


I guess she meant `academic poster' not `decorative poster'.
Doing `academic poster' with a LaTeX package allow to share
`LaTeX code' between articles, presentations, posters, ...

my two cents,

On 02/11/2021 19:32, mick crane wrote:

On 2021-11-02 14:09, lina wrote:

Thanks all,

I will check one by one and see how it works.

Posters are usually a picture and some text.
It doesn't have to be like that but normally it is.
Do picture in Gimp, make transparent background if don't want in a box.
Scribus, make image frame, import image, fit image to frame.
make text box, write some text.

Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
AE28 AE15 710D FF1D 87E5  A762 3F92 19A6 7F36 C68B

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: which package is good for making poster

2021-11-02 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 02/11/2021 11:29, Jerome BENOIT wrote:


On 02/11/2021 10:45, lina wrote:

Hi all,

I have to prepare a poster,

I wonder which package is good for this work,

You may consider the beamerposter LaTeX package.

Actually, I recently used the tikzposter LaTeX package:

However I am not sure it is still maintained.

  I can print it out in several papers and attach them together later.

If transportation of A0 poster is an issue,
an alternative is to print a foldable fabric poster [1]

The classical tube remains a good option.


Thanks very much for your advice



Re: which package is good for making poster

2021-11-02 Thread Jerome BENOIT


On 02/11/2021 10:45, lina wrote:

Hi all,

I have to prepare a poster,

I wonder which package is good for this work,

You may consider the beamerposter LaTeX package.

 I can print it out in several papers and attach them together later.

If transportation of A0 poster is an issue,
an alternative is to print a foldable fabric poster [1]

Thanks very much for your advice



Re: how to avoid the terminal overlap

2021-10-26 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hi, have you tried the basic xterm ?
Cheers, Jerome

On 26/10/2021 16:08, lina wrote:


Once upgraded to the new system, I found that they would gather the same app in 
one tab.

Such as Xfce terminal all in one, I want them to be listed one by one, not to 
be degenerated into one.

Thanks for your suggestions, and sorry for the description, I don't know what 
is the best way to describe it.

Best regards, lina

Re: computer screen blink

2021-10-22 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hi Again,
nouveau failed to load some firmware.

On 22/10/2021 11:40, lina wrote:

# dmesg | grep -i nouveau
[    1.656164] fb0: switching to nouveaufb from EFI VGA
[    1.656250] nouveau :01:00.0: vgaarb: deactivate vga console
[    1.657164] nouveau :01:00.0: NVIDIA GK208B (b06070b1)
[    1.766995] nouveau :01:00.0: bios: version
[    1.767490] nouveau :01:00.0: fb: 2048 MiB DDR3
[    1.778993] nouveau :01:00.0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [IO_PAGE_FAULT 
domain=0x000d address=0x0 flags=0x]
[    3.117074] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: VRAM: 2048 MiB
[    3.117075] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: GART: 1048576 MiB
[    3.117076] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: TMDS table version 2.0
[    3.117077] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: DCB version 4.0
[    3.117078] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: DCB outp 00: 01000f02 00020030
[    3.117078] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: DCB outp 01: 02011f62 00020010
[    3.117079] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: DCB outp 02: 02022f10 
[    3.117080] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: DCB conn 00: 1031
[    3.117080] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: DCB conn 01: 2161
[    3.117081] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: DCB conn 02: 0200
[    3.117401] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: MM: using COPY for buffer copies
[    3.369837] nouveau :01:00.0: DRM: allocated 1920x1080 fb: 0x8, bo 
[    3.369966] fbcon: nouveaudrmfb (fb0) is primary device
[    3.417039] nouveau :01:00.0: [drm] fb0: nouveaudrmfb frame buffer device
[    3.432556] [drm] Initialized nouveau 1.3.1 20120801 for :01:00.0 on 
minor 0
[    4.294574] snd_hda_intel :01:00.1: bound :01:00.0 (ops 
nv50_audio_component_bind_ops [nouveau])
[   52.719911] nouveau :01:00.0: firmware: failed to load 
nouveau/nv106_fuc084 (-2)
[   52.719918] nouveau :01:00.0: Direct firmware load for 
nouveau/nv106_fuc084 failed with error -2
[   52.719926] nouveau :01:00.0: firmware: failed to load 
nouveau/nv106_fuc084d (-2)
[   52.719928] nouveau :01:00.0: Direct firmware load for 
nouveau/nv106_fuc084d failed with error -2
[   52.719930] nouveau :01:00.0: msvld: unable to load firmware data
[   52.719931] nouveau :01:00.0: msvld: init failed, -19
[16000.312421] nouveau :01:00.0: gr: TRAP ch 2 [007fb03000 Xorg[2420]]
[16000.312434] nouveau :01:00.0: gr: GPC0/TPC0/MP trap: global  [] 
[16000.332583] nouveau :01:00.0: fifo: fault 00 [READ] at 009f05b4 
engine 00 [GR] client 0d [GPC0/GCC] reason 00 [PDE] on channel 2 [007fb03000 
[16000.332591] nouveau :01:00.0: fifo: channel 2: killed
[16000.332593] nouveau :01:00.0: fifo: runlist 0: scheduled for recovery
[16000.332597] nouveau :01:00.0: fifo: engine 0: scheduled for recovery
[16000.332603] nouveau :01:00.0: fifo: engine 6: scheduled for recovery
[16000.332626] nouveau :01:00.0: Xorg[2420]: channel 2 killed!
[16014.029755] nouveau :01:00.0: firmware: failed to load 
nouveau/nv106_fuc084 (-2)
[16014.029764] nouveau :01:00.0: Direct firmware load for 
nouveau/nv106_fuc084 failed with error -2
[16014.029782] nouveau :01:00.0: firmware: failed to load 
nouveau/nv106_fuc084d (-2)
[16014.029786] nouveau :01:00.0: Direct firmware load for 
nouveau/nv106_fuc084d failed with error -2
[16014.029789] nouveau :01:00.0: msvld: unable to load firmware data
[16014.029792] nouveau :01:00.0: msvld: init failed, -19
[86845.159048] WARNING: CPU: 109 PID: 897 at 
drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvif/vmm.c:68 nvif_vmm_put+0x6a/0x80 [nouveau]
[86845.159209]  x_tables autofs4 ext4 crc16 mbcache jbd2 crc32c_generic 
hid_apple uas usb_storage sd_mod hid_generic usbhid hid nouveau mxm_wmi nvme 
video ahci ttm libahci nvme_core xhci_pci drm_kms_helper libata t10_pi 
crc32_pclmul igb xhci_hcd cec crc32c_intel crc_t10dif e1000e dca 
crct10dif_generic scsi_mod crct10dif_pclmul ptp drm usbcore crct10dif_common 
pps_core i2c_algo_bit i2c_piix4 usb_common wmi button [last unloaded: cpuid]
[86845.159348] Workqueue: events nouveau_cli_work [nouveau]
[86845.159380] RIP: 0010:nvif_vmm_put+0x6a/0x80 [nouveau]
[86845.159439]  nouveau_vma_del+0x78/0xc0 [nouveau]
[86845.159480]  nouveau_gem_object_delete_work+0x36/0x60 [nouveau]
[86845.159526]  nouveau_cli_work+0xcc/0x120 [nouveau]

  #1 SMP Debian 5.10.70-1 (2021-09-30) x86_64 GNU/Linux

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 11:23 AM Jerome BENOIT>> wrote:

Hi Lina, so you are mainly playing with a server and you are certnaily used 
an external monitor.
Have you tried with a totally different monitor ?
Are using a VGA terminal or Xorg windows ?
What does dmesg gives against nouveau ?
As root:
# dmesg | grep -i nouveau
What is you actual kernel:
# uname -a
Best whises,

On 22/10/2021 10:09, lina wrote:
 > Hi Jerome,
 > It is not a Mac computer.
 > It has only one System, Linux.

Re: computer screen blink

2021-10-22 Thread Jerome BENOIT

My mistake, you are using the stable Debian:
you may replace the buster-backports by  bullseye-backports

On 22/10/2021 11:47, Jerome BENOIT wrote:

Hi Lina,
your Debian is actually the old-stable (Buster).
You may consider to upgrade to the new stable (Bullseye)
since you seem to use recent hardware.

On 22/10/2021 11:38, lina wrote:

Hi Andrew,

#                   OFFICIAL DEBIAN REPOS

## Debian Main Repos
deb <> stable main 
contrib non-free
deb-src <> stable 
main contrib non-free

deb <> 
stable-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src <> 
stable-updates main contrib non-free

<> stable/updates main
<> stable/updates main

deb <> 
buster-backports main
deb-src <> 
buster-backports main

#                      UNOFFICIAL  REPOS

## 3rd Party Binary Repos
###Debian Multimedia
deb [arch=amd64,i386] 
<> bullseye main non-free

I have just installed the firmware-misc-nonfree and
firmware-linux-nonfree and nvidia-driver.

Re: computer screen blink

2021-10-22 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hi Lina,
your Debian is actually the old-stable (Buster).
You may consider to upgrade to the new stable (Bullseye)
since you seem to use recent hardware.

On 22/10/2021 11:38, lina wrote:

Hi Andrew,

#                   OFFICIAL DEBIAN REPOS

## Debian Main Repos
deb <> stable main 
contrib non-free
deb-src <> stable 
main contrib non-free

deb <> 
stable-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src <> 
stable-updates main contrib non-free

<> stable/updates main
<> stable/updates main

deb <> 
buster-backports main
deb-src <> 
buster-backports main

#                      UNOFFICIAL  REPOS

## 3rd Party Binary Repos
###Debian Multimedia
deb [arch=amd64,i386] 
<> bullseye main non-free

I have just installed the firmware-misc-nonfree and
firmware-linux-nonfree and nvidia-driver.

Thanks and hope it will work.

Best regards, lina

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 11:18 AM Andrew M.A. Cater>> wrote:

Hi Lina,

This is a relatively new computer. Do you have the non-free AMD firmware

The packages you probably want are firmware-misc-nonfree and

Does the /etc/apt/sources.list file include entries for contrib and 

What is the model of your video adapter: if I remember, you have an NVidia
card in there? [Nvidia GT730]. Optionally, you can install proprietary
Nvidia drivers - 

Hope this helps narrow down the problem.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

    On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 10:09:53AM +0200, lina wrote:
 > Hi Jerome,
 > It is not a Mac computer.
 > It has only one System, Linux.
 > The hardware should be fine as it happens after A BIG UPdating of the
 > system.
 > Howere, below is the hardware info. for your information,
 > # lspci
 > 00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse
 > Root Complex
 > 00:00.2 IOMMU: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse IOMMU
 > 00:01.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse
 > PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
 > 00:01.1 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse 
 > Bridge
 > 00:02.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse
 > PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
 > 00:03.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse
 > PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
 > 00:04.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse
 > PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
 > 00:05.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse
 > PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
 > 00:07.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse
 > PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
 > 00:07.1 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse
 > Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to bus[E:B]
 > 00:08.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse
 > PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
 > 00:08.1 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse
 > Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to bus[E:B]
 > 00:14.0 SMBus: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH SMBus Controller 
 > 61)
 > 00:14.3 ISA bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH LPC Bridge 
 > 51)
 > 00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 
 > Function 0
 > 00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 
 > Function 1
 > 00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 
 > Function 2
 > 00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 
 > Function 3
 > 0

Re: computer screen blink

2021-10-22 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hi Lina, so you are mainly playing with a server and you are certnaily used an 
external monitor.
Have you tried with a totally different monitor ?
Are using a VGA terminal or Xorg windows ?
What does dmesg gives against nouveau ?
As root:
# dmesg | grep -i nouveau
What is you actual kernel:
# uname -a
Best whises,

On 22/10/2021 10:09, lina wrote:

Hi Jerome,

It is not a Mac computer.

It has only one System, Linux.

The hardware should be fine as it happens after A BIG UPdating of the system.

Howere, below is the hardware info. for your information,

# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse Root 
00:00.2 IOMMU: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse IOMMU
00:01.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
00:01.1 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse GPP 
00:02.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
00:03.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
00:04.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
00:05.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
00:07.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
00:07.1 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse 
Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to bus[E:B]
00:08.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
00:08.1 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse 
Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to bus[E:B]
00:14.0 SMBus: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH SMBus Controller (rev 61)
00:14.3 ISA bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH LPC Bridge (rev 51)
00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 24; 
Function 0
00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 24; 
Function 1
00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 24; 
Function 2
00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 24; 
Function 3
00:18.4 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 24; 
Function 4
00:18.5 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 24; 
Function 5
00:18.6 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 24; 
Function 6
00:18.7 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship Device 24; 
Function 7
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK208B [GeForce GT 730] 
(rev a1)
01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GK208 HDMI/DP Audio Controller (rev a1)
02:00.0 Non-Essential Instrumentation [1300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 
[AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe Dummy Function
03:00.0 Non-Essential Instrumentation [1300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 
[AMD] Starship/Matisse Reserved SPP
03:00.3 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship USB 3.0 
Host Controller
20:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse Root 
20:00.2 IOMMU: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse IOMMU
20:01.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
20:02.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
20:03.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
20:04.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
20:05.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
20:07.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
20:07.1 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse 
Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to bus[E:B]
20:08.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
20:08.1 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse 
Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to bus[E:B]
21:00.0 Non-Essential Instrumentation [1300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 
[AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe Dummy Function
22:00.0 Non-Essential Instrumentation [1300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 
[AMD] Starship/Matisse Reserved SPP
22:00.1 Encryption controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] 
Starship/Matisse Cryptographic Coprocessor PSPCPP
22:00.3 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship USB 3.0 
Host Controller
22:00.4 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse HD 
Audio Controller
40:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse Root 
40:00.2 IOMMU: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse IOMMU
40:01.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe 
Dummy Host Bridge
40:01.1 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD

Re: computer screen blink

2021-10-21 Thread Jerome BENOIT

you may fist determine if it is a hardware issue or a software issue.
Some Mac screens are known to flicker after a while.
What is your computer ? Can you boot on Windows/MacOS to see if the same thing 
happens ?
Knowing your hardware may help a lot.

On 21/10/2021 10:51, lina wrote:

Adapter: PCI adapter
Tctl:         +62.6°C
Tdie:         +62.6°C
Tccd1:        +45.2°C
Tccd2:        +62.8°C
Tccd3:        +60.8°C
Tccd4:        +45.8°C
Tccd5:        +43.8°C
Tccd6:        +45.2°C
Tccd7:        +43.5°C
Tccd8:        +43.5°C

Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite:    +34.9°C  (low  =  -0.1°C, high = +89.8°C)
                        (crit = +94.8°C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
GPU core:    912.00 mV (min =  +0.80 V, max =  +1.19 V)
temp1:        +34.0°C  (high = +95.0°C, hyst =  +3.0°C)
                        (crit = +105.0°C, hyst =  +5.0°C)
                        (emerg = +135.0°C, hyst =  +5.0°C)

On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 3:22 PM Andrew M.A. Cater>> wrote:

On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 02:42:11PM +0200, lina wrote:
 > Hi all,
 > After using the computer for a long while, my screen will blink.
 > It has been months since the last time I upgraded the system.
 > I don't know how to start checking, every time I have to reboot the
 > computer,
 > would be great to get your advice,
 > thanks,

First things first: update your computer. Security fixes and fixes for
other problems come out all the time.

What Debian version are you running?

On what sort of computer?

Do you have screensavers or similar kicking in?

is there a temperature issue?

Are there logs?

A little more information would be helpful.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

Re: Debian

2021-10-19 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 19/10/2021 13:50, courtneyxshort wrote:

So there is no possible way to support Debian?

Currently there is no easy way to install Debian (or any Linux based 
distribution) on recent Macs.
People are working on porting the Linux kernel on them, but it is not a one-day 
As noticed on the Debian-User list, you must be more specific on what you 
really want to do:
technical terms are here important.
Best, Jerome

-- Original Message --
From: "Jerome BENOIT" 
To: "courtneyxshort" ;
Sent: Tuesday, 19 Oct, 21 At 12:45
Subject: Re: Debian

Hi Courtney,
latest Mac are not well, if not at all, supported by Linux.
You may try to install Debian on a PC (or an old supported mac) instead.

On 19/10/2021 13:11, courtneyxshort wrote:

I am a Computer Science Masters student and part of my degree involves me 
downloading Debian on my Mac. I have tried this countless times and I have been 
unsuccessful. I've watched Youtube videos/ read the information on your website 
and I am still unable to do this.

Is this something you could please help me with? I would be so grateful.


Re: Debian

2021-10-19 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hi Courtney,
latest Mac are not well, if not at all, supported by Linux.
You may try to install Debian on a PC (or an old supported mac) instead.

On 19/10/2021 13:11, courtneyxshort wrote:


I am a Computer Science Masters student and part of my degree involves me 
downloading Debian on my Mac. I have tried this countless times and I have been 
unsuccessful. I've watched Youtube videos/ read the information on your website 
and I am still unable to do this.

Is this something you could please help me with? I would be so grateful.


Re: Chemfig Latex compile program

2021-10-08 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hello Lina, can you provide a more minimal sample that reproduce the error ?
Best wishes,

On 08/10/2021 15:59, lina wrote:


When I updated the system, the following .tex code does not work, it shows the 
error likes this:

! Undefined control sequence.
*l.24 \setdoublesep
                   {0.2 em}  % 'Bond Spacing'*


\usepackage[table, svgnames, dvipsnames]{xcolor}


\setdoublesep{0.2 em}  % 'Bond Spacing'
\setatomsep{1.45 em}    % 'Fixed Length'
\setbondoffset{0.1 em} % 'Margin Width'
\newcommand{\bondwidth}{0.08 em} % 'Line Width'
\setbondstyle{line width = \bondwidth}




Re: Executar um programa no modo gráfico no momento da inicialização do Debian

2021-10-04 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Bonjour, please note that is an English spoken list.
Best wishes, Jerome

On 04/10/2021 15:14, Amarildo Machoski wrote:

Bom dia...

Primeiramente gostaria de agradecer em participar, espero também porder 

Como é a primeira vez que estou mandando uma dúvida não sei se estou fazendo de 
modo correto enviando este e-mail.

Estou voltando a utuilizar o Linux e escolhi o Debian para utilizar aqui na 
empresa. Tenho algum conhecimento com Linux mas de muito tempo atrás.

1) Instalaei a versão 11 em um PC e rodo somente Linux neste PC

2) Sou programador pascal, desenvolvi um programa e gostaria que ao startar o 
Debian , este programa desenvolvido por mim abrisse em seguida na tela.

Encontrei alguma coisa na internet falando sobre

"Sessão de inicialização" . Porém não consegui chegar nessa tal de sessão..  se 
este for o caminho eu precisaria de um passo a passo.

Até porque simplismente instalei o Debian, mas não sei se para ter essa sessão 
disponível ficou faltando instalar algo.

Peço desculpas se não consegui transmitir minha dúvida de modo claro.

Se alguém puder me auxiliar, ficarei muito grato.

Re: LaTeX - Newer REVTEX on Debian ?

2021-07-04 Thread Jerome BENOIT


my guess was that the bbl must be updated. Namely,
compose with apsrev4-2.bst (or one among the others).
I would check which one is actually used in the aux or blg file,
and I would check which one is actually pickup with kpsewhich(1).
For instance, you can try from a terminal:

kpsewhich -progname bibtex apsrev4-2.bst

You can also try first to compose (with latexmk for example) the examples
provided by REVTeX in order to check your installation.


On 04/07/2021 06:34, Robbi Nespu wrote:

I not sure how to update bst. Could you show me how?

Re: LaTeX - Newer REVTEX on Debian ?

2021-06-28 Thread Jerome BENOIT


this looks as a bibtex issue: did you update the bst ?

Otherwise, did you try to compose out of TeX Studio, for instance with command 
lines or latexmk ?


On 28/06/2021 03:05, Robbi Nespu wrote:

On 6/27/21 2:41 PM, Robbi Nespu wrote:

Issuing bug on

I trying to install it myself, where someone said there is a way how to 
override it

$ wget
$ sudo unzip ~/Downloads/TeX/ -d /usr/local/share/texmf
$ sudo mktexlsr /usr/local/share/texmf
$ sudo texhash

But when I run TeX Studio, it still throwing me same issue.

line 29: Extra \endgroup. \begin{document}
line 29: Missing \begin{document}. \begin{document}
: Failed to recognize \@vspace, \@vspacer, \@no@pgbk, \@newline, and \\; no 
patches applied. Please get a more up-to-date class, .
line 101: Citation `feyn54' on page 1 undefined
line 102: Citation `witten2001' on page 1 undefined
line 102: Citation `epr' on page 1 undefined
line 102: Citation `Bire82' on page 1 undefined
line 106: Citation `feyn54' on page 1 undefined
line 106: Citation `witten2001' on page 1 undefined
line 106: Citation `epr' on page 1 undefined
line 106: Citation `Berman1983' on page 1 undefined
line 107: Citation `epr' on page 1 undefined
line 107: Citation `feyn54' on page 1 undefined
line 107: Citation `Bire82' on page 1 undefined
line 107: Citation `Berman1983' on page 1 undefined
line 134: Citation `Note1' on page 2 undefined
line 457: Citation `feyn54' on page 5 undefined
: No file aip-cp-samp.bbl.

Any input regarding this are welcome.

Re: Sid, upgrade kernel casse mon Wifi

2021-02-10 Thread jerome moliere
d'apres le support System76 la these de la panne materielle semble la plus
Je vais donc commander une carte et tester 
Vous avez des references a conseiller en la matiere, compatibles si
possible Linux libre ?
chipsets ath9k ou ath10k . D'autres ?
Quelles references eventuellement ...
Merci a vous

Le lun. 8 févr. 2021 à 18:12, jerome moliere  a
écrit :

> Bonjour a tous,
> je suis victime d'un souci sournois sur 1 laptop System76 lemur pro dote
> de composants Intel 11eme generation.
> Suite a l'upgrade du kernel en 5.10-2 (et 3 depuis) je n'ai plus de wifi:
> - lspci voit toujours la carte lspci -nnk
> lspci -nnk|grep -i network   ─╯
> 00:14.3 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Comet Lake PCH-LP
> CNVi WiFi [8086:02f0]
> par contre  elle est invisible par ip/iwconfig etc
> ip a ─╯
> 1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group
> default qlen 1000
> link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
> inet scope host lo
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> inet6 ::1/128 scope host
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 2: enx0050b6ebc397:  mtu 1500
> qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
> link/ether 00:50:b6:eb:c3:97 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet brd scope global enx0050b6ebc397
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> inet6 2a01:cb19:65b:4100:2b1a:5245:8c46:60f3/64 scope global temporary
> dynamic
>valid_lft 1773sec preferred_lft 573sec
> inet6 2a01:cb19:65b:4100:250:b6ff:feeb:c397/64 scope global dynamic
> mngtmpaddr
>valid_lft 1773sec preferred_lft 573sec
> inet6 fe80::250:b6ff:feeb:c397/64 scope link
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 3: docker0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
> state DOWN group default
> link/ether 02:42:a0:41:aa:9a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet brd scope global docker0
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> Dans les logs du kernel on voit qu'il y a un souci de chargement du
> firmware:
> sudo dmesg|grep -i iwlwifi
> [4.769596] iwlwifi :00:14.3: minimum version required: (efault)198
> [4.769643] iwlwifi :00:14.3: maximum version supported: (efault)143
> [4.769684] iwlwifi :00:14.3: check git://
> [4.769744] iwlwifi :00:14.3: Couldn't request the fw
> [4.783252] iwlwifi: probe of :00:14.3 failed with error -2
> Effectivement avec une version mini (198) > a la version maxi (143) cela
> va etre dur de charger quoi que ce soit je pense
> J'ai tente de copier les fichiers .ucode chopes sur le site de Intel dans
> /lib/firmware mais sans succes
> Que puis je faire ?
> Depuis ma carte wifi est invisible sur toutes les distros avec des kernels
> differents j'ai tente plusieurs livecd mais elle est tjs aux abonnes
> absents...
> Vos conseils eclaires sont les bienvenus.
> Cordialement

Re: Sid, upgrade kernel casse mon Wifi

2021-02-10 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour a tous,
merci Etienne de cete reponse...
Alors OUI le souci n'est pas specifique a une distro il se produit pour
toutes les distros testees (environ 7 ou 8 avec des versions de kernel et
de packages linux-firmware differentes)
J'ai voulu teste GhostBSD mais la machine est recente et il ne boote pas
La carte Wifi est vue par le systeme avec lspci -nnk et le module essaie de
se charger Et juste avant l'update (jusqu'a Dimanche soir ou Lundi)
elle fonctionnait tres biem
Cela me parait etre du soft pur et dur 
Pour les numeros de version a noter que Garuda (Arch based)  n'indique pas
les memes mais ils sont errones et incoherents de la meme facon

Merci encore du coup de main... Je dois dire que je n'ai jamais ete
confronte a un souci aussi severe 
Encore merci

Le mar. 9 févr. 2021 à 21:26, Étienne Mollier 
a écrit :

> Bonsoir Jérôme,
> jerome moliere, on 2021-02-08 18:12:11 +0100:
> > Dans les logs du kernel on voit qu'il y a un souci de chargement du
> > firmware:
> > sudo dmesg|grep -i iwlwifi
> Les numéros de version ci-après :
> > [4.769596] iwlwifi :00:14.3: minimum version required:
> (efault)198
> > [4.769643] iwlwifi :00:14.3: maximum version supported:
> (efault)143
> sont précédés de la mention "(efault)".  Pour une raison ou pour
> une autre, le pilote tente d'accèder à une address invalide[1]
> pour indiquer les numéros de version de micrologiciel supportés
> par le pilote, d'où le résultat confus.
> [1]
> > [4.769684] iwlwifi :00:14.3: check git://
> >
> > [4.769744] iwlwifi :00:14.3: Couldn't request the fw
> > [4.783252] iwlwifi: probe of :00:14.3 failed with error -2
> [...]
> > Que puis je faire ?
> > Depuis ma carte wifi est invisible sur toutes les distros avec des
> kernels
> > differents j'ai tente plusieurs livecd mais elle est tjs aux abonnes
> > absents...
> Si le problème est indépendant des distributions, apparaissant
> ailleurs que dans Debian et ses distributions dérivées, alors ça
> vaudrait peut-être le coup d'ouvrir un rapport de bogue sur
> le bugzilla en amont[2].
> Éventuellement, ça pourrait valoir le coup de tester avec un
> système d'exploitation et un noyau entièrement différent (BSD,
> MS Windows), si c'est possible bien entendu, juste pour
> s'assurer que ce n'est pas la carte wifi qui a rendu l'âme.
> [2]
> Bonne soirée,
> --
> Étienne Mollier 
> Fingerprint:  8f91 b227 c7d6 f2b1 948c  8236 793c f67e 8f0d 11da
> Sent from /dev/pts/2, please excuse my verbosity.

Sid, upgrade kernel casse mon Wifi

2021-02-08 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour a tous,
je suis victime d'un souci sournois sur 1 laptop System76 lemur pro dote de
composants Intel 11eme generation.
Suite a l'upgrade du kernel en 5.10-2 (et 3 depuis) je n'ai plus de wifi:
- lspci voit toujours la carte lspci -nnk
lspci -nnk|grep -i network   ─╯
00:14.3 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Comet Lake PCH-LP CNVi
WiFi [8086:02f0]

par contre  elle est invisible par ip/iwconfig etc
ip a ─╯
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group
default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enx0050b6ebc397:  mtu 1500
qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:50:b6:eb:c3:97 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global enx0050b6ebc397
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 2a01:cb19:65b:4100:2b1a:5245:8c46:60f3/64 scope global temporary
   valid_lft 1773sec preferred_lft 573sec
inet6 2a01:cb19:65b:4100:250:b6ff:feeb:c397/64 scope global dynamic
   valid_lft 1773sec preferred_lft 573sec
inet6 fe80::250:b6ff:feeb:c397/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: docker0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
state DOWN group default
link/ether 02:42:a0:41:aa:9a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global docker0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Dans les logs du kernel on voit qu'il y a un souci de chargement du
sudo dmesg|grep -i iwlwifi

[4.769596] iwlwifi :00:14.3: minimum version required: (efault)198
[4.769643] iwlwifi :00:14.3: maximum version supported: (efault)143
[4.769684] iwlwifi :00:14.3: check git://
[4.769744] iwlwifi :00:14.3: Couldn't request the fw
[4.783252] iwlwifi: probe of :00:14.3 failed with error -2

Effectivement avec une version mini (198) > a la version maxi (143) cela va
etre dur de charger quoi que ce soit je pense
J'ai tente de copier les fichiers .ucode chopes sur le site de Intel dans
/lib/firmware mais sans succes

Que puis je faire ?
Depuis ma carte wifi est invisible sur toutes les distros avec des kernels
differents j'ai tente plusieurs livecd mais elle est tjs aux abonnes

Vos conseils eclaires sont les bienvenus.

Re: Conseils pour le développement sur Debian d'applications natives Windows/Linux

2020-11-21 Thread Jerome Flesch

Pour ma part je développe depuis quelques années un programme
cross-plateforme (Windows/Linux) en client lourd : .

C'est du Python+GTK.

Python est un langage très plaisant à utiliser. Par contre, dès qu'on
utilise des librairies qui ne sont pas pure-Python, le packaging
devient vite très compliqué. L'utilisation des bindings
Gobject-introspection pour accéder à GTK n'améliore pas la situation.

Sous GNU/Linux, je distribue ça surtout sous forme de Flatpak[1][2].
Ça me permet notamment de faire du déploiement continu[3][4]. Ça pose
juste des problèmes d'accès aux scanners (et quelques autres
périphériques pour d'autres applis) :/.
Je le distribue aussi sous forme de paquets pip[5]. Les paquets
incluent une commande à lancer pour vérifier et installer les
dépendances qui ne peuvent pas être prises en charge par pip
(`paperwork-gtk chkdeps`). Mais c'est moins pratique pour les
utilisateurs, et ce n'est donc plus la méthode recommandée.
Avec le temps, de gentils mainteneurs de paquets ont fait des paquets
pour diverses distributions. Ça reste de loin la méthode la plus
simple pour les utilisateurs. Le défaut pour moi, c'est que je ne peux
pas faire de déploiement continu.

Sous Windows, j'avais étudié la possibilité de faire de la
cross-compilation, mais je n'ai pas retenu cette solution finalement.
J'ai buté sur les bindings GObject Introspection : Si j'ai bien
compris, le programme qui les génère (g-ir-scanner) a besoin de
tourner sur le même système que le systẽme cible.
De façon générale, dès qu'on utilise des librairies natives, la
cross-compilation risque de causer des problèmes. Il me semble que
pour cross-compiler des programmes Windows, la seule solution est
d'utiliser les librairies Wine (ne serait-ce que pour le linkage). Du
coup, c'est difficile d'être certain que le résultat fonctionnera de
façon fiable sur un vrai Windows.
Le même problème se pose pour les tests automatiques : On peut les
lancer avec Wine, mais il n'y a aucune garantie que le comportement
sera exactement le même que sur un vrai Windows.

Vu que j'utilise GTK, le plus simple que j'ai trouvé est d'utiliser
une VM Windows et MSYS2[6]. Dans MSYS2, j'utilise cx-freeze[7] pour
créer un exécutable Windows. Cx_freeze n'a pas l'air de gérer très
bien les bindings GObject-Introspection, donc j'ai dû bricoler un peu
pour que ça passe (ajout de dépendances manquées par Cx_freeze à la
L'exécutable est accompagné de plein de fichiers de données. J'en fait
donc un ZIP[9] et l'upload sur un object storage OVH. C'est
l'installateur NSIS[10][11] qui va le télécharger et l'extraire à
l'installation. Du coup il télécharge toujours la dernière version
construite par CI/CD (donc on est presque sur du CI/CD complet de bout
en bout).

Pour être honnête, je regrette d'avoir fait le portage à Windows de
mon application. Ça m'a pris énormément de temps (développement de
Pyinsane puis Libinsane pour accéder aux scanners sous Windows,
difficulté pour packager, bugs à la c*n, etc). Mais bon, le gros de la
difficulté est passé, et des gens s'en servent maintenant ...
En tout cas, je ne porterais pas mes prochaines applications à Windows.

Concernant Go, il ne me semble pas que Go intègre de librairie de GUI
par défaut. Ça m'étonnerait aussi fortement qu'il existe une librairie
en pure-Go cross-plateforme. Ça veut dire qu'il faut des bindings
coincoin sur Qt ou GTK. Ça sent les problèmes aussi tordus que ceux
que j'ai eu avec Python. De plus, je ne suis pas certain que
l'éco-système de librairies pour le desktop basé sur Go soit aussi
développé que celui de Python.

Pour les applications Javascript genre Électron, dans le cadre de mes
développements, je fais une allergie sévère au Javascript et aux
machins « web ». Je trouve le langage Javascript infect, et de mon
point de vue, cette approche est une rustine sur un problème qui
aurait déjà dû être réglé plus proprement il y a longtemps. De toute
façon, avec ça, je n'aurais sûrement pas pu accéder aux scanners.

Pour Flutter/Dart, je ne connais pas.

Au final, pour faire des GUI cross-plateformes, je me dis que
l'approche Java/Swing était peut-être la bonne.



Re: Re : Re: HP laserjet pro M28a

2020-01-13 Thread Jerome Flesch

Le 2020-01-12 09:05, Michel a écrit :


En fait, il est reconnu, car lorsque l'on lance un scan, la "tête" fait
son aller / retour puis là il y a cette erreur:
error: SANE: Error during device I/O (code=9)
et le fichier généré est vide.

Je viens de refaire un test depuis une sid à jour ( depuis mon portable
) et idem; pourtant, les pilotes HPLIP sont les plus récents.


Je développe une librairie de scan cross-platform appelée Libinsane[1]. 
Pendant le développement du support de Sane, j'ai remarqué que certains 
backends Sane (Epson[2], HP[3], ...), renvoient parfois une erreur I/O 
au lieu d'indiquer la fin du flux de papiers. Dans ton cas, tu n'as 
qu'un scanner à plat donc ce ne devrait pas poser problème, mais c'est 
peut-être un indice: Une théorie pourrait être qu'il ne détecte pas de 
papier dans le scanner.

Dans tout les cas, je serais intéressé si tu pouvais m'aider en 
complétant ma base de données de scanners[4]. Est-ce que tu accepterais 
de m'envoyer un rapport de test de scan avec l'outil IronScanner ? 
IronScanner est disponible ici: . Comme tu es sous 
Stretch, le binaire pré-compilé ne fonctionnera probablement pas. Il te 
faudra suivre les instructions pour l'installer à partir des sources.
Avec ce rapport, qui sait, je pourrais peut-être te fournir des indices 
pour trouver la cause exacte de ton problème.




Re: Newcomer Problem: Synaptic

2020-01-03 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Das,

On 03/01/2020 13:09, das wrote:
>> You are mixing Ubuntu with Debian here: we cannot install Ubuntu packages on 
>> Debian (and vice versa).
>> You have to choose either Debian or Ubuntu. If you want to play with ppa 
>> stuff, you must choose Ubuntu.
>> If you want to stick to Debian and install the PPA material, you may to 
>> consider to build your own Debian
>> packages from the Debian source that might be provided by PPA. This might be 
>> a fluid process or not.
> Thank you Jerome for this rapid response. I have understood what you
> said, but I do not know how to solve this problem.
> I do know nothing about Debian or Ubuntu. For a little less than two
> decades I was using Fedora. So, please give me some practical
> suggestion.
> This is the content of my '/etc/apt/sources.list':
> <<
> deb buster main contrib non-free
> deb-src buster main contrib non-free
> deb buster/updates main contrib 
> non-free
> deb-src buster/updates main
> contrib non-free
> deb buster-updates main contrib non-free
> deb-src buster-updates main contrib non-free

your sources.list  is sane.

Do you have any file in `/etc/apt/sources.list.d' ?

> I am getting no mention of Ubuntu here. But, still I am getting that
> error message about '
> focal InRelease' from Synaptic. How to correct this error?

PPA stuff is foreign to Debian: at one point some ubuntu material was introduce 
either by you
or somewhere else (in thsi case, it is a bug).
Ubuntu is build upon Debian, and bring its own stuff and policy. It is also 
more oriented
to regular user. But coming from Fedora, I guess that you are familiar with 

I would forget synpatic and use the command interface tools: aptidute(1), or 
better apt(1)
(along sudo  or as root). I am not a fan of graphical interfaces.

> Thanks
> Das

Re: Newcomer Problem: Synaptic

2020-01-03 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Das,

On 03/01/2020 12:06, das wrote:
> Hello Friends:
> I am using Debian for four or five days only and obviously I did
> something stupide while installing and trying to learn the system.
> When I am using Synaptic can clicking 'update', it is giving me this
> error message
> <<
> GPG error: focal
> InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the
> public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 83FBA1751378B444The repository
> ' focal InRelease' is
> not signed.
> How to solve it?

You are mixing Ubuntu with Debian here: we cannot install Ubuntu packages on 
Debian (and vice versa).
You have to choose either Debian or Ubuntu. If you want to play with ppa stuff, 
you must choose Ubuntu.
If you want to stick to Debian and install the PPA material, you may to 
consider to build your own Debian
packages from the Debian source that might be provided by PPA. This might be a 
fluid process or not.

hth, Jerome

> Thanks in Advance
> das
> Kolkata, WB, India

hyperlinks in PDF open thunderbird instead of firefox

2019-11-29 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello All,

I have just noticed that when I click on an hyperlink in a PDF then thunderbird 
shows up instead of firefox.
I guess it s related to the recent update of thunderbird.
What is the best way to fix this annoying issue ?

Thanks in advance,

plotutils: graph -TX: small

2019-10-25 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hi, I am using graph from the plotutils(1) package in order to have a quick 
The X output format is small on my hightresolution screen (MacBookPro retina):
how can I make it bigger ? I am looking for a permanent configuration.
Thanks in advance, Jerome

merkaartor: annoying merkaartor.log in HOME

2019-09-11 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello List,

each time I read an OSM data file with merkaartor,
a (very) annoying merkaartor.log is let in my HOME directory.
How can we get rid of it ? or get it elsewhere ?

Thanks in advance,

Re: How can we check that a compressed file is rsyncable ?

2019-06-22 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Etienne, thanks for your reply.

On 22/06/2019 16:35, Étienne Mollier wrote:
> Jerome Benoit, on 2019-06-22:
>> How can we check that a compressed file is rsyncable ?
>> In fact I would like to know if tarball compress with plzip
>> are rsyncable ?
> Good Day,
> If by "rsyncable", you mean "can be transferred by rsync", then
> yes, like most files.  :)

Aaah !

> If you wonder if the delta-transfer algorithm will be in use,
> although I have not tested directly plzip, chances are the
> compression will not enable it.

I was refering to the long option --rsyncable of gzip(1).
So, in fact the keyword I was looking for is delta-transfer .

> If you wish to assess the efficiency of the delta-transfer, use
> the option "--stats".  At first transfer of the current source
> code of rsync, repacked:
>   $ rsync --stats -a rsync-3.1.3.tar.xz
>   Number of files: 1 (reg: 1)
>   Number of created files: 1 (reg: 1)
>   Number of deleted files: 0
>   Number of regular files transferred: 1
>   Total file size: 676,984 bytes
>   Total transferred file size: 676,984 bytes
>   Literal data: 676,984 bytes
>   Matched data: 0 bytes
>   File list size: 0
>   File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
>   File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
>   Total bytes sent: 677,262
>   Total bytes received: 35
>  >>>>>> sent 677,262 bytes  received 35 bytes  43,696.58 bytes/sec
>   total size is 676,984  speedup is 1.00
> Then I add an empty "toto" file, repack, and see changes:
>   $ rsync --stats -a rsync-3.1.3.tar.xz
>   Number of files: 1 (reg: 1)
>   Number of created files: 0
>   Number of deleted files: 0
>   Number of regular files transferred: 1
>   Total file size: 677,000 bytes
>   Total transferred file size: 677,000 bytes
>  >>>>>> Literal data: 677,000 bytes
>  >>>>>> Matched data: 0 bytes
>   File list size: 0
>   File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
>   File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
>   Total bytes sent: 677,278
>   Total bytes received: 5,015
>  >>>>>> sent 677,278 bytes  received 5,015 bytes  454,862.00 bytes/sec
>   total size is 677,000  speedup is 0.99
> In the case of tar archive compressed with XZ's LZMA2, the delta
> transfer is not in use, the whole file is resent.  (The
> bandwidth increase here is most likely related to the drive
> spinup time at first transfer, the target was a low end laptop.)
> When delta transfer is in use, given a file with the following
> properties at first transfer :
>   $ rsync --stats -aSH rsync_3.1.3-6.dsc
>   Number of files: 1 (reg: 1)
>   Number of created files: 1 (reg: 1)
>   Number of deleted files: 0
>   Number of regular files transferred: 1
>   Total file size: 1,877 bytes
>   Total transferred file size: 1,877 bytes
>   Literal data: 1,877 bytes
>   Matched data: 0 bytes
>   File list size: 0
>   File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
>   File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
>   Total bytes sent: 1,993
>   Total bytes received: 35
>  >>>>>> sent 1,993 bytes  received 35 bytes  1,352.00 bytes/sec
>   total size is 1,877  speedup is 0.93
> append a line with "toto" at the end of file, resend, and you
> should see a non-zero value for matched data:
>   $ rsync --stats -aSH rsync_3.1.3-6.dsc
>   Number of files: 1 (reg: 1)
>   Number of created files: 0
>   Number of deleted files: 0
>   Number of regular files transferred: 1
>   Total file size: 1,884 bytes
>   Total transferred file size: 1,884 bytes
>  >>>>>> Literal data: 484 bytes
>  >>>>>> Matched data: 1,400 bytes
>   File list size: 0
>   File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
>   File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
>   Total bytes sent: 613
>   Total bytes received: 53
>  >>>>>> sent 613 bytes  received 53 bytes  1,332.00 bytes/sec
>   total size is 1,884  speedup is 2.83
> See what it gives when you test transfers of you plzip archives.

Thanks for the hint. I will give it a try once I have before me.

> Happy hacking,

Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
AE28 AE15 710D FF1D 87E5  A762 3F92 19A6 7F36 C68B

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

How can we check that a compressed file is rsyncable ?

2019-06-22 Thread Jerome BENOIT

How can we check that a compressed file is rsyncable ?

In fact I would like to know if tarball compress with plzip are rsyncable ?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Please help delete printer job

2019-06-13 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 13/06/2019 18:31, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Rodolfo Medina wrote: 
>> Hi...
>> by mistake I told my Samsung ML-1925 to print a large document and don't 
>> manage
>> to cancel that...  I tried with the `cancel' command, also lprm, and also 
>> from
>> within web browser print management...  but nothing, it goes on wanting to
>> print it still.  Before it uses all the available ink and more, please anyone
>> tell me how to stop it.
> Turn off the printer. Go, do that now.
> Now you have time to figure out how to stop the job from being
> resubmitted.

You may want to begin to conside CUPS.


> -dsr-

Re: Keyboard not responding after exiting X

2019-05-20 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 20/05/2019 13:42, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> Brian  writes:
>> On Mon 20 May 2019 at 06:15:57 +, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>> In order to have PDFtoMusic properly installed and work (see thread
>>> `PDFtoMusic installation') I had to do a full-upgrade to unstable.
>>> Everything is ok now except that, when logging out X (graphical environment,
>>> window manager), the keyboard is totally not responding so that I have to
>>> power off using the external button on the computer case.  Anyone
>>> experimenting the same problem?  Please help whoever can.
>> Bug #929229 and Bug #929250.
> Thanks, Brian.  So what should I do, waiting for them to be fixed and do a
> full-upgrade again in a few days/weeks/months...?

My understanding is that you play with the Sid distribution. This distribution 
is unstable by nature,
and its main purpose is to test and check new packages.
You should rather consider to install Buster which by now can be can considered 
quite stable.


> Rodolfo

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: install debian on latest Macbook pro

2019-04-11 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Lina,

On 12/04/2019 02:44, lina wrote:
> Hi,
> When I tried to install the Debian on latest MacBook Pro, I found the
> keyboard and the touchpad does not work.
> It is just the beginning, I know I will meet lots of problems,
> Is there any link providing the information how to install and set up
> the debian on the latest version? The one I can grab is for old
> version.

You want to have a look at


> Thanks, lina

Re: Wondering how long it usually takes for a package to move from stable-p-u

2019-04-10 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 11/04/2019 05:59, Luke Picciau wrote:
> I have been tracking this package 
> for about a month 
> because the package version 20170929~deb9u1 which is in stable has a bug 
> which is blocking my docker image builds. Version 20170929~deb9u2 should 
> fix it but the package has been in stable-p-u for a while now. How long 
> usually does it take for a package to move from stable-p-u to stable?

You have to bear in mind that currently Debian is terminating a cycle.
> And is there any way I can install just that one package as the newer 
> version on debian stretch without changing the repos to testing for the 
> whole OS?

I guess that the best you can do is to build your own package from the debian 
source material.


Re: Running Debian on an AMD Ryzen system

2019-02-22 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 22/02/2019 14:39, Sam Varghese wrote:
> On Fri, February 22, 2019 7:12 pm, Andrea Borgia wrote:
>> Hi, Sam.
>> Unless you go for the "G" variant of Ryzen (with embedded GPU(, you should
>> be good to go with no special care if you use the current "testing".
>> If you decide to use "G" as I did, you should probably opt for this
>> kernel:
> Thank you, Andrea, and everyone else for the helpful responses. Much
> appreciated.
> I think I will avoid the "G" variant; the Ryzen5 2600 is available for
> $259 (Australian dollars) which I will probably buy over the weekend.

Out of curiosity, in what kind computer do you plan to plug it ?


> Sam
> (Sam Varghese)

[OT]Deverminer des doutes sur les limites d'un serveur

2018-10-24 Thread jerome moliere

Bonjour à tous,

ceci n'est pas spécifique à Debian mais propre à Linux globalement.

Sur des serveurs de  production très chargés on soupçonne des 
comportements erratiques de temps en temps avec probablement incriminées 
des limitations d'environnement (ulimit et autres)...

Ma question est de savoir si l'on peut activer une trace système lors du 
refus d'ouverture d'un fichier ou d'une socket par le kernel ? Quels 
autres outils utiliseriez vous ?

J'ai fait un petit script utilisant le pseudo filesystem /sys pour 
connaitre le nombre de file descriptors utilisés à l'instant t et l'on 
constate au moment d'incidents que ce nombre passe de 1800 environ à 200 
d'un seul coup...

Par avance merci pour vos suggestions


Re: Upset with debian performance

2018-10-13 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Dear Joe,

On 13/10/18 13:46, Joe wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 12:55:47 +0400
> Jerome BENOIT  wrote:
>> Dear Mask,
>> this is a User list. 
>> Feel free to submit relevant bug reports to the package maintainers,
>> or event far better to provide patches to fix the issues.
> Dear Jerome,
> This is a user list.

I understood that.

> I've dabbled with programming for forty-five years, and written a few
> bits of firmware for PIC microcontrollers. I'll submit bug reports, and
> I have submitted quite a few, but I would not feel qualified to write
> code for Debian. Particularly in C, which I haven't touched for at
> least twenty years. It is unsafe to assume that all Debian *users* are
> professional C programmers.

I understand that that all Debian users are not familiar with C,
hence the `even better' (that I understood as a possibility: `if you can do it 
(time+skill+...), please do it').
Anyway, good bug reports at the relevant place are better that complains at the 
wrong place.

I also understand that the issue with FireFox in Stable is recent (and came 
from security):
please give a chance to the involved maintainers to fix it.

The issue bother me too, BTW.


Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
AE28 AE15 710D FF1D 87E5  A762 3F92 19A6 7F36 C68B

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Upset with debian performance

2018-10-13 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Dear Mask,

On 13/10/18 12:48, Mask The Truth God wrote:
> To anyone with an exceptional understanding of the debian OS (mainly directed 
> to Developers)

this is a User list. 

> I am quite upset with the performance I have been getting from my debian 
> system since I have downloaded it. I will try to explain in as much detail as 
> I can so if it is possible someone might be able to change my mind and make 
> me keep debian as my daily driver then it might happen.
> I just got done doing a fresh install of debian 9.5 stable, I enjoyed it at 
> first and then followed instructions from long time debian users and 
> installed all of the necessary drivers and firmware ect  after i got 
> everything installed it seemed to be working great untill I started up 
> firefox. This was one of the first major performance problems that came 
> about. Every time i would watch a youtube video or view a twitch stream it 
> would work for a second  but then the video would glitch and skip around 
> along with audio glitching from seconds ago repeating itself. (more with the 
> live streams on twitch than the youtube videos but they still are glitchy too 
> but not as much as the twtich) Also in firefox every time i scroll firefox 
> would be  laggy and choppy. I then installed Opera to check and see if it was 
> possibly caused by a corrupted firefox and opera behaved the exact same. The 
> same choppy scrolling also happened when I installed discord to the system 
> when i would scroll
> in the discord chats. To rule out the obvious here I have a well tested 
> eithernet cable that works great with all my other systems so that is not the 
> isssue. 
> The second biggest problem with debian is the audio control. I have written 
> about this before about a week ago when i was still trying to have hope and 
> configure everything and since ive installed AMD firmware and the drivers it 
> has gone down a lot but it still will make the awful hissing noise i 
> complained about before (i will put this description at the bottom of this 
> email for anyone who did not see my email a week ago about that problem) 
> as I work a lot with music production and video streaming These problems are 
> major for me and are making me think of just giving up and switching to 
> Manjaro. 

Feel free to submit relevant bug reports to the package maintainers, or event 
far better to provide patches to fix the issues.

> I still think Debian is a solid OS but from what I am witnessing it seems If 
> i am very concerned with perfect audio for music recording and streaming 
> videos with no glitching then maybe debian is not meant for what I need and i 
> should switch to something more modern and aimed at being used as an every 
> day system like Manjaro?

Feel fre to switch.

> Here is the USB audio problem I am having: 
> Sent with ProtonMail <> Secure Email.

Jerome (unmasked)

Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
AE28 AE15 710D FF1D 87E5  A762 3F92 19A6 7F36 C68B

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Linux equivalent of Apple's fontbook

2018-07-17 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Johann,

On 17/07/18 13:49, Johann Spies wrote:
> On Debian, how do I see what all the characters in a LateX font like
> Linux Libertine O look like?

This looks as a LaTeX question rather then a Linux one.

> Fontbook on OS X is a very good program to exactly see what a font looks like.


> Regards
> Johann

Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
AE28 AE15 710D FF1D 87E5  A762 3F92 19A6 7F36 C68B

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: making more room in root partition for distribution upgrade

2018-05-22 Thread Jerome Kutche
Curious .. Why do I get two of every posting. What setting do I need to 
change.. Thanks Jerry

On 5/22/2018 2:29 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

Le 22/05/2018 à 00:12, Abdullah Ramazanoğlu a écrit :

On Mon, 21 May 2018 23:18:50 +0200 Pascal Hambourg said:

Le 21/05/2018 à 22:09, Abdullah Ramazanoğlu a écrit :

I would agree mirroring swap for a mission critical server. 
Otherwise it

would be an overkill, IMO.

If one of the non-mirrored swaps go down, then I will get a system 


So you lose system availability. If you can stand this, then you don't
need availability.

Although swap going offline causing "a system crash" was a bit of an
overstatement. More likely, some user space applications would crash, 

a graceful system shutdown - once in 15 years or so.

What is of primary value of using RAID-1 for me is protecting my data 

disk failures.

As for continuous system availability, yes I am willing to trade it a 
bit on a

non-critical system for better disk utilization and performance.

I understand that your use case does not require swap redundancy.
I hope that you also understand that other people may have stronger 
requirements and your statement about swap mirroring was wrong for 
them, thus wrong in general (what is not always right is wrong).

Re: Acrobat Reader stops works

2018-01-15 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 15/01/18 16:32, Carl Fink wrote:
> On 01/15/2018 06:45 AM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
>> On 15/01/18 13:32, Kamil Jońca wrote:
>>> Recently I have to reinstall my system.
>>> Most of things works OOTB, but I cannot make Acrobat Reader (9.5.5) to
>>> work.
>>> Stracing shows segmentation fault (catched) in main thread.
>>> Worse thing is, on second computer with the same libraries(and the same 
>>> versions) acroread
>>> work.
>>> Any hints/thoughts?
>> migrate to evince ?
> That's rather an unhelpful answer, isn't it?

I do not think so because acrobat reader is no more supported by adobe.
This is very unfortunate, but true.

> Kamil, can you post the actual output of strace? What version of
> Debian you are using would also be good, especially kernel version.


Re: Acrobat Reader stops works

2018-01-15 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 15/01/18 13:32, Kamil Jońca wrote:
> Recently I have to reinstall my system.
> Most of things works OOTB, but I cannot make Acrobat Reader (9.5.5) to
> work.
> Stracing shows segmentation fault (catched) in main thread.
> Worse thing is, on second computer with the same libraries(and the same 
> versions) acroread
> work.
> Any hints/thoughts?

migrate to evince ?


> KJ

Re: HiDPI migration: desktop environment issue

2017-12-24 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Thanks for your reply.

On 25/12/17 00:05, Dan Ritter wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 02:24:17PM +0400, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
>> Hello, I am currently migrating to a HiDPI box (akda Retina box).
>> Since the arrival of GNOME3, I have used Xfce as an alternative to GNOME[2]:
>> I have been happy so far with this choice. Right now, I migrating to
>> a retina box: it appears, unfortunately, that Xfce support for HiDPI is low.
>> small (if not tiny) icons there, big fonts here; and so forth.
>> I have tried to fix it to stick to Xfce; after all Xfce is lightweight.
>> But the issue is that X is not yet ready to manage HiDPI properly:
>> a lot of tweaks are needed to get something almost readable.
> I only found three tweaks needed for XFCE:
> 1. Change the DPI setting upwards.

xdpyinfo now gives the expected resolution (220 dpi) and screen dimension.
Nevertheless, in the /v/l/Xorg.0.log, DIP is still set to 96 .

> 2. Increase the size of the panel bars.


> 3. Select a theme that scales title bars and buttons with the
>size of the font.

I switched to the Default-hdpi style.
BTW, is there any list of HiDPI compatible theme ?

I also  managed to get readable fonts for my xterm consoles, and gvim.

So far, I could not fix the size of the button/icons for gvim and evince:
any hint ?

Thanks, Jerome

> -dsr-

HiDPI migration: desktop environment issue

2017-12-24 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello, I am currently migrating to a HiDPI box (akda Retina box).

Since the arrival of GNOME3, I have used Xfce as an alternative to GNOME[2]:
I have been happy so far with this choice. Right now, I migrating to
a retina box: it appears, unfortunately, that Xfce support for HiDPI is low.
small (if not tiny) icons there, big fonts here; and so forth.
I have tried to fix it to stick to Xfce; after all Xfce is lightweight.
But the issue is that X is not yet ready to manage HiDPI properly:
a lot of tweaks are needed to get something almost readable.

I read that Cinnamon and MATE, both former clones of GNOME[2], have HiDPI in 
is there any other possibility ? which one is the best in terms of weight and 
HiDPI support ?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Many executables across Debian's archives share basenames

2017-10-06 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 06/10/17 17:24, Stefan Monnier wrote:
>>> Now "import" is quite another kettle of fish: it's part of the
>>> ImageMagick suite (not much to do with X, actually), which has the
>>> (questionable) tradition of calling its things "display", "convert",
>>> "identify", "compare"... or even "conjure"). Now ImageMagick is so
>>> useful that people seem to tolerate it, but a prefix (e.g. "im-")
>>> or a super-command ("im") would be more modern, yes.
>> ImageMagick only gets away with it because of its age and ubiquity.
>> It's grandfathered in.
> How 'bout installing imagemagick executables into
> a /usr/bin/im/ subdirectory?
> This way, you can refer to it via `im/convert` but if you prefer to 
> use the "grandfather" name, you can just add /usr/bin/im/ to your PATH.

We can also add the prefix im- to each executable.
For instance, the tools coming with the nauty package are prefixed with nauty-
to avoid name collision.


> Stefan

Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
AE28 AE15 710D FF1D 87E5  A762 3F92 19A6 7F36 C68B

Description: OpenPGP digital signature


2017-08-23 Thread Jerome Flesch
It's based on Tesseract. It can also use Cuneiform, but results are not as

2017-08-23 8:55 GMT+02:00 MENGUAL Jean-Philippe <>:

> Hi,
> I will test it, happy to know a new tool. Is it based on tesseract as well
> or is it your own engine?
> Best regards,
> Le 23/08/2017 à 08:21, Jerome Flesch a écrit :
> Hello,
> Since it may be relevant, I'm going to do some advertisement for my
> own software : .
> I hope it can help you,
> 2017-08-23 0:22 GMT+02:00 Stephen Grant Brown <> 
> <>:
> Hi All,
> What is the best OCR package to use to scan the receipts given immediately
> after making a purchase?
> Yours Sincerely
> Stephen Grant Brown
> --
> [image: Logo Hypra] JEAN-PHILIPPE MENGUAL
> 102, rue des poissonniers, 75018, Paris
> Tel : +331 84 73 06 61 <+33184730661> Mob : +336 76 34 93 37
> <+33676349337>
> [image: Facebook Hypra] <> [image:
> Twitter Hypra] <> [image: Linkedin
> Jean-Philippe]
> <>


2017-08-23 Thread Jerome Flesch

Since it may be relevant, I'm going to do some advertisement for my
own software : .

I hope it can help you,

2017-08-23 0:22 GMT+02:00 Stephen Grant Brown :
> Hi All,
> What is the best OCR package to use to scan the receipts given immediately
> after making a purchase?
> Yours Sincerely
> Stephen Grant Brown

Re: graphviz: pdf output with vectorial fonts

2017-07-28 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Debian users,

On 24/07/17 19:23, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> Hello Forum,
> my pdf outputs with dot are ugly: while boxes and edges are vectorial,
> text is in pixel: in short I have a font issue.
> I am looking for a vectorial (scalabe ?) font ?
> It might be a configuration issue (even if I do not play with fonts).
> Otherwise, any hint is welcome.

Finally I find a way: just pass through GS instead of cairo:

dot -Teps -o N.eps
epstopdf N.eps


> Thanks in advance,
> Jerome

Re: Stretch: xfce and xscreensaver

2017-07-27 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hi Johann, thanks for your reply.

On 27/07/17 10:14, Johann Spies wrote:
> On 27 July 2017 at 07:52, Jerome BENOIT <> wrote:
>> Hello Debian Users,
>> I have recently upgraded my box from Jessie to Stretch.
>> I encountered a few little issues that I could fixed easily.
>> Nevertheless, so far, I failed to fixed one of them, and a very annoying one.
>> During Xfce sessions, at random time my screen is filled with piece
>> of outdated images that were created by xscreensaver.
>> Most of the time, these images comes with an outdated error message from 
>> xscreensaver.
> How did you configure xscreensaver?  I use XFCE and have no problems.
Good to know.

> My screensaver is configured to display images from a certain
> directory randomly.

It is configured to display the `deco' saver.

Cheers, Jerome

> Regards
> Johann

Stretch: xfce and xscreensaver

2017-07-27 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Debian Users,

I have recently upgraded my box from Jessie to Stretch.
I encountered a few little issues that I could fixed easily.
Nevertheless, so far, I failed to fixed one of them, and a very annoying one.

During Xfce sessions, at random time my screen is filled with piece
of outdated images that were created by xscreensaver.
Most of the time, these images comes with an outdated error message from 

Any hint to fix is is welcome.

Thanks in advance,

graphviz: pdf output with vectorial fonts

2017-07-24 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Forum,

my pdf outputs with dot are ugly: while boxes and edges are vectorial,
text is in pixel: in short I have a font issue.
I am looking for a vectorial (scalabe ?) font ?
It might be a configuration issue (even if I do not play with fonts).
Otherwise, any hint is welcome.

Thanks in advance,

Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
AE28 AE15 710D FF1D 87E5  A762 3F92 19A6 7F36 C68B

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Stretch: merkaartor: is it working ?

2017-07-03 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Forum,

I have just tried merkaartor on my Stretch box:
so far I cannot make it works as within Jessie:
does anyone observed the same ?
Any hint is welcome.


Stretch: RUNPATH seems no more taken into account

2017-06-28 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hi Again,

I migrated from Jessie to Stretch a few days ago.

I have just realised that the RUNPATH (as printed by `chrpath -l`)
of one of my local program is no more taken into account.
I rebuilt it, but the issue remains.
Any idea ?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Debian Stretch Xfce: effective screeen bigger than the monitor screen

2017-06-28 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Indeed :-)

Thanks a lot for your prompt reply

On 28/06/17 20:52, Apurv Jyotirmay wrote:
> For me it has always been with holding "alt" key and use scroll wheel. Try it.
> -Apurv
> On Jun 28, 2017 22:13, "Jerome BENOIT" < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hello Forum,
> I have recently migrated from Jessie to Stretch. I have a couple of minor 
> issues.
> One of them concern Xfce: some time my fingers seem to do a combination 
> of keys
> that magnifies the screen: I got a floating desktop environment that is 
> lager
> than my actual screen. Does any know the magic combination that leads to 
> this state ?
> And, more importantly, how can we go back to the normal state ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jerome

Debian Stretch Xfce: effective screeen bigger than the monitor screen

2017-06-28 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Forum,

I have recently migrated from Jessie to Stretch. I have a couple of minor 
One of them concern Xfce: some time my fingers seem to do a combination of keys
that magnifies the screen: I got a floating desktop environment that is lager
than my actual screen. Does any know the magic combination that leads to this 
state ?
And, more importantly, how can we go back to the normal state ?

Thanks in advance,

how take a xscreensaver/deco image as backgound image

2017-06-27 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello List,

I use deco as xscreesaver and I would like to take one of its random image as 
(static) background:
is there a simple way to do so ?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Bloquer péripheriques Usb

2016-12-26 Thread jerome
Le lundi 26 décembre 2016 à 18:01 +0100, Gian Luca Dequecker a écrit :
> Pour des raisons de sécurité, je voudrais bloquer l’utilisation des
> périphériques connectés sur les ports USB (écriture sur le disque
> dur, ssd,
> pendrive), mais laisser la possibilité de connecter un appareil photo
> numérique (décharger les photos). Pouvez-vous m'indiquer comment
> procéder?
> Merci pour votre aide.

Bloquer je sais, bloquer sans bloquer... peut être simplement en
utilisant des règles UDEV, mais il y aura quand même un accès sur le
périphérique au moment de l'identification.

Fwd: Error in Linux Debian

2016-09-23 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Juan, welcome to Debian.
Your question is a Debian User question, so I redirect it to the debian-user 
Best, Jerome

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Error in Linux Debian
Date:   Fri, 23 Sep 2016 21:17:56 -0300
From:   Juan Carlos Cangiano <>

Hello Jerome my name is Juan Carlos am from Argentina, I am a student and got 
your contact from the <> page.
I have this problem, install Linux Debian, from the graphical interface root to 
install the Netbeans, first install the JDP (Java Development Kit) in 32bit and 
my Linux is 64bit, then try to install the Netbeans tells me that the JDP is 
32bit 64bit install it. When I leave installer Netbeans I stared single desk 
root. let me do nothing and neither is the bar. Restart the computer and enter 
the root me is the same. I can only see the wallpaper and nothing else. Just 
entering a user I can use all normal mind. But when entering the root I can not 
see anything. How can i fix this?
You very much appreciate your response,
Juan Carlos

texdoctk: how to set Button colours ?

2016-08-20 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Forum,

whenever I launch texdoctk(1), I get the message:

NOTE: Button colours not set in /etc/texmf/texdoctk/texdocrc.defaults; 
using defaults.

Any hint on how to fix this ?

Thanks in advance,

Re: computer cann't shut down

2016-03-19 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Forum:

On 20/03/16 04:42, Michael Milliman wrote:
> On 03/19/2016 09:40 PM, lina wrote:
>> shutdown -h now
>> doesn't work. it still reboot.
> This sounds like an issue with the hardware or BIOS not with the
> Debian OS, or with the Desktop environment.  Though I have not had
> this problem, I have had several others related to
> shutdown/reboot/suspend/hibernate on various machines, but I know for
> a fact that all such problems have been with the hardware/BIOS, not
> the Debian software.  I don't know enough about the iMac to offer
> anything more.

Does recent iMac have a BIOS ?


>> On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 8:16 AM, Lisi Reisz <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Saturday 19 March 2016 23:37:05 Patrick Bartek wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 19 Mar 2016, David Christensen wrote:
>>>>> On 03/19/2016 05:40 AM, lina wrote:
>>>>>> Every time since I installed the system,
>>>>>> every time I tried Shut Down, it mainly restart again.
>>>>>> I checked online and tried several methods but still don't
>>>>>> work.
>>>>>> Can anyone suggest me how to solve it.
>>>>> I'm having the same issue:
>>>>> So far, no progress in resolving it.
>>>> No problem here.  'shutdown -h now' (as root) works as it
>>>> should. Wheezy 64-bit, fully up-to-date; no desktop
>>>> environments installed, just Openbox window manager.  System
>>>> boots to terminal, login there, then startx. I like to keep
>>>> things simple.
>>>> Maybe, problem is related to a desktop environment.
>>>> B
>>> No, I use a desktop, and have a desktop installed on several
>>> other computers I administer.  3 x Wheezy, 2 x Jessie.  TDE,
>>> variously 14.0.3 and All shut down without a problem.
>>> Lisi

Re: Debian and Firefox/Iceweasel

2016-02-25 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Charlie:

On 26/02/16 03:53, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> if Iceweasel incorporates those Firefox features, I would have to also switch 
> away from Debian.  

Is it not an extreme attitude ? There are plenty of web browser around:

Be aware that the list is not complete: for instance xombrero is not listed.


Re: how to install debian on iMac

2016-02-20 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 21/02/16 00:53, Rick Thomas wrote:
> On Feb 20, 2016, at 2:31 PM, Jerome BENOIT <> 
> wrote:
>> There is a Debian website dedicated to MacBookPro machines.
>> Ubuntu also provides information.
> Thanks!  This may be helpful.  Can you provide some links?

Google is our friend here:

> Enjoy!
> Rick

Re: how to install debian on iMac

2016-02-20 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 20/02/16 23:13, Rick Thomas wrote:
> On Feb 19, 2016, at 9:31 PM, lina <> wrote:
>> Has anyone tried successfully to install the debian into the iMac
>> with Fusion drive?
>> The basic configuration is
>> •   2.8GHz quad-core Intel Core i5 processor, Turbo Boost up to
>> 3.3GHz •   Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200 •   8GB 1867MHz LPDDR3 •
>> 1TB Fusion Drive
>> Where I can find a step-by-step guide?
>> Thanks,
> Hi Lina,
> As noted by another person on the list, there is a fairly complete
> installation guide at
> I've never tried installing Debian on an intel-based Mac before, but
> as it happens, I do have a MacBook-Pro from about 2007 or so that I
> recently retired and replaced with with a much lighter MacBook Air.
> Since your biggest problem is probably going to be getting the
> installer to boot, I'm willing to work through it with you
> step-by-step using my MacBook-Pro and your iMac.

One of the main issues with Mac computers are related to UEFI:
- it appears that grub 2 now deals rather well with it;
- old machines may not have a proper UEFI firmware: this may be a major
  different between your old MacBook-Pro and a recent iMac.

There is a Debian website dedicated to MacBookPro machines.
Ubuntu also provides information.

> The first question will be, "Does your iMac have a functioning DVD or
> CD drive?" The second question will be, "Do you have access to the
> Internet? If so, is it wifi or wired ethernet?"

DVD/CD drives are disappearing monsters.
Anyway, netinstall may hold on a lot of USB stick and is now able to
manage efi boot (Jessie 8.3)

> Let's keep the conversation on the debian-user list for the time
> being.  There may be others who have knowledge to contribute.
> Enjoy! Rick
> PS:  And thanks for the kind words from Stephen Allen!


Re: Supprimer espace en bash

2016-02-12 Thread Jerome Flesch

Si vous êtes sûr qu'il n'y aura jamais d'autres espaces dans la
valeur, 'tr' peut s'en charger facilement :

  ipnew=$(echo "${ipnew}" | tr -d " ")

Sinon, avec sed:

  ipnew=$(echo "${ipnew}" | sed 's/^ *//g')

Le 12 février 2016 à 16:24,   a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Dans un fichier exécutable bash, j'ai une variable :
> $ipnew=""
> Comment supprimer l'espace au début (avant 192) ?
> J'ai tenté ceci :
> sed -i 's/^ *//g' $ipnew
> mais il me répond :
> "sed: impossible de lire Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type"
> (il interprète comme un fichier)
> Merci.
> André

TeX: Solovay's checksum utility

2016-01-18 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Forum:

Is the Solovay's checksum utility (still) distributed within Debian ?
Is there any alternative ?

Thanks in advance,

Re: TeX: Solovay's checksum utility

2016-01-18 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Tomas:

On 18/01/16 20:27, wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 04:16:53PM +0100, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
>> Hello Forum:
>> Is the Solovay's checksum utility (still) distributed within Debian ?
>> Is there any alternative ?
> I didn't find one in the (Debian) TeX Live distro, although I must admit
> that I'm somewhat out of my depth here. But some version of it seems
> to be available here [1]

Thanks. I figured it to a few minutes after my email.

Let add that the source builds straight the way.


> [1] <>
> regards
> -- t

Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Fernando:

I am not sure that the debian-user forum is the best place for your message:
what I mean is that you may want to target better. The debian-user forum is 
for end users who are not responsible for the content of the packages.

First, you may want to make a bugreport for the package asking to drop off 
these images
or to at least put them in a separate package with an explicit name (or 
Second, you may address the issue to the debian-policy forum.


On 31/12/15 12:15, Fernando Arenas wrote:
> First my sincere congratulations to the entire team that works every day to 
> improve this wonderful operating system.
> The reason for writing to you is to have found in a package called 
> openclipart2 clipsarts clearly sexist content in which women are presented as 
> sex objects. So I ask you to withdraw these images and improve its protocols 
> for such content is not put back into their servers.
> I hate that my children may find these images when they perform their work 
> for the school.
> Only in Spain during 2015 male violence he has killed 62 women. Do not you 
> contribute to promoting ideas about women favoring these behaviors.
> greetings from
> Fernando Arenas
> **
> En primer lugar mi mas sincera felicitación al todo el equipo que cada día 
> trabaja para mejorar este magnifico sistema operativo.
> El motivo de dirigirme a ustedes es por haber encontrado en el paquete 
> openclipart2 unos clipsarts de contenido claramente machista en los que se 
> presenta a la mujer como objeto sexual. Por lo que quiero pedirles que 
> retiren estas imágenes y que mejoren sus protocolos para que contenidos de 
> este tipo no se vuelvan a incluir en sus servidores.
> No es agradable comprobar que mis hijos pueden encontrar estas imágenes 
> cuando realizan su trabajo para el colegio.
> Solo en España durante 2015 la violencia machista ha asesinado a 62 mujeres. 
> No contribuyan ustedes a fomentar ideas sobre la mujer que favorecen estos 
> comportamientos.
> Saludos
> Fernando Arenas
> **
> **
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_10.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_11.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_12.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_13.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_14.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_15.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_16.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_17.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_18.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_19.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_2.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_20.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_3.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_4.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_5.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_6.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_7.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_8.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_9.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/grimgiant/grimgiant_nude_woman.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/grimgiant/grimgiant_nude_woman_on_bed.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/juanmontoya/juanmontoya_lingerie_(see_png).png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/kaeso/kaeso_Girls_rule_.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/kaeso/kaeso_Toilet_sign.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/dodom01/dodom01_women_from_above.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gopher/gopher_Pink_anime_girl_(beta_).png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/molumen/molumen_Naked_girl.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/molumen/molumen_Naked_girl_1.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/momoko/momoko_Silhouette_of_Stripper_on_a_Pole.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/nicubunu/nicub

very naive question iPad as extra monitor

2015-11-15 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Forum:

Does anyone know a working way to use an iPad as extra monitor with Debian ?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Running HAL and udev Simultanteouly

2015-09-15 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 15/09/15 23:43, Bartek wrote:
> Still searching for a fix to stream TV via Hulu.  Worked fine with
> Chrome/pepperflash and Iceweasal/flash until about mid-July, around the
> release time of Windows 10. Hulu indicates that with Linux, HAL is
> needed. My system is custom: 64-bit Wheezy, no desktop, just Openbox WM
> and LXPanel, and udev.
> Wondering if installing HAL as Hulu suggested would cause problems? I
> have doubts that it will work anyway.
> Any advice or fixes appreciated.

My understanding is that HAL was ejected from Debian a long time ago.
It was getting a huge bubble machine.
I would look for alternative.


> Thanks.
> B

Re: Wlan

2015-07-11 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Bonjour Stephan: is an English spoken forum:
you may either expose your issue in English or send your
issue to the corresponding German forum.

Bonne chance,

On 11/07/15 13:25, stephan roehling wrote:
 meine wlan-Karte wird von linux nicht gefunden.
 apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree funktioniert nicht. Es erscheint
 die meldung Paket nicht gefunden.
 Kann jemand helfen.

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Re: javaws

2015-04-17 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello List,

On 17/04/15 09:43, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 04/16/2015 11:44 PM, lina wrote:
 Just notice
 /etc/alternatives/javaws - /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/javaws
 change to 7 works.
 If you're going to use Oracle Java, I would suggest this:

  I've been using this for several years and it works flawlessly. The
 major problem people have is setting the alternatives correctly. This
 method does just that, in spades. There is a java version 8 as well,
 but I am staying with version 7 a bit longer. You will enjoy this!
 Plus, you get version updates automagically. It really doesn't get
 any better. I just tried your link, and it fired up the first time.

Note that the Debian package java-package allows to create your own Oracle
Java debbals.



Jerome BENOIT, Ph.D. | jgmbenoit-at+rezozer*dot_net

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Re: javaws

2015-04-17 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 17/04/15 10:31, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 04/17/2015 04:06 AM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 On 17/04/15 09:53, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 04/17/2015 03:47 AM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 Hello List,
 On 17/04/15 09:43, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 04/16/2015 11:44 PM, lina wrote:
 Just notice
 /etc/alternatives/javaws -
 change to 7 works.
 If you're going to use Oracle Java, I would suggest this:

I've been using this for several years and it works flawlessly. The
 major problem people have is setting the alternatives
 correctly. This method does just that, in spades. There is a
 java version 8 as well, but I am staying with version 7 a bit
 longer. You will enjoy this! Plus, you get version updates
 automagically. It really doesn't get any better. I just tried
 your link, and it fired up the first time.
 Note that the Debian package java-package allows to create your
 own Oracle Java debbals.
 Will it set all the alternatives? That can be an major issue.
 The created debballs set up alternatives apparently: on my box:
 mybox$ update-alternatives --display javaws
 javaws - auto mode link currently points to
 /usr/lib/jvm/j2sdk1.6-oracle/jre/bin/javaws - priority 315 slave
 javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/j2sdk1.6-oracle/man/man1/javaws.1.gz 
 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/javaws - priority 1061 
 slave javaws.1.gz:
 /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/javaws - priority 1071 
 slave javaws.1.gz:
 /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6-oracle-x64/jre/bin/javaws - priority 316 slave
 javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6-oracle-x64/man/man1/javaws.1.gz 
 /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-x64/jre/bin/javaws - priority 317 slave
 javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-x64/man/man1/javaws.1.gz 
 /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-x64/jre/bin/javaws - priority 318 slave
 javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-x64/man/man1/javaws.1.gz 
 /usr/lib/jvm/jre-6-oracle-x64/bin/javaws - priority 315 slave
 javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/jre-6-oracle-x64/man/man1/javaws.1.gz 
 Current 'best' version is
 Right, but I meant all the other java alternatives. There are a bunch
 of them:
 ControlPanel, appletviewer, extcheck, idlj, jar, jarsigner, java,
 java-vm, javac, javadoc, javafxpackager, javah, javap, javaws, jcmd,
 jconsole, jdb, jexec, jhat, jinfo, jmc, jos, jrunscript, jsadebugd,
 jstat, jstatd, jvisualvm, keytool, the mozilla plugin which links to, native2ascii, orbd, pack200, policytool, rmic, rmid,
 rmiregistry, schemagan, serialver, servertool, wsgen, wsimport, xjc.
 You made me look. :0  I didn't know half of these existed until I
 used that installer. It's just a script which will directly install
 Oracle Java FROM Oracle.

java-package allows to make Debian package Oracle Java from Oracle installers
through a bunch of scripts.
If all the proper alternatives are not set, it sounds as a bug.
I can hardly say whether or not all those alternatives are effectively needed
because I am not that familiar with java.

 Then after it sets everything right. I love
 it, as I am lazy and Andrew does a good job at it. Just a FYI, Ric

This kind of laziness is good, but sometime it is just better to favour Debian 
BTW, the Debian Java Maintainers does a good job as well.



Jerome BENOIT, Ph.D. | jgmbenoit-at+rezozer*dot_net

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Re: javaws

2015-04-17 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 17/04/15 09:53, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 04/17/2015 03:47 AM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 Hello List,

 On 17/04/15 09:43, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 04/16/2015 11:44 PM, lina wrote:
 Just notice

 /etc/alternatives/javaws - /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/javaws

 change to 7 works.

 If you're going to use Oracle Java, I would suggest this:

   I've been using this for several years and it works flawlessly. The
 major problem people have is setting the alternatives correctly. This
 method does just that, in spades. There is a java version 8 as well,
 but I am staying with version 7 a bit longer. You will enjoy this!
 Plus, you get version updates automagically. It really doesn't get
 any better. I just tried your link, and it fired up the first time.

 Note that the Debian package java-package allows to create your own Oracle
 Java debbals.
 Will it set all the alternatives? That can be an major issue. Ric

The created debballs set up alternatives apparently: on my box:

mybox$ update-alternatives --display javaws


javaws - auto mode
  link currently points to /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/javaws
/usr/lib/jvm/j2sdk1.6-oracle/jre/bin/javaws - priority 315
  slave javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/j2sdk1.6-oracle/man/man1/javaws.1.gz
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/javaws - priority 1061
  slave javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/man/man1/javaws.1.gz
/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/javaws - priority 1071
  slave javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/man/man1/javaws.1.gz
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6-oracle-x64/jre/bin/javaws - priority 316
  slave javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6-oracle-x64/man/man1/javaws.1.gz
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-x64/jre/bin/javaws - priority 317
  slave javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-x64/man/man1/javaws.1.gz
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-x64/jre/bin/javaws - priority 318
  slave javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-x64/man/man1/javaws.1.gz
/usr/lib/jvm/jre-6-oracle-x64/bin/javaws - priority 315
  slave javaws.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/jre-6-oracle-x64/man/man1/javaws.1.gz
Current 'best' version is '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/javaws'.



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Re: Jessie and /var

2015-04-04 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Petter,

On 04/04/15 09:23, Petter Adsen wrote:
 I am preparing to set up Jessie on my home server today, with mdadm
 RAID and LVM. Even though I am using LVM, I want to get the volume
 sizes about right when I first set them up.
 VM images and containers are stored under /var - is there anything else
 that systemd stores under /var that might take up enough space that I
 should be aware of when setting up?

why not mount a dedicated partition inside /var  for such usage ?
/var/local ?



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Re: [OT?]Squeeze: update Flashplugin?

2015-02-09 Thread Jerome BENOIT

on Wheezy, the flash plugin can be updated as root with


I do not know if this update tool exist on Squeeze.


On 09/02/15 16:32, antispammbox-debian wrote:
 Hi all
 It's possible update FlashPlugin in Squeeze?

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xscreensavers: how to specify window dimensions

2015-02-03 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello List,

let play with xscreensaver_s.

If /usr/lib/xscreensaver/deco is lauched a window pop up:
how can we specify the width and the height of the window ?

Thanks in advance,

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Bumblebee video projecteur

2015-01-30 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour a tous,
je viens enfin de reussir a avoir un Bumblebee qui semble fonctionner sur
une Jessie de base AMD64.
optirun glxgears -info marche et ne me sort plus les problemes de driver

bbswitch marchee (je peux activer/desactiver/ requeter la carte NVidia)...
Par contre je veux anticiper l'usage d'un video projecteur ,donc j'ai teste
le branchement d'un noniteur VGA et la je n'arrive pas sortir le moindre
xrandr ne voit jamais d'autre sortie que le LDVS1 (pas plus que le widget
de GNOME de detection des DISPLAYs)
Ma question est donc :
comment faites vous pour video projeter avec une telle configuration?

Pour les details:
- debian Jessie a jour 64 bits (installee cette nuit en NetInstall)
- Thinkpad W530 avec une Nvidia K1000M
- drivier Nvidia de jessie (340.65-2) et bumblebee-nvidia

/tmp ❯❯❯ lspci|grep -i VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor
Graphics Controller (rev 09)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107GLM [Quadro
K1000M] (rev ff)

-Par contre je m'apercois (est ce normal?) que les utilitaires Nvidia ne
 sont pas au meme niveau de version:

 dpkg -l|grep -i nvidia |grep -i driver
ii  bumblebee-nvidia  3.2.1-7
 amd64NVIDIA Optimus support using the proprietary NVIDIA driver
ii  nvidia-driver 340.65-2
  amd64NVIDIA metapackage
ii  nvidia-driver-bin 340.65-2
  amd64NVIDIA driver support binaries
ii  nvidia-installer-cleanup  20141201+1
  amd64cleanup after driver installation with the
ii  nvidia-settings   340.46-2
  amd64tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
ii  nvidia-support20141201+1
  amd64NVIDIA binary graphics driver support files
ii  nvidia-vdpau-driver:amd64 340.65-2
  amd64Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix - NVIDIA
ii  nvidia-xconfig340.46-1
  amd64X configuration tool for non-free NVIDIA drivers
ii  xserver-xorg-video-nvidia 340.65-2
  amd64NVIDIA binary

En fouillant dans le /var/log/messages on voit des erreurs sur le bus PCI
/video mais est ce grave?

[  189.841325] ACPI Error: Field [TBF3] at 389120 exceeds Buffer [NULL]
size 368640 (bits) (20140424/dsopcode-23
[  189.841337] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.PEG_.VID_.GETB] (Node 88083d84dd88), AE
_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT (20140424/psparse-536)
[  189.841350] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.PEG_.VID_._ROM] (Node 88083d84ddb0), AE
_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT (20140424/psparse-536)
[  206.667773] ACPI Error: Field [TBF3] at 389120 exceeds Buffer [NULL]
size 368640 (bits) (20140424/dsopcode-23
[  206.667786] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.PEG_.VID_.GETB] (Node 88083d84dd88), AE
_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT (20140424/psparse-536)
[  206.667800] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.PEG_.VID_._ROM] (Node 88083d84ddb0), AE
_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT (20140424/psparse-536)
[  370.997518] ACPI Error: Field [TBF3] at 389120 exceeds Buffer [NULL]
size 368640 (bits) (20140424/dsopcode-23
[  370.997530] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.PEG_.VID_.GETB] (Node 88083d84dd88), AE
_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT (20140424/psparse-536)
[  370.997542] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.PEG_.VID_._ROM] (Node 88083d84ddb0), AE
_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT (20140424/psparse-536)
[  872.390770] ACPI Error: Field [TBF3] at 389120 exceeds Buffer [NULL]
size 368640 (bits) (20140424/dsopcode-23
[  872.390782] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.PEG_.VID_.GETB] (Node 88083d84dd88), AE

Je voudrai juste pouvoir videoprojeter en paix et depuis 1an 1/2 je
n'arrive pas a faire marcher cette su[perbe machine (par ailleurs)

Par avance merci pour vos conseils  retours..

J.MOLIERE - Mentor/J
je sais brancher un cable VGA.-)

Re: shell script removing log files.

2014-12-22 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 22/12/14 19:51, wrote:
 This command in a shell script removes unwanted log files.
 for i in $( echo *.Log ); do 
   /bin/rm $i; 
   echo Removed $i. 
 In the edge case of no matching files, rm complains.
 /bin/rm: cannot remove `*.Log': No such file or directory
 If echo is replaced with ls, it complains when there 
 is no match.
 Does anyone have a tidy solution for this task?

rm --verbose --force *.Log


 Thanks,   ... Peter E.

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Wheezy: mouse middle button issue

2014-12-15 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Forum !

Since a couple of day, the middle button of my magic mouse (USB)
has experienced a major issue: I can more copy/past or open-in-new-tab.
A deeper investigation with xev shows that button 2 is no more existing:
any idea ?

My box is a Wheezy box that is daily updated.


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Re: Transición a Debian

2014-12-13 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hola, this is an English Forum.
Cheers, Jerome

On 13/12/14 18:15, JAWV WV wrote:
 Hola disculpas ante todo x la pregunta es muy sencilla  espero no
 quitarles mucho tiempo, mi inquietud es sobre actualizaciones en cada
 versión estable de Debian, es decir cada que sale una nueva versión
 anual o semestral, simplemente puedo actualizar el sistema para que
 se renueve o toca reinstalar completamente tdo el sistema , por
 ejemplo instalé la versión 7.7.0 y dentro de 5 o 6 meses la versión
 estable mejorada es liberada , me toca re-instalar o simplemente
 puedo actualizar la versión 7.7.0 para que pase a ser la 8.0.1 . Pues
 en verdad actualizar es instalar pero me refiero a instalaciones
 Mil gracias x la atención y paciencia !!

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Re: Transición a Debian

2014-12-13 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 13/12/14 19:21, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
 On Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:47:02 +0100 Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 Hola, this is an English Forum. Cheers, Jerome
 It pains me, especially at this Xmas time, to see this kind of
 un-helpful rebuke given without any sort of useful reply to the
 original query, or at least some pointer where the enquirer could
 find the answer, or help, in his own language.

It was not meant to be a rebuke, but rather to indicate that [s]he went on the 
wrong Forum.
In this sense, it is helpful. Otherwise, I cannot reply in Spanish.



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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 04/12/14 19:25, Brian Sammon wrote:
 I was recently given a Mac Mini (Intel Mid 2007) that had been
 I tried to install Debian (Wheezy) on it, and the installer reported
 success, but when it came time to eject and reboot, Debian didn't
 boot from the hard drive.

I would consider eject as a comfort at this stage.
The reboot issue is the real issue here.

 Googling finds me various pages about installing Linux where one of
 the steps is something like Boot into OSX

If you do not want a dual boot computer, forget this part and consider your box 
a regular box.

 Is there a way to install Debian/Linux on this machine that doesn't
 involve buying or borrowing (or borrowing) a copy of OSX? 

Take care as this model may be not be supported by last OS X.
You do not need it.

 Is it
 easier to install linux on a USB disk and run it off of that?
 Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require
 OSX: 1) Blessing a partition 2) Checking what version of firmware
 it has (some versions have BIOS compatibility)
 Any pointers/suggestions?

I will look towards a grub issue, specially if your partition is a gpt 
partition table.
For a gpt partition table, you must have a `bios grub' partition. 

 I'm also looking into PureDarwin as a possible solution.
Debian is definitely better, do not trust the folks on the PureDarwin forums.

Best wishes,


Jerome BENOIT, Ph.D. | jgmbenoit-at+rezozer*dot_net

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Re: Installing Linux on a Mac Mini without OSX

2014-12-04 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 04/12/14 21:30, Brian Sammon wrote:
 On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 19:46:22 +0100
 Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 Two particular subtasks that I may need to do that seem to require
 OSX: 1) Blessing a partition 2) Checking what version of firmware
 it has (some versions have BIOS compatibility)

 Any pointers/suggestions?

 I will look towards a grub issue, specially if your partition is a gpt 
 partition table.
 For a gpt partition table, you must have a `bios grub' partition. 

 I'm also looking into PureDarwin as a possible solution.

 Debian is definitely better, do not trust the folks on the PureDarwin forums.
I was just kidding.
 I have not seen any extravagant claims on behalf of PureDarwin.  Mostly just 
 apologetic caveats that it's not quite yet ready for primetime.
 In any case, my interest in PureDarwin was primarily that it might have a 
 bless command and/or a way to query the firmware version.
 Other messages in this thread suggest that neither of these two things may be 
 fully necessary.



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wpa_supplicant: automatically sign in via coova hot spot interface

2014-11-23 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Forum,

is there any simple way to allow wpa_supplicant to automatically sign in via 
coova hot spot interface ?

Any hint is welcome, thanks in advance,

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Re: wpa_supplicant: automatically sign in via coova hot spot interface

2014-11-23 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Brian,

On 23/11/14 22:02, Brian wrote:
 On Sun 23 Nov 2014 at 19:38:37 +0100, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 is there any simple way to allow wpa_supplicant to automatically sign
 in via coova hot spot interface ?

 Any hint is welcome, thanks in advance,
 If you are using ifupdown you will likely be wanting to use a
 wpa-roam.conf in it. The Debian README for wpasupplicant is very
 detailed and helpful. Have a look at it and see whether you need
 to follow up on it here.

I already use this approach. The difficulty here is the coova login page.


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Debian ,Bumblebee mon Lenovo W530

2014-11-22 Thread jerome moliere
je sollicite votre aide car je suis en train de m'arracher mes dderniers
cheveux -) depuis 2 jours sur une configuration de Bumblebee avec un
systeme Optimus conjuguant une carte integree Intel  une Nvidia Quadro
K1000M .
Je m'interesse a cela car comme sur crertains portables , la sortie VGA
n'est cablee que sur la NVIDIA donc l'utilisation de la seule carte Intel
ne me permet pas de video projeter et c est tres dommage pour des

J'ai pas mal lutte , a part des wikis Debian et Arch Linux et j'en suis au
dernier stade si je prends le sequencement d'un fichier Xorg.conf :
association entre un device et un display ... Apres cela , cela marcherait
mais loupe ca foire a ce niveau la
J'ai suivi les demarches:
- installl des paquets
- ajout de l'utilisateur au groupe bumblebee
- utilisation de update-alternatives non decrite chez Debian pour aller
choper la bonne lib et donc loader  le driver
- creation d'un fichier dans modprobe.d pour blacklister nouveau et aliaser
- j'ai ajoute un element BusID pour referencer ma carte en utilisant lspci
et en tenant une ecriture en octal ou decimal 

Mais bon toujours est il que le lightdm de ma Semplice (basee sur Sid)
foire en lancant le serveur X , aucun device detecte !!!

Quelqu'un a t'il reussi a faire fonctionner une config de  ce type ?
Cette machine marche tres bien et j'ai un signal video sur mon moniteur de
test sans aucun effort sous Ubuntu mais je ne peux pas me resigner a passer
sous Buntu juste pour cela...

Par avance merci.La je ne sais plus du tout quoi faire
j 'ai envisage le souci materiel mais ce n'est pas cela manifestement...

PS 2 :
Quelques infos s'il y a des courageux!!!
lspci me donne cela
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor DRAM
Controller (rev 09)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core
processor PCI Express Root Port (rev 09)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor
Graphics Controller (rev 09)
00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset
Family USB xHCI Host Controller (rev 04)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series
Chipset Family MEI Controller #1 (rev 04)
00:16.3 Serial controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset
Family KT Controller (rev 04)
00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82579LM Gigabit Network
Connection (rev 04)
00:1a.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset
Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #2 (rev 04)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family
High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family
PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev c4)
00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family
PCI Express Root Port 2 (rev c4)
00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family
PCI Express Root Port 3 (rev c4)
00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset
Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #1 (rev 04)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation QM77 Express Chipset LPC Controller
(rev 04)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series Chipset Family 6-port
SATA Controller [AHCI mode] (rev 04)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family SMBus
Controller (rev 04)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107GLM [Quadro
K1000M] (rev a1)
02:00.0 System peripheral: Ricoh Co Ltd MMC/SD Host Controller (rev 08)
02:00.3 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Ricoh Co Ltd R5C832 PCIe IEEE 1394 Controller
(rev 04)
03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205
[Taylor Peak] (rev 34)

Xorg.0.log :
   5.975] (==) ModulePath set to /usr/lib/xorg/modules
[ 5.975] (WW) Hotplugging is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse'
or 'vmmouse' will be disabled.
[ 5.975] (WW) Disabling Keyboard0
[ 5.975] (WW) Disabling Mouse0
[ 5.975] (II) Loader magic: 0x7ff1d36e2d80
[ 5.975] (II) Module ABI versions:
[ 5.975] X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
[ 5.975] X.Org Video Driver: 18.0
[ 5.975] X.Org XInput driver : 21.0
[ 5.975] X.Org Server Extension : 8.0
[ 5.976] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0)
[ 5.978] (--) PCI:*(0:0:2:0) 8086:0166:17aa:21f5 rev 9, Mem @
0xf140/4194304, 0xe000/268435456, I/O @ 0x6000/64
[ 5.978] (II) LoadModule: glx
[ 5.978] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/linux/
[ 5.989] (II) Module glx: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
[ 5.989] compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
[ 5.989] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
[ 5.989] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  340.46  Wed Sep 24 13:54:14 PDT 2014
[ 5.989] (II) LoadModule: nvidia
[ 5.989] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
[ 5.990] (II) Module nvidia: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
[ 5.990] compiled for 4.0.2, 

Re: HS_Re: [debian] PC portable compatible Debian

2014-11-13 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour a tous,
je m'inscris dans le fil pour partager votre avis meme si certains ici ont
de droles d'opinions (c'est leur droit de le plus absolu) mais je suis
etonne de voir critiquer Lenovo et encenser HP car c'est a l'oppose de mon
Keynux a ete cite ici , quels sont vos retours sur ces machines?Notamment
la qualite du clavier et le support materiel offert par cette societe,
j'avais hesite entre un Keynux et un X201 a l'epoque mais je ne crois pas
pouvoir regretter mon choixA prix sensiblement egal pour une machine
haut de gamme environ 2000 euros ,Lenovo m'avait donne entiere
Mais bon choisir ces composants c est cool comme au bon vieux de Dell..qui
a arrete pour raison de profit evidemment...

Sid based distro: paquets casses

2014-11-12 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour a tous,
je viens d'installer une Semplice sur une machine, je fais un apt-get
update et je tente un upgrade mais impossible il y a de nombreux paquets
casses (dont perrlapi-5.18-1)...
Il y a t'il quelque chose a faire autre qu'attendre que ces problemes
soient resolus?
J'ai tente un autre mirror mais la synchro est faite toutes les 2h je
Vos suggestions sont les bienvenues .

Ci dessous les traces de mon apt-get
sudo apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libcairo-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.18.1 but it is not installable
 libdevmapper1.02.1 : Depends: dmsetup (= 2:1.02.90-2) but 2:1.02.77-6+b1
is installed
 libglib-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.18.1 but it is not installable
 libgnome2-canvas-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.18.1 but it is not installable
 libgnome2-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.18.1 but it is not installable
 libgnome2-vfs-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.18.1 but it is not installable
 libgtk2-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.18.1 but it is not installable
 libhtml-parser-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.18.1 but it is not installable
 liblocale-gettext-perl : PreDepends: perlapi-5.18.1 but it is not

J.MOLIERE - Mentor/J

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