Ethernet not found

1997-03-17 Thread Jordi Inglada
Hi, I've just installed the Debian distribution, but I have some
trouble with the ethernet card.

First, when I was running the installation program and I tried to
install the drivers disk, none of the drivers was found. I got a
dialogue box asking me for a command line for the device and and didnt
know what to do, so I went forward. Afterwards, I got the message
"device not found at 0x020". Of course, because my card is at 0x200.

I didn't worry to much, because somebody told me I could do it (install
the card, not worry) with dselect, but I can't see how! 

I can run ftp, telnet, but I always got the message "network
unreachable", and I'm sure that I have configured the network in the
right way.

So my question is: how can I force the installation program to find my
card, and can I install it with dselect?



Network Configuration

1997-03-25 Thread Jordi Inglada

last week, I had a problem with my ethernet card not being detected by
the modconf program so I asked this list. I got lots of answers and
finally my card is detected. 

The problem now is that I can't make it work. I mean, I can't do ftp,
telnet, etc... When I try some of these, I wait and wait,... If I use
nfs as the access method to the distribution, I got the message "server
 seems to be down or inexistent".

I have configured the network, I have installed the drivers (my card is
a DIGITAL depca), the card is found when rebooting at the correct
address and interruption...

Could somebody give me a hint about what's happenning? Maybe there's
something I forgot to do. I'm a beginner in LINUX, so I would apreciate
being told what to do step by step.



Re: Network Configuration

1997-03-26 Thread Jordi Inglada
>> last week, I had a problem with my ethernet card not being detected by
>>the modconf program so I asked this list. I got lots of answers and
>>finally my card is detected.
>> The problem now is that I can't make it work. I mean, I can't do ftp,
>>telnet, etc... When I try some of these, I wait and wait,... If I use
>>nfs as the access method to the distribution, I got the message "server
>> seems to be down or inexistent".
>> I have configured the network, I have installed the drivers (my card is
>>a DIGITAL depca), the card is found when rebooting at the correct
>>address and interruption...
>> Could somebody give me a hint about what's happenning? Maybe there's
>>something I forgot to do. I'm a beginner in LINUX, so I would apreciate
>>being told what to do step by step.
> Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 13:30:08 +
> From: "Oliver Elphick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> First, try the command ifconfig
> You should see something like:# ifconfig
> loLink encap:Local Loopback
>   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>   RX packets:31668 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>   TX packets:31668 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> eth0  Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:4F:49:00:E0:5D
>   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>   RX packets:164771 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>   TX packets:184328 errors:13 dropped:0 overruns:0
>   Interrupt:11 Base address:0xef80
> #

OK, if I run ifconfig I got the same thing, but in lo, the inet address
is the same that in eth0. Is that correct?

> If that works, try pinging other machines on your network, using their
> IP numbers; next try their names.  

I can ping my machine an doing telnet and ftp to it (with telnet and ftp
I got _connection refused_ but I think it's OK because I've got no
server running). But it doesn't work with the other machines in my
network. So I can't make a query to my dns server.

I have also been told to setup routing. If I type #route add default
eth0" nothing changes. If I add it to /etc/init.d , nothing changed
either. My init.d file looks like:

ifconfig lo (my gateway)
route add -net

ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}
route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

I have add to it the line route add default eth0, but it doesn't work

Any other suggestions?

Thank you.