Print command

1999-03-05 Thread Jerry Human

Could anyone tell a newbie the command to print a text file or a man page
item, like a file named "vi.1.gz" on a dot matrix printer? I have installed
the 'base' system from D/Led floppies (used the 'rescue' disk and installed
the drivers disk and the five 'base' disks). During the install, I did
install the 'lp' module for the parallel ports. At this point, the 'man'
program is either not available or not on the disk. I have been reading
some of the man pages using zmore but I don't know how to print or do very
much else. I don't have any docs except for what was installed. I'm having
a very rough time trying learn how to do things in Debian, I'm good in
DOS and Win95 but just beginning to learn Linux.
Apparently I have a lot to read and learn before I can get my install
to the point I can log onto the web and upgrade to a full system. The few
commands I can use I have learned by reading this ng.
So far Debian seems to be a great OS with a lot more power than anything
I've used in the past, including OS/2 Warp. But the docs are difficult
to find and read for a newbie that doesn't have any Unix experience. You
could say that Debian is my Unix experience. Is there a list
of basic commands for navigation and operations available on the web? The
"Howto" pages are great for an in depth explanation of lilo and fips but
get a little bit tedious when all I want to do is look at the current fstab
or ppp.conf or list a dir.
Also, using the 'ls' command, man6 dir doesn't exist and man7 is empty.
Is this normal?
A Debian geek wannabe is anxious to learn.
Thank you.

Debian Kills Disks

1999-02-28 Thread Jerry Human
Hello Debian Geeks:

Before you get upset let me declare that I'm a Linux/Debian newbie geek
wannabe. I've only recently (a month ago) became interested in Linux.
I've spent most of the time reading everything I could find. I have
d/led a few distros to get a feel of Linux. I have two computers, a
486DX50 VLB and a 386DX40. The 486 is running PC DOS 7.0 and Win95, 40x
CD and SB 16 Pro that is my main box for doing almost everything
including surfing the net. The 386 is my test box that I'm trying to get
Linux to run on but it doesn't have a CD or modem. Consequently, I have
obtained everything I have for Linux on the Win95 box and transferred to
the 386 via floppy.

I've made the floppies (Rescue, Drivers, 5 base disks for Debian)
following the instructions in the .txt files and Howto's on the 486 in
DOS using Rawrite for them and used the disks to install Debian several
times as I would learn more and realize I had left something out or
wanted to try something different. These seem to be the most stable
floppies I have made in Debian. Needless to say, Debian would succeed
more times than any of the other distros, including RedHat.

Obviously, I spent most of my time working/learning Debian. However,
after using a floppy two or three times, it became unusable in any OS.
This I attributed to normal attrition, even though the attrition rate
was a lot higher than in any of the other OS's. Now the hard drive in
the 386 has become unusable.

Even Debian is refusing to install properly on it, the last semi
successful install attempt resulted in a Read Only partial install that
won't boot from the hard disk and a floppy boot won't access the hard
disk. I believe that Debian has signed the boot partition in some way
to make the disk(s) unusable. In other words, a software flag or
partition id was written to the disk in a way that was not completely
correct. How can I correct this? Is there a Hex editor I could use to
clear the boot sector of the disk so a new install would work correctly?



1999-02-25 Thread Jerry Human
Hello Debians:

I've got a little problem. I've got two computers, one has Win95, AWE32,
NEC 40x, 32 meg ram. The other has ... 8 meg ram and Debian. Ok, gotta
get Debian up and running before it gets the goodies. Anyway, I pulled
the HD from the other and put it in the one so I could boot Debian and
log onto the web and ftp some pkg's. Didn't work.

I removed the HD from one, installed the HD from the other, setup the
BIOS on boot, reboot, get errors. During boot I can read the HD stats as
the boot accesses the HD but after, I guess when the floppy is supposed
to hand over control, it says hda busy, hda1 not ready, hda not

Ok, this usually tells me to check into what I've set wrong. I check
several times and nothing is set wrong. But, both HD's were in the one
computer running together with DOS. So it should not be having a
problem. Install the HD back into the other computer and Debian boots
sweet from the HD.

Anybody got any ideas what is wrong? Quick summary: two HD's are in the
same computer working fine. One HD is removed and installed in another
computer, Debian is installed from floppies. the HD is then reinstalled
into the original computer by itself, alone, no other HD's, and it won't
work. Won't boot on the HD, boot from floppy, can't access HD.

I'd really appreciate any help I can get. I really want to get Debian
running so I can solve a lot of my MS problems.


Debian who?

1999-02-21 Thread Jerry Human
Hello People:

I'm a Brand Spankin' Shinning Newbe with a Brand Spankin Shinning New
Debian install using floppies, all seven of them D/Led from,
so now what? The man pages don't work. Nothing will install because of
dependency errors except for joe (works great but there must be
something better). Can't get the computer on the internet because that
machine isn't connected and doesn't have the software, yet. Games won't
install either. Really wanted to get it up and running to learn Linux,
C, C++ and a few other things. Besides, I'd like to replace WinDoze95
with something I can depend on and understand how it works and maybe
even tweak a little. So, what do I do now?

Actually, I've spent over a month reading How-to's and Install.txt and
anything else I could find. Problem is, nothing seems to work, even
though I've tried installing several times, manually configuring things,
and asking everyone that seemed to maybe know something.

The install seems to boot from the hard disk ok, I get about three and a
half screens of report between Loading Lilo ... and Login. Everything
looks fine and seems to terminate successfully except for one itty bitty

Mounting local file systems ...
not mounted anything

Ok, that's probably a biggie but I did install vfat so I could read
floppies made on the Win95 machine. Does anybody have an idea of what I
did wrong? What should I do now?

Thank you.