Re: nfs: task 865 can't get a request slot. What is this?

2003-02-11 Thread Jim Richardson
Egor Tur [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I see messages in log's:
 client1 kernel: nfs: task 865 can't get a request slot

See Question 11 in .  The only times I've seen
this message were when the network interface card was bad, or when the driver
wasn't really suitable for the card.

Jim Richardson
School of Mathematics  Statistics, University of Sydney

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: galeon personal security manager needed?

2003-01-16 Thread Jim Richardson
will trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 when i click on a link, in galeon (using potato/gnome), that
 tries an https:// connection a dialog greets me saying
   This document cannot be displayed unless you install the
   Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM
   and try again, or contact your system administrator.
 eh? personal security manager?
 the system administrator didn't have a clue (that's me, of
 course) so i snooped around--
   $ apt-cache search galeon

Maybe potato is different, but on woody

  $ apt-cache search PSM | grep PSM
  mozilla-psm - Mozilla Web Browser - Personal Security Manager (PSM)

Note that the galeon package requires mozilla-browser, and mozilla-browser
recommends mozilla-psm.

Jim Richardson
School of Mathematics  Statistics, University of Sydney

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Setting Hostname after BOOPT/DHCP

2002-11-29 Thread Jim Richardson
Dave Whiteley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What is the polite Debian way of automatically setting the hostname
 after booting using BOOTP/DHCP.
 ...  /etc/hostname is identical on all
 the machines. The IP addresses are correctly discovered and set.  
 I know that I could write a script that gets the host IP address, and
 then gets the name associated with that IP, and then updates the
 /etc/hostname; and that I could run this script somewhere in the
 bootup process, or even during the login process. ...

See the man page dhclient-script(8).

I've had success with a script /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks like this:

  # Set the hostname 
  if [ x$reason != xBOUND ]  [ x$reason != REBIND ]; then exit; fi 
  echo dhclient-exit-hooks: IP address is $new_ip_address 
  hostname=$( host $new_ip_address | sed -ne 's/Name: //p' ) 
  hostname $hostname 
  echo dhclient-exit-hooks: hostname is $( hostname ) 

You could update /etc/hostname too if you like.

Jim Richardson
School of Mathematics  Statistics, University of Sydney

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gnomecal coredumps on startup

2002-10-03 Thread Jim Richardson

Shyamal Prasad [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm running woody, and recently I noticed that gnomecal has refuses to
 Relevant information:

 This is a stock Woody installation, nothing special

 ii  gnome-pim  1.4.6-1Calendar and address book for GNOME.

This or something similar has happened to me too, and apparently to lots of
other people.  See

which says Should be fixed in 1.4.7.

How can Debian stable users easily upgrade to that version?

Jim Richardson
School of Mathematics  Statistics, University of Sydney

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: signing off

2001-04-02 Thread Jim Richardson
On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 06:16:05AM -0700, paul taylor wrote:
 In the month or so I have had debian on the machine I have not been able to
 get pon to work. I can't get kppp to work. the printer does not work in
 star office or koffice. It just another distro that is not ready for prime 

So why the drive by posting? If you choose to use something other than
Debian or linux, are we supposed to beg you to reconsider? It's a free
world, use what you want.

Ask not if Debian is ready for you, 
ask if you are ready for Debian

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: newbie-esque: how to cut paste?

2001-03-31 Thread Jim Richardson
On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 02:37:13PM -0600, Bud Rogers wrote:
 On Friday 30 March 2001 14:21, will trillich wrote:
  did i mention i have two debian systems on the network? and that
  i ssh from console on debian#2 to debian#1? and that i was
  changing the settings on the remote debian system? and that no
  mouse movement for eternity on debian #2 would ever be affected
  by settings on debian #1?
 Wait til you type 'shutdown -h now' on the workstation in front of you 
 and nothing happens, then from the other room (where all the servers 
 are...) you hear, Hey!  What the [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Or do the same thing by hitting the up arrow key one time too many
followed by return...
Anyone know how to make bash history *not* keep certain commands?  :)

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Forth (was Re: pyton perl)

2001-03-31 Thread Jim Richardson
On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 04:28:37PM +0400, Ilya Martynov wrote:
 JR All you have to understand about forth, is that no word means what you
 JR think it means, because someone (or some process) redefined it when you
 JR weren't looking :)
 JR  On the other hand, it means that you can write a program under just
 JR about any language that will run in a forth environment, and vis-versa
 JR :)
 Yeah. Forth is really cool! What's a pity it is not popular nowdays.

On the otherhand, postscript is very much like forth in many ways, and
is only a printer away...

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: OT: Re: pyton perl

2001-03-30 Thread Jim Richardson
On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 07:54:24AM -0500, Shawn Garbett wrote:
 Coding discipline will develop maintainable code in just about any 
 language, including Forth (although it noted special merit on the 
 writting unmaintainable code site).
 Shawn Garbett

All you have to understand about forth, is that no word means what you
think it means, because someone (or some process) redefined it when you
weren't looking :)
 On the other hand, it means that you can write a program under just
about any language that will run in a forth environment, and vis-versa

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: mount a mounted filesystem

2001-03-30 Thread Jim Richardson
On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 08:39:48AM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 12:50:31AM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
  I'm not familiar with NFS, but believe that an export will not traverse
  filesystems.  If you think about it, this is a good thing.
 You are correct and it is absolutely a Good Thing for reasons other than the
 situation you brought up.  If an NFS-mounted filesystem could be reexported,
 the original server (where the fs physically resides) would lose the ability
 to restrict which clients could mount it.

 You can't rely on the other guy following the rules if you want a
secure system. If you mount an nfs volume, or smb share, you can
reexport it, there is nothing that the server can do to prevent you. All
the server can do is limit the permissions of whoever initially mounted
the share (remote mounted that is) So that the remote client cannever
gove anyone higher permissions than they have. 

 From memory, I believe there is a way to reexport remote filesystems
with the std linux tools, but I am having a devil of a time remembering
 Ah, found it, man nfsd for details, but re-export is an option. (This
is for the userland nfs server.) Also man mountd shows a re-export
option that includes nfs and smb volumes. 

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Sid vs unstable

2001-03-28 Thread Jim Richardson
On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 10:54:47PM -0500, David Z Maze wrote:
 Jim Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 JR I am in the process of converting from SuSE to debian, if I choose to
 JR use testing/woody, will the upgrade automatically follow woody as it
 JR moves into stable? That is, if I begin following woody with apt, will I
 JR continue to follow woody as it stabilizes?
 It depends on what you call it in your /etc/apt/sources.list file.  If 
 you refer to it as 'woody', then it will follow woody between testing
 and stable (likely with an intermediate frozen stage).  If you call it 
 'testing', you'll always follow the current testing distribution, even 
 if woody freezes and becomes stable.

Ah! that makes sense, thanks

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: PPPD problems

2001-03-28 Thread Jim Richardson
On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 05:05:25PM +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a problem connecting to my ISP with
 Debian Potato 2.2r2 and Wvdial
 It dials correctly and pppd is started properly
 but I can not ping to any web adress ping command just hangs
 my /etc/resolv.conf has proper DNS entries
 what could be the problem
 I recently started using debian
 I also use redhat and i can connect to my ISP properly from Redhat
 using KPPP ( in KDE2.1 )
 Any suggestions

It's probably a routing problem. Do a route -n and see what is listed
under the gateway column, if it's not your ppp0 IP, then you'll need to
adjust the calls to pppd to make the changes to the route table.
For example, in kppp, make sure to add the argument replacedefaultroute
in the setup, and that default gateway and assign this route to gateway
are checked. I am afraid that I can not help with specifics on wvdial as
I don't use it. But the routing tables are the first thing that springs
to mind with this sort of problem.

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Sid vs unstable

2001-03-27 Thread Jim Richardson
On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 08:07:51AM +0200, Moritz Schulte wrote:
 Stephen Boulet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Can someone tell me (who's new to Debian) what the difference
  between sid and unstable is?
 Debian distributions have a 'code-name':
 (the current) stable - Potato
 (the current) testing - Woody
 (the current) unstable - Sid
 Later, Woody will be the new stable and Sarge will be the new
 testing. Unstable will be always Sid.

I am in the process of converting from SuSE to debian, if I choose to
use testing/woody, will the upgrade automatically follow woody as it
moves into stable? That is, if I begin following woody with apt, will I
continue to follow woody as it stabilizes?
 Sorry if this is an obvious one, I haven't actually installed debian

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: quick howto-command questions?

2001-03-22 Thread Jim Richardson
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 07:10:03PM -0800, Alexander Poquet wrote:
  ls -a | grep .c$
 This is silly, of course, but if you want to be rigorous about it you
 probably should do 'ls -a | grep \\.c$' because grep (unlike the shell)
 uses proper regex syntax -- in which '.' is a special character (match any
 char).  Thus 'ls -a | grep .c$ would list files such as 'fooc', so
 escaping the . is necessary.  Two backslashes are required to get
 through the shell escaping.
 Apropos, I have a question: frequently I am in a directory (such as /dev,
 for example) which has more stuff in it than I can see in one screenful.
 Normally I pipe it through less, but am bothered by the 'one file per
 line'-isms that ls spits out in this case.  I understand the necessity
 of this behaviour, but I was wondering, is there some option which
 forces columnated output regardless of the presence of a filter?  -C
 is documented as column-formatting, but it is ignored in a pipe.

ls |column -c80 |less
will pipe ls thru column, make it 80 wide, and then through less.

 In a related question, can one force sort by rows instead of by
 columns, ie, a b c\nd e f instead of a c e\nb d f?  I say related
 because when viewing copious output through a pager, it would be
 useful to have sort by rows instead of by columns, which is the default

easy, simply add the -x flag to column, it

ls |column -x -c80 |less

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Routing problem...

2001-03-22 Thread Jim Richardson
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:19:06PM +0100, Mateusz Mazur wrote:
 I will be very, very greatfull for your help. I'am newbie and I have big
 trouble (big for me of course). I would also apologize for my english. I'am
 from Poland and english isn't my nativ language. Here is some kind of map.
 It should illustrate my problem.

don't apologize, your english is better than a lot of native speakers I
know :)

 |   COMP. A|
 | |-+
 +--+ |++  +--+
 +--+ ||  |  +--+
 |   COMP. B|-+++
 | ||
 +--+|   ++
 +---| WWW SERVER |
 My ISP give me xSDL modem (1 Mbit/s to the internet) with ethernet plug on
 the end. He give me aslo two public IP and he routes this IP to this modem.
 Questione is... How to configure Debian Machine to work with that. I want to
 have one IP for Debian Machine and one IP to www server. I also want to have
 that computers from my local networks could use internet connection (I think
 I must use IP Masqu for that - it is also a problem). 
 But the main problem is that I don't know how to
 configure DEBIAN MACHINE to route this. For example. If COMP A want to
 vistit WWW SERVER (i guest he can uses DNS from ISP) he should go stright to
 WWW SERVER (without MODEM). I don't know how sould it work. DEBIAN MACHINE
 has tree pci network cards (one for lan, one for modem and the last one for
 www server). Second question is what rules for firewall (ipchains I tink)
 should I made. 
 How I say. I'am newbie so I would be greatfull for complete solution, but
 even small help will be nice (I have no idea what should I do).
 Big thanks.

Ok, as I see it, this task can be broken down to the following sub-tasks

1) Routing incoming requests to either the debian machine, or the 
www server based on the requested ip address
2) Routing internal requests to either the internet, the www server, or
(at least for admin) the debian server, based again on ip
3) Some kind of firewall to protect your internal network from the 
world at large, whilst letting in the stuff you want.

OK, there's a lot of info on this out there, and here's a start.

The howtos (many of which are available in Polish if the english
ones give you trouble) are available via ftp at

For html versions and online reading, try

note that the mini-howtos are (or at least were) in a subdirectory of
the howto directory

for 1) read the Bridge minihowto. It has a basic setup, step by step

for 2) Bridging covers this also.

for 3) things get a little more complicated with bridging as well as
firewalling, but ta-dah! there's also a bridging+firewalling
mini-howto :) 
note that both the above mini-howtos are a little on the old side, but 
(AFAIK) still work with current kernels (2.2.x, not sure about how
iptables affect things.)

Good luck.

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: OT: Best PDA?

2001-03-22 Thread Jim Richardson
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 07:56:42AM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:
 This sounds very interesting. Does it run Linux default and I can
 install Vim? I'll pop on the url.

Vim is a pita with a stylus, using a kbd (external, via telnet or
something) is fine, but with a stylus, it's just not as useful imho. 

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Checking port scanning?

2001-03-22 Thread Jim Richardson
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 10:20:42AM +0100, Frédéric de Villamil wrote:
 Hi dude
 just try porsentry, it's a nice scan detector
 but be carefull: if you use portsentry and nmap your owncomputer, you'll find 
 numerous ports open you don't use the services as portsentry watch many ports 
 by default
 have fun

Portsentry is a nice start, but it misses a lot of stuff. Snort is much
better, but is more work to configure. 
 Big problem with portsentry is that it binds to the ports, and makes it
appear that a particular exploit might be running on your machine, this
is like blood in the water to the dumber variety of script kiddies. (the
vaguely smarter ones figure out that an ip with a dozen backdoor
exploits is probably not really running them)

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: OT: Best PDA?

2001-03-22 Thread Jim Richardson
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 07:54:42AM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:
 Jim Richardson wrote:
  the older IIIX(E) series, the new m100 is smaller) If all you are going
  to do is take notes, then you can get the cheaper 2MB visor, but if you
 Yes, just notes. I assume Visor uses the Palm OS and apps/applets? Would
 it be better to get more ram, if so, why?

Yes, the visor uses PalmOS, as a licencee from the Palm folks. 
 as an aside, the visor is produced by the folks who originally did the
palm itself, they split off to form Handspring inc and build the visor.

  Ipaq, (expensive and hard to get) can use linux, I don't know how well
  they work as a pda though. Anyway, for price and convenience, go with a
  visor or palm.
 How does it use Linux. If it's to present the same front end as the
 others, then it's of limited interest. If it's to give you a command
 prompt and run vi, that's another story...

you get a cmd line, or the gui front end, or both, your choice. 

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Viewing html-attachments with mutt

2001-03-22 Thread Jim Richardson
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 05:32:22PM +, Bastian Bowe wrote:
 I try to view an html-attachment using mutt.  After pressing v and
 choosing the file netscape comes up. Netscape says no such file or
 directory or something like that. Sometimes it works. Mutt seems
 to copy the attached file to /tmp, start netscape and then delete the
 file before netscape is able to open it.
 Please help
 Bastian Bowe

what does your ~/.mailcap say about text/html mimetypes?
If there is no file called that in your homedir, what about the system
wide one (in debian is it in /etc? )

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Cc: ing to debian-user when replying to a question

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Richardson
On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 11:53:13PM -0700, Jimmy Richards wrote:
 Hi All,
 There is something I have been confused/wondering about for some
 time. I thought I once saw someone say in their reply that they
 didn't need to Cc: to when replying to
 a message because they are already signed up on the mailing list. It
 looks like I am seeing two messages from some people who have
 replied to a question from someone. Which to me means that they
 replied to the the person asking the question, and Cc:'d to
 debian-users lists, resulting in me(and everyone on the mailing list
 I imagine) receiving two replys that are exactly the same. One of of
 them being an unessary duplicate because of the Cc:. I have been Cc
 my replies to the debian-user list lately because I thought maybe my
 responses were only going to the person I was replying to. But I
 don't know. Do I need to put in the Cc:
 if I want to make sure it goes out to everyone? Or is this automatic
 because I am signed up on the mail list. I tried looking at the FAQ
 for the mailing list to see if I could find anything about this
 subject, but didn't see anything on it. I'm wodering if I don't need
 to be Cc'ing, then how does that work? How does it go out to
 everyone? If someone could enlighten me I'd sure appreciate it.
 Excuse me for my ignorance on this matter, but I thinking I might
 not be the only one cornfused...  :-)
 Jimmy Richards

It is dependant on your mailer, I use mutt, which can be configured to
reply to the List, even if the mail was from a persons account, provided
that the headers included a list address I was subscribed to (or aware
of) Look in the help docs for mutt. For other mua, I have no idea

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: 1 linux box: 10 simultaneous telnet sessions

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Richardson
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 12:04:39PM +, joe golden wrote:
 I'm planning on teaching a short intro to perl unit in our middle school.
 I have one linux box running kernel 2.2.18pre21 on our windows NT 4.0 
 ethernet connected network of 9 machines.  telnet version is 0.16-4potato.1
 telnetd version is same
 Is it feasible to have eight telnet sessions, one from each individual NT 
 workstation, into the one linbox?
 I think telnet is not the most elegant at timesharing with this type of 
 load.  I'm not sure if it is designed for this (clunky) application.  Any 
 tips on optimizing the setup for this scenario?
 Three students have logged in simultaneously via telnet, so I think the 
 basic setup is sound, but we haven't done much yet.

Something to consider is setting up quotas and ulimits on the linux box
to stop rogue programs from sucking up all the available resources. They
are newbies, and it's awful easy to shoot yourself in the foot with perl
(wanna see my scars? :)
 You might also want to set up a monitor program in the scripting
language of your choice, to make killing off such processes easier.
Monitering all processes from a give group of users etc. Anyway, good

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Cc: ing to debian-user when replying to a question

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Richardson
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 01:09:11AM -0700, Jimmy Richards wrote:
 Greetings Jason, Jim, and Karsten,
 I appreciate and want to thank you for your responses. They
 certainly made me more knowledgeable about how to reply on this
 mailing list.
 All three of you said you use mutt. I have been using 'evolution'
 lately. It's very nice and I like it, but I do seem to be having
 trouble getting to make paragraphs like I want it to. I kinda gave
 up on it for now. It is a beta, and I am using the cvs version
 though. I have heard other people say they like mutt also. But I do
 not know anything about it other than it is a mail application. I am
 going to try it out though and will hopefully be using by tommorrow.

mutt has a fairly steep learning curve compared to evolution. But is
well worth the learning. Together with a good procmail setup, you can do
just about anything with the mail. is the place to go for info on mutt. There are a couple of
maillists there also

Evolution is supposed to be more than just an mua yes? how'd you like
the rest of the prog?

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: OT: Best PDA?

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Richardson
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 12:13:16PM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:
 I'm looking to make my debian more mobile by hooking up a PDA. Last I
 looked, the Palm OS dominated, only I didn't like learning its language.
 Is there anything else or is it worth learning after all? My primary
 use will be for making text notes. Or, let's say, adapting text notes
 made on the desktop and moved over.

Take the time and learn graffiti, it's fast, and accurate. Most of the
handwriting recog programs suck, they are either too slow, or
inaccurate, or both. Get a visor instead of the palm. I have the palm,
bought my wife the visor, and wish I could trade. The palm is not as
sturdy as the visor, and is slightly wider than the visor. (this is for
the older IIIX(E) series, the new m100 is smaller) If all you are going
to do is take notes, then you can get the cheaper 2MB visor, but if you
are like me, you'll wind up installing stuff and would miss the extra
ram. Although with the visor you can add a ram expansion via the
springboard slot. Anyway. I prefer the visor enough that I will be
replacing my palm with one in a month or less.

Another option is the Agenda ( if you want to be
linuxised, but frankly, I have one, and it's no replacement for a pilot
or visor. It's cool, and it has promise (it's in developement now)

Pocket PC is another option, but I have little experience with them. 

Ipaq, (expensive and hard to get) can use linux, I don't know how well
they work as a pda though. Anyway, for price and convenience, go with a
visor or palm.

Just my $0.02 worth.

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: PCMCIA modem card recommendation

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Richardson
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:17:41AM -0800, Bill Wohler wrote:
   A friend of mine writes:
 P.S. If you know any linux laptop gurus who can recommend a good PCMCIA 
 card that I can get in a hurry, I'd be most appreciative. I'm really 
 without one.

I have a linksys 10/100 base T and 56K modem, works great cost about
$180 at compusa IIRC. I'd get the model number but it's plugged in and
occupied right now:)

Nice thing about it is that it doesn't use a cable dongle to hook to
the network or phone lines, the jacks are build in. Downside is that it
takes all the space in the pcmcia port. There can be only one

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: [OT] Linux palmtop computers?

2001-03-20 Thread Jim Richardson
On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 04:05:50PM +0800, csj wrote:
 On Tuesday 20 March 2001 12:13, Jim Richardson wrote:
  On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 07:30:30AM +0800, csj wrote:
   Now that you two mentioned them, I find it curious that both the
   YOPY and the Agenda VR3 (for virtual reality??)  claim to be the
   first Linux-based PDAs. Both seem to be in short physical supply,
   though the YOPY mockups show it to be a gorgeous color model.
   The Compaq product (dis)appears to be even worse, more of a proof
   of concept thing.
  The yopy and agenda are both available for developers. But not as a
  general public thing. (Not that you have to be anything special to
  get one, just fork over the cash, but they (or at least the agenda)
  are 'not ready for prime time' yet. I got the agenda, and it's fun
  to play with and dev for, but it's not replacing my palm pilot
  anytime soon.
 Can you program on it (hoping against hope)? Let's say I want to 
 compile my own enhanced version of Hello World. More sensibly, does 
 it provide a command prompt, so I can run my favorite bash pipeline?
For the Agenda
Absolutely. Resources are limited (16MB flash, only about half of which
is currently available for userland) Uses the FLTK toolkit over X, which
is pretty easy to use. Things are a little rough around the edges (bash
is there, but it has issues with the narrow display) But developement is
rapid. There are numerous developers on the lists.
 You _can_ develope on the agenda, but frankly, it's a pain with the
limited resources. Vim is no fun without a keyboard :) But it's easy to
dev on a real linux box and simply upload the stuff to the agenda.
Telnet, etc are available. Even Xbill is there I understand. I have the
agenda, it was relatively cheap (under $200 delivered) and arrived about
4 days after I ordered it. It is _not_ (currently anyway) a replacement
for my palm pilot, but it is cool.
 For Yopy, I believe that most of the above is true, ie, bash, etc.
however, the dev kit costs about $800. But to be fair, the Yopy has a
206MHz strong arm with 32MB Ram and a colour screen of higher resolution
than the Agenda.( from mem, 320x200 vs 240x160) Also, I think that the
Yopy may have an FPU (which the agenda doesn't) but I am not sure.

I'd buy the Yopy in a hot second if it were half the price. As it is, I
couldn't justify it. The agenda was just in the what the hell range. 
 Meanwhile, I am keeping an eye out for a colour Ipaq.

(for topicallity, neither the yopy nor the agenda currently use debian
as a base distro :)

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: [OT] Linux palmtop computers?

2001-03-19 Thread Jim Richardson
On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 07:30:30AM +0800, csj wrote:
 Now that you two mentioned them, I find it curious that both the YOPY 
 and the Agenda VR3 (for virtual reality??)  claim to be the first 
 Linux-based PDAs. Both seem to be in short physical supply, though 
 the YOPY mockups show it to be a gorgeous color model.
 The Compaq product (dis)appears to be even worse, more of a proof of 
 concept thing.

The yopy and agenda are both available for developers. But not as a
general public thing. (Not that you have to be anything special to get
one, just fork over the cash, but they (or at least the agenda) are 'not
ready for prime time' yet. I got the agenda, and it's fun to play with
and dev for, but it's not replacing my palm pilot anytime soon. 

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Unstable, sid woody, what?

2001-03-19 Thread Jim Richardson

Can someone give me a quick crash course on what the relationship
between the names (sid, slink, etc) and the dev_status. 
i.e. Is sid the stable tree? woody is testing? I am a little confused
here. Thanks

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Kernel 2.4.2 and modules

2001-03-18 Thread Jim Richardson
On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 06:28:01PM +0100, Frédéric de Villamil wrote:
 Hi all
 I've tried to install kernel 2.4.2
 unpacking modutils, no problem
 then installing them as written in the doc, no problem too (maybe a dir to 
 then unpacking and compiling kernel sources
 no problem
 But when I mauch modconf or modprobe, my computer is unable to find the 
 Have I forgotten to do something?

compiling the modules themselves is a seperate step from compiling the
kernel. Did you make modules;make modules_install after compiling the

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Rich text format.

2001-03-13 Thread Jim Richardson
On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 11:08:54AM +0100, Kerstin Hoef-Emden wrote:
 On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Simmons-Davis wrote:
  I would like to know what program you would use to work with rich text
  format in Linux.
 Staroffice and Applixware are both reported to work properly in RTF im-
 and export. But possibly there are as well some converters around.

Also, Ted works with rtf fine.

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Mirror

2001-03-13 Thread Jim Richardson
On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 12:49:24PM +0100, Hamelsveld van, S (Sven) wrote:
 Hi there people,
 I hope that one of you can tell me how I can create a debian mirror ?
 I would like to create one here so that we can easy update the systems we
 have running debian
 Thanks for the info 
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Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Re: Digital Camera to Linux

2001-03-12 Thread Jim Richardson
On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 08:09:37PM -0800, hammack wrote:
 Are there applications out there to get my Digital pics (Olympus D-360 
 Camera) imported into the linux world for transmission over the net???   
 Thanks you Debs always have good answeres.  John 

Gphoto ( says it supports the D-360L. Might try that.

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

Considering switching to debian

2001-03-08 Thread Jim Richardson
I am currently using SuSE (6.4 and 7.0 on various machines) but am getting fed
up with the name mangling suse performs on packages. For some reason, the 
package names follow the 8.3 msdos naming convention, as if that wasn't bad 
enough, the name of the package _inside_ the rpm (where it doesn't matter to
the filesystem at all) is _also_ 8,3. Frankly, this sucks. There are some other
issues with suse that I won't bore you with, but the crux of the issue is that 
I am considering switching to debian and have a few questions before I take the
 1) How good is laptop support ? apm, pcmcia, etc 
 2) I want to use 2.4.x kernel to get access to good usb and iptables
is this stable enough for general use ?
 3) Can I use the stable dist, and add the unstable/testing packages
I want, like latest gnome, without too many problems or is it 
 4) How difficult is it to build deb packages from tarballs? ie 
./configure;make; - make a deb. Since I am likely to want to
play with code that has no current .deb
 5) Can I downgrade packages easily if they cause probs?

That should cover it for now, thanks for your time

Jim Richardson
Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.